Time For Bed

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Old backer reward. Continuation of a series.If you enjoy my work, then please please PLEASE consider supporting through my Ko-fi here. Every small donation helps to keep me doing what I love.

"Alright, come on. It's nearing your bedtimes."

The two young cubs let out a long groan of sadness at the thought of having to go to bed at a reasonable time, but they knew better than to argue with their babysitter. Having just partaken in some rather sordid ordeals, the twin cubs slowly got to their feet and stepped away from the messy scene before them, their muscles aching for rest, despite their alert brains.

Their babysitter, a 13 year old grey-furred Fox, soon followed them, his clothes lying in a heap on the floor, along with the cub's own. Their frontal nudity didn't seem to bother any of them, and that was only because they had been mostly naked for the majority of the night. It had started rather innocently enough: their babysitter, Jake, had been called over to look after the twin 10 year old boys, Dakota and Jason, whilst their mother was away for the evening. Of course, it had all taken a rather lewd turn when Jake caught the two twins engaging in some other sordid acts of incest. Of course, Jake wasn't one to scold two young boys who were just exploring their sexuality: in fact, he had encouraged it by joining in.

It wasn't just the three of them, either: Jake had brung along his dog, Flint, who had joined in on various activities. Jake somehow seemed to be able to command the German Shepherd where others could not, which had been useful for their late-night endeavours. The living room, unfortunately, was a bit of a mess: an empty Pizza Box and half-full glasses of cold sat on the coffee table, whilst their clothes were dotted around the carpet. There were obvious dark stains where certain sexual fluids had dripped onto the carpet, but it would thankfully dry by morning. Jake worried that it might be a little, well, crusty-- but he had some excuses for that.

"You two look a little messy," Jake remarked, eyeing the red-furred felines and noticing the drops of seed that splattered their front. "Let's get you in the shower."

The two cubs seemed to think that was a good idea, and they briefly parted to let Jake past. The Fox made his way up the stairs in brief leaps and bounds, digging through the hallway cupboard until he found three suitable, brightly coloured towels for them. He gestured them through into the bathroom, and then quickly followed suit.

Depositing the towels on the nearby rack, Jake turned to see Jason reaching over and turning the shower own, twisting the dial to a suitable temperature between warm and scalding, Jake ushered them in and stepped in with them, letting the fur run down their bodies. It would be easier for the three of them to share a shower and not waste water, rather than having 3 showers in a row. The Fox ran his hands down his body and watched his front, digging his fingers into his armpits to clean away any unwanted sweat. The boys seemed to know what they were doing as well, and each of them had a sponge that they used to help wipe themselves down. Jake unfortunately lacked one, but he didn't mind.

The Fox closed his eyes, sighing through his nose as he felt the warm water cascading down onto his face and running down his front, sliding over his sheath and dribbling down between his legs. The warmth made his skin tingle and his muscles heavy. Despite it being so early, he was honestly a little tired: he was looking forward to lounging on the couch and waiting for the twin's mother to get home.

Suddenly, he felt a hand on his stomach, and he snapped his eyes open, glancing down at the two young boys before him, only 3 years young than him. His eyes travelled from their grinning faces and twinkling, mischievous eyes, down to the hands placed on his stomach, steadily moving lower and lower. Even in a lewd scenario like this, he could tell their personalities were different: Jason was clearly a little more adventurous with his hands, whilst Dakota was simply following his brother's lead, his own cheeky smile wavering just a little.

After a few moments, their hands settled on his sheath, squeezing the soft flesh and stroking along the fur. Jason dived a hand down to cup the teen's balls, rolling them around in his fingers whilst Dakota firmly squeezing the length of the sheath itself, feeling the hard, pulsing object hidden beneath. Jake felt his cheeks flush and he let out a shaky exhale. He hadn't expected the twins to be so direct, though he wasn't all that surprised, considering what they had gotten up to previously. Part of him was surprised they could even find the energy for yet another round.

A small groan escaped Jake's lips as the tip of his member began to slide from his sheath, the hot water hitting the tip of his sensitive vulpine cock and making him quiver in delight. He watched as their hands toyed with his member, squeezing his sheath and finally wrapped a warm hand around the steadily growing length. Jason squeezed his hand around the cock encouragingly and Jake briefly tensed up, his member pulsing from the stimulation. He didn't quite know what to say, but it was obvious what he wanted. The twins seemed to realise it, too.

Slowly, Jason bowed his head, running his lips up the side of the sensitive, twitching cock, and Dakota watched him with wide yes. Jason stuck out his tongue, dragging his barbed, fleshy appendage up the Fox's member, watching him briefly gasp and hiss through his teeth. A cat's barbs were notoriously peculiar, and it made Jake tense up as he felt that strange sensation running up his member. Dakota slowly leant his head down and started to join in, licking from the other side. The 13 year old watched with a mixture of lust and anxiety, reaching his hands down to stroke their wet heads.

They licked and slathered, covering his throbbing cock in spittle and assaulting every sensitive inch of his member with the barbs, making Jake briefly squirm every so often. His member easily grew to full mast under their assault, his knot swelling at the base of his member, eagerly reminding him how turned on he was. A number of thoughts and imaginings ran through his mind involved him and the twins, but he happily settled for the scene before him, drunk with desire and eager to blow his load.

Jason moved his mouth up, watching Jake's expression as he rolled his tongue around the tapering tip of the Vulpine's member. He pursed his lips around the tip, suckling sweetly before bowing his head, sliding his mouth lower and lower down Jake's member. The Fox groaned out in delight and rolled his head back, stroking behind Jason's ear. Dakota moved his mouth down past Jake's cock, pressed his mouth to the Fox's wet balls and dragging his barbed tongue along the sensitive nuts.

"O-Oh..." Jake quivered, his eyelids fluttering as a pressure built up within his loins, his skin prickling with desire and need. His toes curled against the sleek tiled floor as the warm water ran down his chest. He felt Jason's barbed tongue grazing against the underside of his member whilst the tapered end of his prick poked against the back of the cub's throat, depositing tiny droplets of pre-cum.

He only needed a little more, and the twins were willing to give it to him, their tongues slathering over his member and kissing every inch they could reach. Jason pushed his mouth down further as Dakota's hands squeezed around the Fox's balls and up to his knot, and that alone was enough to end him over the edge. A shuddering moan escaped his lips as his cock throbbed and pulsed, and he hit his climax. Ecstasy washed over his body like a wave and his muscles relaxed as his member pulsed, shooting gooey strings of cum into the cub's mouth. The substances splattered across the roof of Jason's mouth, arcing down towards the back of his throat, where the cub quickly and greedily gulped and slurped it down. Dakota's tiny hands gripped over the knot, feeling it swell and pulse beneath his fingers with every spurt.

"Fuck..." Jake muttered to himself quietly, feeling the dull hum of his climax coursing through his body, slowly beginning the simmer down as his orgasm began to fade. He looked down at the two boys, who quickly looked up to meet his gaze, their red tails flicking back and forth. They pulled back, dislodging themselves from the member and cuddling up to the Fox's side. His sensitive, knotted cock felt odd with the warm water splattering onto it, but the sensitivity died down as his cock began to retreat back into his sheath. Jake ran his hands over the boys heads, scratching behind their ears.

"That was...well, pretty good. Let's clean up and get into the bed though, shall we?" Jake suggested, and the cubs, albeit too awake to really sleep, obliged to his commands, despite his lenient, lewd take on babysitting. They grabbed their respective shampoos and quickly lathered each other up, running their others over the other's bodies, digging their fingers into the fur. Jake helped them, of course, making sure their backs were thoroughly clean before he started on himself.

It didn't take them long for them to finish up. Jake was feeling particularly exhausted himself, so he was glad to be stepping out of the shower sooner rather than later. The plentiful towels helped to mostly dry their fur off, before they padded back out into the hallway, parading in the nude as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Flint had been lingering by the door, politely waiting for them to finish before he followed them down the hallway.

Jake quickly realised the mess he'd left the living room in, and thought it best to clean up before he get into bed. After all, he had no idea what the twin's mother might say if she came home to find three naked boys sharing a bed with their clothes strewn all over the place. She might get the wrong idea! For Jake, however, it took little time to scoop up their clothes and bundled them into a ball, taking them upstairs.

Unsurprisingly, he found the boys lounging in bed with an adequate space in the middle for him, and Jake smirked a little. After tucking the clothes away under the bed, out of sight, he climbed up onto the foot of the bed, crawling forwards and sliding into position between them on his back, pulling the covers up to keep them mostly covered. Flint hopped up to lay down by their feet, and the two twin cubs cuddled up to the Fox's side, pressing their heads into his chest.

Jake sighed, staring up at the ceiling above them and he put his arm around the two adorable felines beside him, stroking their shoulders. They squirmed and pushed against him, and it was plainly obvious that the pair of them weren't very tired at all. Jake flicked his gaze over towards the little alarm clock on the bedside table and realised that it was roughly 10pm. It was peculiar for the two boys to be so alert at this hour, but Jake knew a good way to tire them out.

"Still awake, huh? Guess I'll have to tire the pair of you out somehow." Jake suggested, and the two cubs looked up at the teen with curious eyes, wondering what on Earth the older boy was planning. Jake slipped his hands a little lower and they shuffled, moving further and further up as his hands delved lower, so he could reach what he was after. They seemed to realise what he wanted too, for his hands quickly found themselves on their red-furred rumps.

His fingers wormed and pushed between their cheeks, still feeling the dampness of the water from their rather lewd shower, and his digits inevitably found the quivering, clenching puckers hidden away between those firm rumps. He pushed and wriggled until one of his digits firmly pressed themselves against each tight orifice. The cubs squirmed and pushed down against him, and after a moment, his digits were swallowed up in their behinds. Dakota quivered gently from the peculiar sensation inside him, whilst Jason began to roll and knead his hips down against the finger, pushing it into him knuckle-deep.

Flint raised his head from the edge of the bed as the scent of arousal wafted in the air. As an animal, it was enough to get him excited, and he climbed to his feet, stepping across the bed towards him and sticking out his nose, sniffing around. He traced his nose up against Jason's behind and down towards Jake's covered crotch, before looking at his owner, his tail furiously wagging. Jake smirked and knew that the canine wanted to have his own bit of fun.

Jake slowly kneaded his fingers into the boy's behinds, before he pulled them back and manhandled them both, changing their positions around to something more suitable. He placed them, side by side, on their hands and knees whilst he stood behind them. The twins grinned back at the babysitter looming over them and the dog anxiously staring up at his owner, waiting for confirmation, or a signal to continue. Jake glanced down at Flint, who tilted his head and stuck out his tongue, panting vigorously.

"Alright, boy. Go get." Jake commanded, and Flint was happy to obey. He immediately hoisted himself up onto his hind legs and hooked his front paws around Dakota's legs, tugging himself forwards until his hips butted up against the cub's own. His hips furiously thrust and pounded, but there was no member in sight, at least not for the moment. As Flint got into the rhythm, a thin sliver of his cock jutted from his sheath, shooting out and spurting a thin string of pre-cum that aimlessly shot down onto the sheets below. Flint pushed his hips forward as the wet, pre-cum soaked tip wiggled and squirmed its way around Dakota's behind, seeking it's mark. When the tip pressed against the tight pucker and slipped inside for just a brief moment, Flint's instincts kicked in.

The dog thrust and pushed, blood pumping to his member in an instant, his cock growing a number of inches inside the boy's behind. Dakota instinctively squeezed around the member and the canine thrust forwards, humping wildly, overcome with pleasure. His balls slapped and swung with each wild thrust, his member swelling to full mast within a matter of seconds. After a few moments of swift, powerful humping, the canine fell into a rapid rhythm of thrusts, his knot bouncing dangerously off of the cub's behind. Dakota let out little whimpers and moans of delight, squirming underneath the dog who so mercilessly used his hole for his own personal gain.

Jake watched them, his skin prickling with desire, before he turned his attention to the cub before him. Jason was staring up at the Fox with a sultry expression, his hips wiggling back and forth, lightly pushing and grazing into Jake's crotch. The Fox's body reacted to the gentle strokes in the most simplest of ways, his member pulsing and swelling within his sheath and steadily hardening under the cub's gentle assault. As his member slid out further, Jake placed his hands on the cub's hips, stroking his finger and digging his fingers down against his flesh, feeling just how soft and supple it was underneath that bright red fur. His thumbs pressed into the cub's behind and he kneaded his cheeks, his member throbbing to half-mast with little difficulty.

With that, he began in on a steady rhythm that was significantly sower than Flint's brutal pounding. His own thrusts were slower and methodical, carefully picking up speed as Jason got more and more into it. Eventually, he was leaning over the boy, wrapping an arm around him and thrusting into him must like Flint was doing with Dakota. The air around them was heavy with the scent of sex, their hot groans of pleasure filling the air. With each powerful thrust, Jason quivered underneath his babysitter, whimpering for more. Jake was more than happy to give it to him, but he was already feeling the aching, swelling feeling in his loins, his pleasure growing more and more intense with every thrust.

From his left, Dakota let out a sudden cry, a mixture of pain and pleasure that informed everyone in the room that Flint had tied with the poor boy, locking himself to the feline and emptying his balls into the cub's behind. Dakota whimpered and panted, reaching between his legs to stroke his barbed cock. However, Jake could see that the boy had already finished, the sheets below him stained with the tiny droplets of cum. Flint panted atop the boy, his tongue hanging from his mouth, before he moved and hiked his leg over the cub's body. He turned a full 180 degrees and stood on the bed, looking around him and panting happily as his knotted member remained firmly embedded in Dakota's behind, spurting rope after rope of gooey dog cum.

Jake needed a little more coaxing, but it wouldn't take him long. With each thrust, he felt the aching feeling building up in his loins, and his knot swelled against Jason's behind, pressing dangerously against his tight little pucker and reminding the cub of just what awaited him. A growl escaped Jake's throat and he thrust harder and harder, his toes curling with pleasure as his breath grew hot and heavy. Jason whimpered and moaned beneath him, his tail flicking from side and side as the older babysitter stretched his hole to it's limit. After a few final thrusts, Jake felt the tight feeling reaching it's limit, and he knew he was on the edge.

After a few hard, powerful thrusts, Jake let out a shuddering groan and forced himself down onto the feline, who wriggled beneath him, letting out his own little whimpers of pleasure. It took Jake a bit of forceful pushing, but after a moment, his knot finally found it's way into Jason's behind and he tied with him. The tight squeezing around his knot coaxed his orgasm to fruition, and he sighed, resting himself down on top of the boy as his member throbbed and spurted thick strings of cum into the boy's behind, his balls tucking up against his taint and his knot swelling. His body swam from the sheer ecstasy coursing through his system, making him quiver and groan just a little bit more.

Jake rolled onto his side, bringing the cub with him and curling his hands around the cub's body, cuddling into his back. He could feel the feline's hammering heartbeat and hear his gentle little pants of exhaustion. Behind him, Dakota was still firmly on all fours, waiting for Flint's engorged knot to settle down so that he could lay down fully.

Jake couldn't even remember falling asleep, but by the time he woke up in the morning, he was still in that curled up position, his arms wrapped around Jason, with the covers up to their waist, thankfully covering any lewd acts. As Jake peeled open his eyes, he felt a stab of panic in his stomach, and immediately lifted his head, glancing around. He realised, after a moment, that he was in the boy's room. Flint was nestled down at the end of the bed by their feet, and he turned his head to see Dakota cuddled up into his back out the corner of his eyes, equally as covered. Jake blew a sigh of relief. He tugged his hips and realised he was still inside of Jason's behind. After another swift tug, he easily dislodged himself, and his member shrank back into his sheath.

Hoping he wouldn't face the twin's mother's wrath, he quickly got up and reached under the bed, collecting his clothes and tugging them on. He sniffed them and curled his nose, reaching for the deodorant can that sat on the cub's desk, quickly spraying himself all over. The two young boys were still sound asleep, so the Fox decided to head downstairs. Flint woke as he moved and quickly followed him.

To Jake's surprise, he found their mother in the living room, sitting on the sofa. The remnants of their dinner still sat on the coffee table untouched, and a mug had appeared that wasn't there last night. Jake quickly assumed their mother was having tea.

"Uh, Good morning, Mrs. Simms." Jake announced himself in a casual, laid-back way, and the mother turned her head to smile over at Jake.

"Oh, good morning. Thanks again for keeping an eye on the twins. They seem to have taken a shine to you!" She beamed, getting to her feet and striding over towards a small table on the far side of the room, where her handbag sat. She rummaged in it for a moment and pulled out her wallet.

"Oh, Mrs. Simms, you don't need to--" Jake began, but she was already pushing a few bills into his hand, a wide smile on her face.

"It's fine, really. I appreciate you helping on such short notice," She insisted. "In any case, I'll let you get back. Maybe you can come over later and keep them company? I'm sure they'd appreciate another playmate."

"Uh, sure, Mrs. Simms. I did all my homework anyway, and I gotta walk Flint." He glanced down at the dog, who sat obediently next to him. The woman looked down at the canine with a smirk.

"I honestly don't know how he obeys you so readily. I remember when he used to leap the fence in the back garden, but no more!" She chuckled and ushered him to the door, thanking him profusely once more. Jake assured her it was no trouble, and he stepped out into the relatively brisk early morning, heading down the path and back towards his house. As he walked, he heard a sharp rapping and turned his head up towards the second floor windows.

There, he saw the two twins, grinning down at him from their bedroom window. He offered them a brief wave, and Jason pulled open the window.

"Jake!" He called. "Can we play later?"

"...Sure." Jake called back at them, a grin on his face. After last night, he had a feeling they'd be doing more than just 'playing' from now on.

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