The Summer Job

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Leif waited impatiently outside the Westborough Breeding Kennels, his hands fidgety and his muscles tense. He was nervous. Conrad was late.

It was a humid Saturday afternoon, and the start of summer. Leif had leisurely explained to his parents that Alpha, a man who they were familiar with, was letting him do Work Experience at the kennels over the summer. What Leif's parents were unaware of were what he'd be getting up to, or the fact that Alpha wouldn't even be around.

When the Dire Wolf had broached the idea of giving them free reign of the kennels, Leif's friend and apparently co-pet Conrad had been rather excited by the idea, but Leif had been nervous, always anxious about the sudden weight of responsibility. Now that he had thought over it, however, he was comfortable in the realisation that they wouldn't be the only ones in the kennels, as evident by the already unlocked and open doors.

It was foolish of him to originally think that the place would be deserted. Alpha would, of course, keep around the other workers of the kennels in the event that they required assistance, but Alpha himself would be absent for an apparently business trip that took him across the country. That left Leif and Conrad 'in charge' of keeping an eye on the dogs, which was a relatively simple task. Whilst Leif wasn't familiar with the ins and outs of the work, Conrad had memorised the routine off by heart.

The two had shared sometime together before Alpha's inevitable departure. Leif had come down on the weekends at Alpha's request, presumably to train him a little in his duties at the kennels, an Conrad had nearly always been present. His bubbly and easily excitable personality had made it easy for Leif to relax around him, but he realised now that he was just relaxed around Alpha, in particular. When the Dire Wolf had eventually left and given them the keys, Leif found himself nervous. He hadn't really had any friends around his age before.

The young Husky boy turned his head and blew a sigh of relief when he saw a familiar figure in the distance, heading up the road at a brisk, jogging pace. Leif knew that it was Conrad, the Shiba Inu who was only a year younger than him. As the boy drew closer, Leif relaxed a little and walked down the road to meet him halfway.

"Sorry...that I'm late. Mum didn't wake me up." Conrad panted as he slowed to a stop, pressing his hands to his knees and hunching over. He was the same as ever: average in frame, with fuzzy fur that made him look a little stocky, almost cute, if Leif were into that. The Husky's nose picked up on the scent of his sweat and he covered his snout for a moment, shaking his head. He wasn't surprised: it was incredibly hot outside.

"It's okay." Leif murmured, glancing back towards the kennels. It was only 10am, so they were roughly right on time. If anything, Leif had arrived a little early. It was a force of habit. The two cubs turned to walk towards the kennels, stepping in through the front door into the spacious lobby.

"Morning Tina." Conrad beamed at the receptionist, and she peered over her monitor to smile at them. Most companies wouldn't have let two young boys just roam their halls and look after dogs, but they were well loved amongst the staff at the kennels. Plus, it had been at Alpha's insistence, and he usually had a good eye for doing the right thing, especially when it came to his own businesses.

Tina waved them through by pressing a buzzer on her side of the counter, opening the usually locked doors on the far side. Conrad pushed the double-hinged door and stepped through, with Leif quickly following suit. They moved down the sleek white halls, passing no-one in the process. It was eeriely quiet, but then again, there wasn't a lot of staff that ran the Kennels in the first place.

They stopped outside Alpha's office, and Conrad stuffed a hand into his back pocket to retrieve a spare key. Alpha had said they could use his office whilst he was away, though there were clear instructions not to use the computer. It was as they he had left it: modern and remarkably efficient, without a single thing out of place. Immediately, Conrad stepped towards the window and flung it open, then reached over to turn on the desk fan.

"God, it's so hot..." Conrad murmured, looking down at the watch on his wrist. "We have a couple minutes before we need to get started."

"What're our duties, again?" Leif asked casually, setting himself down in one of the available seats, as the oscillating fan centred itself on him for a brief few moments. The cooling breeze made him sigh and roll his head back.

"We gotta walk the dogs, feed 'em at lunch and dinner time, walk 'em again...just a lot of dog-sitting and looking after them," Conrad explained. "Oh, and know."

Leif felt the colour rise to his cheeks. He knew exactly what Conrad was insinuating, as Alpha had made it plainly clear to them before. Neither of them were new to the idea of pleasing dogs in more ways than one. For Leif, it had been a case of unfortunate circumstances. For Conrad, he had been coaxed into it. Neither of them were against the idea, far from it, but the thought of not having their usual supervisor was a little scary.

After a few minutes, Conrad eventually pulled himself to his feet, a groan escaping his lips as he swept a hand over his forehead to smear away any perspiration. As he rose, Leif had done the same, and the two of them stepped towards the door and back out into the hall. After a brisk walk, they reached the main kennel area. The room itself was ventilated, and the dogs were kept in their own individual cages, sometimes in larger ones to house multiple dogs at a time.

"Huh. Not very many today..." Conrad murmured as he wandered past the cages, hearing the occasionally bark of whimper of a dog desiring attention. He squatted down by a particular cage and dragged his fingers across the bars. After a few moments, a pristine white snout poked out from the darkness, trying to lick at his fingers. Leif easily recognised the dog as Lambda, one of Alpha's canines who he'd seen on the dire wolf's estate every so often. He was a wonderfully coated Samoyed.

"Let's take a couple," Conrad suggested. "Someone else can get the rest."

Leif nodded quietly, casting his gaze along the series of cages. There had to be maybe 10 dogs in total of varying shapes and sizes. Knowing their own experience, they could probably manage 3 at a time before it became too much to handle. Not all of the dogs here were as well trained as Lambda of any other of Alpha's pets. Tentatively, Leif picked out a couple of other dogs who he didn't recognise, specifically a Dalmatian at the far end of the good and a German Shepherd, and relayed them over to Conrad. After all, the Shiba Inu had the keys.

After retrieving the leashes that hung up nearby, the two of them lead the dogs out the back door, which had a path leading towards the main road. The kennel was well known for having it's own private property at the back of the building where the dogs could roam free, but it was also in close proximity to the local dog park. They opted to move further afield on the property, towards the far end of the land that the company owed, round the back of the trees and out of sight.

Confident that they wouldn't be seen, they unclipped the leashes and let the dogs run free. Leif had made sure to grab a couple of tennis balls from the box in the kennel room, and he began throwing them across the field as the two boys took a seat, letting them run wild around the grass and play with one-another. The aim was to give them free roam as well as let them tire themselves out. Once they were sufficiently exhausted, they'd likely sleep better and not cause bother inside the kennels.

The two cubs watched as the dogs roamed back and forth, chasing each other across the grass, before they visibly started to slow down a little, beginning to wear out. Conrad put two fingers in his mouth and blew a hard whistle, catching their attention. They bounded up with their tongues lolling out and their tails wagging frantically. Lambda, who had gone along with them, comically have two tennis balls stuffed in his mouth. When Leif gestured appropriate, he dropped them, tail wagging frantically.

"Good boy." Leif murmured, running his hands over the canine's pristine white fur. Lambda pressed in for more petting, pushing his nose against Leif's shoulder. The husky instinctively leant back, but that only coaxed the Samoyed into pushing more. Before Leif realised it, he was laying on his back, with the Samoyed towering over him. The dog licked and lapped at his face, rolling his snout around the husky's fur and into his neck. Leif couldn't help but giggle in delight.

Suddenly, Lambda squatted his hips down, and Leif felt the familiar movements he'd known so well. His eyes widened and he looked between his legs to see the Samoyed wildly humping the air, his bouncing sheath and swaying balls casually missing all of Leif's body. Despite that, the panting dog's sheath suddenly stretched out and his tip slid forwards, shooting a wild, unpredictable swing of pre-cum that landed innocently onto the husky's stomach, leaving a small, barely noticeable stain.

"E...Excitable today, huh?" Leif giggled awkwardly, glancing over at Conrad, who sat to the side. The shiba inu appeared to be rather taken aback from the sudden lewd display, but didn't look disgusted by it. After all, why should he? This was the sort of thing he liked as well. Conrad caught Leif's gaze and the younger pup's eyes lidded over a little.

"You gonna help him with that?" Conrad teased, leaning forwards and dipping a hand under Lambda's stomach, grasping his sheath between his stubby digits. The dog wildly humped and panted with desire, immediately thrusting against the sudden grip. His member swung out from his sheath, rigid and firm, happily spurting strings of pre-cum just about everywhere. Leif watched as Conrad tugged the sheath back and forth, jerking and squeezing him as the dog humped.

"I, uh..." Leif was a little pinned, unable to pleasure the canine as he might normally like. He shifted his leg, shuffling backwards until he could roll over onto his knees. Almost immediately, Lambda stepped forwards and hoisted himself up onto him. Leif felt the weight of the Samoyed on his back, feeling his front paws tuck in and hook onto the cub's hips.

"Oooh, he's really eager." Conrad seemed amused and shuffled forwards, watching as Lambda relentlessly mashed his hips against Leif's clothed backside. The shiba inu reached up, hooking a finger into the back of the husky's shorts and slipping them down over his behind, taking the underwear with them. With Leif's behind exposed, Lambda easily found his mark and thrust.

The husky rolled his head back and let out a gasp of surprise, feeling his skin prickle with pleasure and his muscles tense. It was a sensation he remembered fondly, one he'd experienced merely a week ago. He curled his fingers against the grass and a heavy groan escaped his lips, feeling the dog's fat, knotted cock stretching his behind and forcing it's way into him with little ceremony. Lambda began in on wild, feral thrusts, his hips rapidly bouncing and slapping off of the husky's behind. The cub whimpered and grunted with every other thrust, biting down on his bottom lip as his cheeks grew flushed.

Conrad, meanwhile, shuffled along on his knees towards Lambda's behind, watching the dog's wildly bouncing hips. The other two canines they'd brought along seemed excited, but patient, idly relaxing on the grass, laying down on all fours in the shade of the trees. Conrad popped the button on his shorts and slid them down as he watched the samoyed's balls sway and slap against Leif's behind. He could hear the wet slaps of Lambda's pre-soaked knot pounding against the husky's tight entrance, stretching his ring and threatening to enter at any moment.

Lambda's thrusts were relentless, each as powerful and as hard as the last. Leif's cheeks burned with a blush and his little member stood on end, twitching and throbbing as he felt the dog's fat member pushing down against his prostate, sending sharp sparks of pleasure up his spine. He couldn't stop himself from grunting and panting in delight, masked under the feral canine's own powerful, heavy pants.

Suddenly, the dog thrust forwards, his knot squishing against Leif's behind. The husky relaxed for just a moment, and it was enough for Lambda's knot to tease Leif's tight right open, stretching it beyond it's limits for just a brief second. The canine's knot forced it's way into the cub's behind and he tied with him. Lambda cocked up a leg, idly surveying his surroundings with his tongue hanging out, his maw curled into a happy smile.

Leif reached down between his legs and groaned, pressing a hand to his stomach. He was able to feel the thick throbs of the dog's cock inside him, spurting fat wads of cum into his most intimate areas. The boy shifted awkwardly, his breathing heavy as his hand danced down towards his member. He gave himself a few idle strokes, shuddering and blushing from the pleasure, his own little knot swollen and aching.

Just as Lambda was about to move, Conrad touched his side, ushering the dog back so that he remained firmly pressed over Leif's body. The samoyed lowered his front paws, propping himself up instinctively whilst his knot remained firmly tied to the boy's body. Conrad shuffled forwards, licking his lips as his humanoid member twitched at the sight before him. He reached down to stroke his own cock, peeling back the foreskin a little each time, before he grabbed a hold of Lambda's tail and raised it up.

The canine was surprisingly obedient, and didn't even complain as Conrad manhandled his tail and moved it out of the way. The shiba inu stared down at the fluffy dog's tight ass, watching it squeeze and tense in unison with his cock's thick throbs. The younger boy moved forwards and angled his member, pressing it against the quivering pucker. He smeared the end with his cock and pushed forwards, winking his member into the dog's ass. He moved slowly at first, not wanting to startle the canine, but the samoyed didn't even seem perturbed.

The dog was a lot tighter than Conrad had initially expected, and it made him shudder with pure and utter pleasure at the feeling of those inner walls around his cock. He leant forwards and grabbed onto the canine's hips, sinking his cock deeper into the dog's behind. The samoyed stood sandwiched between the two boys, and Leif's arms trembled and he tried to keep himself propped up, idly stroking his cock at the sensation of being full. He was thankful no-one could see them right now.

Conrad pulled back and thrust forwards, his breath hitching in his throat. A quiet moan escaped his lips and he thrust again, one hand curled around the dog's tail whilst the other stroked his flank. Conrad's tail wagged frantically from the pleasure of the situation as he eagerly began to thrust in at a steady rhythm, his hips lightly bouncing off of Lambda's behind, his cock swallowed up by the dog's tight orifice. Every other thrust elicited a small moan, pre-cum dribbled from the end of his humanoid member.

He felt himself reaching his peak already, even if he had wanted to go on for a lot longer. His thrust a little harder, rolling his hips into the dog's backside as he took in a deep breath, hissing through his teeth. His fingers curled around the dog's fur and he thrust his hips forwards, feeling the pressure in his loins suddenly release. His little humanoid cock twitched and pulsed, firing thick strings of cum into the dog's backside, though there was barely enough to be substantial. For the boy, it was the euphoric feeling of pleasure that swam through his body that he was looking for, and he let out a long, deep sigh, satisfied.

They sat like for a few more moments, before Conrad eased himself from the canine, withdrawing from him and shifting to sit down next to Leif, who had the unfortunate situation of being tied to the dog for another half an hour or so. The husky was still breathing heavily, but didn't seem too bothered.

"Are you not gonna...?" Leif began before trailing off, glancing towards the other dogs who laid idly in the grass, looking around them. Conrad couldn't help but grin. Of course he'd thought about it, though he was a bit unsure.

"I could." Conrad mused, rolling onto his all fours an crawling across the grass towards the dogs, leaving his shorts discarded not too far away. He ran his hands over the german shepherd's cheeks and gave him a few vigorous pets. It immediately incited the canine and leant back and press his head to the ground, desiring some petting to his belly, exposing himself completely.

Conrad's hand stroked along his belly, watching the canine's look of delight as his tongue began to hang from his mouth, panting pleasantly at the stroking to his stomach, a place he couldn't quite reach himself. Conrad applied both hands, stroking up and down, and watched the canine's tail thump against the grass, clearly quite content. Slowly, Conrad's hands moved lower, trailing across the canine's belly towards his sheath. The dog paused, for just a moment, before it's tail began to wag again. A smile spread across Conrad's face.

The shiba inu's hands worked along the dog's sheath, and the german shepherd instinctively pushed and thrust up against his hand, his balls swaying to and fro. After a few moments, the tip of the canine's cock slipped from it's sheath pulsing to life under Conrad's eager strokes. The dog began to wildly thrust up against Conrad's hand as much as he could, his member stiffening and growing rapidly. After only a few moments, the dog was at full mast, all 8 inches of dog cock twitching against the canine's stomach. Conrad peeled back the sheath as the canine's knot swelled up, letting it slip free before it got too thick.

With the canine's cock completely exposed, Conrad couldn't stop himself from sliding his hands over the member, albeit only gently. A dog's cock was remarkably more sensitive than a humanoid one, and required much more careful attention. The shiba inu traced his fingers across the tapered end of the member and felt a tiny spurt of pre-cum deposit itself onto his fingertip. He grinned, bringing it to his lips for a taste. He found it to his liking.

Slowly, he cocked a leg over the canine and straddled his vulnerable form, examining his happy face and wagging tail for a moment, before rolling his hips back. He raised himself up, grasping the dog's member and angling it towards his ample cheeks. He tentatively lowered his behind and gently stroked the member, coaxing a few stray strings of pre-cum up towards his ass. He sunk his behind onto the member and smeared the cock around between his crack until it met with this tight little pucker. He rolled his hips down against the tapered end, feeling the dog desperately try to thrust up underneath him, instinctively wanting to breed. Conrad pushed his hips down once he was confident he could take it, swallowed up the tip of the member with ease.

Slowly, he pushed his hips down, the dog's legs dangling in the air, it's tail wagging frantically left and right. The shiba inu rolled his hips down as he went, angling his back and sinking himself lower, feeling each inch of the cock pushing inside of him, pressing against all the right places. He let out a shaky sigh and finally leant forwards, placing his hands either side of the canine's body. After a quick adjustment, he began to raise and roll his hips, gently and slowly riding the dog's cock. He took in all the sensations: the feel of each throb of the member, the way it slid in and out of him, and the tingling pleasure the crept up his spine and heightened his senses.

Leif, meanwhile, was still firmly tied. Lambda had sufficiently moved himself a full 180 degrees to standing unceremoniously away from the young husky, with his cock still firmly embedded in the boy's behind, throbbing and pulsing as a gentle reminder of where it was. The Dalmatian they had brought with them had begun to grow restless, surrounding by the smells and feelings of sex. The dog had gotten to it's feet and began parading around the two boys, looking at both of them expectantly, dipping his head towards intimate areas to sniff and taste and air. He had eventually stopped near Leif, standing towards his front end. The husky peered up at the dog with a curious expression, wondering what the dalmatian was thinking.

Suddenly, the dalamatian was upon him, mounting over his body and hook it's pawns around his armpits, tugging him forwards unceremoniously. Leif was about to complain, but his voice was cut off as the dog's swollen sheath pressed against his lips, smearing and pushing. He felt the tip of the dog's cock probing his lips, seeking some sort of orifice to push into. Leif parted his lips to take in a breath, and the dalamatian saw an opportunity to thrust. It's hips bucked forwards forcefully, and it's member grew surprisingly fast, swelling in Leif's mouth and probing the back of his throat in an instant. The dog swung it's hips and the cock retreated, before plunging forwards again.

Leif reached up, placing a hand on the canine's hip to try and urge back him as the dalamatian began to rapidly thrust and pump his cock into the boy's mouth, roughly prodding the back of his throat. Leif could see it's knot swelling at the base of his member and knew that, at any moment, the dog would push it's cock deeper and force it down his throat. Conrad, meanwhile, had been steadily riding the canine below him, rolling his hips around the member and teasing the knot with his tight ring, suggesting he might take it, and then refusing to. The canine didn't seem to mind, and actually enjoyed the pleasure, but Conrad was unsure if the dog would cum any time soon.

Leif let out a muffled groan as the dog's cock pushed down into his throat, cutting off his air supply until the canine was finished with him. The knot pressed and pushed up against his lips, teasing and threatening to enter at any second. Being accosted from both sides by a couple of horny animals are certainly a thrill in itself, but Leif was momentarily startled by the dalmatian's ferocity and eagerness to orgasm. His own little cock twitched violently, oozing pre-cum onto the dirt and grass below him, urged closer and closer to it's peak by the samoyed embedded firmly into his tight backside.

Faster and faster the dog thrust, and Leif grew more and more agitated, reminded of the lack of air going into his lungs. He knew he wouldn't last long if the canine didn't finish up soon, but he was also acutely aware of the knot pushing against his lips. He knew the dalmatian wanted to tie with him, but if that thing went into his mouth, it might never come back out. The Husky made sure to press his lips down firmly and keep the knot out as it mashed and pushed against his lips. He reached up with a free hand, grasping the cock just behind the knot and giving it a firm, encouraging tug.

Unable to really tell the difference, the dalmatian abruptly stopped, panting wildly above him, it's heaving chest grazing the cub's back. The knot swelled and grew in size substantially, before Leif felt the dog's throbbing cock pulsing and stretching his throat a little, shooting thick ropes of cum down into his stomach. The cub made sure to give the dog a few encouraging tugs. How had he known to do this? Whilst he hadn't necessarily been in this situation before, Alpha had taught him how to properly jerk off a dog to completion, and this was arguably the easiest way. Leif was never one for applying one lesson to another, but there was a first time for everything.

The dalamtian tilted it's leg up and hovered on one hind paw for a moment, before relaxing its front paws and planting them on the ground. It turned and angled itself a full 180 degrees, with Leif's digits locking and tugging on it's knot in the gentlest way possible. Leif slid his lips back, swallowing another fat dollop of cum, before withdrawing his mouth completely, taking in a large gulp of air and momentarily coughing.

"You okay?" Conrad called over, his breathing heavy as he continued to mercilessly ride the dog beneath him, squishing it's knot against his ass, kneading his hips down into the canine's pulsing member. Leif glanced over at him and quirked an eyebrow, before nodding.

He was in control now. With the dog effectively at his fingertips, he angled the member, leaning his head forwards and licking along it's length. A thick spurt shot from the end of the dalmatian's member and landed on the grass in front of the husky boy.

Conrad, meanwhile, knew that he couldn't keep up with the canine beneath him forever. As much as he wanted to make sure the dog got his fill, he was never going to cum from something so simple that would have had normal men weak at the knees. He shifted, sliding his ass from the canine's member and rolling onto his back, panting tiredly. His own little member stood on end, violently twitching. The german shepherd leant down and lapped idly at his own knotted cock, cleaning it up despite there being no mess, before he sniffed the air. His snout hovered over Conrad's member and he gave it a few tentative licks, before withdrawing again. The shiba inu felt his face flush embarrassingly.

"We'd better get them inside. People will start to wonder where we've got to. Is he almost done?" Conrad glanced over at the samoyed, and Leif wriggled his hips, testing.

"Almost." The husky muttered, giving the dalmatian another few licks, suckling on the end of his tapered tip, before he let him go. The dog padded around and then lounged on his side, cock a leg up to lick between his legs. much like the german shepherd had done moments prior.

After a few minutes, the samoyed's knotted cock finally slid from Leif's behind, leaving the young husky cub a little gaped, with a strange sensation of emptiness. The two boys quickly gathered their clothes and tugged them on, making sure they looked the part, before attaching the leashes to the canines around them and leading them back towards the kennels. They were, hopefully, all worn out.

It took them a few minutes to get the dogs back in their cages, before they retreated back towards the office. It wasn't just the dogs that were exhausted; they both were, too. It wasn't often they got to enjoy themselves to the fullest without the company of others around. It was also a little strange without Alpha there to guide them. They had managed well enough, though.

The warm heat outside had left them sweaty and dehydrated. Luckily for them, Alpha kept a mini fridge at the far end of his office, and he had been kind enough to stock it with cola for the two of them before he'd left. As they stepped into the room, Conrad made a beeline for the fridge whilst Leif make sure to close the door and lock it. He didn't like to be disturbed at the best of times. There was another reason, however.

As Conrad turned, he froze when he saw Leif peeling off his vest and tossing it to the side. The shiba inu felt a tingle in his loins and he shuffled uncomfortably, casting his gaze elsewhere.

"What're you doing?" He asked quietly, tentatively, popping the lid on his can and taking a hearty glug. The fan blew in his direction and he let out a sigh. Leif peered up at him whilst in the midsts of removing his shorts, leaving him in just his underwear.

"Taking off my clothes. I'm hot and sweaty, so I need to cool down," The slightly older boy explained. "You haven't done it before?"

"I mean, yeah, know, not around other people." Conrad murmured.

"Well...we've kinda already seen each know," Leif gestured awkwardly, and it was Conrad's turn to feel embarrassed. "So what's the harm?"

"I guess you're right." Conrad set his can down and began to do the same. He had to silently admit to himself that he was incredibly hot at the moment, the heat outside, coupled with their lewd, sordid activities, had made him feel even more overheated than before. He set his vest down on Alpha's chair and popped the button on his shorts, kicking off his sandals.

"Here," Leif suggested, taking the fan from the desk and sitting it on the floor, pressing the button to stop it oscillating. "Let's just sit in front of it together and cool off."

"Okay." Conrad stepped across the room in just his underwear, and crouched down, sitting on his rump and folding his legs together. Leif lounged with a little more relaxed posture, spreading his legs out.

They were both canines, so their close proximity made it easy for them to pick up on each other scents. The heated smells of sweat and arousal, the sexual tension that they had shared, briefly, when Alpha was around, and the already lewd acts they'd done a mere 10 minutes ago. The two of them were noticeably on edge, but both were too shy to make a move.

Leif shifted his leg, his fur grazing up against Conrad's own. The shiba inu shifted a little, adjusting himself, grazing his own leg in return. Both of their hearts were pounding. Both of them were anxious.

Leif was finally the first to move, and it was inevitable, him being the oldest. He reached out, pressing a hand to Conrad's leg, sliding it along his inner thigh. Conrad turned his head and shifted a little closer, placing his hand over Leif's own. The husky leant his head in, and their snouts grazed one-another, mere millimetres from each other's mouths. After a few brief, tense moments, they pressed their lips together.

Conrad's entire body tingled with a sensation he hadn't felt before. This was different than last time, different from when he was just putting on a show for Alpha. This was genuine, an aching, longing feeling that made him crave Leif's hands all over him, and his in turn. He felt Leif's hand trail closer towards his crotch, and he let it. His lips parted, his tongue sliding from his mouth, and he pressed it against Leif's lips. He felt the husky's own tongue in return, and that was the inevitable kiss that broke the ice.

Leif pushed, and Conrad moved accordingly. The shiba inu laid on his back, and Leif pressed over him, his hands roaming gently, his tongue pressing and smearing against Conrad's own. They squirmed and writhed against each other, both of them aching for one-another, yet unsure where to begin.

Leif's hands trailed lower and grazed across the boy's hips, tugging at his underwear. Their sweaty bodies pressed together, their bulges rubbing against one-another. Quiet moans escaped their lips as they pressed their bodies together, as if they weren't close enough. Never before had either of them experienced such unbridled sexual tension, yet here they were, half-naked on the floor of their boss's office.

Leif's fingers finally caught the edge of Conrad's underwear, and he began to pull them down, sliding them past the boy's hips. The young husky could feel Conrad's aching erection prodding against his inner thigh, warning of him how aroused the younger boy was. Conrad arched his back and rolled his hips against Leif's body, letting out a whimper whimper. His fluffy hands curled around Leif's ears, stroking him tenderly.

The young husky slid the underwear lower and lower, until it met with Conrad's ankles. He pried himself off the shiba inu for just a moment to toss the garments away, soon discarding his own, so that the pair of them were completely naked. Neither of them knew where to take this, but it definitely felt right to remove their clothes. As Leif drew closer, he began to form an idea, something that the two of them could enjoy.

"Lay on your side." He murmured, rolling off of the boy and getting into position beside him. Conrad did as he was told, his skin prickling with desire, his body aching to be touched. As he rolled to his right, Leif cuddled up behind him, pressing his clammy chest up against the boy's slightly sweaty back. He felt Leif's arms curl around him and a groan escaped his lips. This was nice.

He could feel Leif's cock between his cheeks, pushing and grazing between his buns and sliding towards his tight ring. He cocked a leg up, and the husky instinctively reached up to place a hand on his upper leg, holding his leg firmly upwards. He snuck a hand under Conrad's body and wrapped it firmly around the cub's cock, stroking his humanoid member as his own knotted dick hovered, mere inches away from Conrad's ring.

After a bit of adjustment, and the use of a free hand, the tapered end of Leif's cock sunk into Conrad's behind. It was still a little stretched out from Conrad's antics earlier, but for Leif, who hadn't yet orgasmed, it felt warm and tight. A quiet moan escaped the husky's lips and he nestled his snout in the crease between Conrad's shoulder and neck, his fingers digging into the shiba inu's flesh a little as his knotted member sunk deeper and deeper. Conrad let out a hushed sigh, exhaling quietly through his nostrils as he felt the husky's cock gliding over his prostate.

Leif's knot squished up against the boy's entrance, and Leif pushed his hips up to press the knot firmly against Conrad's ass, making the younger cub briefly quiver in delight. The husky pulled back and started in on steady, slow thrusts. Conrad could feel his trembling fingers, and the way that the boy clung to his slightly smaller frame made Conrad think that Leif didn't get to top very often.

A shaky moan escaped the husky's lips as he pushed his knot further up against Conrad's behind, pressing deeper and deeper, until Conrad's tight entrance finally gave way. Leif pushed forwards and Conrad's tight ass swallowed up his knot, his insides squeezing around Leif's swollen base. The husky wildly thrust for a few moments, before his entire body trembled violently, and his grip tightened. A shaky exhale came from his mouth, and it was over.

Leif's cock twitched and pulsed, spurting tiny strings of cum into Conrad's behind, splattering his inner walls with a thin membrane of seed. He nuzzled tightly against the shiba inu's body, whimpering into his fur amidst his orgasm, whilst Conrad panted tiredly. The cool fan pointed right at them helped to keep them cool, but they were still clad in sweat.

Conrad slowly lowered his leg, and Leif relaxed somewhat, tied to the puppy's behind. He cuddled into him and was remarkably silent, nestled against his body. Conrad sighed and closed his eyes as well, enjoying the warm intimacy, for now. Eventually, they'd have to get up and get to work.

But they still had the rest of the summer for everything else.

Nick Wilde: The Office Whore

"Morning, Nick." The Fox strode across the expansive ZPD lobby, an aura of confidence and suave elegance radiating from his figure. He moved with a small gait, hiding the remnants of a brief, uncomfortable limp, as he made his way up to the main...

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"Kiddy! Thanks for coming over." The young, 13 year old fox stared up at the woman beaming down at him, a smile spreading across his face. She stepped aside to allow him inside, and Kiddy strode through the door, a bag slung over his shoulder. He...

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Secret Stash

It was the beginning of any other Sunday afternoon. The sun shone overhead and seeped in through the window to illuminate a relatively clean-looking living room, the humid air forcing the owners of the house to turn on a couple of oscillating fans,...

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