Graham's Ranch for Exotic Animals

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Commission for anonymous.

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"Sam! Give it back!"

"You want it, Kyle? You're gonna have to beg!"

"Pipe down you two, I'm trying to listen to the Sat-Nav!"

A navy blue family car trundled along country back roads, it's frame jostling and rumbling as it passed over rocks and heavy clumps of dirt in the road. Sitting in the front seat with a Lion, well into his 40s, who was craning his neck to listen to the Sat-Nav, which gave him directions of where to go. In the back sat two younger Lions, arguing with each other. The oldest of the duo was holding a comic book above his head, whilst the significantly younger child try to scrabble and stretch for it.

"In the next 500 yards, turn left and continue straight on until your destination." The Sat-Nav chimed it's final directions, and the older Lion blew a sigh, wiping his forehead. The sun had been beaming down all day, filtering through the see-through windows of the car and heating up it's interior. Even with air conditioning, he still managed to work up quite a sweat. At the appropriate time, he took a left turn and trundled up a hill, eventually reaching the top. There, he blew a long sigh of relief. He could see the destination from the hill.

"Alright, comic book away! We're here." He glanced back towards the two cubs, who stopped their squabbling to peer through between the two front seats, looking out the front window. From a small stretch down the hill sat a barn-house and a rather massive walled ranch, that seemed to stretch for miles and miles behind it. The cubs let out a gasp of awe, and the father of the two smirked a little to himself as they made their way down the hill.

They ground to a halt outside the ranch's entrance, and the older Lion parked the car, stepping out into the harsh sunlight. He slipped on a pair of shades and ran his hands through his impressive main, working out the kinks that had built up from the humidity. His two sons stepped out of the car as well, and the oldest of the duo did much the same as his father. His mane was less prominent, considering he was only on the cusp of adulthood at around 17 years of age, but it was definitely growing out. The youngest son didn't really need to do anything: he was only 8, and his mane hadn't grown in yet.

"Why are we here again?" The Eldest son, Sam, groaned and stretched his back, sighing in relief as he felt a small crack.

"Because," Began the father, Jeremiah. "We're here to visit an old friend."

He strode his way to the gates, and the two sons followed suit. The gate was shut, but it looked as if someone were standing at the entrance, serving as a guide. Jeremiah quickly strode over to him and struck up a brief conversation.

"We're looking for Graham." Jeremiah explained vaguely, and the man nodded, pushing open the gate for them.

"He's down by the Rhino paddock. If you're lost, check the maps along the trail." He beamed, and Jeremiah nodded his thanks. He ushered his two sons through the gate, and it was closed behind him. They began in on a steady walk, and Jeremiah saw a number of signs set up at the entrances to various trails. It took little time for him to figure out the way, and they were off.

They walked in silence for a few minutes, before Jeremiah could eventually see someone in the distance, over by one of the paddocks for the animal pens. He squinted and shielded his eyes from the sun, and seemed pleased with what he saw.

"There he is. Come on." Jeremiah encouraged his sons to move along at a quick pace, and they did just that, their loose T-Shirts flapping around in the slight breeze. They were thankful to be wearing loose shorts and shirts in the stifling heat as they neared the paddock. There, what they saw garnered mixed reactions, consisting of primarily surprise, shock, amusement, and arousal.

As they moved closer, it became clear what the unknown figure was up to. Firstly, the man was a horse, and an anthropomorphic one at that. It didn't take them long to realise he was particularly old and weather, and his face and body seemed to be littered with scars. He was completely naked, and his clothes lay draped over the fence nearby. The Horse was on his knees, his hips butting up against a young, feral Rhino, more commonly known as a calf. From the angle that they approached, the implications of his nakedness weren't yet prominent, but both Sam and Jeremiah were keenly aware of what was going on. Kyle was merely shocked that he was naked.

"Graham, good to see you." Jeremiah called over to him as he moved to lean against the fence, his two sons following suit. The Horse turned his head and his eyes widened in surprise at the sight of the trio. He grinned widely.

"Jeremiah! God, how long has it been? 5 years? Glad you could make it! Give me just a moment..." It seemed as if the Horse, Graham, wanted to finish what he started, and now that they were at a decent angle, it was clear what was doing.

Graham was balls deep in the calf's asshole, his balls pressed firmly up against the Rhino's scaly hide. It was hard to tell if the Rhino was male or female, but a small set of balls could eventually be seen as Graham pulled back, sliding his thick, throbbing cock out all the way to his medial ring. His member were covered in fluids, a mixture of lube, spit and pre-cum practically dripping down his cock and ballsack. Kyle's gaze was averted by the sound of a rough snort, and he turned to see a more adult Rhino lingering by the fench that seemed to connect their paddocks. It was stamping it's front hooves against the grass.

"Um, that other Rhino looks angry." Kyle remarked, pointing over to the scaly beast, and Graham lightly turned his head to glance over at the adult from the corner of his eye.

"Oh, Old Bert? Nah, don't mind him. He just wants to join in on the fun!" Graham beamed over at the young lion, and for a moment, Kyle felt something familiar about the man. The thought was enough to make him frown, and he watched as Graham turned back towards the calf. His hands gripped tightly to the young thing's hips as he furiously bucked his cock back and forth. The trio of Lions had to listen to the audible, slick wet sounds of his cock sliding in and out, with the light sound of suction as the calf gripped and spasmed around his massive horsecock.

"Daddy, have we met this man before?" Kyle tentatively asked his father, who broke his gaze to peer down at his son, smiling a little.

"I'm surprised your remember. You were only 3 at the time: he came to visit us in Ohio." Jeremiah reminded him, and Kyle nodded, seeming to remember. He glanced back to the Horse again, who didn't want to add anything to the comment for the time being. In fact, he looked as if he were purely concentrating on the Rhino in front him. Sam was watching with a certain degree of discomfort and wonder, but Kyle was more confused: he had no idea what the man was doing, or what it meant. He was only 8, and he had no knowledge of that sort of thing yet.

"T-There we go..." The Horse let out a long sigh as he thrust his hips forwards and began to slow, his balls tucking up towards his body as he gently, casually stroked the Rhino Calf's back. The young beast snorted and tilted his head to peer over at the Horse and the trio that watched them, and Graham kept himself firmly embedded in the animal's behind for just a little longer. After a few moments, he eventually pulled back, all 13 inches of his cock sliding from the calf's behind, stopping just at the tip. Kyle noticed a flash of something catching the sun, and his eyes widened as the sight of a piercing on the Horse's cock, metal bars and beads running down the underside of the upper half of his member and stopping a few inches above the medial ring. A thick wedge seemed stuck within the Rhino's behind, but after a few small tugs, a flared end pulled itself from the Rhino's behind. It had to be at least 2 inches or so wide!

With his thick cock coated in fluids, the Horse slowly got to his feet and strode over towards the adult Rhino, who was watching him with beady eyes. Kyle winced as he imagined what the Rhino might to do the poor man, but he was surprised to see Graham stick his cock through the fence, letting it dangle half-limp near the Rhino's snout. Slowly, the adult turned it's head and stuck out a long, fleshy tongue, beginning to lap and lick at the member, wipping cum and lube from the surface and replacing it with warm saliva.

"Why is it not biting his dick off?" Sam whispered to his father, who smirked down at him.

"Because they've been trained not to." Jeremiah replied rather simply, and Sam grunted, unsurprised. He had met Graham before. Well, he and his father had, and he had a fair idea of what the Horse was like. They turned back to the Horse, who was almost finished having his cock polished off by the Rhino. When he was fully clean, he stepped back and ushered the calf towards a gate that connected their paddocks, and he creaked it open, letting the calf rejoin it's parent.

"Phew." Graham sighed tiredly and then beamed over at Jeremiah, striding across the grass towards him. He wrapped him in a big hug with the fence between them, and the two of the chuckled, striking up a conversation with one-another. Kyle was focused on the animals, staring in wonder and surprise as the adult rhino bent it's head down, it's tongue sliding around the calf's behind and stuffing it's way into his ass, cleaning it of the peculiar fluids.

"Good to see you two again," Graham spoke, and Kyle snapped back to reality, looking up at the Horse. "My, you've grown so much! Sam, where's that collar I gave you last time we met? C'mon, don't be shy: it's a gift!"

"Y-Yeah. Likewise." Sam cleared his throat and tried his best to avert his gaze from the swinging horsecock that was barely inches away from him, his face frowing flushed at the mention of the collar. The two had previously met some years ago and it had been a keepsake that the Horse had left behind: some sort of fetish-based momento. Begrudgingly, the Lion teen took it from his pocket and put it around his neck, much to the surprise of his brother, who had idea what he needed it for. The Horse, now pleased, reached for his shirt and pulled it on, followed by his own shorts. Sam seemed to relax a little.

"So, what is this place, exactly?" Sam asked, glancing from his father to the Horse, and Graham beamed. He knew Sam, of course. He knew all of them.

"It's exactly what the signs say it is. An Exotic Breeding Ranch. I got the idea about, oh...40 or so years ago when I was backpacking around the states," Graham explained, briefly vaulting the fence and putting an arm around Jeremiah. "That's were I met your father's parents."

"I don't think they're quite ready to hear that story yet." The father quickly reminded Graham, who leant his head back and let out an almighty bark of laughter.

"Yeah, perhaps not. Come on, let me show you guys around." Graham let go of the Lion and ushered them along the trail, and they followed. Jeremiah didn't particularly want to be graphic with his children and explain how his first memory was of Graham ejaculating all over him, so he decided they'd better shut that down before Graham said too much. As they walked, Graham began to explain a little more about the ranch itself.

"So, this place is, well, exactly what is says on the tin. We breed exotic animals in, well, every meaning of the word. Not only do we have the licence to breed the animals and stop them from going extinct, care for them and make sure they're well, but we also open it up to those of a different persuasion to, uh...enjoy the perks of an open environment where they can't be judged."

He didn't explain it in perhaps the best possible way for Kyle and Sam to understand, but Jeremiah knew what it was about. After all, the two of them had had many late nights discussing the idea a good 20 or so years ago, but it was Graham who wanted to make the dream real. It was a place to help animals as well as have sex with them. Graham had always been a bit of a kink freak, especially when it came to animals, and nothing seemed to tickle him more than more obscure creatures than the standard horse and dog. Even well into his 60s, the man was still going strong.

"Yep, it's quite the beauty," Graham continued. "That Rhino and his calf? Raised them from when they were just a baby. Fucked them since then, too. They can't get enough of me, nor I them, but I gotta spread my love to all the other animals here. Though, of course, it's not just me: other people come and have their fill too, and the animals are happier for it."

The explanation of other residents was becoming more and more prominent as they travelled further, and as they passed by various paddocks, they came to see and know what the ranch was about. They stopped and lingered a number of times to see various anthropomorphic Males and Females consorting with the animals inside the paddocks, and they were interesting enough for them to stop and watch, if only for a little while, before they continued on again. For Jeremiah, it was a dream come true, but for Sam and Kyle, it was feelings of disgust and confusion respectively, though Sam couldn't help but quietly nurse an erection.

The first of their many encounters was a group of what appeared to be canines, specifically a breed known as 'Mastifs'. They seemed like friendly folk, and the Lions lingered by the fence to watch them for a while. They were in a paddock with a Stallion and one of it's offspring, a young male Foal, more commonly known as a Colt. The grandfather of the group, an aging looking canine, was knelt down by the stallion and teaching what was presumed to be his grandkids on how to pleasure the Horse. Jeremiah watched with a lingering fondness as the two young cubs, barely older than 10, covered the stallion's erect cock with their spittle and worked their hands over it's flared tip. Jeremiah could see that the Horse was enjoying the treatment: every so often, it would buck it's hips and the end of it's cock could flare up, pooling pre-cum from it's tip, which the cubs generously scooped up and spread over the member at the grandfather's instruction.

There was another one in their group that appeared to be the father of the young boys, who was busy with the Colt nearby. His knotted member was buried deep in the foal's asshole and he seemed to be desperate to knot, occasionally working his hand under the colt's underbelly to fondle and play with it's member, trying to coax it from it's shrunken housing. He seemed to be having difficulty, but he was groaning with pleasure as his balls smacked rapidly off of the Horse's behind, the knot slapping against the puckered anus. Jeremiah quietly mused on past days when he used to do similar things, and they moved on.

The next one was peculiar, if only because of the choice of animals. They passed by a muddy pen full of pigs, that snorted and snuffled around in the mud and grime. At the fence nearest to them was a rack that was set up, very obviously designed to normally house an animal. In this rack, however, was a adult anthropomorphic Feline, stark naked and panting with exhaustion. Her cheeks were flushed and her breasts hung low, swinging back and forth like pendulums. Jeremiah was quietly thankful that she was facing towards them, for a pig shuffled it's way forward and hoisted itself up, collapsing it's weight on top of the feline's back. She grunted with exertion for a moment, her ankles and wrists bound to the wooden board below her, and she began to pant with pleasure as the pig began to gyrate. Jeremiah cleared his throat and ushered them onwards, not particularly wanting to see anymore. Graham could sympathise.

They passed by another, and whilst most of the group moved on, Sam lingered just for a little longer than necessary so he could watch. It was an anthropomorphic Labrador, with a kind-looking face, hunched over the fence nearest to the path. She looked only a little bit older than Kyle, and on her back with an impressively large Great Dane, a breed of feral canine that was almost as big as a young horse. It was pounding it's way into the girl's entrance like no tomorrow, and Sam couldn't help but feel flushed at the sight of her pleasured face and blushing cheeks. He eventually wrenched his gaze away, his skin tingling with desire and need.

"How much further?" Kyle asked tiredly, walking a little slower than the group and beginning to tire himself out. Graham turned to grin at him and the cub picked up the pace to rejoin them, as they stopped for just a moment to let him catch up.

"Not long now. Another couple of minutes walkin'. We're heading over there." Graham pointed towards the end of the path which lay a large, peculiar greenhouse of sorts, with a glass dome roof and wooden walls.

The group set off again and passed by a pair of a teenage stallions having their way with a large feral mare. Because of their height, the young Horses were standing on stools so that they were ample height to please the Mare as much as they could. Kyle stared at the sight of a teenager's horsecock pumping in and out of the Mare's sizeable entrance, and he could have sworn he saw it convulsing and clenching around the cock. He couldn't really understand it at the moment, but the sight was burned into his memory. Even as they passed by the group, he couldn't help but think about it.

"You sure you don't wanna have some fun, Jeremiah? It's gotta have been a long drive down here." Graham had been trying to coax Jeremiah into doing something since they began their walk towards the peculiar greenhouse, but Jeremiah had always been reluctant to agree. However, the sight of all these people enjoying themselves had stirred up his senses and made his loins ache, desperate for something interesting. They began to slow down as Graham stopped by a small pen of goats, letting Kyle catch his breath.

"Just one, alright? I ain't gonna force ya, but you look like you need it, boy." Graham insisted, and Jeremiah sighed through his nose, glancing to his two sons.

"Alright, fine. And I'm no boy anymore, Graham." Jeremiah smirked, and Graham beamed, patting his friend's back.

"Atta boy," He chuckled, and ushered him through into the goat pen, glancing over to Sam. "Why don't you join intoo, Sammy boy? You look like you need it."

Sam didn't know what to say at first, but being put on the spot make him a little anxious, and he tugged at the snug collar around his neck. However, he puffed out his chest confidently and moved forwards, joining his father within the small pen, and Graham closed the gate behind them. Kyle, a little confused, moved to stand near the fence and hopped up so he could get a proper look.

Jeremiah was the one who took the lead, as Sam seemed both clueless and apprehensive about enjoying himself with an animal. Under his father's instruction, the two of them moved around the pen, and the goats following them, bleating and nuzzling against them as they went, whilst Graham and Kyle watched from the sidelines. Eventually, Jeremiah settled on a young, female goat, and he ushered Sam over.

The older Lion got onto his knees and began toying with the button on his shorts, and Sam quickly averted his gaze, simple out of politeness. He was, at first, uncomfortable with the thought of getting into a threesome with his father, but as he knelt down in front of the goat, he soon changed his mind. The young feral began to nuzzle up against his crotch and nibble at his shorts, and he quickly realised that the goat was trained to please, much like the other animals on this peculiar Ranch.

Slowly, Sam unbuttoned his shorts and let them all around his knees. He nursed his erection through his boxers, as he had been for the past half an hour or more, and he eventually set it free, letting all 6 inches of his teen member pulse in the humid, warm air. Jeremiah was already getting into it, his fingers probing and sliding into the young goat's pussy, burying two digits knuckle-deep and flexing them to gauge how sight the young goat actually was. The animal, meanwhile, was beginning to please the young Lion, her nose sliding up along the underside of the cock and beginning to lick along the tip. Sam moaned under his breath and reached down to stroke the goat's head, and that simple act of encouragement coaxed it further.

The young goat pushed the cock into her mouth, pushing it's head down harshly. Sam gritted his teeth and was momentarily scared, but began to quiver with desire and pleasure as he felt a sudden warmth enclosing around his member, squeezing and suckling. The goat was practically sucking him dry, as if it were teething for milk from it's mother. The firm end of it's mouth was pressing down against his cock firmly, forcing his cock to pulse and stiffen instinctively. Meanwhile, Jeremiah was coaxing the end of his member into the goat's young entrance, smearing dollops of pre-cum against it's lips and then pushing himself inside. He was significantly smaller than a horse cock, of course: both he and his son had cone-shaped cocks, but didn't sport the traditional barbs they once had. It was a peculiar genetic defect that made sex with other people a whole lot easier, as their barbs were nothing but little ridged nubs. He pushed himself forwards and sunk 2 of his 8 inch cock into the goat's behind, hissing through his teeth in delight as he felt the muscles spasm and squeeze around him, gripping him like a vice.

"What are they doing?" Kyle asked quietly, struck with a peculiar awe and discomfort. Graham sidled closer to him and put an arm around the boy's side.

"They're just having a little fun," Graham assured him. "You will too, at some point."

"Will I?" Kyle asked tentatively, and Horse didn't answer him. The older man's hand sunk down against the waistline of the young cub's shorts, and he sunk his hand underneath them, sliding it down towards the boy's small little sheath. He toyed with the cub's balls and rolled them around in his fingers, and Kyle stood there uncomfortably, not sure what to say.

Jeramiah was beginning in on a steady rhythm now, his hips thrusting and bucking into the young goat's behind and stretching it's tight, warm pussy to it's limit. He could feel every inch of the animal's inner walls clenching around his cock, milking ever inch of his flesh. With his hands on the goat's hips, he pulled the animal back against him, burying all of his member in the goat's behind and feeling the way it's muscles convulsed around him. Sam, meanwhile, was beginning to pant with earnest, already beginning to reach his peak as the young goat pushed it's head further and further down against his cock, still dutifully suckling. It was a pleasure he'd never felt before, and he didn't want it to end.

"S-Shit, I think I'm..." Sam had barely any time to finish his sentence before the tension in his loins suddenly loosened, and he orgasmed. Thick strings of cum spurted into the back of the goat's throat and it gulped them down readily, as if it had been anticipating it all this time. The goat continued to suckle and squeeze him, coaxing out every last drop of cum from his member. String after string shot into the goat's mouth and it gulped down every last morsel without fail.

Jeremiah took a little longer than his son, but it wasn't long until he was cumming as well. His thrusts were carnal and passionate, and when his climax finally hit him, he buried himself deep into the goat's entrance. His member pulsed and throbbed powerfully as thick ropes of cum erupted from the end of his cock, shooting deep into the goat's tight pussy, coating it's most deep, intimate parts with thick, sticky seed.

He pulled back, his member coated in a mixture of cum and pre-cum, and Sam more or less did the same, shaking lightly as he stroked his spit-covered cock, before getting to his feet, panting tiredly. Of course, Sam had done things before, but it was a relatively new-ish experience for him to partake with an animal. Graham knew all about Sam's sexual experiences, of course, for he was the one that had taken the boy's virginity. The old Horse slid away from Kyle, taking his hand off the boy's tiny package as he stepped through the gate into the pen and strode over to them.

"Good job!" He seemed pleased, slapping them both on the back and reaching out to idly stroke their cocks, before he moved onto his knees. Jeremiah and Sam watched as he ushered the used goat forwards, and turned her around. Bending his head down, he pressed his lips against her entrance and lightly suckled and kissed, pleasing her entrance whilst he cleaned it of cum. The two lions got dressed and Sam awkwardly stepped back, making his way towards the gate whilst a small congregation of needy goats followed him. He caught Kyle's confused expression and glared at the young cub, who averted his gaze.

It didn't take Graham long to finish, and both he and Jeremiah made their way back to the gate, stepping through and closing it behind them before the goats got out. The Horse stretched and grinned toothily as the Lion family, before he gestured them onwards. They trudged down the path towards the greenhouse in a mixture of silence and small talk, as if the previous situation had never happened.

As they entered the greenhouse, the first thing that they saw was that it was full of reptiles, both large and small. Not only were there small geckos climbing planted trees, or snakes slithering around in the undergrowth, but large Komodo Dragons were skulking about in their own private pen, and bearded dragons were basking in the sun overhead. On the far side of the room stood two people with a snake in between them, and it was only after they drew closer did they realise what was happening.

The two men were Horses, and particularly attractive ones at that. Both of them were stark naked, displaying their powerful muscles and handsome, rugged feathers. Their bodies were littered with small, tiny scars, and they had various piercings on their body, from their ears and mouth to their cocks. Their members were buried deep into the Snake that they held carefully between them: one of them was fully deep into the snake's cloaca, whilst the other one was balls deep in it's mouth.

"Ah, there they are. Jeremiah, Sam, Kyle, I'd like to introduce to you my grandkids: Joshua, and Nathan." Graham introduced the two Horses, who nodded to them in greeting. The older Horse stepped forwards and wrapped himself around one of his grandsons, and two of them exchanged a kiss that seemed to last forever. Graham eventually pulled back and let them continued what they were doing. They were thrusting themselves particularly gently in and out of the snake and the Lions watched, for a time, as Graham spoke.

"They mainly help me maintain the Ranch, whilst partking in the pleasures themselves. Honestly, back in my day I wouldn't have even considered reptiles! These boys are crazier than I am. That's the new generation for you." Graham ranted and Jeremiah couldn't help but chuckle a little, trying to cover his mouth and not appear rude.

"It was actually our idea to get reptiles in. We have a couple of greenhouses dotted around the Ranch, but this is the main one," Nathan explained, his horsecock deep into the Snake's mouth. "Reptiles are incredibly smart, but also quite cold-blooded, so they require a different tact to keep them well and healthy. They're also quite stretchy on the inside, too."

"We've got Komo Dragons here and mostly geckos and snakes," His brother, Joshua, continued the explanation. "We've also got Crocodiles and Aligators in the other greenhouse, amongst a few others."

"Wow..." Kyle murmured, more interested in the animals themselves than in the mating habits of them. He reached out to one of the trees and the Gecko clambered onto his arm, crawling up his fur and sitting atop his head. He giggled in delight.

The two Horses, meanwhile, were just finishing up. They began to buck and thrust with earnest, their breathing growing heavy and their gentle fucking of the snake's holes growing wet and audible. After a few moments, Joshua tensed and his breath hitched in his throat. He pulled the Snake down past his medial ring and sighed out in bliss as he orgasmed, spurting thick ropes of cum from his flared tip into the Snake's insides. Both Sam and Jeremiah were close enough to see the visible pulsing of his cock against the Snake's underbelly, and it was enough to make their skin tingle.

Nathan finished not long after, his cock pumping thick, gooey strings of cum right into the snake's mouth. The reptile didn't have much traction on his cock and they watched as cum dribbled from it mouth and dripped down onto the floor between the Horse's hooves. Satisfied, the two Horses pulled back and moved over to gentle set the Snake back down in it's enclosure, their cocks twitching, half limp and soaked in cum.

"Allow me." Graham seemed to have a fondness for cleaning, and that became obvious as he moved onto his knees in front of his grandkids, taking their cocks in either hand and alternating between them. He seemed to know how to take a dick in his mouth, because he effortlessly deepthroated his grandson's cocks in turn, over and over, his tongue worming around their thick members and cleaning them of cum and spit. He even took their flaring ends without a problem, and they seemed thankful for his assistance.

"Alright, then!" Graham got to his feet and gave his grandson's cocks a good, long stroke, lingering for just a little too long. "Let's get moving then."

At the group set off again, Sam lingered for a moment, enough for Jeremiah to turn and regard him with confusion.

"Um, I'm gonna stick around here for a while. I like reptiles." Sam explained, casting his gaze down and sticking his hands in his pockets. Jeremiah frowned for a moment, before he smiled and patted his son on the shoulder.

"That's fine, Sam. We'll see you later, okay?" He stepped back and Sam nodded, glancing over towards the teo brothers, who were pulling their clothes back on. Kyle cast a glance over at his brother, watching as he started to get on his knees near a large Komodo Dragon that watched him out the corner of it's eye. Kyle looked apprehensive, before he turned and followed Jeremiah out into the sweltering heat.

"Where're we going?" Kyle asked, and Graham gave the young cub a pat on the head.

"We're heading up the hill towards the main barn, and that'll be the end of the tour, alright?" He assured him, and the cub quietly nodded. Kyle was a little confused as to why his brother stayed behind, or to why two relatively normal-looking Horses would be interested in Reptiles, but he didn't dwell on it too much. His young brain couldn't understand it, but it also wasn't his place to say.

The trio trudged onwards, their destination not yet in sight. They passed by various pens and Graham loosely explained some of the animals basic personalities and mating habits in a little bit of detail, but tried to make the words simple so that he didn't confuse their youngest guest.

As they passed by a small pen, the group stopped, and Kyle turned to watch the current display. It seemed that everywhere he went, there were animals having sex with one-another, and this situation was no different: he watched as a young Lion cub was used by a small group of anthropomorphic Hippos, their dicks utilizing every available hole whilst the young cub obediently obeyed.

"I'm going to stay here for a little while." Jeremiah eventually said, and Kyle frowned up at him, not sure where to go next.

"Kyle. Head up that hill and keep following this path, alright?" Graham assured the boy, who looked apprehensive. He didn't want to be left all alone, but he didn't particularly want to just stick around here, either. Reluctantly, he nodded and turned, heading up the path on his own. The two men remained, rather eager to see such a large insertion go into such a small frame. The two of them had always enjoyed a rather impressive size difference.

The sun was shining high in the sky, and the heat and the quiet breeze wafted through his fur. Despite being all along, the weather was nice, and he was having a good time, even if there was a lot that he didn't understand yet. Unfortunately for him, his day was about to get a little worse: as he wandered down the path, he came across a fork in the road, leading in two separate directions. Unable to figure out which was the right way, he opted on one path in particular that took him all around the park, with no particularly large barn house in sight.

It wasn't all bad: he stopped every so often to pet the animals, who seemed friendly and affectionate. He saw all sorts of exotic creatures and none of them snarled or growled at him, which was nice. A few of them got too frisky, but since Kyle was on the other side of the fence, they couldn't quite follow him to do anything, which he was thankful for. After a while of wandering, he eventually saw a large building in sight, and his instincts told him it was the barn house he was meant to be looking for. Blowing a sigh of relief, he picked up the pace and made his way over.

At first, Kyle was apprehensive. The building and large and imposing, and peculiar sounds were coming from inside. He almost didn't want to enter, but he knew his father would at least be in there, and he'd keep him safe. He swallowed his nerves and rounded the barn until he found the door, and stepped in one. What he saw shocked him.

His eyes immediately set themselves upon the scene to his right. His brother, Sam, was tied up to a breeding rack, similar to what they had seen previously when taking a tour of the place. Sam's eyes were rolled up and his face was flushed with pleasure. His clothes lay strewn in the hay around him, and Graham stood by his head, his cock pushed deeper into Sam's mouth. Kyle could see the obvious bulge in his brother's throat. The young cub could only guess that Sam was enjoying himself, giving the way the Lion's tail flicked to and fro. Or what was able to move, anyway, for a leash was tied from Sam's neck to his tail, keeping it raised for the time being.

Graham slowly pulled back with an audible wet sound, his cock coated in spittle and throat mucus. He tugged and the flared end of his cock slipped from Sam's mouth, and the teen Lion hung his head, spittle dribbling from his mouth and onto the floor beneath him. Graham turned to grin over at Kyle as he dried off his cock.

"Ah, you're here! Welcome to the main event, Kyle." Graham exclaimed, stepping to the side to allow a tall, muscular man to take the reigns. He was a large anthropomorphic bull, and his cock looked almost as big as Graham's own, perhaps even bigger. He wasted no time in grasping Sam's chin and aiming his cock towards his mouth, pushing forwards and sliding his thick member into the teen Lion's mouth and down his throat in a single thrust. Sam's eyes rolled up in pleasure and his cheeks grew flushed, his tongue wriggling inside his mouth to try and make the cock as wet and as lubed up as possible. From behind, Kyle spotted a wriggling mass of something heavy and fleshy that waded it's way forwards from behind, hoisting itself up onto the teen's lithe back. It was a walrus, and Sam's eyes widened suddenly, his knees wobbling. The walrus had penetrated him, and the young lion moaned his delight out, his hands curling into fists.

"Come this way, Kyle." Graham ushered the boy over, and Kyle obeyed instantly. He was guided through the barn, and Kyle soon realised there was more than just his family and Graham here: the barn was full of a variety of different animals in various pens, and people were partaking in all sorts of pleasures all around him. Everywhere he looked, there were people fucking, sucking, getting fucked or getting fucked. Animals were fucking people, and people were fucking animals. The sights and smells in the air made his head a little dizzy, but he kept his composure.

He passed by a pen and his eyes widened when he noticed his father, bent over a metal fence with an anthropomorphic elephant behind him. The man looked no older than Sam, perhaps even young, and he was going to down on his father's behind, gripping his hips and roughly thrusting into him. A much older and larger Elephant stood nearby, slowly stroking a big, erect member as he watched the scene before him, clearly waiting for his turn. Graham winked over at Jeremiah, who signalled him back with a thumbs up.

"This is what it's all for, Kyle," Graham explained. "We break down the barriers of our morals and give in to our carnal instincts and desires. Your brother may act tough, but he loves taking a big cock, and he loved taking mine for sure! Same with your father, of course, but he loves them really big. The bigger, the better!"

Kyle wasn't sure if he wanted to hear it, but then again, he also didn't understand what the Horse meant, or why he was being told all this. None of it made sense, but they all looked really happy, so maybe that was important as well. His stomach twisted with nerves as the Horse lead him over towards an empty pen, and he lingered by the gate, looking anxious.

"You know," Graham continued. "I've had every male in your family. Popped your father's cherry, and your brother's, too. Now, it's your turn."

"What's a cherry?" Kyle asked, confused, and Graham crouched down until he was on a level height with the boy. He was still stark naked, but Kyle didn't seem to mind.

"It's when you have sex with the first time," Graham explained. "And it can feel really nice, too. Do you want to try it?"

Graham clearly knew how to smooth cubs over, especially when it came to sexual experiences. He straightened himself up and tucked some fingers along the underside of his cock, waggling the flared end near Kyle's face. The young lion cub was unsure: he didn't know what sex might entail, nor did he know anything about it. But the smells that wafted around the room made his body feel heavy and his skin tingle. For reasons he couldn't quite explain, he obeyed.

The 8 year old cub slowly got onto his knees, his hands reached out to stroke up the Horse's legs. Graham watched with amusement as the cub brung his head close, pressing his nose and mouth against the man's package and tracing his lips along the underneath, catching the medial ring with his bottom lip. He had no idea where to begin, and Graham was giving him no instruction. At least, not yet anyway.

As his mouth reached the flaring tip of the member, he felt a hand on the back of his head, gently stroking his fur. He purred quietly as he stuck out his tongue, dragging it across the flaring end. A thick dollop of pre-cum oozed from the tiny hole in the tip and onto his tongue, and he rolled it around his mouth. It didn't taste much of anything, but it was gooey and clung to the roof of his mouth and teeth. He opened his mouth, but quickly closed it when he realised his muzzled was far too small to take the end in his mouth.

Instead, he ran his tongue up and down the member, much to the appreciation of the Horse above him, who seemed to enjoying the tantalising pleasure of a young, warm mouth against his cock. He stroked the back of Kyle's head as the young boy slurped and suckled every available inch, even going so far as to kiss and lick along the man's balls. Graham seemed pleased that the boy was eager, but this wasn't even remotely enough for him to cum.

"Let's switch this up a little." Graham suggested, getting down onto his knees as he grasped the hem of the boy's shirt, pulling it up and over his head. He ran his hands over Kyle's supple, young chest and the boy giggled, anxiously leaning back and letting Graham enjoy his body. Soon enough, the Horse manhandled him around until Kyle was kelt on all fours, and it didn't take long for the old Horse to pull down the boy's shorts.

Almost immediately, his mouth went to the cub's backside, and Kyle's eyes widened in surprise when he felt a warm, wet tongue right up against his asshole. Two hefty fingers spread his hold apart and gripped his cheeks, massaging them with his fingers. His tongue probed and slurped along the boy's behind, prodding at the pink button and feeling it spasm against his fleshy appendage. He could hear Kyle's little confused groans, and that only turned him on even more.

Slowly, Graham pushed his tongue against that taut entrance until the muscles gave way and allowed him entry. Kyle bit his lip and wriggled in a mixture of pleasure and discomfort, not quite sure what the feeling was. He couldn't explain it, but it felt good, and it made his skin tingle with an emotion he'd never felt before. A small moan escaped his lips as that tongue sunk deeper into his behind, slowly pulling back and forth, stimulating his unused little hole for the first time in his life. Graham was beginning to groan as well, his fat, throbbing horsecock standing erect between his legs. He wanted this-- no, needed it.

He continued for a time, his tongue gently spreading and using that warm passage, before he finally pulled back. He could only keep it up for so long before he desired more, though Kyle had no idea what was in store for him. As Graham pulled back, Kyle turned his head and his eyes widened at the sight of the Horse's cock lining up with his ass. He watched as Graham slid his cock back and forth against his behind, oozing pre-cum onto his back, before he pulled his hips back and prepared himself for the grand finalé. His tip was flared and needy, but he calmed it down enough for him to press the tip of his cock against the cub's behind. He felt the muscles fighting him, but it didn't take long for them to stop resisting.

Kyle felt a stab of discomfort, followed by a sickening wave of pleasure as his asshole opened up and swallowed up the tip of the Horse's thick cock. Graham moaned out his appreciation, feeling every single inch of the boy's inner walls squeezing tightly around him. He pushed forwards, and slowly, inch by inch, his cock worked it's way into the boy's behind. Kyle groaned out and clutched at his stomach, feeling a definitive bulge against his skin that pushed his stomach out. He felt a pair of hands clutching his hips and forcing him further and further down onto his member, and he squirmed, panting out his pleasure.

Graham was surprised: Kyle was loosening up particularly quickly, a lot quicker than his older brother, or even his father had been. He pulled his hips back and found himself sliding back without much difficulty, and as he thrust forwards, his pre-cum and spit aided him, allowing him to slide back in with ease. Satisfied, he firmly gripped Kyle's hips and began in on a steady, hard rhythm. With each powerful thrust, his cock bucked forwards and stretched out the boy's stomach, bulging him significantly. Kyle didn't even utter any words of pain: he continued to pant and groan in pleasure, his muscles squeezing as hard as they could.

Graham always got particularly excited when he had someone new to play with, and this was no exception. With each thrust, he felt his pleasure building and building, and he'd barely been at it for a couple of minutes before he felt himself reaching his peak. He leant forwards, propping himself up on a hand as he thrust a few more times, shuddering and groaning in pleasure.

"You want it, Kyle? You want my cum?" The Horse huskily asked in the boy's ear, and Kyle whimpered his approval, reaching a hand up to hook it around the Horse's neck and hold onto him tight. Graham thrust forwards a final time and sighed in utter ecstasy, his climax rolling over him. His cock pulsed and spurting thick ropes of cum deep into the boy's most intimate areas, the pulsing of his member visible on the boy's stomach. Kyle moved his hand to stroke his stomach, his legs wobbling and his breathing shaky. He'd never felt such pleasure before, and it had been enough to coax his own little cock to full hardness, despite not really being of age for it.

He looked up at his surroundings to see that the situation had shifted. What was one a simple one on one with animals and people had become one large, vicious orgy. His father, who had been pleasing a young teenage Elephant, was now taking the cock of it's father, whilst sucking on the man's thick trunk. The tall, imposing Elephant was anything but gentle, but it seemed as it Jeremiah liked it rough. Sam, meanwhile, had long since pleasured the Walrus and the Bull, and was now enjoying the pleasures of a snake that was coiled firmly around his body, it's two wedged cocks stuffed deep into his behind, whilst a tall anthropomorphic giraffe Giraffe thrust it's long, pulsing member into the teenage Lion's mouth, bulging his throat out, whilst it held gently onto the snake's chin and gently peppered it's mouth with kisses. Graham didn't want to miss out on the fun, and he soon pulled out of Kyle to join in on the fun himself.

It was a never-ending Orgy, or so it appeared, and Graham was at the heart of it. From a distance, Kyle watched as he moved from person to person, pleasuring each one in turn and moving on to the next. It was the ultimate display of just how sex-crazed the old Horse really was, and how much vigor he still had left in him.

Kyle wasn't to be left out, however: it took only a few moments before another older man was fondling him, touching him all over and dragging him into the orgy pit with everyone else. The Mastifs that they had seen from before were in the crowd, having moved on from their ventures with a Stallion into enjoying the sensual pleasures of each other and a group of feral pigs. The two sons seemed more skilled in pleasuring both animals and themselves, and one of them lay on top of the other, kissing each other whilst their father alternated between their holes, fucking each one in turn. The grandfather was buried deep into a feral pig's behind, close to knotting.

Sam had moved on from pleasuring the Snake and the Giraffe to pleasing a congregation of feral dogs, who took turns using his behind whilst he clung onto a fence to keep him steady. On the other side of that fence was a well-known figure: Nathan, one of Graham's grandsons, who was getting Sam to pleasure the end of his flared cock whilst he dripped pre-cum all over his nose. Jeremiah had moved on to a sheep that had been trotting around the Orgy pit, and he was already buried deep into them, holding them by their wooly coat.

Graham was showing that he was more than just a good talker and a good lay: he could take cocks as well as give them, and that became evident in the rather sordid activities that took place. He became the center of attention in a vast gangbang, with multiple men around him taking turns with his ass, whilst cub after cub rode his cock to completion, at the request and command of their parents and siblings. Of course, Graham gave them more than what they'd bargained for, having loosened his bladder inside of a cub of two numerous times, watching in amusement as they waddled away with a belly full of something other than cum. Of course, after he had been passed around by many of the Ranch's guests, he began pleasuring others, with the cum still running down his legs. He alternated holes between a mother and her daughter, going from ass, to pussy, and then back to ass between the two of them, before letting a feral canine or two join in.

Kyle had been passed around a few times, but it seemed that people were aware he was new to the experience, and they were surprisingly gentle with him. He was primarily taking cocks, and whilst the pleasure was amazing, he was still confused what it was all about. The only thing he was aware of was that he didn't want it to end. Every so often, they would switch things up a little, and he'd be placed onto his knees for an animal to have their way with him, from feral panthers and dogs, to Komodo Dragons and Kangaroos. Sometimes, he was rolled onto his back and an older man would suck his small, little cock, making his crotch tingle and his vision blurry.

More and more people were coming into the barn to join in on the fun as the sounds and smells of the orgy became more and more intense. A budding young cub became the sex toy of a large stallion, placed onto a small table, her tight pussy spread open by a thick, twitching horsecock. It didn't end there for her: she took more and more, as one Horse became two, utilising her mouth as well as he tight pussy and ass, before another Horse replaced the previous one. She soon became full of nothing but Horse semen, and she loved every minute of it.

A teenage reptile, similar to that of a Newt, had passed around a few people and providing them the pleasure they sorely deserved, from pleasuring the twisted corkscrews of a pig's cock, to giving a crocodile a well-deserved blowjob. They eventually settled in on a pair of cute, small cubs, taking turns with their ass with his twin cocks, and even recieving a blowjob from them, each one pleasuring each reptilian member.

Same had become a filthy mess of Dog cum, but he wasn't finished yet. He joined in on the rest of the people, and submitted to a burly, hung bear who pinned him to the ground and roughly fucked his behind with all the power he could muster. Sam moaned out his utter delight against the floor as the man bred him, whilst other people nearby lingered, waiting for their own turn with the teenage boy. Jeremiah had moved on towards a young cow calf, letting it suckle and tug on his cock like it was begging for milk. However, the only milk it received with the Lion's gooey, thick cum.

Nathan and Joshua had tried to best to be welcoming hosts, much like their grandfather, and it seemed to be doing well. Many people wanted them, and they were happy to oblige. Joshua had been bent over a fence to become the property of a an older man, and Nathan had cleaned up cock after cock that had just been in use, coaxing animals into fucking each other. Stallions buried themselves in a feral dog's behind, whilst pigs fucked a crocodile's cloaca. Snakes wrapped themselves around slender, small cubs and used their behinds, whilst other young boys buried their cocks deep into each other.

A teenage boy, barely older than 13, had his dick sunken deep into a Pangolin's behind, whilst an older man fucked his face, slamming his cock down the boy's throat and stretching it open. Next to them, a budding young mother took the cock of a vicious alligator, her arms wrapped around it's neck, cuddling it tight whilst it's reptilian member thrust into her. Standing above her was a towering canine, a female cub wrapped up firmly in his grip, his knotted member pumping inside their tight, warm entrance. Pre-cum splattered down onto the alligator's back.

On the other side of the Barn, a fluffy, muscular anthropomorphic Samoyed was buried knot-deep in a Filly's behind, whilst two small, younger Samoyeds were smearing their knotted cocks against the young foal's mouth and lips, spurting cum all over it's nose. Someone approached them from a side, a slenderly-built Feline, who began gently fondling and stroking the young boys with glee, gripping their cocks and grabbing their asses. It took little to not time for the three of them to be on the floor, the Cat sandwiched between them as the Samoyed's penetrated his behind at the same time, stretching the Feline's ass to it's limit. A feral Dog approached the Samoyeds from behind and suddenly mounted the one on top, thrusting into his behind and rapidly breeding him, the feral's balls bouncing off of the Samoyed's own.

Nearby, a young female reptilian cub moaning and panting in pleasure as a small Raccoon went to town on her tight little pussy, it's tongue sliding and licking across her entrance, whilst what seemed to be her older sibling was steadily working it's cock into the same Raccoon's behind, burying himself deep and picking up on a steady rhythm. Next to them, a young, male Kangaroo cub was thrusting into a feral dog's warm entrance, breeding her as hard and as fast as he could, his mouth agape with pleasure.

The barn house soon became a hotbed of cum, sweat, and all manner of fluids. Cum was all over the floor, and some were rolling in it, whilst others were full of it. Despite Graham's desire to keep going, not everyone was going to be keeping it up forever, and soon enough, the orgy was starting to thin. Graham sacrificed his time pleasing the last of the guests in order to escort the others towards their beds. Jeremiah and his sons were amongst them, the three of them coated in cum, spit, sweat, and pre-cum. Their holes leaked with fluids and their mouths were parched. They tiredly followed the group, and Graham, towards a set of houses on the far side of the Ranch.

They shared their houses with 4 other families, but that didn't bother them. After a length time waiting, they finally had the chance to clean themselves off, and then they retired to their beds for the night, with the aim to leave sometime in the morning. They couldn't stay on the Ranch for long: they only had the weekend to return home so that the two boys could go back to school.

As morning came around, Jeremiah returned to the car to make sure everything was in order, and asked his son to go and find his brother. Sam reluctantly agreed and began searching around the Ranch houses, calling out his brother's name. After a few minutes of searching, he heard a quiet panting from behind one of the houses, and he walked down the side of it to see what was going on.

As he turned the corner, he was surprised to see Kyle pinned up against the wall, with Graham's cock firmly embedded within him. The young cub's shorts lay in a heap on the ground and a little whimper escaped the Lion cub's throat as Graham pumped his cock back and forth, groaning his pleasure. His grandsons, Nathan and Joshua, stood nearby stroking their own members, clearly turned on by the scene in front of them.

"Oh, hello Sammy," Graham grinned over at the teenage Lion. "Just giving your brother a thoughtful farewell."

He thrust one last time, clearly reaching his back, and Kyle let out a whimpering sigh of pleasure as he felt the thick, throbbing member pumping it's fat load into his behind. Cum leaked out almost immediately and began to drip down onto the dirt below them. Kyle rolled his head back, his toes curling in pleasure, and he reached down to stroke stroke his little, erect member. Sam sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Damnit, Kyle, you're gonna get cum all over the back seat." He muttered his annoyance, and Graham chuckled in amusement.

"Don't you worry about that, Sam. I'll have it all sorted out." The Horse pulled back and his cum-coated cock slipped easily from the boy's gaping behind. The Horse crouched down, setting Kyle down and spreading his behind a bit. He buried his face in the boy's ass and Kyle whimpered quietly as the Horse's tongue worked it's way around his ass, slurping and suckling the cum out of him. Graham straightened up and wiped his mouth.

"You be good now, you here? And come back soon." Graham insisted, patting the Lion's head and ushering him over to his brother. Kyle scooped up his shorts and waved his goodbyes, following Sam back towards the car.

Jeremiah slipped into the driver's seat as the boys got into the back, clipping their seatbelts in. Graham leant against the car and Jeremiah pulled the window down, grinning up at the Horse.

"You'll be back soon right? It'll be mighty lonely without you here." Graham grimaced, and the Lion rolled his eyes, knowing that Graham was just being cheeky.

"Soon, maybe. For summer break." He suggested, and the Horse beamed, taking a step back. He waved as the car pulled back, and Jeremiah waved out the window as he turned the car around, driving back down the dirt road they have come down.

"Dad," Sam began as they were driving away. "Why did you take us here in the first place?"

"So you could understand where I came from, or who I was. You enjoyed yourselves, didn't you?" Jeremiah queried, peering at the two boys through the rear-view mirror.

"I can't wait to come back!" Kyle beamed, and even Sam couldn't help but smile. Jeremiah chuckled and shook his head as they drove over the hill, heading back home.

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