Space Anomaly

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Rated extreme for cub.

Commission for Anonymous.If you enjoy my work, then please please PLEASE consider supporting through my Ko-fi here. Every small donation helps to keep me doing what I love.

Fox McCloud groaned, feeling a pounding in his head unlike no other. He rolled from his position on the floor and felt a stab of pain shoot up his side. He was laying on a metal floor, that much was obvious. He blearily opened his eyes and found himself face to face with a dull grey ceiling, made of iron and metal with intrinsic holes for ventilation.

He sat up, and immediately noticed something was off. His movements were sluggish, his arms and legs felt heavy. He shuffled around and looked down at himself, his eyes widened at the clothes around him. He recognised them, his green jumpsuit and iconic white jacket. His scouter lay to the side and the belt around his waist felt loose, as did his boots. His gloves slipped from his hands with ease, as if he were all too small for them.

A bit of manhandling and patting down of his own body told him all he'd needed to know. He'd shrunk-- no, it was more than that. If was if he had gone back in time, regressed in age. He felt a throbbing in his head, and in an instant, all the memories of the past 24 hours came flooding back to him. He had been in his arwing, following up on a distress call. He had been hit by an unknown space anomaly, a flash of light had blinded him, alerts and sirens sounded from all around him. Then, everything had gone dark.

He wasn't too surprised to realise that a space anomaly had done this to him: those things were dangerous and unpredictable. He could easily ask the assistance of Peppy or Slippy to reverse the damage.

Something was off, however. As he looked around him, the surrounding felt unfamiliar. He looked to be in what was, at best, a cargo room. Crates sat piled up in every available corner, and he himself seemed unceremoniously dumped between them out of sight. He definitely wasn't on The Great Fox, his team's iconic ship. Rather, he was somewhere else. He felt an uneasy feeling spreading throughout his stomach.

"Look who finally decided to wake up." A voice rang out through the cargo room, and Fox snapped his head in the direction of the sound, watching in a mixture of anger and confusion as a man stepped out from behind a crate, a smirk spread across his face. It was none other than Wolf O'Donnell, a renowned criminal, mercenary, and peculiarly unpredictable man in his late 30s. Fox had had many run-ins with Wolf over the years, and the two of had engaged in a variety of dogfights against one-another. Having been initially hired by Andross to deal with Fox and his team, and inevitably failed in that mission, Wolf had been missing for quite a few years. Fox was surprised to find himself on Wolf's ship, but even more concerned to find himself at his mercy.

"Wolf," Fox attempted a growl of annoyance, but it sounded childish coming from his cub throat. "What am I doing here?"

"I thought you might be relieved to not have to suffer the humiliation of this...incident around your comrades," Wolf sounded incredulous, but Fox knew he was only mocking him. "I did you a favour."

"You did no such thing. You've never done anyone a favour. You're only ever out for yourself." Fox spat, crawling around inside his clothes and finally getting to his feet. The clothes sagged around his body and exposed some of his chest, to which he quickly adjusted them.

"Come now, drop the hero act. At this point, it isn't intimidating, it's endearing," Wolf teased, running his eyes up and down Fox's body. "How would you feel to know I might have an easy fix for your problem?"

"...I'm listening." Fox murmured. He knew it was not a good idea to make a deal with the devil, but Peppy and Slippy could potentially spend days working on a fix for his problem. If Wolf had a solution now, it would pay to listen, and take his words with a grain of salt.

"Oh, it's not that easy," Wolf smirked. "As always, McCloud, there's payment involved."

"What, more money to fuel your criminal empire?" Fox puffed out his chest and stared at Wolf with a steely gaze. The wolf looked over him with amusement.

"Sort of." He replied casually, stepping forwards to close the distance between them. Fox stepped back away from him, stumbling over his clothes, and found himself pressed up against a crate behind him. Wolf drew in closer and traced a sharp claw along Fox's cheek. McCloud knew he was in hot water: when it came to hand to hand combat, they were always evenly matched, but in Fox's current state...well, that could be a problem.

"W-What do you want?" Fox growled out, feeling his voice tremoring with nerves. He didn't have backup in this one. He had to tread carefully.

Wolf's hand trailed down Fox's chin and towards his neck, tracing along the delicate muscles and down towards his collarbone. He pushed a finger against the clothing and exposed a part of Fox's shoulder. In his cub-like state, McCloud's body was delicate and thin, boyish in all the right places. Fox could see Wolf's hungry stare, and his muscles tensed.

"Looks like you get the idea." Wolf felt his tense, snapping his purple eyes to Fox's sharp green pools. Fox raised his hands, pushing them firmly against Wolf's chest. The old canine didn't budge, and it became clear how painful the difference in strength was. Fox watched Wolf's face darken, and he steeled his gaze.

"Listen, McCloud. I've been wanting this for a long time; doesn't matter if you agree or not. I'm having you here." Wolf reached up to grab the loose parts of Fox's clothes and slip them past his shoulders. In a single effortless movement, the majority of Fox's clothes well to the floor, though the cub managed to catch the oversized jumpsuit just in time.

Wolf grabbed Fox around the waist, manhandling him and flipping him over. He forced the cub's chest up against the crate as the young McCloud struggled against him, pushing his body back and trying to fight back. That only succeeded in turning Wolf on more, for the vulpine's hips pushed back directly into Wolf's clothed crotch.

The criminal moved his hand up and tugged on the zipped of Fox's jumpsuit, pulling it down towards his stomach. McCloud tried to desperately prop himself up against the wall and hold onto the jumpsuit at the same time, eventually forcing himself to steady himself with a hand to hold up one side of the jumpsuit with the other. Wolf wormed his way into the opposite size, grazing his sharp claws down Fox's cream coloured chest and towards his crotch, skirting along his upper pelvis as he did so. Just the slightest touch made Fox quiver.

Eventually, Wolf's hand met with the prize: the delicate shape of Fox's package. McCloud squirmed against him, gritting his teeth and defiantly snarling, but Wolf was stronger and more determined than Fox to get what he wanted. His fingers dabbled around Fox's member, cupping his small balls and curling a finger or two against the delicate, fore-skinned cock hidden away. He could feel the warm pulsing of Fox's cock in his hand, the way it reacted so instinctively to his touch.

Wolf pushed his hips forwards, making his arousal known. Fox could feel the throbbing, clothed erection of his rival against his behind, with nothing separating the two but a couple of layers of thin fabric. He gritted his teeth and felt the colour rise to his cheeks as Wolf's fingers expertly tugged and peeled back his foreskin, grazing over the edge of his glans to stimulate him. It took only a minute or so before Fox's cub cock was pulsing warmly in Wolf's hand at half hardness, eagerly twitching, begging for more. Fox shook his head and a whimper escaped his throat. He didn't want this, but his body said something completely different.

The hand eventually withdrew for him, and Fox blew a sigh of relief, wondering if it was all over. Sadly for him, it was not. He felt Wolf's hands on his hips again, felt the rough grinding of the criminal's hips against his backside, before he was flipped over again. Wolf forced him back up against the crate, pressing his back into the hard wood and metal. He roughly tugged at Fox's jumpsuit, fighting with the cub for a moment before he inevitably got the upper hand. He swiftly tugged it past Fox's shoulder and down his body, letting to drop to the cub's ankles and expose him completely.

McCloud watched in horror as Wolf dropped to his knees, his mouth trailing over Fox's stomach, nuzzling against his fur and grazing down towards his pelvis whilst his hands eagerly groped and squeezed the cub's hips. His lips eventually met with Fox's small cub cock, and he pushed his wet nose underneath it, stroking along the underside. He opened his mouth and slid his tongue up the length of the small member, feeling the fox shudder.

"S-Stop it." Fox demanded, reaching down to place his hands on Wolf's head. He pushed against him, but Wolf was a lot stronger than he looked. Despite Fox's desperate intentions, Wolf's tongue continued to assault his hardening member. Wolf seemed amused at McCloud's flustered expression, watching him grunt and exert himself with a little gaze as he felt Fox's tongue throbbing against his tongue.

"You can fight all you want, but I know you want it." Wolf growled, suddenly dipping his head and swallowing the small cock up into his mouth. He slid his tongue down the underside of the member, right down to the base, as his nose bumped with Fox's lower stomach. McCloud sucked in a breath and tensed, his fingers curling around Wolf's fur.

"I don't..." Fox's voice was shaky, and he had to pause to steady himself. "I don't want it."

Wolf shot him a particularly quizzical look, arching an eyebrow as the cub's member pulsed powerfully inside his mouth. Fox's nose wrinkled and he felt tears brimming up to his eyes, but he blinked them away. He tried to push with all his might, but Wolf's head held fast, suckling and slurping on Fox's 4 inch member, feeling the way it twitched. His fingers curled inwards around Fox's cheeks, spreading his buns apart, clutching at his flesh. He felt McCloud tighten up against his fingers.

Fox knew he couldn't take much more. He knew he didn't want it, but it was clear his body couldn't resist what Wolf was giving him. His loins were already stirring and pelvis felt tight. It took every ounce of willpower to stop a moan escaping his lips as he felt Wolf's tongue circling around the head of his cock, teasing him.

He felt a hand tracing between his cheeks, and he instinctively clenched, clamping his flesh down and trapping Wolf's digit between his buns. However, it was exactly what Wolf was waiting for: he wormed his finger deeper until his digit probed Fox's pink, virgin button, pushing deeply against the flesh, threatening to sink itself deeper as any moment.

The finger began to probe a little harder, until the young cub's muscles eventually gave way to make room for the intruding digit. The sudden mixture of pain and pleasure made McCloud tense up and thrust his hips forwards in an instinctive attempt to shy away from the intrusion, which only forced his cock a little deeper into Wolf's mouth. The criminal knew exactly what made Fox tick, and he was using it all to his advantage.

Fox could inevitably take it no longer. Forced between taking the finger in his behind, or giving Wolf more of what he craved, he found his loins growing too pressured to bear. A deep shudder spread throughout his body and a childish groan escaped his lips as his cock violently twitched in the midsts of a climax. Very little fluids trickled from the end of the member, but Wolf made sure to milk every convulsion he could. He rammed his finger forwards, embedding it in Fox's behind with little ceremony, causing Fox's orgasm to heighten even further. The cub couldn't stop himself from curling his fingers tighter around Wolf's fur, his eyes rolling upwards.

Wolf milked the rest of the orgasm for as much as he could, before he pulled back, his eyes wild with lust and his heart hammering in his chest. He tugged his finger back from the cub's behind, smoothing his hands over McCloud's boyish hips, stroking his tender flesh. He eventually got to his feet as Fox staggered back, his half-limp dick idly twitching in post-orgasmic bliss.

"My turn now, McCloud." Wolf snarled, reaching down to pop the buckle on his jeans. Fox stood there, frozen, his eyes fixed on the criminal's belt. Wolf tugged the button hidden underneath his belt and yanked down the zipper, letting his loose, casual trousers sag slightly. He aided their descent with a swift tug, and they slid past his hips, dropping to his knees. Fox's eyes centred down on the thick outline of Wolf's cock, and felt his mouth go dry. It was huge.

Wolf didn't keep him waiting for long. He slowly slid down his underwear, and Fox watched as more and more of the cock got revealed. Inevitably, the underwear finally reached the head of the member. When it passed it, the humanoid cock suddenly bobbed upwards, no longer restrained by the tight waistband. It hung, fully erect and pumping with blood, mere inches from Fox's face. It had to be at least 11 inches or so.

"Enjoying the view?" Wolf teased quietly, grasping the base of his member and waggling it back and forth. Fox stepped back from him, or attempted to, finding his back meeting the crate behind him. He shifted to the right and attempted to step out of his clothes, but Wolf grabbed him by the arm, holding him back.

Fox struggled against him, if only for a moment, before Wolf flipped him around and forced him up against the crate, pressing his face against the wood and metal. Wolf shuffled fowards, pressing the thickness of his cock against the cub's cheeks, stroking his naked body. Fox squirmed against him, trying to fight against him, but found his efforts futile against Wolf's strength.

"I can only imagine how tight you'll be." Wolf growled quietly, sliding his cock between the cub's cheeks, lifting him up a little with his hands so he had better ease of access to McCloud's behind. Pre-cum oozed from the tip of his member, trickling down the underside of his cock and further slickening his movements, making each rough grind easier than the last.

Satisfied that he was sufficiently lubed up enough, Wolf angled his hips back, lifting Wolf up enough for the tip of his fat, pulsing cock to slide between the cub's cheeks, smearing around against his pink button until he finally found a good angle. Wolf pushed forwards and let out a groan of pleasure as he felt the boy's entrance stretch and swallow around the head of his cock. Wolf shuddered momentarily, before he sunk further.

Fox felt a mixture of pain and pleasure, but mostly pain. The searing ache that spread throughout his ass and up his spine made his skin tingle and his heart hammer in his chest. He squirmed and let out a weak whimper of pain as Wolf forced his way into him. He had no choice but to bear it: he hadn't the strength to fight back, and his hands were full with keep himself steady, his grip tightened around Wolf's wrists.

"Oooh fuck..." Wolf rolled his head back, grinning widely as his member sunk deeper and deeper. He felt every inch of Fox's inner walls spasm around his cock. He'd been waiting for his moment a long time, for the time when he could finally bed Fox, once and for all. It was a little unorthodox, doing it when he was a cub undergoing an accident with a space anomaly, but he didn't mind. A fetish was a fetish. The further his cock sunk into Fox's behind, the better it felt, and the more McCloud squeezed around his shaft.

Fox squirmed again, feeling the member poking against something rather sensitive, a spot inside him that made sparks of pleasure shoot up his spine and made his stomach churn and twist with excitement. He found himself growing quickly breathless, his cheeks growing flushed. Soon, that pain was mixed with a little more pleasure, the sensations making him shudder and sigh.

Wolf rolled his hips forward and hooked his hands under Fox's legs, holding him steady. Wolf's balls swayed two and fro as he shifted and moved adjusting himself appropriately, before he began to thrust. He pushed his hips forward, sliding his cock a few more inches into Fox's behind, before he pulled back and did it again, panting and groaning in pleasure.

His thrusts were methodical and steady, but quickly grew fast and rough. His hips bounced upwards rapidly, his cock pumping in and out of the cub's young, stretched asshole. Fox quivered and clenched around his member as hard as he could, his little cock wildly bouncing up and down with each hard thrust. He could feel Wolf's hot breath in his ear, hear his heavy pants, feel his insides churning with each thrust, the spikes of pleasure that shot up his spine. He rolled his head back, whimpering quietly. It wasn't starting to feel so bad anymore. In fact, it felt rather good.

Wolf began to pant and groan with a little more intensity, his thrusts growing wetter and wetter as more pre-cum joined the last. His balls smacked up into Fox's behind, his tail wagging to and fro. He could feel a pressure in his loins, a tightness that reminded him he didn't have long before it was all over. A groan escaped his lips as he pounded upwards the last few times, before forcing Fox down and sinking all 11 inches of his cock into Fox's behind.

Fox let out a weak gasp, feeling the entirety of the member sink into him. His body felt electric, his mind delirious. He curled his toes and rolled his eyes back, letting out a long, shaky sigh as he felt the thick throbs of Wolf's cock inside him, pumping spurt after spurt of cum deep within the most intimate areas of his body. He could hear Wolf's gentle groans in his ear as the criminal climaxed. Fox didn't want to admit it, but he liked it-- no, loved it.

Wolf panted tiredly, digging his fingers into Fox's flesh, before he pulled back and staggered backwards, finding a suitable crate to lean against, letting gravity do the work on Fox's behind. He hooked an arm around him to keep him there, and pressed his head into the cub's neck, sighing tiredly. It had been a while.

"S...So, about that solution for, well, fixing this problem..." Fox began tentatively. As much as he had, admittedly, enjoyed it, he wanted to be back in his old back, and back to doing what he loved back. Wolf reached up and traced a finger under Fox's chin, angling the cub's face towards him.

"I'm sure you can manage for a couple more days, can't you?" Wolf teased, and Fox gulped nervously.

He had a feeling he was in for a rough ride.

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