Desperate for a Discount

Story by Birdpup on SoFurry

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I've been away as of late. To get back into the swing of things, I thought I'd do a rocket raccoon piece, after rekindling my interest thanks to Anhes and the new Avengers movie.If you enjoy my work, then please please PLEASE consider supporting through my Ko-fi here. Every small donation helps to keep me doing what I love.

The sleek, dystopian streets of Yrulkar, a planet in the long-forgotten and often overlooked Gamma-C quadrant, were eeriely quiet. It was the middle of the night, but the pollution of lights and industry illuminated the sky and gave off an otherworldy green and blue glow that would keep anyone awake, if they didn't have the sleek, high-tech blinds covering their windows. The city itself was a mish-mash of metal walkways and skyscrapers, where the ports and ship docks were upon the highest levels, and visitors were expected to travel down through various metal bridges and steps.

Even on a scummy planet like this one, there were back streets that were even scummier. On the surface, the streets appeared clean and friendly, but there was an air of tension that lingered like a stench, reminding everyone who wandered the harsh metal walkways that the city, and the planet as a whole, was far from courteous. That tension only grew in intensity the further you delved into the darker, unseen streets that resided on the lower levels. Near the bottom were the kingpins of the planet, those that dealt in hard drugs, prostitution and slavery. A little above those were the weapon vendors. On a planet like this one, keeping yourself armed was crucial, but for a lone visitor seeking a special kind of gun, it was just another pitstop.

Heading down dirty, dingy metal steps was a lone creature, barely 3 foot in height, with a swagger about him that told anyone passing by that he was confident. He looked similar to a Terran creature known as a Raccoon, but he stood bipedal, and his eyes were full of wit and self-awareness. Pulled over his scrawny body was a dark blue jumpsuit that clung to his flat hips and short, narrow thighs, leaving a hold at the back for his tail. On his back sat a weighty weapon, and a hand was firmly attached to it, making it clear he could whip it around at a moment's notice.

His sharp eyes rolled over the sea of rust bucket houses around him that creaked and groaned under the weight of all those above it, before his eyes centred on an old neon sign not too far away, across a number of bridges. He picked up the pace, passing by a couple of aliens of varying shapes and sizes, some of whom looked like they could swallow him in one gulp. He ignored him, and they did the same. He cross over the final bridge and slowed as he reached the sign, centring his eyes on the glowing neon that made his eyes burn. It read 'Dilo's Armoury' in a handful of different languages. Fortunately, the Raccoon could identify 4 of them, but he only really needed one. Satisfied, he pushed open the large door and stepped inside.

The interior was dark and cramped, but as he stepped a little further in, lights above him flickered on. Startled by the sudden blinding light, a creature hunched over the counter at the far end of the store snorted and bolted upright, it's large, gooey eyes blinking blearily and briefly shielding himself from the glaring lights above, peering across the game. He grunted his annoyance at the sight of the small customer, moving his arms to relax himself on his elbows. The Raccoon heard the distinct creak of a chair beneath the creature. He briefly wondered whether the seat could sustain the weight any longer.

"Hey, uh..." The Raccoon began, striding across the room. As he approached the counter, he realised he was too short to really see the cashier, and he grunted in frustration. He glanced around him, before reaching out and pulling a stool towards the counter. He climbed on it with a degree of finesse that made it clear he'd climbed on many bar stools in the past, before he finally addressed the cashier again.

"Here to pick up a, uh, 'item' of 'interest'." He accentuated the two words in a series of inverted commas, gesturing them out. The cashier didn't seem all that amused, and turned his head towards a computer that sat on the desk. The Raccoon took a brief moment to look the creature up and down: it was a Grul. At least, that's what most people called them, for their original name is often too hard to pronounce unless one is actually a Grul themselves. This one clearly kept himself in shape: he only wore a thin jacket over his body that lack sleeves, or buttons, for that matter, exposing his rippled chest and the slimy brown skin that made the Raccoon shudder. The thought of touching the skin and having a strand of goo hang between his finger and the man's chest made his skin crawl. He understood the need for the Grul to show off his pecs: the creature ran a gun store, after all. Should anyone try to steal from him, he needed to make it plainly clear he could break their neck with ease.

The Grul's face was wide and pudgy, with an extensive chin and wide lips that were, at that present moment in time, contorted into an expression of deep concentration. The Grul squinted at the screen with his large brown eyes and reached out to suddenly slap the side of the monitor with his large, black-gloved hands. The monitor briefly crackled with interference, before the words on the screen sharpened.

"Name?" The Grul grunted, briefly snapping his gaze to the Raccoon.

"Starlord." He lied. Of course, that's the name he put in when he made the order, but it wasn't his actual name, of course. His friends and comrades called him Rocket, but he found it a little more amusing to using his friend's ridiculous 'codename'. Part of it was some inside joke for Rocket, but the other part was just to get him in trouble, should the authorities of the Galaxy come calling.

"What is that, some sort of superhero name?" The Grul grunted with a hint of amusement as he tapped the name into the computer, his pudgy fingers gliding over the holo-keyboard.

"Uh, yeah, sure. Why not?" Rocket replied, smirking to himself. The Grul leant back in his seat and he turned towards Rocket, reaching under the desk to pull out a piece of paper, placing it on the counter.

"The price of the gun went up in the last week," The Grul began. "It's 200k credits now."

"Wait, what? You gotta be kiddin' me," Rocket sounded frustrated, gritting his teeth and furrowing his brow. "I spent all week stea-- uh, working, to get that 100k. Why the hell'd you double the price?"

"Someone came in mid-week and got a couple. Supply went down, demand goes up, yada yada..." The Grul's voice was incredibly low, a few octaves lower than any human could muster. It was a surprisingly intoxicating sound for the ladies and some men alike, but others were intimidated by it.

"God damnit..." Rocket turned on the stool, rummaging through his jumpsuit pockets and grumbling to himself. "Ain't there some customer rights, or whatever, that say I should get it at the price I ordered it?"

"Sure. If you were on Xandar," The Grul said rather matter-of-factly, his wide lips curling into a brief smile, before they dropped again. "Look, rodent, if you don't got the credits, then look elsewhere."

"Now hold on, hold on..." Rocket held his hands up in surrender for a moment, and the Grul sighed through his tiny nostrils, leaning back in his seat. Rocket knew he had the alien's attention, so he continued.

"Maybe we can come to some sort of...arrangement, right?" Rocket suggested, and the Grul's eyes widened for a moment, briefly taking in Rocket's figure.

"Well, uh..." The Grul began, shifting in his seat a little. "I have yet to tick a Halfworlder off my bucket list. You're a guy so it's whatever, but..."

"...Wait. No, no, no, I meant--" Rocket began, quickly realising he'd made a grave mistake by not being specific. "Look, I-- uh, I ain't into...your kind...?"

"You ain't gotta be," The Grul's gaze darkened, and Rocket felt a brief voice in the back of his mind telling him to leave. "But if you wanna knock that 100k credits off, you gotta bend to the rules of Yrulkar, don't you?"

Rocket paused for a moment to take in the suggestion. It was true, he only had half the cost for the weapon he desired, but was it really worth selling himself out and stooping to such a level for a gun? In most cases, he'd done worse-- though they didn't violate his own personal privacy, just the privacy of others.

"Well, uh..." Rocket began. "If we're gonna do this, we gotta set some ground rules--"

"No ground rules," The Grul grunted. "I get to do what I want, and when I'm satisfied, we'll make a deal."

The alien was driving a hard bargain, and Rocket was caving surprisingly easily. Perhaps it was the chance of acquiring the gun he wanted, a rare blaster with an exceptionally rarer core inside of it. Or perhaps it was the low, gravelly tone of the Grul's voice that grated in his ears and made his skin prickle. In either case, he eventually nodded, not trusting his voice. If there was one upside, it was that he got to screw an ass.

"Alright then," The Grul leant back in his seat. "Let's see those clothes off."

One of the man's gloved hands reached over and pushed a button under the counter. At the entrance to the shop, Rocket hard a hefty 'click', and the lights at the front dimmed. There was a quiet whirring sound, and the Raccon briefly glanced behind him to see shutters making their way down the windows, effectively closing the shop up to give them privacy. Then, he finally realised what the Grul was asking, and he quickly added two and two together.

"Wait, hold up," Rocket began. "I didn't say I was gonna take a d--"

Before he could even finish his sentence, one of the Grul's hands shot forwards and grabbed him by the arm. He yanked the Raccoon over the counter and the gun that had been sat over Rocket's shoulder slipped from his grasp, clattering to the floor on the other side of the counter. Rocket briefly struggled with the amphibian creature, bringing out his fist and punching the alien square in the jaw, but the Grul was surprisingly not phased, though had difficulty keeping a grip on the Raccoon. He eventually managed to grab both arms and whirled the Raccoon around, forcing him down against the counter with his back end and legs dangling off the edge.

Rocket's nose and face were forced up against the counter, pushed down against the metal by a large, gloves hand on the back of his head. The Raccoon planted his hands against the counter and tried to force himself up, but it proved futile under the brutal strength of the creature above him. Rocket anticipated the worst and tensed, expecting a punch, or a stinging pain. Instead, there was a surprising degree of gentleness as he felt the zipper of his jumpsuit slide down his back, presumably via the Grul's other hand.

The air inside the shop was warm and stuffy, yet Rocket's felt a strange coolness as the Grul ran his finger down the smaller creature's body, running from the back of his neck and down his spine, sliding between the prominent metal jacks that were embedded into the Raccoon's shoulder blades. His fingertip trailed lower and lower down the exposed flesh and fur until his finger finally settled on the small of the Raccoon's back. The zipper had reached the bottom to it's fullest, but Rocket's ass still remained covered. The Grul reached up, gingerly grabbing the split of the Raccoon's jumpsuit on the right hand side between his thick fingers, and pushing it past his shoulders.

Rocket expected more violence with the rather gruff, ripped creature, but there was a surprising amount of delicate dexterity in his movements. They were far from elegant, but it was as if he'd toyed with things marginally smaller than himself before, and he was used to it. Still, that didn't stop Rocket from imagining what might transpire moments from now, or what the Grul might do. He hadn't heard much about their species-- at least, not much about their mating habits-- but they were known to be quick to temper, and often bowed to carnal instincts. The Raccoon could only worry about what the strange amphibian might do when he couldn't control himself.

Realising that struggling was a mostly futile effort, Rocket relaxed his arms and allowed them to be slipped through his jumpsuit, tugging his forearms past the elastic band at the hem of each sleeve. With his arms now free, the jumpsuit leisurely fell from his shoulders with ease, and the Grul pulled it down past the Raccoon's back and onto his hips, where it effortlessly hung on what little curves Rocket had. For a moment, the larger creature hesitated, his eyes drinking in the Halfworlder's scrawny body and his lithe, almost spindly figure, before he grasped a piece of the jumpsuit between his fingers and pulled them down a little further.

Initially, the tail gave him some resistance, but after a bit of coaxing, it was fed through the hole it usually came out of, allowed the jumpsuit to fall completely and expose the flesh underneath. The Grul wasn't surprised with what he found: Rocket apparently kept himself well-groomed and clean, but he couldn't do much about his figure. His rear end was flat, with just enough muscle and fat to cushion him when sitting, but lacked any additional extras. Still, the Grul seemed rather taken with the view before him-- perhaps it had just been too long.

Slowly, the amphibian's hand loosened on Rocket's head, and he finally eased up enough to allow Rocket to move and shuffle, getting into a more comfortable position. Rocket didn't want to admit it, but he was a little curious-- it was no mistake why he agreed to the deal: he wanted that gun, after all! But part of him was always interested in men, more than he cared to admit. He was always quick to dismiss, but now that the situation had arrived, he found himself hesitating, wondering where this might lead. Despite that, his impenetrable emotional 'shield' remained firm.

"Like what you see, weirdo? You do this for all yer clients?" Rocket found himself snarling, before he could stop himself. The Grul tensed and his eyes snapped to the Raccoon, who had his head craned back to regard the larger creature from the corner of his eye, his body fully exposed. The Grul's eyes briefly widened, and Rocket grew anxious. Had he hit a nerve? The knot in his stomach loosened when he saw the Grul's mouth curl into a sickening smile.

"'Starlord'...are you nervous?" The Grul goaded, and Rocket gritted his teeth, snarling in response. That petty rebuttal caused the large Amphibian to chuckle as his gloved hand placed itself on Rocket's behind, squeezing his flesh. He kneaded a thumb into the firm muscle on the Raccon's backside, and Rocket felt his skin prickle with a sensation he wasn't all too familiar with.

"Asshole. Just do what you gotta do, and be quick about it." Rocket sharply, and lamely, retorted, too late for it to have any lasting effect on the Grul's ego. The large alien merely snorted, sliding his finger down between the Raccoon's cheeks and briefly parting them.

"If we're going to do this...wouldn't it be fair to be on a first name basis?" The Grul suggested. "I'm always one for dispassionate mating, but you, on the other hand..."

"Like I'd spill the beans on my identity for whatever backwater clients you'd sell that info to." Rocket spat back in response, making the Grul smile.

"I expected as much. Well, I'll at least be upfront. My friends call me Vol." He replied, slowly lowering himself onto his knees behind the Raccoon, who watched him closely.

"We ain't friends. Who said we were friends?" Rocket replied, his tone demanding and curt, his defensive mechanism for when he was vulnerable. His other mechanism was to shoot people, but his gun lay stranded on the other side of the counter, with no way to get to it.

"You wont be saying that when I'm finished with you." Vol assured him, a snicker escaping his lips as his head disappeared behind Rocket's behind, out of the Raccoon's line of light. Rocket momentarily swore to himself under his breath and looked around the counter for any possible escape route.

Just as he was about to try and move, he felt something: two large hands pressed themselves against his behind, and spread his cheeks apart completely, exposing the tight pink button hidden between them. Rocket immediately tensed and gripped onto the counter, taking in a sharp breath and expecting the worst. Instead, he felt something warm and sickly: a loose, wet feeling that slathered around his behind. It didn't take him long to realise that the Amphibian was probably licking him.

Gruls tended to have long tongue that were often wet and fleshy, and Vol was no different. His long appendage could coil up to 2 metres in length, but he needed only the tip to smear around Rocket's behind, his thumbs and fingers kneading the Raccoon's flesh as his tongue sloppily applied saliva to the creature's exterior, sliding over his pucker and down towards his taint. The saliva was so copious that it easily dripped down Rocket's taint and hung just behind his balls, dripping to the floor.

Vol's wet, sloppy licks didn't stop there, however. He leant back for a moment and slid a gloved finger into his mouth, slathering his tongue around the digit, before he withdrew it and brung it to Rocket's behind. The tip of his gloved finger teased the Raccoon's entrance, and Rocket tensed up immediately, squirming against the counter. The Grul's fingers were surprisingly thick. Before Rocket could even protest, the finger forced it's way into his behind.

Whether Vol was just growing impatient or if he was giving into his instincts, Rocket couldn't be certain, but he knew for sure that the Grul was being rough now. The finger pushed it's way into him without any care and attention, nor any warning. He felt the digit curl within him and a shaky, sharp inhale escaped his lips as his back arched. The finger wormed around inside him, poking and prodding at every angle it could manage, the Grul twisting his wrist left and right to cover every inch of the Raccoon's insides. Rocket squirmed and grunted, letting out quiet gasps. His inner ring spasmed and clenched, his muscles squeezing like a vice, pulsing. His limp, humanoid cock hung between his legs, slowly pulsing and growing, blood pumping to his member. He didn't want to admit it, but it was good. Really fucking good.

"Not too loose. Not too tight." Vol seemed pleased with his initial 'examination', so he withdrew his finger, leaving Rocket panting. The Raccoon slumped against the counter and gritted his teeth, overcome with a sense of shame and desire, the two feelings swimming together in a sea of anger and annoyance.

Vol lowered his head once more, pressing his mouth up to Rocket's behind, smothering it with his lips. His tongue darted out again and instead of slobbering over the exterior of Rocket's asshole, he wedged the tip of his tongue against the tight pucker, pushing and forcing his way inside. When he initially met resistance, he remedied it by spreading the Raccoon's cheeks even further with his hands. When his tongue finally wormed it's way into the Raccoon's asshole, a small groan escaped his throat, and he slid his tongue as deep as he could go.

Rocket could feel it inside him, wriggling around like some worm trying to burrow into his insides and come out through his stomach. He didn't want to admit that it felt like body with humming with pleasure, but he couldn't stop himself from letting out the occasional shaky exhale, his toes curling and his knees pressing up against the counter. His hands curled into fists and his body squirmed. The deeper that tongue went, the more he quietly groaned. Eventually, Vol decided he had gone as far as he wanted to, and his tongue slid backwards, before digging in again. The Grul's tongue was literally fucking him. Rocket wished he had the bravado to brag about it, but he felt nothing but the wallowing, drowning feeling of shame, coupled with the burning desire for their session to continue.

It continued like that for what felt like an eternity, the tongue sliding in and out of him as the amphibian massaged and squeezed his rump with his fingers. The saliva readily dripped down onto the floor now, but it thankfully wasn't enough to make a mess. The Grul's tongue-fucking was growing more and more intense until he seemed to reach an inevitable climax, and slowed. Rocket knew that Grul's didn't use their tongues for this sort of thing, so he was left wondering why. After a moment, he knew the answer.

The tongue slid out of him remarkably rapidly, leaving Rocket with a strange sense of emptiness, coupled with a tingling desire for more. He craned his head back to see the Grul panted and breathing heavily, his eyes wide with desire and his skin looking a little wetter to usual. The Grul quickly got to his feet and Rocket saw him hastily removing his vest. The Raccoon took a moment to fully take in his form in a slightly different light, now that he was topless. It was a certain degree of 'muscular' that was not over the top, but made it perfectly clear how strong he was. His arm muscles bulged with his pecs were prominent and enormous. As Rocket dragged his eyes lower, he could see that the Grul enjoyed good food and exercising in tandem: his stomach wasn't completely toned, and there was a little bit of a pudge to it that only came with someone who enjoyed eating.

Rocket's eyes descended further, and he quickly realised why the Grul was so eager to get to his feet. A prominent bulge sat almost upright in Vol's loose, casual shorts, and it didn't take long before Rocket got to see what it was like underneath. The Grul's gloved digits reached down and expertly popped the oversized button on the front of his shorts, allowing the zipper to part, letting his pants drop to the floor. Rocket was surprised to see no underwear underneath, but he was even more surprised at the size of the Grul's member.

Rocket had never been so up close and personal with this kind of alien before, at least not in a sexual capacity. He felt his mouth go dry and his heartbeat quicken at the sheer size of the alien's cock: a hefty 11 inches of thick, twitching cock stood before him, the tip oozing pre-cum and desiring some much-needed attention. It's shape was mostly humanoid, much like Rocket's own, but it was considerably longer and thicker than the Raccoon could have ever imagined. Surprisingly, Vol looked a little nervous to be showing himself off, briefly rubbing the back of his head.

"Like what you see?" Vol parroted the Raccoon's own words back at him from earlier, and Rocket realised he was staring. He quickly averted his gaze and grunted in annoyance, glancing towards the entrance of the store. It was firmly locked tight. Thankfully, no-one can see them.

Rocket was about to look back, but felt a hand on his thigh, gripping him tightly. Suddenly, the room began to spin, and Rocket found himself landing firmly on his back on the counter, staring up at the ceiling. Alarmed, he looked between his legs to see the Grul pulling at the elastic hems of his jumpsuit, tugging them off of his feet and tossing the whole thing aside, leaving the Raccoon fully nude, much like he was.

"Woah, hey, the hell you doin'?!" Rocket quickly barked, his eyes wide as the Grul spread his legs and towered over him intimidatingly, his beady eyes staring down at Rocket, licking his long, wet lips.

"C'mon..." The Grul's voice was low and husky, his breathing heavy. "Just the tip. Just the tip and I'll knock off another 50k..."

"Are you insane?!" Rocket exclaimed, trying to squirm out from under him. "You'll split me in two, asshole!"

"C'mon!" Vol was practically begging for him to agree, but clearly wasn't going to take no for an answer. He didn't even wait for Rocket's response before he was leaning back and grabbing the Raccoon's leg, holding him up a little as he reached down, adjusting his own member with his free hand. Rocket could feel the head of the foreskinned cock sliding between his cheeks, pushing dangerously against his pucker.

Rocket attempted to struggling, kicking his free leg against him and attempting to squirm away, but he knew full well that the Grul was a lot stronger than him, and without his gun he was defenceless. He scrabbled his hand out across the counter, searching for anything he could use as a weapon, but despite the busy chaos that was around the rest of the shop, the counter was immaculately organised, leaving Rocket with nothing to defend himself.

The tip wedged itself against his tight ass, and the Grul forced himself forwards. Rocket was taken by surprise and didn't have time to tense up. His muscles easily gave way to the intruding member and the tip was swallowed up by his tight ring. His muscles immediately spasmed and he was met with a searing pain like no other, causing him to gasp and grit down hard with his teeth. Tears formed at the corner of his eyes and he breathed hard through his nose, listening to the Grul's groans of pleasure.

"Oooh fuck yeah..." The Grul murmured to himself. "Damn, if I knew Halfworlders were this tight, I would have looked for you a long time ago..."

"Fuck you!" Rocket retorted through gritting teeth, his voice choked. The pain was almost unbearable, but it was somehow dying down as Vol remained in the same position. Rocket could feel the pulsing head of his cock inside him, and his stomach quivered. He was dreading what was going to happen next.

Slowly, Vol pushed forwards, if only an inch. Rocket felt that weak stab of pain again, but it thankfully wasn't as excruciating as the initial entry. The Grul pushed a little further, his muscular body towering over Rocket's spindly, small frame. Satisfied he was firmly embedded in the Raccoon's backside, the Grul moved himself until he was leaning over the small creature, planting his hands either side of Rocket's head, keeping himself steady. Rocket was forced to spread his legs completely, the back of his legs sticky with the amphibian's gooey membrane that covered his skin.

Rocket winced and strained as Vol pushed further and further, sinking more and more of his cock into the small, spasming backside, the tight ring of the Raccoon's ass squeezing around his cock like a vice. The Grul groaned with pleasure, rocking his hips lightly back and forth. The wet, copious saliva from slobbering the Raccoon's ass had aided in his entry, and the tongue-fucking from mere moments before was more than enough lube to keep his thrusts and tugs slick and wet. When his cock was about halfway into the Raccoon's ass, he began to pull back.

Rocket had assumed it would be easier going out than in, but he felt the Grul's thick cock pulling his tight, clenching ring with him, making him tense up and groan in a mixture of pain and pleasure. Vol didn't pull back too far, thankfully, before he pushed in again, sinking himself deeper.

It was then that Rocket felt it: a sharp pang of pleasure inside him that travelled up his spine and made him arch his back. A shaky groan escaped his lips and his own humanoid cock throbbed against his stomach, reminding him of how good that felt. It didn't take a genius to know what internal button the Grul had pressed, but Rocket felt a sickening shame sink over his body, drowning out what little pleasure he'd received. It had felt good, but it should feel good. He didn't want this, not really, but he was having it anyway.

Vol tugged back and thrust against with earnest, his moans palpable and his shuddering a clear sign that he was enjoying himself. If anything, that made Rocket's lift a little easier-- it meant he might get more of a discount off of the gun than he initially. Slowly, the Raccoon propped himself up on his enjoy, gritting his teeth and taking in a sharp breath. He could feel the Grul urging himself into a frenzy, and he knew that the large alien would likely speed up soon.

As if on cue, Vol suddenly thrust with more force and intensity, forcing Rocket to press his heels down against the amphibian's body and hook himself onto him to stop him sliding across the counter. A sharp hiss escaped his lips as the Grul force his member further into him, taking himself almost to the base of his cock, before tugging back and thrusting again. He could feel the amphibian's large balls grazing his backside, a reminder that the alien still had a few inches to go, and that he'd likely want to finish to the hilt. Rocket braced himself as the Grul picked up even more speed, his civil groans and shudders turning into hard, carnal grunts.

"Fuck...fuck...!" Rocket grunted to himself with every irregular sharp thrust that seemed to follow no discernible pattern. A pool of pre-cum oozed and collected itself against his stomach, dribbling down in a fine line on the right side of his body and trailing down to his hip. Despite the sharp pain that made tears trickle down his cheeks from such a vast insertion into his small frame, his cock remained dutifully hard, pulsing against his stomach with every other thrust.

Rocket felt something inside him: a twinge he could quite place, one that made him briefly squirm. A pressure in his loins began to brim and he found himself breathing hard through his nose. The air filled with the wet noises of that thick, sloppy cock ramming it's way into him until the large, amphibian brute was finally in to the hilt, his pelvis webed up against Rocket's backside and spread legs. He began to thrust in short, rapid bursts, keeping as much of his member inside as possible. Rocket found himself facing very little pain, and far too much pleasure. Before he could stop himself, he was little out little whimpers amongst his quiet swearing, and his felt the colour rise to his cheeks.

"S-Shit..." He let out a sharp, shaky exhale, his toes curling and his body tensing up completely. His cock throbbed once and stiffened completely, before a thick glob of cum shot from the end of his member, splattering across his chest in a short, wet arc. Another soon followed soon as a slightly different angle, landing just shy of the other's max length. Another followed that had no propulsion behind it, and oozed down his member without a care in the world. Another arc finally shot out the superseded the first, watching Rocket on his collarbone.

Rocket couldn't understand why he was orgasming so easily, but the pleasure was exquisite, and he didn't want the sweet ecstasy to end. For a moment, he simply basked in the feeling of his orgasm and the sensation of fullness in his behind, feeling the thick member pulsing inside him, thrusting in and out as his insides spasmed in unison with his cock's quiet convulsion. He felt no shame, and no anger; all his worries washed away, and all he could feel was that warm, intoxicating pleasure.

But like always, his orgasm faded as quickly as it had begun, and he looked down at himself to see the mess he had made. A number of stray strings were splattered across his front, whilst the rest pooled around his pelvis and down his member. The Grul was still thrusting without any regard for the Raccoon's safety, but something out his heavy grunts and sharp thrusts told Rocket that he wouldn't last too long. The Raccoon briefly winced as he felt the dull pain returning after his climax, before Vol suddenly slowed.

The amphibian let out a quiet, long sigh, and Rocket felt the member powerfully pulsing inside him. He should have known better than to left the amphibian take him bareback, but he also knew he could see a clinic if he caught anything horrific. He felt the warmth spreading throughout his stomach as the thick, gooey seed shot into him, coating his insides with wet, sticky cum. Vol breathed heavily, lowering his head and grinning widely at the sight underneath him.

"I didn't...think someone as 'legendary' as the 'Starlord' would be so into this." He goaded, and Rocket glared up at him in response.

"Eat shit." He retorted, and it was a pretty lame rebuttal, at that. Vol chuckled in response and leant up, slowly sliding his hips back, deliberately taking his time. Rocket watched the cum-soaked cock slide from his behind and finally pull out completely, hanging half-limp and covered in a mixture of seed and spit. Rocket could feel the fluid leaking out of him, and knew he didn't really have the opportunity to get himself cleaned up. Not at the moment, anyway.

With a sigh, the Grul slipped down into his small little stool, turning himself towards the computer and tapping away on the holo-keyboard in front of him, his fingers gliding over the imaginary keys.

"...Let's ring it up at 50k, shall we?" Vol grinned with a sleazy look upon his face, glancing towards the still spread, gaped Raccoon.

"Yeah, whatever..." Rocket sighed, resting his head down against the counter.

"Oh, and you could maybe come back? If you want to. I mean, you might want the footage from the camera..." Vol remarked, and Rocket bolted upright, his eyes wide, before he narrowed them. He knew he was being played.

"I could shoot you, you know." Rocket pointed out.

"So could I. But we both don't want to do that, do we?" Vol remarked quietly, not quite meeting the Raccoon's gaze.

Rocket regarded him coldly, but found himself unable to muster up a reply. For the longest time, he didn't know why.

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Sun, Sand, and Incestuous Activities

It has only been a week since Wes' Uncle had come to visit, but it was already beginning to feel like torture. If there were any time to use the expression 'pushed from pillar to post', the past 7 days was definitely the time to use it. The teen...

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