Scy-zing up the Differences

Story by Sludawg on SoFurry

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#2 of Pokè-Treat

Three weeks have gone by, many battles have too. Jason, a young trainer walked side by side with his to Pokèmon Champ and Clair, both being Charmeleons. He found that the male/female attitudes definitely showed differences from the two genders. Champ showed a burly, headstrong look towards life while Clair beheld an elegant look showing care for things until it became personal then all hell broke loose. Things started off rough with Clair stumbling in on the guy's campsite, but she has come a long way in a short time and became part of the family. Knowing this Jason has thought about finding other element types to join in the family so they don't become outnumbered in a true battle and be left out in the cold dealing with injuries that would be impossible to handle alone.

"Champ, I'm telling you: We need to try to loosen up and find some grass and water types, even if they are to stay in their Balls, we need the backup."

"Chaar..." The male shook his head as he and his boy gathered wood while Clair cleaned up their chosen campsite for the next few nights since Jason's PDA weather APP detected strong storms coming their way that would last for a few nights.

"Don't give me that, I'm the one in charge, and I say we need more help. I would have to keep them in their Balls while traveling most of the time anyway, watching the two of you is difficult enough when it comes to climbing through trees and such. We are going to catch us a grass type even if I have to force you two to do it."

"Chaaar..." Champ said being defeat, he bent over to pick up another limp then stopped as a twig snapped behind them.

"Tree treecko tree!"

Champ dropped his pile and took a defensive pose behind his boy's backside. Why me? Champ asked himself.

"Champ, Ember!"

Following instinctively, he let out a flurry of ashen flames. The attack hit catching a loose leaf on the Treecko on fire briefly, it laughed at him. It struck back with a Bullet Seed attack; Champ had no choice but to take the hit to protect his trainer. The commotion stirred other residents of the area, several Seedots appeared along with Oddishes then from the canopy fell a Scyther, is green color easily blending into the surroundings. It hissed at the Treecko, the little Pokèmon submitted and backed away leaving the fight to it. It hissed another command to the others and then a small creature was brought forth tied in vines and was very malnourished. A Riolu, Jason muttered.

"Scyther..." It hissed at the blue being.

The Riolu winced then nodded slowly. Jason heard that the Pokèmon's type could speak telepathically to humans but he never met one or its evolved form, Lucario.

"You have trespassed on Miguel the Sharp's territory, explain yourselves or die." The Riolu translated.

"Strong words for a bug type to say in front of a fire type."

The Riolu's eyes said much to Jason, he did not acknowledge the fear in its eyes. "Explain yourselves!"

"We are travelers, if you must know."

"Travelers stay to the roads, human, why come into our lands?"

"To find my partner's homeland, he only knows that he was hatched in a facility, I want to find families and be among them and learn."

"There are no families!"

The Scyther rushed at Jason with his scythes poised for a killing blow. Champ, in an adrenalin rush, jumped in front of the bug and blasted it with fire. It screamed and hissed as he fought the flames to put them out. Down it went; Champ huffed once then stood ready for more. Jason threw an empty ball at the Scyther, it went in. A ping thirty seconds later let him know it was his. Jason looked around; the grass types fled leaving the entangled Riolu to fend for its self.

"Good work, Champ. Riolu, come here and let me take those vines off you." Jason looked at the Pokèmon with care seeing it was scared for its life.

Champ walked up to it and made short work of the vines with his tail. Then he patted the little one's shoulder making it jump slightly. It looked like it was paralyzed with fear.

"Don't hurt me..." It begged.

"I won't, I promise. Why were you held prisoner by this...Miguel?" Jason looked at the Ball as Champ retrieved it and handed it over to him.

"To keep humans away. He will kill me for sure this time..."

"Not under our watch. Say, would you like to join us and free yourself of these memories?" Jason offered his hand calmly.

It looked at him curiously for a moment then slowly took his hand. "Are you going to put me inside of one of those things?"

"I will leave that up to you, if you want to know what it's like, ask Champ."

The Riolu looked at the Charmeleon and without a word spoken to him the lizard answered.

"Dark," He said in his tongue. "But warm and comforting, I personally would rather see the world as it is, not dream it. Me and the female we travel with stay out of our Balls and travel along side our boy."

"Warm? I have not been warm since the day I came to be... I would like that, how would I get to be warm?"

"Accept being inside the device. Here," Jason pulled one of the three remaining empty Pokèballs from his belt and offered it to Riolu with the button in front of it. "Just press this button; a red light will pull you in. I cannot say what happens next, it does not work on my kind, so I do not know what happens after that."

With barely a thought, Riolu brushed against the Ball it opened and pulled him in. It gasped and felt warm, safe... loved. Then it realized what it meant to be alive. It knew what it was, IT was male and IT was happy. A ping jolted him to his senses then heard Jason shout the light returned and dragged him out into the cold environment.

"So warm... so nice, can I not stay in there?"

"Of course, but I want to know more about you. Hold still for a moment while this device looks over you." Jason opened his Pokèdex and let it scan the Riolu, it stated the obvious things then said that its health was low and it was malnourished. "Alright, we'll find you some food, but right now I got this little thing I want you to swallow it will give you some energy. Then I want you to think about yourself, alright?"

He nodded what could the human, his human, mean? He swallowed the Revive Jason placed in his mouth. "All I know is that I was a slave to Miguel, does going into that thing make me a slave to you?"

"Only if you view it as such. Do you know of a name that you might have?"

The Riolu thought a moment then shook his head.

"You seem like a smart little man, I will let you choose a name yourself. Now you may rest, if you wish."

He nodded, and then waited for his human to do whatever that needed to be done to get him back into that warmth.

"Return." Jason said firmly, Riolu vanished into the red light allowing him to rest. "Let's get back to Clair; she must be worried by now."

They quickly gathered their dropped loads then rushed back to their somewhat secluded campsite and dropped the loads next to where Clair had made a ring out of rocks and scorched the surrounding ground with her tail. She scolded the two for being late, though Jason only smiled and hugged her. He told her of what they encountered and captured leaving out the fact that they also befriended another leaving the young one to rest in peace for now. Champ chuckled then stole Miguel's Ball from Jason's belt and released him from the confines.

Immediately, the Scyther hissed at them then noticed his posse was now where to be found. Champ chuckled and wove a claw at him. Jason took the Ball from the Charmeleon's grasp then sighed; he looked at Miguel and shook the Ball at the bug. He hissed once again.

"Alright, enough, you are now under my control, Miguel, so get used to it. Any fighting and you will be put back into you Ball without a thought. Now, help out with making the evening's fire while I tend to the one you considered a slave." Jason pulled the Riolu's Ball free and cradled it in his palm; Miguel went wide-eyed at the sight. "Join us for a while."

The Riolu came out of the ball and yawned, once he saw the Scyther, he went and cowered by Jason's side.

"I hate to say this, but you need to translate everything Miguel says that way I can punish, or reward him, thusly. Understood?"

Riolu nodded then sat down beside Jason, the warm nap made him feel a lot better than he has had in the past. "I can say that it will not be pretty."

"I know." Jason rubbed Riolu's head; besides being greasy, his fur was matted as well. A closer look at him, Jason also found that he had burrs. "Looks like I need a brush."

Champ grinned as he watched Miguel kick some dirt, Miguel hissed quietly to himself cursing his luck. He did as he was told though not quietly. Champ growled at the bug once when he tossed the wood into the ring instead of setting it as Clair instructed him. Jason opened his pack and quietly slipped out some bitter tasting potions used to punish miscreant Pokèmon. He waited and was rewarded as the Scyther mouthed off.

"Miguel, get over here. Now!"

The Scyther jolted then turned to face the boy and started to revolt but the reminder of the fire breathers on either side of him made him comply. He stood over the boy by just a few inches, and out weighted him by at least twenty pounds. He took a deep breathe through his breathing vents and waited.

"This should control that mouth of yours." Jason poured some of the tonic onto a spoon that he pulled out as Miguel came to him. He shoved the spoonful into the bug's mouth and emptied it.

Miguel gagged.

"Foul, is it not? It is made from the nectar of Vileplume. You can either watch your mouth, or you can just take your punishments as they come. Your choice, just remember I can and will punish you for bad behavior. Sit and don't move."

"Sir? What is a... Vileplume?" Riolu asked.

Jason pulled out his Pokèdex and scrolled through the known Pokèmon and revealed the data on Vileplume then handed the device to the young Riolu. "That is known as worst smelling flower Pokèmon known, the smell itself can attract Muk from miles away. Go ahead and scroll through the long list, you might learn some thing that will last a lifetime." Jason stood and walked behind Miguel then placed his hands on the Scyther's shoulders. "Now, you are to stay there and not move until I say so, unless you want more of the tonic. I personally hate using the stuff, but I do have to keep you from disobeying me. I will make you cut your own whip too. Shell or not, you will feel the pain once I am through. Champ, keep an eye on our teammate; he moves... singe his rump. I shall return."

Jason dug in his pack and pulled out a collapsible shovel and a roll of toilet paper. He walked away while snapping the shovel open with a flick of his wrist. Champ chuckled to himself as he sat behind the bug. Clair worked quietly fixing the mess and trying to light the fire and keep it lit.

"Arrgh," Clair sighed and clenched her fists. "You two know how to gather green wood that is for sure."

"Cry me a river, Clair, it's not like we choose what lies on the ground. What does he plan for dinner anyway?"

"Don't know. Some kind of meat with vegetables. Actually sounds good tonight, I'm tired of just vegetables, though I do fear we just may have to go hunting soon just to feed all of us though he can live off of fruits and such."

"I eat meat." Miguel muttered.

"We'll see, just try to keep your meat from being burned. I rather not waste my energy." Champ looked at Riolu with a querying eye. "Say, kid, how old are you?"

"I think I'm at least two summers. Can this thing tell me about me?"

"Sure can here," Champ took the device and pointed it Riolu and pressed a white button the monotone voice sounded.

Species: Riolu. Experience Level: twelve. Health Status: Normal, malnourishment detected. Sex: Male, immature. Original TID: Nine-nine-seven-two-six-five-three.

Riolu cocked his head not sure what to make of this information.

"I know does not mean much. Humans rarely know the lifecycles of our kind. Though we live longer then them, we mature faster and such. I just wish my body will mature so I can call myself an adult."

"You'll never be an adult, always a hatchling." Clair boasted.

"Whatever... just remember you're outnumbered here, Clair, so hush."

"You'll still be a hatchling." Clair chuckled then shoved her tail tip into the center of the tinder. "Just light already... gee."

Jason came back, placing the re-collapsed shovel into his pack then shoving his toilet paper in with it. Then he turned to Miguel, of which he released from his punishment, and then he went to Clair and rearranged the wood slightly and got the fire going. He pulled Clair's tail out of the fire then he went to Champ and smiled. He looked at the young Pokèmon and had a moment of thought.

"Alright, Champ, Riolu, come over with me a ways. I want to see what you know in battling."

"Battling? I do not think I am able." Riolu stated looking at Champ and comparing himself to the older Pokèmon.

"You are. Now, Champ, go easy on him. I want you to bring the fight out of him."

"Chaarmeeleon!" Champ grinned then cracked his knuckles.

He moved first, striking the younger one's muzzle with a fist. Only that he remained mindful of his trainer's instructions and held back his strength. Riolu whined and rubbed his muzzle. The Charmeleon growled, tempting his opponent to lash out. He swung his tail but struck nothing, he turned back to see why he missed. A closed, glowing paw struck him in the face. Hard. Champ reeled back and tripped. Riolu panted for a moment then glared at his opponent before he struck again in a series of quickened strikes that the Charmeleon could not block.

Jason watched, learning as best as he could. Riolu stopped briefly, letting Champ rise. Out of anger, Champ spewed an Ember attack. It missed. Riolu sped under the attack and jabbed his paw into the lizard's jaw. Champ grunted then fell backwards. He tried once to raise, but decided against it and submitted. Riolu growled and nearly attacked again, if Jason had not interrupted his movements.

"That was the quickest knock out I've seen. You have pent-up anger; I want you to focus that in you battles, okay?"

"What happened?" Riolu blinked as anger flowed from his mind and back into hiding.

"You happened. Focus, my little one, and use that energy properly."

"I will try. Is that blood?"

Jason turned to Champ who sat up weakly and blew his nose. "Yes it isâ€"

"Good night." Riolu rolled his eyes back and passed out. Jason just shook his head then went to tend to his partner.

"Hold still." Jason told Champ as his wiped the blood away with his hand then he looked into the Pokèmon's mouth to make sure his teeth were not injured. He smiled and rubbed the sore jaw. "You'll be fine, just a nosebleed. Now only if we had some ice... oh well, you rest up. I'll go get dinner started."

Champ grinned then nodded slowly. Jason walked back and got the meal started, while he went and grabbed Riolu and hefted the young one back to the main site and cradled him till he stirred. That was when the soup started to smell real good and made stomachs growl.

Jason filled cups for those with paws or hands, in his case, and a bowl for Miguel. They sipped quietly and stared into the fire. It was tranquil and with everyone finally content, they relaxed. Miguel apologized to Riolu and Champ, Riolu passed it on to the human, and then moved away from the others to lay down. Jason said nothing as he let the bug do as he pleased. He shifted himself as the ground started to grow cold. He made a notion to roll out his sleeping bag while everyone else had the option of going into their Balls or sleeping on the ground. Champ, of course, opted to sleep close to his boy. Clair and Riolu took their Balls for the comfort of privacy and warmth.

The night was quiet save the constant chirping of the nocturnal bug types. Everyone relaxed and slept soundly until morning. A roar out in the distance jolted everyone awake, Miguel shrugged it off as just a good weather wakeup call from a local. Though he could not begin to tell the rest who or what caused the noise, he assured them they were safe and that there will be more answering him soon. Sure enough, roar from various species rang out in different areas. The Scyther twitched as if he wanted to join, but he slump remaining silent. He was defeated, he was the alpha, now he considered himself a slave. He sighed as a young voice rang out nearby, the new alpha took over, and he could care less.

Jason rolled his bag and attached it to the bottom of his pack and zipped its cover over it. With the other two still in their Balls, he made sure that the fire was out and covered. Champ policed the area, Miguel sulked. Once they were done, Jason went and placed his hand on the Scyther's shoulder. They started to leave, Miguel looked around the trees and quietly saying his goodbyes to the area. They moved quietly, Miguel cutting brush when needed, to the stream where they would then follow upriver towards the mountains.

Jason watched the Magikarp flop around both in and out of the water, laughing every time one of the semi intelligent creatures shored themselves, if they were close, he kicked them back into the water. At least the water was shallow enough he did not have to fear a Gyarados popping up and tearing them a new backside for touching the weakest Pokèmon of all time. The sun was momentarily covered, no one took notice that a Flying type was following the group, spying quietly waiting for the moment to strike. Eyeing the Scyther, it hissed out and dove after its prey. Wings slicing through the air, moving ever so closer.

Champ turned and blasted the steel type, Skarmory, in the beak with Ember. It hissed and flew off more annoyed that its prey was protected then injured. Jason shrugged and thanked Champ for his quick thinking, so did Miguel. He got a spark of hope started in him at that point, thoughts started stirring about calling his new companions friends. Then it hit him, they would be his first friends, all he ever had known was his lackeys. He pushed the thought from his mind, they could not be his friends, and they were virtually taking him from the only home he knew.

Champ spoke to the Scyther later that morning when they stopped for a rest. Miguel answered as little of the questions as possible. Jason let them be as he went to cool off in the water, not fearing as much for their safety. Finally, Champ gave up the trivial things and went personal, even for him. He straight out asked Miguel if he ever had a mate. Miguel started laughing, after a moment he wiped his eyes with the back of his scythe. He shook his head then he told him that the females usually ate their mates unless the food supply was supple. Champ went pale hearing that and silently praised whatever watched over him that he was not a Scyther. That ended all attempts for answers. Miguel was thankful, but that also meant that Jason had them moving again, this time, paying attention to the skies. Miguel paused after a couple hours of more walking when he noticed the trees were thinning. He had never seen anything but forestland in his life, Jason urged him on.

There was grass as tall as him in places. Trees grew strong but separated, he could not believe his eyes. Champ chuckled, but he was the same, the most open space he had ever seen was in the cities the humans cleared away for their own kind to live. Both of them gazed at the herd Pokèmon as they grazed. Champ was reminded to watch his tail as they moved through the grass, the field seemed to go all the way to the distant mountain. Both Pokèmon moaned as they walked realizing it would take at least two days to make it across and find cover from the elements. Jason did not care much as he had a compact, one man tent stored with his sleeping bag, the convenience of technology did nothing for him like the good ole ‘primitive' things like what he had with him.

Jason asked Riolu and Clair to come and join them, the sudden ‘pop' of the Balls stirred the grazers but not enough to start a stampede. They watched attentively as the group moved. Riolu asked questions, Jason did not mind, it was distracting enough to keep himself out of trouble. Miguel envisioned himself stalking the grazers of mottled species and causing a stampede of massive power. He cackled then stopped abruptly when he realized the others stared him down.

"Don't make me remove my belt, it's falling apart as it is."

Miguel shrugged and pushed passed everyone.

"I don't want those Pokèmon stirred up, you hear me?"

"Scy ther." Miguel sarcastically saluted with his scythe but kept walking.

"Oh boy, this is going to be rough." He picked up Riolu and sat him on his shoulders. "Let's catch up. I rather have him as close to us as possible."

They walked quietly for a few more hours until the sunlight was barely visible, they did not try for a fire, but they used the Charmeleon's tails for the light and cook fire. It went slow, but that was better than having trouble stirred up. They ate dehydrated meat then grouped together for warmth before they slept. Riolu had trouble falling asleep, so he stared at the stars wondering about where he originally came from. Miguel refused to even look at him, so he did not know what else he could do but dream about his parents. He eventually faded into slumber, but with a hopeful smile.

"You wretched whelp! Can't you do anything right?" A tall black Charizard shouted down.

"I'm sorry, father! I didn't mean toâ€" Clair was backclawed hard enough to send her to the ground.

"This is the last time you disgrace this Clan, get out!"



Clair gasped loudly as she woke, she looked around frantically searching for her nightmare of a father. She hated to admit it, but she knew the place they were searching for and they were heading right for it. She played the innocent and it was catching up. She cried silently as she wondered what her father would do to her if he saw her again. She finally evolved, but to be without guidance, she would not learn the ethics nor the culture of the Clan. She had to deter her boy's path, but she could not figure out how. She bit her lip and tried to quell her tears. She rose and started to pace, then she noted that her movements might wake someone. She started to move away from the others so she could let her tears flow freely, she did not realize she already had waken up Champ. He followed her a few paces back with his tail dimmed and low. She climbed a rock and sat above the field of grass and sleeping Pokèmon. There she wept quietly not knowing she had an audience.

After a moment of careful observation, Champ crept up on her. "You remember your life before us, don't you."

She jumped then looked behind her and saw the dimly lit tail. "Yes, we can't go there. My father would kill me for sure, I hate to think what he'll do to you all." She wiped her muzzle before turning back around.

Champ climbed up beside her and pulled her over to let her cry on his shoulder. "Don't worry about it. Before long, you will be fully mature and will be able to fly circles around that old tailvent of a father."

"You don't understand, he's the Alpha. If I was a male, I would be next in line. But as his first raised, I'm a failure in his eyes. You'd think being a female I'd be considered a blessing. No! The males get mated first the females don't get a choice with that, we are get nesters... no choice on who gets to rape us. I want it to be different. I want a choice! Is that hard to ask for? I just want a life I can call my own, and not be like my mother. I don't want to be there stuck on a nest the rest of my life." She broke out into full sobs and just pulled Champ close. He just let her. "I want someone who actually cares for me for who I am... not what I am!" Taking a break to sob and breathe Champ spoke up.

"You do have someone who cares, two at least. Jason cares for all four of us as though we are his young, I care for you. Even if I have not shown it, I do. I would not let anyone harm you without taking me down first. I will fight with my life. That I promise! I shall not let anyone harm you outside of your own training."

She sniffed and rubbed her cheek on him then wrapped her arms around him. He smiled and twisted his tail around her and held her.

Jason smiled and went back to camp, proud of his partner. He did not need Riolu to translate to know that Champ had sworn himself to her. He would keep it quiet until they were ready to tell the others themselves. He went back to sleep nestled against his own nest full of young friends he claimed to his care. The two came back claw in claw for support and laid down beside their trainer. Tail fires joined for added warmth and comfort between the two.

Morning came too soon for the group. They refused to stir until the sunlight hit them directly and quickly heated up their sleepy forms. Clair sniffled as the remnants of her good cry held fast, Champ smiled at her and went on with his normal self. Riolu, himself, was rather somber as he helped clean up the remains of dinner. Jason just watched his family as he refolded and zipped up his bag then got it to fit back into his pack.

In the distance, the morning roars of the forest came alive. Miguel drooped as he heard it but he kept quiet. The mooing of a Miltank and Toros brought forth their attentions, the herd had ventured close last night to investigate, and now that the group was moving again, the herd seemed to urge them on by stomping the ground or bellowing out. Miguel muttered something that made Riolu revolt against him. He was not alone with that, Champ and Clair both voiced themselves. Jason had to ask what was going on.

"He wants to slaughter a young one for our meat."

"I don't think so, besides, they would be to gamey. Now, let's go. According to my map we are nearly two-thirds of the way to Fluaton, home of the flaming rock. I've always wanted to see that ever burning stone." He calculated the distance last night while before the light completely vanished.

They walked without a hitch that day making it across the field stopping for the evening at the edge of the tree line to observe the open sky and let loose what was needed. Clair remained silent about her outbreak but seemed to keep Champ in sight at all times. Riolu started to ask more questions, questions that he directed more towards Miguel than Jason. Miguel sighed and began to tell him...

"Back in my younger days, I was traveling much like we are now, trying to find my place. I wanted to live rather than find a mate and die to support my young. I mistakenly got onto the human roads, but as I tried to move back into the cover of the blessed trees, I saw an egg. Little did I know then, but that led me to the path on finding a dominant spot on the chain of life. I quickly ran with the egg, holding close to my chest. I knew I could not warm it, but if I found a submissive Pokèmon, I knew I could convince the warmer ones to keep the egg alive. I fought my way into the deep woods, until I found what was my Clan, our Clan. I asked them if they would warm the egg for me. They wanted to crack it open and eat it. I fought back, in the process, I decimated their alpha and gained their submissive loyalty. I would that to my own will, driving the Clan closer to the edge of the woods, hoping to drive humans away. Then the egg hatched, you, from the beginning I realized that you would latch onto any kindness and use that as a form to evolve, I had to keep you submissive and under my scythe. Anything to stay on top, it worked, letting you learn from the humans so you could translate for me to warn off the humans. It worked for the longest of time... until... well, until Jason came by and defied my will. I did not realize my own weakness until Champ used it on me. Making me realize, I still have a ways to go if I want to dominate my life. I've always thought of you, little one, as my own young. Even if I would not show it. I cared, but my life came first. Could you ever forgive a fool like me to try to enslave you? It was never something I truly wished, it just... happened and I did not stop it." Miguel sighed feeling a little lighter after talking about his past to the one he was forced to dominate knowing that the Riolu could dominate him one day.

"I could. Yes. But will I?" Riolu turned his back on the Scyther. "I might someday, you have a lot to make up for."

"I know, just hearing that from you, gives me hope to change what I've become. I realize that after thinking, a lot of thinking. I have become an evil pain in the carapace. I doubt my own mother would like what I have done, especially to the ones that followed me without a thought the orders I gave them. At times, to my own entertainment."

"You're still just a mean bug though," Champ spoke up after listening to the story. "I will still watch you and burn you wings off if you ever try something foul."

"I can accept that. I do wish to change, even if it means being beat. A new life, one that is a complete turnaround, is what I need. I don't know if I can call all of you friends yet, but I certainly want to make it to that point, this is the closet I've had to having a family."

"Trying is what makes that start." Clair said quietly. "Even I will try harder to make that happen for myself."

"We will all try harder, we were brought here for a reason, let's just figure out how to survive first, then we will live second." Champ looked over his shoulder at Jason who wrote in a journal about the few days. "It's about time we go to sleep, he's nearly done with his writing. I will take first watch."

The group agreed and went about to get comfortable. All the while, Jason wrote about the changes he has seen in his growing family. He nodded to Champ then put his journal up before laying down himself, things were changing now only if he could learn the language of his own Pokèmon. He could dream, he could imagine what the world would be like if he could speak with them without the need for Riolu. He liked the little guy, sure, but he also felt like he wanted to be more like them so he could really be a part of the family he governed. He smiled as his thoughts went on and fell asleep waiting for the next day...

A New Adventure

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Manny and Merrlon Book Four

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The Adventures of Manny and Merrlon Book Three

I'd like to thank everyone for faving or watching me, I appreciate it. I do look forward to comments on how to improve my work and all that...enjoy The Adventures of Manny and Merrlon Book Three Manny woke sore the next morning,...

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