Possession [Non-Canon]

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Commission for anonymous.

Why the [Non-Canon] tag? Because the commissioner specifically requested that this not be canon with the other stories.If you enjoy my work, then please please PLEASE consider supporting through my Ko-fi here. Every small donation helps to keep me doing what I love.

"Alright, we're here. Jeez, it's busy today..."

Jeremiah trundled the car at a slow pace through the extensive parking lot, his eyes scanning across the sea of cars to find an empty space. In the passenger seat, his nephew, Wes, idly tapped away on his phone, in the midsts of a conversation with a few classmates. They were working on a project together that required regular updates.

"Crap. Gonna have to go up a level..." Jeremiah grumbled in annoyance as he sped up slightly towards the ramp that moved to the upper level, and he blew a sigh of relief when he saw a multitude of empty spaces nearby. In the interest of having to walk less, he parked the car over by the doors leading towards the stairs and elevators, and tugged the handbrake up, satisfied.

"C'mon then." Jeremiah, a rather overweight but jolly and occasionally flirty anthropomorphic Alolan Raichu, coaxed his nephew out of the car. Wes, a skinny, lanky Pikachu by contrast, slid out of his seat and shut the door behind him. He lingered on his phone for a few more moments, before dropping it into his shorts pocket.

The two of them were at the mall. Whilst the pair of them often came here together, the two of them often came for very different reasons. For Jeremiah, it was the Foreign food outlet that imported dishes from all over the country, as well as snacks and candy. For Wes, it was often the Game and Gadget store, run by a particularly lanky Heliolisk. Him and Wes were friends, or at least more than a casual acquaintance; the two often discussed new and upcoming releases whenever Wes visited the store.

The pair of them made their way down the steps leading into a courtyard before the actual mall itself, commented referred to as 'Masquerade Square'. It was called this because of the giant mosaic pattern of a mask that was made of the small, square tiles beneath their feet. It was an art project for the nearby community centre, and it had become a centrepiece for the mall itself. Most poeple ignored it, but the name had stuck since it's inception. The two of them made their way to the entrance alongside other Pokémon, who likely had their own things to do.

"Alright, kid," Jeremiah beamed. "Your place is closest, so let's go there first. Then we'll hit up my place and get lunch. Sound good?"

"Sure, Uncle." Wes shyly responded, catching his uncles cheeky grin.

The two of them had been intimate for quite some time. It had started innocently enough for Wes, with his Father, Carl. What had started as a rather embarrassing situation for Wes had turned into something rather sexual quite quickly. Then, when Jeremiah had come to visit, it had become a little more then just a thing between Wes and his father; his Uncle started joining in, too. For the longest time, Wes had struggled to choose between the two of them, until he eventually realised he could enjoy the pair of them equally.

Wes had known Jeremiah long enough now to know what that cheeky grin meant, and he guessed that Jeremiah was likely to try something later. The Alolan Raichu had an extensive libido that couldn't be sated by mere normal means. Wes couldn't complain, not when the thought of it turned him on so much. He quickly pushed the thoughts to the back of his mind as they walked, not wanting to attract unwanted attention to himself in a sea of other Pokémon, some of whom could likely pick up the scent of arousal from miles away.

The two of them made their way into the store, and Jeremiah lingered by the aisles as Wes made his way up to the counter. From the corner of his eye, Jeremiah could see hie nephew chatting away with a chipper-looking Heliolisk, who was laughing away at whatever joke Wes had just made. He felt his stomach twist with jealousy as the thought of the two of them together crossed his mind. He pushed the thought away and looked down at the various accessories for consoles in front of him, his eyes scanning over the merchandise.

Standing opposite him, in the other aisle, was a particularly brooding creature. He had been watching Jeremiah and Wes since they stepped into the store, his quiet gaze searching them up and down. He was overweight, short, and a little pudgy, dressed in an oversized hoodie, with a quiet demeanour and a piercing gaze. He observed the two of them from other the top of his glasses until his gaze focused down on Jeremiah.

The Gengar was a criminal. He had certain unique qualities that were special to ghost type Pokémon exclusively, and he often made the most of them. One particular trait was useful when it came to robbery: possession. The act of entering someone's body, whilst limited, made it easy for him to gain access to their home and take what he could. Often, they blamed the host for the theft, unawares that that person was possessed the entire time. The fact that most people couldn't tell the difference between a possessed and unpossessed friend or relative made his job a lot easier.

Jeremiah looked the part for his next victim. His clothes were understated, but a trained eye could tell they were expensive. He was overweight, which gave the indication he enjoyed food, and had the money to afford it. Every sign, from his demeanour down to his clothes, told the Gengar that he was loaded. Seeing an opportunity, the Ghost Pokémon ducked down the aisle and moved closer. He rounded the corner until he was in the same aisle as the Raichu, who casually scanned the various items on their shelves. Slowly, the Gengar moved closer, until he was within touching distance.

He reached out and placed a hand on the Raichu's shoulder. Jeremiah was momentarily puzzled and turned to stare at him, and his eyes widened at the sight of the Gengar's glowing red eyes. In an instant, the Gengar disappeared inside Jeremiah's body, and the Raichu briefly convulsed, freezing on the spot and shuddering. The Gengar flexed inside him until his consciousness spread throughout the Raichu's body. Just like that, the possession was complete. Jeremiah, now possessed, suddenly relaxed and opened his eyes. A wicked grin spread across his face. He was in.

Slowly, Jeremiah's body turned to face Wes, who was still idly chatting away to the Heliolisk. Wes caught Jeremiah's gaze and briefly waved, and Gengar forced the body to respond in kind. Possession had it's limitations, sadly: the original hosts consciousness still lingered in the back of their mind, able to see, hear, and feel everything, but they were effectively not in control of their body. This was a good thing, but Gengar didn't get any of the memories in the possession, which meant he often had to scout out his targets to get a feel for how they acted before possessing them. This one was a little unplanned-- he had readily possessed Jeremiah before catching much of his personality, but he suspected he wouldn't be here for long.

Slowly, he strode up to the counter, and Gengar churning over possible outcomes in his mind. He was often never caught when he was found out, but he also very rarely got it wrong. From what little he'd seen, the Raichu was jolly and friendly towards what Gengar could only guess to be his son, or nephew. He'd soon find out which it was. He made his way past the various other people in the shop and made his way closer to Wes, where he picked up on a little bit of the conversation he and the Heliolisk were having.

"I'll put in a pre-order when I get my allowance in," Wes was saying. "I'm a little bit short right now, but I don't wanna miss it."

"Don't sweat it, lil' Wes," The Heliolisk replied. "I'll put one aside, just for you. I have be nice to my favourite customer, right?"

Wes beamed, and the Gengar got the impression that the Pikachu was easily impressed. He strode closer and put an arm around the Pikachu, tugging him a bit closer. Wes seemed surprised and looked up at Jeremiah, unaware that he'd been possessed by someone else. The Gengar caught Wes's flushed gaze and he wondered what had the boy so frazzled.

"C'mon, Wes. We've been here long enough, we should move on." The Gengar attempted to pick up Jeremiah's mannerisms, and from Wes's expression, it seems he succeeded. The young Pikachu blew a sigh and waved to the Heliolisk, following Jeremiah out of the store and into the main area of the mall.

"You wanted to go to that candy shop, right?" Wes asked, peering up at him. The Gengar quickly calculated an excuse.

"Oh, uh," He spoke, through Jeremiah's mouth. "It's alright, I have plenty at home. I, uh, think I forgot my wallet anyhow."

"Oh," Wes seemed surprised, and then frowned. "But then, how're we going to pay for Lunch?"

There was a moment of silence between them, where Wes looked up at his uncle expectantly, and the Gengar stared down at him, attempting to formulate some sort of response. He was effectively winging it, and it wasn't going too well.

"We'll just get lunch at home. Right?" Jeremiah assured him, clearing his throat.

"Right. Dad can probably make something...and I need to get started on my project anyway." Wes muttered, taking his phone from his pocket and glancing down at it, checking for notifications. The Gengar quickly sighed, relieved. The situation had taken a turn for the better, and he had at least garnered some degree of information from him. He quickly deduced that Wes was likely to be his nephew, and his father was likely Jeremiah's brother.

"C'mon." He reached down and took Wes' hand in his own, leading him through the mall, past the throng of people. Wes quickly followed along, a little perturbed that Jeremiah was almost dragging him across the mall, as if he were a misbehaving child.

"You're not wanting to go home early because of...you know?" Wes piped up, causing Jeremiah to slow down. The possessed Raichu turned to regard him, and the Gengar momentarily panicked, wondering what Wes might be referring to.

"What'dya mean?" He asked the boy quietly, and Wes's cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

"C-C'mon, don't play dumb. You know, we've been doing it the past couple of weeks..." He trailed off, and the Gengar was still left confused. He hoped he might pick up on it later. For now, he straightened up.

"Right. Sure." He passed it off vaguely, and Wes seemed to accept the response, though the Pikachu hung his head a little, as if he were a bit dejected. He looked up to see Jeremiah already walking towards the exit, and he quickly jogged to catch him.

The ride home was eeriely quiet. Jeremiah was normally talktive, but Wes found him sitting in silence, barely saying a word. It gave Wes time to think, for sure, and to message his friends on his phone, who were eagerly waiting for him to get home so that they could finish their project sooner rather than later. But, still, it was peculiar.

The Gengar was running through scenarios in his mind, and found a suitable solution. When they got to Wes's house, wherever it was, he would take what he can and make an excuse to leave. That would give him time to pawn it off and make some money out of it, before scrubbing the chubby Raichu's mind clean and leaving him somewhere in his car. The Gengar might be cruel, but he was no murderer: he wouldn't make the poor guy jump off a bridge. He seemed to have a good life. All he was doing was skimming from the top a little.

Luckily for the Gengar, Jeremiah seemed to have automatic GPS on his navigation system, built into the radio in his car, so the sat-nav was happy to tell him where to go. After 10 minutes or so of awkward silence, the Gengar saw the house coming into view. He slowed and sped up awkwardly until the sat-nav announced they were at their destination, and he killed the engine.

The two sat there for a moment, and Wes glanced over at his uncle, narrowing his eyes. The possessed Jeremiah cleared his throat and opened the door on his side, stepping out and closing it behind him. Wes quietly followed suit.

"We're back!" Wes called as they entered the house, and Jeremiah stretched his back, quickly scanning the interior as the young Pikachu closed the door. It seemed nice. He couldn't spot anything immediately expensive, but his eyes widened as a Raichu stepped through the kitchen door into the hallway.

"So soon? You've barely been gone an hour." Carl remarked in surprise, looking from his son to his brother, then back again. Wes simply shrugged.

"Can I have a sandwich?" He asked, and Carl absently nodded, staring over at his brother for a moment. Jeremiah shrugged in response, and Carl sighed through his nose. He, too, shrugged in kind, and stepped into the kitchen. Wes made his way up the stairs, which gave the Gengar some time to scope out the house.

Whilst Carl was busy in the kitchen, Jeremiah snooped around the living room, looking through the shelves in the most subtle and nonchalant way possible. The Gengar was after valuables: jewellery, expensive ornaments, flashy gadgets, anything that could be sold for a couple of hundred dollars or more. His eyes glossed over the room and centered on the television. It was arguably too big to take with ease. There were no tablets lying around, nor any laptops. The Gengar was growing irritable.

"So when are you moving back to Hawaii?" A voice spoke behind him, and the Gengar jumped, whirling around to face the Raichu, who seemed surprised that he had so readily been startled. In his hand, he held a plate with a couple of sandwiches on them.

"Hawaii? Oh, right," The Gengar quickly drummed up an excuse. "Soon. In a week or so."

"...Right..." Carl frowned, before handing out the plate. "Can you take this up to Wes for me?"

"Sure." He replied, and watched as Carl turned and returned to the kitchen, presumably to tidy up a little. The Gengar inside Jeremiah's body made his way up the stairs, his mind still mulling over what Wes might have been insinuating before.

Then, like magic, it hit him: Wes must have been talking about sex. Why else would be look so flushed and embarrassed, if it weren't something sexual? The way that he'd pulled Wes in earlier, too, gave that away. Was the boy really having sex with his Uncle? If that were the case, it made the Gengar's goals a little more different.

As he finally reached the top of the stairs, he moved across the landing until he was finally standing outside what he assumed to be Wes's door. He could hear idle talking going on inside and he grinned to himself, before turning the handle and pushing the door open.

There, he saw Wes hunched over his computer, with the keyboard pushed back and papers strewn across his desk. On the screen were two people, apparently talking, and the Gengar quickly realised that a webcam sat atop the monitor, recording Wes in turn. He saw the young Pikachu had a headset on around his ears. Wes quickly glanced at Jeremiah, before looking down to his papers.

"Yeah, if we covered the first soliloquy first, then it'll make for a stronger presentation." Wes spoke into the microphone, and the two people on the screen, a Persian and a Riolu respectively, nodded in response and looked down to their own papers. The Gengar quickly guessed that he expected Jeremiah to place his food down and leave. Things were about to go very differently.

He strode forwards, sliding the plate onto a spare spot on the table. Wes glanced to him again and then back to his notes on the desk, mostly brushing him off and attempting to focus on his work. The Pikachu paused when the Gengar slid his hands over the boy's shoulders, pressing his thumbs into his muscle and trailing his fingers along the boy's collarbone. Wes's gaze snapped up to the webcam and saw his friend's puzzled expressions.

"Um...Uncle, do you mind?" Wes muttered quietly, using a hand to cover his microphone. From the position of the webcam, his friends couldn't even see Jeremiah's face-- the majority of the shot was taken up by Wes's upper body and head, but the arms and Jeremiah's large body were clearly visible.

"What, you don't want to fuck?" Jeremiah whispered, and the colour immediately rose to Wes's face. He snapped his head up to stare at the Alolan Raichu, his eyes almost bulging out of his sockets at the mere mention of it. He hoped to god that his friends hadn't heard.

"A-Are you out of your mind?!" He hissed. "I'm on the microphone with my friends. We can't...you..."

It seemed like Jeremiah, or rather the Gengar, wasn't taking no for an answer. His fingers dug into Wes's shoulders for a moment, before he reached down and grabbed the Pikachu by his hips, hoisting up him. Wes stumbled for a moment, surprised, and was suddenly shoved forwards, forced to bend over the desk.

"U-Uncle, the hell are you doing?!" Wes exclaimed, unable to really stop himself from speaking into the microphone now. He heard his friends in his headphone asking him what was wrong, or what was going on, but he didn't have the courage to answer them. He pushed back against his Uncle, and clamped his mouth shut when he felt the rather warm sensation of something hard and firm up against his behind. He knew exactly what it was.

Jeremiah pulled back and dug a thumb roughly into the waistline of Wes's shorts, yanking them over his rear end and letting them fall to the floor with ease, exposing the basic blue boxers underneath. He reached down, popping the button on his own shorts, letting them descend to the floor. He could already see the prominent bulge in his own underwear, or rather, Jeremiah's underwear. The Gengar reached down the fondle the package, and he could feel the pleasure rippling through Jeremiah's body, connecting with his own senses.

Reaching down, he tugged the front of the underwear away, fully exposing the member, and his mouth dropped at the sight of the cock. The Gengar hadn't expected his victim to be so well-endowed: 11 inches pulsed weakly to life in front of him, the tip already oozing pre-cum. If he had known this from the start, he wouldn't have waited so long to do something. He felt Wes struggling against him and watched him reach for his keyboard, presumably to turn off the stream.

"Now, now," The Gengar began, grabbing Wes's wrist and twisting it behind his back, holding him down. "You don't want your friends to miss out on the show, do you?"

Jeremiah pushed his hips forward and let the thick, throbbing member slid against Wes's underwear. He hard the Pikachu whimper his protest, but knew the boy didn't have the courage to speak up. Jeremiah glanced in front of him over Wes's head, spotting the webcam clipped to the monitor. He could see the Pikachu's friend's gawking faces, looking both shocked and embarrassed at the sight before them. Jeremiah's gaze flicked to the corner, which displayed what the others would be seeing. He smirked at the sight of Wes's body bent over and an erect, twitching cock peeking over his body.

"Like what you see, boys?" Jeremiah spoke a bit louder than usual, hoping that the microphone might pick up on his voice. "Pretty big, ain't you? Bet you didn't think your friend's uncle would be a hung fucking best, did you?"

The friends were silent, their eyes wide and their expressions rigid and frozen in place. Jeremiah, or rather the Gengar, smirked and rubbed his hips back and forth, making sure that the two boys saw his bobbing member poking up and down.

"How much of my cock do you think your friend can take, boys? Half? Maybe all of it?" Jeremiah grinned to himself, though they were unable to see it. "Let's find out, shall we?"

Wes let out a little whimper, struggling against the Raichu, who still had his hand firmly locked behind his back, making him unable to resist against him. All it took was a little movement to make the brief discomfort on his arm even worse, so he knew he had to lay back and take it, despite his embarrassment. He felt tears stinging his eyes and he blinked them away, squirming defiantly.

Jeremiah reached his free hand up to his lips, stuffing two digits into his mouth and slathering them in spittle. He made sure to take his time, being deliberately noisy as his fleshy tongue slathered and slipped around his digits, until they were completely moist, almost dripping with spit. From there, he drew them down, using a dry finger to hook Wes's underwear down over his rump, before sliding his wet digits between his cheeks. It took little effort to find the boy's tight pucker, and after a brief positioning, he thrust his fingers inside with little ceremony.

"Oof. He's nice and tight, boys." Jeremiah spoke out, and Wes trembled beneath him, his insides clamping around the two, thick digits, his ring briefly searing with pain before it quickly subsided. Jeremiah was never this rough: he knew something was wrong, but he couldn't understand what. The digits sunk further into his behind and he squirmed his rear end, trying to pull back as far as he could, standing on the tips of his toes.

Jeremiah curled his fingers in his nephew's behind, or rather, the Gengar used the digits to sodomize the boy. Even with the possession, he could feel the sensation of those inner muscles squeezing around his index and middle finger, feeling the way the 15 year old quivered as he curled his fingers upwards. He seemed decently stretched out, but still nice and tight. Could it be that Jeremiah had fucked him before? It was a possibility.

Slowly, he pulled his fingers back, satisfied that he had sufficiently lubed up the boy's ass with the Raichu's spit. he moved himself into position, sliding the thick, girthy member between the cheeks and pressing the head of his cock against the tight entrance, feeling the way it twitched and clenched around the tip. The Gengar spread his legs apart a little, before he pushed forwards, hard.

Wes let out a whimper of distress and then a quiet groan, a mixture of pain and pleasure as the dick slid it's way into his behind. There was little lube to aid the thrust, but Jeremiah was intent on sinking all inches of his cock into the 15 year old's tight entrance. Wes struggled with the sheer girth and length of the large insertion, behind the squirm and let out a sharp grunts as it sunk past the halfway mark. His friends watched in a mixture of awe and shock as the cock sunk deeper and deeper, albeit they couldn't see much. Wes's belly started to bulge the further the member went inside of him, until Jeremiah was nearly all the way to the hilt.

The Gengar let out a long sigh of pleasure as the sensation of those insides clamping around his cock, periodically squeezing his member. His free hand squeezed Wes's hip, stroking his yellow further. He stood like that for a while, just enjoying the pleasure of it all, before he started to pull back and thrust again.

It was a slow rhythm, at first, as Jeremiah yanked his hips back and thrust forwards, pushing himself up to the base again. With each powerful thrust, Wes whimpered and groaned into the microphone, and his friends heard the quiet slaps of balls against flesh. Once the first few thrusts were out of the way, Jeremiah began to thrust harder, putting up effort into pull back. The desk started to creak with the force of his thrusts, and the monitor started to wobble.

"Tight lil' bitch..." The Gengar muttered in delight, thrust harder and harder every few seconds, his breathing growing ragged, his conscious alight with pleasure. The thrusts soon grew wet with pre-cum, every thrust met with a quiet, wet squelch, accompanied by a shaky groan and a wet slapping sound.

Wes hated it, but his body reacted accordingly. His member stood on end as Jeremiah's thick cock continually pounded his prostate. Wes was so used to his father's own member that he felt little pain from Jeremiah's thicker cock, which make the situation all the more sickening: the mixture of shame and denial, along side the elating feeling of pleasure, simply made him confused. His toes clenched down against the carpet as he gritted his teeth, his member wobbling back and forth, dribbling pre-cum onto the floor.

"Fuck yeah. Fuck. God..." Jeremiah moaned and grunted, muttering to himself with every other thrust. He stared down to admire the thick cock sliding in and out of the 15 year old's behind, watching the way the Pikachu's flesh jiggled and bounced from the sheer force of their hips meeting one-another. He could see the gooey strings of pre-cum clinging between the Raichu's pelvis and Wes's behind. He looked up to see the boy's friends still watching them, as if they were caught in a trance. It was likely the first time either of them had seen something so real.

The pressure in his loins began to build, a sensation that the Gengar was familiar with, and often felt on a daily basis. The act of possessing someone and using their cock to get off was a little different than his own, but the pleasure and feeling of utter bliss was the same nonetheless. He began to thrust harder and faster, and Wes began to moan and whimper at a remarkably higher pitch. He could only guess that the poor boy was likely close as well, and he could only imagine how fucked up the cub must be after he was through with him.

It only took a few more thrusts until Jeremiah was finally over the edge. He pounded his hips forwards roughly, pumping his hips back and forth, until his climax finally hit him. However, he didn't slow down: he continued to thrust and pump as the first jet of cum shot from the end of his member, coating the boy's insides. As his cock thrust in, the fluids leaked out, dribbling down Wes's taint as the Raichu thrust against and again.

He heard Wes whimper admist his orgasm, and felt a tight clamping around his cock that made him briefly slow down, caught by surprise. He looked down at his crotch see the boy's tight ring squeezing periodcally around his member, clamping down tight and holding him in. Wes continued to whimper, his breathing heavy and slow, and the Gengar quickly realised that the boy had orgasmed, almost at the same time he did. The two of them stood there awkwardly, panting tiredly, both overcome with the feeling of pleasure. Wes didn't know what to say. The Gengar didn't want to say anything either.

Slowly, he pulled back, and Jeremiah's cock slipped from the boy's behind. Cum leaked from his gaping asshole, dribbling down his balls and dripping onto the floor. Jeremiah's member, hanging half-limp, swayed into view on the webcam, for the two boys to see.

"Hope you liked the show, boys." Jeremiah grinned at the webcam, but it couldn't see his face. He reached down to grip the base of his cock, squeezing from the base up towards the tip. A fat glob of cum oozed from the end of his member and dripped down the head of his cock. One quick shake caused it to drop onto the floor. With that, Jeremiah stepped out of frame.

Wes was shook, his legs trembling from exhaustion. He could hear his friends breathing heavily in his ear on the headset. He tugged the headphones from his ears and pressed a button on his keyboard, which ended the call between them. There, he placed his forehead down on the desk and breathed steadily. What had Jeremiah just done?

But the Raichu was already gone. He had made his way downstairs after getting dressed, and he had collected up a handful of different things he saw in the living room, stowing them into a bag. There, he quietly slipped out the door as Carl washed the dishes, and got into the car. He pulled back and quickly sped down the street. His intention was to pawn what he'd stolen, then leave poor Jeremiah in his car on a motorway, when the Gengar was safely away.

The Gengar had thought about wiping his memory away, but decided against it, wanting him to life with the memory of it. Not only that, but it would be difficult to explain why he couldn't remember raping his nephew merely hours prior when he finally returned him.

Jeremiah finally awoke with a start to find himself parked in the services station on a busy motorway. The GPS said he was a good 30 miles away from his home. At first, he was confused, but the memories quickly came flooding back. He put his head in his hands for a moment, before reversing out and heading home.

Would they ever find the culprit of the possession? Likely not. For all they knew, he had already taken another victim. As Jeremiah's car pulled out of the service station and made it's way down the road, an onlooker watched them depart: a Kadabra, dressed in baggy attire. His gaze followed the car peeling back down the motorway, back towards the city.

The Kadabra's face broke out in a wicked grin, and it's eyes glowed red.

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