Picnic Preperation

Story by Birdpup on SoFurry

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Mei turned his head as a harsh gust of wind whipped around his fur, causing him to briefly stagger on his hooves. He stood in the middle of some grassy plains, with a hill to his right leading up towards a large mountain. The area was quiet, and many would have speculated why a young, feral Goat was all out on his own in the middle of nowhere, but he was there for a reason: he was meeting a friend.

The billowing wind buffeted around his face again and he winced, briefly, his pink scarf flapping a little in the wind. It was tightly fastened around his neck, but still, it felt as if it could fly off at any moment. Mei was especially nervous of his scarf, since it contained a collection of snacks and berries he'd managed to procure. He looked to his left and stared out into the open plains, his eyes searching. His friend was late. Or, maybe he was early? In any case, Gabu wasn't here yet.

No-one would have thought that a Goat and a Wolf could be such close friends, and yet friends they were. In fact, they were often something more, but both of them were usually too embarrassed to even consider discussing it. Gabu was kind-hearted, courageous, and a little bit bashful when it came to matters of the heart. Conversely, Mei was quite open about his feelings, but shy just about all of the time. It was their polar opposite personalities that had attracted them to one-another on one particular stormy night. The two had shared a brief, tender moment in the dark of a barn, waiting for the storm above them to pass. That tender moment had been a memory that still lingered in the two of them, leading them to develop a relationship unlike any other.

Just as Mei was about to lay down and wait, he saw the speck of a figure in the distance. He narrowed his eyes, and beamed happily when he recognised his friend coming towards him, albeit it as a slow trot. Mei started in on a small canter and made his way towards the Wolf, who began to slow down as Mei approached.

"Mei!" He seemed pleased to see the Goat. It had been a couple of days since the two had seen one-another. Mei slowed when he finally reached the Wolf, and the two stood across from one-another, a couple of metres apart. They slowly drew closer and Gabu turned his head, leading his nose across the Goat's cheek and nuzzling against him. He spied Mei's tail wiggling in delight, which caused Gabu's own tail to frantically wag.

"It's getting late," The Wolf realised, peering up at the sky above him. "We should hurry, before it gets too dark."

Mei nodded in response and turned, beginning to follow him. They made their way towards the mountain in front of them. The two shared a particularly special spot roughly half-way up, through a series of steep inclines that made it easy for them to climb. There was a small cliff and a shallow cave with enough overhang to shelter from rain or snow, which the two enjoyed curling up under when it grew dark. The wind fought against them as they moved, but Mei was determined to keep up. For today, however, the two were going to have a wonderful picnic and enjoy one-another's company.

"O-Oh, hold on!" Mei looked down at his neck and saw the scarf beginning to loosen. "I'll just be a moment!"

Mei slowed and sat back on his haunches, expertly angling his head to adjust the scarf and tighten the knot. Gabu stopped and watched him for a moment, surprised as how dexterous the goat could be, before a few fluttering birds brought his attention towards the mountain.

Mei looked up at the Wolf and smiled a little, fond of his company. Gabu was always a little outgoing, and his personality helped Mei come out of his shell. A gust of wind blew from their right, causing Mei to quickly hold onto his scarf, just in case it decided to loosen itself again.

Gabu's tail swayed in the wind, and Mei's gaze centred on the package swaying between the wolf's legs. His eyes snapped from the wolf's pucker, just briefly visible from under his tail, and down to the hefty nutsack that swayed beneath it, lightly jiggling with the occasional movement. Mei found himself staring for perhaps a little too long, lost in thought. Gabu's balls looked reasonably larger than the last time the Goat had seen him, and it left Mei wondering if Gabu had had much time to himself these past few days. It was a peculiar thing to think about, but something that Mei did all the same.

Gabu glanced back towards the Goat and gestured with a front paw, his tail flicking left and right. Mei heard his commanding bark for them to hurry up, and he quickly straightened himself up, standing on four legs and making his way forwards. He sped up briefly to catch up with Gabu, who was beginning in on a slow walk.

"It'll be sundown before we r--" Gabu's sentence stopped mid-way, and his muscles tensed when he felt the familiar sensation of something warm and wet against his behind. His tail snapped up immediately and he craned his head back to see Mei's face buried into his behind, the goat's mouth and tongue probing his puckered anus.

"M-Mei..." Gabu began awkwardly, his cheeks burning with a blush and his hind legs quivered. Mei was an expert when it came to worshipping his behind, and today was no different: Gabu could feel Mei's tongue encircling his entrance, slathering his pucker in spit and lightly probing the tip of his tongue against the tight ring, threatening to enter at any moment. The sounds of the goat's sweet suckling filled the air, and Gabu could't help but groan in pleasure, his claws digging into the dirt beneath him.

Mei continued for a few more moments, before his mouth slid lower, passing the Wolf's ass and travelling towards his balls. His nose and tongue trailed against the fuzzy sack and his tongue rolled around each ball equally, making sure his attention was shared between the two of them. Gabu reached a front paw between his legs, panting wildly to himself as his paw connected with his sheath. He couldn't stop himself from thrusting against his own paw, his cock standing to attention and engorging with blood in an instant. The wolf's paw expertly tugged back and slipped the sheath over the base of his member, just as the knot swelled and trapped it there.

"M-Mei, thank you," The Wolf began. "I...I desperately needed this."

Mei knew that the Wolf was appreciative, and his mouth moved with the Wolf's wild thrusts, kissing and suckling Gabu's hefty balls as the wolf humped his own paw, spurting strings of pre-cum onto the ground below him. Gabu began to really get into it, his breathing coming out in laboured, powerful pants as his his hips thrust with more and more gusto. He was desperate to cum, but Mei had other ideas.

The Goat moved his head from Gabu's sack and pressed against his side, nudging him and hinting at a new position. Gabu obeyed instantly and lowered himself, rolling to the left and laying on his back, with his hind legs spread out and his front paws tucked up against his chest. Mei moved around him until the Goat was standing over him, beaming down at him pleasantly. Mei was considerably shorter than Gabu, which made these kinds of sessions all the more enjoyable for the pair of them. All Mei had to do was bow his head, and his lips met with the tapered end of the Wolf's cock, sweetly suckling and rolling his tongue around the sensitive tip.

Gabu let out a small whine of appreciation and gently humped his hips up against Mei's mouth, sliding his cock past the goat's lips by just an inch or so, shooting tiny dribbles of pre-cum from the end of his member, which Mei gulped down happily. The goat's head bowed a little lower each time, but never seemed to get very far, simply because of the angle.

There was another reason why Mei wanted to be in that peculiar position. Gabu groaned and rolled his head around the grass in pleasure, but tensed in surprised when he felt the warm tip of Mei's long, narrow Goat cock against his behind. Gabu stared between his legs in surprise as Mei gauged his expression, the goat shyly grinning. Mei didn't want to wait for approval, and began to push.

Entry was easy, considering the shape and size of Mei's member, but Gabu still groaned in appreciation all the same. Mei's member sunk deep into the wolf's behind, sunking himself at least 3 quarters of the way into the wolf's tight ass. Mei watched Gabu's twitching cock lightly throbbing against the wolf's stomach and chest, and Mei pulled back, thrusting forwards with his hips. He sunk his member deep into Gabu's behind and the wolf lightly panted in response, a string of pre-cum shooting from his cock and splattering across his chest.

Mei began to thrust with earnest, letting out quiet moans of pleasure each time. He found himself overcome with ecstasy, the pleasure coursing through his body and making his skin tingle beneath his fur. His hips bucked wildly down against Gabu's behind, and he watched as the Wolf's balls bounded and jiggled with each powerful hump. Mei reached up with a hoof, grazing it lightly against Gabu's member, watching the way his cock twitched against the stimulation.

The two of them had no words to say to one-another: all that mattered with the pleasure of the moment, and the intimacy that the two of them shared. Mei pushed down harder and harder each time, letting out more laboured, intense groans as his balls swayed up and down, lightly pressing against Gabu's behind. The Wolf began to whine in protest, trying to thrust his hips up against Mei's hoof, desperate for his own climax. It was obvious that the two of them were close, and it wouldn't be long before they reached the edge.

Mei thrust and down his legs shook with pleasure as a feeling of utter bliss washed over him. His cock twitched inside Gabu's clenching, squeezing behind and a thick string of cum shot from the end of his member, shooting into Gabu's ass. The Wolf wildly panted, moaning out his pleasure and begging Mei to continue. Sensing he was close, Mei quickly pushed his hoof against Gabu's cock and stroked it up and down, stimulating him. He heard Gabu moan in delight and appreciation, and it wasn't long before he, too, reached his peak.

Mei watched in surprise as a thick rope of cum shot from the end of his lover's cock, splattering across the Wolf's chest and stomach. Another thick rope soon followed, one that arced up abnormally high and caught Mei on the chest and chin, before it dripped down onto Gabu's chest again. Mei bowed his head and caught a string with his mouth, gulping it down happily before he enclosed his lips over the tip of the member. Gabu thrust up against his mouth in appreciation and a thick string jettisoned from his member, shooting up against the roof of Mei's mouth. The goat gulped that thick load, and the next, before he had to pull back, gasping for air.

The two of them watched for a moment, the both of them panting, as the remnants of Gabu's orgasm spurted over his chest, pooling and leaking around his fur. The two didn't quite know what to say to one-another at first, and eventually, it was Mei who moved. The Goat stepped back and his long cock slid from the Wolf's behind, hanging in the air before it began it's hasty retreat. Mei bowed his head down and traced his tongue against the Wolf's cock, watching Gabu's grinning expression.

"That was a delightful meal..." The Goat murmured, trailing his tongue towards the tip of the Wolf's member. "I hope I'm not too full up for our picnic."

His mouth trailed down and Gabu watched as the Goat's head dipped between his legs. The Wolf immediately felt the sensation of the Goat's tongue against his asshole again, and he squirmed in delight, his ears picking up on the sound of hot, wet slurps. The goat suckled and sucked the cum from the Wolf's behind, catching it with his tongue and gulping it down with ease. In the meantime, Gabu tilted his head to lightly lick his own chest, attempting to clean himself.

When they were finished, Gabu rolled and got to his feet, turning towards the Goat, who was lightly licking a strand of cum from his front hoof. The two of them exchanged a glance, before Gabu gestured.

Just like that, the two continued their journey up to the mountain for their picnic, where the fun would continue.

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