Pawjob At The Mall

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Commission for Geecupcake.

Really like Zigan as a character. Might use him in later pieces.If you enjoy my work, then please consider supporting through my Ko-fi here. Every small donation helps to keep me doing what I love.

"Thanks again for coming with me to the Mall, Gee."

"Hey, don't sweat it, dude! Anything for a friend."

The two young cubs slowly walked down the sleek marble flooring, the hustle and bustle of other city-goers passing them by. The two were in the Armville Mall, the largest complex that either of them had ever seen before. Of course, in this moment it was unsurprising to them, if only because they had grown up around here all their life.

They paused for a moment and then took a turn, heading into the nearby Video Game shop, the aisles lined with game cases and accessories, with various screens set up to demo upcoming and released games, as an incentive to purchase them. The two cubs talked quietly amongst themselves as they browsed.

"Not much here today, huh? Not even any good merchandise..." The first one commented, a young wingless Drake with a mixture of white, pink, and grey hues all over his body. He glanced over at his comrade, a black-furred Fox with sharp, green eyes. The Fox, named Gee, scanned over the various T-Shirts and keyrings hanging up in the aisle and pulled a game.

"This is all the same stuff as yesterday, Zigan." Gee remarked, glancing over at his Draconic friend. Zigan nodded solemnly and stuffed his hands into the pockets of his loose grey hoodie, tutting under his breath.

"A shame. You wanna just go and grab a bite to eat or something, then?" He asked, and Gee sported a wide grin.

"Thought you'd never asked." He grabbed the Drake by the arm and pulled him along, out of the store and deeper into the mall, heading towards the large fountain that sat on the ground floor, the vast centrepiece for the famous 'Food Court'.

Gee and Zigan were unlikely friends. They shared little in common but for their mutual respect and intrigue with video games, that was shared amongst most kids their age. Barely older than 10 or 11, the two had come about their peculiar friendship simply by way of mutual protection.

It was no small wonder why Zigan might be the target of bullying or ridicule in school. If it were already obvious from his white and pink scales, he also had a particularly meek demeanour that left him open to verbal abuse from the local bullies. Gee had taken him in under his wing when he'd learnt of the harassment he was getting, and Zigan had been thankful for it. Gee didn't normally randomly accept another into his 'flock', but the young Drake was less likely to be bullied when he had a group of friends that he could get to know. Of course, Gee was the kind of cub who had a great many friends: he knew of a young Avian/Canine Hybrid, and some sort of Wolf/Husky hybrid, simply to name a few.

Zigan wasn't afraid to admit that his friendship with Gee had definitely made his life easier, and as a young cub on the cusp of puberty, his hormones were raging and his mind was muddled. Soon, that gratitude to the black-furred Fox had turned into an awkward sexual tension that always made him a little reserved around Gee, primarily for fear of rejection or embarrassment. He was thankful that Gee was mostly clueless to his feelings.

Zigan was pulled onto the escalator, and the two lingered on the steps as they ascended, the aroma of burgers, friends, pizza, and all manner of other foods wafting through the air, coalescing into a thick haze of meat and starch that made their stomachs rumble. They stepped off the escalator and grabbed themselves something from McFurnalds. Gee picked his usual: a box of chicken nuggets and some ice cream, whilst Zigan grabbed himself a hefty burger.

They slid into a seat over at the far end of the second floor, which primarily consisted of a great variety of seating. Zigan was always rather shy, so they made sure to pick out something at the far back, and they could finally relax and eat their food. They sat on sleek, 4-person seating that faced one-another with a side table between them, similar to that of your standard restaurant seating. They had deliberately shuffled all the way to the far end, so the wall sat to their right.

They ate in silence, for a little while, focused purely on the food in front of them. They chewed and chewed until, finally, Zigan thought it best to strike up a conversation.

"S-So, uh...anything new recently?" The Drake asked, and Gee glanced up at him, shrugging, taking a bite out of a chicken nugget.

"Eh, not so much..." Gee mused. "I mean, I found out Finn was into dudes, but..."

"Woah, he is?" Zigan's heart skipped a beat. "A-And, did you feel about that?"

"I didn't mind. I mean, I kinda feel for him. I can kinda relate." Gee trailed off, and Zigan think he caught on to what Gee was saying. He beant his head down and glanced about.

"Are you...?" The Drake began, and Gee nodded quietly, chewing on his food. He could tell that Gee was a little tense about it, but he seemed to relax when he saw Zigan's wide grin.

"I...M-Me too! I mean, for the longest time, and I was scared to say anything, and..." The Drake trailed off, feeling as if a large weight had slid off of his shoulders. He felt more free than he had been ever before, and he leant back, sighing and leaning his head back.

"Feel better?" Gee teased, and Zigan found himself growing a little embarrassed.

"I mean...I guess so?" The Drake replied, and Gee shook his head, smirking a little as he nibbled a little more on his food, before Zigan continued. "So, did you find out?"

"Saw stuff on his phone." Gee grinned toothily and rubbed the back of his head, digging into his pocket to pull out his own phone. He swiped across the screen and glanced around, before turning the screen to show the Drake a picture. Zigan's eyes centred on a lewd photo of an older canine with a throbbing, stunning erection. That wasn't all, however: it seemed there was another canine nearby, who was placing his footpaw directly on the other's cock. Thankfully, it wasn't animated, but Zigan could already feel the colour rising to his scales, and he averted his gaze.

"P-Pretty gay..." He muttered. "So are you, uh...into that?"

"I suppose so." Gee replied nonchalantly. Zigan felt his heart hammering in his chest, feeling a strange courage brewing in him that he'd never felt before. He shifted in his seat and Gee watched him quietly, wondering why he seemed to anxious.

After a moment, he felt it: a gentle stroking to his shin. Gee squinted over at the Drake and then leant back, anxiously tapping his fingers on the table, unsure whether he should tell him to stop or keep going. His young hormones told him to keep going, and he found the situation a little exhilarating. When he didn't reply, Zigan kept going, and Gee felt the gentle stroking sliding further and further up his leg. Gee was only wearing a pair of shorts, so it made the situation all the more tantalising: he could feel the Drake's toe-claws grazing across his fur and skin, and the soft, delicate smoothness of the sole of his paw soon following it.

"D...Do you like that?" Zigan asked quietly, clearly a little new to the endeavour. Gee shot him a wicked grin and the Drake looked a little nervous, but assumed he was to keep going. He slid his paw further and further up until his claws were tracing along the Vulpine's knee. The table between them was narrow enough for Zigan to slid his paw further forwards, tracing it along Gee's inner thigh until it finally came into view.

Gee had never really paid much attention to Zigan's paws before, but he'd found himself growing more and more intrigued by paws in general, and now was a good a time as any to grow acquainted with them. He reached down and grasped the paw with both hands, dragging it a little more forwards, touching it with his hands. Gee hadn't even realised that the cub had taken off his shoe and sock before doing sordid acts, but it appeared as if he had.

Zigan had a peculiar mixture of colours on his paws. The top of his foot, specifically, was pure white, whilst the sole and underside, all the way to the heel, was a darker grey. Despite that, his four toes, uniform in size and shape, were a stunning milkshake pink. As Gee press his thumbs into the sole of the paw and dragged them up towards the toes, he watched as the toes curled down and the small, stubby claws grazed against his finger knuckles.

"T-That tickles..." Zigan murmured from the other side of the table, and Gee smirked. He didn't want to admit it, but this was hot-- way too hot. He was gently pulsing inside his shorts, aching for attention, and he was going to get it. He used a free hand to pop the button on his shorts, tugging down the zipper as he pressed a thumb into one of the Drake's toes, feeling how plush and soft it was.

Gee finally managed to slide his hand down into his boxers, tugging his erect member into the warm air the wafted around the Food Court. His cock pulsed and twitched desperately, mere inches from the Drake's footpaw. The Fox slid his hand with his member and squeezed the knot around the base, his pink cock throbbing in delight.

Zigan was watching Gee closely for some time, a little anxious what what he was doing. For one, he could see what the Fox was up to, even if he tried: the table obscured his vision of the sordid events. All he had to go on, really, was the feeling of the Fox's hand on his paw, stroking and pressing into his smooth scales in a way that made his skin tingle.

It was after a minute or two of silence that he felt something warm and moist pressing against his foot. He curled his toes instinctively and felt the tip of whatever that was jamming itself into the warm, plush crease between his toes, forcing them apart as the appendage slid further forwards. Gee had picked a prime spot to slide his member in, the tip pushing between Zigan's middle toes whilst the heel pressing against his sheath, and the sole pushed against the length of his cock. A small groan escaped Gee's throat and he leant back, anxiously glancing around to make sure no-one had their eyes on them. He snapped his gaze to Zigan, who was staring at him, wide-eyed.

Slowly, the Drake began to move his paw, sliding his foot down and squeezing his toes together as they slid past the tip and further down the slightly tapering member. His heel pushed down against the Fox's balls and Gee tensed briefly, before the paw slid back up again. Zigan's pink toes were curled as tightly as he could manage, but as the tip slid out from between his wiggly stumps, he spread his toes out. Gee glanced down to see the thing strings of pre-cum that clung between the Drake's toes and he felt his skin prickle with desire. He reached down to stroke the top of the Drake's foot as Zigan pleasured him, the two of them locked in a peculiar, sexually tense silence.

Nothing could be heard from them but for Gee's quiet pants and groans. The Fox tried to not make too much noise, but it was difficult to keep it down when the Drake's warm, soft paw was pleasuring him to intensely. He rolled his hips up and sighed quietly under his breath as a thick bead of pre-cum deposited itself between the Drake's toes. Zigan heard an audible 'squelch' as he slid his foot down, and he gulped nervously, feeling the colour rising to his cheeks.

"Lil' more..." Gee muttered quietly, and Zigan knew what he meant. He slid his foot just a little faster, changing tact as he splayed his toes out and slid his foot all the way down, squeezing his tiny, wiggly appendages around the cub's cock, all the way to the base. He pushed his toes down against the thick knot and Gee let out a sharp hiss through his teeth, his hips thrust up against the Drake's foot. His quiet moans were growing more intense and desperate, and Zigan knew he was close.

The squeezing of his knot was enough to send Gee over the edge, though he were close to it already. As the pink toes clung to his knot, he thrust his hips upwards sharply and his muscles relaxed in an instant as a wave of pleasure washed over him. He laid back and sighed, his cock pulsing powerfully and leaking small strings of cum that trickled down his member and between the Drake's toes, sticky-ing his foot with cum. Zigan kept squeezing the cock every so often to milk what he could, before he finally slid his foot back up. The top of it was stained with cum, but the majority of it sat between his two middle toes. With a flushed face, he withdrew his paw and stuck his hands under the table, taking a napkin with him.

"That was, um..." The Drake's face was almost as ripe as a tomato. He was tenting his own baggy jeans, but that was beginning to subside. He'd been masturbating during the sordid routine and has already orgasmed inside his boxers, leaving an awkward sticky mess that he'd have to clean up later. Thankfully, it wasn't visible on the outside. As he tugged on his sock and stuffed his foot back into his shoe, Gee adjusted himself and hid away his member before they were caught.

Gee didn't reply as first, the two engaging in an awkward silence. Eventually, the Fox grinned sheepishly, and the Drake did so in response. That was all that needed to be said between them: what they just did would likely happen again, multiple times. Although, next time they might choose a more private location.

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