Secret Admirer

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Commission for Todeskiddy.If you enjoy my work, then please consider supporting with through my Ko-fi here. Every small donation helps to keep me doing what I love.

It was a warm summer afternoon at the Blackhaven swimming pool, but the building itself and the pool were surprisingly quiet. Typically, on warm days like these, the swimming pool would be bustling with activity, ranging from adults wanting to have a good time, to kids just wanting to splash each other with water. However, there were barely more than a handful of people on that day.

That suited Kiddy just fine. The young Fox had been itching to go to the pool since the beginning of the week, and now that it was the weekend, he had all the time in the world. The 13 year old strode out of the changing rooms sporting nothing but a pair of loose swim shorts, the elastic waistband hugging tightly to his hips, whilst it left the majority of his body exposed. He strode across the edge of the pool, the sun shining on his mixture of orange, black, and cream fur. He looked around him and counted the people nearby, totalling it up to 9. There were barely enough people to hit double digits, but Kiddy didn't mind in the slightest: it just meant there was more pool time for him.

Slowly, he slipped into the shallow end and sighed in bliss as the peculiar lukewarm feeling of the water swimming around his fur. The fox submerged himself, for just a moment, before he raised himself back up to the surface and ran his hands over his fur, sighing in bliss. If there was ever a better time to enjoy the water, it was now. He casually moved his way along the edge of the pool, slowly working towards the deep end.

At the other side of the pool sat another young boy, considerably younger than Kiddy. He was also a fox, sporting a hearty mixture of grey and white that gave him a relatively innocent aura. His eyes flashed over Kiddy as he toyed about with his phone, his feet dipped in the water. He was dressed in similar swimming shorts, but he didn't seem too keen on getting in the water just yet, if only because he was tapping away on his phone, playing a game. He raised his head and spotted the other fox sidling his way along to the deep end, and his mouth spread into a wide grin. He sidled back, getting to his feet and padding around the edge of the pool towards the fox, phone in hand.

Kiddy didn't notice the cub at first, and if he had, he might have said hello. Despite the small number of people, he hadn't picked up on the younger Fox that had been sitting by the pool. The two knew each other quite well, and they had done a number of different, sordid acts on many occasions prior to that day. The younger cub's name was Starky, and despite his innocent appearance, he was definitely a lot more adventurous than he looked.

As Kiddy made his way across the pool, Starky followed quietly behind him, taking pictures of him as he went. They were pretty bland at first, but as Kiddy began to do laps in the pool and swim left to right, Starky was able to get a few more interesting shots, deliberately focusing in on the older Fox's private parts. Whenever Kiddy did a backstroke, he zoomed his phone in directly towards Kiddy's crotch and snapped a few candid shots of the Fox before he noticed him, to which he could retreat and begin to take some more when Kiddy was occupied.

This went on for several minutes, before Kiddy finally realised that he was being followed. As he slowed towards the shallow end of the pool, he paused and wiped a hand over his fur, taking in a few deep breaths as he scanned around the pool once more. It looked as if a couple of people had left since he'd been here, leaving the place more and more empty. It was when he finally swept his eyes to the right that he finally noticed Starky, and a smile spread across his face. He had no idea the Fox had been here.

"Hey." Kiddy beamed, and Starky stuck out his tongue in the older Fox's direction. Kiddy's eyes glanced down to see the Fox toying with his phone, pointing the camera in Kiddy's direction. The older Fox had never been camera shy in his life, and this was a perfect opportunity to make the afternoon a little more interesting.

Kiddy hopped up to the edge of the pool and got to his feet, the water dripping down his fur and pooling around his feet. He smirked a little as Starky kept the camera trained on him, and the older Fox quickly glanced to his left to make sure no-one was making too much attention to them. Slowly, Kiddy dug his thumbs into the waistband of his shorts, deliberately stretching them, teasing for what's to come. He pushed them down, sliding them tantalising past his hips, stopping just above his pelvis. Starky's phone zoomed on the definitive bulge that prodded up against the swim shorts, showing off the outline of his sheath.

Kiddy didn't stop there, however, and he slowly pushed the shorts down further. They sailed down further under the sheath finally popped free from the elastic waistline and finally revealed itself. Starky was quick to snap a few shots of the sheath before anyone could catch them, but it looked as if no-one was paying attention to their sordid act, despite being out in the open. Kiddy reached down and slid a hand around his sheath, sighing under his breath as a red tip slipped from the end. He reached down to cup under his own balls, rolling them around in his fingers and putting on a good show as his member slowly began to stiffen within the sheath.

Starky watched with earnest as Kiddy's cock slipped further and further from it's housing, steadily pumping to half-hardness and beyond. To the surprise of both of them, their rather lewd act was still going unnoticed, so they took it one step further. Kiddy reached up and wrapped his hand around his member, gently squeezing it and sliding his hand up and down the length. Soon, his member was pulsing at full mast, all 5 inches of his cock twitching in Starky's general direction, whilst the base of his member began to swell forebodingly, hinting at what was to come.

The younger fox stuffed his hand into his shorts whilst taking photos of Kiddy's cock with the other, slowly stroking his own stiffening member as he watched Kiddy openly stroke himself, both in front of him and on the phone's screen. The two of them were quietly panting to each other, standing so far apart yet so eager to get closer. As Starky openly stroked himself, he found himself craving more, until he could eventually take it no longer. He began to shuffle a little closer, and Kiddy moved to meet him in the middle, until the two were standing facing one-another.

Kiddy reached down, sticking a finger in the waistband of Starky's shorts and sliding them down far enough to let his smaller cock bob free. Starky filmed in between them, holding the camera so that he could get a shot of the both of them, and he switched to Video Mode so he could capture the moment in real time. As the phone started recording, Kiddy wrapped his hand around their cocks, holding them firmly together and stroking back and forth. Starky groaned under his breath as a wide grin spread across his face, and Kiddy panted softly, scooping the pre-cum that oozed from the tip of his member and smearing it around both of their cocks equally.

The pre-cum helped to slick up his movements, and he began to stroke with a little more confidence. Kiddy could feel the warm pulsing of Starky's cock against his own, and that seemed to make the situation all the more hotter. As Kiddy stroked their members up and down, the pre-cum began to ooze down, causing audible slick, wet sounds to emanate from their proximity. Thankfully, no-one was nearby to hear them very well, but the two cubs didn't seem to care if they were going to get caught now or not.

Kiddy began to move back, causing Starky to keep up with him, effectively being lead around by his cock, which was still firmly wedged between Kiddy's own throbbing member and the older fox's thumb. He guided them around the corner to the side of the main building that housed the changing rooms, and Kiddy slid down onto one of the short, waist-high bins that sat just out of sight from the main crowd. He tugged the younger Fox with him, sliding him into position on the older Fox's lap, though not before Starky had at least stepped out of his shorts.

The two didn't say a word, but they knew what they wanted. It didn't take long for Starky to raise himself up enough for Kiddy to angle his member, sliding it between the younger Fox's cheeks as he had done so many times before. The tip of his knotted member probed the Fox's tight ring, and then he got himself in a comfortable position, he pushed his hips up. An inch of his cock was swallowed up in an instant, and he let out a quiet groan as his hands snapped to Starky's hips, guiding him down. The younger Fox was as tight as ever, as he felt the 9 year old cub's tight passage flexing around his member, squeezing down against his cock as he sunk deeper and deeper.

Starky slid all the way to the base, until the knot was bumping up against his tight entrance, and Kiddy sighed in bliss, holding onto him tightly. Then, the older Vulpine began in on a steady series of thrusts, his hips bucking up and pounding into Starky's behind. With every thrust, he felt Starky squeezing around him, and felt that small cock pulsing against his stomach. The younger Fox wrapped his arms around his lower and held him tight as Kiddy's fingers dug into his hips, groaning out his lust.

His thrusts grew more laboured and more frantic as time passed on, and he felt that familiar pleasure building up in his loins. He ached for release, and he knew it wouldn't take long: the idea of screwing Starky in public had been enough to turn him on, but to actually do it for real was even more exhilarating, even if they were slightly hidden. He began to pant with earnest, and Starky buried his head into Kiddy's shoulder, moaning out his own pleasure as his cock twitched and pulsed, eager to blow it's own load.

Kiddy's knot slammed up against Starky's behind and his movements slowed as he felt his orgasm reaching it's peak. He groaned in frustration, and Starky knew what he wanted: the younger fox pushed his hips down and wriggled himself left and right until, with a sigh of satisfaction, the knot slipped into his behind. His muscles immediately spasmed instinctively, clenching around his knot and squeezing like a vice. Kiddy thrust his hips a little more, tugging on the knot a bit as he let out short, powerful huffs of pleasure desperation until, finally, he felt his climax washing over him.

His cock pulsed and throbbed, spurting strings of cum into the younger Fox's backside. The sheer throbbing of his member was enough to tease Starky's prostate, but not enough to send him over the end. Starky whimpered his frustration, and Kiddy was there to answer his call. The older Fox wrapped his hand around the boy's member and furiously stroked him, sliding from tip to base and bumping with the knot each time. It only took a few strokes.

Starky rolled his head back and sighed out in bliss as his orgasm suddenly hit him, and his muscles quickly tensed. He thrust his hips a little, tugging on Kiddy's knot as a thin string of cum arced from his member and splattered onto Kiddy's stomach. His insides spasmed in unison with his cock's convulsions, and he groaned quitely in ecstasy, his toes curling in delight. Kiddy certainly enjoyed the milking of his member, even if his orgasm was dying down and he was feeling a little sensitive.

Knowing he'd be stuck there for a while, Kiddy pulled Starky in close and curled up against him, panting tiredly from the exertion of their sex. The two of them practically hummed with post-orgasmic bliss. It had certainly made the dare a whole lot better.

Then, Kiddy heard someone clearing their throat. He opened his eyes to find a man standing next to them, dressed up in a security outfit. His cheeks were flushed, but he didn't look very pleased. It looked as if he had come from around the corner after hearing their moans of pleasure.

"Uh-oh." Kiddy mumbled.

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