What the King Wants

Story by Birdpup on SoFurry

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Personal piece, featuring Elias Ainsworth and Oberon, King of the Faeries, from The Ancient Magus Bride, a Manga with an Anime adaptation.

If you haven't had the opportunity of watching it, please do so! And make sure to use Japanese VAs.If you enjoy my work, then please please PLEASE consider supporting through my Ko-fi here. Every small donation helps to keep me doing what I love.

The night was noisy with the dull din of rain. The ground was muddy from the heavy downfall, and the trees sagged with the weight of the water beating down on them. Even the creatures of the night, who relished the darkness, didn't want to be caught out in such a temperamental shower.

Yet, walking through the undergrowth, was a tall, imposing creature. It wore rather gentlemanly garbs: a large, black cloak was cast over it's towering form, and beneath it was a sleek black jacket and trousers, with fancy shoes. The head, however, was likely the most out of place and most startling part of the creature's body: despite it's otherwise humanoid appearance, it's head with a large, intimidating canine skull, devoid of any flesh, with two curling horns on other side that stuck out. Humans might have called it a demon, but it was far from that.

The creature moved with all the grace on of it's size could muster amongst the rain and mud and dirt. It's gait was pronounced and methodical, timed to perfection, as if it had been practices hundreds of times. In it's white gloved hand, it clutched a sleek black cane with a gold carved head on the top, and in the other hand was a small glass jar that was apparently empty.

Through the trees, the tall creature slowed his step as he moved into a vast clearing. Around the edges of the clearing with glittering lights, small fireflies and other otherworldly creatures that floated and watched by the edge. Towards the middle of the clearing was a large tree stump, the remnants of a dead tree. The air hummed with an unimaginable tension that was hard for humans to place. The creature, however, intended to be here.

He stepped forwards and strode towards the centre of the clearing without any due resistance, crouching down by the stump. He didn't seem to care much for the mud that tracked along the hem of his clock as he reached out a hand, touching along the tree's bark. He followed his finger along the grooves of the stump until he eventually stopped, holding it finger over a small, plugged hole. He pressed his thumb and forefinger together, like he was pinching something, and gently pulled it back. A waft of faint, yellow sparks, before the plug suddenly popped out. The creature caught it expertly in his palm, and watched as a sickly orange sap seeped down from the open hole.

There was an eerie silence in the air as the tall creature reached the jaw down, collecting some of the liquid, before the trees began to rustle around it. It raised its head and surveyed the clearing. The fireflies and tiny sprites were abuzz with activity. Something was here, they said, barely able to contain their excitement. Their king was here.

The bone-faced creature snapped his gaze upwards and immediately spotted the culprit: a peculiar looking man was squatting down on the remnants of the stump, watching the creature with a cheerful expression. He wasn't an ordinary human, however: his legs were fluffy, covered in light brown fur, and ended in black hooves. His hair was a forest of green that tumbled down his shoulders and back, and two elk-like horns sprouted from amongst the undergrowth of his heir. His sharp yellow eyes studied the creature for a moment, chuckling to himself.

"Oberon." The taller creature's voice was low, devoid of any kind of emotion. It was smooth and silky, yet somehow frightening-- humans would have been terrified of him, if he were around them often. The satyr-like creature, Oberon, seemed pleased that the other man had remembered his name.

"Elias Ainsworth, the half-breed himself," Oberon announced him with an air of glee, a hint of mocking in his tone. "How is our little Robin?"

The 'Robin' that Oberon was referring to was none other than Elias's future wife and Apprentice, Chise Hatori. He had purchased her for a wealthy sum many months ago, for the express purpose of training her in magic. He was, in fact, a Mage, one who dabbled in the arcane arts and used the aid of the Fae for his spells.

Unfortunately, Chise's physiology made it difficult for her to learn Magic in a practical sense. She was a Slay Vega, a particularly special kind of Human who absorbed and generated magic at alarming rates, more so than the rgular Human or Mage. Because of this, her body was often unable to handle the strain of her magic output, and she often fell into deep sleeps that could last for days or weeks at a time. Regardless, Elias has always been dutiful in keeping watch over her.

"Still sleeping," He replied to Oberon, slowly getting to his feet. "She will probably wake up in the next few days."

"I see, I see," Oberon mused, his arms resting on his knees as he looked up at Elias, who now surprisingly towered over him. "And how are you holding up?"

"Don't mock me, Oberon." Elias's voice was low with a tiny hint of irritation. Elias often struggled to under Human emotions, but anger was one he was all-too-familiar with, even if he didn't cope with it very well. He knew he had to be respectful enough to the King of the faeries, but that didn't mean he had to put up with his mocking comments.

"Mocking? Who's mocking? Not me," Oberon giggled to himself, sliding from the stump and standing upright, his hands on his hips. "You know Titania: she likes to keep tabs on you and our little Robin. She's very special, you know!"

"I know." Elias replied succintly, placing the lid over his jar. He snapped his fingers and his cane, which had been resting against the stump, dissappeared. He was able to easily conjure and dismiss the cane at will. He didn't particularly need it right now, considering it was only Oberon here.

"I'm sure it's difficult, having your Wife asleep for such long periods of time. You must get lonley," Oberon's voice dropped an octave, his eyes lidding over a little and his voice growing cold, almost cruel. "All those pent-up urges, unable to be sated..."

"...I'm not sure what you mean." The red dots of Elias's eyes centred themselves on Oberon's almost mocking face, and the King grinned up at him with a half-cheeky, half-goading expression.

"Now, now, half-breed," Oberon began. "I'm sure you're not that clueless, right?"

The two stood there in a certain degree of silence, the rain falling around them. Elias found himself deep in thought, wondering what on Earth Oberon might be referring to. Just as he was about to reply, however, he was hit with a sudden force of magic.

Elias was swept off his feet and flew across the clearing, his back slamming up against a tree. Having been taken by surprise, his knees quickly buckled as his feet hit the ground, and he found himself crumbling, slumping against the tree. He was momentarily dazed. He could feel the seeping cold of the muddy ground against his backside.

Then, he felt a weight on him, and he finally snapped back to reality, shooting his head up towards Oberon. The King was now straddling Elias's body, his knees pressed into the mud, a sly grin spread across his face.

"Caught you by surprise, didn't I?" Oberon seemed amused with this little 'game' they were playing, but Elias knew it was entirely one-sided. Should he raised his hand, or his magic, to the King would be inciting a war. Titania would not be pleased, and she was much a much more respectable and formidable opponent than Oberon. Not only that, but the satyr King was inexplicably stronger than him, and had lived for much longer.

Elias watched in silence as Oberon's hands slid down his body, stroking against his chest. Elias found himself tensing up a little as the King's fingers glided over his stomach, stroking his wet jacket. As his fingers trailed lower, Elias found himself growing more and more tense, until Oberon's dainty fingers hovered over his crotch, mere centimetres away from the button of his trousers. With one deft movement, he popped the button with ease, and began to shuffle back a little.

Elias could feel his clothes quickly getting soaked in their awkward position, but he knew better than to move or protest. His breathing was slow and calm, but his muscles were tense, clenching themselves tight as Oberon slowly pulled the zipper down. The satyr seemed to relish seeing Elias so nervous, and he was deliberately taking his time, seeing how he would react. Hidden beneath those trousers were a pair of simple y-fronts, and the simplicity of them made Oberon chuckle.

"Human females say that knowing a man's underwear is to know their personality," He began. "If that's the case, then you must be pretty bland, Elias."

The taller creature was silent, barely reacting to the comment. He would have to consider the implications of undergarments later, but there were more pressing matters to attend to right now. He watched as Oberon's fingers toyed with the waistband of his underwear, deliberately teasing him. After a moment or two of idle teasing, he finally pulled the underwear down a little further, and sunk in his free hand.

Elias immediately felt his delicate fingers pressing against his most intimate area, one that no-one else had touched before. His muscles grew rigid and a sharp exhale escaped his nostrils as Oberon tugged at whatever was hidden between his legs, until the King successfully pulled it from his underwear and revealed it to the world.

"There it is." Oberon seemed pleased to find whatever it is he had in his grasp, and Elias snapped his gaze down to see the King's hand wrapping around it. It was his cock, of course: in every form that Elias could take, there were certain limitations, one of them being genitalia. If he had his way, he might have erased it from his person altogether, yet here it was. Much like the rest of his body, it was covered in dark purple skin. He watched as Oberon toyed with the flaccid member, which had to be at least 2-3 inches in size already. The King's fingers toyed with his foreskin, sticking his finger into it and swilling his digit around, before peeling it back and exposing the dark pink head hidden underneath.

Elias couldn't stop his body from reacting strongly to the touch, even if he wanted to. He felt his blood pumping through his body and directly down to his crotch, where his member swelled and stiffened under Oberon's assault. The cold rain and wetness on his body did little to hinder his steady erection. In fact, it seemed to aid it; his senses were heightened and the cold made his muscles firm. With ease, his cock pulsed to half-mast and continued to steadily grow as Oberon glided his hands over Elias's length, stroking daintly from base to tip.

"You know, Titiania has her own fair share of suitros and Males she likes to enjoy," Oberon began casually, continuing to idly pump and stroke the creature's cock. "But they're always Humans. Their lives are brittle and short, their skin fragile and easily broken. I haven't had a female in so long, and I often wondered why. I'm still not sure."

Elias didn't reply, and it seemed like Oberon was just talking for the sake of it, likely to fill the eerie silence, or perhaps just to goad Elias even more. The bone-headed man's breathing was heavy. He was fully erect now, all 10 inches of his twitching member aching for more than Oberon was giving.

"And then I realised, you see," He continued. "I crave the companionship, as well as something a little bit more than a female can give. Titania was the exception; she is a very intelligent woman, and she tolerates me. But I crave something more..."

He leant forwards a little, and Elias watched him move his head closer and closer to his own skull. He trailed his lips up and grazed them along Elias's skull, near his cheek. The skull-faced man could still feel Oberon's hand idly working his member, sliding the foreskin up and down his glans and trailing his fingers over the edge of the head of his cock.

"Men, you see," Oberon whipered near one of Elias's ear holes. "It's men that delight me so. Their abash demeanour when you suggest something so sordid and heinous, something not natural...but it's quite the opposite, isn't it? Shouldn't they relish in the feeling of flesh against flesh?"

Oberon's free hand sunk down and popped the buttons on Elias's jacket sliding his hand down and stroking them along the Mage's soaked white shirt. He moved his hand up, delicately tracing across Elias's body under his fingers met with the bare flesh of his neck. He felt the large Male quivering underneath him, and it made Oberon smirk.

"You're the same," His voice dipped an octave again as his fingers dexterously began to pop the buttons of Elias's shirt, one by one. "You're ashamed to have such urges-- No, you're ashamed to have ANY urges. You bury them down, refuse to acknowledge them when they stare you in the face. You tense whenever anyone touches you, you hate interaction. Your shame is...delicious."

He popped the final button free, and slid his hand between the parting of the fabric, letting his bare hand touch Elias's body. The Mage tensed immediately as he felt those delicate, cool fingers against his slightly moist purple skin. Oberon's digits traced across his toned chest and down to his slender, slightly muscular stomach. Elias's form had taken on the perfect Male image, and it showed-- his body was perfectly sculpted with the right amount of muscle and flesh.

Elias's skin tingled with a sensation he couldn't understand. The way those fingers stroked across his body made him uneasy, that much he was certain of, but there was something else within there. He felt as if he wanted more, but did he? Oberon leisurely assaulted him from all angles, touching his cock, his body, and grazing himself against his cheek. The Mage was a little overwhelmed, enough for him to act. He reached up a hand and placed it on Oberon's side.

"Stop." He said quietly, with a degree of authority. Oberon froze in place for a moment and slowly began to lean back. His expression was momentarily terrifying-- a mixture of frustration and anger that caused him to look tight-lipped, with narrowed eyes. Elias could practically feel the magic in the air humming around them, and momentarily expected the worst. Then, just like that, Oberon's face smoothed over into another cheeky grin. He settled himself back down again and admired his handiwork, grazing his eyes over Elias's exposed check and twitching, erect cock.

"And leave you so unfairly pent-up? Now, that wouldn't be fair, would it?" The King seemed amused, and he began to shuffle forwards. Elias didn't protest this time-- something about Oberon's expression warmed him that it was better to go along with whatever the King wanted, or at least until Titania might suddenly appear and stop him. She hadn't shown up yet, and Elias guessed she might never do so.

Oberon slid his hips over Elias's crotch and settled himself down. His hands reached down and popped a clip that help the peculiar mantle around his waist together, and it slipped from him with ease. He grasped it and tossed it aside, leaving him bottomless, his rear end and crotch exposed. Elias couldn't stop himself from taking a brief glance towards Oberon's crotch, and was surprised to find nothing there.

"Oh, I'm not quite ready yet." Oberon had caught his gaze and smirked, amused that Elias would be so bold as to check him out. He pushed his hips back and Elias's member ground firmly against his behind, standing upright and settled in between his cheeks. The more he rolled his hips, the more Elias's breathing deepened and his muscles tensed. A bead of pre-cum leaked from the tip of his member, oozing down the underside of his cock. His body knew what it wanted, and Elias at least understood that much.

Oberon seemed to be getting into it a bit now, and Elias wondered why this position, in particular, was his choice. Was it the feeling of a large cock grinding up against him behind that aroused him so, or was it the feeling of control and power over a relatively younger Fae? Elias couldn't be certain-- he wasn't privy to the thoughts of the Fairy King. Oberon rolled his head back and seemed to sigh in delight, and Elias spotted a thin sliver of pink flesh making it's way out from the mass of fur around his crotch.

"Does this arouse you, Elias Ainsworth?" Oberon questioned, rolling his hips back and he regarded the man with half-lidded eyes. "Or does it make your body rack with shame?"

Though Elias knew he could offer a splendid rebuttal at any other moment, he mind drew a blank. His mouth felt dry and his often steady heartbeat was thumping irregularly in his chest, pushing against the thin veil of his skin. He felt hot and prickly, despite the rain washing down his features, droplets trailing down his half-naked body. The more that Oberon moved his hips, the worst it seemed to get.

Slowly, he moved a gloved hand up, and he placed it on Oberon's furred thigh. The King paused for a moment, watching Elias's expression, watching for the emotion in his eyes. He could see the desire and need within them, and Elias's piercing gaze told him all he needed to do. A smile stretched across his lips, one that didn't display genuine pleasantries, but had a much darker meaning. He rolled his hips back against and felt the Mage's digits tense and press against his furred flesh.

Oberon continued to watch him, not breaking their stare. Their eyes were firmly locked against one-another as Oberon moved slowly, back and forth, feeling Elias periodically tense underneath him. His own member, a thin cone-shaped sort of cock, remained fully hard, sprouted from his loins amongst the collection of fur around his midriff. Elias broke their stare to briefly glance down at it again, and that made Oberon smirk even more.

Then, rather suddenly, Elias rolled his hips up and let out a long exhale, his body tensing and briefly trembling. Oberon guessed he was getting very close to finish, but he didn't want Elias to be spent just yet. He pulled his body up and teetered himself over Elias's upright, throbbing member. He lowered himself and felt the head of the thick, pulsing cock slide between his cheeks. The hand on his hips remained steadfast, and he felt it almost painfully clenching against his fur as his pucker pressed down over the Mage's member.

"Mmh. She'd never do this for you, would she? The two of you haven't even looked at each other naked yet." Oberon sounded amused, and the brief mention of Chise was enough to make Elias momentarily falter, before he focused on the task at hand once more. The firm pressing against the head of his cock made him roll his hips up, and the hand on Oberon's hip pushed the King down a little further, until the head of his member was swallowed up in the Satyr's asshole.

The tight squeezing and spasming of the Satyr's insides made Elias tense and freeze, exhaling through his nose holes. Even Oberon let out a quiet groan, apparently enjoying the session as much as Elias might be.

"Isn't it amazing?" The King muttered quietly, barely above the sound of the rain. "The feeling of flesh against flesh, the intimacy that follows...even we, Fae, cannot get enough of the taste of sex."

If Elias had his wits about him, he'd be inclined to agree, but it was as if his mind had narrowed down to a find pinprick, and all he could focus on was the sensation of the tight squeezing around his member, and the feeling of pleasure that washed over his body. The shame was at the back of his mind, gnawing at him, but he was too delirious, too pent up to even register it. Oberon glanced down at Elias to see the Mage focus intently on the King's crotch, likely zoning out.

"Oh, you poor child..." Oberon muttered quietly, realising that Elias was beginning to grow acutely focus on their lewd, sexual activity. It was no fun goading the creature if he wasn't going to be paying attention. Slowly, Oberon pushed his hips down, and heard Elias let out a quiet, restrained grunt as his cock slid further and further into the Fae's backside.

It didn't take Elias long. All the teasing and coaxing had done enough to send him near to the edge, and Elias felt a tight pressure building in his loins. His hips pushed up instinctively and he sunk himself deeper into Oberon's backside, feeling every inch of his insides clamping down around his cock. Oberon rocked his hips a little, and that was enough.

Elias's body tensed and his fingers dug into Oberon's flesh, squeezing his hips tightly, before all of his muscles loosened and his head leant back. His cock throbbed powerfully in the Satyr's behind, before a thick, wet rope of cum spurted from the end of his member. It met with Oberon's inner walls and splattered down, coating Elias's cock and clinging to his member. Another rope soon met the other one as the Mage's cock tensed and convulsed, stiffening with every heavy spurt.

Oberon let out a long sigh as he felt Elias erupting within him, and did nothing to dissuade the Fae from his pleasure. He rolled his hips down and felt each powerful pump of the member, each thick spurt that splattered along his inner walls. He guessed that Elias hadn't really done anything in years, and this was proof enough.

Just as quickly as his orgasm arrived, it faded away, leaving Elias's body humming with the afterglow of his climax. He found himself slowly coming to his senses, his breathing heavy. His vision, which was once a little cloudy, before to clear and he trailed his gaze up to Oberon's face, catching the King smirking down at him.

"Well...someone enjoyed themselves." He teased, and Elias felt the thin film of wetness around his cock, still firmly embedded in Oberon's behind. He quickly put two and two together and understood what had happened. He wasn't shocked, nor was he distraught-- it simply felt like something that had happened. There was no taking it back now.

Oberon leant back and settled himself down, breathing heavily through his nose, and Elias's gaze trailed back down to that twitching, cone-shaped member once more. It was taller than it was fatter, by a considerable amount. Slowly, Elias reached up with his other free hand, and pressed his gloved digits to the length. He felt it twitch and stiffen from his touch and his gaze snapped up to see Oberon's face. The Satyr was biting down on his bottom lip, as if he were stifling a chuckle.

"And here I thought I might have to order you." Oberon eventually commented, rolling his hips up against Elias's hand. The Mage tightened his grip around the throbbing member, sliding his hand up to the top and back down again. The rain helped his glove drag across the sensitive flesh, but he otherwise had no idea how to please another man. This was the first instance in which things had ever gotten this far. It was not like him to be clueless.

With each stroke, he felt Oberon's insides squeezing around his cock, making him briefly tense up. It was an odd sensation, one that was both a little grating, and also a little pleasurable. He was unsure why it felt such a mixture of both good and bad, but he continued nonetheless, guided by the way Oberon grunted and groaned. The faster his hand moved, the more the King seemed to enjoy himself.

"Right there, right..." Oberon's voice trailed off as Elias's fingers dragged down to the base, and he quickly and gentle pumped the base of the cock with the fullness of his palm, feeling Oberon tense and moan from his touch.

Oberon suddenly tensed, and he pushed his hips forward. A thin arc of cum abruptly shot from the end of his member and splattered across Elias's bare chest, the rain still running down his body and quickly washing it away. Another string soon followed, and the King's tight inner walls clamped down like a vice with each spurt, gripping hard around Elias's softening member.

Oberon groaned and panted, his breathing heavy as his body rocked with his climax. After a number of other hefty spurts of seed, his body relaxed and he leant back, his chest heaving. It was hard to tell whether it was rain or sweat that dripped down his frame, but Elias guessed he was tired out from all that work. His own grip on the Satyr's hip loosened and he moved his hands away from him, still pressed up against the tree.

"Well. That was fun. We should do this again sometime, when you Wife is asleep." Oberon smirked, sliding himself off of Elias's cock with a thick, wet sound. The Mage's half-limp, cum-coated cock hung limply for a moment, before Elias started to button himself up, realising he was relatively nude. Oberon scooped up his mantle.

"Just remember," Oberon grinned, leaning in closer to stroke Elias's bony chin. "I'm always watching."

Then, in a flash, he was gone, leaving Elias alone in that quiet clearing. The creature stared off into the distance for a moment, before gathering himself and getting to his feet.

"I need a bath." He muttered to himself, looking down at his muddy, sodden clothes. His reached down to trace a finger across his chest where Oberon's seed had splattered across him, and he was momentarily lost in thought.

He cleared his throat and turned, jar in hand, heading back towards the cottage. Mistress Silver was likely waiting with dinner.

From the shadows of the bushes, Oberon watched him go, quietly giggling to himself. He was likely to visit Elias again: he had seen that shamful, but lustful expression in his eyes. It was an emotion he wanted to capture again.

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