Judy Hopps: The Reluctant Whore

Story by Birdpup on SoFurry

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Commission for Xibalba. A direct continuation or Nick Wilde: The City Hall Whore.If you enjoy my work, then please please PLEASE consider supporting through my Ko-fi here. Every small donation helps to keep me doing what I love.

"Thank you for agreeing to see me, Ms. Hopps." Lionheart smiled as Judy slipped into a seat opposite him, sitting there uncomfortably. Her nose twitched. She could smell something.

"Not at all, Mayor Lionheart..." She trailed off, glancing around the room for a moment, before centring her gaze back onto him. "I hope you don't mind that I scheduled our appointment a littler earlier than anticipated."

"Not at all. How has the ZPD been treating you? All going well, I hope?"

"Yeah, I mean..." Judy trailed off again, trying to find the words. "I'm worried for Nick. He spends a lot of time in the break room or not on duty. Most of the time I can barely find him to go out on a case. I'm concerned he might not be taking the job seriously."

"Oh, I'm sure he's taking it very seriously. He just finds it hard, I'm sure. Very hard." Lionheart leant forwards in his chair, resting chin on the back of his hands. Judy regarded his flirtacious expression for a moment, before clearing her throat and continuing.

"Plus, he always seems injured. Limping everywhere, and he's secretive. Maybe he got mixed in with the wrong crowd?"

"I wouldn't worry, Ms. Hopps. But if you're that concerned, then I hope I can help to...alleviate your woes." He leant back in his chair. Judy's ears picked up on the subtle sound of a zipper.

"Um, sir..." Judy began, faltering a little from Lionheart's sudden forwardness. It was not the kind of thing she did; she was no fool to the goings-on around the ZPD, especially some that involved Nick, but that was her very concern. She feared he was diving in too deep into sordid affairs with their mutual coworkers.

The young adult rabbit watched as Lionheart got to his feet, beginning to pop the buttons on his jacket, whilst his zipper remained open, giving Judy a good look at what lay beneath: his loose boxers housing a prominent package. Judy felt her mouth go dry and she shifted awkwardly in her seat, averting her gaze from the stripping lion.

"Mr. Wilde...he's quite the conundrum, isn't he? I would say he's a hard worker, however-- he's shown an aptitude for the job on your level, Ms. Hopps." Lionheart continued to speak rather plainly, with his typical political suave tone, whilst his hands parted his jacket and neatly folded it over the back of his chair, continuing with his shirt. Judy cast a few glances his way, lingering for a couple of seconds on his chest, watching the way the shirt parted around his muscles, before she looked away again. She felt her heartbeat quicken.

"Why, I would go as far to say that he might even be a captain one day," Lionheart murmured. "Now, Ms. Hopps, would you kindly begin to remove your uniform?"

Judy understood the connotations of what he was asking, and what it meant if she refused. Slowly, she moved her hands up, slipping the buttons through their clasps on her navy blue shirt. She parted it past her shoulders, revealing a thin white vest. She grasped the clasp of her belt and pushed down. The clasp unfurled and popped free, and she removed her utility belt. She cast a glance over towards the mayor again, her eyes widened when she realised he was already almost fully nude, standing in just his boxers. He appeared to be waiting for her.

"When you're finished, I'd like you to put these on." Lionheart rummaged through a duffel bag by the side of the desk, retrieving a few different pieces of clothing, clad in leather and metal. There wasn't much he wanted her to put on, but she was still nervous about doing it. She stepped a little closer and picked up a pair of handcuffs, covered in leather, thick and bulky. She guessed they were meant to go around her wrists. She shot him a final glance before she began to unzip her trousers, leavving them fall to the floor. Standing in just her vest and underwear, she hesitated. Her mind flashed through various scenarios, before she resigned to her fate, albeit reluctantly. Slowly, she slipped her panties down, and tugged the vest over her head.

"Good." Lionheart murmured, watching her as she tugged down his own boxers, revealing the plump sheath and heavy swinging balls between his legs. It was no surprise that Lionheart was well endowed, making him the perfect male package, but Judy couldn't help but feel her stomach tremble at the sight. She reached down to the desk and picked up a strange metal hoop, wondering where on earth she had to put it.

"It just clasps inside your nose." Lionheart informed her, and she nodded solemnly, hooking it into her nostils. She gave it a few experimental tugs until she was sure it was firmly in place. She took the next item, a collar, and hooked it around her neck, tightening it up a little so it sat correctly. Then she took the leather cuffs.

"I'll do that. Get up on the desk." Lionheart informed her, striding around the other side of the desk as she did as she was told, sliding up to sit on the edge. He stood in front of her for a moment, lingering, before he pushed her down onto her back. She felt her body tremble as he suddenly leant over her, and she could feel the warmth of his body spreading to her own. The urges to press herself closer unfurled inside of her, flaring up like a roaring flame, but she beat them down, turning her head away. He leant further over her and pinned her hands up, worming the cuffs around her wrists. They were joined by a single, short metal chain that kept her arms firmly upwards. For good measure, Lionheart reached just under the desk, near the middle of the far end, and retrieving a short chain. He clipped it to the cuffs to hold her there.

The door to their right suddenly swung open, and Judy's eyes bulged in her head at the sight of her chief and boss, Bogo, striding out of what looked to be an en suite bathroom, dressed in nothing but a pair of boxers, with a towel around his shoulders. He shot her a serious look, before his lips curled into a smile. So, he was in on this too. She should have known.

"Did you know I met your parents?" Lionheart remarked as he leant back, grasping Judy's ankles and hoisting them upwards, past her lips, leaving her fully spread-eagled. "Rather lovely people."

"Y...You did?" Judy faltered for a moment, feeling anxiety creep into her stomach.

"Indeed," Lionheart continued as he reached around the desk, grabbing the cuffs hidden on either short side and hooking them around to clip onto her ankles. "I was doing my rounds and I was at a lovely little festival in Bunnyburrow. A old rabbit couple came up to me and asked about you, and we got to talking."

"I was there we well." Bogo smirked as he strode into view, standing on the other side of the desk so that he was near her head. "It was quite the meeting."

"I think Bogo here has a video, if you'd like to see..." Lionheart suggested. Now that he was finished with securing her ankles, he began to trail down her body, until he was crouching down between her legs. She saw his head moving closer and closer to her most intimate areas. She looked up to see Bogo retrieving a phone, holding it over her head so that she could see.

The footage was shaky for a few moments, before it finally focused. Judy's eyes widened for two reasons. The first was the sudden sensation of Lionheart's mouth directly onto her warm entrance, his rough tongue scraping across her pussy, making her squirm. The second was what she saw in the video.

It looked to be the family home. At least, from what Judy could tell: the furniture was familiar, as was the shade of wood. Bonnie, her mother, was pressed down on a small end table near the bed, her back against the surface, the usual contents that sat on top of the table scattered onto the floor. Her clothes lay strewn around the room, as did the overly large clothes of Mayor Lionheart. Her legs were spread, hooked around the pounding, gyrating hips of a studly lion who thrust into her, over and over. It was hard to see the minute details, but it was obvious what was occurring: Lionheart was having sex with her mother.

Judy's first thought was of her father: how did he feel about all this? She soon found out, for the camera man, likely Bogo, panned back to show the rest of the room. Stu, her father, stood not too far away, his eyes fixated on the scene before him, the sight of his wife being pounded and used by the Mayor of Zootopia. His pants lay around his ankles, one hand towards his crotch whilst the other was up against his face, clutching a pair of underwear in his head. He was wildly masturbating, muttering to himself whilst occasionally calling out.

"You can do it, honey! Just keep taking it!" He cried out, and the camera panned back to the duo. Lionheart's movements were slow and methodical, and Bonnie whimpered underneath him, sucking her breath in through her teeth, squirming as she tried to adjust to the cock inside her.

"I-It's rather big...!" She pointed out, but that didn't seem to stop Lionheart was pushing into her. His cock was tremendously thick, especially for a small mammal like Bonnie. Judy was a little worried about how it would feel when he did it to her, which seemed inevitable at this point.

"You've taken bigger! C'mon, you can do it! I've just been a while since you've been fucked by someone so big." Stu assured her. It was not an uncommon occurence in the Hopps household for Stu to share around his darling wife, or his daughters and sons. There has been quite a few occasions where Stu has left with a couple of Judy's siblings, or even Judy herself, and many different sordid things have happened.

Judy had begun to drown out most of what he was saying and focusing on the rest of the scene, the pounding hips of the brutish Lion, the occasional flicks of the camera to point down to Bogo stroking his long, narrow cock, back towards Stu, whose hand grew wetter and wetter as he wildly tugged and yanked on his cone-shaped cock. The difference in size was staggering: Stu was merely just a few inches long, but Lionheart was a monster in the bedroom in comparison.

Judy felt a stirring in her loins and she felt her breath go heavy. A groan escaped her lips. She knew she was closer. She watched a hand move in front of her, past her head towards her chest. A sharp stab of pain brought her back to reality and she let out a cry, looking down to see Bogo's wedged fingers twisting around one of her nipples. The sudden stab of pain dulled her pleasure, leaving her just on the precipice.

"Eyes front." Bogo commanded, reaching up to yank on a thin cord that was hooked around Judy's nose ring, forcing her to look back at the cell phone. She watched as Lionheart's thrusts grew more rapid, heard her mothers moans of pleasure, the quiet panting of her father's vigorous masturbation. Every time she herself felt as if Lionheart's warm licking was going to make her orgasm, Bogo pulled her back from the brink with sharp twists to her nipples and harsh tugs to her nose ring.

For Lionheart, there was something carnal about it all. Licking her pussy and worming his tongue around her entrance, his teeth grazing against her flesh, it was a reminder of simpler times, a reminder of the more animalistic, carnal instincts of eating flesh. That idea alone was enough to stir the senses and give him a little excitement. Despite that, she was still female: Lionheart definitely enjoyed men more than women. If it weren't for the cock ring clasped around his now erect member, he would have softened long ago.

She watched as Lionheart let out a roar in the video, pushing hismelf as far forwards as he could muster, forcing her mother up against the wall. Stu let out a long sigh and Bogo's camera flicked to him, watching as his cock spurting strings of cum all over the floor in front of him, shooting out in wide arcs, his eyes rolling up into the back of his head. The camera moved back to Lionheart, moving under his tail to see the powerful pulsing of his tail, filming the way his balls tucked up against his body, tensing with each convulsion of his cock. He pulled back and Judy was greeted to a shot of Lionheart's thick, half-limp member, coated in cum. The footage moved to show Bonnie's spread legs and the cum seeping from her pussy, a thin line of seed trickling to her behind.

"Thank you for the informative meeting about your daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Hopps," Lionheart said in the video as the footage panned backwards to show Stu licking the cum from his fingers. "You think you could give me a hand, Stu?"

Judy watched with wide eyes as her father padded over towards Lionheart and willingly crouched down, pressing his lips to the head of Lionheart's cock. He bowed his head deep as if it were the easier thing in the world, and Judy stared in surprise as he took the entirety of the cock into his mouth, pushing it down into his throat as his nose touched with the base of Lionheart's cock, nuzzling against his pelvis. Lionheart reached down to stroke his hair before he pulled back, sliding his barbed cock from the rabbit's mouth, clean of fluids.

The footage panned back again and flicked back to Bonnie and Judy heart the door close, signalling that Lionheart had left shortly after. The footage continued, however, as Stu wandered over to his wife, burying his head between her legs and mercilessly licking and slurping at her entrance, scooping up the cum into his mouth and gulping it down without complain. Her hands delved to his head and stroked his fur tenderly as Bogo filmed it all, watching and quietly masturbating. The faint sounds of his wet jerking could be heard as the video inevitably finished.

When Bogo finally pulled the phone away, Judy was a mess. She didn't want to admit it, but she'd been enjoying herself, enjoying the feeling of Lionheart's tongue against her pussy, the feeling of those tight, painful twists against her nipples that heightened her senses and made her wild with desire. She had always tried to fight those urges down, to ignore what was going on around her and do her job, but it seemed as Lionheart wasn't going to let her do that. At least, not without a fight.

The worst part was the video. If it wasn't embarrassing enough to be eaten out whilst watching a video of her parents being mated, it was worse to find herself getting turned on by it. Not the act of Lionheart breeding her parents, but perhaps the act of breeding itself. Whether she was just trying to rationalise her arousal or not, she couldn't say, but the fact she was so hopelessly wet and squirming with lust was shameful in itself.

Lionheart finally pulls back, and she squirms, panting quietly, looking down between her legs. She didn't need to look to know how needy she was, or how wet she felt. She rolled her head back, her breathing heavy and her cheeks flushed. Her skin prickled with lust and desire. As much as she wanted to deny it to herself, she wanted this.

It didn't take long before she felt something else: the thick, wedged end of a cock worming it's way against her, or rather, into her. She looked down against to see Lionheart's cock, thick and pulsing, prodding itself against her body, trying to find a good angle. The thing that worried Judy the most was that his member wasn't aimed at her entrance, but instead at her asshole. She bit down on her lip, wondering if she should say something or not. She had a feeling she wouldn't be able to do anything about it anyway.

Lionheart had, of course, lubed it his member before he'd began. His member was coated in a thin membrane of lube, shiny and glistening. He pressed the tip of his cock against her tight pink ring, pushing against it until it finally gave way. Judy let out a quiet hiss, squirming against him. She'd never taken anything so big in her behind before: she had her string of lovers, but most were her height, and most didn't choose the 'back door'. The sheer width of Lionheart's cock was stretching her to her limit, and she audibly protested in the most carnal of ways; moaning and groaning out her pain and pleasure. Much like they had done with Nick before, they needed to keep her quiet. Bogo stuffed a dildo into her mouth, which he'd retrieved from his bag. That reduced her moaning to quiet muffled pleasure.

The studly lion had trouble at first, feeling resistance as he slid his cock deeper and deeper into Judy's behind, but she inevitably caved under his assault and he was able to slid his way in, past the halfway point and beyond, until his hips bumped up against her behind. There was an obviously bulging in her abdomen, the head of Lionheart's cock pushing against her skin. He tugged back, and instantly, his barbs kicked in, scraping against her inner walls to the point where she let out quiet whimpers of pain, tensing and squirming. He could feel the way she clenched around his cock, and he stared at her quivering pussy. As much as she might have denied it, she was into this.

His thrusts were slow at first, but he was impatient, and quickly began to pick up speed. His cock slipped in and out of her, aided by the lubricant that coated his member, which now coated her inner walls. He placed his hands on the desk either side of her, towering over her tiny form and he rammed his hips forward, his balls slapping against her behind, his cock shoving it's way in to the hilt, making her spasm and tense with every thrust. Bogo rounded the table and watched them, recording the footage on his phone for his own enjoyment, and perhaps for others, at a later date.

Lionheart's thrusts grew harder and harder, his movements laboured and his breathing heavy. He let out snarls and grunts, but they didn't seem to originate from pleasure, but instead frustration. At first, Judy was confused, but she quickly realised why.

"Why do you have to be female?" Lionheart snarled. "If you were a Male, it'd be so much easire to finish in you. But your lithe form, your womanly charms...such a turn off."

It was all a power play for him: Lionheart was only taking advantage of her like this because it meant she was under his thumb. The realisation of that was harsh and stinging, but it was something that Judy was accustomed to: after all, she'd felt it all her life, ever since enrolling in the ZPD. Her behind quivered and clenched as his thrust grew a little more rough, before she heard him let out a long sigh of exasperation.

"Bogo. Help me, would you?" He asked the chief, who lowered his phone and tapped on it, setting it on the desk. He rounded around the two of them until he was standing behind Lionheart, and he crouched down. Judy could see what was happening.

Bogo reached under Lionheart's tail, moving his fingers around until his wedged digits hooked aorund a thick, black base of something embedded in Lionheart's tail. He tugged firmly and felt resistance, but another sharp tug helped to dislodge whatever it was. A thick, incredibly wide buttplug slid from Lionheart's behind. The thickest part of it had to be 4 inches thick, perhaps even more. Bogo discarded it on the floor and admired Lionheart's gapsed asshole for a moment, before he pressed his fingers to the entrance.

At first, he slipped one finger inside. Then one became two. Two became three, until finally, all of his digits were in Lionheart's behind. The inside of the mayor's asshole was coated in lubed, with thanks to the buttplug, which made Bogo's pushing easier and slicker. His fingers slid deeper into Lionheart's behind, and the mayor let out a long sigh of pleasure, slowing his thrusts so that Bogo could do what was necessary. His fingers stuffed deeper until his knuckles join them, and then his wrist. He fit his entire hand into Lionheart's behind, and he curled his fingers around, forming it into a fist. Lionheart began to thrust again, and Bogo's motions joined in, pumping his hand in and out of the mayor's behind.

The stimulation of the hard, powerful fisting seemed to be what really got Lionheart going, for his thrusts quickly grew irregular, and his breathing grew laboured. Moans escaped his lips as his hips slid back and forth, stuffing himself over and over into Judy's ass, causing her to shiver and groan in delight and pain. Her moist lips trickled a thin line which was scooped up by Lionheart's member.

Eventually, it was all too much. Lionheart rolled his head back and sighed, groaning out his ecstasy as his cock pumped thick ropes of cum into her ass, coating her insides and shoving deep into her most intimate areas. He slid his hips a little deeper and quivered, his fingers digging against her hips. Judy let out a quiet whimper, the dildo in her mouth stopping her from behind so loud. Bogo's hand pushed further into Lionheart's behind to encourage his orgasm, before he slipped it out completely, leaving the lion gaped and begging for more.

Lionheart panted, looking down at Judy's flustered expression, her redenned cheeks and moist pussy. He tugged back and his member slid from her ass, coated in seed. The barbs scraped against her insides as he went and she tensed up briefly. Was it all over now? Part of her wished it was, whilst the other begged for more. Lionheart stepped away and Judy rolled her head back, staring up at the cieling and panting tiredly.

She felt something else, and looked down between her legs to see Bogo moving into position. A grin spread across his face.

"You didn't think it was over, did you Hopps?" He taunted her. "We're just getting started."

Dawn broke out over Zootopia, but Nick was already up. He wandered down the street, or rather limped, towards the ZPD building. He'd had an interesting evening filled with wonder and surprise, but that story was for another time. For now, he had to work.

Nick walked from the lobby and into the briefing room, where he took his usual seat. Judy seemed to be absent. Maybe she was just late. A brief flash of concern swept over Nick's body, before he sighed and relaxed.

He watched as Bogo stepped into the room and stood in front of the pedastal, flicking through a file he'd brought with him.

"Alright everyone, settle down." He was professional at work, especially in front of people. He began going through everyone's cases and assigning them to different tasks, making sure they had plenty to get on with. There was never a time when there was nothing to do, and everyeone was assigned at least something.

"Wilde," He gruffly responded. "Your partner had called in sick, so I want you to team up with Cole and Logan today."

Nick turned in his seat to stare over at Cole and Logan, a pair of wolves who were often paired up together to take on cases. Nick had been friends with them for a little while, and they were often quite open in their conversations, which often turned sexual. Nick waggled his eyebrows at them, and they grinned back.

After the briefing was over, Nick left with the two wolves, and began to patrol Zootopia. That was their job for the day, which was thankfully an easy one, as it often meant they just cruised in a car or walked down the street, rather than doing anything insanely strenuous. In fact, most of their job was listening to the police radio and reacting accordingly to the operator.

When lunch came around, they resigned to sitting in the park in a secluded area to relax, having sandwiches and donuts to pass the time, whilst idly talking to one-another.

"So, Nick," Cole, the brown-furred wolf, began. "Seen anything hot lately?"

"Hmm. Nah. Not really," Nick replied absently, briefly reminiscing over the session he'd had with the mayor yesterday. "What about you, Logan?"

The grey-furred wolf scowled a little. Something was bugging him.

"I saw a video where, like, a wolf knotted a really tiny mammal and carried him around on his knot for a long time," He remarked. "It sucks. I mean, Cole's nice and all, but that sounds really hot...but I don't know any small mammals."

Nick waggled his eyebrows. He was significantly shorter than the two wolves, roughly half their height. The wolves exchanged a glance.

"Nah, Nick," Cole began. "You've been limping all day. You gotta rest up or else your asshole's going to be damaged permanently."

"Fine, fine..." Nick trailed off, thinking. "I do know a smaller mammal though. A fennec fox. Sound good?"

"Really?!" Logan leant forwards. "C'mon man, you gotta share."

"Well, if there's something in it for me, I might be able to..." Nick trailed off, absently admiring his sandwich, before shooting the two wolves a sneaky grin.

Cole narrows his eyes, and Logan lets out an exasperated sigh, before pulling out his phone. He flicked through the contents for a minute or so, as if he were trying to find something, before he eventually sighed through his nose.

"Okay, look. I got a really nice video from a reliable source. It has...the mayor in it," He whispered the final part, nervously glancing around. "You take us to your friend, you can see the video."

Nick couldn't turn down the possibility of seeing Lionheart in action, and he wholeheartedly agreed. They finished thier lunch relatively fast, and then got back into their police car. Nick instructed them to downtown Zootopia, where they were to search for a red van with graffiti on the side. It didn't take long for them to find it, considering that red vans were a rare vehicle in Zootopia itself. When they did find it, they parked not too far away. The van itself sat between two buildings, with the rear end pointing out onto the street.

"Wait here. Let me talk to him, then I'll call you over." Nick assured them, slipping out of his seat and quickly crossing the road, heading towards the van of the two wolves watched him go. When Nick reached the doors of the van, he banged on them, waiting patiently.

There was a clattering from inside, before the door swung open. Finnick appeared, dressed in his usual black shirt and beiege shorts, with a red tie. He sported a baseball bat in his hand, but he relaxed at the sight of Nick, his eyes narrowing.

"What? C'mon, Nick, the photo shoot isn't still next week!" Finnick bellowed out particularly loudly, enough for those across the street to hear. Nick monentarily panicked and tried to quiten Finnick down, but upon seeing the fox's dismay, Finnick kept going.

"Just too thirsty for some cold-blooded cock, are you? You're gonna have to wait for those reptiles to stretch you open, Wilde!" Finnick spoke particularly loudly, before bellowing out a rasping laughter, keeling over with the sheer humor of it all.

"Keep it doen, would you?" Nick hissed, looking left and right. "That's meant to be private. Christ, Finnick..."

"Alright, alright," Finnick replied, his voice a bit quieter, a smile playing upon his lips. "So what do you want?"

"Listen," He began. "My friends there want to have fun with a little mammal. If you agree to it, I'll pay you later. We got a deal?"

Finnick looked from Nick to the police car across the street.

"They hot?" Finnick asked quietly.

"Oh yeah." Nick grinned. With a sigh, Finnick nodded. Nick turned and gestured wildly at the car, and the two wolves stepped out, crossing the road after locking the door behind them. Finnick stepped back into his van and Nick climbed in, with the two wolves following suit. One of them shut the door behind them.

"S-So, uh..." Logan sounded nervous, now that he had the opportunity to do what he wanted. He stared over at the fennec, who was already beginning to strip. Finnick glanced behind him and quirked an eyebrow, as if he had expected them to do the same.

Slowly, the ZPD officers peeled off their clothing in the back of Finnick's small van, tossing their clothes aside and leaving them strewn across the floor of the van. Finnick hadn't taken long until he was fully nude, his little sheath swinging between his legs as he cross the room towards them, stopping when he was in the middle of all three of them.

Nick started the little orgy off, reaching his hands down to stroke across Finnick's body. The fennec returned his touched in kind, reaching over to cup Nick's plump balls, juggling them in one hand whilst reaching over the play with Cole's balls in the other. Logan shifted a bit closer, the tip of his member already poking from his sheat, steadily pulsing to life at the sight of the naked fennec, and the potential knotting he was going to partake in.

Logan reached forward and grasped Finnick by the hips, lifting him up until his ass was half-resting on Logan's thighs, up against his sheath. The wolf hald a hand under him to keep him up whilst his other free hand reached down, toying with the fennec's entrance, poking at his tight button and pressing a finger to the sensitive flesh. Finnick stirred in his grip, the aid of Nick's hands against his sheath helping to get him hard. Nick's half-hard cock slid up against Finnick's face, but the fennec turned away from him to focus on the other wolf's member, pressing his lips and tongue to the length of Cole's half-erect, knotted cock.

It didn't take long for them to grow to full hardness, twitching and pulsing under Finnick's touches and gropes. Nick slid his member against his friend's face, squeezing the base of his knot with a free hand. Finnick was already suckling on the end of Cole's member and pushing it deeper into his mouth, worming his tongue around the tapered end and stroking the length with one of his hands. Logan, however, was already aiming for what he so desperately craved. He was holding Finnick by his hips, guiding the tapering end of his member towards the fennec fox's tight entrance. He probed the pink ring with the tip of his cock, before pushing himself inside.

He sunk further and further, feeling the tiny mammal's walls spasm and squeeze around his cock, clamping down like a vice. Logan squeezed his hips and rolled his head back, a groan escaping his lips. They could be as loud as they want: it was unlikely that anyone would head them. As Logan pushed deeper, so did Cole, pressing his cock forwards until the tip of his member was grazing against the back of Finnick's throat. Whilst the idea of knotting such a small mammal was hot, the two wolves knew they had to be careful. Considering how small he was, he would be easy to break. Finnick's discomfort was obvious: the tiny fennec squirmed and groaned, his inner walls squeezing periodically, trying to adjust to the sheer size of the wolf's cock. He'd never really taken anything so big before.

Nick grinded his hips forwards, sliding his member against his friend's face, pre-cum oozing from the end of his cock and smearing onto Finnick's nose and trickling down his cheek. Finnick's free hand reached up to stroke Nick's member, his own tiny cock throbbing against his stomach. Logan was roughly halfway into Finnick by now, and could already see his member pushing against Finnick's stomach.

"Don't worry. He can take it." Nick assured the wolf, who tentatively looked from him, to Finnick, then back again. With an anxious nod, he pushed forwards a little further, sinking his member deeper and deeper. He heard Finnick let out a muffled groan around Cole's cock as the member sunk deeper. To Logan's surprise, he found himself sinking all the way into Finnick's behind, until his knot was bumping up against the fennec fox's behind.

With that, he started in some slow thrusts, of sorts. His movements were careful and meticulously planned, his hips sliding back and forth only a few inches at a time, focused more on rolling his hips then thrusting wildly. As much as his carnal instincts told him to be as wild as possible, he would rather make sure not to destroy the fennec fox between them. Cole began to groan and pant as Finnick's tongue mercilessly slathered around the head of his member, coating his cock in spittle and pleasuring him far more then he could have imagined.

"Damn, he's good. Is he a professional?" Cole asked, and Nick grinned.

"No." He assured them, though that was far from the case. The fox rolled his hips forward as a thick wad of pre-cum oozed from the end of his member, staining Finnick's fur and trickling down his cheek. Cole eventually couldn't take any more. He let out a sudden, sharp groan, and a thick rope of cum shot into Finnick's mouth. The fennec briefly choked and coughed as he swallowed it down, causing the Wolf to tug back. His orgasm continued, dribbling cum onto Finnick's face and nose, depositing on his forehead and occasionally arcing over his body to land on the steel van floor. Finnick rolled his back up to stare up at the ceiling, before closing his eyes, feelign Nick's cock sliding against the crease between his eyes and his nose.

Nick thrust his hips forwards as he felt his own orgasm quickly rising, and Finnick angled his head to help him, nuzzling his nose up and reaching his hand down to tug on Nick's balls, giving him the stimulation he needed. The fox groaned and leant back a cock as the tip of his cock throbbed and his knot swelled. He climaxed, oozing cum from the end of his member that deposited itself onto Finnick's face, pooling down his cheek like a leaky faucet. Nick pulled back to angle his cock over Finnick's open mouth, oozing a trickle of cum into his mouth before depositing the rest on his snout and nose. He panted wildly in his post-orgasmic bliss, and pulled back completely, leaving Finnick to enjoy the pleasure of the two wolves.

"Oh, here." Logan said between quiet pants, leaning back from Finnick's body to grab his pants. He dug into the pocket and retrieved his phone, tossing it over to Nick, who caught it and leant back against the wall of the van. This was what all this was for. He looked down at the screen and unlocked it, swiping across.

"Fourth row, third along." Logan instructed him, before turning his attention back to the fennec that sat between his legs. He rolled his hips forward, squishing the knot up against the fennec's tiny backside, hearing the small mammal groan and squirm against him. Cole wasn't quite done yet, despite his orgasm. He smeared the tip against Finnick's mouth and the fennec opened up to accept him for a second time, suckling sweetly.

Nick tapped on the instructed video, and his smile widened as it began to play. It was a particularly interesting sight. The video itself had a slender, supple rabbit girl in the middle of the cameraman and Lionheart, who stood behind her. She was dressed in leather cuffs and a leash was attatched to a nose ring. She sat on all fours, her head bowed low, quietly moaning in pleasure.

"How tight is she?" The cameraman asked, and Nick immediately recognised the voice as Bogo, which didn't surprise him. The camera shuddered and moved around to show Lionheart's fingers sliding in and out of the rabbit's entrance, spreading her pussy apart with his digits.

"Quite tight," Lionheart remarked. "She should be very fun."

The camera panned back out, and Bogo reached forwards with a free hand to tug on a pair of sizeable clamps that were pressed around the rabbit's nipples. As he tugged, she let out shrill moans of pleasure, before the camera panned back out. Lionheart started to stand up and he grasped the base of his cock, slapping it against her backside before slipping it between her cheeks.

The rabbit looked up to the camera, and Nick froze, centring his eyes on the screen. He was shocked to see that it was Judy, her eyes wide, bulging with surprise, her mouth twisting into a grimace. Her eyes were pleading with the camera, and she let out a whine of discomfort as Lionheart forced his cock into her behind, stretching her open. Nick gulped down the shock and continued to watch, thoughts racing through his mind, wondering what on Earth he was going to say when he saw her next. Lionheart worked his cock into her slowly from behind and she let out a long groan of pleasure as Bogo tugged on the leash. When Lionheart finally hilted in her, she let out a shocked gasp, followed by a yelp, her chest heaving and her eyes wide. She slowly began to lid her gaze as Lionheart began in on some slow, hard thrusts.

Meanwhile, Logan was nearing the cusp of his orgasm, beginning to let out little whimpers of pleasure. He began to thrust a little harder against Finnick's body, his knot bouncing off of the fennec's backside as he tried to forced it into his behind. The tiny mammal relaxed himself as much as he could and, after a few hearty thrusts, the knot finally worked it's way into Finnick's ass.

Finnick spasmed, his entire body tensing and his muscles turning rigid as the knot popped into him. The entirety of his inner walls clamped down incredibly hard, the muscles spasming as pain seared his backside. He let out a hiss through his teeth, his ears folding down for a brief moment as he tried to get used to the sheer girth of that thick, bulbous knot. His muscles inevitably relaxed.

Logan let out a long sigh of relief and Finnick clamped down around his knot immediately, letting out a muffled groan of pleasure and pain. Logan rolled his hips wildly, coaxing himself to the precipice of his climax, before he finally rolled over. He sighed and leant forwards, holding on tightly to the fennec as his knot swelled. Thick ropes of cum spurted into the fennec's insides, his cock visibly throbbing against Finnick's stomach, pushing his skin up. Finnick let out a quiet moan and he orgasmed as well, dribbling tiny droplets of seed onto his own belly. Cole had finished long ago, and was just enjoying the sensations of Finnick's tiny licks.

Nick idly stroked himself to the video in front of him, watching as Lionheart thrust into Judy's behind, over and over, whilst Bogo panned around the room and showed off Lionheart's thrusts from all angles. Nick could tell he was pushing it into her ass, especially when Bogo gave the audience an under-view shot of Lionheart's swinging balls and Judy's quivering entrance. The camera occasionally moved back to Judy's face, showing her expression, her eyes rolled into the back of her head, her tongue lolling from her mouth, her cheeks flushed. She was clearly into it now.

Nick watched quietly, brooding a little to himself whilst rapidly stroking his cock. He watched the way she gave in to Lionheart, the way she tensed and moaned her pleasure out, the way her ass to easily gaped and stretched for his barbed cock. He watched the way Lionheart slammed in and out of her and how she seemed to readily love it.

He felt a familiar stirring, and spread his legs a little, huffing out a sharp exhale as he orgasmed again, shooting tiny strings of cum onto the floor of the van. He felt strange. He had never expected Judy to fall into the depths of depravity that he did.

He sat the phone down and rolled his head back, idly nursing his member whilst lost in thought. He'd have to talk to her about it tomorrow.

"We done here?" Cole asked, peeking over at Nick, who raised his head.

"Huh? Oh, yeah." He shifted, and they started to get dressed, whilst Logan sat back, admiring how Finnick hung from his member that dangled between his legs.

Just another day in the life of Nick.

Space Anomaly

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Nick Wilde: The City Hall Whore

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The Awkward Conversation

It had to be one of the hottest days in all of summer. Ash and Kay, twin boys who were often known for rough housing and the occasional prank, could do nothing more than lounge half-nude around the living room. Their parents were away once more to...

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