Brother's Bargain

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Rated E for Cub.

Commission for anonymous.If you enjoy my work, then please please PLEASE consider supporting through my Ko-fi here. Every small donation helps to keep me doing what I love.

"Shh! Keep it down, or he'll hear us!"

A pair of young fox cubs giggled to each other as they scooted across the floor of their parent's bedroom, looking underneath their bed and around the drawers of their end tables. They were on the hunt for something in particular: presents.

It was 5 months or so until Christmas, but the red fox siblings simply couldn't wait to see what their parents had bought for them. Their mother and father were notorious for buying gifts in advance, which often made them easy to find. On that fateful day, their parents had gone out for a meeting and their older brother, Lyle, had been left in charge of them. Neither of the cubs enjoyed Lyle being in charge: for a 12 year old, he could be demanding and bratty!

"Psst!" The girl of the duo, Ashley, gestured over her brother, Peter. The younger male cub shuffled across the room until the two of them sat on their knees in front of the wardrobe. Ashley had a feeling they'd be in there. Just as the 9 year old fox girl reached towards the handle, the door to their parent's room burst open. There stood Lyle, his hands on his hips.

"Drat! Lyle!" Peter squealed and flung himself towards the other side of the room in an attempt to crawl under the bed and hide. But it was futile; the two of them had been found out. Lyle sighed through his nose and folded his arms, tapping his bare foot against the carpet.

"Pair of you, front and centre. C'mon!" He demanded. After a moment of silence, Ashley slowly crawled over and sat in front of him, hanging her head. She knew she was in trouble. Peter eventually resigned to his fate and joined her, the 7 year old male cub fidgeting and staring at his hands. They looked dejected.

"Now, what will Mom and Dad say when they hear you've been trying to ruin the Christmas surprise all day?" Lyle pointed out, which sparked a whine from the pair of the fox cubs. They shuffled closer on their knees.

"Please don't tell them!" Ashley begged, her lower lip wobbling. She knew she'd be grounded for a month, perhaps even longer! She couldn't bear the thought of being stuck in the house for so long, unable to play video games or with her toys.

"We'll do anything!" Peter chimed, his tail curling between his legs, a sniffle escaping his nose. Lyle looked down at the two of them with a withering gaze, wondering what on Earth he was going to do with the two of them.

"Alright," Lyle sighed, moving his hands back to his his. "If you do exactly what I say for the rest of the day, until Mom and Dad come home, then I won't tell them. Agreed?" a "Agreed." The younger cubs spoke and nodded in unison. Both of them blew a long sigh of relief. Anything was better than getting told off.

"Alright then. Follow me." Lyle gestured, and he stepped out of the room, padding off down the hallway. Ashley and Peter got to their feet and quickly followed suit, being led into Lyle's bedroom. Clothes and toys lay strewn across the room, but he ignored all of that, turning to his two younger siblings.

"I want you get naked." He said it rather matter-of-factly, as if it were going to happen anyway. The two cubs stared at him, wide-eyed. They had always been told to wear clothes around the house, that it was wrong to scamper around naked. The only time they were really allowed to be as 'free as a bird' were when they were having a bath or a shower, or when they changed into their pyjamas. Ashley and Peter exchanged a nervous glance to one-another.

"Do you want me to tell them or not? If you don't, you have to do what I say." Lyle looked smug. He had a plan for the pair of them, and it required applying pressure to get what he wanted. At the mere thought of getting in trouble by their parents, the younger cubs slowly began to do as they were told.

Both Ashley and Peter were dressed rather plainly, sporting only the most basic of clothing: a T-Shirt and loose shorts. Outside might be cold, but the heating inside the house afforded them the luxury of not having to wrap up warm. Ashley tugged the T-Shirt over her head to reveal the thin vest she wore underneath, as extra protection for her growing breasts, though they weren't much of anything right now. Peter, on the other hand, was happy to remain topless, lacking any additional garments.

They hesitated, however, when they reached for their shorts. Not because they were anxious about being naked in front of their older brother, who they had seen naked themselves on multiple occasions in particularly innocent situations, but it was the smartphone that Lyle held in his hand that made them nervous.

"Are you taking pictures? That's..." Ashley murmured, smart enough as a 9 year old to know that that wasn't a thing people should do. Lyle grinned her from around the side of his phone.

"Relax! This is just insurance..." The older cub insisted, though it was half-truth: he planned the keep the photos and recordings for himself to enjoy at a later date, most likely. He vaguely gestured in their direction for them to continue, and they reluctantly obliged.

Peter was the first to discard his shorts, kicking them off his feet and standing there awkwardly in his tight blue briefs as Lyle circled them, capturing their nakedness from every angle. He focused in on Ashley when she tugged down her shorts, revealing the frilly white panties that effortlessly clung to her every budding curve, just barely outlining the contours of her mound. Lyle return to his original position, licking his lips.

"And the rest." He insisted, gesturing again. Ashley and peter tentatively looked to each other, before they removing their final articles of clothing. Ashley tugged the vest oer her head to reveal her tender nipples, and slipped her panties down to reveal her virgin entrance to her older brother. Peter shimmied out of his briefs to display his small sheath and plump, tiny balls, having not yet gone through puberty.

"Perfect." Lyle sounded pleased, stepping closer with the phone in his hand. He was recording them, of course, capturing all that he could before they noticed. He reached out to run his hand over their bodies, stroking along Peter's hip and sliding his fingers along the cub's sheath, making him shudder. He switched to Ashley, delicately tracing his fingers across her entrance, causing her to tense, before moving his hands up to her chest and rubbing a thumb over the nub of her nipple. He felt her react instantly to his touch, her nipples hardening under the simple brush of his digit.

Satisfied, Lyle stepped back and gestured over to the bed, implying they should get on it. Whilst they did so, Lyle stepped across the room and placed his phone in a landscape position on the small table opposite his bed, where his TV sat. He angled it so the phone could capture everything, before stepping away.

"No, no, on your hands and knees." Lyle insisted when he turned and saw them laying on their backs. They obliged and rolled over, balancing themselves on their knees and pushing their asses up. Peter's tail curled down instinctively to cover his intimate areas, but Ashley's tail hung lax, her ankles hooked over one-another. She looked nervous, but her cheeks were flushed with embarrassment.

The two of them craned their heads back to see Lyle quickly stripping himself out of his clothes, tugging the shirt over his head and ears and stepping out of his shorts with little ceremony. He tugged his boxers down and displayed his sheath, noticeably plumper than Peter's own. He stepped closer and licking his lips, admiring their bodys with a hungry gaze. Slowly, he clambered onto the bed, nestling down just at the foot end.

"Wonderful..." Lyle muttered, reaching out to hook Peter's tail up and cup his ass in both of his hands, squishing the flesh beneath his fingers. It was soft and malleable. Peter started to giggle and squirm against his brother's touch, complaining that it tickled. The older fox smirked to himself as he hooked his thumbs between the cheeks, spreading them a little to reveal the pink hole between. Peter tensed against the sudden spreading of his ass, and Lyle could see his pucker quiver and clench.

The older fox quickly switched over to Ashley, doing more or less the same, enjoying the roundness of her behind, the soft fur and supple flesh. He squeezed it in equal parts with both of his hands, before trailing his fingers down. He traced a digit against her entrance before reaching out with his other hand, using both of them to spread the entrance apart. Ashley sucked in a deep breath and Lyle felt her turn rigid against his touch.

"Okay. Flip back over." He insisted, and they did so, rolling back onto their backs and anxiously glancing towards each other, wondering what Lyle might ask them to do next. The fox climbed a little further up on the bed and manhandled them a little, moving them around until they were in an appropriate position. He ushered Ashley up towards the head of the bed, sitting mostly upright, and guided Peter down towards the foot of the bed.

"Here's what we're going to do," Lyle began. "Peter, I want you to slide under my legs and touch my penis. You got that?"

"The...huh?" Peter murmured, slowly sliding underneath his older brother and widening his eyes at the sight of a pink, red tip sliding from the older fox's sheath, throbbing to life before his very eyes.

"What's this thing?" The 7 year old remarked, reaching up to poke the tip. The member instinctively twitched against his touch and Lyle let out an exhale.

"Just hold onto it, and when it's big enough, start licking it." Lyle informed him. Peter nodded slowly and agreed to it, his eyes full of curiosity as he reached up, pressing his hands against the sheath, feeling the warm pulsing against his fingers. It was a peculiar sensation.

"...What're you going to do to me?" Ashley asked tentatively as Lyle shot her a suave, lidded expression, or at least the best kind of 'bedroom eyes' a 12 year old could muster. The older fox bower his head, resting himself on his elbows and knees, reaching his hands out to cup around Ashley's hips and draw her closer. She tentatively watched him for a moment as his mouth trailed further and further down, until his lips met with the soft, tender flesh of her mound.

A quiet, shuddering moan escaped her lips when she felt his tongue against her entrance, felt the way his warm, wet appendage smeared around her mound. Every fibre of her being quivered in delight, her muscles tensing, her breath hot and heavy. She'd never felt such exquisite pleasure before. She could feel Lyle's tongue probing her, spreading her lips apart and pushing against the sensitive inner flesh, wanting to sink deeper. She rolled her head back and let out another little whimper, her breath hitching in her throat. She was in heaven.

Peter, meanwhile, was driven by the curiosity of the growing member above him. Every little touch and stroke caused it to pulse in his hand, growing larger and larger until the base of the cock began to swell into a thick, bulbous knot. He admired the look of it for a moment as he slid his fingers against the sensitive flesh, watching the way Lyle's balls lightly tucked up against his body with each throb. He did as Lyle had initially instructed, raising his head and pressing his lips to the length. He stuck out his tongue, dragging it across the underside of the member. It tasted strangely odd, like nothing he'd really tasted before. He licked again, this time focusing on the top.

"Y-Yeah, just like that..." Lyle muttered, angling his hips downwards as the cock slid against Peter's tongue and down into his mouth. "Just watch the teeth, okay?"

As Peter tried his best to pleasure his brother, worming his tongue around every available inch, Lyle's tongue relentlessly slathered and licked at Ashley's entrance, worming against her, pushing between her lips to sink inside as much as he could. He could barely stick his tongue in an inch or two, but it seemed to make all the difference to Ashley, who began to squirm and whimper, muttering his nose, her breathing heavy and her gasps soft and delicate. She was clearly enjoying the treatment, so Lyle knew he was doing something right.

"D-Don't stop, don't..." Ashley panted, reaching a hand down and placing it on Lyle's head. The older fox closed his eyes and smiled to himself as he licked deeper and deeper, pressing his teeth against her flesh, the sensitive skin of her entrance, kneading it with his canines. Ashley felt like her entire body was on fire, her stomach quivering, sending shivers up her spine. Her entire skin prickled with an unfamiliar feeling and her inner walls quickly grew wet with arousal.

Peter's eyes widened when Lyle's hips suddenly raised up and pushed down into his mouth, the older cub slowly and steadily thrusting down against his tongue, his cock grazing the back of the cub's throat. The 7 year old reached up, placing his hands on the fox's hips and holding onto him as Lyle thrust down into his mouth. The young cub could hear his sister's moans of pleasure and soon hear Lyle's own groans of passion. He wasn't sure what they meant.

"Oh god. Oh, I'm...!" Ashley couldn't contain herself. She felt a feeling inside of her, like something was unfurling, and her entire body tensed. She violently shuddered and a moan ripped itself from her throat, her cheeks flushed with physical exhaustion. At once, her entire body relaxed as waves of bliss rolled over her, making her skin tingle, her delicate nipples standing on end. Her insides quivered and clamped, squeezing around nothingness as Lyle assaulted her entrance with his tongue, occasionally scraping across a delicate pink button hidden away just inside, which made the pleasure even more extreme.

Lyle's thrusts slowly began to quicken. His moans grew more intense amidst his own vigorous licking of his younger sister's mound. Inevitably, his knot began to swell and his thrusts grew irregular. Peter watched as his thrusts began to slow and a long groan escaped his older brother's lips. Something warm, liquid-y and wet shot directly into the back of Peter's throat, and he instinctively swallowed, assaulted by a gelatinous texture and the intense taste of salt. He scrunched up his eyes, but Lyle pushed his hips down, depositing more of that salty load into his brother's mouth, forcing him to swallow the rest. Peter's fingers dug into Lyle's hips, clutching to him and breathing harshly through his nose.

Fortunately for Peter, Lyle's orgasm quickly faded as soon as it had arrived, leaving the three of them a panting mess. Lyle eventually moved his hips up, rolling over onto his back amongst the free of them. Peter lightly coughed and wiped his mouth. Lyle turned his head to admire Ashley's wet mound, the way it glistening in the sunlight coming in through the window. She squeezed her legs together, her flushed expression twisting into that of a frown. She felt a little confused. She had enjoyed whatever Lyle had done, but she didn't know why she had felt that way in the first place. It was a mystery to her 9 year old brain.

"What was that? It tasted gross!" Peter insisted, sticking out his tongue.

"That," Lyle began between pants. "Is the gift I give you when you make me feel good."

"I don't get it." Peter grunted.

"I'll teach you. Later. For now, we should finish up." the 12 year old replied, rolling off the bed and collecting up their clothes, placing them onto the bed. A wicked grin spread across his face.

"One final thing and then I'll relieve you of your punishment. Okay?" He assured them, and the two of them blew a sigh.

"Fine. What is it?" Ashley snapped bitterly. She didn't know what she'd felt, but it was good. However, she didn't like that Lyle had made her feel this way. After all, he was punishing her, and threatening to rat them out!

"Swap," Lyle said, holding up their underwear. "Peter wears your panties, and you wear his briefs."

"What? Ew! But his are way too small for me." Ashley insisted, her tone that of exasperation. Lyle silently quirked his eyebrow at her and she silently fumed, before taking it. She grumbled to herself as she tugged them on. They were tight around her waist and pushed up hard against her mouth, which caused a small damp spot in the briefs. She wasn't pleased: Lyle could be so cruel!

Peter took the panties and slipped them on, staring down at the prominent bulge in the otherwise thinner garments. His normal briefs are reasonably thick, but these are soft and dainty. He could easily see every outline of his own sheath. He sort of liked wearing them, though he arguably didn't want to admit it to Ashley, or to Lyle, who was standing there admiring the two of them with a smug grin.

"Okay. So long as you wear those for the rest of the day, then you're free." Lyle assured them, grabbing his own clothes. He tugged them onto his hand realtively haphazardly as the other two younger cubs scooped up their clothing, silently padding out of the room.

Ashley stepped into the bathroom, muttering to herself about how cruel and horrir her older brother could be, before lingering in front of the mirror staring at herself. She touched against her nipples and felt a tingle of pleasure. Shaking her head, she turned to tug on her shorts and slip her vest and shirt over her head, sighing to herself.

Peter retreated into his room and admired himself silently in the panties, touching his hand against his sheath, wondering how Lyle made his so big, or how he made that horrible tasting fluid come out. Lyle assured him he'd teach him later, but the boy was a little impatient. Regardless, he tugged on his T-Shirt and stood there for a moment, before grabbing his shorts.

Sometime later, their parents returned from their trip, heading in through the front door and closing it behind them. In their hands they held a box of donuts, setting it on the counter. Their children came to greet them and were delighted at the opportunity to have a sugary snack.

"So, did you all behave? Lyle, were they good?" Their mother asked, looking expectantly at the eldest of the group. Lyle glanced towards his siblings before beaming up at his mother with a toothy grin.

"Yeah. They were good." He insisted, sliding himself to stand between his younger siblings, whilst their parents stood opposite. The parents seemed pleased.

Out of view of their Mom and Dad, Lyle slipped his hands down into the back of their shorts, groping their behinds where their parents couldn't see. Ashley felt her cheeks redden and he resisted the urge to complain. Lyle twisted his right hand to see the Peter's behind and the delicate fabric of Ashley's panties against the back of his hand. Satisfied, he pulled them back and patted them on the shoulder.

"We're gonna have lots of fun later." He whispered, and they grimaced.

Something told Ashley and Peter that their punishment wasn't quite over yet.

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