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"Kiddy! Thanks for coming over."

The young, 13 year old fox stared up at the woman beaming down at him, a smile spreading across his face. She stepped aside to allow him inside, and Kiddy strode through the door, a bag slung over his shoulder. He dropped it to the floor and slipped out of his hoodie and, with an expert toss, managed to hook the hood on a peg to his left, nailed into the wall.

"Kippy's just setting everything up in the back garden. I'll go and finish getting ready. Could you go through into the living room for me?" The woman asked the Fox, who nodded and made his way into the room. The spacious size of the living room made it easy for him to find a seat, especially amongst the various couches and armchairs that lay around the room. He slipped into a comfortable seat on a large, cosy armchair and relaxed.

Kiddy was over for a sleepover with a friend whom he knew quite well. The young Fox was in the local soccer team in the 'Semi-Teen' bracket. Whilst he wasn't a star player, he often worked as a team and he was good enough to earn a spot. In the bracket below him, aimed primarily at younger children, there was a 10 year old boy who Kiddy had come to know quite well in the past year or so.

As in on queue, his friend came through the glass back patio door and quickly bounded into the living room, the grin on his face making it clear how excited he was. Compared to Kiddy, he was surprisingly different, both in species and in fur colours. He was a hybrid, which was a rare oddity in itself, but he was a mixture of a type of marsupial known as a 'Sugar Glider', and a domestic Cat. Because of this, his sub-species was often coined as a 'Sugarcat', a name that Kippy had taken on with pride. His fur, a mixture of black and white, almost seemed to glitter in the light of the bulb above them. Or, perhaps it was the moisture on his fur: Kiddy caught a whiff of dampness in the air and guessed that Kippy had showered recently.

The two had grown quite close over a short period of time, and their friendship had blossomed from being mere acquaintances to on and off lovers. Of course, that particular side of their friendship was never divulged, but the two of them had, on occasion, done things together when the time arose. More often than not, their sessions took place in the locker room that all of the soccer teams shared.

This, however, was a rare occasion. The two of them rarely had sleepovers, but it often involved stargazing-- it was a hobby of Kippy's that he seemed to enjoy immensely, almost to the point of obsession. Whenever Kiddy came over, he'd set up the tent in the back garden and they sit out and watch the stars, sleeping in the tent until the morning. Of course, a variety of other things went on, but tonight was special: Kippy's parents were finally trusting enough of Kiddy to allow him to babysit the 10 year old, meaning they finally had time alone outside of their after-school activities.

Kiddy grinned over at Kippy as the Sugarcat's mother, who had greeted him at the door. She was dressed in slim-fitting, fancy, but still comfortable clothes that suggested she was going to some sort of club, or party. Kiddy knew it was impolite to ask, so he kept his mouth shut. He watched as she entered the room, adjusted herself and turned to him.

"So, money's on the counter in the kitchen. Just order in a pizza or something, whatever works for the pair of you. I've let out a couple of menus, so--" Kippy's mother began, before she trailed off at Kiddy's expression.

"I'm rambling. Sorry. You'll be fine." He assured him, and she visibly deflated after letting out a long breath. She looked a little more relaxed.

"Have fun, you two." She smiled, her expression a mixture of the usual pleasantries, coupled with a faint anxiety about the situation. Kiddy couldn't blame her, of course-- he was only 3 years Kippy's senior, so she might have questioned if he was even responsible enough. He gave her a salute and sat up straight, attempting to be mature. She couldn't help but smile as headed towards the door. She stepped through and the two boys watched her walk down the driveway and into the car. She pulled out and trundled down the road, picking up speed as she went.

It was just the two of them now, and they exchanged a grin before sliding off the couch and making their way towards the kitchen. Kiddy glossed over the small note left on the counter and grinned at the sight of a couple of bills sitting underneath it, before he looked over to Kippy. The Sugarcat was hunched down into the cupboard, and withdrew with his arms full of bags of crisps and snacks. He grinned toothily, and Kiddy smirked in response. The two of them headed out into the garden.

It was a rather quaint little garden, with enough room for Kippy's tent and his telescope to be set up on the grass, and plenty of extra space to go around. At the far back of the garden, the fence door was slightly ajar, leading out into the woods around the back of the propety. In the dark it looked a little scary, but Kiddy wasn't one to spook so easily.

Kippy dropped the snacks onto the blanket he'd laid out on the dry dirt, and knelt down, resting on his heels. Kiddy joined and sat cross-legged next to him, his eyes immediately drifting to a long, silver staff that sat on the far side of the blanket. It's entire length seemed to be etched in runes and symbols that he couldn't understand. Kippy caught him looking and grabbed it, showing it to him.

"I found this in the woods last week," Kippy began. "There was this big white flash in the middle of the night, and it woke me up, so I went to go look. I must have been out there for a while, because when I came back my parents were worried sick. They grounded me, which is why he have to camp in the back yard..."

"Huh. It's weird. Do you know what these symbols are...?" Kiddy ran his fingers across the engraved letters, and Kippy shook his head, setting the staff back down.

"Nuh-uh. Never seen them before in my life." He remarked, looking up at the starry sky above him. Kiddy followed his gaze and sighed through his nose as the sight of the stars above them, twinkling in the night sky.

They spent the next hour calibrating the telescope and trying to find Venus. According to Kippy, it was meant to be visible on that night in particular, but they had searched for quite a while without any luck. Then, when they were just about to give up, they finally found it. They alternating between looking through the telescope at the small green sphere in the sky. Kippy had set the telescope to the highest magnitude he could muster, but even then, it was still so far away.

By now, their mountain of snacks had devolved into a small pile, and the empty packets sat in a small carrier bag to be taken inside at their leisure. Empty bottles sat next to them from the drinks they had already glugged. The night was drawing on, but neither of them seemed tired-- after all, they had the whole night to enjoy the stars, and no school tomorrow!

"Mmh. Hold on, I gotta pee," Kippy began, slowly getting to his feet and stretching his legs out, sighing in bliss. He turned towards the house when Kiddy placed a hand on his leg, stopping him.

"You know what'd be funny?" The fox began with a wide grin. "Doing it in the woods."

"T-The woods? But it's all dark and scary out there!" Kippy exclaimed, but couldn't help but smile at the possiblity. It was a little taboo, but also a little thrilling!

"What're you, chicken?" Kiddy teased, and watched as the Sugarcat's face contorted into a childish pout.

"No." Kippy retorted, but he wavered a little, looking decidedly anxious. Eventually, he took a step towards the fence, and then another, until he reached the slightly ajar wooden gate. He glanced back at Kiddy, who gave him a thumbs up in response. Slowly, Kippy pushed the gate open and stepped through, disappearing from sight.

Unable to stop himself from giggling, Kiddy clambered to his feet and moved towards the fence at a low crouch, lingering by the gate and poking his head through. The light of the moon illuminated the Sugarcat's slenderly dressed figure making it's way through the trees, attempting to find a decent, open spot to do the unthinkable. Kiddy watched as his figure went deeper and deeper into the woods, before it eventually stopped and stood by a tree, anxiously glancing around. Kiddy hid out of sight before Kippy could see him, before peeking again. He could see the Sugarcat beginning to unbutton the shorts around his waist, and took it as a sign to move in.

He slipped through the trees, making his way around so that he was out of Kippy's line of sight. The Sugarcat was a little too engrossed in unbuttoning himself to pay attention for the rustling of leaves. Or, perhaps, he chalked it up to the breeze that wafted through the air, assuming the leaves were picked up by the gentle gusts. Kiddy slowly made his way around until he was finally standing behind the hybrid, a mere few metres away.

Kippy finally managed to fight back his nerves and pop the button on his shorts, letting them drop to his ankles in a particularly boyish fashion. From there, he slipped his underwear down, but let it rest on his upper legs, spreading his legs apart a little to stretch them out. His hands drifted towards his crotch. After a few moments of pause, Kiddy could hear the tinkle of water hitting the base of the tree, and his ears perked at the sound of Kippy's long, tired sigh of pleasure. He must have been holding it in a while.

For what felt like minutes, the Fox waited, patiently listening to the trickling sounds of water until the steady stream became a quiet trickle. When Kiddy was certain he was almost finished, he began to sneak into position, moving slowly and quietly, attempting not to trample too many leaves or branches underfoot. It only took him a few seconds to get within arm's reach of Kippy's behind, which was really all he needed.

He thrust himself forwards and grasped the Sugarcat's cheeks with both hands, giving them a plentiful squeeze as he spread them apart. Kippy let out an almightly scream of surprise and practically jumped out of his skin, craning his neck back to find out who it was as his body scooted forwards, pressing him against the tree. His eyes narrowed when he saw Kiddy's wide grin, and he sniffled, his tail flicking to and fro.

"N-Not funny, Kiddy! That was really scary!" He insisted, but his body visibly relaxed and his muscles lost their anxious tension. He didn't want to admit it, but the woods weren't as scary with Kiddy around. He was nervous doing it on his own before, but it was better with the Fox here. Kiddy chuckled to himself as he played with the boy's round rump, spreading those cheeks apart again. His mouth dived forwards and he buried his lips between the Sugarcat's cheeks with little warning.

Kippy let out a mixture of surprise and pleasure, pushing his hips back against the Fox and spreading his legs apart a little more, a tiny groan escaping his lips. Kiddy was an expert when it came to rimming, or at least, when it came to Kippy. His tongue dashed and slathered over the tight, clenching pucker hidden between those cheeks, and one his hands firmly massaged and stroked the boy's behind, giving it a firm squeeze. His other hand darted down, popping the button on his own shorts so that he could openly play with himself, squeezing his sheath and rolling a finger around the tip of his cock.

He enjoyed the way that Kippy's body quivered and trembled with each motion, the way his pucker squeezed and clenched periodically with each lap and lick. Kiddy's tongue circled around the sensitive ring and probed the entrance with the tip of his wet tongue, hearing Kippy groan and shudder in response. The fox's hand reached up, stroking along the younger boy's inner thigh until his hand reached up towards his member. His fingers brushed against the cub's balls, before his hand wrapped firmly around the already half-hard cock, peeling back the foreskinned of the humanoid member. He felt it pulse and twitch in his hand.

"Don't stop..." Kippy begged, his arms leaning against the back of the tree, his legs spread as wide as he could manage, given his shorts and undies. Kiddy did as ordered, for now, but he had other plans in mind for later. His tongue probed against Kippy's entrance again until he pushed with enough force to allow himself access, feeling the ring clench around his tongue and squeze like a vice. His hand effortlessly jerked his own knotted member whilst his other free hand lazily and clumsily stroked Kippy's cock back and forth. The Sugarcat squirmed a little against the assault from both sides, resisting the urge to thrust into the older boy's hand. He could feel the pressure building up within him already, making him pant and squirm with more intensity over time.

Kiddy kept on this like for a few more minutes, hearing Kippy's labored pants and whines, begging for him to keep going. The Fox knew that his friend was likely going to finish soon, but that simply wasn't on the agenda for Kiddy tonight. As he felt Kippy squirm with a bit more intensity and heard his moans of pleasure grow more intense, he pulled back. He unceremoniously slipped his mouth from the Sugarcat's ring and got to his feet, buttoning himself up.

"...Eh?" The younger boy seemed momentarily dazed and delirious, before he snapped back to reality and stared down between his legs. He turned his gaze over to Kiddy, who was shooting him a childish grin.

"W-Why'd you stop?! I was...!" He trailed off when he saw the Fox's cheeky smirk, and he grumbled to himself, frustrated and pent up.

"Come on, let's head back." Kiddy insisted, bounding through the trees back towards the gate not too far away. Kippy grumbled to himself and he tugged up his clothes, quickly following suit.

When Kippy appeaed in the garden again, Kiddy was nowhere to be seen. Then, Kippy spotted him standing at the patio door, a phone in his hand. He held up a brochure and pressed it to the glass. Kippy stepped forwards and squinted, realising that Kiddy was holding up a menu for a pizza place around the corner. The Sugarcat gave him a thumbs up, and Kiddy grinned, dialling the number.

They lounged in the living room for roughly 20 minutes, idly watched the television whilst they waited for the food to arrive. Since it was barely a 5 minute walk away, they knew it wouldn't take long to get there. Sure enough, when it did, Kiddy paid the delibery driver and took the pizza inside. They marvelled at the delicious food for a moment, before taking the box outside, planning to eat it in the wild outdoors.

They relaxed once more onto the blanket, and Kiddy listened as Kippy pointed out the stars in the night sky above them, apparently already over the events that had happened a mere half an hour beforehand. The pair of them had long since been flaccid by then, and it seemed that Kippy had lost his sour mood.

"Come to think of it..." Kippy paused mid-lecture, checking his phone for the time. "Oh yeah. This should be the optimal time to get a good close-up on the moon. Let's check it out."

Kippy sprawled across the blanket on all fours, making his way over to the telescope. He rested himself on his knees and a free hand as he peered through the telescope, trying to angle it in the right direction. Kiddy watched him for a moment as he thoughtfully chewed on a slice of pizza, his eyes drifting across the boy's body, studying him from a distance. An idea formed in his mind and he felt his skin tingle with desire. He had another plan.

He set the pizza down, closing the box over as he got upt onto all fours, crawling across the blanket towards his friend. Instead of kneeling next to him, however, he moved around the back of him, shuffling his knees forward until his hips bumped with Kippy's own behind. The Sugarcat paused and glanced behind him, a nervous grin spreading across his face. He was clearly into the idea, even if it were outdoors, but he was initially apprehensive. Was Kiddy going to do what he'd already done previously? Kippy wasn't a huge fan of being blue-balled.

Kiddy rolled his hips up against the boy's behind, leaning forwards and propping himself up with a hand as his stomach and chest pressed into the cub's back. Kippy shuddered when he felt onto of Kiddy's hands curling up around his body, sliding under his shirt and stroking across his bare stomach. A quiet, shaky sigh escaped the boy's lips when Kiddy's finger grazed over the nub of his nipple, lightly teasing him.

The fox reached down, tucking a thumb into the waistband of the boy's shorts. He managed to slip them over Kippy's hips with ease, and it didn't take him long for him to move his own down, their underwear pressing together. Kippy could feel the firm bulge of Kiddy's cock pressing into his clothed behind, and he pushed his hips back against him, breathing heavily through his nose. He felt Kiddy's hand stroking his side, and then began to feel his underwear being pulled down.

Slowly, Kiddy did the same to his own undies, exposing his cock completely. He pressed the warmth, twitching member up against the cub's behind, rolling his hips against the other's rump and sliding his cock between his cheeks. He could feel Kippy's tight entrance clenching against his member, but Kiddy didn't plant to penetrate him-- at least, not yet. Instead, he simply let his member slide between his lover's round behind, gripped between his cheeks. His free hand trailed down the boy's body, stroking against his stomach until his hand reached the cub's cock again, his thumb and forefinger pinching lightly against the boy's glans. He stroked his fingers down and Kippy pushed his hips against his hand, thrusting into it for just a moment, biting his lips and quietly groaning.

"Please don't stop..." Kippy murmured, and Kiddy began to roll his hips with a little more earnest, his breath coming out in short, hot pants. His cock slid between those firm cheeks and pre-cum oozed from the tip of his adolescent member, trickling down the underside of his cock and lubing up his movements even more. Soon, their dry humping turned into wet, slick thrusts, with Kiddy groaning in pleasure. His head bowed down and his lips grazed Kippy's neck, peppering him with kisses. The Sugarcat pushed his hips back and felt his face burn with a blush at those wonderful, delightful little kisses.

Kiddy began to rock his hips faster and faster, his hand curling against the blanket as his hips bucked. Kippy writhed beneath him, biting down on his lower lip as his erect, humanoid cock bobbed back and forth, stroked by Kiddy's hand. He could feel his own pressure building up, but he knew he wasn't anywhere near close yet, and Kiddy was likely a lot further ahead.

He could hear Kiddy moaning intensely, beginning to grunt and pant in earnest, and he pushed his hips back, his tail pressed down out of the way. He could hear and feel how wet and slick Kiddy's humps were, and they seemed to grow wetter and wetter. The hand around his member began to jerk and stroke his cock an in irregular rhythm, and Kippy guessed he was close.

Kiddy pushed his hips forward and arched his back a little, letting out a long groan of pure bliss. His knotted member pulsed and swelled, before the tapered end spurted thick, sticky strings of seed up against his own stomach, splattering down onto the small of Kippy's back, oozing between the crevices between Kiddy's cock and the hybrid's ass. String after string shot from the end of the fox's member, each one dwindling in power and force. Kiddy rolled his hips and slid his cock down, dribbling the last remnants of his orgasm against the Sugarcat's ass. Kippy could feel how wet and sticky it all was, and face the heat rise to his face.

He had expected Kiddy to finish him off, but the fox unceremoniously pulled off of him, moving into a sitting position next to him, panting in delight as he kicked off his underwear and shorts. Kippy stared at him for a moment, looking remarkably irritated. Kiddy looked back at him with the most unconvincing poker face he could muster. Realising that Kiddy wasn't going to help him, the Sugarcat rolled back into a sitting position, grumbling to himself as he felt the oozing cum between his cheeks smearing onto the blanket.

"Not fair." The cub grumbled, and Kiddy put an arm around him.

"Don't feel bad. Have some pizza." The fox grinned, holding up a slice for him. The hybrid glared at the grinning fox, before he took a bit out of the hovering slice, chewing angrily with a little pout on his face.

Surprisingly for the pair of them, it was already getting quite dark. The moon overhead was almost directly above them, and Kiddy knew that if Kippy didn't get any sleep soon, then he might be in trouble. He leant off of the Sugarcat and grabbed his phone from his shorts pocket, checking the time.

"We should get some sleep," The teen remarked, glancing over to the hybrid, watching him quickly chew down a slice of pizza with little effort. "Your parents would kill me if I kept your up all night."

"Yeah...I guess I'm pretty tired." The boy grumbled in response, briefly rubbing his eyes before he reached down to kick off his lower clothes, which were still hanging loosely around his ankles. He discarded them by the tent and crawled inside, and Kiddy followed suit, enjoying the view.

The tent's interior was simple. The floor beneath them was covered by a blanket, thankfully, and the sleeping bag itself was meant to be a double size for adults. It would easily fit the pair of them, and it didn't seem to raise any questions for the two of them to share a bed together. Kippy was the first to crawl into it after throwing off his shirt, and Kiddy soon followed suit, sliding into position on the hybrid's right hand side.

"Well...goodnight." Kippy grunted, rolling to the left and facing the tent wall. Kiddy smirked and knew that the poor Sugarcat was just a little annoyed about being edged again, but he had ways to sate his desires. The fox rolled in the same direction and hooked an arm around him, stroking across the boy's belly. Kiddy's chest once more pressed into the Sugarcat's back, and the few strings of cum on the fox's belly smeared themselves into his lover's back.

"Ew." Kippy grumbled, before glancing back at the fox, eyes narrowed. "You're not gonna screw me over again, are you?"

"I promise I wont." Kiddy assured him, sliding his lips and nose across the hybrid's neck and planting a few tiny kisses across his person. The boy squirmed and pushed his hips back, his skin tingling with desire and prickling with pleasure. It felt nice to be touched and caressed, and he didn't want to admit it, but he was insanely pent up. Kiddy had edged him twice in one day, and that was enough to make him frustrated and cranky. Thankfully, he was finally getting what he desired.

"That good?" Kiddy murmured quietly, sliding a hand over the hybrid's naked body, running it down his hips and around towards his crotch. He grasped the boy's cock in his hand and felt it pulse in his fingers. Kippy groaned and quietly nodded, rolling his behind back against Kiddy's crotch whilst simultaneously humping up against the fox's hand. Kiddy certainly appreciated Kippy's way of mutual satisfaction. It might have only been 5 or so minutes since he had orgasmed, but he was already ready to go once more. His member began to creep from his sheath with ease, smearing between the cub's wet, sticky buns.

The teen let out a long sigh of bliss, feeling the way that Kippy's body tensed against him and the feel of his heartbeat. He slid his hand from the boy's member for just a moment, sliding it down and around to the boy's rump. He grasped the cub's right cheek in his hand and briefly spread it apart, adjusting himself to the tip of his tapering member slid between the hybrid's cheeks, poking at his ring. He could feel the way Kippy's entrance spasmed against his cock, eagerly awaiting it's entry. They had done this many times before, and each time was as exhilarating at the last.

Slowly, Kiddy pushed forwards, feeling the clenching entrance gripping around the end of his slim, tapered member. He pushed deeper and felt the muscles give way, swallowing up an inch or two of his member with ease. From there, Kiddy's cock gorged and pulsed to life, swelling with each spasm and squeeze of Kippy's inner walls. Kiddy let out a harsh groan and gripped himself tightly to the younger boy, pushing up against him. His toes curled in desire, his heartbeat quickened, and his breath came out in a long, shaky exhale. Kippy squirmed against him and let out his own tiny groan, reaching around to grasp onto Kiddy's hip, holding him there. He could feel the fox's cock inside him, steadily growing and pulsing into life. His insides clamped down like a vice and his member stood to attention, aching to be touched.

Kiddy didn't leave him hanging for long: after he got into the rhythm of thrusts, his hand returned to Kippy's member and began to furiously tug and stroking his cock as he thrust, his movements irregular and clumsy. Kippy pushed his hips back and forwards, eager to blow his load as soon as he could. Their pants and groans of desire soon grew more and more laboured as more time passed, until their movements were nothing but wet, carnal humpers.

Kiddy's knot began to push dangerously against Kippy's behind, and both of them knew that, one way or another, it was going in. Kippy was resigned to the idea, but even that wasn't quite true; he craved it. He pushed his hips back as Kiddy thrust and heard the fox growl in frustration, feeling the teen's lips kissing along his neck, feeling the gentle grazing of his teeth against the his flesh. That simple act was enough to heighten Kippy's senses, and he found the pressure in his loins steadily reaching it's peak.

He pushed back against Kiddy, who began to thrust and hump with a little more force than usual, his knot pounding dangerously against Kippy's tight ring, threatening to enter at any moment. Kippy knew he wouldn't get it in on his own, and he trief his best to relax his muscles. Even if it were just for a moment, it seemed to make all the difference: as Kippy's entrance relaxed a little against Kiddy's behind, the knot was readily swallowed up by the cub's asshole. Kiddy successfully tied himself to the Sugarcat, and he let out a sigh of relief, widlly rocking his hips against Kippy's body whilst idly jerking his member.

Kippy's insides flexed and squeezed every around inch of Kiddy's cock, and it seemed to be all that Kiddy needed. In a matter of moments, Kiddy's thrusts began to slow and he let out a long, shaky sigh, followed by a quiet moan of utter bliss. He buried his head into Kippy's neck and cuddled up against him, his cock pulsing and throbbing inside the hybrid's behind.

"Please..." Kippy had to beg, but it was enough to make sure Kiddy got the message. As soon as the word escaped his lips, Kiddy's hand picked up speed again and rapidly stroked the hybrid's cock. Kippy rolled his head back and let out a long groan of ecstasy as his orgasm finally hit him. Despite the esctasy coursing through his veins and the pleasure rocking his system, his member was utterly dry, his cock twitching and throbbing violently with a complete lack of fluids; he was not yet old enough to make any sort of cum at all. Once Kiddy realised his friend had climaxed, his hand began to slow, devolving down into idle, slowly strokes from base to tip.

The two of them lay there for a moment, panting and breathing heavily, their bodies humming with the aftermath of their orgasms. The two of them knew that Kiddy would be tired for a while, so the Fox curled up against the hybrid's body and put an arm around him. The Sugarcat sighed, and before he realised it, sleep had taken him.

Kippy awoke the next morning to the sound of birds chirping outside, and the sunlight that shone directly on the tent's wall. The wall itself was thin, and Kippy was easily awoken just by the light on it's own. He shielded his eyes and glance around, realising that Kiddy was still tied to him, and still asleep. He laid back down and sighed. The hand around his stomach tightened for a moment, before he felt Kiddy's snout nuzzling against the back of his neck.

"Morning." Kiddy muttered groggily, and Kippy grunted in response. Neither of them were much of a morning person. They were just about to enjoy each other's company a bit longer, when something surprised them.

"Kippy! Kiddy! You out here?" A voice called from the patio door, and the two of them froze. They heard the footsteps of someone walking across the grass, and Kiddy grapsed Kippy's back, tugging against him.

"C'mon!" Kippy hissed, feeling his stomach turning over, the panic rising in his throat.

"It's stuck!" Kiddy exclaimed in reaponse, keeping it to a whisper as his hips tried their best to tug back and dislodge his cock from the boy's behind.

"Boys?" They heard Kippy's mother right outside the tent, and the two of them exchanged a glance.


Secret Stash

It was the beginning of any other Sunday afternoon. The sun shone overhead and seeped in through the window to illuminate a relatively clean-looking living room, the humid air forcing the owners of the house to turn on a couple of oscillating fans,...

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Picnic Preperation

Mei turned his head as a harsh gust of wind whipped around his fur, causing him to briefly stagger on his hooves. He stood in the middle of some grassy plains, with a hill to his right leading up towards a large mountain. The area was quiet, and many...

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His Best Friend's Dad

"Boys! Come down for dinner." The father listened quietly as he heard the quiet thumping of controllers being placed on the floor, accompanied by the thunder of feet as two young cubs barrelled down the stairs. He smiled to himself, satisfied, and...

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