Young Crush Part 3 Training

Story by Tai the Dragon on SoFurry

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#3 of Young Crush

Rico and Jake continue to work on their relationship, this time with the not-so-little help of a Friend

The next chapter in the Young Crush series :D

Also OwO whats this? no gore???

"Yo, 'Rice..."

They were standing just outside the field, near the sideline, both huffing and puffing after an especially exhausting set of sprints. Maurice was bent over, his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath, while Jake was standing on one leg, the other one bent half behind his back, both hands grabbing his own paw to stretch a cramp out of his thigh.

"What... now...?!"

Maurice looked at the black dragon, whom he knew much better than he would admit in public. Both of them were performing for the coach's illegal snuff porn studio, and they had seen each other not only nude, but also performing acts that would be considered not only intimate, but also gross and illegal by most.

"Need to talk to you, bro. I need a favour."

Maurice blinked. Jake needed a favour, from him? That in itself was strange enough, the wolf couldn't think of anything the dragon wasn't able to handle on his own.

"Sure. What do you need?"

Jake looked around. The next player was standing a good dozen steps away, and was engaged in conversation, and probably wouldn't listen to what he had to say. He stepped closer to the wolf, ducked his head a bit and lowered his voice.

"Listen... You know... Rico."

Maurice twitched his ears. This was about the fox, of course. Like all the rest of the Crew, he had watched the two, dragon and fox, with more than amusement. For someone with Jake's preferences, it was strange enough to become involved with someone else romantically, but with a fox... even with Rico being as cute as he was, it was...

"Yeah, what about him?"

"We're having... problems."

The wolf sighed. "Look, Jake, I'm glad to help out and all, but... I'm not really good at this stuff, ok? Maybe ask Janice, she's always talking about how she helped people with their relation..."

"Shut up! This isn't about me and him. He's too small, is all."


The wolf's eyes involuntarily shot down to where Jake's shorts clung tightly to the dragon's hips, and his lips curled into a smile. Of course Rico was too small, or rather, Jake was too big - the dragon had one of the three biggest cocks on the Crew, and would probably soon surpass Clyde - if Jake continued to grow down there along with everywhere else.

"Of course he is. He's a fox... and you're a dragon. What do you need me for, then? Want me to cut yours off or something?"

"Nah. I want you to make Rico bigger."


"Yeah. Opening him up so he can fit me."

"But... how?! I'm not a wizard, you know...?"

"I know. But you're small, down there, and you can stretch him for me. If I do it, he's gonna rip, and I don't want to kill him."

Maurice took a step back, opened his muzzle, and closed it again. He was, by no means, small in the cock-and-balls department, at least to his own reckoning... and considering that several dozen smaller furrs hat choked to death on his manhood, it was not really nice to call him small... but, in truth, compared to Jake or Clyde, he was not exactly a giant. Then, the rest of what Jake had said began to trickle through the wolf's brain.

"You want me to do WHAT? No way. I'm not going to rape your boyfriend. Besides, he yours, isn't he? I'm not going to go there, not a chance. I know a bit about dragons, and I like you way too much to get on your bad side, okay? Get a... toy or something, and have him train with that if he really wants to bump uglies with you."

Jake growled. It was part annoyance, and part lizard-brain that forced the sound from his throat. Maurice was, of course, totally right - Rico was his, and he'd rather cut one of his horns off than to allow someone else to mount and fuck the fox... but, unfortunately, Rico was really good at reasoning - and also, there was nothing else he'd wanted more than to breed his boyfriend properly.

"It's Rico's idea, not mine."

Jake forced the words out through clenched teeth, and his tail beat the ground behind him, the whole dragon a picture of chagrin and annoyance.

"Rico's.... idea?"

There was a long pause while Maurice collected his thoughts, processing the information he had gotten. Slowly, a story began to develop in his mind, puzzle pieces of information fitting together to form a complete picture. Suddenly, some of the things he had seen at the last meeting began to make sense, and smiling, he slowly shook his head.

"Ok... let me guess.... You were fooling around last week and you went overboard with him... hurt him good, right? That's why all the tonguelashing and bitching from him at the studio when the aussie was over... and that's why you acted all puppy-like around him then... But he still wants you to fuck him properly? And needs to stretch so you have a chance to fit in? Why doesn't he really take a toy then, if he's so determined?"

More growling from the dragon.

"Because.... He... wants... to do it... fast. And because he says... no toy can be as good... as a real dick."

Jake kicked at the dirt, raising a small cloud of dry earth.

"You... are... also.. his.. idea."

Maurice wouldn't have been surprised to see smoke curling from Jakes nostrils, if that would have been a possibility. He decided to take his time with his next reply, because.. It was pretty clear that Jake didn't want this, on a deep and visceral level, and on the other hand, wanted this very much... enough to overcome his instincts and actually ask him, Maurice, to fuck his boyfriend for him. It was a stunning display of discipline and self-control, and also... an honour, to be honest. Not to mention the fact that Rico had decided he would be the right one to "help" him out.

"Jake... "

Maurice stepped up, and placed an outstretched hand onto the dragon's shoulders. "If this is what you want, sure, I'll help. We're friends, right? And that's what friends are for, to help each other out. You know I got no eye on your foxie... and I promise, I'm not going to get in between you and him. I'm going to do exactly what you tell me to, and nothing more."

Jake tensed up even more, and then... relaxed, a long, deep sigh escaping from his muzzle. "I know you keep your promises... Thanks for that, wolf. But.." The dragon straightened himself, squared his shoulders and growled, "If not.... "

'Dragons...', Maurice thought, and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, I know, horrible painful death, yada yada yada. Not going to happen, I promised you, and I'm going to stick to it. So... When, and where?"

He nonchalantly scratched between his legs. The wolf was not, in general, opposed to the idea of having Rico. The fox was cute enough, and he enjoyed a tight hole as much as anyone else - even more than anyone else, or otherwise, he wouldn't be fitting in with the rest of the Crew. Even knowing he would have to hold back, the thought of having Rico riding him made his loins tingle.

"After practice, in the showers."

"What, today?"

"Yeah. He's gonna be here soon anyway, and I don't want to do this at the studio with everyone watching."

"Oh, so you're going to be there as well..."

Maurice didn't mean that to come out as disappointed as it did, but it did, and Jake noticed it, too. Two seconds later, Maurice felt Jake's hand around his throat, and his friends nose was almost touching his, as he growled,

"Yeah. That's the deal. Told him he's not going to do anything without me present. Got a problem with that, pal?"

Maurice swallowed hard.

"No problem at all, I was just... wondering if you would want that. I mean.."

The wolf put one of his hands on Jake's wrist, squeezing hard enough to let the dragon feel it. "You're the jealous type. No offense, but you're a fucking dragon. I don't want to do this and deal with your possessiveness in the the middle of things. You already got my promise, and now I need yours. If you wanna be there, fine, but you gotta let me do my thing. Remember that you asked me to do this, not the other way round."

Very slowly, Jake let go, took a step back, then turned around to slam his fist into the ground, hard enough to make the hard-packed earth vibrate under Maurices paws. The wolf.. simply waited, and when Jake finally looked at him again, the dragon seemed a lot calmer.

"Sorry for that. You got my promise. No offense taken, you're fucking right... and... 'Rice? Thanks, man."

An hour later

Only two showers were still running.

Jake and Maurice had dawdled enough to be the last ones to even enter the locker room, and when they stepped into the showers, most of the others were already done. There had been some murmuring and the occasional eye-winking when dragon and wolf gave no signs to step out, even after the others had long finished dressing. It was not too unusual for two players to stay behind to have some fun after practice, but it had never been Jake and Maurice... and those on the team who also were on the Crew were especially nonplussed - they, of course, knew about Rico. But, nonetheless, everyone was pretty content minding their own business, and so, after twenty minutes, the locker room was deserted... until, that is, Rico stepped in.

While the foxes "job" was mostly fake and a front to hide is illicit income as an editor for the coaches porn flicks, there was a token amount of work he actually had to do, and cleaning up the locker room after practice was one of these tasks. Rico didn't mind, especially because Jake usually stayed behind to help and walk home with him afterwards, and in truth, he also enjoyed the scents.... Two dozen burly, strong athletes after practice left behind an olfactory cocktail that was a pure aphrodisiac for the fox. Today, however, Rico heard the sound of running water as he entered, and with no small surprise showing on his red-furred face, he peeked into the shower room, only to discover both Jake and Maurice standing there in all their glory. They were, as one, looking at him with a predatory gleam in their eyes that Rico recognized, having seen it before... at the studio.

"Hey, love,", Jake rumbled, "Good you're here. I talked to Maurice."

"Hey, Rico!" Maurice waved happily at the fox. "Yeah. Jake told me what you two have cooked up... I'm glad to help out. If that's what you really want."

Rico blinked. He had almost forgotten about Jake promising to talk to the wolf, half expecting that the dragon would forget it, half expecting that Jake would pull back from the agreement. But, here was the proof that his boyfriend indeed was going along with the idea he had voiced in an attempt to test the dragon's temper... and also in a moment of inherent hornyness.

"Uhm... yeah. I don't know what Jake told you exactly, but if this is about using your tool to stretch me out enough to make Jake fit... yeah... that's what my idea was."

"Mhmm-hm...," Maurice chuckled. "He... said that much."

Rico watched the wolf's sheath twitching, the massive, dark-grey pouch getting a little fatter, and a bit of red appearing at its tip.

"I told Jake I'm going to do it, if you want it, but only as a favour to him. I'm not exactly sure where you want to go with this, fox, but I know for sure that after I've had you, you're going to be a lot less tight than you are now."

Rico leaned against the doorway and kept his eyes on Jake as he slowly answered.

"Yeah, that's the idea. You see, I tried taking on Jake before, and it didn't go too well. I've thought about getting some toys and stretch myself out that way, but.. I want him in me soon, not in six months or so. And I don't want him to have to wait that long either."

Rico made a pause, trying to read the dragon during his speech. Jake was clearly listening, and while Rico had casually described what had happened between them, his tail had begun to twitch. True enough, the fox hadn't exactly revealed Jake's shameful behaviour, or the deal he had to accept to make up for it, but it had been enough to remind the dragon very clearly that this all was part of the payback. And Jake didn't like it one little bit at all.

"You do know that I'm not exactly tiny either, right?"

Maurices reply shook Rico out of his thoughts.

"No, you're not," laughed the fox, "But from all the guy on the crew? You're one of the three most reasonable. I don't like the idea of barbs, so Sam is out, and Dan... He seems reasonable enough when he's in a good mood, but.... " Rico made gesture with his right hand that could mean anything or nothing. "Clyde is the same size as my lizard, so that makes no sense either, and let's not talk about Ken or Coach or Thomas. Besides, you're a fellow canine, so...."

"But you're a vulpine, not a canine..."

"Same difference."

"Get naked."

Both Rico and Maurice looked at Jake. The words had come in a deep, gravelly voice that Rico knew only too well, it was the mix of anger and lust he had come to know and love from his dragon. It was usually a signal that foreplay was over, and that Jake wanted to get his rocks off - now.

Rico didn't waste any more time, instead, he quickly got rid of his clothes before Jake saw fit to "help" him to undress - he had lost more than one shirt to the dragon's claws that way. Only seconds later, all three of them were unclothed, and Rico stepped confidently into the shower room where, by now, the water had run out.

He didn't get far. As soon as he had stepped into the room, Jake had made one long step forward, grabbing the foxes arm with one large hand... and pulling him roughly towards the far wall, where he and Maurice had been standing. "Enough of your flirting, fox," Jake growled, "This is for me, not for you."

Rico opened his muzzle to fire a sharp retort back at the dragon, but instead, he bit his tongue. If Jake needed the feeling of being in control of the situation to be able to allow it, he should very well have it, Rico thought, and just nodded slowly, his ears folded back and his eyes downcast. He didn't mind playing the role of the little subby fox as long as he knew who really was in control... and that was, without doubt, him.

"Not so loud anymore, eh? Pfwah... foxes...."

Jake spun Rico around and gave him a shove, hard enough to make the fox stumble and fall to his knees. "Go, lick the wolf. You want him, so show him what a good little slut you are. Make him hard so he can prepare you tiny hole for a real guy."

Again, Rico bit his tongue. This was not exactly how he had planned this, but... Maurice was there, and the wolf's balls and sheath were dangling seductively above him, just out of reach of his tongue. Mentally shrugging, he pulled his paws underneath him, stretched a bit and then... began to flick his tongue over the wet, slick fur of Maurices balls.

The wolf had watched the exchange between fox and dragon with mixed feelings. Jakes dominance and roughness was something he didn't really approve of, but, he reminded himself, Rico wasn't one to just endure abuse. The fox was perfectly capable of defending himself, if not physically, then most certainly mentally, his sharp tongue and witty intellect being something all of the Crew had learned to appreciate, more or less.

But then, the tongue hit him, and he couldn't help but moan. There was something about the whole situation, the wrongness of the idea in itself, the contrast between Rico and Jake, that acted as a total turn-on for him, and now... Ricos knew exactly what to do with his sleek and strong tongue, and he was doing it with enthusiasm. Maurice felt his balls being rolled around in their sack, felt swift, strong slaps against the base of his sheath, and then, without warning, Rico kissed the very tip of his pouch like the muzzle of a lover, thrusting his tongue deeply into the space between his shaft and its holder. It was a totally unexpected and intense sensation, and the wolf felt all the blood in his body rushing between his legs, filling his shaft and making it practically explode from his sheath.

When Rico pulled back, he saw that half of the wolf's tool had emerged. He knew it would feel good - he had done it to himself often enough - but the intensity of Maurices reaction surprised him anyway. Slowly, he tilted his head and examined the canine cock in front of his nose. It was by no means small. From what he could see at the moment - and from what he had seen at the Studio - Rico estimated Maurice at a little over thirty centimeters in length, and although he wasn't even fully hard yet, the thickness was a solid four. Rico knew only too well that this would change once the wolf was getting close to shoot, and that he would swell to at least six, if not more.

Gently, the fox placed his hands on Maurices sheath and pulled it down, exposing the wolf in all his glory. Already, there were the two orbs of his knot visible as slight bulge under the pink, wet skin, and he tickled another moan from the wolf's maw by tracing the long line on the underside with one finger.

"Murr," he said, and did it again, this time getting a drop of clear pre as a reward, which he deftly caught with his finger and transported it onto his tongue.

Maurice didn't taste bad, on the contrary, and he was just about to comment on that when he felt his tail being grabbed and raised, high enough to make him yip instead.

"Shut up," rumbled Jake from behind him, "This is for your own good."

A moment later, something cold and hard was pushed into his ring, and then, something very cold flooded his insides.

Rico yipped again, and turned his head, teeth bared in a snarl, sarcasm ready to fire, but he stopped immediately when he saw Jake kneeling on the ground, a clear plastic bottle in his hand, injecting their contents into his behind. The shiny strings it left behind when the dragon removed the nozzle from his bum made clear the contents couldn't be anything else but lube... and instead of hissing at Jake, Rico turned his snarl into a smile and winked. "Thanks, love," he mouthed silently, and went back to licking Maurice.

Maurice couldn't deny he started to like Rico. The fox was good at what he was doing, and even the strange relationship between him and Jake started to make sense. Both of them were unwilling to accept the other as superior, and so they had adopted a style of constant squabbling and fighting as a way of coping. It also was abundantly clear that they loved each other, possibly very, very much. And so he didn't flinch when finally, shortly after having lubed up his fox, Jake pulled Rico away from his shaft and spun him around, jamming the fox's muzzle between his own legs and holding it there by clamping onto it with his thighs.

"Lick there, slut, and raise your tail... yeah. Like that."

Maurice licked his lips as he watched Rico present himself to him, standing on the very tips of his paws, his behind raised as high as it would go... and his tail almost pressed flat to his back. The foxes ring was still a bit reddened, quite possibly from the failed attempt to accept Jakes massive tool... which, as Maurice could see from the corners of his eyes, was half-erect and resting on the back of Rico's head.


The gruff voice shook him from his thoughts.

"Take him now. Make sure he doesn't enjoy it."


"You heard me. No need to be gentle or anything. He's not here to have fun with you, he's here to get broken in. So make sure you break him."

Muffled protests emanated from where Rico's muzzle was buried between Jakes thighs and balls, and Maurice could see Jake's shaft twitch and harden at his words.

"Jake, I..."

"Dammit, Jake!"

Rico had finally managed to pulls his head free, and shook himself like a wet dog.


"Shut up, lizard-brain."

Very much to the wolf's surprise, Jake actually did shut up. However, when Rico turned around and aimed his piercing eyes at him, he understood why.

"Maurice. He's right. I'm not interested in you making love to me, I thought that was clear. I want you to stretch me out with that puppy maker of yours, because I want him" - he pointed at Jake - "to make love to me. So, get going. I've seen you performing often enough, I know you know how to rip and tear. I won't like it much, but that's not the point."

Rolling his eyes, Rico turned around once more, and plunged his muzzle back into the triangle between Jake's legs and sac, the dragons shaft now almost at full mast.

Helplessly, Maurice looked at Jake, but all he got back was an equally dumbfounded look - and the hint of a shrug.

A shrug that Maurice reflected with one of his own, but then, stepped up to the foxes rear, one hand on his shaft, the other grabbing the base of Rico's tail.

He slowly aimed his cock down, running the tip through the valley between those two red-furred, taught mounds, covering it with some of the clear gel that had been expelled from Rico's tight ring.

"You sure you want me to do this to your boyfriend? If I do this, it can't be undone, you know."

Jake nodded. "Yeah. Just...a second." He leaned back, plopped Ricos muzzle from its prison, and then, before the fox could voice protest, forced the foxes maw onto the tip of his very own shaft, the draconic member a good twice the size of Maurices.

Rico - moaned. It came through his nose, but the sound was unmistakable a moan, and he lifted his hands to brace himself against Jake's thighs.

"There. Stuffed his muzzle so he's not so loud when you rape him," Jake grinned at Maurice.

The wolf gave another mental shrug. He had given the two every possibility to back out of this, checked and double-checked this was really what was wanted from him. There was no backing out now, and he had, after all, given his promise.

With a tiny adjustment, the sharp tip of his manhood found the center of Rico's ring, Maurice widened his stance a bit, placed both hands around Ricos waist and... thrust forwards.

He had a lot of practice. Many furs had been in this position before or under him, had begged him to not do it, or, at least, to be gentle... and sometimes, he had been. But most of the times he just had unleashed the power in his well-trained, powerful muscles, and driven his cock into the confines of both lucky and unlucky males, the sharp tip perfect to open up even the tightest hole... and the hard shaft, even when not fully erect, perfectly suited to stretch and straighten even the most winding tunnels.

Rico... stiffened, his whole body becoming rigid as from one moment to the next, twenty centimeters of hard wolfcock filled his insides, slicing into him like a hot knife through butter. The pain was immediate, and it was immense... in a totally different way than it had been when Jake had forced himself upon him. It wasn't the diameter that was splitting his ring this time, it was the length that was boring into him, the wolf's tip felt like it was in his chest, touching parts of his insides that never had felt a touch before.

Jake growled as Rico bit down on his shaft, the foxes sharp teeth hard and strong enough to make noticeable dents in the fine-scaled skin of his cock, a not totally unpleasant feeling.

He also heard the growl of the wolf, and the whimpering yip of his boyfriend... and somehow, it didn't feel bad at all.

Muscle memory took over for Jake, he grabbed Rico's head with both hands, and began to thrust as well, forcing his shaft deeper into the foxes maw, seating his tip all the way down in his gullet. Rocking back and forth, he growled lustily, already feeling the first wave of pre welling up from his heavy balls.

Maurice, on the other hand, was in heaven. The fox was tight, he was deep, as all foxes are, and he was pulsing around his rod in the most pleasurable way. The lube that Jake had so thoughtfully applied was helping a lot, and with a deep murr, he began to fuck. Holding Rico in place around his waist, he pulled out, leaving only the tip inside the tight confines of the fox, then hammered his shaft back in until his knot slapped wetly against Ricos ring.

"Fuck yeah," he murmured, and picked up speed. He could feel Rico pulse around him, the foxes inside caressing his length like wet velvet, and his muscles gripping and massaging him with surprising strength. Soon, he knew, he would start to swell up and grow to his full length and thickness, and then he would...

"Knot him."

Maurices head shot up, and he stared at the dragon.

"Knot him. He's enjoying this. That means he can take more..."

Maurice looked down, at the place where his weapon was pulling back, gently tugging Ricos ring outward, the foxes entrance snug and tight around his girth, then gazed at Jake again.

"It's twice as thick as what he's got now....and it's gonna be even more soon. It's going to split him...."

"Still smaller than what I got, dog." Jake grinned, displaying his formidable teeth. "And he will have to take it, sooner or later. C'mon. He's just a fox... they're meant to be fucked...."

Maurice growled, his ears folding back, and his lips pulling up as well. "You really want me to break him, huh? Fine, but don't come to me complaining that I ruined him, cause that's what's going to happen."

Without waiting for any more comments from Jake, the wolf stepped half a step forwards, bent his knees and changed his grip from Rico's hips to his shoulders... and then, he began to hammer the fox. Using his full strength, he rammed his cock into Rico, not stopping himself the slightest, and instead, letting the impact of his knot on Ricos ring take up all the momentum. It didn't take more than two of these strokes to make Rico whine, and he began to frantically scratch at Jake's scales after the fifth impact. Maurice felt a growl starting to build in his chest as he noticed the barrier beginning to soften, his merciless pounding having an effect, and on the twelfth impact, he felt something give. Rico, despite having his muzzle full of dragon dick, howled out like a stuck pig, his ring having been stretched wider than it should have been, and Maurices knot impacting into his prostate while the wolf's tip had stabbed another bit deeper, now painfully pressing into the fox's stomach from within.

Immediately, Maurice began to pull back, eager to remove his knot before it became too large for the fox, but one of Jake's hand shot out, clamping onto the wolf's shoulder.

"Staaay....," Jake almost purred. "Brrrrrrreeed him.... Breed my boyfriend.... Fill him with your juice... "

Maurice opened his muzzle to protest, but Jake's gaze stopped him. He just stood, and stared, at the dragon in front of him, the black dragon with the feral fire in his eyes, who looked at him not with aggression, but with nothing but pure, unadulterated lust.

Seconds passed. Seconds in which Rico could feel the wolf's pulse inside him, the knotted shaft twitching with each beat of the heart, growing, swelling...

Rico yipped. Although it had been only four seconds since Maurice had tied with him, the pressure inside him had already grown to painful proportions. His ring was burning, his belly was full, but now, there was this pressure which was building with each heartbeat of the wolf, and it was showing now signs of stopping. Already, his ring wasn't the main source of discomfort anymore, but something just behind it, where the two great orbs of the wolf's knot were expanding with hydraulic force, stretching his innards and squeezing aside his organs. At the same time, the shaft itself was also thickening and lengthening, the tip drilling further upwards, stretching out his belly fur just below his ribs, while the growing mass was forming a wide, straight channel through him.

Rico... howled, and he was the one who was most surprised by the sound. He hadn't noticed Jake pulling back and freeing his maw, so focussed was he on what was happening inside him, but now that he was free to make noise, he did - loud and shrill, whining and howling. He twisted his body, writhed and wrenched around the spike that was impaling him, and which was, despite all odds, still growing.

"Yeeeah.... Feel that, foxy?" Jake had crouched down, had cupped Rico's head between his hands, and was now staring directly into his boyfriend's eyes. "He's big, yeah? Too big for you, right? If he's too big.... How you're gonna take this?" He grabbed Ricos hand and placed it on the tip of his draconic shaft, which was dripping pre at an alarming rate now. "Beg he's big enough to break you... Beg he's big enough to split you open, because next time, you're getting this...." He bucked his hips, thrusting through Ricos hand. "And it's going to hurt a fuckton more than the dog..."

Rico looked into his boyfriend's face, and even through his tear-filled eyes, he could see that Jake was getting off on this, maybe even more so than if it would be his own cock that was causing the fox so much pain. His hands closed around Jake's meat, holding onto it like a lifeline, while he could feel his body changing, being reshaped by the merciless cock of the wolf inside him. The pressure was almost unbearable now, both inside his stomach and around and behind his ring, and Rico was sure he would be unable to survive this if Maurice continued growing. Something, anything, had to give, the tension being just too great. But then... something changed. The next pulse inside him didn't make his innards explode with blinding pain, instead...

Maurice howled. The fox, squirming and writhing as he was, was providing the sweetest, most intense stimulation to his weapon, and it finally had pushed him over the edge. An orgasm struck him like lightning, and with a final, unrestrained buck of his hips, he could feel his essence rush through his cock, discharging into Rico.

Heat flooded through Rico's body. He knew very well how much the wolf could come, but now, he was experiencing it first hand... and the liquid was burning, searing through him, filling every nook and cranny that hadn't been processed by the mass of Maurices shaft already. The pulsations of the wolf's muscles transferred to his body, claiming him just like the fat lance itself had done, and each shoot compressed his prostate just that tiny bit more. Above Rico, Jake roared, mixing his exclamation of ecstacy with Maurices, the display of the lust-addled wolf, paired with the yips and yowls of his boyfriend, enough to push him over the edge as well. Cum shot from the dragon's dick, hitting Rico's muzzle from underneath, soaking his fur, painting it white.

The scent hit Rico like a hammer. It was overwhelming, blinding, flooding his nostrils and his mind exactly like the physical flood that was hitting him inside and outside at the same time, and it blotted out everything else. Jake was cumming, his lust and passion for him enough to fire his balls even though he was only holding the black spire, not even massaging it... and combined with the rough, harsh stimulation of his own pleasure spot, it was enough to set him off as well.

What had begun as another shriek from the fox turned into a moan when his own balls pulled up, and emptied their contents through his own dick, barely half out of its sheath, the pain of the forceful stretching having prevented it from becoming fully hard. The pleasure, though, was genuine, and it instantly converted torture into pure, overwhelming bliss.

The change didn't go unnoticed. Maurice could feel it more than he could see it, the rhythmical contractions transferring directly to his most sensitive body part, but Jake... Jake knew the sounds that Rico was making now, he could smell the foxes cream, and he could see the dreamy look in his eyes. For him, it was like pouring gasoline into an already blazing fire.

"Pull out!"

"Can't, too big, I would..."


Not waiting for another answer, Jake grabbed both of Rico's arms, raised one footpaw and jammed the broad, hard paw between Rico's butt and Maurices hips, two of his strong toes straddling the wolf's shaft between them. And then... Jake simply kicked. With one big strain of his muscles, he pushed Maurice back over a meter, while holding Rico in place.

For Rico, time slowed down. He heard Jake's command, but to realize what it meant took longer than for Jake to perform his kick. Reality overtook imagination when the knot inside him, that humongous mass of rock-hard flesh, began to move backwards, giving the words "pain" and "stretching" an entirely new meaning.

Over what felt like several seconds, Rico could feel his skin being pulled tight, then ripped and torn apart, hundreds of little cuts appearing out of nowhere, each single one burning like a stab with a red-hot knife. The pain mixed, mingled, and amplified hundredfold, combining into what felt like a sun exploding between his legs and under his tail.

Rico screamed. It was unlike any sound he had made before, it scrolled up through octave after octave, becoming shrill, piercing and absolutely horrifying - before it fell silent.

Rico collapsed into a boneless heap as his system finally was overloaded, and he fell unconscious, the heady mixture of pain and pleasure too much for the foxes mind to handle.

Maurice stared at Jake, the dragon still holding Rico's arms, the rest of the fox hanging from the dragon's grip like a wet towel. His own cock was still hard like rock, still spurting cum like a leaky faucet, but all he could look at was the picture before him. Rico had definitely suffered damage from the forceful extraction, Maurice had been able to feel the tightness lessening far too abruptly around his knot, and there was a definite trickle of blood coming from under the fox's tail. He would never have done this voluntarily. Agreeing to stretching Rico out was one thing, but what had happened here went way beyond what he had imagined it would entrail. He knew very well what kind of damage he could do if he broke a tie, he had done it often enough at the studio, with folks smaller than Rico... and in one or two cases, it had resulted in broken bones. That wasn't the case here, but still...

Maurice was just about to say something, when he heard a door close, followed by the heavy footfalls of coach Tucker.

"What's ... Oh my."

The elephant stood in the doorway to the shower room, regarding the scene in front of him with a mixture of disbelief and instant understanding.

"Why the fuck did you do that?"

Tucker's tone wasn't exactly angry, it was rather... annoyed.

"If you needed to get rid of him, Jake, why not do it at the studio. Cleanup here is going to be a pain in the ass... "

"He's not dead, coach. We need help - it wasn't meant to...."

Maurice shrugged his shoulders and raised his hands in the universal gesture of helplessness. "Rico wanted to get stretched, and...."

Coach blinked, once, twice, then groaned. He was muttering something under his breath as he rushed to his office, only to return a moment later, carrying the bright orange case with the green cross on top, the unusually large and well-stocked first aid kit that all the players knew and dreaded.

For a man his size, coach Tucker was both quick and delicate with his large hands as he gently took Rico from the now embarrassed Jake, put him on the ground and moved his tail out of the way.

"Shit....", Tucker grumbled, "You did quite a number on him. Why did you try to knot him?"


"Because it was necessary." Jake had knelt down, stroking Rico's wet fur with one hand. "Rico will have to accept me eventually. And he wants it soon. If he offers himself to me, I know I won't be able to stop."

Tucker looked up at Jake with a long, hard stare, then wordlessly shook his head and continued to examine Rico.

"Hand me the sterile compresses and the antiseptic," he ordered, and began to apply the brown liquid to the cuts and tears. "I don't know what to do to get some intelligence into both of you," he grumbled as he worked, "If you want to train someone, you don't start like that. Good thing you didn't tie him fully, or, heavens forbid, break the tie. He'd be gone for sure then."

Tucker rolled up a piece of cloth, soaked it with the disinfectant, and stuffed it into Rico's gaping hole, and didn't notice both Maurice and Jake looking at each other wordlessly.

"So.... he's gonna be okay?", the wolf asked, and prevented Rico's tail, which had begun to twitch, from covering the coaches work area.

"Yeah, he's going to live, although not thanks to you numbskulls. It's a couple of dozen rips, but I think his muscles are okay. He's going to be in pain for a while, that's for sure, but... Well, foxes. Stretchy little fuckers, everybody knows that. And Rico lives up to the reputation."

".....fuck you...."

All three blinked when Rico, very weakly, raised a hand just high enough to present his outstretched middle finger, groaning deeply from his chest.

"...fuck this hurts. Worse than when you did it...."

"Well, that settles that," Tucker grinned, wiped his hands clean and extracted a tube from the orange box, handing it to Jake. "Make sure he uses that three times a day. Tomorrow, he should start massaging the wounds as well, to prevent scarring. You don't want him to become stiff and inflexible, right?"

"Right, coach...."

"I'll leave you to it. 'Rice, clean this mess up, then help the two idiots get on their way."

"Aye, coach."

And with that, Tucker left, leaving behind two embarrassed and one groaning fur, smiling to himself. He now knew that Rico was one tough and determined boy, and that, if luck would have it, he'd not lose him to Jake... at least not for a while. That fox, he thought, will go places....

Later, the same day

It had been only a slight problem to get past his mum for Rico. He simply told her that he got to play with the team today, and that he "Had got his ass kicked", which got a small chuckle from his mother. Now, he was on his bed, on his belly, looking at the conversation with Jake on his phone.

Jake: You alright?

Rico: As alright as I can be. Bum hurts.

Jake: I can imagine

Rico: No you can't. You didn't have your boyfriend make the big wolf break a tie.

Jake: Sry. :( Got carried away

Rico: I kno. Worked tho

Jake: Did it?

Rico: You saw. Ripped me good.

Jake: And you came

Rico: Yea... bout that. You know that was not because I love 'Rice

Jake: I know. Half of them who I break cum. Can't help it. Was sexy though...

Rico: 'Rice is sexy? ;)

Jake: No, you are, stupid fluffball.

Rico: You too. Say, you meant it? That you can't stop when I offer?

Jake: ... thought you were out when I told coach

Rico: I was. Heard you anyway.

Jake: ... I think so, yeah. You feel too good to stop.

Rico: Got to train more than. Ask if Maurice is free in a week.

Jake: A week?

Rico: Can't get any worse than it is.

Jake: True. I ask. You sleep now.

Rico: Luv you, lizard-brain.

Jake: Love you too, fuzzball

Rico sighed, and dropped the phone onto his nightstand, a smile playing on his lips. So the big bad dragon would fuck him to pieces, just because he feels good. It was one of the strangest compliments he had ever gotten... and somehow, it made him feel good as well.

The end

Young Crush Part 2 End of Innocence

Life had changed for the young couple rather dramatically over the past few weeks, but they were starting to settle in. As strange as it might sound, a certain routine was established, just like before, but now with the addition of regular sessions at...

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The Second Age

**The Second Age** ".... and that concludes our lesson for today. Now, would anyone like to summarize?" The vixen stared over her half-moon spectacles, her yellow eyes piercing like burning sulfur. She was wearing a conservative dress in dark green,...

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Young Crush

Young Crush "Come on Rico, show me how that works. You're a nerd after all!" The bass in the dragon's voice was still not so easy to get used to, even though they know each other since they were kids, of course they developed quite differently, the...

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