Nick Wilde: The City Hall Whore

Story by Birdpup on SoFurry

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Extreme for heavy BDSM.

Commission for Xibalba. A sequel to Nick Wilde: The Office WhoreIf you enjoy my work, then please please PLEASE consider supporting through my Ko-fi here. Every small donation helps to keep me doing what I love.

Nick sat outside the office of Mayor Loinheart, flicking through a rather ordinary magazine. The chairs around him were empty, and he appeared to be the only one sitting and waiting. The receptionist eyed him from across the room with hidden lust in her eyes, her gaze sweeping over his form. He was disinterested in her looks, pouring over the magazine in front of him.

He had been asked to attend the office for an appointment after he'd gotten off work. Still dressed in his uniform, the Fox waited casually, occasionally glancing out the window to see the sun slowly setting on the horizon, basking Zootopia in a warm orange glow. He was high up, overlooking the city, in one of downtown Zootopia's most prestigous buildings, where Lionheart worked out of. City hall was surprisingly tall, which mean it was easy to overlook everything.

A quite beep from the reception desk finally brought Nick's attention to the young Lioness sitting behind it, who picked up the phone and talked into the receiver. She placed the phone down and their eyes met. She cleared her throat.

"Mayor Lionheart will see you now." She attempted to speak with confidence, but her voice wavered under his suave charm. Nick slid from his seat and sauntered across the room, casting the woman once last glance, before twisting the door handle and stepping into the mayor's office.

Sitting behind the desk in his large chair was none other than the lion himself, a smile spreading across his face at the sight of the fox. Nick strode into the room, kicking the door shut behind him and sliding into a seat opposite the lion's desk. The two exchanged a quiet, solitary gaze. Their expressions were unreadable.

"Good to see you, Mr. Wilde," Lionheart beamed. "I trust our newest junior ZPD officer is doing well?"

"Oh, you know," Nick casually replied. "It's a hard job. Very hard."

"I can imagine. I'm sure you've made friends you work that out." Lionheart leant forwards in his chair, pressing his elbows into his mahogany desk and lacing his fingers together.

"Oh, I do. They've been very supportive. In fact, I'd say I've made quite a lot of friends."

"Oh, have you? That's good to hear. Have they all been as attentive to your needs as young Ms. Hopps?" Lionheart referred to Nick's usual partner on the force, Judy Hopps, a rabbit with a keen sense for justice, though utterly clueless in the relationship department.

"Oh, I would say more than attentive," Nick purred, making Lionheart's eyebrows raise. "They've certainly 'shown me the ropes'."

A wide grin spread across Lionheart's face, and he leant back in his chair, apparently rather pleased. He gestured with a hand, curling his finger to beckon Nick closer. The fox obliged, of course, making his way around the desk as the lion rifled through a drawer to his left, retrieving a file. He placed it on his desk and opened it up.

"I've been following your accomplishments." Lionheart revealed, shifting back in his chair to give Nick room to stand in front of him and pour over the documents himself. Nick was surprised at what he found.

The majority of the pictures were innocent enough, starting with the official photo of him graduating from the police academy, to candid photos of him talking with various ZPD officers inside the actual building. Nick could tell, over time, that some of these photos were clearly taken in secret, presumably by a hired private investigator. Some of them weren't too bad, displaying Nick and Judy busting various criminals, but they gradually became more sordid.

It started off casual, at first. There were a couple of very candid shots of Nick sitting in the front of his police car, alone. The look on his face made it obvious what he was up to, but Nick remembered where he was when the photos were took. Sometimes, he was just a little too horny on the job and had to let off steam. Sometimes there was no-one around to help, so he did it all himself.

Others were less tasteful. One, in particular, stood out at Nick: a shot of him spread-eagled between 3 men inside of ZPD headquarter's break room. He was stark naked, used at every angle. The photo had been taken through the small window that displayed the room beyond, and the figure taking the photo must have been standing on the other side. Nick flipped over to the next photo and his eyes widened at it's familiarity: it showed the rather lewd antics that he and 3 other officers had gotten up to in the same break room. He had only partook in that sexual encounter maybe 2 or so days ago, but the photo had already been printed out and sat there, in front of him. Nick could easily recognise the Hippo, Elephant, and Rhino in the photo, and easily saw himself sitting between them, taking their cocks from all sides.

He flipped onwards and found a number of other photos, ones he was familiar with. There was one thing about all the photos: they all portrayed him, in some fashion, doing something rather sordid. One in particular stood out: a rather illegal picture of him sexually pleasing a large reptillian creature, his body laying flat under it's large scaly belly. They hadn't evolved in same way mammals had, which made them mostly feral in personality and in appearance. Nick gulped, wondering if his invitation here was to tell him off, or even arrest him for these sexual activities.

He felt a hand on his shoulder, guiding him to turn around. The fox stared up at Lionheart's grinning face, and his gaze skirted lower. He became fully aware of the lion's throbbing, achingly hard cock pulsing in front of him. The lion had his hand wrapped around his own member, keeping it firmly stiff, idly stroking the length to pleasure himself. It was clear now that his intentions were far from pure. Nick found himself grinning: he had almost expected it, what with all the flirting they had been doing.

Slowly, the fox got onto his knees, leaning his body back to rest his ass on his heels. He reached his hands up as Lionheart retracted his own hand away, and Nick's fingers wrapped themselves around the lion's member. The mayor groaned in pleasure, rolling his head back as his cock throbbed, the barbs that dotted the upper hard of his member flaring up.

Feline members were always fascinating to Nick: the cock was thick and long, and tapered off into a fine tip at the end, as if it were shaped like a cone. The barbs were the more interesting thing: Nick had taken many felines, and always found the barbs to be a delight, the mixture of pain and pleasure often heightening the senses. Slowly, Nick bowed his head down, worming his tongue around the tip of the cock and taking it into his mouth. He knew he couldn't go far, not without the barbs getting caught in his teeth or on his tongue. He rolled his tongue around the tip and sunk his head lower as he felt a hand placing itself on his head, stroking his fur. Lionheart must have been enjoying himself.

The two of them were quiet. There was no need for flirting now, not when the two of them knew what they wanted. Nick slid his mouth down further and felt the barbs passing his lips, tracing against his tongue. He paused and tugged back, feeling them pricking his tongue and gums, but he didn't care. He pulled back all the way and suckled on the tip again, before he felt Lionheart's hang tugging him off.

Nick realised that the mayor wanted to take it to the next phase. He got to his feet, but Lionheart was in control now, and he knew what he wanted. He grabbed the Fox and flipped him over, pressing his chest down against the desk and holding him there with a hand. The fox panted quietly, feeling his crotch tingle from the sheer dominance of the man before him. Lionheart's free hand grabbed the waistband of his blue trousers, yanking and tugging until they were finally free of his hips, dropping unceremoniously to his ankles. Nick performed a quick twist of the ankles, and the trousers slid off his feet.

Next was the underwear, and that was pulled from him as roughly as the trousers were, leaving his bottom half naked. Lionheart's hand traced down from Nick's back, grasping at his hips and giving them a firm squeeze. Nick, meanwhile, frantically tugged at his tie until it became loose, and then yanked his shirt over his head, leaving him completely nude. He wanted to every every inch of the situation before him, and he couldn't do that whilst half-dressed.

He could feel the mayor's lick pressing against his behind, grazing between his cheeks, sliding up and down. Nick's knotted member throbbed between his legs, aching to be touched. Those rough hands squeezed his hips and spread his cheeks apart with massive thumbs, exposing his stretchy ass for the mayor to see.

"I'm sure you'll feel this." Lionheart purred as he rolled his hips back, tugging Nick's ass up a little as the tip of his member smeared against the orifice, poking and prodding until it finally found a good angle. He pushed forwards, and Nick net out a quiet little groan, his eyelids fluttering as the member stuffed deeper and deeper.

Nick could feel it: Lionheart was incredibly thick, and his barbs grated his inside as they sunk further into him. His insides quivered and tensed, squeezing and clamping around the lion's cock as the Mayor rolled his hips, sliding his hands up to Nick's back, holding him down. As the lion pulled back, Nick felt the barbs grazing his insides, poking at every inch of his flesh, causing his inner walls to spasm and instinctively squeeze.

"You feel that, Mr. Wilde?" Lionheart murmured, making Nick nod in earnest, his tongue lolling from his mouth. The lion thrust back and forth in a steady rhythm, consistently grating his cock inside Nick's ass whilst slapping his balls up against his cheeks. Each thrust sent sparks of pleasure up the fox's spine, making his knotted member stand on end, throbbing and begging for attention. Lionheart was considerably taller him, which forced the fox's legs to hover just slightly off the ground.

Lionheart knew he wasn't going to last long at the moment; not because Nick was so wonderfully tight, though that was definitely a plus, but because he had been pent up all day, eagerly away the chance encounter with the fox later in the evening. A few hard thrusts informed the junior ZPD officer that the mayor of Zootopia wasn't planning on prolonging their sordid ordeal much further. Granted, Nick didn't need much coaxing, either: Lionheart's cock was deliciously thick and prodding his insides in all the right places. He didn't need much more to send him over the edge.

The mayor thrust forwards, a quite snarl escaping his lips as his barbs flared inside Nick's behind, pressing against his sensitive flesh. His cock pulsed powerfully, pushing down against Nick's prostate. With a quick roll of his hips, Lionheart climaxed, thick gooey wads of cum spurting from the end of his member and painting Nick's inner walls with a thick membrane of his seed. Nick's eyes rolled up into his head with a quivering groan escaped his lips as his knot swelled, the sensation of warmth spreading throughout his innards, coupled with the mayor's fat cock inside him, being enough to send him over the edge as well.

A long groan escaped the fox's lips as his member twitched and throbbed in the air, before shooting a thin arc of cum across the floor, landing in front of him underneath the desk. His convulsion of his cock made his insides spasm and clench down on the lion's barbs, giving him a peculiar mixture of pain and pleasure and heightened his senses and made him gasp. He instinctively tried to push his hips forward, but with the mayor so forcefully pressed down onto his body, he was unable to do so, left to dangle his legs and wildly pant with lust and pleasure.

In the midsts of Nick's post-orgasmic bliss, Lionheart reached his hands up, grasping Nick's wrists and dragging them to the edges of the desk. There, he reached underneath and hooked his hands around handcuffs that dangled from metal hooks screwed into the underside of the desk, out of sight of anyone entering. He reached them up, clipping Nick's arms in place and forcing him to remain roughly bent over the desk, nude and used. Lionheart rolled his hips back and forth a little more, chuckling to himself.

"Looks like you're in quite the predicament now." Lionheart mused, rocking his hips back and forth as Nick let out quiet groans of pleasure, curling his toes and tugging a bit on the handcuffs.

"Oh, I don't mind." Nick purred. It was true; he'd been in worse situations than this, and he knew that Lionheart could be a little kinky. He'd heard the rumors, which is probably why he was here in the first place. The knock on the door, however, surprised him. Lionheart raised his head and smirked to himself as he rounded the desk, letting his half-hard cock sway back and forth from his trousers as he made his way to the door. Nick watched, half anxious, half earnest as the mayor twisted the handle and let in whoever it was.

Nick's jaw dropped when he saw the chief of police, and his boss, Bogo standing at the door. The buffalo had a crooked smile on his face, as if the entire situation was his doing. Nick wouldn't put it past him; Bogo was notoriously kinky behind doors. In his hand he had a large duffel bag, which he placed by the desk as he made his way into the room. The mayor closed the door behind them, making sure to lock it.

"Nick Wilde," Bogo murmured, running his gaze over Nick's mildly sweaty, used form in his compromising position. "I see you thoroughly introduced yourself to the mayor of our city."

Nick couldn't help but smirk, and Bogo shot back a similar flirtatious expression as he scooped up the duffeel bag and placed it on an empty space on the desk. He began to rifle through it, extracting a series of garments and tools that Nick couldn't quite recognize at first. He was certain, however, that they were all made of some sort of leather. He watched as Bogo began to pry some of them apart, separating them.

Lionheart strode back across the room, unhooking Nick from the cuffs that held him to the desk. From there, he began to pick up various pieces, manhandling Nick as he dressed them in them. He roughly pulled open Nick's mouth, forcing a gag against his lips that kept his mouth open, clipping around the back of his head. Then, he wormed 4 leather straps around Nick's body, clipping them to a metal ring at the front, across Nick's chest, and around his back as well, forming a rather sordid, fetish-based harness. They strapped leather chaps on him, leaving his cock and ass exposed, and wormed a ring underneath Nick's knot and a tight rubber ring that kept his balls taut. They set a dildo with a screw base on the desk, which presumably fit into the gag that kept Nick's mouth wide open. From there, Lionheart scooped up a pair of large beads that all seemed to be attatched to a central string. He took a bottle and upended some of the contents of the beads, smearing them in with his hands.

As he reached down to press the first bead against Nick's behind, Bogo took a pair of sizeable clamps and angled Nick's body up, pressing the clamps up against the fox's nipples and tightening them considerable. Nick let a sharp gasp of pain as the clamps squeezed against his flesh, making him squirm. The pain was a bit of a turn on for the fox, so he couldn't complain too much. Lionheart forced bead after bead into his spasming behind, watching the way the fox's gaping pucker clenched and squeezed with each bead that went in. They were sizeable orbs, and Nick struggled to accomodate, filled with a mixture of pain and discomfort. As he began to moan and groan, Bogo slipped the screw-in dildo into Nick's mouth to make sure he stayed quiet.

"Looking good." Bogo mused as he hooked Nick's ankles up, using a set of leather straps to keep his ankles pressed tight against the back of his upper legs, unable to move.

"Now, it's time for some real fun. Though, we don't quite look the part." Lionheart mused as he tugged at his tie, slipping it from his neck and popping the buttons on his shirt and jacket. Bogo began to do the same, parting his shirt and tossing it aside as he unceremoniously dropped his trousers.

The two of them undressed before Nick's very eyes, and the Fox couldn't help but run his gaze over the pair of them. Bogo had always been an exciting fling, often a little reserved. He had rejected Nick countless times before, even when they had already been intimate, until he decided it was time. That made him all the more alluring. And Lionheart, well...he was certainly rather handsome. His looks probably helped him become mayor.

It didn't take them long to get undressed, and they began to put on similar garments to what Nick was forced to wear, with large harnesses around their chests and thick cock rings that kept their erections in place. The different in their size and shape was remarkable: whilst Lionheart bore a thick, throbbing barbed member, Bogo's cock was slightly longer with a wedged end, though not as thick. In either case, Nick was confident they both aimed to please. Not just themselves, but Nick as well. Though, at that moment, Nick felt a large amount of pain and discomfort that did nothing but turn him on even more, causing him to squirm on the desk in front of them.

There were a few final iterations to their look before they were done. The first were large, triangular butt plugs that they retrieved from Bogo's duffel bag. The two of them worked lube over the surface of each one, and then pressed up against one-another, butt plugs in hand. They reached around and helped each other force the plug into their assholes, with Lionheart pushing one into Bogo's behind, and Bogo doing the same to the mayor. There was some very obvious discomfort, and Nick watched them struggle to fit it inside each other, having to wriggle their hips and push back against each other's hand to fit it inside, accompanied by a series of grunts and shaky breaths. Then the fat wedge at the base of the plug finally slipped past their stretched rings, they released, confident they'd remain inside.

The finishing touches were a number of piercings. Bogo was a buffalo, and usually had a ring piercing in his nose when he wasn't working. Lionheart made a show of sliding a large metal ring through Bogo's nose and letting it hang, swinging a little back and forth. Bogo grabbed a pair of small metal bars, which attached themselves effortlessly to Lionheart's nipple piercings, tugging on his nipples a little as they did so.

They strode towards him, now fully confident they looked the part. Lionheart circled around Nick again, and the fox had a good idea what the lion planned to do with him. He could already feel the Lion's cock sliding against his ass for a second time. Bogo, however, stood right in front of him, the end of his twitching member pressed down against Nick's nose, a reminder of what was to come. The fox looked up at his boss and saw his wicked grin, and knew what the man wanted. Bogo reached down, pulling the dildo free from Nick's mouth and leaving it to the side.

Bogo angled his cock down, teasing the head of the member against Nick's tongue, before he unceremoniously grabbed his ears and roughly slid his cock into the fox's mouth. Nick was attentive, making sure to coat every inch in saliva as it slid into his mouth, though Bogo was pushing a little too fast, making it difficult to completely lube up the cock as he went. Already, the tip of the length was poking against the back of his throat, threatening to push down at any moment. It seemed that Bogo was waiting for Lionheart to continue himself, who was thoroughly enjoying hotdogging Nick's used, stretched ass.

The mayor inevitably pulled back, yanking on the hoop connected to the anal beads and mercilessly yanking them out in one, swift movement, causing Nick to let out a yelp of pain. Then, Lionheart began smearing his cum-soaked cock against Nick's used asshole, the thin droplets of his own seed smearing against the tip of his barbed member. He thrust forwards roughly, sinking his lubed up cock right into Nick's behind, sinking himself all the way to the base and making Nick's stomach bulge with it's impressive girth. As in on cue, Bogo pushed his own hips forward, sinking his 13 inch buffalo cock deep into the fox's throat, bulging it out. Nick's breathing was closed off and his eyes widened, a quite whimper escaping his lips.

Bogo was relentless. Whether it was that he cared little for Nick's wellbeing whilst vigorously using his throat, or whether he was just desperate to get off and dominate Nick as much as possible, the fox couldn't be certain. All he knew was that his lack of oxygen would inevitably get the better of him. The two of them mercilessly pounded both orifices, thrusting in and out of him with abandon, their balls slapping against his ass and lips. He felt stretched, from both the front and from behind.

They kept it up for quite some time, the air filled with the wet sounds of their cocks sliding back and forth, coupled with their moans of passion. However, it was clear that the pair of them had other ideas in mind for their grand finale, and had no intentions of reaching their orgasms just yet.

Lionheart yanked his hips back his barbs grazing against Nick's insides until he withdrew fully, letting his turgid cock hang, mildly twitching. Bogo quickly did the same, as it seemed the two of them had a plan. Ultimately, Nick felt as if he were on the verge of passing out, having gone minutes without air. When Bogo's cock finally pulled free from his mouth, he let in a swift gulp of air, wildly panting and spluttering. He calmed himself relatively quickly.

"All of this was just a little warm up, Mr. Wilde," Lionheart mused, leaning in close. "You see, we have a little plan for you."

Nick felt hands gripping his hips, flipping him over onto his back. His vision blurred as he was turned over and he came face to face with Lionheart's sneaky grin. The hands slid down to his ankles and tugged him across the desk towards him, as the lion moved into his office chair. He tugged Nick onto his lap as Bogo rounded the table. The two of them stared hungrily as the fox that sat between them.

"We're hoping you might be able to take two at once." Lionheart purred, reaching his hands down and spreading the fox's cheeks as Bogo moved in closer, the head of his cock poking against Nick's back. The fox grinned a little awkwardly.

"I can certainly try." Nick mused weakly, and that was all the confirmation they needed. The buffalo grabbed the dildo once more, stuffing it into Nick's mouth to keep him quiet. He pushed himself forwards as Lionheart firmly held Nick in place, his hands gripping the fox's hips. The buffalo reached out and grasped the ring on Nick's harness, tugging him a little further towards him as he angled his hips back, probing his thick, spit-covered cock against Nick's stretched behind. He pushed forwards without remorse, roughly sliding his way into Nick's behind. The fox's inner walls clamped down and instinctively squeezed at first, a stab of pain shooting up his spine, but quickly began to relax as he accommodated the member.

Once Bogo was firmly into Nick's behind, it was Lionheart's turn. The mayor lifted Nick up a little, with Bogo's aid, and used a free handle and angle his cock, the feline tip smearing against the already stuffed behind. Nick relaxed his muscles and Lionheart found a suitable opening. The tip wormed it's way into Nick's ass, and as Lionheart pushed himself up into him, Nick's behind stretched to it's ultimate limit.

Nick never thought he could take so much cock at once, but his stretched, used ring magically held, even with the sheer girth that gaped his behind. Lionheart's thick cock sunk deeper into his ass, grinding and sliding up against Bogo's own. The two dominant men let out quiet moans of pleasure as Nick loudly whimpered and squirmed between them, forcing them to hold him in place. Lionheart pushed a little more, until the fullness of his cock sunk itself into Nick's behind.

They sat there for a moment, the pair of them panting quietly as they grew adjusted to the tightening muscles around their cocks, the way they felt the thick pulsing of each other's members. Nick sat between them, moaning as loud as he could, though it was noticably muffled. As much as they were safe to do as they liked, it wouldn't be very wise to be loud when the secretary was sitting right outside, after all, hence why he was gagged for the most part.

They began in on slow thrusts, at first, alternating their hips so that they could fuck Nick's tight ass at the same time without damaging him too much. As Bogo pulled back, Lionheart thrust forwards, then as Lionheart pulled back, the buffalo would push in. They started slow to get used to the rhythm, before they gently began to pick up speed. Their cocks slid against one-another, only heightening their pleasure even more.

Soon, the room was filled with the muffled moans of pain of the fox between them, and their own panting groans of pleasure. The dildo in Nick's mouth was shoved all the way towards the back of his throat, leaving him a little starved for oxygen amidst the powerful men he was sandwiched between. His insides spasmed and clenched with pain and a hint of sickening pleasure, the stretching of his ass coupled with the hot, sweaty situation and the thick cocks inside him causing his skin to prickle with desire and his knotted cock and throb and pulse dangerously, warning him he was nearing second orgasm. He squirmed between them, but their hands held him fast.

He found himself climaxing rather suddenly, his insides clenched periodically in unison with his cock's throbs, spurting strings of cum against Lionheart's fur. The lion pushed up against Nick, smearing the cum between the two of them. The mayor's lips roamed Nick's cheek and neck, their cocks relentlessly pounding in and out of Nick's used, gaping backside.

Nick's orgasm had faded, the the two men continued, using his ass over and over, making him numb with discomfort and pain. Their thrusts grew harder and faster, their breathing heavier. It was clear to Nick that the two of them weren't going to last much longer, and he could feel his own loins stirring after just a few more minutes of vigorous thrusting.

Soon, their hard pounding grew irregular and laboured. Their breathing grew heavier, and their moans shaky. It was evident to Nick that they were close, and ultimately, so was he. He lent forwards and another hard moan escaped his lips as he felt himself orgasming for a second time, not too long after the first, painting Lionheart's stomach with his seed once more.

Bogo was the first to finish, out of the two of them. He rammed his hips forward and a restrained, strangled groan escaped his lips as his cock pulsed inside Nick's behind. Lionheart pushed his own cock up into the fox's ass, pressing it tightly against Bogo's own. The buffalo's cock thickly pulsed and throbbed, beginning to spurt fat globs of cum into Nick's most intimate areas, coating his and Lionheart's cock in seed, though they were already mildly covered to begin with.

Then, Lionheart let out a long, groaning sigh as he, too, orgasmed. His own seed soon joined Bogo's thick orgasm, the combination of cum inside Nick practically oozing from his gaping orifice and trickling down their balls. They'd made a considerable mess, what with all the cum and sweat caked onto their bodies in all manner of places.

They stood like that for a moment, just relishing each other's scents. Well, Nick was, anyway: he enjoyed the hearty scent of their sweat, the sounds of their laboured breaths on his body. Eventually, Bogo pulled back, sliding his member from Nick's ass. The cock hung half-limp, coated in cum.

"There's a bathroom through that door." Lionheart pointed towards the door on the right hand side of the room, a mysterious door that Nick had been curious about since he'd entered Lionheart's office, though had never had the chance to ask. Bogo stepped through it as he stripped himself of the leather garments. After a few brief moments, Nick could hear the sound of running water.

Nick had expected to be unceremoniously dumped off of Lionheart's lap, but he was surprised to find the Lion getting to his feet, carrying the fox with him as he dislodged his barbed member from the vulpine's insides. He carried him into the bathroom, and Nick took a quick glance around, noticing all the usual facilities, with Bogo standing in the middle of the shadow cubicle. He made space for the pair of them, and they stepped inside.

Lionheart's hands were gentle, surprisingly, methodically running over Nick's body as he set him down on his feet, washing him from head to toe. Bogo took the role of applying the shampoo to his fur, running it in with his thick, wedged fingers. They roamed their hands over him, wiping the cum and sweat from his body and leaving him feeling refreshed and clean.

But they were far from done. They stood back and admired Nick's clean-ish body, before the two dominant men exchanged a glance. Nick looked between them with a sly smile, wondering what they were up to.

After a few moments of quiet silence passed, their hands drifted down to their cocks, now flaccid and hidden away in their respective sheaths. They positioned themselves accordingly, and Nick was suddenly hit from both sides by a trickle of urine. They pissed on him, specifically aiming for his body and letting it run down his sides and chest, dribbling over his crotch and down his legs, mixing in with the water that already cascaded down his body from the stream above. Whilst the smell or the dirt wouldn't remain, the symbolism was obvious.

"Just reminding you of who you belong to." Lionheart mused with a wicked grin. Bogo seemed to share the same sentiment, and Nick smiled at the pair of them in turn. He knew what they meant. Of course he belonged to them. He wouldn't have it any other way. Slowly, he dropped to his knees and opened his mouth, cupping his hands under his chin to intice them further. They shifted to get a better angle, and their arcs of urine cascaded down into his mouth, where he eagerly gulped down their piss, letting it roll down his cheeks and chin, pooling in his hands and trickling down his chest.

Their streams ended rather quickly, and they quickly cleaned themselves up in the shower. Nick stepped out early to towel off and get dressed, limping across the bathroom into the office, pulling on his clothes with some mild discomfort. He had a feeling he'd be limping for weeks, but he had work tomorrow. That meant a lot of running, and probably a lot of fucking.

"Hold up, Wilde." Bogo suddenly caught Nick's attention as he was about to leave, and the fox turned to look at him. The large buffalo, standing in the nude, placed a slightly damp phone into Nick's hand, forcing the fox's fist to enclose around it. A wicked grin spread across Bogo's face.

"Just another little fun game we can play," Bogo murmured. "Whoever calls, answer. Doesn't matter when, or who. Do whatever they say. Trust me, they will ask for some rather...personal things. Obey them. That's an order."

"Yes sir." Nick purred, leaning in to trace a finger down Bogo's chest, amused. He had a feeling that Bogo would spread the number around so that he had plenty of people to talk to. He didn't mind. It was a little exhilirating to be ordered around, anyway, especially in such a sexual manner.

As he fixed his tie and stepped out of the office, he froze, finding himself face to face with his partner, Judy. She sat on one of the seats, apparently waiting for an appointment herself.

"Oh, Nick. Didn't think you'd be here." She sounded surprised, and Nick's face twisted into his usual suave smile.

"Ms. Hopps," He teased. "Don't tell me you're here for a date with the mayor."

Her face visibly flushed. Maybe it wasn't fair to tease.

"He likes to know the goings on in the ZPD. I like to inform him." She sounded defensive, and Nick chuckled.

"Don't worry. I'm sure you two will have a nice chat," He winked at her and strode towards the door. "See you at work tomorrow, carrots."

"...Bye, Nick." She retorted, sounding flustered. Nick smirked to himself. He couldn't put it past Lionheart to seduce her. He had that kind of charm.

He stepped out into the cool evening of downtown Zootopia with a twinge in his ass and an aching in his bones. He looked forward to sleep, and the thought of work tomorrow was both worrying and tantalizing.

With a sigh, he turned and walked. Tomorrow was a new day.


"Thank you for agreeing to see me, Ms. Hopps." Lionheart smiled as Judy slipped into a seat opposite him, sitting there uncomfortably. Her nose twitched. She could smell something.

"Not at all, Mayor Lionheart..." She trailed off, glancing around the room for a moment, before centring her gaze back onto him. "I hope you don't mind that I scheduled our appointment a littler earlier than anticipated."

"Not at all. How has the ZPD been treating you? All going well, I hope?"

"Yeah, I mean..." Judy trailed off again, trying to find the words. "I'm worried for Nick. He spends a lot of time in the break room or not on duty. Most of the time I can barely find him to go out on a case. I'm concerned he might not be taking the job seriously."

"Oh, I'm sure he's taking it very seriously. He just finds it hard, I'm sure. Very hard." Lionheart leant forwards in his chair, resting chin on the back of his hands. Judy regarded his flirtacious expression for a moment, before clearing her throat and continuing.

"Plus, he always seems injured. Limping everywhere, and he's secretive. Maybe he got mixed in with the wrong crowd?"

"I wouldn't worry, Ms. Hopps. But if you're that concerned, then I hope I can help to...alleviate your woes." He leant back in his chair. Judy's ears picked up on the subtle sound of a zipper.

She frowned. She had a feeling this appointment wasn't going as planned.

The Awkward Conversation

It had to be one of the hottest days in all of summer. Ash and Kay, twin boys who were often known for rough housing and the occasional prank, could do nothing more than lounge half-nude around the living room. Their parents were away once more to...

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His Apprentice

Koun stirred as the light of dawn filtered in through the thin curtains, landing on his eyelids and causing him to wake. It was a sunny Saturday, and Koun had had one the most restful sleeps in a long while. The bed was soft and inviting, the pillows...

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The Summer Job

Leif waited impatiently outside the Westborough Breeding Kennels, his hands fidgety and his muscles tense. He was nervous. Conrad was late. It was a humid Saturday afternoon, and the start of summer. Leif had leisurely explained to his parents that...

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