Hold It In

Story by Birdpup on SoFurry

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Commission for Pink Oshawott. Rated extreme for heavy/extreme watersports.If you enjoy my work, then please please PLEASE consider supporting through my Ko-fi here. Every small donation helps to keep me doing what I love.

The early morning sun broke over the small village known as Treasure Town. As the sun rose up over the hills, the light filtered in through the various small homes, shining through the windows and beginning to wake up various Pokémon. For most of them, it was just another ordinary day.

On the west side of town sat a small hut with a sign out front, listing the names of the residents inside. The window, which sat facing the hills on the opposite side of town, readily accepted the sun's rays, and the light shone through, illuminating the small room beyond.

Resting amongst a pile of leaves and hay were two Pokémon, cuddled together in utter bliss. The way they held one-another in their slumber was testament enough to their love for one-another. If the sign out front bearing their names weren't enough to confirm it, the way they slept definitely did: the two were an item, and had been for some time. The male of the couple, an Oshawott, rolled over in his sleep and immediately stirred as the sun's harsh light bore down on his eyelids, reminding him that it was morning. He blearily opened his eyes and briefly shielded his gaze from the sun, before rolling over in bed again.

He came face to face with his lover, a Cincinno with pristine fur and large grey ears. Her contrasting white fur, which she often used as a scarf, lay daintily amongst the bed, and the Oshawott shuffled forwards to briefly cover himself in the soft, downy fur. He nestled himself in close and let out a long sigh. He could stay like this forever. His lover, on the other hand, had other plans.

"Good morning, Miju..." The Cincinno grumbled, planting a brief, sweet kiss on the Oshawott's forehead. The otter-like Pokémon squirmed briefly, feeling his cheeks redden.

"Mmh. Chino..." He began, his voice taking on it's usual whine of protest. "Can't we stay in bed a little longer?"

"Nope." She replied, sounding half-asleep. After a moment, she rolled over onto her back, and then slowly began to sit up.

The two of them were roughly the same height, despite Chino being a whole evolution above her lover. Though, one's evolution didn't say much about them for their age, and was often just a visual reminder of their strength. The Cincinno waddled across the room towards a small running stream on the far side of the room that served as a way to both wash and drink. She bent down and pressed her lips to the water. Miju, the Oshawott, rolled over to admire her from that angle, catching sight of her tight lips hidden between her legs. He briefly reached a hand down between his own legs, tugging on his foreskinned member for just a moment, before getting to his feet.

Unlike him, Chino was a strikingly organised, but flirtacious lover. She always had a set routine and regimine, and that often meant their more lewd activities waited until the evening. That didn't bother Miju as much, but she could often be a little eccentic with what she wanted. Today, it seemed, was no different. As the Oshawott moved towards the door, with the intent to relieve himself, Chino let out a sharp, shrill chirp that caught his attention.

"W-What?" He seemed a little startled and surprised, but quickly smoothed himself over when he caught his wife's wicked smile. She definitely had something planned.

"Miju, dear..." She made her way back across the room towards him, wrapping her fur around her neck and letting it billow behind her as she waddled across on her two short, stumpy legs. "I have a...well, let's call it an 'idea'."

"...Alright, I'm listening." Miju knew better than to deny her when she got something in his head, but they wouldn't be married if he didn't silently admit that he was curious, and also a little turned on. Chino loved to experiment, and they often found something new that they both enjoyed.

"I was thinking," She began, toying with the end of one of her fur scarves, her eyes bright with mischief. "Maybe you could hold it in for a while. You know, just until later. I might have something exciting we can do."

At first, Miju was a little hesitant, but he knew better than to question his wife's motives. If she had an idea in mind, it was bound to at least turn her on, and it was likely to turn him on as well. Despite her dirty mind, she was particularly caring when it came to mutual satisfaction. He felt the colour rise to his cheeks at the thought of what she had planned for them later, and he quickly nodded. Chino seemed pleased, and she reached forwards to plant him a kiss on the lips, tugging him in with her tiny hands. He felt her tongue licking across his lips, and he felt his stomach twist into a knot. Even now, she still had that effect on him.

"Okay, come on! We have work to do." She beamed, and he cleared his throat, nodding in response. Today was an important day, but then, so was every other day before or after that.

The two of them were a duo that worked for Treasure Town's Exploration and Rescue guild, run by Wigglytuff. It sat on the far side of town atop the hill, with the majority of it's headquarters found underneath inside the hill itself. The two had joined a number of years ago and had done their best to help Pokémon in the neighbouring regions and towns, and they believe that their hard work is helping to make the world a better place. Miju isn't much of a co-ordinator, so Chino handles the majority of their clients, who often pay them for their services, which helps with the upkeep of their house, and provisions for their future expeditions.

The two of them made their way across town, and were readily known by the various inhabitants, who often saw them on a day-to-day basis. Miju did his part in waving and greeting people, but he could feel a pressure in his loins that made him uncomfortable. He knew he had to 'hold it in', as his wife put it, but he was already moderately feeling the need to urinate. The thought of holding it in for the rest of the day was a little daunting. He wondered how hard it was for his wife, too.

Entry into the guild was relatively easy: a small grate sat beneath their feet as they stepped up to the entrance, where a Diglett and a Loudred checked their footprints and allowed them inside. From there, they descended the ladder and made their way towards the vast notice board on the far side of the wall, lined with pamphlets and flyers with requests for aid, items, or more.

"Hmmm...what to do today..." Chino murmured to herself, glancing around the main lobby area. She watched as a relatively distraught-looking Lopunny made her way across the room from the ladder, quickly and clumsily trying to staple her flyer to the wall. Chino knew immediately that she was in need of help. The timing couldn't be better!

"Excuse me," Chino quickly interjected the Pokémon's frantic stamping, and the Lopunny froze and turned to regard her. "Sorry. You look like you need help. Me and my husband are explorers of the Guild."

Chino roped Miju closer, and the Oshawott shyly smiled up at the taller Pokémon, who seemed to blow a long sigh of relief. She reached for her large ears, bringing the tip of one up to her face to dab under her eyes.

"My daughter. She went into the briny cove by the Beach, and she hasn't come out! I've heard stories that it's dangerous in there. Landslides, cave-ins, rogue Pokémon...oh gosh, what's happened to her?! I need to know she's okay. Will you help?"

She looked at the two expectantly, and Chino puffed out her chest, shooting the Lopunny her iconic determined look. Miju knew instantly that she was going to take on the case: it was part of why he loved her. She was caring to a fault.

"You can count on us!" Chino assured her, and the Lopunny looked relieved. Immediately, she bent down and scooped the Cincinno off her feet, spinning her around and giving her a tight hug, nestling her head into the Cincinno's fur. Chino let out a little purr and seemed a little amused, glancing over her husband with a twinkle in her eye. He beamed back at her in response.

"We'll leave right away," Chino insisted as the Lopunny set her down, and she gave the mother a salute. "We'll be back before you know it. You just wait here."

"Thank you. Thank you so much." The Lopunny, who appeared eternally grateful, moved to take a seat on one of the little wooden stumps that were often used as chairs for Guild members. Chino turned to her husband, and Miju grabbed her by the hand, leading her towards the ladder. She readily followed.

"Um, Chino..." Miju began as they ascended the ladder. Chino had one first, which gave the Oshawott a clear view of her more private areas, which made his cheeks redden and his heartbeat quicken. It was for that reason that he was beginning to broach the subject again.

"Yes, husband of mine?" She goaded, giggling to herself at her own words.

"Are you sure we can't just...you know...use the bathroom before we go? This might be a dangerous mission, after all..."

"Oh, it's just a lost child. I'm sure we can handle that easily, can't we, Miju?" Chino replied pleasantly, and Miju winced, feeling the pressure in his loins getting more and more intense. He was desperate to go, but she wasn't going to let him. If he did it without her knowledge, he wouldn't hear the end of it.

"A-Alright..." He agreed, albeit a bit reluctantly. He was always submissive to her demands, both in and out of the bedroom. She always seemed to be able to do the right thing, regardless of whether he listened to her or not.

The mission was simple, really: the Lopunny's daughter was trapped somewhere inside the cave. Whilst the matter of finding her was the most difficult part, the supposed 'rogue Pokémon' that lived in the cave were easy to deal with for the dynamic duo. The cave itself, however, was often treacherous and dark, and neither of them had any suitable sort of light to accompany them. With that in mind, the two of them hugged a wall and travelled through the briny cove as if it were a maze: should they stick to one wall specifically, then they were bound to inevitably find the exit, and presumably the missing Bunneary in the meantime.

Chino was always particularly good in times of crisis such as this. Miju tried his best to remain determined and heroic for his wife, but she usually outshone him in terms of wits and strategy. Miju didn't mind that at all, of course: his wife was nearly always deserving of praise, and she thankfully didn't hog the limelight all the time, giving him opportunity to shine when the need arose. What she had trouble with, he could usually solve. It was for that reason that the two were so well-known, if not for their rather extensive love story that had been blooming since the two arrived in Treasure Town all those years ago.

As they traversed further and further into the cove, Miju became more and more aware of the impending need to urinate. Many an opportunity arose, but Chino always talked him out of it, stating that it would be much more fun to enjoy relieving himself later. The way she mysterious avoided giving any details made him both nervous and excited, and that typically distracted him for a few moments, before he felt the need to urinate once more.

Miju's natural instinct when he grew too desperate to pee was to get aroused, and today was no different. He could already feel the blood swelling to his crotch, which made him more and more nervous as time passed. By the time they entered a quiet chamber with a small pond at the far end, he was half-chub, and steadily growing. The pressure still remained, a constant reminder of how unbearable it was becoming. Chino turned to him to discuss the room they were in, but before she could speak, her glaze snapped down towards the Oshawott's crotch.

"Oh dear, Mijumaru," Her cheeks grew flushed and she twirled her paw around one of her fluffy white fur scarves. "I don't think now's quite the time."

"I-I'm not doing it on purpose." Miju squeaked in response. He reached down and grabbed the seashall attached to his chest, which his kind referred to as a 'scalchop'. He prized it from his person and anxiously used it to cover his genitalia, feeling his cheeks growing redder and redder with embarrassment. Chino giggled and squeaked in response, leaning over to nuzzle her nose against his cheek.

"Don't worry," She assured him. "Not long now. I think I spy someone over there who we're looking for."

His gaze followed hers, and his eyes centred on a small Pokémon sat by the water, sniffling and sobbing. As they drew closer, their species became clear: it was a Buneary, likely the same one that they had been tasked with finding. Chino took the lead, stepping forwards and placing her hand on the Buneary's shoulder. Immediately, the young Pokémon looked alarmed, but relaxed at the sight of the Cincinno and her soft fur.

Miju made sure to stand far back, not wanting to terrify the poor Pokémon with the unusual sight of him shielding his own genitalia. He didn't want her assuming he was doing it for nefarious purposes, nor did he want to be mildly aroused or erect near another female that wasn't his Wife. He was strictly monogamous. He could briefly here Chino talking about herself and her husband, and he saw the Buneary glance over to him from over the Cincinno's shoulder.

The conversation didn't take long, and the Buneary slowly got to her feet, trusting them enough to let them take her home. Miju decided it'd be better to stay at the back of the group, and he let his wife take the lead, for the time being.

The way back out of the cave was just as gruelling and took just as long as making their way in, and it was a good half an hour before they finally made their way back out of the entrance, the sun overhead practically blinding them as they finally stepped out onto the beach. It seemed they were in there longer than they had realised: it was already late into the afternoon, almost nearing sunset. On the far side of the beach, a congregation of Krabbys were preparing to blow bubbles against the water, as they did every evening.

"We'd better get her back! Your mother will be worried about you." Chino said to the young Pokémon, who's eyes were already beginning to brim with tears. Miju hopped from foot to foot at the back of the group, his cheeks flushed and his breathing heavy. He was fully erect by that point, and nearing on the verge of wetting himself. The 'scalchop' was doing a good job of hiding his member, but he still had the rest of the town to walk through yet.

"I-I'll meet you at the house." Miju suddenly said, and quickly darted down the beach. Chino called after him, but he was far too nervous to make his way through down the long way. Instead, he opted to sprint across the beach, which was an easy and often quiet shortcut back to their home.

There, he waited. He wanted to urinate-- no, he NEEDED to, but he held it. He knew his wife would be disappointed if he didn't, and Miju always aimed to please her. He quietly paced the room, waddling back and forth, tucking his member between his legs to hold it in as long as he could. He wasn't sure how long Chino was going to take, but he hoped it wasn't long. The pressure was beginning to grow unbearable.

It was roughly an hour before she returned, and the Oshawott was practically sweating with the exertion of keeping it all in. When he turned to see her walking through the door, he blew a sigh of relief, squirming on the spot and hopping back and forth.

"S-So what's this big surprise, huh? C'mon, Chino...I'm really desperate, here!" He practically begged her, letting out small squeaks and whimpers as he strained to stop himself from pissing all over the floor. The Cincinno stood there for a moment and regarded him, a smirk playing across her features, before she stepped closer. She wandered past him and he watched her move nearer to the bed, but she stopped just before she reached it. There, she bent over, flattering her stomach against the floor and rolling over onto her back, completely exposing herself.

Miju's eyes rested on her private parts, from her tight, pink pucker, up to the plush, puffy lips beneath. He could tell she'd been aroused all day: her lips looked swollen and needy.He stepped a little closer, tentative as first, before his gaze snapped to hers. She was grinning at him, her eyes twinkling with that same mischief as that morning.

"Pee in me." She started it rather matter-of-factly, to the point where Miju stopped in his tracks and widened his eyes. Was this her plan? If it was, it was a damn good one: Miju felt like he could piss all over the floor, if he so wanted to. Just thinking about it was sending him over the edge.

He didn't question her, primarily because he was far too desperate to really argue about it, or ask her why. He stepped forwards and dropped his scalchop to the floor, positioning himself above her, catching her cheeky grin. He had been fully erect since they'd made their way out of the cave, so he was already ready to go. He shuffled on his otter-like feet until the head of his member smeared against her entrance. Miju wasn't particularly hung, but had had a good 5 inches on him that he was happy to show her.

He smeared the head of his member against her lips, sliding his cock up and down her entrance, and quickly realised how aroused she was. He could tell by the way his cock smeared back and forth that there was a degree of moisture to it. It didn't take him long for him to push forwards, and the head of his member was swallowed up her by entrance. She suddenly clamped down tight on him, keeping him firmly inside her.

"Do it," She began to pant, squirming beneath him. "I need to go, too. Let's go together!"

"O-Okay...!" Miju didn't need to be told twice. He loosened all of his muscles and relaxed completely, and almost instantly felt his bladder release. He urinated into her, letting out a long, slow, steady stream. The release of pressure on his loins made him sigh in utter ecstasy, and he heard his wife letting out her own shaky exhale. She briefly loosened around his cock and clenched again, and Miju stared down between his legs to see a small puddle of urine forming beneath them. She was trying her best to keep it all in, to the point where he felt as if she were growing beneath him. In fact, it was her stomach, from trying to desperately to hold all the urine of the pair of them inside her.

It seemed to go on forever: all the piss they had pent up during the course of the day emptied itself into her, filling her up. Chino was squeaking and panting whilst Miju remained rigidly still, his hands on her rear end, his cock barely inside her. Eventually, he felt a trickle on the end of his member that told him, definitively, that he was finished. Chino still refused to let out on her squeezing, making sure he was firmly locked within her. He looked down to see a swollen belly beneath him, and he rounded his hands across it, marvelling at the taut flesh that held all of the piss inside. She wriggled, and it jiggled along with her.

"U-Um, Chino. I'm all done." Miju stated, glancing anxious to her. She grinned up at him, breathing hard through her nose.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" She panted out. "Mate with me!"

Miju gulped and his cheeks grew flushed. She could be so intensely demanding, and he was eager to please her. He pushed his hips forwards rather suddenly and felt her insides quiver and clamp around him, squeezing and milking him as much as possible. He heard her whine with pleasure, and he let out his own faint squeak of desire, his paws gripping around her flesh. Pulling back, he thrust forwards again.

The suction of his thrusts, combined with the occasional loosening of her entrance, caused splashed and droplets of piss and pre-cum and splatter form from her entrance and cover the Oshawott's crotch, but Miju didn't seem to care. If anything, it turned him on a little to be covered in such sordid fluids. He pulled back and thrust once more, beginning to take her to the hilt of his member. His balls pressed up against her body and she shuddered and groaned, pushing her hips up against him, where able. He leant over her and planted his feet firmly on the ground, his rudder-like tail swinging to and fro. Taking in a deep breath, he began in on a steady rhythm. Her swollen belly was occasionally reducing itself in size from the sheer thrusts that knocked more and more fluids out of her. With every thrust, it wobbled in the Oshawott's field of view.

Miju was a passionate lover, and no-one could tell him otherwise. His thrusts were hearty and rapid, his breeding fast and passionate, often accompanied with squeaks and groans of pleasure with every other thrust. His balls slapped against her entrance, causing Chino to tense up and squeeze down on him member even more, inciting more passionate thrusts. The Cincinno was trying desperately to keep all the piss inside of her, but she couldn't stop a stray stream of leaking out of her tight lips, dribbling down her body and forming a larger and larger pool of the stuff on the floor beneath them. Neither of them seemed to care, however.

"C-Chino...!" Miju moaned out her name in pleasure, burying his head into the soft, pristine fur of her scarves, his thrusts beginning to slow as he expertly rolled his hips, pushing his member up into his wife's delicate sweet spot, one he had hit with ease many times before. The Cincinno let out a shocked gasp and her toes curled with pleasure. She squeaked out in both protest and need, begging for more and she curled her paws into fists against the floor beneath them.

Before she knew it, her body was rocking with her first orgasm. Her lips tightened and clamped down on her husband's cock like a vice, before they suddenly loosened, enough for a hearty gush of fluids to leak from her and expand on the floor beneath them. When Miju felt her orgasm, he bowed his head and their lips met in a sloppy, passionate kiss. Their tongues wormed together and his rudder-like tail wagged firmly left and right. He began in on rapid, hard thrusts that made her shudder and moan out against his lips, and he pushed down into her, his hands cupped around her ankles.

"O-Oh god, Miju!" She called out between kisses, and he squeaked quietly at her in response, his body trembling and shuddering. He had been holding out for the longest time, but now that she was finally finished, he could be too. His hips pounded down into hers until his thrusts grew irregular and his breathing grew heavy, his moans coming out in hot, heavy grunts. Then, just like that, he reached his climax, burying himself in as far as he could go and spurting thick ropes of cum that swam within the small sea of piss that was still firmly inside of her. He groaned out and rolled his hips, his balls tucking up against his body. His body pushed against the swollen, bulging stomach and the Cincinno groaned and squirmed. His pushing forced more of the fluids from that, causing them to leak down.

The two of them panted in their post-coital bliss, unsure what to say. For Chino, this was a new fetish she would happily file under 'must do again'. For Miju, it was whatever his Wife wanted it to be, but he wasn't too ashamed to admit that he had enjoyed himself. He nestled on top of her for a moment, panting heavily, before he slowly began to slide out of her. He pulled back and the head of his cock popped from her entrance. A small gush of piss and cum spurted from her pussy, before she tightened herself up again, squeezing hard.

Chino sighed quietly, and Miju caught sight of the particularly prominent bulge in her stomach, her body trembling a little from trying desperately to hold it all in. He nestled in down beside her and nuzzled himself into a dry patch of fur, sighing with bliss.

"As much as I enjoyed this, Chino...maybe we should pick a better place to do it. Now I'll have to mop..." Miju pointed out, and his Wife chuckled a little.

"Oof. Don't make me laugh, or it'll all come out." She giggled, and Miju smirked to himself. He nuzzled in closer to her and the two lay there for a whilst, just enjoying one-another.

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