Nick Wilde: The Office Whore

Story by Birdpup on SoFurry

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"Morning, Nick."

The Fox strode across the expansive ZPD lobby, an aura of confidence and suave elegance radiating from his figure. He moved with a small gait, hiding the remnants of a brief, uncomfortable limp, as he made his way up to the main reception counter. There, like always, sat Benjamin Clawhauser, a chummy and overweight Cheetah who loved donuts almost as much as he loved his job. The cheetah rested his chin on his hands and beamed down at Nick in his customary manner.

"Good morning, Benjamin," Nick spoke in his usual drawl, propping an elbow up against the counter and resting on one leg. "How are you? Getting to lunch already?"

"You bet! The cart came early this morning." Clawhauser beamed as his gaze drifted towards the heavy box that sat on the counter. Nick couldn't quite see the contents from there, but the Fox easily guessed it was stuff to the brim with all sorts of sugary treats.

"Well, don't work too hard," The fox mused, shooting Clawhauser his usual lidded gaze and sauve smile. "Anything new?"

"Oh, uh..." Clawhauser had been initially caught off guard, but he quickly began rummaging through the pile of sticky notes on his desk. "Right, yeah. Bogo wants to see you, says it's relatively urgent. You should go see him right away-- he just came in 20 minutes ago."

Nick wordlessly snapped his fingers and pointed in Clawhauser's direction, making the cheetah's stomach twist into knots. The fox leant up off the counter and waved behind him as headed off down the lobby towards the inner parts of the precinct, weaving his way through the various prey and predators that either worked there, or were taken there.

Nick's job at the ZPD had been both an exhilarating and interesting experience in the recent months. Granted, it had been a lot of hard work to graduate from the academy, but he had relaxed into a semi-fortunate position that meant he saw plenty of action, in more ways than one.

"Mornin', Nick!" A voice boomed head and Nick raised his eyes up to see the man's toothy grin. It was Gus, a rather broad and happy-go-lucky Elephant who had been with the ZPD for many years, or so he said. Nick hadn't gotten to know him all that well, but Nick's time at the ZPD had taught him that there was more than one way to get to know someone.

It wasn't common knowledge to those outside of the precinct, but Nick was what was best referred to as 'the office slut', though he wasn't the one to have coined that name. It had began innocently enough, at first-- Nick was always a little apprehensive about revealing his interest in men, but it had come to light due to a very unfortunate incident, where he'd been caught spying on some of the other officers changing and showering in the precinct's shower room. When they had caught him showing interest, they hadn't bullied him, but instead helped sate his desires. That had only been the beginning: within a matter of weeks, word of Nick's interests had made it's way around every Male officer, and he'd come to know a few of them quite intimately.

Gus was one such example: the tall Elephant had a thing for small, dominant men, and what better way to sate those desires than to have Nick lend a hand? What had begun as a simple string of mentoring sessions, courtesy of Gus, had turned into a regular meet-up in off duty hours in the more quiet parts of the department. Gus enjoyed it when Nick rode and dominated him, and enjoyed it every more when Nick tugged on his trunk and made him whimper for more.

"Hey, Gus," Nick smiled up at him and waved. "Can't stop, Bogo wants to see me."

"Aw," Gus looked a little deflated as they passed one-another in the hall, and the Elephant turned to eye him as he went. "Later, then?"

"Later!" Nick called back at him, agreeing with his question. Both of them knew what it meant, so there was no need to say any more words.

The suave Fox took a right turn, into a much quieter hall, where he finally had a brief moment of peace. Just when he thought he was alone, a mass pushed against his back and he briefly stumbled, catching his footing. He whirled around, but found no-one there. His mind whirring, considering the culprit, but he came to an easy conclusion.

A smile spread across his face, and he took a length step backwards, pushing his back against the wall. The mass clinging to his back let out a quiet grunt, following by a spluttering chortle of amusement, and Nick felt the weight loosen from his back. The fox turned to see the one and only Judy Hopps, grinning up at him with a clipboard in her hands.

"Mr. Wilde, what an unexpected surprise." She smirked, and he looked her up and down, drinking her in. She was a little more experienced with the ZPD than he was, but only by about 2 weeks or so. Having caught Bellweather red-handed all those months ago, Judy and Nick had became partners who regularly tackled difficult cases in the ZPD. Bogo often entrusted them with difficult tasks, and they were nearly always up to the challenge.

The matter of Nick's other experiences, however, was very much kept private. He didn't want Judy to know about what he was up to-- not because it would upset her, or he was ashamed of it, but because he knew she wouldn't approve of his antics. Unlike him, she took her job incredibly seriously, and slacking on the job to partake in 'pleasures of the flesh' would be something she wouldn't be happy with, to the point where she might even take it to Bogo.

Hiding those antics, however, had not been easy. She had a nasty habit of barging in at unfortunate times, which meant that Nick often had to hide what he was doing, make excuses for the way he walked or why his fur was 'so unbelievably crusty', and so on. Of course, there were many times when they didn't share cases, and Nick was thankful for those moments of reprieve, where he didn't have to be on guard with her all the time.

"Ms. Hopps." He gave her a mock bow, and she snorted in response, leaning her weight onto one hip.

"You busy? Could do with a second pair of eyes to look over this report. Bit of a doozy, I tell ya..." She trailed off and Nick took the clipboard from here. It would be untoward if he refused her request.

His eyes scanned over the document and he seemed satisfied, though in truth, he barely read much of it. He had no idea why Judy requested his opinion, especially when she was a lot smarter than he was. There was no way she'd leave something out. With a smirk, he handed it back to her.

"Immaculate, as always." He assured her, and she blew a long sigh of relief.

"Thanks. Gotta hand it in to Bogo..." She trailed off, and he held out a hand.

"I'm just about to go say Hi. I'll pass it on." He offered, and she seemed pleased.

"That's a weight off my mind, Thanks, Fox," She placed the clipboard back in his hands and looked down at her watch. "Crap! I'm late. I'll see you later, Nick."

With that, she bounded off down the hallway, joining the throng of officers and disappearing into the sea of mammals. Nick watched her go and shook his head, glancing down at the clipboard before he strode forwards, taking the stairs up a level. Bogo's office sat on the upper floor.

It didn't take long for Nick to reach Bogo's door, and he felt his stomach twist nervously, before it loosened and his features smoothed over into his usual, relaxed grin. He reached up and knocked sharply on the glass of the door window, and heard a gruff reponse in return. He twisted the handle and opened the door.

"You wanted to see me, Chief?" He drawled, and Bogo looked up past his spectacles, papers in hand, to focus his gaze on the Fox.

"Come in." He gestured to the chair in front of him, and Nick stepped into his office, closing the door pormptly behind him.

"Courtesy of Ms. Hopps." Nick added, holding up the clipboard. Bogo took it and examined the contents, before letting out a grunt of satisfaction. Nick slipped into the seat opposite as the Buffalo dropped the clipboard onto his desk.

Bogo had started speaking, but Nick's mind had already wandered. He found himself reminiscing in what could only be a particular important conversation, yet his mind wanted to remember nonetheless.

It had started out innocently enough: Bogo had wanted one-on-one time with Nick to discuss the debriefing of a case he and Judy had worked on. Judy had planned to come with him, but she had been called away at the last minute. At the time, Nick remembered being excited, almost elated at the thought of having some private time with Bogo. He had been one of the few males to alude his charms in his time in the ZPD, and it looked to have been the prime opportunity to get under his skin.

As it had turned it, it took very little effort at all. When Bogo realised their time was private and limited, his conversation had turned from the debriefing towards more sordid content, with personal questions that Nick had initially been reluctant to answer. The Fox often preferred to keep his cards close to his chest, at least until Bogo showed his own hand. As it turned out, the Buffalo's interest in his homosexual antics stemmed further than just a professional curiosity, and into a more deep, personal one. One Bogo showed the true intentions behind his questions, Nick had gone in for the kill.

However, Nick's initial intention to bed the Buffalo had become more of a daunting task than he had initially realised. As it turned out, Bogo was a BDSM freak, more so than Nick would care to share. In fact, the Bogo kept a variety of implements and tools in his desk for such an occasion, or perhaps he had just been planning it with Nick all along. The Fox had been bound, gagged, used, stroked, and pleasured in all manner of ways he'd never thought possible. Bogo was experienced in more than just police work, and Nick got to explore every inch of his wisdom, and more.

"Reminiscing, are we?" Bogo's dulcet tones snapped Nick back to reality, and his dreamy expression quickly changed to something more attentive. He spotted Bogo's sly grin and he felt his own mouth naturally curling into a suave smile.

"Maybe I was." Nick purred out the response and Bogo leant forwards, clearing his throat.

"Maybe you should aim to be in the break room for 2 o' clock, and I might be able to help you remember properly." Bogo's voice was barely above a whisper, and practically dripped with desire. His low voice made a Nick's back quiver with lust and he felt the heat rise to his face. The fox couldn't help but grin wider, and Bogo leant back, watching Nick's flustered expression.

"That'll be all for today. You should have your assignment on the board." Bogo said to him in his usual professional manner, but Nick would see the way the Buffalo's eyes ran over his small body, the way he adjusted himself on his seat to hide his erection. He knew the Buffalo wanted to do so much more, but it was too early. He likely had more people to see after Nick. The risk was simply too high, despite the desire.

Nick gave the chief a brief salute, before he slipped from his seat and sauntered to the door. He paused with his hand on the handle, glancing back towards the Chief, who watched him with a lidded gaze. With a smirk, Nick stepped through the door and closed it behind him. Almost immediately, he felt his legs turn to jelly, but he quickly caught himself. The tension in the room had been palpable. He could almost taste in the air. It there was one thing for certain, it's that Nick was very much going to enjoy his time well spent later.

The rest of the day went without a hitch. Nick's morning was taken up with paperwork, a part which he hated intensely, yet muddled through nontheless. It was made marginally easier with the company of some of the other people in the ZPD, who struck up a conversation with the savvy, suave Fox whenever they had the time. As it nearly into the early afternoon, Nick spent a few hours going through processing and getting some criminals shipped off to their appropriate cells. All the while, he checked his watched to make sure it was the appropriate time. He put the final criminal in his cell just as his watch ticked over to 1:50pm. He guessed it was good enough, and let someone cover for him.

He made his way down the halls, his stomach fluttering with excitement. Bogo was quite the catch, especially compared to some of the other officers around the precinct. He was always incredibly reserved, and spoke little of his private life. For Nick, seducing the Buffalo was like a game, something to enjoy and relish. The result the always the same, but it always tasted just as sweet.

The break room door loomed in front of him, and he collected himself for just a moment, before reaching up to twist the handle and let himself inside. He had originally expected to find Bogo sitting there, expectantly waiting for him, but instead he found himself in the proximity of 4 other officers, all of whom stared at him as he walked in. He had the sneaking suspicion he'd been set up.

He knew them all by name, if only because he had dabbled with them in the past. There was Gus, the elephant, who he'd seen earlier in the day. There was also Klaus, a hippopotamus with a particularly happy-go-lucky personality and an eagerness that suited those of a more slender frame. Sitting beside him was Rodney, a stalwart and often grumpy Rhino who's irritable façade only ever seemed to melt away when he was in the middle of something sordid and lewd. Finally, sitting across from them at the far side of the room was Frank, a polar bear who had only joined the ZPD a month or so ago, but had proved himself capable in the field, and in the bedroom.

"Oh. Hello, boys. Didn't expect to see you here..." Nick began, sliding into a seat near them, and they all seemed to exchange a grin with one-another.

"Expecting ol' Bogo, were you? He told us to be here." Rodney grunted, shifting in his seat in such a way that Nick knew, immediately, that he was aroused. Perhaps they had been talking about him before he'd even entered the room. Not that he complained, of course: he certainly enjoyed the attention, even if he wasn't around to hear it at the time. The Fox leant forwards and rested his elbows on the table, sweeping his gaze amongst the three of them, and slyly over to the polar bear in the corner. They all seemed to shift awkwardly under his gaze, betraying their true intentions.

"Well, then..." Nick murmured quietly, sliding his hands down to his side and slipping from his seat. He disappeared under the table and the three large mammals eyed each other up expectantly, wondering who might be the first on the fox's list. Frank watched from a distance, fidgeting to himself as he wondered when might be the right time to step in. All of them were eager to be pleasured by the fox, and whilst some of them might have had an audience before, none of them definitely had any extensive experience in that field.

Rodney perked up and a small groan escaped his throat as he felt Nick's hands running along his clothed inner thighs, pressing against the creases of his trousers until they finally reached his crotch. From there, Nick raised his hands up and easily popped the button on the officer's trousers, tugging the zipper down. Already, Nick could see it: the pulsing protrusion that pushed firmly against the rhino's underwear. He ran his hands over the outline of that member and felt it twitch against his touch, hearing Rodney let out a quiet grunt of pleasure. He pressed his hand firmly to the underside of the hidden length and watched as Rodney pushed his hips against the fox's hand, eager for more.

The dim light that surrounded Nick suddenly faded, replaced by the sunlight from outside. Gus had moved the table in it's entirety, setting it down behind him and exposing Nick completely to the audience above him. Of course, the fox didn't mind, and he grinned toothily up at the hungry faces of the mammals above him as his fingers tucked into the waistband of Rodney's underwear. Nick heard a definitive 'click', and turned to see Frank locking the door, making sure they weren't disturbed.

Finally able to have some privacy, the mammals began to undress, unbuttoning their plain blue shirts and tugging down their trousers, stepping out of them and leaving them unceremoniously lying around the floor. Nick hadn't expected them to undress so promptly, but he couldn't turn down the sight of 4 erect, distinctly different cocks that surrounded him. He could hear their heavy breathing, and he knew how much they wanted it.

He made sure to give them all equal amounts of attention, even if he didn't have enough hands to go around. He started with Rodney, first. The rhino's member was peculiarly different from the other three, in that the end of his long, impressive cock seemed to twist and form a strange, 'blooming' end. Nick had come face to face with it a number of times in the past and knew just what Rodney liked: he dipped his head and grasped the member in one hand, sticking out his flat, wide tongue and sliding the wet appendage around the underside of mammal's member, trailing up to the tip of his cock. From there, he rolled his tongue around, coating every inch of the rhino's flared end in warm, wet saliva. Rodney let out a long sigh of bliss and relaxed himself a little, his member pulsing against Nick's hand. The fox could already taste the small dribbles of pre-cum against his tongue.

He felt the prod of something against his side, and spotted Gus's member out of the corner of his eye. Thicker than the others, the elephant's member expectantly prodded against his chest, demanding attention. Gus firmly grasped the base of his cock, chuckling to himself as the cock arched upwards in a sudden rush of blood. He smeared the end of his member, rounded and circular in nature, against the fox's cheek. Nick make sure to ues his free hand to grab the elephant's length and give it a good few, hard strokes.

Slowly, Nick began to bow his head, sliding the rhino's cock into his mouth. He felt the peculiar flaring end grazing against the roof of his mouth and he felt Rodney's hand cupping his chin, holding him there firmly. Nick made sure to give his cock a few encouraging squeezes, before his hand finally released him and reached out to his side. Klaus had been standing there with an eager expression, and he gleefully let out a quiet moan when he finally Nick's hand wrap around the thick girth of his member. Klaus probably has the simplest member of the trio, with a smooth, wedged end. As Nick firmly stroked his cock, he could see the end pulsing and throbbing out the corner of his eye.

Finally, it seemed Frank had joined the party, for Nick felt the polar bear's hands on his shoulders, massagging him quietly. Frank was always a peculiar one; he was reserved and quiet, but a remarkably passionate and intimate lover who cared more for the tantric feel of sex, rather than the inevitably finale. Nick liked that about him, if only because the polar bear often groped and stroked his body accordingly.

"We're never gonna finish up at this rate. We've only got an hour," Gus remarked. "And the fox ain't even undressed yet!"

"Well," Nick began as he pulled his mouth off of Rodney's member, much to the rhino's dismay. "In all fairness, I was too busy admiring all of you."

"Yeah, yeah..." The elephant trailed off, but it was clear he was bashful.

"Let's speed things along, then." Frank suggested with a quiet murmur, and Nick felt a pair of large, warm hands tuck under his armpits. He was suddenly lifted into the air, a sensation he was all too familiar with since enrolling in the ZPD. He was carried across the break room and placed on the edge of the table. Before he could make any sly comments, Frank already began to unbutton Nick's shirt, with a dexterity that would have normally surprised others, but didn't make Nick falter in the slightest. The fox's shirt parted open and Frank took a moment to sink his large, warm hand against Nick's fur. The fox arched his back slightly and sighed through his nose at the touch. It was nice.

Frank's hands danced down as the other three drew in a little closer, wanting to see for themselves. The polar bear tugged and pulled at Nick's trousers until they finally dislodged themselves from his hips. He pulled them down completely and dragged the underwear with them. They watched as Nick's knotted member bounced up into view, and the fox gave them all a sly, sheepish grin. He slipped out of his shirt and rolled onto all fours on the table.

"I've got 2 holes, if you guys want to take turns." The fox suggested with a lidded gaze, and it was an offer that the officers refused to pass up.

"Heh. Like we need your permission to use you whenever we like." Gus remarked with a toothy grin, and he moved towards Nick's mouth whilst Klaus barged his way through towards Nick's behind, leaving the other two to quietly watch. The fox leant his head forwards and looked up at Gus as his mouth bowed down, swallowing up the rounded end of the elephant's cock with ease. Gus let out a quiet groan and his trunk swayed left and right as his cock slid further and further into the fox's mouth, until it's tip was grazing against the back of his throat. They both knew that Nick couldn't take the whole thing, but that didn't mean that he couldn't try.

Klaus, meanwhile, was already getting himself set up, smearing the end of his member against Nick's puckered asshole. Many cocks had been into the fox's tight ass, but Nick had somehow managed to stay relatively tight despite it all. It was alarming how small and scrawny the fox looked compared to the size of the officers, but he could definitely take a cock when he felt like it. The pre-cum from the end of the hippo's member did wonders for slicking up the fox's behind, until the flesh between his cheeks was practically soaked in pre-cum. Klaus adjusted himself and pushed forwards, the wedged end of his cock thirsting it's way into Nick's ass. Already, he could feel the fox clamping down around him.

And just like that, it started. They began in on slow motions at first, giving Nick an incredibly short moment to adjust and get used to the sheer size and girth of their cocks, but the fox was a born natural for pleasing other men. His jaw hung wide open and his mouth bobbed back and forth, his stare never wavering from Gus's own gaze. His insides clenched and squeezed around Klaus's cock like a vice, but the way his hips moved down against the mammal's member made it clear he could easily take him. They gave him a couple of seconds at most, before picking up a more steady, eager, powerful rhythm, using their own weight and hands to aid their thrusts. The elephant's cock poked dangerously at the back of Nick's throat before pushing down into his gullet and beyond without asking for his consent, sliding as deep as he could manage before pulling back. The fox had an impressive control over his gag reflex.

Klaus bucked and whimpered with all the eagerness of a rabbit going through puberty. Some would have said that that level of eagerness was unattractive on such a large hippo, but Nick honestly found it endearing, especially with the way the hippo slammed his hips against his backside. Klaus might look intimidating, but he was in equal parts a 'big softie', as some might call it. His movements were fast and hard, but measured and restrained enough so that no harm would come to the fox's innards. Despite that, his passionate was obvious, from the wya his fingers dug into the fox's hips and behind, to the way he whimpered and squirmed with every thrust. Nick's behind milked and squeezed him as much as he could, but he had other things to focus on as well. His mouth bobbed down as Gus tugged his head onto his cock once more. He felt the way that the elephant shuddered, and felt the way his member pulsed in his throat. Were he any shorter or lither, the two of them just might meet in the middle.

They continued like that for some time. It had to be a good few minutes, but to Nick it felt like mere seconds of pleasure. His entire body hummed with it, as if it made up every fibre of his being. His insides spasmed and squeezed, his toes curled in utter bliss, his cock twitched and throbbed, spewing pre-cum all over the tabletop. A pleasure this exquisite couldn't be forgotten, and Nick wanted to feel it in every waking moment of his life. Soon enough, his own moans of pure ecstasy joined the others grunts of passion. The air in the room grew hot and heavy with the scent of sex, and the room filled with the wet sounds of flesh meeting flesh.

"Fuck, I'm gonna..." Klaus whimpered and pulled back, letting his member withdraw completely. He slid his hips against Nick's ass and hot-dogged his otherwise plump cheeks, his breathing quickening and his grip tightening on Nick's behind. The fox pushed his hips back and heard the hippo's ecstatic moans as he reached his peek. Nick couldn't quite see it, but he could feel the warm pulsing of the rhino's cock against his behind, and the warm wetness of cum splattering across his back. He couldn't even begin to fathom how much of it there was, but there seemed to be an ample amount.

However, he had little time to process it, for Gus was thrusting his cock into Nick's mouth harder and faster than before. The fox closed his eyes and held his breath for as long as he could, making sure to push his tongue up against the underside of the elephant's cock. That seemed to pleasure Gus immensely, and he let out heavy, hard grunts of pleasure as he reached his own climax.

He felt the elephant's cock throbbing powerfully in his throat, spurting a thick load of cum right down into his stomach, before the elephant pulled back and withdrew himself completely. Some cum deposited itself on Nick's tongue, but the rest arced and splattered across his face, straining his ears, snout, and cheeks. Nick had to close his eyes to make sure none of the cum got in them, and he made sure to open his mouth wide and readily accept any stray strings that came to him.

"Ah, fuck...I need to sit down." Gus panted tiredly, and Nick peeled an eye open to see the naked elephant stepping across the room, flopping down onto a chair and tiredly panting. The chair creaked quietly under his weight. Nick watched him for a moment, but his vision was obscured by another twitching cock. This one, however, was familiar.

"Need to clean myself up..." Klaus murmured, waggling his member with his hand, his half-hard cock poised in front of Nick's face. The fox certainly couldn't refuse, and Klaus wasn't asking. The fox grinned up at the hippo, who's smile grew wider as Nick's mouth drew closer to his cock. The fox pressed his head down, sliding his mouth over the hippo's member and taking the length of the cock into his warm muzzle. Klaus let out a quiet sigh, rolling his head back and planting a hand on Nick's head, pushing him down further. But, before Nick could make sure to clean that cock completely, he felt hands on his hips, lifting him up into the air.

He was teetered and moved around until he was hovering above the floor, his hands planted firmly in front of him on Klaus's hips. He couldn't glance behind him, but one feel of the man's cock was enough to identify him. Rodney stood at his backside, his hands firmly clinging to his hips to hold him above ground. The flared end of his member pressed and prodded at Nick's gaping, used asshole, and it took little resistance for the rhino to sink his member into the fox's behind. Nick let out a quiet groan and felt Rodney's grip tighten on his hips, his fingertips grazing and stroking across the fur he could reach, pressing into the fox's flesh.

Compared to the others, Rodney was all about power. His thrusts were hard and rough, but they hit just the spot when at the right angle, and Rodney was enough of a player to know which angle Nick liked the most. The fox couldn't help but whimper and arched his back as he felt those hard, powerful thrusts pushing into his ass without warning, pounding against his prostate and making his cock quicker and twitch in delight. His insides spasmed violently and squeezed down around every throbbing inch of the rhino's member, his toes splaying out and his tail standing on end. Rodney knew just how to push his buttons.

Klaus didn't plan to spend long inside Nick's mouth, especially with the Rhino thrusting so roughly against him, practically using Nick like a cum rag. The hippo pushed himself into Nick's mouth completely and the fox made sure to roll his tongue around every available inch of his member, before Klaus finally pulled back, satisfied. He stepped back and sat down beside Gus, the two of them idly watching the scene before them. Nick half expected Frank to come in and have his turn, but it looked as if the polar bear had his own plans that didn't involve the fox's mouth.

"F-Fuck!" Nick couldn't help but sharply swear as the rhino's member thrust in and out of him with renewed vigor, slamming into him harder and faster than before. His stomach bulged and protruded with the rhino's member, and he reached down and clasp his own grip over the rhino's own, holding himself steady. But he couldn't relax as much as he thought. Rodney pulled himself out of the fox unceremoniously, and before Nick had time to protest, he was manhandled and flipped around until he was facing the rhino and his cock grin. Then, just like that, the rhino's cock was in him again.

It was a little different getting fucked when facing your lover compared to the other way around. Being able to look Rodney in the eye whilst the rhino pounded into him sparked a whole new level of arousal that the fox often never thought possible, yet it happened anyway. Not only that, but there was the added pleasure of seeing the member sliding into him, watching the way his own cock stiffened as the rhino's member pushed up against his prostate, reminding him how much he needed to bust. Nick found his gaze drifting over to the polar bear, who watched from a distance, idly stroking his long, narrow member.

"Fuckin' tight bitch...!" Rodney grunted, complimenting the fox mid-fuck as his hips thrust and pounded harder than ever before, his breathing heavy and his grip tightening. Nick could tell the poor, older rhino was running out of steam, slowly losing his strength with each thrust, but he could also tell how eager the rhino was to finish completely. Nick wondered, at first, whether the officer had enough stamina, but just as he was about to ask whether he needed it, the rhino reached his orgasm. His hips thrust forwards and he let out a long sigh, spurting a thick rope of cum into the fox's asshole. Nick could see his bulging stomach and the throbbing of the rhino's cock against his skin.

Rodney pulled back, sliding himself out of Nick's behind and stroking his member furiously, holding the fox with just a single hand. The rest of his orgasm splattered itself onto Nick's strong, coating his chest and stomach in ropes of sticky, wet seed. Nick didn't mind in the slightest; there was something arousing about being covered in your lover's cum, a feeling that he couldn't quite place. He sighed contently, but he knew he wasn't close to finished yet. He found himself eyeing the polar bear from across the room again, and gestured for Rodney to place him down on the table.

There, Nick sat, crossing one leg over the other and coaxing Frank closer with a finger as Rodney grabbed his clothes, slowly beginning to get dressed whilst watching the proceeding antics. Frank seemed to hesitate for a moment, before he finally strode over. Nick cast his glance down towards the polar bear's cock, admiring how remarkably long and thin it was.

Frank leant over him, towering over the fox's smaller frame, his eyes smouldering with his barely restrained desire. Some might have called it intimidating, but Nick somehow managed to be turned on by it, the sheer dominating will of the larger mammals around him. He slowly leant back until he was laying on the table, spreading his legs apart to welcome Frank with all the sexiness he could muster. The polar bear's eyes danced across his body for a moment, drinking in his lithe, small figure. It wasn't like it was their first time, but Frank was always a little indecisive, even at the best of times. Eventually, however, he leant forwards, planting his hands on the table. His eyes bore into Nick's own lidded gaze, his face set in a serious, almost unreadable expression whilst his member twitched and throbbed against the fox's inner thigh.

He didn't need a hand to angle himself properly; he was dexterous enough, and Nick was gaped enough for him to enter with ease. It took him a moment for him to angle his hips back and for his cock to find the stretched, used orifice, but when he eventually found it, he thrust forwards, sliding half of his cock into Nick's behind with ease. Almost immediately, the fox's inner walls clamped down around him. Nick let out a quiet groan of relief and reached up to slide a hand through Frank's fur.

Unexpectedly, Frank leant forwards even more, lowering his body down until his chest and stomach completely flattened Nick in it's entirety, smothering him up against his fur. The fox briefly spluttered and tilted his head to the right to comfortably adjust himself, rather surprised at the animalistic, dominating display. He was about to protest, but then he felt it: the hard, passionate thrusts that he'd come to know from Frank. Each thrust was careful and methodical, each hump well-timed. Frank's cock slid into him and poked against his stomach, pushing against his prostate with the underside of his member. That, coupled with the gentle fur brushing against his cock, was enough to make Nick whimper in delight, squirming underneath the polar bear's bulky frame. To the trio watching, it looked as if Frank were humping the table. They might have suspected he was, if it weren't for the tiny legs that stuck out side side of Frank's hips.

Franks thrusts were slow, but that didn't mean much when it came to the polar bear. He only needed to do this a few times to finish completely: massaging the entirety of his cock at once was the best way to please him, Nick had found. His experience with all manner of bears in the ZPD had been enough to assure him of that. His insdies clamped and gripped tightly with each thrust, his back arching and his hands gripping tightly to the polar bear's fur. Frank bucked his hips forward harshly, his breathing heavy and his eyes lidded over in completely and utter bliss.

Suddenly, he pulled back, sliding himself out completely before thrusting forwards again. His cock, now completely dislodged from Nick's puckered, used behind, slid right along the fox's inner thigh and up his cock, prodding against his chin. Frank didn't seem to mind this in the slightest. In fact, if Nick didn't know any better, he'd have assumed this was the polar bear's intention all along. Frank let out a quiet growl of pleasure and humped his hips forwards just a little more, doing a number of short, rapid thrusts, before he let out a long sigh. Nick didn't have to listen to know that the polar bear had orgasmed: he felt it.

A thick spurt of cum splattered across his chin and dribbled down, pooling around his neck and down to his shoulders. Frank pulled back and another thick rope deposited itself on his chest, before the polar bear pushed forwards again, shooting another arc up against Nick's chin for a second time. The fox groaned and pushed his hips up against Frank's body, desperate for his own release. He had pleasured 4 in a row, but not one had been kind enough to reciprocate just yet.

Frank's orgasmed faded as quickly as it had arrived. When he finally moved himself off of Nick's body, the Fox was practically covered in cum, from his chin all the way down to his stomach. The trio of other mammals couldn't help but gawk and wolf whistle, jeering at him and his rather sordid appearance. Nick didn't care; for one, he loved the attention. Secondly, he was simply quite content with being coated in cum.

"Oh, shit, the time." Gus suddenly said, and Nick glanced up at the clock, realising it was nearing 2:45pm. They'd have to be back to work in 15 minutes, but Nick wasn't in a hurry; after all, he needed to clean up first.

"You guys go on ahead. I'll catch up." Nick assured them, and they shot him a grin, quickly dressed themselves in the loosest way possible.

"Pff, yeah, like we'd wait up for you anyway." Rodney teased, but Nick knew it was all just part of the game, to act so indifferent and so dominating at the same time. The fox found himself unable to stop his hand from idly stroking his member at the thought, giving down in his lower lips as he grazed his eyes through all of them.

The four of them left rather sharpish after that, closing the door behind them to give the fox some privacy, as well as save their jobs. It was likely that they'd be heading towards the precinct's showers to clean themselves up. Nick knew he should do the same.

Just as the fox sat up, he saw the door handle turn on the break room door. Nick froze and felt his heart skip a beat, wondering whether it was just another Male he could pleasure, or whether it was someone else who'd blow the lid on the whole operation. He blew a long sigh of relief when he spotted the iconic horns that belonged to the one and only chief of the ZPD, Bogo.

"Looks like I'm just in time," Bogo mused. "I asked out some of the other officers to help break the ice for me."

"I wondered why they were here instead of you," Nick mused, glancing down at his body. "I'm afraid I'm a little dirty."

"You know I like it when you're dirty." Bogo grinned wickedly, turning the lock on the door to make sure they had some privacy. He stepped forwards, popping the buttons on his shirt and letting it slide off his muscular, manly frame. It didn't take long for him to tug the buckle on his belt and let it fall to his knees, revealing his bulging underwear.

He stepped over towards the Fox and grabbed him, whirling him around as he dragged a chair nearer to the table. He slid into a seat and pulled Nick with him, dragging the Fox onto his lap. His hand reached up and smeared the cum around the fox's chest, a groan escaping his throat.

"You like that?" Nick murmured quietly, his breathing heavy, his erection obvious. Bogo shifted and let his underwear tuck under his ass, tugging it down towards his knees. Nick could feel the buffalo's throbbing cock against his back.

"Does that answer your question?" Bogo whispered into his ear, making Nick shudder. He lifted the fox up by his legs, hovering him over his member. Nick stared down at the long, thick cock and it's tapered end, his breathing heavy. He wanted it-- no, needed it. Slowly, Bogo lowered him down, and his tip slid into Nick's gaping behind.

Deeper and deeper Nick sunk, his insides squeezed the further Bogo's member thrust into his behind, until he found himself sitting on his length in it's entirety. His innards periodically spasmed and squeezed, his toes flexed and his cock bobbing and twitching with each squeeze of his behind. Bogo held him with a hand, just under his right knee, whilst his other hand travelled and wrapped around Nick's twitching cock. The fox let out a long sigh of relief-- finally, someone was touching him!

Bogo thrust upwards, letting gravity do most of the work as Nick bounced upon his member, his asshole swallowing up the cock and his ring squeezing around the length as he was pulled down onto it. The buffalo groaned and grunted into his ear, his breathing heavy as his hand clumsily and firmly stroked and tugged on the fox's member. The pleasure from both ends was enough to make Nick squirm and pant in pleasure. His knot swelled in earnest and his arousal was clear. Bogo wanted to make sure the fox finished before he did, but he knew it wouldn't take Nick long to cum.

"Oooh, fuck, Bogo..." The fox murmured, rolling his head back as Bogo's hand furiously stroked his member, occasionally reaching down to squeeze his knot, making Nick writhe in pleasure and frustration.

"That's 'Captain' to you." Bogo whispered into Nick's ear, but his stroking and thrusting was relently. Eeventually, it was all too much for the fox to take.

Nick bucked his hips up as best as he could, his toes curling down as tightly as he could muster as the pressure in his loins finally released, a wave of pure ecstasy washing over his body. His knot swelled and pulsed, spurting thick strings of cum from the end of his member. With each convulsion, his insides clamped and squeezed, gripping around the long length of Bogo's member as he climaxed. His breathing slowed and his muscles relaxed, his body humming with pure pleasure. The remnants of his orgasm dribbled down his member onto Bogo's fingers.

The buffalo reached up with his now free hand, bringing it to Nick's lips to let him taste them. The fox lapped his own cum from the chief's digits as Bogo began in on some hard, steady thrusts again, suddenly picking up speed. His ample nutsack swung up and slapped Nick in the backside with each powerful thrust, causing Nick to gasp and moan out in surprise and pleasure, caught off guard by the rather brutal pounding.

"Mmh. You ready for the big finale? Been saving myself all day for you..." Bogo panted into Nick's ear, and the fox nodded in earnest, his tongue lolling from his mouth, his body caked in cum and sweat. Bogo pulled the fox up, hoisting him off his member completely and setting him down on front of him, on his knees. Nick knew exactly what to do.

He sat, poised, his mouth wide open as Bogo grasped the fox's head in his hands, pulling him down onto his cock. The fox bent his head down and swallowed up the member into his mouth, relaxing his body as the cock slid down his throat as far as it could go. Bogo bucked his hips up into Nick's mouth just for a few more times, before he suddenly relaxed, letting out a long sigh. Nick could feel his powerful throbs of the buffalo climaxed right into his mouth, draining his balls directly into Nick's stomach. The fox groaned and stroked Bogo's naked thighs, his tail wagging to and fro.

They sat like that for no longer than necessary, considering Nick couldn't breathe. Bogo eventually pulled back and took in a deep, powerful breath, before a smile spread across his face. Bogo admired the handiwork of his officers: Nick was soaked in cum, used, and he loved it. The chief appeared satisfied. He crouched down to rummage through his clothes, retrieving his phone from the back pocket of his trousers. He tilted the phone onto it's side and made sure to take a couple of sordid photos of the Fox, drenched in cum and used like the office whore he was. Bogo admired the photos on his phone for a moment as Nick watched him, smirking. The photographs captured the entirety of what Nick was: a slut, to be used at the officer's leisure. Even the way he smiled in the photo gave that impression.

"Break's over in 5. Think you can clean yourself up and get back to work before then?" Bogo challenged him, and Nick straightened up, giving the chief a salute whilst still on his knees. Bogo smirked and grabbed his things, tugging on his trousers and shirt. Just like that, he left him.

Nick didn't mind, of course-- it was the way it often worked. Were they not in the precinct, they could have afforded a few extra minutes of cuddling and cleaning up, but considering the time frame they had, it simply wasn't feasible. Plus, there weren't any strings attached anyway. He slowly got to his feet, teetering for a moment, before collecting his clothes.

Making his way to the shower would be tough, but not impossible. He always planned for this; he had a spare set of clothes in his shower locker, and his coat was in the break room. He tugged on his trousers and underwear, letting the cum seep through into his underwear, but knew it could never pass the fabric. His shirt was a different puzzle, and even as he put it on, he could see the obvious dark dampening of the shirt as it soaked up the cum on his chest, but all he had to do was slide his coat on and he looked the past. he quickly wiped his face to clean up the cum, and with that, stepped out the door.

It was just his luck that he'd bump into Judy as soon as he stepped out the break room, and his usual suave smile briefly faltered in her presence. She eyed his suspiciously.

"Hey Nick. Just taking your break?" She asked him, and he grinned down at her anxiously.

"Uh, yeah. Had a pretty hard case to do with Frank, so..." He trailed off as she leant in and took a deep sniff of him. She gagged, covering her mouth.

"Christ. Go take a shower, Wilde. I'll meet you at interrogation room 6 in 20 minutes, okay?" She covered her nose, frowning at him.

"You got it, Ms. Hopps." He gave her another mock salute and turned, heading down the hallway. She watched him, narrowing her gaze. She could have sworn he was limping. Perhaps he'd just been injured. She shrugged it off and turned to head in the other direction.

Nick glanced behind him to see her walking off, and blew a sigh of relief. He had avoided the unfortunate conversation, for now, but he wondered how long he'd be able to keep it up.

He glanced up to see one of the other officers staring down at him: a tall and imposing buck. His expression gave a lot away, but he cleared his throat and looked away when Nick noticed him. The fox nudged the Buck's leg and gave him a gesture, similar to that of answering a phone, using his little finger and thumb to signify the other ends of the telephone. The buck seemed to understand and nodded, looking a bit flustered, before parting from the crowd. Nick smirked to himself and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

All in a day's work.


"Kiddy! Thanks for coming over." The young, 13 year old fox stared up at the woman beaming down at him, a smile spreading across his face. She stepped aside to allow him inside, and Kiddy strode through the door, a bag slung over his shoulder. He...

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Secret Stash

It was the beginning of any other Sunday afternoon. The sun shone overhead and seeped in through the window to illuminate a relatively clean-looking living room, the humid air forcing the owners of the house to turn on a couple of oscillating fans,...

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Picnic Preperation

Mei turned his head as a harsh gust of wind whipped around his fur, causing him to briefly stagger on his hooves. He stood in the middle of some grassy plains, with a hill to his right leading up towards a large mountain. The area was quiet, and many...

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