How To Be Popular

Story by Birdpup on SoFurry

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Tiffany is a girl who's always lived her life in the shadows, keeping to her studies and working hard. With college ahead of her and the world opening it's doors to her, she decides to re-invent herself into the popular girl she's always wanted to be. The next step in her journey is getting into the most popular sorority on campus, but it's house leader needs to initiate her into the sorority first. Tiffany thought it'd be easy, but little did she know that the cruel and sinister Hailey had some sordid ideas up her sleeve...

A long overdue patreon reward for CobaltTheUnicorn, who was incredibly nice and patient with me. This story was a little out of my comfort zone, but I hope you guys like it.If you enjoy my work, then please consider supporting with through my Ko-fi here. With my patreon shut down, Ko-fi helps to keep me doing what I love! Remember, every little bit helps, and I appreciate every little bit I'm given!!!

"Alright, here we are."

A sleek, black modern car slowly grinded to a halt outside of the Hartford College campus, and the driver pulled the handbrake. They turned to look at the passenger, a tearful smile spreading across their face. They were two Ferret women, though their age difference was staggering. The driver was in her 40s, whilst the passenger was barely legal, at 18.

"Mom. It's just college, I'll be fine!" The young teen replied, flicking her tawny brown hair from her shoulders. Her movements were stiff and precise, as if she had practiced them many times. A smile spread across her face and she blinked through her contacts, betraying her nerves. Her mother leant over and wrapped her arms around the young Ferret, squeezing her tight.

"My baby, going to college!" She whispered in a mixture of dismay and awe, before she finally pulled back, sniffling hard and wiping her eyes. "You know where you're going?"

"Yes, Mom. It'll be fine, I promise."

"You'll call me when you get settled?"

"Of course."

"Okay. I love you, Tiffany."

"Love you too, Mom."

After their brief conversation, the young Ferret, Tiffany, opened her side of the car and stepped out. She was dressed for fashion, with a long-sleeve top over the loose vest she had on underneath. She wore tight jeans that ended just above her ankle, designed to accentuate her curves, and she walked across the pavement in high heels, a bag on her arm. She rounded the car and opened the boot to take out a pretty, pink suitcase, placing it on the ground and pulling up the handle. She carted it back and waved to her mother, who slowly pulled out from the sidewalk and drove off down the busy road. The autumn breeze wafted through the air, giving the place a small chill.

Tiffany took in a deep breath. This was it. College. She had been preparing herself for this moment for the better part of 2 months, and now she felt as if she could truly do it.

It wasn't the thought of college that scared her, but it was her appearance that made her worry. She wasn't always like this; had anyone seen her 3 months ago, they would have been startled and impressed by her transformation. She was, in essence, a nerd at heart: she had always been rather introverted and reserved, and she never wore anything revealing. A long sweater was her choice of comfort, and she her his face behind large, dark-rimmed glasses and kept her luxurious hair back in a ponytail. Her friends had often said she could make it as a popular girl if she tried hard enough, but she could never find the courage to do so.

This year, however, she had vowed to re-invent herself, to better herself. She had shrugged off the loose-fitting clothes and thrown on skin-tight jeans and fashionable blouses. She ditched her old, dorky glasses for contacts to reveal her ocean blue eyes, and she finally dropped the ponytail and give her hair a little bounce, letting it tumble and curl around her shoulders. In a matter of months, she had gone from being a shy, nerdy girl into a fashionable, beautiful woman. She hoped it would come across well.

Whilst the majority of her degree's curriculum didn't particularly sway her, the dizzying thought of having to join a sorority was the one thing she was marginally afraid of. Looking and feeling popular was something she could manage with only a small modicum of difficulty. Being convincing enough to join Phi Mu, the most popular sorority on campus, was a different matter entirely. Not only did she have to convince them that she was genuinely cool, but she also had to convince herself, just so it was even more believable.

It was a Saturday. She, and many other freshman, had the luxury of settling themselves into their new accommodation over the weekend before the semester officially started on Monday, and she was glad to have been given the opportunity. Not only did it give her a chance to explore the campus in full so she may never get lost, but it also gave her the opportunity to apply for a spot at Phi Mu. Should she get in, she'd have a spot inside their own house to sleep in, if she wanted it. That was the thing that excited her the most.

Tiffany made her way across the campus' courtyard towards the main building, and took a right when she entered the vast lobby so she could check in at reception. There, she was given a schedule of her classes, arranged in a bi-weekly rota, and was handed a key for her small little room in one of the Campus dorms. After a quick few directions, she found herself as the esteemed Conway House, which looked to be around 10 floors high and lined with windows. It looked just like any old apartment block, but she had done her research; the bathrooms and kitchens were shared. The only thing that belonged to her would be her small, 5 by 4 metre dorm room. She ascended the steps inside towards her labelled door and let herself in.

It was as she anticipated. The furnishings were new-ish and modern, but it was small and cramped. She had a small single bed and a desk sitting opposite with a firm, uncomfortable-looking wooden chair, and a window at the far end of the room overlooking the courtyard and the city beyond. She was on one of the higher floors, and she secretly dreaded the ascension after each, hard-working day. She set her suitcase down and quickly check herself over in her hand mirror, before she decided her next move: she was heading to the sorority house.

Locking the door behind her, she made her way back down Conway House and out into the courtyard once more. Unlike the Campus Dorms, sorority and fraternity houses were on the other side of the campus and were built, effectively, like normal houses, with an extra floor and spacious rooms. They were designed to house roughly 7 to 8 people at once, thought fraternities in particular would occasionally number in the hundreds or more. Tiffany had already memorised the layout of the campus from google maps: whilst she didn't know the inner details of the buildings, she at least had a good idea of where she was going. Surprisingly enough, the Phi Mu House was the first in the row, presumably because they were popular. It took her no time at all to get there.

The outside of the house was plain and quaint, with a striking modern patio and a hanging sign that labelled the house as the one she was looking for: Phi Mu. It was in bright pink lettering with what Tiffany could only assume to be glitter sprinkled around it. Slowly, the Ferret girl made her way up the stairs towards the front door. She assumed someone would be in, at least. Hopefully, it would be the president.

She rapped on the door and patiently waited, trying to not look too meek. She knew someone might peer at her through the peephole, so she just hoped she looked presentable, or at least pretty enough. After a few moments of silence, she heard the click of a lock, and the door swung open, revealing one of the most beautiful women she'd ever seen. She was a slender canine with a rounded snout and a sharp, green eyes. Ringlets of blond hair tumbled down her shoulders, and she was dressed in what Tiffany could only assume was pyjamas, though that would have been considered a stretch.

"Can I help you?" The canine spoke rather pleasantly, but Tiffany could detect a small modicum of annoyance in her tone. The ferret cleared her throat.

"Oh, yes!" She began. "Well, I'm new on campus, and I was hoping to join your soririty."

The first hurdle was down. She didn't hesitate, nor stutter. She pushed her confidence out of her like a wave, and she hoped it showed. The canine quirked an eyebrow and slowly stepped to the side to allow her entry. Tiffany smiled and quietly thanked her, stepped into the warmth of the sorority house. She was standing in what as best described as a 'living room': a fireplace was lit on the far side of the room, and there were a number of couches and armchairs around the room. A frame portrait of a rabbit girl hung above the fireplace. She looked happy.

"We don't get many applicants." The canine mused, striding across in the room in nothing but her 'pyjamas': a tight-fitting vest that showed off her ample breasts that remained perky despite the lack of a bra, and the tiny short shorts that cupped around her voluptuous ass. She swayed like a woman on the catwalk, and Tiffany felt a feeling of dread in her gut: she was a dfake compared to this girl. She was the epitome of a popular girl, and she had been doing it for many years.

"Oh? Why's that?" Tiffany asked leisurely, following her across the room, trying her best to appear sexy. She glanced around room and noticed, surprisingly, that no-one else was here: it was just the two of them.

"Oh, I guess because most people think we're out of their league. You've got guts, applying like that. Unfortunately, no-one else is here right now." She stated, sliding herself into a seat by the fire, briefly shuddering. The cold outside must have been brisk for her.

"Where is everyone else?" Tiffany questioned, taking a seat opposite her, with a coffee table sitting between them.

"They probably won't move in until tomorrow, or Monday. Most of our base have already had a semester, so they're just coming back from their vacations on Malta, or Spain, or whatever," She waved a hand. "I'm only here because, as club president, I have a duty to keep the house in order."

Tiffany felt her stomach drop, and her chest twist. She had no idea she was talking to the President of the sorority house. Tiffany knew she'd have to pull out all the stops now, and she instinctively straightened, clearing her throat, trying to look presentable and attentive. The canine eyed her for a moment.

"Well, you look the part," The President mused. "So let's begin. I'm Hailey."

"Tiffany." The ferret introduced herself in kind, and the canine shot her a smile. Tiffany thought it looked a little fake.

"There's a fairly strict initiation process. We like girls who like to have fun, so we do all sorts of things to make sure they're well loosened up." Hailey loosely explained. There were two meanings to some of those words.

Hailey saw right through Tiffany. As someone who had been a popular girl for a good 8 years or more, she was an expert when it came to weeding out fakers. Tiffany was trying, that was true, but she was clearly and obviously faking it. If she had to guess, she assumed that the Ferret was a meek, nerdy girl who had wanted to re-invent herself coming into college, where no-one knew her. It was a good plan, but unless you pulled out all the stops, you simply didn't make it. Tiffany had made a mistake applying here: Hailey would make an example of her.

"That sounds reasonable." Tiffany replied, though she had no idea what the initiation process would entail.

"We do what the fraternities to, though we're a lot less barbaric," Hailey explained. "Hazing."

"I see." Tiffany knew of it, of course, and she had heard many stories. Mainly, she had read some online: guys who had applied to fraternities were forced to engage in homosexual acts, even though they were heterosexual. Just thinking of the stories she'd read made her cheeks grow flushed. She hoped there wasn't anything of the sort here.

"Even though no-one else is here, we can start today." Hailey said, getting to her feet. She padded across the room as Tiffany remained seated, feeling her heart thumping in her chest. She was nervous. From her left, she heard a quiet panting, and her eyes snapped to the source of the nose. She was momentarily surprised to see a Dalmatian sitting there on it's haunches, staring at her. It much be the sorority mascot, Tiffany presumed, or it was Hailey's pet. He was rather cute. Tiffany watched with a small smile as the Dalmatian bowed his head and sniffed her leg for a moment, before he padded over towards the fire and curled up near it, settling himself down.

Tiffany waited patiently enough, getting more and more anxious as time went on. Finally, after 10 or so minutes, Hailey finally returned with something in her hand. It looked like a wooden paddle, and Tiffany presumed it was used for things like table tennis, although it looked a little too large for such a thing. Hailey gripped the end relatively firmly and beamed down at the Ferret, who awkwardly smiled in response, a little anxious. Hailey had changed her outfit a little, having put one some semblance of pants in the form of some basic sweatpants, and a jumper.

"So first, we're going to do this," She said, holding the paddle up. "You'll need to stand up."

Tiffany did as she was told, hoping this would be the only 'hazing' she would have to do to be allowed into the sorority. Hailey stepped closer to her and moved her around, directing her around the side of the sofa. She turned Tiffany to face it, and then pushed her front end forwards, making her bend over the arm of the couch.

"What does this have to do--" Tiffany hadn't even finished her sentence before the wooden paddle roughly slapped against her backside. She let out a cry of surprise and pain, leaning over the arm of the couch and gripping to the fabric. Her behind stung and tingled and she craned her head bcak, her eyes wild with surprise. Hailey stood behind her with a wide grin.

"This is just the first part." Hailey told her, and Tiffany didn't even have a chance to reply before the paddle smacked against her backside again. Tiffany felt her cheeks grow flushed and the tears bubble up to her eyes. She blinked them back and took in a deep breath, bracing for the next impact.

It was just as hard hitting as the last, making Tiffany suck in her breath even more and hiss through her teeth, groaning in pain. It viciously stung her behind and it only got worse with each spank of the paddle. Hailey was giving it her all, which only made it worse. Tiffany braced for the next one, but she was momentarily surprised when she didn't feel anything. She turned head back to see Hailey staring at her behind, thinking. Tiffany got a bad feeling.

Hailey stepped forwards and reached around to Tiffany's front, popping the button on her tight jeans and pulling them down past her behind. Hailey smirked a little when she caught sight of the 18 year old's frilly pink panties, likely deliberately put on to make her feel sexy. Hailey wouldn't deny that Ferret had a shapely behind, but that wasn't the intent of this particular 'hazing'. She pulled them down until they were around the ferret's ankles, and brung the paddle back.

The wooden surface connected with Tiffany's bare behind, and she let out another cry of pain. The skin underneath her fur was turning a rosy shade of red, and the tears were freely trickling down the girl's face. She dared not say a word, considering the way that Hailey had just mercilessly pulled odwn her jeans. The paddle connected with her backside once more and she curled her toes, gripping her to the fabric of the couch, breathing hard through her teeth. A groan of pain escaped her mouth and Hailey surprised a giggle.

It went one for what felt like hours, but it was more like minutes. Hailey slammed the paddle into the ferret's reasonably bare behind over and over, until the rosy red skin was now a deep shade of crimson. Each spank was more painful than the last, until it was almost unbearable. The tears freely flowed down Tiffany's cheeks and dripped onto the sofa beneath her, her cheeks flushed a deep shade of red. Hailey could notice a distinct dampness in the ferret's panties, but she didn't mention it. The humiliation could be saved for later.

"Please..." Tiffany desperately wanted it to stop, but it didn't look as if Hailey planned to call it quits anytime soon. The canine brushed her hair from her face, reaching up to tie it into a ponytail with the help of a hairband that had been wrapped around her wrist. She gripped the paddle once more and grinned wickled as she slapped the board across Tiffany's behind again. The searing pain was too much to bear as the ferret cried out in pain.

Considering how much she was crying out in pain, Hailey decided it was probably better to start wrapping things up. She reached forwards and grabbed the back of the girl's pants, but instead of pulling them down, she yanked them up. The thin line of fabric pressed hard against the ferret's moist lips and asshole, and Hailey made sure to pull tight, giving her an almighty wedgie. The ferret hissed and wriggled defiantly as the canine almost lifted her off the ground. With her other hand, she loosely gripped the paddle and swing it forwards, letting the wooden paddle loosely, but sharply, bounce off of Tiffany's behind. The hits weren't as brutal as before, but the intent wasn't to hit hard: she was aiming for Tiffany's most intimate areas, in particular.

The Ferret could feel it, of course: with time the paddle bounced off of her behind, it seared her already sore skin, but in particular, it slapped right against her pussy, making her squirm and whimper. Each spank only made it wetter and wetter, until the juices were near enough running down her legs, threatening to trickle like a steady stream. Her breathing was heavy and she bit down herd on her lip, digging her fingers into the fabric of the coach's arm-rest. She was balanced on her tip-toes, and her cheeks a vibrant shade of red, similar to a tomato. Her tail stood on end, her muscles clenched tightly together.

Finally, after what felt like hours, Hailey stopped. She let the paddle rest up against the couch as she finally let go of the ferret's panties, making her way back over towards her chair. Tiffany straightened up slowly, her legs wobbling as she reached down, shakily trying to pull up her jeans. She hoped it was over. All she wanted to do was leave.

"Oh, we're not finished. Come over here." Hailey demanded, and Tiffany winced. She could just as easily say no and leave right now, but she was intimidated, and she was submissive. Who knows what kind of devious acts Hailey could do to her if she refused? At this point, she was seriously regretting applying for Phi Mu at all, but there was nothing she could do about it now. Her fate was sealed.

Slowly, she made her way over, and Hailey gestured for her to get onto her knees, which she obliged. She settled down and rested back on her heels, her hands on her knees, her head hanging down. She was trembling a little bit, unsure what Hailey was going to make her do next.

She heard a shuffling of clothes, and she raised her head to see the Canine woman tugging down her sweatpants, sliding them just over her rump, bringing them down to around her knees. She took her panties with them, and Tiffany was greeted to a sudden sight of the other girl's pussy. She looked a little wet herself, and Hailey reached down, spreading the lips of her entrance to reveal a little bit of the interior. She slid a middle finger down the smooth, sensitive flesh and licked her lips.

"Eat me out." She demanded, and didn't wait for a response from Tiffany, before she reached forwards and grabbed the Ferret by the hair. She pulled her head closer, thoroughly dominating her as she forced the Ferret's muzzled right up against her pussy. She was a particularly difficult situation for Tiffany, primarily because she had never done anything with a man, let alone a woman! She was a complete and utter virgin due to her 'nerdy' appearance back in High School. She had never expected her first day at college to involve something so sordid.

Slowly, she brung out her tongue and clumsily slid it over the canine's entrance, probing her fleshy appendage against the thin line of Hailey's pussy. She stuck her tongue in a little bit and got the distinct taste of something that she couldn't quite recognise. Being new to the experience meant there was a lot of things she couldn't really understand just yet. She barely even sexually touched herself, so she had no idea how to pleasure another woman.

Hailey seemed to twig on after a moment as her grip loosened on the Ferret's head, letting her have a little more free reign. Her brow furrowed as she watched the Ferret try her best to please the canine, to the point of trying to push her mouth into the other's entrance. She couldn't stifle a giggle that bubbled from her throat, and Tiffany's submissive eyes flicked up to her, wild with anxiety.

"Oh my god. You're a virgin, aren't you? A complete and utter virgin." Hailey sounded both surprised and amused at the same time. For her, it just wasn't fathomable: she herself was making out with girls and getting fucked when she was barely 14. To think that someone as old at 18 had gone without having sex for so long was an utterly ridiculous idea.

She leant forwards and let go of the Ferret's hair, letting her lean back as she got to her feet. She stepped aside from Tiffany, kicking off her pants as she padded across the room, heading towards the large drawers on the far side of the room that was lined with pictures of the sorority students. In the middle sat a picture of Hailey herself. Hailey specifically unlocked one of the drawers and placed her hand into it, digging out a series of tools and implements, but three things in particular caught Tiffany's eye: Dildos.

"These should loosen you up a little." Hailey remarked as she happy made her way across the room, her hips swaying as she went. She set the collection of tools on the couch and then straightened up, pondering the various implements she had laid out, as if she was trying to pick one. Slowly, Tiffany began to rise, pulling her jeans back up. She wasn't up for this. It was a little too much for her.

"Where are you going?" Hailey blinked in surprise as she turned, watching the Ferret girl dress. Tiffany froze for a moment, before she nervously gulped, zipping her jeans up.

"I, um...this is too much for me. I can't. I'm sorry. I'm sorry to have bothered you." All the work she had put into her popular demeanour had melted away, and she was once again the meek girl she had been before. She stepped back from the canine, who stepped forwards to close the distance, her brow furrowed.

"Oh, that's a shame..." Hailey gave her a mock grimace. "You know, my daddy's the dean. Wouldn't it be a shame if he found out you'd gone and vandalised my precious sorority house."

Tiffany froze, and her skin paled underneath her fur. Her mouth hung open in utter disbelief. Was she being blackmailed into...well, whatever it was Hailey was planning to do? She blinked back tears that suddenly formed in her eyes and she rubbed them away, turning away from the canine. She was trapped here: she had no choice but to submit. At this point, it wasn't just entering the sorority that was on the line, though she was less inclined to join now. This was her entire degree. If Hailey did what she was suggesting, then not only would her time here be over before it had even began, but it would tarnish her record forever. With a deep breath, she turned back to Hailey.

"That's better." The canine beamed, clearly seeing the determination and resignation in the ferret's face. She gestured loosely to the ferret's clothes, and Tiffany seemed to understand. Wordlessly, she slipped out of the jacket she had on, unzipping her jeans and shimmying them past her hips. She started to undress as Hailey deliberated over the dildos in front of her, before picking out a thick, ridged dildo with a bulbous base that Tiffany assumed was some sort of knot.

"Are you at least going to..." Tiffany began, but trailed off as she watched Hailey generously apply lubricant to the dildo's surface, smearing it all over with her hands. She turned towards Tiffany, and then stepped forwards. Using her less sticky hand, she moved Tiffany around until she was sitting on her knees. Hailey spaced the ferret's knees out and slid the dildo underneath her.

Tiffany was initially going to ask where it was going, but it seemed Hailey had an idea. The canine noticed that since the Ferret had undressed again, she had insisted on keeping her panties on. It wasn't going to help her now, however. Hailey reached down, moving them to the side as she pushed the ferret's hips further down. Tiffany anxiously felt the tip of the dildo poking around her, and she assumed it was meant to go right into her pussy. She reached between her legs to adjust it, but Hailey stopped her, grasping her wrist and pulling it back. Instead, the pretty canine reached down and did it for her, but she directed it into a wholly different place.

Without warning, Hailey forced Tiffany's hips down as the tip of the dildo suddenly speared her virgin asshole, and she Ferret let out a cry of pain, wincing as the dildo forced itself into her. 4 inches of the thick, silicone appendage wedged itself into her backside and spread her ring, the searing pain spreading throughout Tiffany's rump and making her face grow flushed.

"It hurts." Tiffany complained, but Hailey didn't seem to care, pushing her hips down further as more and more of the dildo was forced into her. Tiffany could feel every ridge of the length, assaulting her inner sphincter and spreading the tight ring of her entrance far beyond it's limits. Her insides spasmed and squeezed around the dildo as she bit down on her lip, tears sparkling in her eyes and trickling down her face. The pain was almost unbearable, and it was enough to make her dig her fingers into the carpet below her.

"Perfect." Hailey mused as the dildo sunk right to the base, the knot pressing dangerously to the entrance of her ass. With that, Hailey retreated, taking an equally=sized toy from the couch and lubing it up in a similar fashion. This one didn't look so draconic, and a little more canid in appearance, but it still bore the same fat, smooth knot at it's base. Tiffany gulped.

"Now for the next one." Hailey beamed, as if she was having the best day of her life. She bounced across the room back to Tiffany, half naked, and got down onto her knees, sliding the dildo towards the other one and sitting them one in front of the other. Tiffany looked down to see the thick length of the dildo pressing up against her pussy forebodingly, and she felt herself trembling with a mixture of fear and excitement. She had never been penetrated before. All the sex educations classes she had taken had told her it would hurt the first time. Though, she was a little luckier than most: her hymen had broken years ago when she had been horse riding. She hoped it wouldn't be so bad now.

Hailey grasped Tiffany by the hips, raising her up so that she was poised over the new dildo, and the canine adjusted the tip until it was poking and prodding at the entrance to the ferret's tight pussy. She forced Tiffany down again, and the ferret felt a searing pain like no other. It wasn't doing to the dildo entering her vagina, of course: it was the other one stuffing itself into her backside for a second time. If the first time wasn't bad enough, the second felt worse, and she trembled and struggled the take the length as it pressed into her sore behind. The other dildo, however, gave her a peculiar, sickening wave of pleasure that made her feel a little aroused, and also a little nauseous, considering the situation.

Tiffany let out a quiet gasp as she sunk herself down lower and lower, with Hailey forcibly guiding her with her hands. Her holes eventually settled themselves on the fat, bulbous knots and her stomach churned at the thought of having to take them. Surely, Hailey wouldn't be so cruel? Then again, Tiffany had been wrong about the canine from the beginning. She couldn't even trust what she had to say anymore. She shakily raised her head and watched as the Canine shuffled back towards the touch to pick up a final Dildo, and the ferret's eyes widened at the size of it. It was horse shaped, with the iconic medial ring. It had to be a good 15 inches in length, perhaps even more.

"Open wide!" Hailey giggled her delight as she moved the dildo closer, not even lubing up it's surface as she pressed the silicone, flared tip towards the ferret's mouth. With tears streaming down her face, Tiffany was forced to obey, opening her mouth as wide as she could.

The flared tip was swallowed up into her mouth with ease, and she felt every inch of the firm, silicone dildo filling her mouth and forcing her jaw to widen as far as it could, making her jaw ache and her eyes sting with tears. Hailey pushed the dildo further until the tip was pressing against the back of Tiffany's mouth, dangerously threatening to push lower. She pulled back and pushed it forwards again, simulating some sort of blowjob that helps the saliva coat the dildo completely, much to Tiffany's dismay. The thing tasted like dusty plastic and she wished she could be anywhere else but here.

"Very good. Just keep sucking that dildo, like you were born to do." Hailey spoke in a sweet tone laced with a passive-aggressiveness that was innate in sorority girls, and Tiffany shot her a dark look, her hands clenching into fists. Despite her anger, she was powerless to disobey the Canine: with the power of the entire university at her fingertips, Hailey could end her life as she knew it in an instant. Tiffany pushed her head forwards and gagged a little as she felt the flared end pushing down into her throat, and she was forced to pull back.

"Now, now..." Hailey didn't seem to like that, and she reached around to grasp the back of Hailey's head, holding the base of the dildo in her other hand. She pushed the dildo forwards whilst holding Tiffany's head still, and the ferret's eyes widened as the silicone cock was forced down her throat, stretching it completely as it made it's way lower and lower. Before she knew what was even happening, she had 15 inches of horse cock in her mouth and down her throat, with the ball-shaped base right up against her muzzle. Hailey clapped her hands in delight.

The first thing that Tiffany realised was that she couldn't breathe with the thing lodged in her throat. She calculated she had maybe 2 minutes at most before she'd need to take in a large gulp of air, but she had a feeling it would be shorter than that. With a panicked expression, she tried to reach up to pull it from her mouth, but Hailey held it in firmly, taking her phone from the coffee table.

"C'mon, you can manage 3 minutes, right? You wanna be in Phi Mu or not?" She beamed a wicked grin and started the timer on her phone, counting down from 3 minutes. Tiffany's wide eyes snapped from the phone to her face, and then back to the phone. She let out a muffled whimper from her throat and Hailey gave her a wide smile, putting on her prettiest grin. Tiffany knew she'd deliberately make her suffer, but why? What did she have to gain from this? Or was it really all just part of the hazing? Tiffany couldn't be certain of anything.

2 minutes left. Tiffany was started to feel the burn, her lungs crying out for oxygen. Her muscles clenched and that only made the searing pain in her backside worse. Spittle was running down her chin, dripping onto the carpet below her as she suppressed tiny sobs, the tears trickling down her cheeks.

1 minute left. Hailey continued watching her with a wide smile, holding the phone up to display the timer as if it were all some sort of game. Her eyes was running up and down Tiffany's body, watching her tremble and whimper for it to be over. Unfortunately for the ferret, Hailey's bold plans to humiliate her had any just begun.

30 seconds. Tiffany could see her vision blurring and her muscles growing weak, but Hailey was holding the dildo firmly in her mouth. She reached up and wrapped her hands around the canine's wrist, trying to pull her back. The canine was surprisingly stronger than she appeared.

Then, suddenly, the beeping of the timer rang in her ears. The dildo was suddenly pulled back and Tiffany took in a large gulp of air, gasping and choking. She bent over, placing her hands on the carpet as she coughed and took in a deep, powerful breaths. Her muscles spasmed and her eyes stung. She felt anger coursing through her, but it quickly subsided as she remembered the implications of what Hailey might say to the Dean.

"I'm surprised you made it. Well done, you might just have a chance yet." Hailey mused, and Tiffany snapped up her gaze to stare daggers at the canine. Hailey gave her a mock look of disbelief, before she giggled and made her way across the room. Tiffany watched her settle down by the Dalmatian that was still laying down by the fire, relaxed against the warmth. Tiffany shakily moved herself and managed to heave her body off the two dildos firmly lodged with her. She rolled, and pulled, sliding both of the thick silicone cocks from her ass and pussy, and she sighed in relief. She felt strangely empty, but it was somehow soothing.

Tiffany wondered if it was finally over as she stared up at the ceiling above her, at the peculiar chandelier that twinkled in the morning light. Her vision was quickly obscured by Hailey's beaming, wicked face. Tiffany narrowed her eyes.

"Come on! We're not done yet." Hailey assured her, and Tiffany felt a feeling of dread swirling around in her gut. With the beginnings of tears stinging her eyes, she slowly sat up, her rear end racked with pain and her muscles weak. Hailey was making her way back over towards the fireplace and ushering the Dalmatian to it's feet. The dog seemed particularly excited, whilst also a little bewildered. Its eyes ewre trained on Hailey, who ushered him towards the couch.

The Canine was standing there, waiting patiently for Tiffany to make her way over. The ferret shakily got to her feet and shuffled over, keeping her eyes down, briefly wiping the tears from her eyes. When she finally reached the couch, Hailey placed a hand on her shoulder, and pushed down. Tiffany was forced onto her knees in front of the couch, and the Canine girl roughly manhandled her until she was bending her upper torso over the couch's seat, effectively presenting herself.

It was then that Tiffany finally realised what the next 'stage' of the hazing was, and her eyes widened in fear and disgust. She was going to end up losing her actual virginity to a dog. Or, at least, that was Hailey's plan. Before Tiffany could move, Hailey was already ushering the Dalmatian up. The Ferret tensed immediately as she felt the cold, wet nose of the nose brushing and grazing over her private parts, and she suddenly felt a hot, wet tongue sliding over her entrance, scooping up whatever fluids there may be.

At first, she thought the feral dog wasn't interested in her, but she was dead wrong. After a few moments, she suddenly felt the heavy weight of the canine on top of her, pressing her down as its forearms wrapped around her stomach. Hooking himself on, the dog teetered on its back legs and shuffled forwards, lightly thrusting its hips back and forth. The tip of it's knotted member slipped from the sheath, viciously poking out and prodding around, seeking the hole it desired. When the tip finally pressed against the ferret's tight lips, he pushed forwards roughly, forcing his way in. The blood immediately engorged his member and he stiffened almost immediately, his cock pumping to a good 8 inches as he started to vigorously thrust.

Tiffany had never experienced sex with a dog before. It was carnal, brutal, and vicious. The Dalmatian cared for nothing other than it's own need to breed, it's biological instinct to thrust and buck that left Tiffany panting and squirming, sniffling into her arms. It's hips furiously bucked wildly, it's balls rapidly bouncing off of Tiffany's behind. She didn't want to admit that it felt nice, but it did: there was little pain inside her tight pussy and it was filling her up quite nicely. Despite the rough speed, she found herself growing aroused, even if she didn't want to. The dog continued to pound and thrust, and she felt the fat, bulbous knot pressing dangerously against her entrance each time.

"Good boy..." Hailey was sitting right next to Tiffany, stroking the dog's head as it viciously bred with ferret girl beneath it. With its mouth hanging open and it's hips beginning to thrust with earnest, Tiffany could only assume it's orgasm was imminent. She had anticipated it would last long, but that didn't appear to be the case: after a few moments of hard thrusting, it suddenly put all the force behind its thrusts, and she felt the fat base of the knot forcing its way inside her. The thickness of that base stretched her inner walls to their limit and she buried her head into her arms, panting harshly through her teeth. She didn't want to utter a single moan. She didn't want to give Hailey and satisfaction of knowing she was turned on.

The Dalmatian had abruptly stopped, and she could feel it's chest heaving and panting above her. She could feel a warmth inside her and could only assume it had came, and she wiped her eyes, feeling ashamed and used. The Dalamatian began to move rather suddenly, turning itself a full 180 degrees. With the knot still firmly embedded in the ferret's pussy, the Dalmatian stood facing away from her, and she could feel the heavy pulsing of it's cock, pumping load after load into her. She had remembered reading about this on Wikipedia, but she had thought it true until now.

"That wasn't so bad, was it? We just have one more thing to do after this, and then we'll all done." Hailey assured her, and Tiffany rolled her head to glare at her with the most furious expression she could muster.

"What's that look for?!" Hailey placed a hand to her chest in mock surprise. "Here I am, making sure you're ready to join Phi Mu, and you're treating me like this!"

Hailey knew exactly what she was doing, Tiffany thought. She realised now that this girl was nothing but a manipulative woman who wanting nothing more than to see others suffer. Unfortunately for the Ferret, she had no way out of this situation, especially not if she was the daughter of the Dean. She couldn't afford to lose her place in college.

The Dalmatian stood around for what felt like hours, continually pumping warm, sticky juices into Tiffany's tight pussy, before the knot finally deflated enough to dislodge from the Ferret's behind, and she let out a sigh of relief when it did. She was beginning to feel a little numb inside with that thick appendage stretching her open. Unfortunately for Tiffany, she couldn't go ahead and get dressed: Hailey had different ideas for her that involved her not wearing any clothes.

Getting to her feet, Tiffany was forced to follow the Canine through into the kitchen area, where the sorority leader rummaged in a draw, before gesturing her towards the back door. She made her way over herself and swung it open, revealing the pretty, well-groomed garden around the back of the sorority house. It was primarily a flat space of grass, with flowers lining the sides of the spacious, square patch. She made her way down the back patio steps and onto the grass, and Tiffany was forced to follow. The chill-ish wind of autumn made her briefly shiver.

Tiffany did notice one thing, however: directly in the centre of the garden was a wooden post, roughly a metre tall, with a chain attached to it's top. Tiffany begun to get a very bad feeling about this, but she kept quiet, for now.

"On your knees. Come on." She gestured as she made her way back up to the house, heading inside. Tiffany stood there watching her go, a sense of dread swirling around in her stomach. She didn't like the look of this at all. Was this really worth it? She could just leave and drop out of college, but a determination swelled inside her that told her she needed to just get through it. She didn't know why, but she eventually obliged, just as Hailey returned.

"Good." Hailey seemed pleased, and Tiffany glanced at the things in her hands: it looked to be some sort of leather material, but she had no idea what it was for. Before she realised what it was, Hailey began putting it on her, clipping a studded leather harness around her body that deliberately pushed up her breasts, and Hailey pushed something against her mouth: a red ball of some description, which was then clipped into place around the back of her head, forcing her mouth to remain open, biting down on whatever the thing was. Tiffany was naive to bondage gear and tools, but she had a feeling they were deliberately sexual. Finally, Hailey reached around and pulled her arms behind her back, tieing her wrists together with some firm rope.

Satisfied, the Canine stepped back to admire her handiwork, looking the Ferret up and down, who looked at her with pleading eyes. Hailey shrugged and stepped forwards, reaching down to grab the rusty metal chain. She clipped it onto a leather collar, which she put around Tiffany's neck.

"This'll stop you running away. And, for the final touches..." Hailey muttered, taking a pen from her back pocket, she began writing on Tiffany. It was difficult to do on fur, but Tiffany had relatively short fur anyway, which made it easy to see the markings that were written on her. The Ferret couldn't see for herself, but Hailey had written some obscene things on her. She had written 'Fuck Here' on the small of her back, with an arrow pointing downwards, as well as 'No Rubber' and 'Free Fuck' on her front. She wrote a number of other things across her body before finally capping the pen and stuffing it back in her pocket.

"Okay, so here's the final test. I'm going to leave you out here all night and check back in the morning, and then you'll be in! Simple as that." Hailey explained it as it were the most normal thing in the world, but Tiffany's heart dropped when she was being told what was going to happen. She looked down at herself and managed to make out a few of the words, and her eyes widened.

She snapped her head back up to the Canine, who was already walking back towards the house, her hips swaying left and right. Tiffany called out to her, tears twinkling in her eyes. She couldn't even pronounce words: it was just a series of muffled shouts that Hailey ignored as she closed the door.


Hazel was tired. Work had been hell, and she was finally glad her shift was over. The first few days before college started were always the hardest, if only because she had to get back into the rhythm of working. Once she was used to it, it wasn't so bad, but she had been far too used to relaxing at home. She worked at the local Starbucks, and it served just about every student on Campus.

The Bat stretched her back and rubbed her eyes, brushing the pink highlight in her otherwise black hair from her face. Stuffing her hands in her pockets, she strode across the main 'courtyard' of the college campus, heading towards her dorm on the far side. She had no sorority house to stay in, primarily because most people didn't like her. That suited her just fine: she'd have rather been left alone anyway.

She passed by the Phi Mu house and stepped, her eyes narrowing in the dim light as she picked up on a sign that was sat outside the front of the house. It read, rather simply: 'Free Cream Tasting', with an arrow pointing down towards the side of the house, leading towards the back garden. She knew exactly what that meant: she was in the same year as the Phi Mu sorority's leader, and she knew her tactics well. She had seen it many times before.

She heard a laddish laughing, and stood there watching as two college students, both Male, made their way out from the side of the house, nudging and chuckling with each other. They quietened down as they passed Hazel, looking uncomfortable. She understood why: she was giving them the most vicious look she could muster, after all. She strode across towards the side of the house, kicking the sign over as she went. Making her way across the grass in loose black trousers and a white shirt, she stopped as she entered the back garden, her eyes briefly widening at the sight.

She saw a Ferret, tied up and hunched over in the grass. She was curled up into a ball and quietly sobbing, muttering to herself. It didn't take a genius for Hazel to realise what had happened, or what had been happening for quite some time. She quickly made her way across the grass and placed a hand on the ferret, who visibly flinched.

"Please, please, please, please don't, please...!" The ferret began begging instantly, and Hazel gritted her teeth, glancing towards the house. It didn't seem like Hailey was watching. She reached down and began pulling at the rope, and the ferret's begging quietened down, if only for a moment. Tiffany slowly raised her head and saw the Bat leaning over her, untying her binds.

"What...?" She whispered, but then piped down as Hazel shot her a look. Tiffany meekly looked away and the Bat sighed through her nose, pulling her free from the rope and then unbuckling the collar around her neck. She hoisted her to her feet, propping her up with her arm. Tiffany was remarkably tall-ish, standing at around 5 foot 4 inches, but Hazel was significantly shorter. It was difficult for her to keep the ferret standing, but she somehow managed, guiding her around the side of the building. She set off down the path, carrying the ferret with her.

Her dorm was not far away, and they thankfully didn't run into anyone on the way. The ferret's breathing was laboured and racked with sobs, and she coughed as if her throat was dry. She was likely dehydrated and hungry, Hazel could guess that much, but she had no idea on the extent of the torture that Tiffany had had to endure in her time with Phi Mu's notorious leader. She would have to cautiously probe for information.

They finally reached her dorm, a tall building that spanned many floors. Fortunately for them, Hazel lived pretty far down, and in a more spacious apartment than Tiffany's own. Primarily, this was because the accommodation on this side of the campus had to be paid for, whereas the accommodation on the other side was free. Hazel made her way up a couple flights of stairs with the Ferret pressed against her shoulder, and then dragged her down the hall. Tiffany was trying her best to user her strength to help, but her legs were giving out underneath her rather easily. Hazel slipped the key into the lock and let herself into her apartment.

First things first: she needed to clean the Ferret. Not because she was dirty, but she knew Tiffany would feel better when she was clean. She pulled her across the room towards the bathroom. Her shoulder was beginning to ache, so she turned and sat the ferret on the toilet, letting her sit there as she reached down, running the taps for the bath. Whilst the warm water churned and filled the tub, Hazel retreated into the kitchen, only to return with a glass of water.

"Here." Her voice was rough and had an edge to it, but her movements were methodical, and her touch was kind. She brought the glass to Tiffany's lips and the ferret angled her head, managing to swallow a few gulps of the water, before it became too much effort. Even still, it looked as if some of the colour had returned to the skin under her fur. Hazel ran her eyes over the words written against her body, and she felt her stomach twist with anger.

She reached over, twisting the taps shut. Steam rose from the hot bath, lightly misting the bathroom. Hazel reached over and hoisted the Ferret up, helping her into the bath. Tiffany briefly gasped as the warm water ran over her legs and body, but she sighed in bliss when she sunk down onto the bath completely. She rested her head back and peeled open her eyes, centering her gaze on the Bat again. Hazel stared down at her with a look of indifference, but on the inside she was worried for the Ferret.

Hazel had lead a rough life. She had been bullied a great deal as a child, and one day she had ultimately decided to never let anything get to her again, and she had sealed herself off. Now, she was as best considered 'a bitch' by most that knew of her: she was indifferent, cold, and never friendly. Her voice had an edge to it, as if she were secretly angry at everyone. However, she was a kind soul: she cared for people, even if she didn't show it. She had simply learnt that it was easier for people to avoid her if she made it easy for them to dislike her. She had even gone so far as to get colour changing contacts to make her appear like a Vampire bat. No-one ever liked them.

"Who are you?" Tiffany asked weakly, and Hazel stared down at her for a moment, before reaching into the bath. She grabbed a sponge from the side and dipping it into the water, running it over Tiffany's body to wipe away the ink on her fur. She could feel that the Ferret was tense. Hazel assumed the girl didn't trust her. That was understandable.

"I'm Hazel." She replied quietly, introducing herself, and the Ferret eyed her warily. As Hazel's hand dipped down lower, she felt fingers enclose around her wrist, and she knew it was too far. She pulled back and washed other areas, leaving the more intimate parts along for Tiffany to do as she wished.

"...Tiffany." The Ferret introduced herself too, and Hazel nodded to her, not saying a word. There was a silence between them that seemed to last for an eternity, before Hazel finally dropped the sponge and got to her feet.

"Clean the rest of yourself. I'll get you some clothes." She spoke matter-of-factly, and strode from the room, rummaging through her wardrobe. Tiffany was taller than her, so most of her standard clothes wouldn't fit. She had a few things that were too big for her though, so they might work. She set them down and folded them neatly, taking them through into the bathroom and politely setting them down in an appropriate spot.

With that, she retreated to give Tiffany some alone time as she moved into the kitchen. She took some things from the fridge and placed some breaded chicken in the oven, cooking up a simple dinner whilst Tiffany washed herself. Hazel wasn't much of a cook: at most, she could boil vegetables on a hob, or cook frozen things in the oven, but that would be better than not eating at all in most circumstances.

it was shortly after she began serving the food onto a plate that Tiffany finally stepped out of the bathroom, wrapped in the towel that Hazel had set out for her before. The bat regarded her for a moment, before she gestured to the food on the plate, setting out a knife and fork for her. Tiffany looked from her to the plate for a moment, before she shuffled closer. She slipped onto a stool and winced briefly from pain, before she began to dig into the food, the towel laid around her shoulders.

There was yet another silence, which Tiffany took to looking around the apartment. It considered of two primarily rooms: one large spacious one that seemed to have an open plan kitchenette, and the bed sat on the other corner of the room. between the 'bedroom' and the kitchen was a long table that was commonly referred to as a 'breakfast bar', where people could sit and seat on stools. Tiffany wished she didn't have to sit on one: her behind was still sore.

She polished off her food rather quickly, a lot more hungry then she realised. When she had finished eating, Hazel began ushering her over towards the bed, saying that she could lay down. When she did, however, Hazel moved in beside her. Tiffany grew tense as the bat put her arms around her, but she didn't do anything untoward. In fact, it was rather nice: the shorter bat girl simply hugged her. She felt a little safer and sighed, staring up at the ceiling. She thought about everything that had happened. Before she knew it, she started to cry again.

Hazel was kind, and gentle. She wasn't a big hugger, but she cared for those that were bullied as much as she was, and the Ferret was hurting tremendously. She helped the only way she knew how, which was to hug her and soothe her, and it seemed to help, somewhat. Tiffany's sobs began to eventually quieten down after a while and she eventually ended it with a sniff, wiping her eyes.

"Hailey is so..." She didn't even know what to say.

"Let me say it for you. She's a bitch." Hazel replied sourly, and Tiffany couldn't help but chuckle a little.

"I'm screwed. She said she'll go to and Dean, and..." She knew her time at the college was over before it had begun.

"She's lying," Hazel pointed her. "She has a habit of that. Hailey and I went to school together: she used to tell people her dad was the principal, too. She's not completely lying, to be fair: her father is actually the Dean's PA, but she can't do shit to you."

Tiffany gawked at Hazel and then wiped her eyes, feeling the tears forming again.

"How could I be so stupid? She was never going to let me join the sorority. I shouldn't have even asked." Tiffany blubbered.

"...She wasn't going to, no. She's manipulative and cruel," Hazel sighed. "...You don't have to join a group like that to be popular. Just be yourself and people will like you."

She was terrible with advice, but it seemed to have helped, and Tiffany felt a lot better, even if she was laying in bed in the nude.

"Does this mean we're friends?" Tiffany asked the Bat, who grunted her response and looked away. Tiffany could only assume that the bat was just as damaged as she was, but for different reasons. She chuckled to herself again and wiped her eyes.

"For now, just rest," Hazel assured her. "We'll figure something out."

Tiffany nodded silently and stared up at the ceiling. Perhaps her time at college wouldn't be so bad. She'd made a friend before it have even started, after all.

Keeping it in The Family

"Wes! Breakfast is ready." After a brief moment of silence, Carl smiled in satisfaction as he heard his son's footsteps padding down their carpeted staircase. He turned back to the stove, flipping the rashers of bacon onto a plate and setting it on...

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The New Kiln 2.0

"Alright, move it." The butt of a man's gun shoved roughly into the back of a raccoon's back, and the figure staggered forwards, grumbling under his breath as he was forced to move along in a line with the other prisoners. They moved, single-file,...

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The New Apprentice #2.5

Jon rolled over restlessly in his bed, his face lined with worry, his mouth wrinkling into a whimper of fear. Even in his new, comfortable life, the memories of his past still haunted him, twisting themselves into embarrassing, horrible nightmares when...

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