Sun, Sand, and Incestuous Activities

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Part 1 and Part 2 can be found here.

This is a third in a trilogy, commissioned by anonymous.If you enjoy my work, then please consider supporting through my Ko-fi here. Every small donation helps to keep me doing what I love.

It has only been a week since Wes' Uncle had come to visit, but it was already beginning to feel like torture.

If there were any time to use the expression 'pushed from pillar to post', the past 7 days was definitely the time to use it. The teen anthropomorphic Pikachu honestly felt as if he were between a rock and a hard place, and that wasn't a euphemism.

His Uncle, Jeremiah, was a particularly outgoing, 'laddish', and affectionate Raichu with peculiar psychic abilities and a rich brown coat. His father Carl, on the other hand, was probably the best Dad he could ask for, but was just as affectionate and gropy as his brother. Initially, Wes had been completely oblivious to their little competition, but it was at the end of the week that he finally caught on.

The two seemed to share some sort of rivalry when it came to affections of Wes, and the two had been subtly fighting for his attention since Jeremiah had come to visit for 2 weeks. Their personalities and fetishes were strikingly different from one-another: whilst Wes didn't even have a clue what he wanted in life, the two adults were very particular on their tastes. Jeremiah was keen to rope Wes into his schemes, and he often had the young Pikachu trembling beneath him. Jeremiah was a vicious powerbottom, and a passionate one, too, and he didn't care who watched him do it. Wes's father, on the other hand, was all about privacy. He acted like the doting father when in the company of others, but he didn't hesitate to grope and squeeze in private. He was quite the opposite of his brother: he was a completely dominant top, and he never wasted any time in stretching Wes open when the opportunity presented itself.

Of course, as a young Pikachu, the idea of sex was exhilarating, and he certainly didn't turn down an offer when it presented itself. His two relatives were reasonably chubby, and incredibly well hung compared to himself. They were his ideal body type and, in a way, his ideal sexual partners, even if he didn't want to admit it. However, it was quickly becoming clear that the two of them wanted him to pick between one or the other for the ideal mate. If Wes was honest, it was likely Jeremiah's idea: he was so outgoing and open about his sexuality that it was likely he was goading his brother into fighting for his own son's affection. Granted, neither of them really had to try very hard.

It was on the Saturday, 8 days into Jeremiah's visit, that Wes was beginning to grow frustrated with their teasing. He awoke to the faint smell of bacon and eggs cooking downstairs and he rolled out of bed, clambering to his feet and tugging on some suitable clothes that lay strewn across his floor. He'd barely had any time to keep his room tidy, since every chance he got to have a moment to himself was taken up by his uncle, or his father.

He trudged his way across the landing at the most inopportune time. As he turned to head down the stairs, he caught a glimpse of his uncle, Jeremiah, sauntering his way from the bathroom towards the guest room, his fat, uncut cock swinging to and fro as he went. The Raichu caught his nephew's stare and winked, and Wes quickly averted his gaze, heading down the stairs.

He slipped into his seat at the kitchen table and his father rounded the table, placing a hand on his shoudler as he set a plate in front of him, filled to the brim with all manner of greasy food, but primarily consisting of bacon, eggs, and sausages. Wes tiredly mumbled his thanks. He was still a little groggy; he had a peculiar dream that had made his sleep restless.

"So, any plans today, Wes?" Carl finally asked after an awkward silence, taking his own seat on the table as Jeremiah finally joined them, deliberately wearing only a thin dressing gown. Wes avoided looking at the brown-furred Raichu as he chewed his food.

"I thought I might play some video games, or something." Wes replied, reaching for his glass of orange juice.

"Video games? But the sun is shining! The weather's great! You need to get some more sun on your fur, boy." Jeremiah insisted, and Wes just shook his head. He knew there was no real point arguing with Jeremiah: he had a habit of getting what he wanted no matter what you said.

"Well, fine." Wes grumbled, and Jeremiah beamed happily, roughly clasping his nephew on the back whilst Carl shot his son an apologetic smile. The Pikachu sighed through his nose, but knew this was inevitable. He just hoped that the two of them wouldn't try anything weird whilst they were out there.

Wes and his family lived reasonably close to the coast, but not quite on it. They were in the city over, but it only took an hours drive west to get to the coast without much in the way of traffic. Even on the sunny, warm day, the traffic was light and congestion was at a minimum. Wes simply guessed that not many were available to go to the beach when they still had jobs to attend to.

Carl had packed various things into the trunk, but had left little in the way of food. There was a reason for this, of course: whilst many beaches were usually lacking in facilities or places to eat, the coast in the neighbouring town was such a popular tourist spot that many had capitalised on it's popularity, offering a variety of different facilities at the tip of a hat. It made enjoying the beach considerably easier when there were tents to change and places to get drinks not too far away.

Carl parked the spacious family car in a spot not too far from the stairs leading down into the beach, and Wes stepped out to move towards the railing. The beach didn't look too busy today: there were a good few people, and they were clearly enjoying the sunshine above them, but it wasn't as packed as it could normally be, were it a weekend.

"Why don't you go get changed, Wes, whilst we get set up?" The boy's father suggested, and the teen nodded, moving around to the trunk to pick up his swimming shorts. He'd been to this place a few times and knew his way around enough to know where to change. He quickly passed the other parked cars and hopped down the steps, making a beeline for the red and white striped tent that sad reasonably far up the beach. Thankfully, it was unoccupied.

Inside, Wes slipped out of his normal shorts, but left his T-Shirt one. Admittedly, the young teen was a little self-conscious about his appearance, or at least about his lack of any proper muscles. Until he was relaxed enough, he'd keep his shirt on. It wasn't like he was going to be swimming anytime soon. As his shorts fell around his ankles, he reached over to grab his other pair.

"Need a hand?"

Wes jumped in surprise and felt large arms wrap around his waist, sliding under his T-Shirt and sinking against his fur. Wes exhaled shakily through his nose and scanned his eyes along the bare arms that were wrapped around him. He recognised them instantly: Jeremiah.

"U-Uncle, what're you doing?" The Pikachu quietly asked, feeling his heart pounding with anxiety. They were essentially in public. He didn't want to be caught like this!

"You seem to be in a bit of a predicament," Jeremiah mused, his hand sliding a little lower. "Oh-- more than one."

Wes had no idea how he had already gotten semi-hard just from those arms wrapping around him, but he chalked it up to his angsty teenage hormones. He felt Jeremiah's hand wrap around his cock and slowly peel back the foreskin, revealing the glans. He felt a large thumb slide over the sensitive flesh of the head and Wes grunted a little, squirming from the sensitivity.

"I was just about to put my shorts on." Wes audibly protested.

"Oh, well...seems like I got here just in time, then." Jeremiah mused. Wes' cock was steadily throbbing to full-hardness in Jeremiah's hand, and the poor Pikachu couldn't stop it. Slowly, Jeramiah began jerking the teen's cock, lazily tugging his hand back and forth, sliding his fingers along the length of the member and peeling back the foreskin with each lazy tug. Wes' breathing quickened as the pleasure swam through his system, making his skin tingle with desire. He couldn't stop himself from placing a hand on Jeremiah's forearm and letting out a soft, quivering moan.

"Yeah, that's it...moan for me, Wes." Jeremiah growled quietly, and Wes felt the warmth of the Raichu's lips against his neck. He craned his head to the right to expose his neck just a little bit more, sighing shakily. Pre-cum oozed from the end of his member, which was collected by his own foreskin and spread along the head of his cock. Jeremiah was stroking him at just the right speed to get him going.

Wes heard shuffling behind him, and a hand reached down to spread his legs apart, just a little. At first, he was unsure why Jeramiah wanted him to do that, but it became all too clear when a thick, throbbing cock slid itself between his inner thighs and poked out from underneath his own member. Even at 12 inches, Jeremiah wasn't in the best position to frot, but it was still plainly visible, which Wes assumed was half the point. He could see his uncle's throbbing cock, and was made completely aware of how much his uncle was turned on as well.

Another moan escaped Wes's lips and he rolled his head back, those lips still peppering and kissing his neck. Jeremiah sped up his clumsy stroking, his hand moving faster and faster as his Nephew's breathing quickened and his moans grew more intense. He felt the boy's fingers digging into his forearm and his body trembling with desire and need. He knew that feeling all too well, and he knew his Nephew was already so close to the edge. What kind of Uncle would he be if he didn't let his Nephew cum?

Wes felt his loins aching with need and a pressure building in his loins like never before. Before he knew it, his climax was washing over his body, and he rolled his head back to let out a long, groaning moan. Thick strings of cum shot from the end of his cock, splattering the wall of the tent and dripping onto the sand below them, Jeremiah scooped some into his hands and brought it to his lips, licking the cum from his fingers and palm. Wes panted tired, his cock spurting the last of it's load before it subsided, half-limp, and gently twitching.

"Good boy," Jeremiah murmured, planting a kiss on Wes's cheek. "Now, finished getting changed and come join us."

With that, Jeremiah stepped out, leaving Wes bottomless and panting. He had no idea why Jeremiah would think to do that now, of all places. He'd had plenty of time to do it whilst they were at home, before they were due to leave. Perhaps that was part of it: he wanted Wes to be embarrassed. The Pikachu felt a flush of embarrassment and annoyance swim through his system at the sight of the mess he made. He quickly tugged on his swimming shorts and stepped back, before anyone caught him.

He spotted his relatives nestled down on a blanket further down the beach, and as he drew closer, he realised that the two of them had changed into their own swimming attire. Neither of them were particularly self-conscious, it seemed, happy to let their topless gut hang out rather than hide themselves, like Wes did. Carl beamed over at his son as he approached, and Wes spotted an ice cream cone in either hand.

"Here. Good thing you were quick, or this would have melted." Carl remarked, and Wes took the cone from him, sliding into a seat between the two Raichu, a space that they had obviously deliberately left for him. He felt small compared to the two chubby rodents, but he knew that this was probably another part of their little competition. Surprisingly, though, neither of them did anything too peculiar. Wes quietly lapped at his ice cream and admired the waves in front of him.

"Do you think Mom would have liked the ocean?" Wes asked. It was a subject that was always tender, but Wes showed no particular kind of tact when it came to talking about his mother. All he knew of her were the stories his Father occasionally told him. She had apparently passed away not long after he was born; some sort of problem with the birth.

"Oh, for sure. She always loved swimming." Carl spoke as cheerily as usual, whilst Jeremiah bowed his head a little. Even after 15 year, it was still a sore subject. There was a quiet silence that fell over them for a few minutes as they reflected on things they had lost, before Carl finally broke the ice.

"I'm going to go and get some more ice cream. You want some?" He glanced at the other two, who nodded. Carl got to his feet and made his way over to the stand that sat on the path that overlooked the beach.

As he went, Jeremiah a hand down on Wes's leg, stroking his fur. A wicked grin spread across his face and Wes knew immediately what he was up to. The boy cleared his throat and pushed the Raichu's hand away. For a moment, Jeremiah was confused.

"Hey, what's the matter?" He asked, his voice lined with a hint of concern. Wes grunted and looked down at his hand, feeling an anger bubbling inside him.

"You cant make me choose." Wes mutterd in annoyance, and Jeremiah looked even more confused.

"Confuse, what do y--" Before he could finish, Carl was rounding the corner, ice creams in hand. As he settled down into a seat and handed them out, he could sense the peculiar tension in the air.

"...What happened?" The naturally-coloured Raichu asked, flicking his gaze between his brother and his son. Wes was scowling.

"I cant choose between you two," Wes eventually said with a growl of annoyance, frustrated. "You're always fighting over me, pushing me from pillar to post. It's not fair!"

There was a silence that enveloped them as both Raichus stared at one-another. Both of them bore a blank, perplexed look on their faces, before the two of them began to chuckle. That chuckle turned into heavy laughter, which only made Wes even more frustrated. Were they just mocking him? Did they not think he was serious?

"This isn't funny!" Wes said that a little louder than he had meant to, enough to make nearby people turn their heads and stare. He felt his cheeks flush with embarrassment and he bowed his head. He could feel the trickle of electricity jolting along his forearms, an instinct that only occurred when he was thoroughly angry. It was one of the perks of being an Electric type.

"Oh, Wes..." Carl sighed, realising his son was a little more upset than he was letting on. "I don't know what's made you think that, but this isn't some sort of comeptition. There's no winner."

"Yeah, kid. Your father and I just have a, uh," Jeremiah added. "Peculiar relationship, that's all. We're not fighting for your affection, just...enjoying the perks of having a kid like you with an open mind."

Wes sat there in silence for a moment, before he pinched the bridge of his nose and groaned in annoyance. he felt like he was a fool. Everything had been smoothed over with a few simple words, and that was it. Perhaps he should have just been honest from the start.

"It's okay, Wes. We weren't exactly forthcoming, though to be fair, we had no idea you saw it that way in the first place," Carl apologised quietly. "Jeremiah makes it seem like a bit of a game, but we just both love you very much. Okay?"

"Right." Wes sighed, taking a bite out of his ice cream and leaning back, laying on the blanket and staring up at the clear blue sky.

"With that out of the way," Carl began, laying down on his side and tracing a finger over Wes's T-Shirt. "I'm sure we can come to some sort of arrangement between the three of us, can't we?"

Wes felt his face flushed with a mixture of surprise and embarrassment. He cast his gaze about and picked up on Jeremiah's wide grin, before he looked back at his father.

"I, uh...we're a little exposed out here." He muttered quietly, and Carl smirked.

"I know. I have an idea." The Raichu sat up again and devoured the rest of his ice cream without much of an afterthought, before getting to his feet. Jeremiah followed suit and, eventually, Wes did the same. Carl gestured, and the other two followed him, but not before Jeremiah picked up the towel they had taken with them in the first place.

They strode along the beach for a considerable length of time, until they passed the majority of the other beach-goers and over towards a mammoth pile of rocks on the other side of the beach, blocking access to the rest. Carl, however, seemed more than happy to climb them, and eventually, Wes and Jeremiah followed suit, albeit begrudgingly. They clambered over the rocks and up towards the top, where they were met with an interesting sight.

Oh the other side of the was the rest of the beach, unsurprisingly, but what was interesting was that it was completely devoid of people. No-one was there, and there weren't any people on the walk-able path, either. The place was surprisingly empty.

"I used to come here all the time when I had a boy toy or two. Or girl. Back in the day, obviously," Carl explained. "Come on."

Carl began his descent, and the other two followed. Jeremiah seemed to be a natural at climbing things, even though he was clearly not into the idea, whilst Wes was clumsy and slipped a good number of times. They eventually made their way down to the beach below and Wes felt a little more at ease. No-one could really see them here, that was for sure.

"See? Perfect." Carl seemed to share the same sentiment, and Wes watched as his father was already beginning to undress, whilst Jeremiah laid out the towel on the sand. Wes briefly imagine getting sand in his most intimate areas and shuddered at the thought.

"Well?" Jeremiah grinned over at Wes, sliding onto his front on the towel and reaching down, grabbing the waistline of his shorts and tugging them over his chubby behind. He wriggled himself left and right and winked, patting his behind, encouraging Wes to 'hop on'.

Slowly, Wes pulled his shirt over his head, discarding it in the sand as he made his way over to his Uncle, with his Father moving along behind him. Nervously, the Pikachu moved down onto his knees, tugging his shorts down to reveal his half-hard made, twitching gently at the sight of the round, supple all in front of him. He reached down, squeezing the flesh and parting the cheeks to revealing the tight hole hidden between them.

"Nice, isn't it?" Jeremiah teased, whilst Carl wrapped his hands around his son's stomach, stroking him gently and tracing his lips across the boy's shoulder and neck. Wes angled his head and groaned quietly, closing his eyes for a moment. He could feel his father's thick, pulsing cock lining up against his ass, grinding gently into his cheeks, it's head poking up against the small of his back. He knew where that was going, and he was secretly anticipating it.

"You have lube, right?" Wes muttered, and Carl chuckled.

"I'm meant to be the grown-up here, Wes," His father replied quietly. "Yes, I brought it."

Carl's hand moved away, and returned with a bottle of clear fluid. Wes too it from him, upending the bottle and squirting some of the fluid onto the length of his member. He smeared it all over his cock, quietly groaning at the feel of his slick his member was. Pulsing at almost full mast, Wes leant down, dropping the bottle and sliding his 6 inch cock between Jeremiah's ample cheeks. The brown-furred Raichu deliberately squeezed his cheeks together as Wes slid between them. The young Pikachu boy slowly hot-dogged his Uncle, just for a moment, before he leant back and angled his cock. The head of his member probed Jeremiah's entrance, eagerly pushed at the taut flesh until he finally sunk himself inside.

Jeremiah was as warm and inviting as ever, and Wes groaned out in pleasure and delight as his member sunk further down into his Uncle's behind. He could feel every inch of his Uncle's muscles squeezing and milking him as he pressed himself deeper, and as he lent forwards, he felt his father beginning his descent as well. Carl's pulsing, lubed up 10 inch cock slid up along his cheeks until he finally pulled back and pushed against Wes' behind, stretching his taut, teen ring to it's limited as he stuffed his fat prick into the boy's behind. At first, only the head was swallowed up, but Carl was intent on sinking himself deeper.

"You're so tight..." Carl muttered into Wes's ear as the teen sunk his cock all the way into Jeremiah's behind, propping himself up on his palms. The young Pikachu was the filling in a chubby Raichu sandwich, a amall delicate frame amidst dominant, chubby men.

As Wes pulled back, he felt his father's cock sink further into him, pushing against his prostate. A wave of pleasure swam over him that made him shudder and he groaned out, having to momentarily paused. His cock puled inside his uncle's behind, and he thrust forwards, pushing his hips down into his Uncle's squishy ass. He pulled back again and felt the same wave of pleasure that made him quiver and tremble.

"He likes it." Jeremiah remarked, and Carl even grinned a little, feeling a little more dominant when he was around his brother. He gripped his son's hips and and thrust forwards, plowing his member into his son's behind. The force of the thrust caused Wes to jutt forwards and sink himself balls deep into his Uncle's behind, and he rested his head down on Jeremiah's back, groaning in pleasure.

They began in on a slow, steady rhythm. Whenever Carl pulled back, Wes moved slightly with him, his own member sliding from Jeremiah's behind. Then, Carl thrusted forwards and Wes pushed down, met with pleasure from two different ends that made his skin tingle and his toes curl. Carl was already beginning to grunt and pant, clearly aroused by his son's tight ass and gentle moans. Jeremiah rested his head on his arms, biting his lip and sighing gently with each thrust that shoved its way into his behind, his own pulsing cock lightly rubbing on the towel underneath him, edging him cloesr to his own climax.

Soon enough, Carl began to thrust irregularly, his grunts turning into short, panting groans of passion, his hips bucking and thrusting rapidly. His balls slapped off of Wes' own as the young teen went balls deep in his Uncle's behind, over and over, practically forced up against Jeremiah's body from his father's rough thrusts. Carl slammed down into his son's ass, pounding and stretching his pink ring as the pleasure in him heightened. His cock slipped back and forth, coated with pre-cum and lube, each thrust wetter and slicker than the last.

"F-Fuck...!" Carl let out a groan, thrusting harder and faster than before. Wes could only assume he was nearing his peak, and admittedly, so was he. Each hard, rough thrust pushed his prostate and made his body swim with intoxicating pleasure. Coupled with the squeezing around his cock by way of his Uncle, he knew he wasn't going to last very long. Ever as Carl pounded into him, Wes knew his own climax was soon approaching.

Suddenly, Carl thrust down and stopped, grunting and sighing out in pure bliss. Wes could feel his thick cock pulsing inside of him, and felt the warmth of his father's load shooting deep into his insides, making his skin tingle. He rocked his hips, the pressure in his loins almost about to burst. He needed just a little more to tip him over the edge, and after a moment of two or rocking and squirming, he had it. He sighed and suddenly relaxed his muscles, his cock pulsing and spurting his own climax into Jeremiah's behind. His ass squeezed in unison with his cock's little throbs and convulsions, and his toes curled against the towel. The wave of pleasure that swept over him was the more intoxicating, pleasurable feeling he'd ever felt in his life. He knew he'd remember his moment for years to come.

The three of them stayed in that position for a few more moments, before they began to ache a little. After all, the Pikachu was sandwiched between two chubby men, and they were tired from their vigorous session. Eventually, Carl pulled back and his member slid from his son's behind. He shifted to sit down on the towel, his cock coated with cum and lube. Wes eventually did the same and rolled onto the towel on the other side of Jeremiah, panting tiredly. Wes's uncle slowly raised himself up, and Wes caught sight of the severe stickiness amongst the Raichu's crotch; it seemed he had orgasmed as well.

Jeremiah turned, laying down on his back, and the three of them stared up at the sky, panting and catching their breath. None of them knew what to say, really, but for Wes, he had a lot more peace of mind, knowing he didn't have to pick between his Father, or his Uncle. He could simply enjoy both of them. Part of him was sadly, really; Jeremiah would be moving back to his little tropical island in a few days time, after all.

"Ah, it's a shame I'm leaving so soon," Jeremiah grumbled, apparently having the same thoughts as well. "I like hanging out with my Bro and Nephew."

He put an arm around the both of them, and Wes grinned toothily, feeling a bit bashful.

"You up for round two?" Jeremiah asked with a cheeky grin, and Wes groaned tiredly. He could see that his Uncle and Father both looked quite eager. Resigned to his fate, he sighed through his nostrils.


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