Lost in the Woods

Story by Sludawg on SoFurry

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#5 of Pokè-Treat

Jason and his team moved slowly through the trees in a remote area of the country. By request of Clair, they had gone south to hide completely. Jason had covertly moved Miguel off the team and replaced him with Rex. He told Miguel the night before he done it to give him an extended rest but it would not be permanent. Rex, being a wild Charizard male, was territorial and untrained as of yet. He wanted this opportunity to break the male and try to get him to teach Champ how to be a Charizard.

It began rough, having to actually take his belt off during one session and smacking claws of both males for passing foul names and trying to start a fight. Champ took it hard being it was the first time he was actually punished like that. Jason just ignored the whimpers and told them to straighten their acts. They did for a while, but the testosterone rose once more.

"I am telling you two: I will have Moon pin both of you down and I will whip both of your tails." Jason stated as he tried to get Rex to do the normal routine of camp pickup. Clair had not been out for a day or two; Jason refused to let her out while Rex was in the open for her safety and her mind's sake.

"Sorry, Jason." Champ rushed away from his rival and scouted a different section. He had snapped at Rex twice so far this morning and it was wearing Jason thin.

"You better be." Thanks to Moon opening Jason's mind to the basic speech of Pokèmon, his relationship with his extended family had grown deeper, yet he kept that secret from other trainers happily. Time came, the group moved on to find their next adventure.

Three days later, everyone was in their balls resting save Rex. He lounged leisurely in the morning sun listening to Jason as he talked to no one in particular. He still was not used to humans, but this one amused him even though he caused himself to be punished every now and then. They were next to a shallow creek; Jason muttered things to his reflection. Rex chuckled and rolled onto his back.

"You know the Life Bringer will not talk to you, right?"

"Yes, but I am not looking for answers in the water. I am looking for them in me." Jason tossed a rock into the near calm flow. "Why can't you and Champ get along? Is there something that you have to do or is it just the natural thing?"

"We are not of the same clan. We are rivals thus."

"Ah, there you are wrong. You are in my 'clan' and therefore you need to listen to me."

Clair popped out and stretched, she froze as she saw Rex lounging. She slowly reached back up to her ball to retreat back into it.

"Ah, Clair, um... this is Rex."

"His name is not Rex, right Hia'atus?"

"Did not think anyone would recognize me... you're Segwaas' offspring, no?"

"That beast I will not claim to be my sire."

"Don't blame you, cousin; I am glad you did not die as he hoped. It seems that family comes together once more. May I ask, is that other male your master?"

"Mate. He is my chosen life partner. Not master, I am no nest sitter."

"Ah. Then I shall behave myself from now on. I have no wish to breed inside the clan, which is why I left. Just sad that I was taken by a human with a sneaky Mind Speaker behind him."

"You will not attack?"

"No." Rex rose then slung his tail around to pick a few pebbles from his scales before letting it go back behind him. "I am sure you remember how I acted in the clan itself."

"Black claw, more so than I." She stared at the male and sighed. "I do not know what I can do. But know this: I will not be friends with you, nor help with your cycle."

"I have survived this far alone, what's another cycle?"

Clair turned away and went behind a boulder to be out of the sight of the males. "Hard telling what you will do when my next burst comes."

"I will let Champ take that glory. As I said, Grainas, I do not wish to breed in the clan. Even if you are banished, I consider you still a part of it."

"Don't ever call me that. My name is Clair! I will not honor that wretch by using the name he slapped onto my hide."

"Alright, Clair, no need to get hostile." Jason interrupted; he never even expected that the two could be related. "Don't forget to wash up, we need to get moving. I don't have the power in my Pokètch to use the GPS App. We need to find a Center so I can charge up."

"Right, while she is doing that. I'll go tend to my own needs. No need to make her compare her male to me."

"I don't think so, you're staying were I can watch you."

"What ever lights your flame, human." Rex stretched then started to rub the base of his tail.

The male moaned as his arousal rose. Jason rolled his eyes then went to check on Clair. He found her kicking at the water. He glanced back at Rex and saw that he had worked himself to a full erection that had made him shiver once before. Rex bent over himself and sucked his shaft into his mouth, he only could go half way down it, but that did not stop him from the pleasure.

Jason sat down and rubbed Clair's back, she jumped slightly then relaxed as she realized it was Jason. With a sigh, she eased herself down into the water. It came up to her chest. She explained to Jason that as long as they were healthy, short submersion would not harm them. She scrubbed her face as Jason watched over her.

She looked back and silently begged for her trainer to wash her back. He did so, while glancing over his shoulder. Rex had lost himself in his motions. Clair pulled away from him and climbed out of the water, she shook dry then turned to make sure her tail had taken its full flare before moving on up to get into the sun. She spotted Rex and just shook her head.

"Why are males into that? It can't possibly do the job properly."

"Self pleasure is just that, let him be." Jason stood then expanded her ball. "Ready?"

"Be careful, I do not trust him farther than I could throw him."

"I will. We'll be flying today. Most likely straight through, so get some sleep."

"I've slept enough. But I will abide, do it."

"Thank you, and just remember that you can talk to me about anything, anytime."

He returned Clair to her ball then he released Champ, he grumbled then stretched his wings. Jason smacked him in the stomach then he motioned toward Rex. Champ rolled his eyes as he saw the male suck himself.

"He's more than just a rival... he's family. He and Clair are from the same clan."

"Great. Now I got to keep him away from Clair?"

"He swore to her that he would behave for now. Let's see how far that can go."

"They talked?"

"More like argue, but yes. Come on, time we get in the air."

They went over to Rex and smacked him until he broke his grip on himself. He growled with displeasure as he was told to put the 'log' away and get to the air. They held a tight formation as Champ had another lesson on flight combat. When they stopped for the day, the sun was just above the trees and glistened on a lake. There were no human lives anywhere to be found from the air, so they decided to land and make camp as quickly as they could.

Jason let out the entire party before heading down to the water. He stuck his hand in to judge the temperature and smiled. He returned to the tent and set down his pack and started to remove clothing. He pulled biodegradable soaps and a space towel before heading back to the water. The team stared at him, save Champ who had seen his body before. Clair started to lick her lips as he walked by, but stopped when a jealous growl came from Champ. Then Moon shivered as a flashback took her mind and then turned to the fire ring Champ had built and toyed with the tender. Shadow ignored the impulses and went to Adrian as he fooled with a bedroll that had a knot in its string that prevented its unrolling. She rubbed against him then let her long ear tickle his sheath as he tried his hardest to ignore her.

He grumbled and dropped the roll behind him and sat on it pulling Shadow with him. "We need to talk..."

Champ took hold of Clair's claw and pulled her to the water so they could bathe as well. Rex, however, shied away and went to find a decent tree to lean against and finish what he tried to do that morning. Moon grumbled as two sets of pheromones struck her nose. She moved away from the overpowering male musk and went to the water to stare into the depths well away from the others. She fell into a trance as the slow ripple of the current took her focus and calmed her.

Jason took advantage of this, however, and snuck up on her from behind. He grabbed her then jumped into the water with her in his arms. When they resurfaced, she screamed then looked around trying to find her assailant. Jason rubbed his chin on her head as he made his way to the two lovebirds playing in the water themselves.

He bluntly told the shivering Espeon to "Lighten up" and "have some fun." She just looked up at him with blank eyes and wondered what was going through his mind. She could not think straight enough to perform that simple task herself. Just as they joined the two Chars, Adrian and Shadow dive-bombed the group and drenched them all. Moon growled under her breath then gasped as she felt something brush against her lower back.

She clenched up and went stiff as she thought that she was going to be raped again. Jason chuckled then apologized to her then he gave her another dunking before tossing her towards Adrian. She screamed as she flew in an arc and landed in Adrian's arms, he nuzzled her then sat her in the water beside her sister, who then splashed her, Moon finally relaxed a little and started to play with Shadow.

They got out as the light started turning gray, Rex had the fire going as he wanted "True light," as he called it. Jason plopped down beside the warm fire to warm up not bothering with his clothes. Champ asked him why he chose to remain shown, but Jason just shrugged and told him he did not worry about people this far out. Those who cared for that matter. The boy never got the chance to really feel like a bachelor and make his own rules with society hovering around every corner, so he made the choice now that that very society was miles away from this point.

Moon positively shivered with fear, so much that her fear kept her from coming close to the fire. She stared at his naked backside as he dried; only remembering the force the other human used on her. Jason sighed as the night chill started creeping in; he went to pick up his clothes and dressed then told Moon it was safe. Shadow had no problem with his body, he did nothing to her except the occasional battles they did with other Pokèmon.

Shadow did however have a problem; she had listened to Adrian and promised him she would not claim him as a mate. But she could not get what she wanted of him, and that was the problem, she had to work for that trust to gain the benefits and the freedom from Adrian from being her guardian. All she wanted was a love that would not force her to do things. Shadow noticed the fear in her sister's eyes and prodded Adrian, she asked him to speak to her.

Adrian took one look at her aura then sighed. There was no point in talking right now from what he saw; too much fear clouded her mind. He would talk to her but it would be later. He looked down at Shadow and shook his head then he rose and went into the tent where he laid back on Jason's roll. He closed his eyes and watched the area with his ability until he drifted to sleep.

Things were quiet around here save the occasional splash of an aquatic Pokèmon jumping about to feed on an inattentive bug type landing on the water surface to rest or drink. Jason took the watch, allowing the others to either relax and get some alone time or just plain sleep. He had found himself a tree to lean against and listened to the surroundings while rising every so often to stoke the fire. Champ and Clair nestled down beside the warmth and snored quietly. Jason smiled as he saw his buddy hold his mate close. Rex grumbled to himself as he watched the others.

When his 'master' had left the firelight again, Rex rose and joined him on the other side of the ring. He dimmed his tail and sat beside the boy and sighed lightly as he stared back over to the lovebirds laying in comfort now that Clair had been forced to be out among the two mature males. The two did not speak right away, yet they understood the meaning of the approach well enough. Jason looked at the Charizard quietly and waited for a moment.

"Why insist on so kind? I was raised being told that humans were worse killers than we are. Killing for a thrill instead of food."

"Many are that way, I am not. I enjoy the presence of life. If anyone of us kills... there better be a very good reason for it. I don't even like hunting for food. I'll pick berries and fruits, but I will not kill unless there is nothing else to eat. Though I do eat meat... I eat the ones bred and raised for that purpose. When we get through the woods and back into civilization, we'll go eat at a restaurant and get such meat for you."

"I can say this; I will not live on fruits alone. If need be, I shall hunt. I shall respect your hatred for the activity and eat away from everyone. Even Grainas will do the same once she tires of the fruits, that I am sure."

"You stick to the clan names, why?" Jason said to avoid the subject further.

"The names you give us are just surface names given to give us a familiarity. Humans have always done so, that is what we are taught. She is my family and even if she does not accept the name she hatched with, I do and I won't let her forget that. A day will come when we will cross paths with our clan mates and we will need our claws sharp for that and for the memories that will be brought forth along with blood. Go and rest. I will wake the nameless one when the time is needed."

"Champ. His name is Champ, because he is my champion. And thanks, any time you wish to talk... I'm here for you."

"I may take you up on that offer sometime... human." Rex smirked curling his lips to just barely show his teeth.

Jason rose quietly then went to his tent, he found Adrian snoring on the sleeping bag with Shadow cuddled up against his chest. He smiled then lay on the tarp bottom and fell asleep beside the two. The only sounds were those that snored and the nocturnal bugs chirping. Some became quiet as a predator stalked through the darkness. Rex smiled as he looked forward to a good fight, hoping the creature would come to him.

Morning came, the usual moods struck. Moon was a little annoyed and no one could get her to say why, but Shadow steered clear of her. When it came time to move, a shriek broke the monotony. Everyone looked around for the source; no one was missing or hurt. That was it for Jason, he told everyone to retreat into their balls save Champ and Rex, and then they rushed to finish the pick up before taking to the air. As they gained height, Jason looked down to see a Nidoran female being used by a Nidoking. He just sighed and let them be, not all can be saved from rape.

They flew to the only thing they saw that was not trees, a river. Once over that, they flew upriver until they found a rough road. Jason looked over the horizon with the road; he did not spot anything unusual. But where there was a road, civilization was nearby Jason had Rex and Champ follow the road. Winding and back trailing, the road was beginning to look like nothing more than a fire lane for a preserve. The Charizards gave a silent, mutual look to each other then slowly drifted down ignoring Jason's complaints. They landed slumped to the ground; the road they sat on was dry and hard but did not bother them.

"We need to rest. Try using that one thing and see if there's a human place nearby." Champ suggested. "Maybe we shall be lucky."

Jason sighed and tried to use his Pokètch. It beeped then went dead except for the time; it was on a separate battery. "Happy?"

"Not really. Could Moon not sense human life and take us to them?"

"It's not that I don't doubt her, Champ, it's I don't know the strength of her abilities. I don't want to hurt her by pushing her that hard."

"Is that not the thing humans do?" Rex grunted. "Push us harder than we can go?"

"Some, but not me. Come on, maybe we'll get lucky and run into an electric type in this forest."

Something rustled the florae nearby, Jason jumped slightly. He looked around wondering who or what was watching them. They watched the area closely; Jason edged closer to his companions and hunkered down. He slowly pulled Moon's ball free from its holster and enlarged it. Without a word, he popped the ball and out came the Espeon in front of the trio. With a questioning look behind her, she read their thoughts then probed the depths of the plant life.

With audible, choked back laugh she sat back and gave a whistle that made Jason cringe as it hit his ears. A little Plusle waddled out. It looked far too young to be on its own. It waddled over to Moon and nuzzled up against her. She smiled at the little one then rolled her eyes at the males.

"It could have been a predator, you know. Can't be too safe."

"Like those two can't fight off anything these trees can hide?"

"Not if it's a water or fighting type."

"Hey! You trained me better than that!" Champ growled.

"They are still your weakness no matter how hard you train, you know this." Jason said quietly. "Besides, we're in unfamiliar territory."

"You're lost... and you're scared... is that it?" Moon said as she nuzzled the Plusle.

"Kinda." Jason admitted.

"She's agreed to help us if we help her. She'll charge your device if you help her find her family. They live in a large Oran grove with a funny looking... um... tree. Her mind is confused greatly, a rock monster separated the family about a week ago, I think."

"Jeez, we'll help, no doubt. Moon, you and your little buddy climb onto Champ's back, I'll get on Rex's."

"So soon?"

Jason glared at Rex as he muttered those two words. The Charizard grinned at him sheepishly.

"What? Can't I have an opinion?"

"Yes, but you need to learn to be helpful to those in need."


The Charizards moved to allow the smaller riders on while they readied themselves for another flight. With a moan, the took off and stayed above the trees. Every so often, Moon would point them toward a land mark as she read the toddler's mind. It was tiresome but they took an hour and a half to find the grove, they landed and let the toddler wander about to find it's home.

Champ gasped as he spotted something then rushed over to something just barely in sight of everyone else. Jason grabbed the toddler instinctively and held back his pace as Moon joined him. Rex sniffed the air and grunted. He stared off into space as his own thoughts whirled.

"What is it?"

"Blood and the scent of an Onix. I fear what he found is a corpse rather than a life. I'm certain of it in fact."

"I don't like hearing that." Jason scratched the Plusle's head then held her in a way so she could nap.

"I'm afraid he's right..." Moon said telepathically. "Trampled, I do not sense any life beyond plants here. I'm sorry... what are we going to do with her?"

"Can you make it appear their alive? I need to know if it's her parents."

"The scent of blood if far too strong... I am not that strong to mask that scent."

Jason sighed; he hesitated as he fought his mind then started moving towards his two companions. He sat the toddler down and woke her. "Okay, sweetie, I need to ask you to be strong. Is this someone you knew?"

"You can't-"

Jason waved off Moon's retort. "Please, we'll be right here."

The toddler turned with aid from the human and took one look at the mangled body before going to it. She nuzzled it as she tried to wake the body. When she realized it was for naught, she began to cry out. Jason picked her up and let her cry into his shoulder. He moved away quietly.

"Rex, Champ, I do not know of how others would perform a burial. Would you do the honor and give this one just that?"

"Though I do not know the ways of the electric... yes, I will do so." Rex said soberly.

"Thank you."

The two Charizards went off quietly under Rex's instructions to find dry wood. Moon went over to Jason and sat quietly. The silence between them was broken by a very strange question. Moon looked at Jason quizzically as he repeated it.

"Have you known any case where there was a hybrid Pokèmon?"

"What do you mean?" She tried reading him but everything seemed normal.

"I've seen the way Shadow looks at Adrian; I'm wandering if there could be a Riolu-Eevee mix comes out of the... um... coupling."

"That I do not know."

"I'll ask a breeder whenever I get the chance. I can just imagine a bipedal Eevee throwing punches at gawking passersby."

"You're terrible."

"Am I? Or am I one who just looks for the extremes? Don't know... So, to change the subject, have you gotten the name for this little one?"

"No. I haven't, I will try once she's awake. Are you going to keep her with us?"

"As much as we all need the experience raising a little one... I don't think so. I would rather see her grow up around other electric type. She needs to learn how to use her abilities and such."

"What if we can't find any of her missing clan? Are you just going to leave her alone?"

"What do you think? Hmm?"

"You're right, you are not the type to leave someone alone and helpless."

Their conversation ended as the two Charizards came back to them with a load of dead wood each. Rex silently made a pyre for the body to be laid on. Jason carried the young one over to them as they gently picked the body up and sat it down on the wood. The little one woke with a yawn and rubbed her eyes. She watched curiously as the large males worked.

"May whatever god you worshipped take you in..." Jason muttered under his breath as he watched them finish.

"Light flame, try not to get carried away. It needs to burn clean." Rex stared upon the dead flesh he never thought he would truly see another killed in cold blood.

Without a word, they both spewed a well controlled Flamethrower onto the pyre and slowly lit it. Once smoke started to rise, they backed away and watched. Rex began to hum a somber tune as the flames built up to engulf the body. It did not take long for the flames to grow hot and wild. The fire types remained unaffected but the others had to step back away from the heat. Within twenty minutes the fire had burned the body and now was beginning to die out, the smoke had brought other inhabitants of the woods over to inspect. They watched silently as the human grabbed his bag and took out a small vile and strung it with a thin rope he used to his sleeping bag with.

He passed the vile to Rex then whispered to him to gather up some ashes. He did so without question then handed the vile back, Jason had hold of a candle which he then melted in Rex's tail flame and sealed the vile and knot of the rope. He then placed the vile over the toddler's head to rest it on her shoulders.

"This is to remind you of your family. You may be too young to truly know why I am doing this, but I will do my best to keep you safe."

The toddler looked at it for a moment then threw up her arms to Jason wanting to hug him. They did so. Jason turned to the ashes that remained and bowed to them then wished them a pleasant afterlife. He then noticed the observers for the first time. He did nothing to dissuade their glares or looks of relief. He just picked up the toddler then started for the woods. His team followed in silence allowing nature to spread the ashes.

That evening, after walking in silence to wherever their feet took them, they stopped at a very small clearing and sat up the tent and made a cooking fire. Jason then released the others to join them. They all looked in question at the young one as they knew that she had not been captured yet since she was still with them instead of in the storage place for trainers.

"What are we going to do with her?" Shadow asked.

"Raise her. Until we either find a family for her or until she wishes to join us. Either way, she is staying free for now. We are her only hope at survival and we all need the experience at raising a little one. So tonight, besides watching for malicious attackers we must watch her and make sure she does not wander off alone. She is still too young to really care for herself." Jason sighed and looked at the toddler again, sleeping on his bedroll. "Shadow, Moon, and Clair, I need you three to act as motherly as you can. I have no idea myself of what she can or can't eat at this age until we find a Center and ask Joy."

"I will watch over her as though she is from my very flame." Rex said, he looked pale now that he had time to think over what he saw today. "What happened to her was far too wrong for anyone, whoever the cold hearted Pokèmon is, I pray they do not cross paths with me."

"Just make sure that attitude doesn't rub off too much." Clair retorted, she leaned against Champ trying not to eye his large form. "We don't need another psychopath running with us."

"What? I am no crazed hunter, if that is what you mean." Rex looked away and crossed his arms.

"Knock it off you two."

"What?" The two said in near perfect unison.

Champ growled in agreement with Jason. "You two sound like arguing siblings fresh from the mother's teat. Why don't you two just get along? We are family after all."

"Couldn't say it any better. Get some sleep everyone, we have a long day ahead and we will be on foot for a while."

Rex and Clair grumbled but split up leaving the group in the dying light in peace. Champ sighed then followed his mate. Adrian volunteered to take first watch as Jason rubbed the bridge of his nose in frustration. He could tell that his human was about ready to just return the two of them to their balls and lock them down. The Lucario shook as the thought of himself being punished by the only true grounding a trainer could give. Similar to when parents send their children to their rooms when they disobey.

Moon and Shadow huddled together to comfort each other as they were hit by the tension. Jason apologized to them then laid back. In the hushed camp, Champ and Clair argued quietly about her cousin while Rex grumbled and shadow boxed a tree just barely out of sight from camp, his tail revealed his location. Adrian settled down and crossed his legs as he began to meditate, sending his Aura powers out to their limits and pushing for more. He watched as the three Flame Tails finally settled down, their moods flattening out at a pale, calming blue.

After a couple hours when everyone but Adrian was asleep, something caught his attention. The scrapping of rocks, quiet but it stood out as the bug types and other nocturnes vanished. He stood slowly and readied himself for a quick fight. Whatever it was, it stayed just out of his range. Like it had studied him well. His blood boiled as he tried to find the stalker. He dared not move, less they heard him. The unknown finally made a mistake and stepped into his range. His guard dropped completely as he saw a young Lucario running towards him while looking over her shoulder. He remained motionless until she came closer then stepped into her way to catch her. She screamed, begging for her life. He placed his paw over her muzzle and closed it, he growled at her as he fought her struggles. She energy wore out quickly, he let go of her muzzle and let her pant.

"Jason," He grunted, knowing that her screams had stirred his companions. "We have a problem."

"I heard. What is it about?"

"Injuries. I need your help."

Jason moaned as he rose and pulled his bag from under his head. "Moon, call back the other three. I don't want them out there alone." He unzipped his bag and pulled out a Super Potion spray and made his way to Adrian. "Alright, hold her still." He clicked on a pen light and gasped as he saw that it was another Lucario.

"I saw her run from something, I'm still searching the area."

"Work with Moon and Shadow. I rather not find that killer at night."

Adrian slowly handed the female to his boy then went did as he was told.

"Alright, I'm not going to hurt you, but healing you will sting a little and itch."

"Do it." The Lucario said quietly as she watched Adrian as best as she could. "You are pure, I can see why these gather around you."

"That and I am their trainer. We'll protect you."

"I doubt that. My entire family was killed..."

"Did you have Plusle with you?"

"Yes. It was a mixed family."

"We ran into a toddler. With her help, we found the area and gave the only body we found there a burial by fire." He sprayed her chest where a visible gash was and searched for other visible wounds.

"Where is the young one?"

"Asleep. There you go. May I ask you something?"

"Was I ever around humans? The answer is yes. I fled when my companion died from an attack."

"Trainer or mate?"


"Must be hard for you then. To be away from the ones that care for you."

"No one else cared. He was killed for showing his love for me."

"That's terrible." He paused for a moment hesitant to press on. "I swore to take the little one to a new clan, you may join us if you want. I would appreciate it. I am not much of a parent for little ones."

Rex hissed in anger as he rejoined the camp, he stared at Moon, she just shrugged.

"She should be in my tent on my roll. You are welcome to it."

"Thank you, but finding a meal is more important to me right now." She rose and tried to put weight on her legs, she stumbled a step or two before Jason stopped her. "Maybe I should rest..."

"Here, let me." He picked her up and carried her to the tent and gently sat her down at the flaps. "I shall leave you to your privacy. If you need anything, just call for me or one of the gals. There's Moon, the Espeon, Shadow, the Umbreon, and Clair, the Charmeleon."

"Thank you." She crawled into the tent and let the flaps close behind her.

Jason smiled then sent to Rex and smacked the back of his head as he hunched down to relax. "Lose the foul mood. I asked her to get you back here."

"It wasn't because of that..." Rex snarled then turned away from his trainer. "She is trying to be the matriarch. I do not like being ruled by females, only myself. I follow your words because of that device, but only just."

"I'll have a word with her, but I still want you to lose the attitude."

Jason frowned as he looked for Champ and Clair they, or rather she, refused to rejoin the group. He heard a cheerful squeal then saw Clair run in as Champ nipped at her head. He made his was to intercept their playing. Champ stopped as soon as he saw the look on Jason's face and stood straight.

Jason quietly told him that he was supposed to act like the mature one of the bunch before going after Clair. He grabbed her shoulder and turned her to him as she tried to dash away. He grunted at her in disapproval. He crouched down to meet her eye to eye.

"Clair, I want you to be more mature than what you were earlier-"

"But I-"

"Don't care who started what or whatever. I told him the same, do it. I rather not force you two into your balls and ground both of you. I never liked being confined to my room as a young kid, but it gets the point across. Wise up here and now."


"Good, now go find a spot close to the rest of us and get some sleep."

Clair sighed and moved away from him and towards the fire. He glanced over the shoulder and saw Champ shake his head before joining his mate. He wanted to go easy on them, but then they would never listen to him. He had to be the leader, now all he had to do was break Moon's bubble. He would do that in the morning, he told himself.

The Light, the Dark, and the Righteous

Four weeks of walking after the young Riolu evolved, Jason and his team had gone through two towns and two-thirds of the way to his fifth town. Little did they know that they would change the way two runaways would think of their lives. "Get back...

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Psyched up to meet Momma

Jason, Champ and Miguel strolled into the town of Fluaton. The Scyther's attitude had changed dramatically since capture. The two free walking Pokèmon looked around and talked amongst themselves as their trainer led them to a PokèCenter. There, Jason...

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Scy-zing up the Differences

Three weeks have gone by, many battles have too. Jason, a young trainer walked side by side with his to Pokèmon Champ and Clair, both being Charmeleons. He found that the male/female attitudes definitely showed differences from the two genders. Champ...

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