The Light, the Dark, and the Righteous

Story by Sludawg on SoFurry

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#4 of Pokè-Treat

Four weeks of walking after the young Riolu evolved, Jason and his team had gone through two towns and two-thirds of the way to his fifth town. Little did they know that they would change the way two runaways would think of their lives.

"Get back here!" Yelled a human with a large kitchen knife chasing after his prey.

"Screw you!" Screamed a voice from the shadows to deter the man, it did not work.

An Espeon and an Umbreon rushed through the dark underbrush of nearby house bushes, the Umbreon forcing the shadows to act as portals for the twins. Sisters that finally broke free of an abusive trainer and fighting their way out of the city. The psychic sister mirrored their images in twenty different places, the human would not be deterred. They were growing worried, the previous whipping on the Umbreon was starting to break open again and bleed. Umbreon pulled a massive stunt, she pulled her sister into a random shadow. They came out beside the road behind a sheltered boulder. The stunt used too much energy and Umbreon collapsed.

The Espeon barely realized this and just caught her with a psychic grip. The wound was starting to mat the dark one's fur, the scent of blood would surely bring scavengers or predators, or worse... humans. Espeon nuzzled her sister then went out to forage for berries, she marked her trail with a small amount of urine at various places, though it was a place hidden from the road, she never was away from this human's den long enough to learn anything. She returned with a large clutch of various berries in her grip. She did not know what they did but they had to do something for her dark sister.

Umbreon sniffed at the first berry as her sister pushed to her muzzle. She pulled it into her mouth with her tongue and cringed as the sour juice filled her senses. She felt warm. The psychic pushed a different berry to her, all she could tell was that it smelled sweet. She ate it and felt somewhat restored. Enough to sit up and nuzzle her sister. Espeon grinned then licked her sister, she nudged her sister down so she could rest.

Umbreon moaned as sore muscles worked to relax and she closed her eyes.

"Poor sissy, at least we escaped. But for how long can we escape death on our own, that is the question."


"I smell blood, sir." Adrian said quietly as he adjusted the straps on his own pack, he carried his inheritance on him.

"I do too, but faintly. Try to find the aura of the wounded being. We should help if we can." Jason said as he toyed with his birthday present again, a small metal puzzle that wound around itself that he had to straighten without using any tools.

"Give me a moment." Adrian shut his eyes and focused. He gasped as he saw the wounded one. "Looks like an Umbreon, scarred and abused same goes for the Espeon that is watching over it. Sir, may I suggest that I take a few berry salves to them? I do not think that they will be receptive to you."

"Sure, I could use a rest before we head into town. Go ahead." Jason shoved the toy into his pocket then growled as it finally straightened out to the three pieces. With a sigh, he dug out the Oran salves along with a Super Potion spray. He handed both over then sat beside the road and watched the Lucario rush off to a boulder.

Adrian peeked around the corner and dropped his telepathic speech for the natural tongue of his kind. He asked if he could come closer. A hiss responded, the Espeon, he sighed and then mentioned he had healing items. No response came, he took that as an invitation. He walked around the rock to show himself and the items.

"I am traveling with my companion. May I help you two?"

"I can see you for what you are, a slave. Free yourself before it is too late."

"He has never harmed me. In fact, he asked me to help. Please let me, he even has food that we can share." He opened his mind, an invitation of sorts to the psychic. He learned that from a Psychic Trainer at Husburg, the third town they passed through which should have been called a village.

She did not see the invitation as such. "What are you? A killer, or someone to take us back to the human that shoves things into us and beats us?"

Adrian gasped, "Oh Arceus..." He blinked, stunned by what he imagined. "Alright, I can help, I will go to the humans that punish the humans who do such things. Are there any others that in the human's control?"

"Not that I know of."

"You tell the truth, your aura is strong unlike your body. Please, join me and my human. I will make sure we stop this human from hurting you further."


"Sister, I smell no shadow on him, he is pure of heart. Young and innocent, he is strong. Besides, I sense we can use his body."

At that, Adrian grew a confused look. "Look, you can either run and hide the rest of your lives, or you can come and fight for your freedom the right way and get a better life."

Espeon growled while she thought it over, "Fine, but anything happens to my sister, I will not hold back my rage."

The Lucario nodded then crept closer and rubbed the salve over the wound, it healed shut then he sprayed the potion onto the wound. Fur started growing back, but it was stunted and scarred like the rest of her back. He grinned sheepishly as the Umbreon turned and licked his muzzle. He picked up the Umbreon and looked down at the Espeon as she gave him a very angry look.

"Until she gets healed, I do not see it fit for her to walk. If I could carry you as well, I would. Come on, he is waiting."

A gunshot sounded, Adrian nearly dropped the Umbreon. He rushed out and saw a man running from the town shooting into random bushes shouting for the two he was with. He shot his tail in front of the Espeon then nodded towards the human. He was stopped by Jason and was asked to stop with the noise. The man aimed the gun at him, Champ popped out of Pokèball and used his tail to sweep the man's feet from under him. Jason phoned the local officer's branch. While Champ busied himself keeping the man from shooting him or Jason, Officer Jenny came rushing out in her jeep with two Growlithe and an Arcanine in the back seat. The Arcanine, jumped out as soon as it saw the man down and rushed to help the Charmeleon.

Adrian rushed then to meet up with Jenny and Jason as they talked at the slowing Jeep. He let Espeon near the downed human, she clawed his face then swatted the gun free with a psychic blow. She turned it towards the man and hesitated. She looked back at her sister as the Lucario handed her to Jason. She dropped the weapon.

"Don't touch her!" She shouted telepathically.

"Easy, dear, is this your trainer?"

She nodded with distaste.

"Not anymore. Come here." Jenny pulled out two blue and white balls and tapped one on Umbreon's head. She then tapped the other on Espeon though she resisted, there was no escaping the Repo Ball. "Young trainer, call back your Pokèmon and take these two to the Center and have Joy look at them. I will fill out a report, once that is over I want to talk to you."

"Sure. Champ, come on. Thanks, Adrian, you did well."

"Sir, I promised them I would not let harm come to them. I request possession of the balls until they are released to a good trainer."

Jason looked to Jenny she nodded then pulled her handcuffs free of her belt and went to the man and freed him of the Arcanine's grip and cuffed him tightly. "Don't think this morning's ranting went unheard, Richard. This time you will lose them and your handling license."

"Chaar." Champ looked at the weapon and thought about picking it up. He ignored the urge and took his place beside Jason.

"Wise move, Champ." Adrian said as he took the balls, he held them tight just under his chest spike.

"Char Meleon!"

"Hey, it was a compliment... whatever."

"You two knock it off. We have a Center to get to and we have our own injured to tend to."

Champ and Adrian fell silent as that was mention.

Miguel went down after a nasty battle with a persistent trainer that wanted to fight Jason's team. Adrian took the trainer's team down after what happened to his surrogate father. He was only conscious a few times, Revives were not helping any, Jason feared that the Scyther's carapace was cracked and it was hurting to badly to remain conscious.

They moved quickly through the town, thanks to a new GPS app, and went right for the PokèCenter. Once there, Jason relinquished his entire team plus the two ‘eons to Nurse Joy and waited. The obvious two stayed behind, along with Miguel. Joy frowned as she told Jason what the examination machine found. Jason asked her to do what ever she could to help him heal. Miguel would lose his wings and gain a scar on his back where Joy and her Chanseys would have to go in and fix his nervous system and other major organs. She asked him if he had a Metal Coat, he hesitated only a second then pulled out what Adrian's mother gave the Scyther. He would have to use that to gain his wings back, or so she said.

A wingless Scyther would not live long they were too sluggish to avoid predators or, in Miguel's case, trainer Pokèmons' attacks. He let Adrian back out then they were led to an observation room were the operation would take place. A Happiny sat beside a machine Jason knew was a trainer's trade machine, Joy would use that to get the bug to evolve and allowing Jason to gain the substitute Pokèmon's full data into his Pokèdex.

She placed a mask over Miguel's face and let him rest a moment, his eyes went still. She rolled him over gently then took what looked like a bolt cutter to his carapace taking off the wings and opening his back. White goo filled the bug's insides, it did not flow like blood, but it was still enough to turn Jason's stomach. He forced himself to watch, she pushed inside the still body and found the damaged systems then had her helper Chansey use a tool that lit up brightly and stuck it against the organ.

What seemed like hours, ended silently. Jason checked his watch, only an hour had passed. Joy patched up the Scyther with a torch like object then put the item into Miguel's mouth and retracted him into his ball, she then went to Happiny and did the same. She set the machine and let it do its thing, Jason's Pokèdex buzzed once the trade was complete, he did not check it. Joy brought Miguel out, he was still unconscious, he evolved into a red Scizor. With wings. She retracted him then sent him back through the machine, the Pokèdex buzzed again. He smiled weakly as he felt like he just lost someone close to him and replaced them with someone new. Joy waved up at the Observation deck and motioned for him to come down. He and Adrian rushed down and pushed open the doors. They got there just in time to see the Chansey strap the bug to the gurney.

"You're lucky, another day and he would have died from an infection brought on by pooling blood."

"Thank you. When will he wake?"

"Anytime now. Follow Chansey to the recovery ward, you two can wait for him to wake there. I will also tell you when Officer Jenny arrives."

"Thank you. Oh, my card... I hope there is no other problems with him."

"There were minor injures, but the evolution should have taken care of them, once he wakes, I'll bring in a portable examiner to look."

"Thank you, again." Jason passed on his card then ran to catch up to Adrian and the gurney.

They waited silently for a half hour, Miguel stirred and looked up at the ceiling. Adrian towered over him the moment he opened his eyes. The Lucario smiled down at him. He did not remember what had happened.

"Hey, shiny, Joy said you had barely a day left of life. She had to saw off your wings just to fix you up." Adrian said quietly in his native tongue.

"As long as I live, how ever that may be."

"She even made you evolve, just so you could be normal. Well... normal for a Scizor."

"WHAT!" Miguel fought his restraints for a moment.

"Easy, you still need to rest, the injuries were internal. If you move wrong, you could injure yourself again."

"Can I at least look at myself?"

"Not until the Nurse says you can be free, I'll try to get a mirror until then."

Jason went to rub Miguel's shoulder then nodded to Adrian. "I'm going to see if I can check in on those two. I'll be back soon."

Jason left the two alone. He found Joy at the front desk tending to a young boy's Vulpix. It had a splinter in its nose. While he waited, he opened a spot on his belt just in case, sending Stan to storage. He walked up after the boy left then checked on the two ‘eons and asked for his card back. She shook her head as she handed over the card. As if on cue, Jenny stormed in with a limping Growlithe. She muttered something to the Pokèmon then went to the counter. While the pup went to lay in a corner. Jason greeted her, but all she gave was a grave look.

"Joy, I need to question the Espeon immediately. Her previous owner may have raped her and the Umbreon besides doing other crude acts to them."

"Jenny, she said the human had shoved objects into her and her sister." Adrian said as he walked into the room. "She also told me that they did not know if they were the only ones in his care."

"They were the only ones."

"This way..." Joy led Jenny away leaving the two standing there.

"She'll talk to you next." The Growlithe muttered.

Adrian shot the pup a concerned look. "Why?"

"You found them, helped them, then took responsibility for them. You may be one of us, but you act like a trainer. I pray they are giving them to your Alpha for safe keeping."


"Your human. You are a young thing. I see intelligence in you yet you do not use it. Much like my own pups."

"I see, how long have you been doing this? Working with the authorities?"

"My entire life, a whole fourteen years. I hit retirement though, so I just follow my Alpha around when there is no need for a force."

"Well, elder, I am glad to talk with you, but it seems your Alpha is returning."

Jenny came back with a little bit of blood running down her lip. "Lucario, those two demand your presence before they will talk."

"Adrian, the name is Adrian."

"Just come with me."

So he did, they went to a room near the back of the Center where the abandoned Pokèmon were gathered and waiting adoption, there on a table sat the two ‘eons waiting for Adrian to show before they would speak to any human. Espeon snarled as Jenny came in and readied to throw another Pokèball at her face. Adrian entered and told her to calm down. She dropped the ball but did not calm down.

"He's here, so answer my question."

"Yes that male forced us to mate, I would rather see him die then let him go through your ‘punishment.' He'll live and he will do this again."

"Only if he escapes his own cell. Now are you willing to be with any other human, one that would actually take care of you?"

Umbreon nodded while Espeon growled. "Why would we go with another human? Your kind just enslaves us and use us to your own liking."

"Not true, I am no slave and even Jason does not wish to be called master."

"But you do everything he tells you to, don't you?"

"No. Because he asks, he knows we are intelligent to make our own choices. He just wants a family." Adrian stared at the Espeon hoping to get through the abused skull of hers.

"Not all humans are evil, there are always those few, but the good outweighs the bad. Seems to me, your sister is more willing to try for a new life while you are stuck in the past."

Espeon growled then glanced at her sister, Umbreon stood strong and kept her eyes on Adrian. "I'm going with them like it or not, he saved me from being a victim of a possible hunter. I have to repay that favor someday." Umbreon said quietly in the native tongue making her sister cringe.

Adrian gave her a smile, she giggled and turned away slightly. "If your sister can see the good, why can't you?"

"Put it this way, if you want to stay with your sister, you will have to change your views. Either way, this session is done, come, Adrian, they need to work things out now. Besides, I have need to talk to you and your trainer."

"Yes, ma'am." Adrian followed quietly Jenny back to the lobby and collected Jason, of which they went to a more private room to speak.

Though being very cooperative, Jason got the hint the was being interviewed for adoption. Then Adrian got the same treatment, both answered truthfully. Jenny sighed and relaxed when she was done. She ran her fingers under her hat then looked at Jason. For a long moment, she was silent then she said what Jacob expected. She offered him the adoption of both Pokèmon since they both would be better off leaving the town behind them. He accepted, Adrian hugged him and refused to let go. Jason pried him off then asked Jenny if he could take the balls and collect the ‘eons. She nodded and escorted to Joy, got the balls, then took him to the adoption holding. They walked in to find Umbreon backed into a corner and Espeon holding the high ground.

Adrian pushed his way passed Jason and grabbed Espeon by the scruff of her neck, she howled and pulled her tail between her legs. She growled then tried to scratch up her captor's face, missing completely. He placed her on the floor in front of Jason then went to pick up Umbreon and comfort her. The dark one nuzzled the Lucario happily, she let the male pick her up and hold her more to her own advantage.

"No fighting. Like it or not, I'm adopting you and going to take you away from this town. You will listen to what I say. I am against harsh discipline but that does not mean I won't paddle your behind when needed, so if you want to act like an infant, I will treat you like one. Now, until I get you a more suitable ball, you have these to deal with. Return." Jason pointed the balls at the two, but they did not activate. He gave Jenny a questionable look, she shrugged. "Okay, these are not working. I only have one Great Ball on me."

"I have two regulars, here. I don't use them anyway, I took them from kids and was just going to give them to Joy but forgot."

He took them then tapped Umbreon first, she went in and stayed not wanting to disobey. Then he went for Espeon, she growled as he tapped her, went in and fought it. But could not break free. He sighed the looked at Umbreon's ball.

"Come back out." Jason popped the ball and released Umbreon from its confined space. "Let's see, I think I shall call you Shadow and your sister Moon. I see that fitting you at least. Alright, we have another family member to pick up then we can get out of here."

"Umbre." Shadow looked at Jason as though she awaited more instruction.

"Let's go. Thank you, Officer Jenny, I promise to show these two what a true trainer is like."

The two followed their trainer back to the recovery ward where a Chansey was found doing a follow up exam on the Scizor. She ignored the bug's growls and finished her exam, she looked at the tiny screen then glanced at Jason. She bowed slightly then moved aside to allow Jason by her. She then tugged on Adrian and motioned him to follow her. They went outside the room and closed the door.

"How are you feeling?"

"Sci zor..." Miguel turned his head away, he did not want to face his trainer.

"WHAT!" Adrian shouted from behind the closed door.

"That doesn't sound good. Don't worry, if they say you cannot travel or fight anymore, I'll send you to my mother so you can live there without all this stress."

"Zor!" Miguel shook his head.

"I know, but some things cannot be avoided."

"Jason, there's a problem, Chansey is getting Nurse Joy." Adrian slammed open the door before taking up pacing the halls trying to hold back the visible tears growing in his eyes.

Jason went out to the hall and to comfort Adrian, while Shadow climbed up the bed and got beside the bigger Pokèmon.

"Hey there, bug boy, I guess you are one of my new pack mates."

"Yeah, don't know for how long though. Take care of Adrian for me, if anything happens. He'll need a good friend especially after me."

"You place that kind of trust in me? And we hardly know each other."

"Our trainer trusts you to be out of your ball, that's enough for me. I do hope what ever is wrong with me can be fixed though. I don't feel sick or injured, but then I have not felt anything since the pain from my last battle so... I don't know."

"Here the humans come again. I better get down before they get mad."

"Jason, get mad? I haven't even gotten him really mad yet, doubt you could without killing someone."

Nurse Joy pushed into the room and an array of syringes filled with various antidotes and antibiotics. She rubbed Shadow's head before nudging her to the end of the bed. She then sterilized a weak spot on Miguel's steel like shell then started shoving the needle into the joint and pumped the bug full of everything she had brought in. Afterwards, she rubbed Miguel's joint and sighed.

"That will kill the starting infection and prevent others. You will be weak for a few days, but otherwise just fine. You are now able to move freely with your trainer." Joy undid the straps holding him down. She helped him sit up then left allowing Jason in the room once more.

She stopped him and whispered in his ear before she left completely. Jason sighed then smiled.

"Adrian, come here."

The Lucario did so.

"She misread the machine. He did have a serious infection, but with medicine today, it will be gone by tonight. Come on, let's go find us a place to eat then we can leave this town behind us."

That they did, they got a restaurant, thanks to Nurse Joy, and sat out in the afternoon sun. Jason brought out the rest of his team so they could join in, and mostly to meet Moon and Shadow. Shadow was the easiest to get along with, the Espeon, however, just wanted to stab someone and flee. With help from Adrian, she calmed and ate watching everyone's move. She was determined that someone was going to attack her. Shadow, was more worried about being told not to eat. She only ate her high protein meal after Jason told her to. He sighed, and knew it would be a lot of work to retrain these two. Shadow was eager to learn, that he could tell.

"Moon, why don't you just relax and enjoy the company for a while? It's better than being in the stuffy ball all day."

"So you can torture us?"

"Does anyone here look like they fear being out here? No. I only have punished one for back talking, haven't I, Miguel?"


"You have lived a life of punishment, you would not understand the difference of a loving hand punishing you to an unloving one. For now, I place you and your sister in Adrian's paws. Mind him and learn from him. I don't want to hear that you are not willing to learn what it is like not being punished for anything. I know that you are, and that stubbornness will be pushed away, here me?"

"Yes, master."

"And I ain't your master, I am your trainer. You are no pet nor a slave. You are a companion that relies on me to keep you healthy and strong so that you may learn. Finish eating guys, I'm going to go pay then we'll go."

Jason left, Moon growled moved closer to her sister. Adrian moaned, he knew that this task would cause him more trouble then it was worth. He finished his own plate and watched Shadow lick hers clean. He wondered just how many meals she was forced to skip because of that man. After a few prods, Moon went back to eating. Adrian clenched his fist as he forced himself to hold his own paw back from slapping her. Shadow, noticed this and cowered slightly, but something in her told her not to fear him. He was young and impatient, yes, but he was more experienced at life and for that, he was her teacher. She had to trust him for her own sake.

Jason came back with a grin, he withdrew Miguel first since he looked close to passing out then he took the sisters and Clair. Champ and Adrian shivered as they glanced at each other to share the same thought: Glad to be out of the female visage. Now they just wished to be out of public eye so they could let their guts sag, sort of speak. Being tough was a strain, but one that they held out of instinct in crowds. They moved on, and quickly got out of town, then they dove off the path and veered back to the mountains. Here, away from the public, Jason let out the females leaving Miguel to rest.

Champ moaned as Clair came up beside him and latched onto his arm, Jason smacked the backside of his head. Jason had been monitoring her status closely, her season was drawing near and another week she would be at the peak. He planned on keeping these two out so they could have the intimate moment. He nudged Champ ahead and motioned for the others to get ahead some.

"Clair, I need to know something. Are you thinking with a clear mind?"

She looked at him and grinned awkwardly.

"I have noticed your change in behavior, typical of a breeding cycle coming to its peak."

She sighed and lowered her gaze, embarrassed to admit it.

"You have acted like a tough warrior and now you are trying to fight your own body. I ask you to stop and let it come. I'll keep you and Champ out and alone at nights whether they like it or not, though I am afraid I may end up having to lock Moon's ball to keep her from fleeing on us. Beyond that, I want you and him to stick close to me during this hard time."

She growled lightly, just loud enough for Jason to hear it.

"It's not that I want to watch, I want to make sure no wilds try and take you for that reason. I know that Charizards can smell a female's cycle from a good thirty kilometers away, and I don't want to see you hurt by a large male. That's why I originally wanted a heavy water type to be with us. If anything, I would rather have you two stay in the tent with me and let Adrian take the watches for a while, he's old enough and he can sense the dangers easier with his Aura abilities anyway."

"Char." She reached for his hand and grasped it. He felt her quiver, she understood, he knew, yet she was scared.

"Thank you for understanding me."

They caught up with the others, Champ was caught again by a grasping arm. He sighed and let her do what she wanted, he did enjoy her attention, but she was beginning to get on his nerves. He could smell her change, but he wanted to remain focused on threats towards her. At least the bully they first encountered with her has not been seen again, yet he would gladly like to fight him just gain points on her judgment scale. He noticed that Adrian had an admirer as well, Shadow could not keep her eyes off him. While Moon just listened for anything foul.

When someone moved in a way that she did not like, she snapped at them. Adrian pulled her ear more than once trying to get her to behave. She did not like that. She even bit him, Jason smacked her across her rump then withdrew her. She howled as she went into the ball, her sister sighed then rubbed against Adrian trying to gain his attention. The kid was clueless on her advances, he just absently groped her head and scratched behind her ears.

When they stopped for the night, Shadow asked if she could stay out of her ball and get to know her mentor better. Jason wanted to question her motives, but decided against it. He allowed her to stay out as long as she behaved. Then he and Champ went to build the tent, they went to gather wood. Clair stayed behind, though she had to promise to hide in the tent to help mask her scent. Adrian pressed his abilities as far as he could and scoped for anything that could be considered a threat, he only found an Ursaring in its den asleep. As far as anyone was concerned, it could remain there. Adrian sat down and settled into a meditative poise, that was when Shadow took advantage of the time away from Jason and advanced him.

"May I ask you something?" She asked quietly as she rubbed her tail under his muzzle.

"What?" He tried to ignore her but it could not hold long.

"Do you find me attractive? We are compatible for young, you know, and I find you rather... intriguing."

"If you are trying to get me to be your mate, you will not succeed, I may know how the act proceeds, but my body is not ready for such a thing. You would be better off finding a male that is more experienced and would fit your... profile better."

"But does that mean I might have a chance with you?"

He could tell he was not going to get through to her negatively. "You might if you meet certain requirements for my liking. And no, I will not tell you what those are. Now, let me be so that I may resume my task."

"Fine, see if I care."

"You will..."

Champ and Jason returned and got the fire going strong. Jason sent Champ to the tent to tend to Clair's needs while he started cooking. A muffled moan soon came from the tent as the two Charmeleons got closer to each other. Jason fought hard not to interrupt them he slowed the cooking down some so the two could have more time. Adrian, out of the entire team, seemed to be the only one interested in the noise. He peered into the tent with his ability and saw what they were doing. He blushed and pulled away from them. He rose and quickly rushed off behind a bush to hide. No one noticed his departure except for Shadow, she grinned then followed him. She caught him rubbing his paw along his groin and biting his lip. She smiled and snuck around to his front.

Jason sighed as he felt himself move within his jeans, pheromones that affected humans were at high enough levels to attract all sorts of trouble. He looked for Shadow and Adrian, he cursed then saw the Lucario's head lunge backwards in a silent gasp. He let Moon out then tapped her on the back. She glared at him.

"Knock it off. Now tell me, how impulsive is your sister?"

Moon sniffed the air and immediately realized what he meant. "That bitch... she wouldn't do that to a premature... no way she would."

"Go take a look behind that bush and see then, Champ and Clair got it started I think."

Moon did so, though she watched her every move like she expected to have things thrown at her. She gasped as she quietly made her way through the bush and peered through to the other side. She went back to Jason, mouth agape, and just sat.

"Are they doing what I expect?"

"Not really, um... she's... tasting him. We've never done that for the last human... where did she pick that up?"

"Don't know, but let them be. It will be good for them, you have seen what it is like to break free of bonds. I have not forced anyone here, are you willing to give me a chance now and let me be your trainer or do you still consider me a slaver?"

"At this point, I don't know, I cannot see anything different other than your handling. I cannot trust you, I know I have to... ‘obey' you, but don't expect anything from me. To be honest, I still would rather run than be here, but I won't leave my sister. It's the only thing that keeps me on the level. Would punish me if I ever did anything you did not approve of?"

"No. Unless you absolutely deserve it, no. The most I ever have done that was physical, was backhanded Miguel for back talking. I don't anger quickly. Let's leave it at that. Now that that is out of the way, I would like you to try to gain ground with everyone else. I rather see you become a part of this family instead of being a rouge."

Moon said nothing, she just got up and walked away to gain some personal space. Jason could tell she was in shock, not expecting her sister to do something like that on her own. He sighed, at least he had a decent moment with her even if it was brief. He let Miguel out of his ball, he rubbed the Scixor's shoulder and handed over a ladle for him to stir with. Then Jason went to peer into the quieted tent, he found Champ laying next to Clair on his back with a smile on his muzzle, Clair herself looked sated.

"You two done?"

"Chaar..." Champ muttered then rolled over then clambered out and went to the fire. He positively glowed, his tail had a blue tint to it.

Jason picked Clair up and sat her on her feet. She let out a puff of smoke then gave him a lick before joining the two males, her scent had changed even to Jason's nose. But for how long, mating was only a temporary solution to Char's heat. At least until the female becomes pregnant, if that happened, Jason had to seriously think about sending someone either to storage or to his mother. He would rather send mother a Pokèmon, and right now, Miguel fit the need to go. At least until he was healthy again. He sighed, then dug into his pack and pulled out his Pokèdex.

He thumbed through the stats of his team, he rose a brow as he looked at Champ's. He had gained a lot of experience lately, and compared to Clair, he gained a lot of experience and came close to evolving. Even she rested on the edge of evolution. He grinned, he went back to Champ and knelt beside him and showed the Chameleon his stats. He went wide-eyed and looked at his trainer.

"Come on, let's go fix that." Jason winked. "Adrian, once you two are done over there, join the others. Miguel, you're in charge. Moon, come mope over here, it's getting dark and we don't need you lost out here."

He and Champ wandered away from camp in search of a wild Pokèmon strong enough to give Champ the needed experience to get his strength level up so his body would allow the change. They found a small pond where the Poli evolutions gathered, mostly Poliwags, but the one that caught Jason's eye was the Politoed in the middle of the pond croaking away. It seemed to be the leader of the community. Jason walked up to the water and kicked a stone in the decently still water.

"Hey, Politoed, may we ask for a battle? My friend here is in need of a good fight."

The froglike Pokèmon looked at him then at the fire breather behind him. It seemed to chuckle then dove down and quickly swan to shore. It came out and stared at Jason just out of arm's reach.

"The loser will get a Revive and be healed." Jason pulled the two items from his pack and held them. "I will also not intervene the battle. Strictly on you two to decide how to fight."



"I'll stay here, begin when ready."

Champ backed away from his trainer and stood on a higher bank. He crouched as he waited for his opponent to make its move. Jason watched silently and emotionless. The Politoed rushed up and spat out a stream of bubbles and then moved out of range with it waited for Champ to move. Champ took the hit to gage his opponents strength, it barely did anything to him. He wiped his face then took a deep breath before launching out into a Dragon Rage. The attack struck the target, the water type Pokèmon looked shocked as it stumbled back a bit then it retook the ground.

It grappled Champ and tossed him to the ground where it proceeded to pound him. Champ growled, now getting annoyed. The Pokèmon was too weak to consider a real threat, he took the small headache and returned it with a face full of Ember. The Politoed squealed and backed away, swatting at its face. It dove into the water then came back with a red mark across its face.

Champ shrugged and waited, Politoed rushed in a angry fit. Champ stopped it with a fist then a tail sweep, he then grabbed his opponent's feet and swung it around. Gaining speed with each twist until he was satisfied, he spat a small, but constant stream of fire letting the heat dry out his victim before launching it into a tree slightly uphill of the pond.

The thin tree snapped landing underneath the Politoed. It did not get back up. Champ groaned, he hoped it would come back after him. With a silent curse, he went to drag the Pokèmon over to his trainer to be healed. That is, if it survived the final attack. Jason did as he promised and waited patiently as Politoed came to. The Pokèmon moaned and grunted as Jason sat it up.

"Thank you, short as it was, it was indeed good to watch. I am sure you have learned something as well."

"Poli..." It limped off after its vision came back.

"Char." Champ stated quietly after the amphibian had left earshot.

"Be nice, at least it accepted. Come on, I'm sure Miguel is willing to kill someone soon if we don't get back. Maybe we'll get lucky on the way back." Jason looked at the stats one more time and broke into laughter before closing it and smacking Champ on the back. "One point standing between you and full body maturity. If only you could convince your body to ignore that one point, eh? We'll find some tiny bug to flick on our hike back, I'm sure of it."

Champ grumbled then moved back to the path they made earlier. Jason caught up and shrugged as Champ glanced at him. He went silent as Champ took point and led the way to camp. They entered the camp with the fire burning bright and Clair dishing out the soup. He gladly took a bowl and sat down then ate. Champ slouched down beside Clair and rubbed her tail with his. She looked at him worriedly but said nothing to upset his silence.

"Fear, anger, and sadness flows out of you, Champ. If you wish to speak you mind, I am here." Adrian said quietly as he sipped from the bowl.

Champ glanced at Clair then to Jason, without the words, Adrian knew what was on his mind.

"Don't worry, nothing is wrong here." He glanced across the fire to steal a look at Shadow and her sister lapping from the same bowl, he smiled and ate slowly from then on.

Jason finished his skimpy meal and used a leaf to clean his bowl out, he gathered the bowls and shoved them into the depths of his pack. He then got those who wished to sleep in their balls in them, which was only Miguel, then he told Adrian he had first watch then Shadow could take over. Moon laid next to the fire as Jason and the two Chars went into the tent. Jason stripped down to his underclothes then slid into his bag, before closing his eyes, he wished his team a peaceful night then watched the two Chars through his eyelashes to see if he could not catch a glimpse of an intimate moment before he faded. He witnessed a kiss and a hug before they, too, settled down and slept.

Shadow curled up next to Adrian while her sister stared at him trying to figure out why her sister had become attached to him from first sight. She peered into his mind trying to read his thoughts without his knowledge, he felt the probe and latched onto it with a chuckle. He pulled her into his earliest memories and gave her a tour of his short life so far. She gasped when she saw Jason offering him the Pokèball through the Riolu's eyes, she even experienced the day with his mother and learned even more about how Jason and other trainers treated each other and Pokèmon. By the time he released her, she was crying.

"Probe anyone, they will show you the same. We are a family, not master and pets. You are welcome to join your sister at my side for the night and stay warm. Just know that I hold no emotions towards you or her as you think. I am my own tool, I do not seek a mate as of yet in my life."

"I understand... now. I've been a fool, after watching myself in your eyes... I have been a fool among fools. I shouldn't remain here, but I must. It is our duty, is it not? To protect the humans that protect us?"

"It is."

Moon rose and joined Adrian and her sleeping sister. Tears still flowing silently. She stretched up and gave the Lucario a lick then curled up resting her head on his lap. "I don't feel that I deserve it, but... will you forgive me for my behavior?"

"Of course."

"Do you think the others will do the same?"

"I assume so, but do not worry so much over such things. Right now all you need to worry about is getting sleep. Jason and I will worry about the rest."

"I can't, it's my nature. I can'tâ€"

"You can change if you really want to, now sleep."

"Fine. I got to ask, though: if you are so young, how can you be so mature?"

"You watched my life, and yet you cannot answer that?"

She sighed then closed her eyes, she knew she would not get any further with him. Which was fine for now, but she still had to pursue the forgiveness of the others. Now only to get back what she missed in life. She finally succumbed to sleep while Adrian rubbed the nape of her neck. He grinned as she finally rested, then he prodded Shadow's head. She woke slowly, she took over the watch as requested then and allowed Adrian to sleep.

Come sunrise, Jason was the first to stir. He brought the fire back to life and reheated the soup for breakfast. He glowed himself, he woke to a face full of cuddling and hugging while those two slept. He felt very grateful that those two had come to terms and became closer, nothing could make him feel happier for them save an egg. He stirred from his thoughts as Moon shifted and rolled away from Adrian and her sister.

She came over to the fire and stretched before its warmth. They looked at each other silently for a brief moment before glaring into the fire. Jason opened his mouth several times trying to break the ice, but could not think of what to say. She finally did the task bluntly.

"I'm sorry."


"For my attitude... I've been a bitch, I'm sorry."

"Then I am too. I've could have done more to see you through the transition. I've been told that living in a loving environment is what helps the most, but I must admit, you two are the first abused I've ever seen. I never been around such things, so I do not know what it is like."

"We've been the opposite. She latched on faster, it took Adrian forcing his own life on me to see my errors. I been awake most of the night either crying silently or cursing my arrogance."

"I would say you've been too rough on yourself. I have a task for you, dig deep into my mind. I want you to see what I have been through and why I am the way I am. It is hard to tell you, but I am willing to show you."

"I don't know if it is possible, but I will try, I never tried entering the mind of a human. I always feared being killed slowly for it."

"I won't force you."

Moon sighed then concentrated on Jason. He stared at her feeling a slight pressure on his head growing into a migraine like pain. Then he found himself in his earliest childhood memories, though instead of being the one doing everything, he was an observer. He could not turn away, locked in place as though a ghost. He felt something rub against him then it felt as though it was a part of him briefly.

"You were a cute cub, for a human."

"Thanks... I think."

The memories jumped, as they skipped to another important moment, the last was of a birthday. This was when Jason learned to ride a bicycle. That was when he had broken his wrist, he forgot all about that day. As the boy cried out bloody murder, Jason wanted to go comfort the childself, he felt himself cry as he watched. His father came rushing over to him and picked him up, the man cooed the child as they rushed down the street to the small town's healer. Not being a large enough populace, they could not get a PokèCenter built.

Jason now remembered why he did not remember the day, a Hypno was there and made him forget, the pain, the day, everything. The healer used some odd tools on him and fixed the break then the Pokèmon used a healing type move he did not recognize over him to completely heal the break. Jason would have to ask his mother of the day later, this was more confusing than anything else.

Next came his first kiss, a visitor of a neighbor had been trapped by wild Pokèmon on the outskirts of town. He rushed up to the attackers and scared them away. The girl thanked him with a full tongued kiss then she ran off to be with her family. He tried to remember her name, but she never told him.

Then came the day of his tenth birthday, the gathering of his family minus his father. He was shocked to see this again, he never wanted to remember this day. The day his mother told him of their divorce. It hurt him dearly, to see his father gone. His day was ruined, his entire family let him be as he coward away in the kitchen crying to himself. Then came Sky, his mother's Skitty, he always cheered him up. Cuddling with him and playing odd games with him. He was very intelligent, Jason always wanted to speak with him and have a true conversation with him. Jason loved him as a brother.

Memories jumped again, now was the day he left home, he hugged his mother goodbye promising to return someday with a family of his own. She smiled and told him to be careful and mindful of his emotions. He agreed. Then they parted, he rushed through the thickets to the main road and followed it nonstop to the next town where he met Champ. Then they watched how Jason defended Clair after he claimed her. Moon pulled away after that.

"I... I don't know what to say. I've seen more than I ever would have thought. Though after seeing that Skitty, I am curious about him. I would like to meet him."

"I bet you would. Let'sâ€" Jason's words were cut off as Champ rushed passed them.

The Charmeleon tripped and slid to a stop. His body started to glow, the others woke at the sound and watched silently. Champ got up and cried out in pain as bulges formed on his back. A fleshy ripped sounded as wings formed, his body stretched with sounds of popping bones. His tail flame flared and grew, his cry deepened into a roar. The wings curled around him as they lengthened, then with a flair, the wings shot open sending the evolutionary glow away. Champ gasped as he looked over his new body, he swallowed roughly as he caught sight of the others, he smiled showing his sharp teeth. Clair stood wide-eyed at the transformation, fear or shock, no one could tell save Adrian and he would not speak of it.

"Well, congratulations, Champ. Now you're officially taller than me. Test your wings, pal, they're a part of you and you need to learn how to use them. Then we can take a trip home, we all need a quiet stop where there are no trainers haunting us for battle."

"Raaaawr!" Champ clamped his jaws shut and covered his muzzle with sharp claws.

"Well, I see someone is not used to their roaring. Let it out, let the world know you're here!"

Champ drew a deep breath and let out a massive roar that shook the leaves above him. He leaned back once he was out of air and panted, then he saw Clair. She had gone pale and came close to wetting herself, he shrunk back and pointed to her. Jason looked and saw, he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure he does not hurt you." Jason passed a wink to Champ then turned back to Clair. "Perk up, it's still Champ. Now he's rideable, go on, take him for a joy ride. Just be careful you two."

Clair ran back towards the tent only to be stopped by Jason.

"I don't think so, I need you to get over this. I can tell you fear mature males, but you know him, this is plain silly."


"She is sorry, but her fear is too overwhelming." Moon piped up reading the Charmeleon's thoughts. "She fears being... a nester. I'm sorry Clair... I know how it feels to be forced to servicing a male."

Clair shrunk back trying to break Jason's grip.

"Clair! Stop this right NOW!" Jason shouted making the females to gasp and cower. "I am your trainer, I expect you to listen to me. I don't like being harsh, but if that is what it takes..." Jason sighed heavily. "I won't hesitate to use my belt, you know this. I have said it before with Miguel, and I say it to you now. I know discipline and I am not one to use it. Push me hard enough and you will force my hand to action. Now get over this nonsense."

Clair went even paler as she saw the growing anger in Jason's eyes, she knew she had hit a nerve by fearing his main partner. She drew a breath and stopped fighting. Again, Jason sighed and eased his grip. Clair moaned lightly as she stared at the larger male. She took a step forward but stopped as a roar from the sky startled her. Everyone looked up and saw a huge crimson figure glide overhead, Jason started to recall his team, leaving Moon and Champ out. He did not want to be caught in a male's territorial protection instinct without his own protection. He doubted that Champ was a match for a wild Charizard, he had to do something and fast, he dug into his bag and pulled out a few battle enhancers he had picked up from the Routes and readied them for use. The male came down and marked his territory, the limp shaft, as Jason could tell, was as wide as both of his fist put together and as long as his forearm. He gulped, he had to protect Clair now. Champ backed up closer to Jason while Moon hid behind Jason preparing herself to entangle the fierce male with her psychic powers.

Champ threw up his claws and chuckled lightly. The male growled and flared his wings to make himself appear even bigger. Champ fought the urge to mimic him, he wanted to stay out of a fight. As did Jason, Moon threw up a light barrier and focused her concentration onto it. The male charged then stopped suddenly as he slammed into the barrier as though it was a plane of glass, he moved trying to get around it but found himself becoming trapped. Soon the male was encompassed by an invisible box of barriers.

Moon started to wobble as her strength ebbed, Jason took the hint of what she was doing and threw his one and only Great Ball. Barrier and all went in, a long moment passed as it rocked. Moon held strong, then the ball clicked as the male was caught. The Pokèdex buzzed and the ball vanished as the technology sent the male into storage.

"That was a cheap shot, Moon, but thanks. I'll call him Rex and let's keep him hidden from Clair for now."

Moon let out a purr like sound then fell over, exhausted.

"You need to rest, back you go. Alright, there's going to be a vacuum here, let's get the tore down, just make sure our things are put away and the fire's out, I'll go for the tent. We'll fly out."

Champ looked at him for a moment then went to his tasks.

You got to be kidding me. Champ thought to himself. I just got my wings and he's wanting me to fly him. This will not be pretty, I know it.

After the camp was put away, Jason slung his pack over his shoulder then climbed onto Champ's back. The Charizard grumbled then flapped his wings and gained some lift. They shot upward above the trees and flew away towards the closet town where they could hire a strong psychic, hopefully, to use Teleport on them to send them back to Vecillium where they could easily fly home. They made a tumbling landing at the town of Heckhil, the perfect spot to hide and find psychics to help out.

Jason looked on his Pokètch for the Center but found that the town itself was not in the system. He did not argue much as he saw the kind of Pokèmon he was searching for just walking about normally. Champ panted as he straightened and folded his wings, he looked over Jason's head and spotted what looked like a merchant tempting people and Pokèmon alike to come closer. He growled as he saw a pickpocket score a small amount of cash.

"Yeah, I saw it too. Come on, and watch my back." They searched for a Center but it seemed that this unmarked town had only an herbal healer. They wandered into the shop and went to the clerk and waited for them to be noticed.

The clerk looked at them briefly then took his time to put away his book then straightened his meager coat up before speaking. "Welcome stranger, to my Herbal Remedies shop, how may I help you?"

"We are in need of the service of a trustworthy psychic to teleport us to Vecillium."

"Sir, I can smell your own psychic type on you, you could use it to do that and save yourself a hefty handful."

"How can you ‘smell' psychic types? Never mind, I don't think she is strong enough to teleport us."

"Never know ‘till you try, because to be real honest, there is no one to trust in this town. If you're smart, you would shove your finances into that dragon's gut for safe keeping while you spend time here. He may not be a psychic type, but that does not matter when an angered dragon starts rampaging."

"I'll see if she can then. Thanks. Have you got any potions?"

"Just the herbs, they're quite bitter though."

"I'll take a dozen minor healers and a dozen revitalizing mixes then. Never know when you have to have an emergency supply."

"Ah, then I'll give you the powders, mix them with water before use. They'll last this way for just that."

"Thanks again." Jason paid for the supplies then moved outside to let out Moon.

She looked around as her senses were flooded by so many psychics touching her mind. She started to panic but Jason kept her from running amok as he picked her up and cradled her. Jason and Champ moved to a less crowded area before quizzing her. She moaned as he put her down and told he needed her to concentrate.

Jason told her what she had to try to do. She stared at her trainer in disbelief, he nodded then leaned against Champ. The dragon let out a contented growl as he looked upon his teammate. She shook her head at the Charizard then sighed.

"Fine, I'll try. But I don't know what will happen, my sister always did the funky stuff." She edged closer to the males, then touched both their minds and their bodies as she concentrated on their memory of the destination at hand. She gasped as her powers kicked in and sent them, painfully, through a dark tunnel like area and coming back out in front of the Vecillium PokèCenter. "Damn, I did not know I could do that. Are you two alright?"



"Good. Now that I think of it, I think Sis and I was hatched here. Can she come out?"

Jason released Adrian first then Shadow. "There you go, but before we do anything, Moon, I want to make sure everyone is up to par. The last time we were here we made an enemy." They walked inside the Center and a Chansey greeted them. She took Clair and Miguel first off and sat them on the scanner of the machine. They came back as normal as can be, then the others had a portable scanner ran over them. No anomalies. Jason thanked Chansey as he ran his card through the reader then they went scoping the town. Champ just looked for one particular couple that he would gratefully burn to a crisp.

"Maybe we'll be lucky and those two will still be in custody."

Champ grumbled and looked at a building that he did not notice the last time they where there.

"They build fast here... don't they?"

Champ nodded. They followed Moon through the town to a large unmarked building, but it was busy with all kinds of people. Jason asked Champ if he wanted to go back into his ball while they went inside. He judged the building then himself then nodded, feeling like he would be too large for many of the rooms. They went in and found that this was the country's headquarters for SilphCo. It was rather new and still had yet get their sign.

The courtesy worker greeted them as they walked up. She noticed Moon and Shadow and looked at them curiously. She left the desk to come around to see them closer. She smiled as she saw the eyes of the two then rubbed their heads. Then she looked at Jason with the same look.

"Young man, how did you procure these two?"

"They were abused and I adopted them being that I was the only outsider in town at the time of their last trainer's arrest."

"I see, well, sir, these two are twins. I recognize the soul in their eyes. I bet they hardly remember me."

"We remember you, Sally, you were our mother figure." Moon sat back and looked at the woman.

"Ah yes, I always forget that most psychic types can projects their thoughts onto our minds. Here, on me. The latest Pokètch App, it judges your party to see how they would react with each other."

"Thanks. Umm, is there an App that checks on a female's status?"

"Breeding wise? Not yet, but they do test the same for humans. Just go to the department store in the Family Planning section and pick up a test."

"Gee, thanks. Exactly what a guy wants to hear."

"Sorry, each species is far too different, it would take a whole device to come up with that information."

"That's fine, I'm just self-conscious about going near those type of things."

"Just a part of life, if you do not want to do the test yourself, the Centers to the testing as well."

"Thanks for that. But, umm, we better get going. We do have a long flight ahead of us." Jason backed away slowly. "Come on. Thanks again, Sally, bye."

"Goodbye, and keep these two safe."

"I will," Jason walked out, Adrian ushered his charges out and caught up with him.

Jason shivered slightly then recomposed himself. Adrian placed a paw on his shoulder and offered to carry the device if they were to pick it up. Jason told him that he did not want to go get the test for he was afraid people would think he got someone pregnant. Adrian questioned his trainer's logic but did not receive an answer. Jason sighed then directed everyone to the shop where they gathered supplies and a box of the testing applicators.

The store clerk looked at him when he brought up the merchandise then at the tests. He asked the trainer if it was for human testing ever so quietly, Jason told him that it was for his Charmeleon. The clerk smiled then went around the counter carrying the box and got a different type and brought it up. He simply said that the one he picked up would not pick up the chemicals needed in his female then rang everything up. Jason smiled especially when he saw the bill being half of what he thought it was then paid for it.

He realized that he would soon need to find a job soon to replenish his funds. With a smile, the four left the building and switched out with Champ. Then Jason and Champ took to the air and headed west to his home. It barely took a half hour to get over the town and land beside the house Jason pointed out. Jason then let out the rest of the team and made sure they all had clean paws before going to the door. Jason knocked and waited.

A middle aged woman opened the door with a Skitty that had seen plenty. "Well, well, you did what you said you'd do. You've gotten a family of your own."

"Well, almost, I have no kids yet and don't plan on it. Um, you know Champ as a stringy, hyper Charmander... well that's him now. Clair is my other fire tail as the others call them. Miguel and his surrogate son, Adrian, then his charges, Moon and Shadow. Can I ask a favor of you, mom?"

"Sure dear."

Jason pulled out his tests and then shoved Clair forward. "Can you test her? I am not sure what to do."

"Sure. Come with me, Clair, we'll get this over with. Come on in, everyone, make sure your feet are clean. I don't like tracks on my carpet."

"Already checked'em. Um, Champ, watch those wings. You may be small compared to most males right now, but still."

Champ grumbled then fought hard to keep his wings against his body. After a bit, he succeeded then followed the others inside where he quickly found a spot to lay down and stayed there. Clair and his Jason's mother joined them once more. Clair immediately went to cower behind Jason when she saw Champ. Jason harrumphed then pulled her over to Champ and told him to hold her.

"So, Jason, what brings you here besides a test that any nurse could do at a Center?"

"It was an excuse to come home. Besides I wanted you to meet the gang and see how they like it here... Where's Moon? Please don't tell me she found Sky. I really don't want to care for two eggs."

"Don't worry, if it does happen, I am more than willing to take their egg. We both need a young sprite here to lighten the mood."

"Speaking of that, I would like to know if you are willing to watch someone for me for a while."

"I could, but the trainer system would still register that Pokèmon as a party member. Unless you release or trade, I can't do that."

Jason sighed then noticed Miguel was staring at him. "I'm worried about your health, I don't want to see you die because of something stupid we do."

"He knows, sir, we all feel the same." Adrian spoke out for Miguel. "He just doesn't want to leave."

"It wouldn't be permanent, only until the egg hatches so I can pass the little one to mom. Or even find someone I know who would be good to raise it."

This caused both Champ and Clair to protest. The room looked at them, Champ went on then Clair followed leaving Adrian to translate.

"They both would rather die before letting their first-hatched be sent away to an unknown trainer."

This made Jason fall silent as he dwelled into his thoughts. He did not learn anything through school that a trainer could not have an wild Pokèmon following them. He could play godfather and protect the offspring, but then one of them would have to be out making sure that it would be safe. He looked at Clair as he thought of possible ways that would rip the relationship apart between the three of them. Finally he collapsed mentally.

"Fine, the only way I can think of a way to keep everyone happy is to leave the young uncaught and I leave one of its parents out to help guard it. Though, Clair, if it does come to that, I insist that you evolve as soon as you can. Otherwise, trouble will stir."

Clair reluctantly agreed to this.

Jason's mother looked at her watch and rose. "The test should be registered now, after that, I'll start supper. I have a few things I want to try."

"Okay, I'll have the guys start setting the table. Shadow, Clair, find Moon and then head to the kitchen and see if mom needs help. Boys, come with me."

They split up as directed, it did not take Shadow long to find her sister. Moon was talking to Sky learning more about her new trainer. Sky eagerly talked, being that he had only the neighbors to talk to and they all saw the same thing daily, he was bored. Shadow and Clair broke up the conversation long enough to tell them that they were needed. The two moved side by side towards the kitchen where the small group then helped out by either being an extra cook or being a gopher and gathering the necessary items for everyone. The males came in every once in a while to gather dishes that Jason's mother pointed out the heavier items, Champ or Jason was called in for.

When everything was finished and they had sat and dished out the meals, Jason's mother spoke of the test results. Clair sighed, negative, though she wanted young, she did not feel ready. Champ covered his face as he took the news harder than he thought he would. Moon peered into Clair's mind again when she noticed the smaller Fire Tail seem happy at the bad news. She gasped when Clair shot across the room and picked her up by the throat. The Charmeleon growled ignoring the claws of the Espeon.

"Sorry..." Moon wheezed out. "I invadedâ€"

"Clair! Put her down!" Jason shouted as he watched, he held Champ back as he looked up and started to move. "She could easily release your grip by force, I would rather see you do it on your own."

Clair squeezed then dropped her, she turned tail then left the room. A door slammed closed a few moments later.

"Champ, follow her and make sure she stays close by."

He didn't hesitate as he went after her.


"I'm fine. She's not. She has an embedded idea that you're trying to become like her father and try to own her completely. Forcing her to be nothing more than a nest warmer. She did not want it out, but I had no choice at this point. I think she might do something rash because of what I did."

"Jason, the well is open still!" His mother gasped.

"Adrian, go. Moon, come on, you too Shadow and Miguel. Time's short."

Adrian and Jason's mother went out the back to guard the only open water source in town while the others went to help Champ keep her safe. Jason stepped out the front and at first did not spot Champ, but then he saw the flame of his tail. Then came the deep grumble of his voice as he talked to Clair. Then over the deep rumble came a high-pitched shout of Clair's that made Jason ran for them. The four came up on them to find that Clair was extremely upset and had lashed out at Champ. He stopped her claws just a hairbreadth away from his thin scaled chest.

Clair blinked up at him and then startled to sob uncontrollably. Moon nudged Jason, he knelt down and told her to inform Adrian, she did so in an instant. Jason rose then gently placed his hand on Champ. Clair just stared at Champ and cried. Jason waited it out just as Champ did, unmoving, waiting for her to calm herself. Then after a near ten minutes, Champ released her arm but did not stop the touch. He grumbled something to her and she nodded and slumped down.

Jason felt a sharp pain in his mind then Moon voiced herself to him. "Don't fight, I've been searching your mind for a while. I found what I've been looking for, just relax and listen..."

A moment later his ears started to ring loudly then they popped painfully.

"Tell me, love, you need to let it out." Champ spoke.

Jason went wide-eyed then turned to Moon whom nodded.

"I have remembered everything, since the day we met. I do not want to go back. Father wanted to kill me, mother is nothing but a breeder. Females are regarded lower than dirt. Here I have a life, even if I fear that of which you have become. I truly don't want to bring a new life into the world of which they will be bred for just clan reputation. I want a child because I want one."

Champ did not speak right away, dwelling on this outbreak. "Then I will keep everything to myself until you are ready, we may be a part of a trainer's team, but we still have our own lives."

"He's right, Clair, I won't force anything of you. I am to be the father figure here, not the master. You know that, I do my best to protect you and keep you happy." Jason said quietly, unsure of himself.

"See... wait. You understood us?"

"Moon's doing. You two may take all the time you need, we'll go back inside. Just don't leave the area." Jason and the others turned, Miguel clicked his mandibles as he wanted some kind of action. Shadow stared at her sister curiously, seeing something had changed in the Espeon as of recently. It was a good thing, but it was just not like her to change course so suddenly. That is why they escaped so many times on to be captured again and again. If it weren't for Jason and Adrian they would still be there. She grinned as they walked around back to get the other two.

"They're safe," Jason said as he rounded the corner. "She's in the arms of her mate. Let's go finish eating."

The family went in and reseated. They sat silently as they ate this time not wanting to start another fight. They polished off the food leaving enough for the two lovebirds who had yet to return. Moon excused herself and went to the family room where she found a spot by the door and waited for the safe return of Clair. She was sorry for what she did, but mostly because she let her own guard slip when she delved into Clair's thoughts. She made a mistake, that was what she was beating herself up for. The other male would have strung her up on the wall and whipped her stomach for such things.

That alone made her ease up on herself, the man was no longer a threat. She sighed and jumped onto the windowsill and stared out. With her thoughts clouding her senses, she had not noticed that Adrian had snuck up on her until he placed a paw on her back. He gently stroked her fur as he read her aura. Blacks, blues, violets, and greens surrounded her. Mixtures of hatred, fear, jealousy, and selfishness. He said nothing to her, he just stroked her calmingly.

Suddenly, he pushed his mind onto her and begged for her council. "I need your help on deterring Shadow, she is attractive, but I am not looking for a mate. I want one I could live with and spar with. I could not do her that way without fearing for her constantly."

"I'll speak with her, don't worry too much. You may just be looking at a friend with pleasuring benefits instead, perhaps that is what you should try to bring up before I talk to her."

"To be honest, I think I am more comfortable around males."

This broke Moon's glare to the outer world. "You mean that you would rather find a male as a mate?"

"I do not know. How could I know? Your sister is the first one I have ever let touch me in that way. I enjoyed it, but somehow..."

"It felt wrong?"


Moon rose and turned to Adrian, she nuzzled his cheek then gave him a small lick then jumped down and walked away. Leaving behind a perplexed Lucario depicting his possibilities. He grinned as he stood there staring out in her place. He let a chuckle escape before turning and leaving the room. He hummed a random tune lightly as he met up with Jason and his mother as they cleaned up. He joined in and started to dry dishes as Jason put them away.

Moon planted her voice into everyone's head as Champ opened the door and the two rejoined the family in their sanctuary, Clair laughed as she leaned against her lover and joked with him. Moon stood in the shadows as they passed by her. Clair just glared at her, Moon tried to apologize once more, but Clair would not have it.

Night fell quickly, the family gather in the family room and watched a movie, enjoying the tranquility of a true home environment before setting out once more. They eventually fell to the call of slumber, Shadow annoyed them with her glowing rings as the moon filled to its finest. Jason and his mother hugged each other before parting and going to bed themselves. Tomorrow would bring a new light to the trainer's life as now he understood his team better than any other trainer alive...

Psyched up to meet Momma

Jason, Champ and Miguel strolled into the town of Fluaton. The Scyther's attitude had changed dramatically since capture. The two free walking Pokèmon looked around and talked amongst themselves as their trainer led them to a PokèCenter. There, Jason...

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Scy-zing up the Differences

Three weeks have gone by, many battles have too. Jason, a young trainer walked side by side with his to Pokèmon Champ and Clair, both being Charmeleons. He found that the male/female attitudes definitely showed differences from the two genders. Champ...

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A New Adventure

A young boy, whom had just come of age, traveled the lands in search for adventures. His first stop was to the Professor's to get his travel companion and guardian. His young, energetic brown eyes scoped the lands as he traveled to avoid potential...

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