Young Crush

Story by Tai the Dragon on SoFurry

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#1 of Young Crush


When two young students find out about their common interests, their life takes a totally different turn

This is by far the largest story i and my Wolf friend have ever written over 25K words in this Massive Beast

It will also be by far the Gorriest and crushlusty story so far

So i hope you all enjoy it :)

Special thanks to the always invisible Wolf that made this story possible in the first place :D

Young Crush

"Come on Rico, show me how that works. You're a nerd after all!" The bass in the dragon's voice was still not so easy to get used to, even though they know each other since they were kids, of course they developed quite differently, the dragon Jake becoming a football player, and at 4 meters height and about 4 tons of pure muscle he was by far one of the best players of all time, while his buddy Rico, a red fox of only 85 kilos and 1.70 in height, became a "typical" nerd, slightly chubby, playing video games and being good in school.

"Well, if you would listen to me better you would be done by now and could go out with your other friends. I mean, that's what you wanted to do anyway, right?"

A snort came from the dragon who was sitting on his bed and nearly breaking it. "You think I forgot about you? We are still neighbors, nerd. Besides, why do you think no bully touches you? That's because of me," boasted the dragon.

"Yeah, yeah.... always the saviour..." lamented Rico. "Well, I am going to the john. I'll be back soon and then we finish this paper".

As he left, Jake couldn't hold back any longer. He quickly grabbed the bluetooth keyboard and mouse and opened Rico's internet browser.

"Hehe, lets see what porn you watch, foxy," chuckled the dragon, he quickly scrolled through the browser history until he found stuff from around one o'clock.

"There we go,, What's that?" a quick click and he was greeted with a video loading up. "Cat under Elephant? Kinky Fox into size difference?" Then, the video started, and he was shocked. A huge elephant was hardcore stomping on a barely alive cat that already was pretty flat.

"OH FUCK", he shouted, but he just couldn't stop looking, and soon he felt his cock getting hard.

"Soooo, I'm back, I got us some coke and..." He let the bottles drop to the floor as he saw his best friend staring in disbelief at his computer screen, and even worse, he saw the video he pawed off to yesterday.

"FUCK" Rico finally shouted. "I - It's not what it looks like, I swear!"

"What is it then, if it's not what it looks like?", Jake asked, but kept his eyes glued to the screen, where now the elephant was slowly, but surely stepping down onto the cat's head.

Rico swallowed hard. It was indeed nearly impossible to find an innocent explanation for what was going on on the screen, and he frantically tried to come up with an idea when his eyes wandered lower.

He could hardly believe it, but there was a giant bulge in the dragon's pants.

"Jake? Do you like.... This? " he asked slowly.

"Fuck, foxy, what the fuck is that?"


Again, the fox swallowed, and bit on his lower lip, a habit that always came back when he was nervous.

"It's.... called crushing, and it's all about stomping a smaller fur until it's... well it's dead"

"Damn thats fucked up."

Jake leaned back a bit, and finally noticed how tight his shorts had become.

"But.... kinda hot. Is there more?"

Rico felt his lips pull up in a smile. "There is tons more"

He gently took keyboard and mouse back from the dragon, stretched his fingers and typed in some of his favorite videos. Clip after clip played on the screen, paws, hooves and talons stepping down on furres and scalies, mercilessly overloading flesh and bone, while both of the friends watched in rapt attention.

One week later

"It's not that much further," Rico mumbled towards the mouse walking next to him.

Despite the fox not being one of the taller furs at school, he still towered a good head over Marvin, who was two years younger than him, and additionally, a mouse.

"But.. you still haven't told me what you need to show me," came promptly the reply from his right.

"But I did tell you it's a surprise, right?"

It had been a stressful week. After he had found out that his childhood friend, Jake, apparently wasn't phased at all by the discovery that he, Rico, was into watching how bigger furs converted smaller ones into paste by stepping on them, there had not been much else the two talked about.

The talking had let, soon enough, to discussions how Jake would perform if he ever decided to use his massive size and weight in a destructive fashion, and Rico couldn't help but to imagine that, his friends huge, taloned paws slowly coming down onto some innocent victim, breaking bones and tearing skin apart. It seemed only natural when, after the third day of fantasizing, the talk had gently drifted from "if" to "how", and then to "when".

The "when" was now.

"We're almost there. See? There.."

Rico pointed at the woods that bordered the river, a nature preserve, the strip of untouched forest half a kilometer wide and several kilometers long. Unlike a park, this was true wilderness, the only paths present having been made by feral animals, and at this time of year, in the heat of the summer, thoroughly infested by mosquitos. Nobody ever went there, and they would be perfectly alone.

He had lured Marvin out here under the pretense of having found something there that he wanted to show the kid, and he had made a great mystery about it, swearing the mouse to absolute secrecy, just to pique his curiosity. He had picked Marvin mainly because of the rodent's size, him being not only small, but also skinny and, quite obviously weak. "Prey," Rico thought, and ran a hand down to his pants to adjust his belt.

Marvin became silent as they entered the forest, huge trees blocking out the sun with their canopies, casting the ground into a dazzling half-light of green shadows and dancing spots of sunlight. They were walking slower now, following a narrow path that was trodden into the dense undergrowth of woodrow and brambles. Rico bit his lip when he recognized one of Jake's pawprints in the soft ground, wide and long, pressed deeply into the bed of dead leaves, and he dearly hoped that his prey wouldn't ask any questions about that.

"There it is...." sighed Rico, and pointed forward, where the path led into a small clearing, just large enough to allow the sun to light up the ground brilliantly.

They had chosen the spot exactly for that - the cameras he was carrying in his backpack where of the cheaper kind, and needed lots and lots of light to produce a good picture.

"Just go ahead, Marv.... I'm right behind you."

The Trap

Jake already waited near the spot his furred friend had found a day ago.

"There he is... and that must be Marvin" he spoke to himself silently. Even though Jake was 4 meters tall and 4 tons heavy, he could move as silent as a cat. Soon, he was behind both of them and then snatched Marvin up with his massive hands.

The mouse let forth a girly squeal and got lifted off the ground.

"Got the runt, you got the tape?" asked the dragon.

"Yeah, I got it, but damn! You nearly gave me a heart attack there," answererd Rico, then opened his backpack and pulled out a roll of duct tape. Quickly, they taped Marvin's mouth shut, bound his arms and legs, and then placed him onto the soft ground in the middle of the clearing.

The small rodent looked fearfully up to the dragon, and with begging eyes to the Fox. He didn't know what would happen, and was scared beyond shitless.

"So you got the camera, right?"

"Of course I got it, do you think I would forget something this important?"

Jake snorted. "Smart Ass..."

But he walked towards the bound mouse and then stood over him to face his foxy friend. One now one could really see the massive size difference between the reptile and the rodent.

Meanwhile, Rico searched in his backpack for his gopro camera. It could only record in HD, but that was more than enough, given that many videos of this kind were recorded via smartphones.

"So, video starts now."

The small device was blinking red and Jake swallowed hard. If they get caught... they would be behind bars for years, but it was worth it.

He lifted his right paw of the ground and let it hover over the smaller male's legs, then he let it slowly sink down until he felt the warm flesh and fur of Marvin. He then lifted his right leg of the ground. Both of the rodent's legs that were covered from the feet to the hip under broad dragon paws didn't even had a slight chance as four tons of near adult reptile were transferred onto the body below.


And, just like that, his left paw touched the ground, both of Marvin's legs flat as a piece of paper underneath. He ripped his eyes open and let out a loud lust filled moan, which sounded more like a growl. Ricos "fuck" was luckily so silent the growl of his friend drowned it out.

But it wasn't loud enough to cover the pain laden screams that came out of the rodent's mouth, even with the gagging of the tape.

It was as if a switch was flicked for the dragon, probably a part of his ancestors heritage, like blood lust. He growled with lust, stared into his small victim's eyes, and then stomped with his right paw, onto the rodents body.

The cracks and crunches where too many to tell apart, and the big reptile could not hold back any longer. He started to heavy duty stomp on the spot, and crushed and pulped the small body under him better than a trash compactor. Even after the blood squirted out of the ruined body, and its internal organs noisily squelched between his giant toes, he continued to stomp and smash. Only after ten minutes had passed, he stopped. Looking down, he saw nothing else remaining than the still intact head of the mouse, the rest of the body had been trampled deep into the ground, and was way past recognisable. Still, the head was there and it bothered him. How could he forget about the head? It had no right to keep existing.

With a deep, hate filled growl, he jumped up as high as he could, and with both paws, landed right on top of the mouses head. It immediately exploded under him, squirting brain matter between his toes.

Then he shot his fox friend a lust filled grin.

Rico, on the other hand, had watched the proceedings both directly and on the camera's display on his smartphone. He had taken great care to adjust the angle just so, catching only the legs and paws of his friend... and the havoc they were capable of wreaking.

He had known before that Jake would be perfect as a crusher, but what actually happened when the dragon took that first step, effortlessly crunching and flattening living tissue into nothingness... it was way, way more than he could have ever hoped for. And being there, hearing everything just as it happened, the splintering of bones, the screams, the wet squelch of blood and guts between long, thick toes...

He had bit his lips after that first "fuck", knowing that if it were on the recording, he'd have to blank it out later, avoiding any hints that could identify either him or his friend, but he could do other things... and he had to. His shorts were nearly ripping apart at the seams, not ever had he been so hard, so excited, and so in need to cum as right now - and right now, he didn't care who saw him, or what Jake would think.

So, with flying fingers, he pulled down his shorts, wrapped his hand around his aching dick and began to jack off, his eyes darting between the screen, the dying mouse, and Jake. Jake, whom he had known nearly all his life, and who just turned from the simple jock into a ferocious predator, hell-bent on stomping that mouse so deeply into the ground that nothing would be remain behind.

It was the head that got him. The explosion of bones and skull, the finality of that jump, combined with an impact that he could feel through his own paws...

His teeth bit so hard into lip and tongue that he could taste blood, but he didn't care. Fingers clenched around his knot, Rico came, his first shot so powerful it arced through the air, wide and proud, and hit the ground just in front of Jake's paws, adding a splash of white to the red and black mass surrounding them. The second shot didn't fall much shorter than the first, and neither did the third one... and when he looked up, he met Jake's eyes. The grin on the dragon's muzzle, the gleam in his eyes, the flared nostrils....

With one swift motion, Rico pushed the red button that would stop the camera, carelessly dropped his smartphone, and stepped forward, one hand still wrapped around his pulsing shaft, the other one outstretched, already grasping for the bulge that extended almost all the way down along Jake's left leg, filling his shorts to the point of bursting.

The dragon let forth a lust filled growl when he felt the small foxes hands on his half hard cock, Ricos hand quickly moving up towards the mechanism the held his pants, opening the bottom and nearly ripping open his fly. The third leg of the dragon sprung out and collided with the belly of the smaller male.

"Fuck... you're huge", murmured the small fox, and only got a lusty chuckle in return. Rico started to massage the massive manhood until it finally stood rock hard before him. It was gigantic, it was thick, and it pulsed with lust.

Black like the rest of him, Jake's shaft wasn't at all like what Rico had between his legs, it looked more like a weapon than an instrument of passion. From the pointed tip to broad base, a line of ridges ran along the top side, while six nasty, horny hooks lay in a row on the underside of the shaft. The tool felt warm to the touch, dry where no precum had yet lubricated the surface, and had almost no yield to the fox's touch.

Wrapping his hands around the massive organ, Rico muttered a second "Fuck" when he found that he couldn't completely enclose the base, not even with both of his hands stretching as far as they could.

Licking his lips, he began a slow and sensual massage, spreading the copious amounts of pre over the fine, black scales, running his fingertips along the grooves between the ridges, and gently bending the hooks to the side. He could almost see it before him, how this shaft would stretch and tear into a tight hole, arrogantly creating all the space it needed, and probably leaving a ruin behind.

Above him, Jake began to growl again, and his weight shifted on his paws, producing a low, wet sound as he spread his legs further.

Muscles twitching, the dragon started to buck gently into the hands of his smaller friend, dictating the speed and the rhythm of the massage, his great balls swinging like a pair of bells between his legs as his thrusts became more and more forceful.

Soon, Rico felt two scaly hands on his shoulders, blunt claws digging into his fur, holding him, pulling him closer and closer towards the pulsing and dripping cock, the tip temptingly close...

Rico licked. It was almost automatic. The cock was there, his muzzle was close, and it was dripping... so, he licked. And for the first time, Jakes taste filled his muzzle. Tangy and strong, the dragon's lust spread over his tongue like a drug, filling Rico with the same lust he felt before. Rico moaned, his eyelids fluttering shut as he leaned forwards, his lips spreading wide to close again around the sharply pointed tip of the draconic lance. His moans were answered by a different, stronger growl from above, Jake clearly enjoying the hot wetness of the foxes maw. His thrusts becoming more aggressive now, strong talons digging into soft, wet mud, earth and guts combined to a slippery and sticky paste underneath his paws. A step forward landed on something soft, something so wet it welled up between Jake's toes... and that sensation was what finally pushed him over the edge.

Jake threw back his head, and let out a roar that made a flock of birds fly up in shock, an orgasm thundering through his body. Thick, salty cream erupted from his shaft, filling, flooding Ricos muzzle with its volume. Rico swallowed as well as he could, but it was too much, too fast - and he couldn't pull away, Jake's grip on his shoulders like steel, holding him in place. Cum started pouring from the corners of his lips in two pearly white rivers, and it was all that he could to to prevent Jakes overboarding lust to spurt from his nose.

After they came down from their violent high, both realised that it was time to get rid of the evidence. Luckily for them, there was a river just a few dozen meters away, and they only had to bury the crushed flat body of the mouse which was very quickly done.

"There's the river, just like I told you" said Jake, he had been able to smell the water ever since he came close to the forest. Both of them their clothes drop to the ground, and Rico walked to up to the water and dipped his left paw into the ice cold liquid. "Oh fuck it's fucking cold...."

The dragon just laughed and jumped right into the river, water splashing high into the air and drenching the small fur completely from head to toes, he let forth a shriek and gave the big reptile a death glare.

Then he walked into the water as well. Both had to clean themselves quite thoroughly, the fox had get rid of all the cum and sweat, while the dragon had to wash off all the blood and the bits and pieces that stuck to his soles. "That runt made quite a mess. Look, his damn eye is stuck to between my toes," he growled and pulled it off before he let it drift away

"Yeah, he made a giant mess. Luckily, it will rain tomorrow, that should wash all the blood from the ground so there will be no evidence."

"That's good, but we have to find a new victim next week. It felt so damn good."

"And it looked amazing, too..." Rico chuckled

They finished cleaning and then let their bodies dry in the warm sun until they could put their clothes back on and walk home.

Rico cut and edited the clip they made, carefully blurring out Marvin's face and the school's logo on his shirt, and then uploaded it to his profile on ,along with a nice description explaining that he and his best friend just crushed for the first time and it felt so good they will do it many more times soon.

His movie got pretty soon to the Top 10 of popular videos for the day, and he got many comments from stompers as well as watcher both, praising their talent and hoping for new videos soon.

A few days later: Friday after the gym session

Jake was just putting his clothes on as a big shadow suddenly was right behind him. He turned his head and saw Coach Tucker, a giant elephant with a very muscular body on which his impressive gut didn't even look out of place. He was about 4.5 Meters tall and had to weigh about 5 tons.

"Jake, I have to talk to you in my office. It's important, so hurry up and then come to me."

"Uh, sure, coach, if you say so," came the confused answer from the teenaged dragon.

When he was done clothing himself and typing a quick message to his friend Rico, telling him he would be a bit late, he walked to the office, knocking at the door and then entered.

"So, Coach, what did you want to talk about?"

"Have a seat, Jake." The elephant pointed at the chair on the other side of his desk, and while the confused reptile plopped his behind down, coach Tucker got up, slowly walked around his desk and stared pointedly at Jake's paws, bare as usual.

"I have to say it's impressive you got your paws this clean again."

"Uh, what?" came the confused reply.

"I mean... it's not easy to get all that blood off again, especially with your scales."

The big elephant chuckled and then turned his computer screen around, showing the video that was playing muted. It was him stomping Marvin, the small mouse, into the ground, converting his body into mouse paste.

"OH SHIT" he blurted out,realising how fucked he was.

The elephant let out a laugh, then said,

"Relax... I was just commenting on how clean you got your paws. You have to show me how you did that sometime... fur sticks to my feet and it annoys me a lot."

The dragon was shocked to hear this.

"Wait, what?"

"I asked you for advice on how you got your paws so clean after pulverizing a mouse."

He kept looking dumbfounded at the bigger male.

"Y - You are crushing too?"

"Sure do, boy, did it since I was 14" he said with a grin.

"Fuck, you nearly gave me a heart attack, never thought you would be a crusher, I mean you always help the smaller ones."

"Bah, you think I do that for fun? Nah, if I could I would grab them, throw them on the ground ,and stomp the shit outta 'em."

"Shit, you're hardcore," Jake laughed.

"So tell me.... who helped you with the filming? Whoever he is, he's got a hand for it. I could teach you both on how to become great crushers... I'm in the Business for30 years now."

That made the dragon very curious "Really? There's a whole business behind this?"

"Yes, there is a whole business behind it. I'm one of the biggest producers of crush porn, heck, of snuff porn in general."

"There's more porn than crush porn that involves killing?"

"Yeah there is. There is Choke Porn, Crush Porn, Beating Porn, and Fucking to Death Porn."

"Damn," was the only thing he could answer, and they kept talking about it for the next hour or so, where Coach Tucker even demonstrated a few of the things he said with private videos he had never uploaded.

Jake got a few of the videos as a bonus, and the best one he saw, apart from the crushing, was a video where his Coach raped a cat while beating in the head of another, killing both in cruel and painful ways in the video.

Jake promised that he would ask his "Friend" if he wanted to join in, and he had the videos to prove it. After trading private numbers he finally left and walked straight to Rico's house to show him all the amazing things he just learned.

One Hour later

Rico checked his watch. For the umpteeth time in the past hour, he asked himself what kept Jake for so long - aside from the short message, there had been no further communication, and he also didn't answer to any texts that Rico sent him. In short, the fox was worried, and it was approaching a full-fledged scare, when he finally saw the familiar black dragon walk along up the street.

Rico flew down the stairs and pulled the door open before Jake even had the chance to ring the bell, and as soon as the dragon was in, Rico slammed the door shut - and gave the dragon a hug.

"Where have you been? What took you so long? After your message, you didn't answer any texts, and I seriously got worried that something happened...."

"Yeah," Jake sad simply, "Something did happen. Coach Tucker knows I've been crushing that little shit Marvin."

All the blood seemed to fall out of Rico's brain and into an area just below his stomach, which contracted in a tight, painful ball. "He... knows? How? Why?"

"Simple, he saw the video and ..." Jake shrugged, making a vague gesture towards his paws, "Recognized me. But... don't worry. He's cool with it. He's doing it, too."

"Doing WHAT?!", Rico screamed, his ears pressed flat to his skull.

"Crushing. He says he's actually selling the stuff. Showed me some vids of his..."

Jake patted his backpack, and shrugged his shoulders. "Gave me a stick so I can show them to you. He said he wants to meet you too, since he thinks you're good at editing. Wants to teach us a few things, so we can make some money..."

Rico blinked. For half a minute, he was simply lost for words, and all that he could do was to stare at his friend. Finally, he shook himself as if he had just climbed out of the river. "Fuck this shit," he mumbled, and padded off to the kitchen. Ice Cubes clinked into glasses, and then there was the sound of a bottle being opened, and liquid poured. Eventually, the fox returned with two tall glasses of coke, passing one on to Jake wordlessly.

"So... Coach Tucker is a crusher?", he asked, and when Jake nodded, Rico bit the tip of his tongue. "Well, he is big enough for that.. And you got some of his stuff? Let's have a look, then... he can't do us in if he's doing it himself."

Still deep in thought, the fox climbed the stairs up to his room, his draconic friend plodding behind, taking two steps at the time.

For the next half hour, the friends watched their coach taking the life of various smaller animals, slowly and methodically walking over them, handling his enormous weight with an almost careful precision, making very sure to keep his victims alive as long as possible... only to then finish them off with unfettered brutality, often enough popping their bodies like grapes, splattering ground and surroundings with liquified tissue and blood.

The locations were changing, but there seemed to be something like an old warehouse that was shown more often than not, the concrete floor stained almost black by the numerous sessions that must have taken place there.

"Fuck me..." growled Rico, when Jake had clicked on the video in which the elephant was forcing a cat over his massive, erect shaft, the mewling and screaming feline slowly ripping apart around the trunk-like girth, all the while using the fist of his free hand on a second cat like one would use a meat tenderizer on a tough steak.

"Right now?" growled Jake, and suggestively ran a hand down his shorts, where his shaft had been erect for the past twenty minutes. "You'd end up like that cat, though."

Rico threw a sideways glance at his friend, first at his crotch, and then at his face. His gaze was drawn back to the screen, where a sharp crack, followed by a shrill scream announced the end of the fucked feline, the Coach's shaft now sliding rapidly inwards and crushing the cat from the inside out.

"Well, maybe not... but... that's fucking hot. And you said he sells this kind of stuff, right?"

"Yeah... See, he got me one more, from others that work for him..."

A swift click brought a different image onto the screen. It was a dungeon-like setting with dark walls and a vaulted ceiling. Various bondage-like devices and tools were strewn around the room, but the camera was focussing on a pillory-like contraption in the centre. A dog was trussed up there, head and hands locked securely in the strong wood, bending his whole shape into the classic "Take me from behind" pose. His legs were held apart by a spreader bar, and someone with a sense of humor had tied the dog's tail up with a pink ribbon and tie. On the ground behind the dog, however, was a squirrel, hands and feet chained to rings in the floor, the red-furred body pulled into a taut X.

For a couple of seconds, nothing seemed to happen besides the feeble attempts of the prisoners to get free, but then, a door opened, and a horse stepped into the room. From the very first moment it was clear that this stallion was massive. He had to duck to not bang his hooded head on the very frame of the door, and turn sideways as not to get stuck with his huge, muscled shoulders. The equines fur was of a rich, chestnut brown colour, but towards his hands and hooves, there was a mass of white, fluffy fur, clearly pointing him out as a specimen of the draft type - as if that wouldn't have been clear enough by his build alone. The guy was carrying a hardon between his legs, stiff like a piece of wood, and, from what Rico could estimate, at least as long as his own leg... and probably, at least as thick as well.

Without a word, the stallion walked towards the pillory, and with careful ignorance, his hooves came down on the squirrel's tail, and then, his arm. Shrill squeals were caught by the camera's microphone, but strangely enough, the sound of bones breaking like dry cookies was still clearly audible - Rico assumed that this horse must have microphones hidden inside the fluff around his massive hooves. And then, just as the other hoof stepped forward, lowering itself to the squirrels shoulder, the video froze up.

"Enjoyed the show so far? Curious how it will go on? For the full video, All movies in 4K, full sound, and totally without any mercy."

Rico didn't wait for the credits to roll, his fingers flew across his keyboard, typing in the address, and was greeted with a black page that only sported the logo, again, and a login and registration button.

"Jake," Rico mumbled, pointing at the screen. "They're taking a hundred bucks. Per week. Just to get in. The videos are... extra. If they can demand this much... they must make it hand over foot. You understand? It's a fucking goldmine, Jake, and they want us to join in. Us. You and me."

"Yeah..." growled the dragon, "My paws and your camera. Think that dog gets fucked?"

"Of course he gets fucked. Did you see that stallion? He must be taller than you, lizard-brain, and .. I want to see this. I really want to see this. Imagine you getting to do that... breaking two at once.... fuuuuckkk..."

Rico didn't even think twice at this point, he unwrapped his shaft and began to jack off, his free hand thrusting between his friend's legs, rolling around the massive balls through the shorts. Both of them had very quickly learned to enjoy each other's bodies, after the first step had been done a week ago, and there was no more awkwardness between them when it came to that.

"Hrrrrrrrr......" Jake leaned back, and spread his legs a bit more, allowing easier access for the fox. "He's not bigger than me... stupid fox. We can see when we meet him... maybe.. We can both fuck you? You can tell then who is bigger....Hrrrrr... get going down there, it's getting fucking tight...."


It was early in the morning when they were to meet up with Coach Tucker, he soon rolled up with a giant truck.

"It´s you?", asked Tucker with surprise when he saw Rico, the small scrawny fox next to the giant muscle beast of a dragon that is Jake.

"Hey Coach, it's nice to meet you," the fox grinned from ear to ear.

"As small as you are, I would have expected you to be crushed by your friend, not that you enjoy to watch it," the big elephant said, then with a sigh and a "Kids these days," he let both of them into his truck.

"So, we will now drive to the studio. There, you guys will meet the rest of the crew... or rather, your future coworkers."

"I can't wait to see it, Sir. In the Video it looked like it's getting a lot of use..." said Rico.

"Sure does, boy, used it just yesterday. Made three videos myself," Tucker chuckled.

"Damn, would love to see it," commented Jake.

"Well if you guys want we could first watch some of the porn and then meet the others, but I think that would be pretty rude. So... we should first meet with the crew."

With that said, it took them about twenty minutes to reach the warehouse, and as they arrived, they first got a tour of the studio.

"This is where we keep the Victims. We have about 80 in there now, they will be all dead by the end of the next week. Over there is where we film most of the crushing, back there is where you guys can relax and watch porn if you want, and that's where my old buddy is working and isl editing all the videos."

In the office, the elephant pointed to his buddy, an older cat. Sitting in front of an impressive multi monitor setup with studio-class speakers all over the room, he waved his hand to tell them hello and then promptly returned to work.

"I thought you would edit all the videos yourself," said Rico.

"Yeah, sure... and how would I still have time to crush and work?"

"Good point, Coach"

Then they kept walking to something that looked like an house inside the warehouse. The Coach opened the door and finally announced their arrival. And there they were, the crew of this studio.

It was a shocking sight for the dragon and fox, since at least the dragon knew all of them, and the fox had seen every one of them at least once before.

There was Clyde, a big draft stallion, about three meters tall and weighing around 1.5 tons, next was Maurice, a very large wolf, two and a half meters in height and around 600 kilos heavy, next to him was Dan the Badger, about the same height as his canine buddy but around 150 Kilos heavier. Then there was Thomas the bull, he was around 1.3 tons heavy and about 3.2 meters tall. Sam the liger was sitting close to the bull, he was not as buff as the others with a more light build, but still carried 1.2 tons with him, thanks to his massive size of 3.6 meters. Standing near a wall was the gigantic crocodile called Kendrick, he was the biggest guy in school, 6 Meters in height and 8 tons in weight.

"YOU GUYS?" shouted the surprised reptile, never expecting his jock buddies to be in the business of making snuff porn.

"Pfft, is that how you greet your friends, Lizard?" asked Clyde.

"Watch it, pony," threatened Kendrick, then, with a massive grin, he turned to his reptilian friend. "The Coach told us we would get a new crusher, and I had hoped it would be you. You didn't disappoint me, Bro!"

Jake laughed and gave him a fist bump.

Rico was in a bit of a shock. Theoretically, he knew the guys... they were all in the same school, but... as these things happen, there was somewhat of a natural separation between the "big guys" and the rest, and he was definitely part of the rest. It was only thanks to his long friendship with Jake that he himself never had been on the receiving end of the usual bullying and rough housing that typically was part of a nerd's life, but even so, he would not have dared to join the dragon when he went to have some fun with his football buddies. Now, however, they were here in front of him, large as life, every single one of them at least three times his height... and now, he knew for sure that they wouldn't think twice to not only beat him up - but kill him in the process with glee.

Unconsciously, he moved a little closer to Jake, the presence of the dragon having a somewhat relaxing effect on him, and he took his time to have a closer look at the crew.

There was, of course, Clyde. He had seen the teaser with him and the two victims, so he knew what kind of equipment the stallion had between his legs.. And he could clearly see the equipment that was on the very end of his legs, the hooves that so easily had trampled through the squirrel.

He found the wolf watching him as he ogled the horse, and when their gazes met, Maurice's lips curled into a slow smile, telling the fox he knew exactly what Rico was looking at. He couldn't guess, though, if it was approval or mild mocking that radiated from the wolf, and he quickly moved his eyes away.

The badger didn't seem to notice him at all at the moment, while Thomas, the bull, looked at him good-naturedly, the big guy seeming so relaxed and gentle as if he couldn't hurt a fly. The Liger, however, was smiling with genuine friendliness, and even gave a quick wave in Rico's direction.

And then, there was Kendrick.

He had heard stories about the croc. None of them were good. If even half of them were true, the massive reptile had avoided expulsion from the school very narrowly not once, but twice, and the only reason he was still allowed to come was the fact that he alone had won the school the past two football championships... okay, not alone, but with a defense built like the proverbial tank...

Rico shook himself.

"Coach? Sir? Please excuse the question, but... why am I here? I'm not ... exactly in your league, really. And... if you're thinking that you could talk me into becoming a ... toy? I..... I'm not sure that I would like that very much. Nor would Jake, to be honest."

The elephant blinked once, then smiled. "I saw your work on your little private video, shortstop. You're good, you know? My friend, who is doing all the work at the moment... Well, there's a lot of work and only one guy to do it. And it's not so easy to find someone with talent and the stomach to edit the kind of stuff we do.... Right?"

Coach Tucker's grin got wider. "And nah, we got enough vermin to keep everyone busy. But, if you one day like to see how it is... I'm sure your big friend could be talked into it, eh? Just a pity you won't be able to cut that vid...."

After the little threat Jake had to laugh. "Don't think furrball here would like that, Coach..." The others laughed as well, then the Coach had something to say. "Ok, listen up crew, we have two new... uhm, one new crusher and one new editor, and you know what we do when a new one joins the Crew"

The others grinned and then shouted, "CRUSH! CRUSH! CRUSH!"

"Thats right boys, it's crushing time! So, like I said, we have about 80 victims of many species. You are free to chose, and then you show us how badly you can crush."

With that, they moved to the part of the warehouse where all the prisoners were kept, they opened the doors and walked in.

In the dungeon, hundreds of cells were stacked, one above the other. Only 80 were filled with prisoners, while 420 where empty, plenty of capacity left.

"Sorry boys, we celebrated Kendrick's birthday last week, and let's just say he emptied a lot of my stock."

"Sorry Coach," giggled the giant reptile, showing he wasn't sorry at all.

"Yeah sure you're sorry, just as sorry as the 200 you crushed under your feet," he chuckled back, then turned back towards Jake.

"So, dragon, chose and then we will move to the crush pit. We will film, and your friend and my buddy will cut and edit it."

Jake was, to say the least, a little bit overwhelmed. Last week, he had felt the rush of a life under his paws for the first time, and now he was presented with a selection of targets that was so large he felt unable to decide. He just stood there and stared at the cells, every single one holding five to ten furs, each and every one staring back at him with fear-filled eyes.

'They know.' The thought shot through Jake's mind like lightning. All of them knew exactly what fate awaited them in the end, they all must have seen what Kendrick thought would be a fun party... and now, he was here.

Jakes tongue licked across his lips, and he felt something stirring between his legs.

"Rico..." he said softly, "Help me choose. I want something... something that'll look good."

Rico was as overwhelmed as Jake was, but he had experience in helping out his friend. He had guessed it would come to this the very moment they had stepped through the door, and the wild mixture of scents had hit his nostrils. The fox shot a quick glance at the other members of the crew, and his ears twitched. This, he realized, was a test. Not only for Jake... but also for him.

"Say, coach..." he said slowly, without even looking into the elephant's direction,

"You happen to have a fox?"

Silence stretched for two seconds, then Coach Tucker let out an explosive, deep laugh that echoed from the walls of the dungeon. "You got moxie, shortie. Yeah, we got a fox. What do you say, Jake, eh? Wanna flatten a redfur?"

Jake, too, had blinked at Rico's suggestion. 'He wants me to crush a fox? But... why? He's one himself...' But even as he inhaled to ask the question out loud, the Coach's laughter answered it for him. Besides, the mere thought converted the tingle in his sheath into a full-fledged pulsation.

"Yeah... Great idea. Always wanted to see how much they can bear...."

Ten minutes later, they were in the same room they had seen on the videos. Concrete floor, corrugated metals on the walls, and a cluster of bright, bright lights overhead. But now, they could also see what was carefully hidden from the camera's field of view - the cameras themselves, the microphones, and the loose array of low couches forming a wide half-circle around the center stage itself, where the ground was dark and splotchy. And where now a naked fox was held in place by Maurice and Sam, while Clyde securely tied the foxes left ankle to a ring in the floor with a good two meters of rope.

The cat, who they last had seen in the office, was present as well, checking the cameras and making some adjustments. Rico, seeing this, had separated himself from the loud and laughing crushers to sidle up with the elderly guy, offering assistance and asking questions - apparently clever enough to make the feline first smile, and then leaving more and more of the work to the youngster.

Finally... the room became silent except for the victims fast and forced breathing, his muzzle tied shut with a cable tie. The guy had, since the strong hands of Liger and Wolf hat left him, desperately tried to free himself, but the knots were pulled so tightly that he had no chance in hell.

"Jake." With a wave, Rico called over his friend, and with a gesture, brought him to bend down and lower his ear to the foxe's muzzle. "Jake. Take it slow. Start with his legs, and don't use your full weight. Try to keep him alive as long as possible, right? If you're getting too greedy, just think he's me... " A quick grin flickered across Rico's muzzle, vanishing as fast as it had come. "And drop the shorts. It's going to be one fucking hell of a picture if you're hard while you process him, and I want to catch that, okay? Now. Get going, before he gets the idea to chew his own leg off to escape."

Jake just looked at his friend. It was a long, measuring stare, but after several seconds, instead of an answer, he just undid his belt, dropped his pants, and walked to the center of the pit.

For a moment, he just stood there, legs spread, straddling the squirming body underneath him, and his victim... stared back up at him. Something happened when their eyes met, the fox freezing up, all movements suddenly coming to a halt. And then... Jake's shaft twitched. The fox became frantic. And Jake moved.

With a swift turn, he swung his leg around, and placed his paw onto the foxes lower legs, gently pressing them downward. There was little to no weight on the scaled sole yet, it was a mere test, to find out how far he could go... and yet, it was enough to securely pin those red and black furred legs to the floor. Jake flexed his toes, pulled his paw backwards just a little bit... and then, leaned forward. Slowly, as if pushed by an invisible wind, he shifted his whole body over the fox, pressure increasing steadily. It took more than five seconds before there was the first yip from below, but from there... it never stopped. He felt bones shifting under his soles, muscles tightening against his weight, the yipping becoming louder, turning into a howl... he could really feel the tension building up, and then... he flexed his toes again. It was enough. Like a wave, a series of snaps wandered along under his paw, from the fragile paws up to the sturdier knees, six pops like little firecrackers as bones broke, each one clearly audible, and followed by his paw getting a little closer to the ground. And then, the noise started for real. The foxes screams, zip tie or not, filled the room with shrill alarm, the victim beating against Jake's paw with both hands, surprising the dragon enough to actually take a step back and reveal the damage he'd inflicted. The legs were still there - but they had changed shape so drastically that even the fox they belonged to forgot to scream for a moment. Perfectly straight - way straighter than would be natural - and compressed to a flat, oval shape, there was no movement whatsoever... and now, that the pressure was gone, faint drops of blood began to ooze from the fur, hundreds, thousands of them, forced through the very pores of the skin. Jake grinned. He'd done it, exactly as Rico had said, gently, and with enough care to keep the guy alive.

His next step was aimed at the chest. Without further ado, he pushed the fox back to the ground, this time stepping down immediately, but still with enough control to stop once he felt the telltale pops of broken bones. Next, the arms. He was rougher there, actually stepping fully onto the foxes left arm, raising his right paw to slam it down on the other side, turning both lower arms to paste, but leaving enough intact flesh further up towards the shoulders to still pin his victim down. Again, he stared down, but this time he had to grab his shaft and move it out of the way to actually see the fox. 'When did this happen...?', he asked himself as his hand closed around his erection, massaging it softly, the hard flesh twitching in his grasp. Slowly, very slowly, and eyes still nailing the fox to the floor, he lifted his right paw, swinging it in and back, until the very toes touched the foxes bare mid. He stroked the fur, wiping the shattered remains of fur and flesh on the fox's own belly for, two, three times, before he again pushed down, driving the black, tough scales of his soles into the soft and unprotected belly of his victim. He watched the face, watched the muzzle open in a silent scream as he ground down, feeling organs shift under his weight, the fur stretching sideways. He could almost feel the spine touching his paws... when he drew back, almost with a leap, to the side.

The fox was still breathing. Fine, pink bubbles expanded and contracted around his muzzle, the broken chest feebly rising and falling. There was a deep dent in his belly fur, the overstretched skin unable to contract back to its normal state in the short time, and a puddle of blood was forming around the stumps of the arms.

'Time to finish this', Jake thought, and positioned himself next to the victim. Rocking back on his heels, he placed first his left, then his right paw in such a way the broad parts of his feet covered the fox from head to knees, the toes hovering a good half meter off the ground. It was hard to balance, but... he had to do it only for a couple of seconds before he...

In perfect sync, Jake curled his toes, his claws forming a cage in front of the foxes body. At the same time, he stretched his legs, brought his weight forward, pressing down with his soles, both paws coming down like the lid on a box, moving slowly, but mercilessly down, towards the unyielding concrete of the ground. This time, it wasn't one or two cracks. This time, it was too much to count. Each millimeter brought a new pop, somewhere along the foxes body, immediately followed by another one... and another one.. And then, there was wetness, warm and slick, pooling under his feet, squeezing up between his claws and toes, there was a heartbeat, another one, and then... nothing, nothing but heat, and the final, hard shot of a skull exploding under his weight.

Jake growled, then roared as he came, standing tall and proud, the foxes innards spreading out in a fan-shape, two meters in front of his bloodied paws, and his seed splattered the top of the gory pile like icing on a cake, the brilliant white a sharp contrast to the ruddy black of the foxes contents.

Afterwards, he couldn't tell how long he stood like that, it might have been seconds, it might have been hours. But he could remember what was left when he finally stepped back, an almost perfectly intact fox pelt, flat as a sheet of paper, the side torn from hip to shoulder where his innards had been forced out, but otherwise just... flat.

"Aaaand cut."

Ricos voice cut through the air like a knife - and then, the silence was gone. First, a slow clap from Rico himself, then Coach... and then the whole crew joined in, each and every one a wide, feral grin on their faces... and a wet spot in their pants.

A few minutes later

The crew had a little party to welcome their newest members, the beat of the music was pumping in the background while Rico and the Coaches coworker were cutting, color correcting and editing the video files. The cabin they were sitting in was soundproof and shockproof, it had been necessary to add the latter of the two features after Kendrick jumped aboard - literally jumped.

"Say Coach you never told me how you started with the crushing and raping"

"Heh that's gonna be good you will love the Coach's story," snickered the Badger.

"Well, like I told you, I started with the snuffing when I was fourteen. There was the war back then, and I was in the Military, we had a lot of prisoners after we took over a bunch of villages, and well, a few of the older elephants wanted to show us younger ones how they executed prisoners back in the good old days. Well then, we gathered a few of the smaller runts and the bigger guys started to stomp them. We younger ones liked what we saw and joined in, at the end 150 elephants wreaked havoc on the whole group of runts we caught after the raiding... and in the end about a thousand were dead. I have no idea how many I crushed, but let me tell you it was a lot."

"God damn Coach, on your first trip?" asked Jake, completely in awe. "Heh, sure boy, on my first trip we had to pick fur of our soles for twenty minutes each, in the end, when most were already flat, we just laid them in a line and all walked over them until there was nothing left except mud and blood."

The Crew started to laugh at the amazed expression of the dragon.

"Haha, you're easy to impress. It's a pity you missed a lot of the good stuff. Oh - right! Coach, doesn't he need a stage name?"

"Oh shit, you're right. I nearly forgot about that." said Tucker, snapping his Fingers.

"Sooo, well, you did press the shit outta that fox so... How about The Compactor?"

"The what?" asked the confused reptile.

"Well each one of us got a stage name since we can't use our real names. And each stage name represents what we can do best."

The stallion Clyde spoke up "I'm The Defiler since I love fucking my victims to death. Maurice over there... we call him The Choker. There's not much room for breathing if he gets his dick into a muzzle... Dan is The Wrecker, he just loves to beat his playmates to a pulp."

"I'm The Butcher 'cause I mostly butcher my victims stabbing them with my horns and... well, torture them" continued the bull the list. "Sam there.. Mouser's the name. Pretty self-explanatory, if you ask me.. Ken... well, whatever he works on, he leaves in little pieces, and makes sure nothing clogs the pipes when we flush them down the drain. So we're calling him The Scrapper.."

And the last one was no other than Coach Tucker himself "And I am the Breaker. I break everything and everyone... I can go slow and make it painful as fuck, or I just jump on em and that's it."

"Ok, that all makes a lot of sense. Good then. From now on, I am The Compactor." He chuckled at that name. "It does fit me pretty well," he thought.

A Few days later

It was after School, and both Jake and Rico were firmly integrated into the program. They did take a break as well as the rest of the crew, but by friday night they had to start filming again, the coach was busy buying and finding new victims at the moment and that takes time.

Rico was just leaving school, his dragon buddy not with him this time, he had to train for football, but it was no biggy for the fox. He was walking to and from school each day, but this time, something was different.

"HEY FAGGOT!" The shout came from his right, and he had to jump out of the way of a flying bottle, nearly hitting his head. He looked back and saw a black pickup truck with several furs inside, and a big burly rhino in the back.

"We know you're fucking with that gay dragon, you piece of shit," shouted the wolf behind the wheel.

"Should I beat him up, boss?" asked the rhino, he clearly didn't look very smart but was strong enough to turn Rico's face into a pancake.

Before they could decide what to do, Rico suddenly jumped into action, running as fast as he could back to the school. Luckily, he wasn't far away from it yet in the first place, and as he ran away under the laughter of the gang in the truck, he could see a sticker of the old rival, the other school in town, on the back of the vehicle.

"Now you guys fucked up badly" He said, fuming with anger as he walked straight towards the playing field where his new friends where training.


Rico stopped in his tracks, just in front of the fence around the field, and pulled out his phone.

"Congrats! I never knew you went that way! And wow, Jake is quite the catch..."

The message came from Aidan, a very obviously gay raccoon, and classmate of his - they were friends on Nose Print because they sometimes worked on assignments together. *Beep*

"You and Jake? Really? ROFLMAO!" Brandon, another classmate.

*Beep* Beep* BeepBeepBeepBeeeeeeeep*

Rico stared at his phone in utter disbelief. There was message after message coming in, faster than he could click through them, and just by looking at the headers, most were happy in one way or the other, but others... Finally, he got a link. And there it was, on Nose Print, a picture of him and Jake, taken from behind, the two holding hands - it must have been taken only a day or two ago, when they were walking towards the school, well in the afternoon, for a late team practice of Jake's. They thought they had been alone, but... apparently, they hadn't been.

If Rico had been angry before, he was literally furious with rage now. How dare these shits mock him and Jake in such a way. Jamming his phone back into his pocket, he turned towards the field again... and resumed running.

Later that same day

After Rico's discovery he was fuming with rage, even worse was that he couldn't scream out his anger or he would alert everyone on the field. After he had told his friends and the coach about what happened, Coach immediately formed a plan. He could easily get a list of names from the other school under the pretense that it would be because of a game in a couple of weeks.

"Listen up crew, I will find out who those fuck faces are, and then they will be very very sorry for being even born when we are through with em. But please don't do anything now, and I'm especially talking to you, Dan."

The Badger only gave a weak "But, Coach...."

Everyone knew he loved to fight, and would beat everyone to death - but the Coach had a plan, and they would follow it. After the talk, Rico stuck around answering several of the messages he got, and when training was over, he walked back to his home with Jake.

"Oh fuck, I hope my mom didn't see any of this..."

Rico shuddered at the thought of his mother discovering he was gay and already had a boyfriend. Every single of his fears came true when he walked into his home.

"OOOOOOOOOOH SWEETIE!", his mother shouted at the top of her lungs, the fox immediately letting his ears drop to his skull, the older female fox running to her only son and hugging him as hard as she could.

Rico shot his boyfriend a "HELP ME" with his eyes, but he only chuckled and kept watching.

"Oh I never thought you would be gay, sweetie," his mother continued. "And you got such a nice and handsome boyfriend, too!"

She shoot a smile to the dragon standing in the hallway.

"Yeah sure this lizard is Sooooo Nice," Rico said with sarcasm dripping from his voice.

His mother punched him in the shoulder. "Be nice to your future husband, sweetie!"

"Husband?" asked both dragon and fox at the same time.

"Mom, that's way too soon!"

"I said _future_husband." She shoot her son a stare that clearly told him he shouldn't dare say anything else

Then she finally let her son go, and walked to the big lizard still standing dumbstruck in the Room.

"I am so happy he chose you Jake. But now it's time for cake," she then announced and pushed both of them into the living room where already a nice looking cake was sitting on the table.

For Jake it was one of the strangest, but also nicest hours of his life. They were sitting there, eating cake and drinking coffee while Rico's mum just didn't stop talking. How nice it was to have him, Jake, finally as a son-in-law, and that, although it never looked like it, she had always hoped that Rico and him would become more than friends, and how cute they looked together, and so on, and so on. The best thing about the whole situation had been to watch Rico's ears go red and redder, and to see him trying to crawl into the earth when his mom broke out the photo book with the baby pictures. It had been right then when he had gotten up and excused himself, claiming he had to go home for dinner and no excuses.

He could literally smell Ricos relief when this finally brought the social torture to an end, and with a promise to text later, he left.

However, when he arrived home, he found his dad waiting for him in the living room, the big dragons mood unusually sombre and serious.

"Ah, Jake. Come on in, son, have a seat."

'Uh-oh', Jake thought, 'He knows...'

Plopping himself down on the sofa, he looked at his dad glumly. The older dragon rose from his seat, and began to pace up and down in the spacious room, his hands crossed behind his back, never looking directly at his son.

"Jake, I ... Well, let's start the other way around. You know that I love you, and nothing will change that. Especially not you being gay." A long pause, filled with more pacing. "But... There is something about this... You see, it's not that I don't like Rico, he's a very nice boy, and of course I am happy for you two but...."

Another pause, and a lengthy sigh. "He's a fox."

The pacing stopped, and Jake's dad finally looked at his son, expectantly.

"Yeeeeeess... ? I kinda noticed that, Dad... he's always been one."

Jake really didn't know where this was going, and by now, confusion had replaced anxiety.

"Yes, Yes. And that's not bad! Not bad at all, really. But... you're a dragon. He's a fox. Now, I'm not a specieist, son, but... he's small. If you two are serious... you will want to do... things. Together. You and him. You know? And... it's... Listen, we never talked about this, and I know, we should have done this a long time ago, but, I never thought you'd... but, look at you, all grown up already, and... I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, right?"

There was hope in the big black's voice as he finished his verbal stumbling, and Jake looked at him, blinking slowly. Could it really be that his dad was trying to talk to him about the birds and the bees? Or rather, the bees and the bees, in his case?

"Dad...." he sighed softly, "You know we got this kind of stuff at school, right? I mean, how everything works and so on..."

"Yes! Yes, right! You got that in school!"

The older dragons relief was palpable in the air. "But - He's so small! You... know you can't.... go full... throttle with him, right? I... I know I couldn't, I mean, I don't know how you... but... You ARE my son, after all..."

Jake felt the heat rise in his cheeks. Now his dad was trying to find out if his cock was large? And telling him at the same time that his own was huge?

Jake got up, very quickly.

"Dad. Please. Don't worry. We got that in school as well... and then there's the internet, you know? I'm not going to hurt Jake. We're going to be very careful, I promise. There's websites for mixed species couples, like, with tips and tricks and so on. We're going to look at those when.... When we're ready, all right?"

Again, relief, and this time, relaxation. "You're a good boy, Jake... clever, too. And Rico as well... Tell him that, ok? Now.. I'm glad we had this talk, Son. And you know, if you got... problems, you can always come to me, right? Now, I thought we're going to have pizza for dinner...."

And with those words, he was through the door, to get the menu card from the delivery service.

'....and I thought Rico's mum was bad...."

Friday evening

It took the coach several days until he got the whole gang that dared to attack his Crew, seven in total. The first one was a big, burly rhino. He was the only one not bound to a chair, simply because he would have had escaped by now, breaking the chair. The rest all were bound to chairs though, a rat, a dog, two wolves, a fennec fox and a cat.

"These are the ones?" Coach Tucker asked Rico

"Yeah, those are the assholes who attacked me."

Rico laughed when he saw the panicked state of the wolf who had called him a faggot and had thrown the bottle at him.

"Not so tough now are you wolf? You will regret calling me a faggot dearly, and I can't wait to see it."

"Ok boys, it's shopping time. Each one of you gets one toy."

Sam was the first one to stand up, quickly leaping to the rat sitting on the far right.

"I'm getting the rat!"

The others chuckled, it had been clear to them that he would go for the rat.

"I'm taking that rhino. Wanna see how long he can survive," said Kendrick, licking his lips. He wanted to really test it out, the rhino looked sturdy enough to survive for hours.

"I am taking the boss. He thinks he is tough, though lets see how tough he is when I ram two feet of cock into him," the horse said with a deep laugh and a twitching in his pants.

Maurice wanted the kitten as he called it - he had a thing for cats.

Thomas and Dan got the other two, the dog and the other wolf.

And then there was only the fennec left, the smallest fur of the gang.

"Well then, I will get the small guy.... introduce him to my paws..." Jake chuckled.

And with that, it was settled. Without further ado, Kendrick got up, stretched briefly, and then, out of the blue, delivered a full roundhouse kick straight to the rhino's head, felling him like a tree. The big, grey guy landed on his hands and knees, spitting blood, shaking himself like a wet dog... but before he even tried to get back to his feet, a second kick from the huge croc landed in the rhino's flank with a sound like a fist hitting a steak. Air escaped from the rhino's lungs in a whoosh and a painful moan, the grey one rolling to his side, clutching his flank. Kendrick, on the other hand, started to grin, a truly terrifying display of teeth, while he walked around the downed rhino. Every time the bully seemed to recover, another kick hit him in a new spot, causing fresh pain without actually creating too much damage. Kendricks tactic was clear, he wanted to exhaust his toy slowly, prolonging the process of killing him as long as possible.

Meanwhile, Clyde had grabbed the wolf by the neck, and after cutting through his bonds, lifted him from his chair like a kitten, carrying him over to his own, much wider seat where he dropped the guy between his spread legs.

"Now... ," Clyde said, not at all unfriendly, "You probably know what's going to happen to all of you guys here. I heard you're the leader of this gang of yahoos, yes?"

The wolf didn't answer at first, his ears were turned back, listening to the regular impacts of croc feet on rhino hide. His tail was tucked deep between his legs, and he tried to crouch down even more. But, after a hard nudge from clyde's left hoof, he blinked. "Yes," he stammered, "Please... don't kill me. I....I'll... do everything you want, but please don't kill me."

"Mhmm...." Clyde scratched his chin, looking down at his toy thoughtfully, "Everything, you say? Allright.... Maybe... Yeah, I'm going to give you a chance. You got to prove to me you're not as bad as you and your gang seem to be... bring me to orgasm, within ten minutes, without using your hands, and I'm going to let you go."

Clyde grinned as he watched his words sink into the fright-frozen mind of the wolf, and then, the expression on the canine's face as realisation set it. "But... that's... gay," the wolf stammered, which only got a raised eyebrow from the stallion. For several more seconds, nobody of the two moved, until Clyde, finally, made a pointing gesture at his left wrist - where there would be a watch, if he'd been wearing one right now.

This was enough for the wolf. He turned his head to cast a glance at the stage, where right now, Kendrick had kicked the rhino over to his belly, and was now, testingly, putting one massive paw on the rhinos protruding behind.

"Allright, allright, I'll do it, just... don't kill me..." muttered the wolf, and then, disgust clearly written all over his face, pushed his muzzle between the stallions thighs. Clyde's loincloth was designed for exactly this purpose. It was swiftly pulled aside, revealing the stallion's massive balls - and his equally impressive sheath, which was, from the looks, swollen, but had not yet begun to spill its contents. The scent was.. overwhelming to the wolf's sensitive nose, masculine and strong, the stallions potency as obvious to the nose as it was to the eyes. With eyes tightly closed and his nose wrinkled, the wolf bent further forward, held his breath, and...

Clyde snorted gently at the first touch of the wolf's tongue on his balls. He sighed softly, spread his legs a little further, and finally relaxed control on his shaft, which promptly began to spill, pushing out of its sheath like a warm, wet anaconda, still very soft and very pliable, the thick tube of meat bending down under its own weight to rest warm and heavy on the wolf's head, slowly extending between his ears, and then down his neck and back.

"Keep licking, wolf..." murred Clyde, "One minute gone already, and I'm not even hard..."

Kendrick looked down at the rhino. So far, he hadn't broken anything, but he had been holding back as well... still, the grey one proved to be as tough as he expected. But, that would change. Ken stepped behind the prone form, and playfully covered one of the rhinos feet with his paws, comparing the sizes, estimating the coverage.. before he gently stepped down, stopping immediately at the first, full-bodied scream from his plaything. There still hadn't been a break, but.. When he pulled back to have a look, a grin spread on the croc's face, the ankle was bent in a strange and unnatural way, the joint dislocated, and now both unable to move and extremely painful at the same time.

Jake had pulled the fennec into his lap, placing the small guy on his left thigh - his right one was occupied with Rico, who was watching with rapt attention the show that was slowly getting into gear around him, and right now, didn't pay all that much attention to the dragon.

"What's your name?", asked Jake in a whisper, knowing full well that the huge ears of the tiny fox could hear him well. "Collin," came the equally whispered response. "Are... are you really going to kill us?"

"Yeah," said Jake matter-of-factly. "This is your final stop. Sorry for that, but.. We can't let you go now, after what you've already seen."

"I.... see..." mumbled the fennec, and wrapped his arms around his chest, shivering slightly. He had his eyes on Maurice, who was in full swing, having grabbed the head of the feline bully, his well-trained pelvis thrusting into the cat's throat without any restraint or mercy. Each thrust sent a bulge along the feline's throat, the huge wolf easily long enough to reach deep into the esophagus of his toy.

"And... you're going to do it?"

"Mhh-hmmm..." mumbled Jake, watching the same part of the show as the fennec.

"Everyone gets a toy. You're mine."

".... Why haven't you started yet?"

"Wanna watch first. Get horny a bit... also... I want him here to enjoy it, and he's busy." Jake poked Rico in the shoulder with a claw, getting a small yip in response.

"Hey, stupid... what was that for?"

"To get your attention. I wanna keep Collin for last, when the others are done. You cool with that?" -- "Yeah, sure. Wait, who's Colin?" -- "Mr. Radar Ears here..."

Rico turned his head, and only now became aware of the other vulpine sharing his boyfriend's lap with him. "Hi, I'm Rico. You're dragon fodder".

Collin blinked. He couldn't wrap his mind around how everyone was so cool with the obvious murder that was going on around them, and even was able to talk about it like the subject was ice cream, or the weather. Glumly, he turned his attention to the goings on again. He was not dead, at least... yet.

Clyde was happy. The wolf, after a rocky start, had really gotten into the licking and slurping, and had managed to get his shaft from complete softness to a veritable fence pole. Two feet long and a good eight inches across, it was a tool perfectly suited to rob the virginity of every hole he chose to ram it into... and much, much more than just the virginity as well. Of course, the wolf's tongue was much to small to cover even the very tip alone, but what he lacked in size, the canine compensated with enthusiasm, now that the time was ticking away, and he had realized exactly how he would be leaving this world if he didn't succeed in his mission. It was around the six minute mark when Clyde saw a movement from the corner of his eye. His hand shot forward, closing around the wrist of the wolf - who had, intentionally or not, extended his hand to place his fingers onto the great balls of the horse.

"Ahh, no. That's against the rules, wolf... No hands, remember?"

Clyde chuckled as he saw the ears fold back flat again. "But, you at least got me nice and hard, yeah? Perfect for what comes now... You see, you're actually lucky." Clyde, never letting go of that wrist, casually pulled the wolf up to a full, standing position, then hugged him hard against himself, his shaft trapped between the wolf's body and his own. "You'd never hat gotten me off. I don't cum when I don't want to, puppy... and I know when I want to cum today, right when my meat is tickling your tonsils, from the inside, mind you...." Clyde gave a small, short buck with his hips, just enough to rub his shaft along the wolf's belly fur, and mash his balls between the canines legs. "You're going to be so much fun, puppy..." he murred, and deeply inhaled the sudden stink of sweat and fear that was coming from his prey.

Another scream came from the stage. Kendrick had managed to repeat his little trick, dislocating the rhinos other ankle as well, and was now massaging the grey ones lower thighs with his paw, with each stroke, he added a little more of his blunt claws, drawing long lines of red onto the grey skin. To prevent his toy from escaping, he had the toes of his other paw securely clamped around the painfully swollen ankle, curling them gently each time the rhino made an attempt to move, stilling him instantly - and eliciting another, hoarse scream.

Maurice was panting. He had hammered the cat's throat for a good ten minutes now, and he was getting close - but not too close, not yet. With an open-muzzled, doggy grin he looked down at the striped kitty, whose face was marred with dark, wet streaks, where his tears had fallen into his fur and painted lines that would be looking natural on a cheetah, but not on a domestic like him. Maurice tightened his grip, his fingers interlacing behind the cat's head, thumbs firmly pressing the ears back and pinning them against the rest of his hands. Using his superior strength, he slowly bent back his toys head just a little more, and then.. pulled him towards his groin. Grinding his hips softly, he increased the pressure, forcing more and more of the cat's muzzle down his shaft, and towards the bulge at the base, the bulge that would be a fully grown knot on a normal-sized wolf... but for him, it was just the beginning.



"What are you gonna do with me?"

"Kill you, already told you."

"No, I mean... how. How you're going to kill me."

"Oh. Going to step on you. Break your bones, you know, then force your innards out of your muzzle. Press you flat like a carpet."


Clyde had one hand firmly wrapped around the wolf's tail, the other one grabbing the scruff of his neck, as he lifted the canine higher and higher, navigating the wolf's behind upwards, towards the tip of his massive shaft. Clyde was still sitting comfortably in his easychair, legs spread, body leaned back, and it made his lance stand up straight, like a pillar that was missing the building it was supposed to support. Despite the wolf's struggles, he eventually managed to place him on top of this pillar, the tip wide enough for the canine to truly sit on - although it was getting slippery, now that Clyde was producing pre, every few seconds, a small shot of the slippery substance was welling from his shaft like clear, warm oil.

"You wanna watch your friend die, or would you rather give me a kiss, mhm?"

When the wolf didn't answer, Clyde shook the canine a bit. "I asked you a question...? Fine, if you don't want to decide..."

Clyde sighed, and pushed himself into a straighter position. He licked his lips, stretched his neck, and then pulled the wolf's head forward into what looked like the parody of a kiss - the horse's lips actually sealing around the wolf's muzzle, the stallions thick tongue forcing its way between the wolf's teeth, reaching deep, wrestling with the other tongue, pushing it aggressively to the side. A deep rumble began to emanate from the horse's chest, and when he finally pulled back... his hips bucked. There was no gentleness there, it was a sharp, hard upthrust against the wolf's rear, well-practiced and designed to break, not to stretch. And like so many times before, it worked. Like driven with a hammer, Clyde's shaft moved, a hand's width simply vanishing inside the wolf, the flat tip punching through muscle and skin with apparent ease. Clyde watched carefully, the wolf's eyes, wide with fear, contracting to pinpricks, then expanding again, wider than before, all in the fraction of the second his brain needed to understand what just happened, why, from one moment to the other, all the nerves in the lower half of the canines body were on fire, and why there was a massive, oversized log on the inside of his pelvis, that never had been there before - and that shouldn't be there at all.

Clyde snorted contently as the wolf's scream filled the air.

"Did he just...?"

"Yeah. He's not called The Defiler for nothing. Your stupid bully-boss isn't a virgin anymore, that's for sure."


"With force. Hit something hard enough, it breaks. Usually."

"Can you two finally shut up? I'm trying to listen here, fuckit!"

"Sorry, Rico."

"Sorry, Rico."

....And there it was. All it had taken was just one more buck of the hips, and the proto-knot had passed into the cat's muzzle, the shaft now reaching way, way down into the felines stomach. Maurice let go, and leaned back, happy to let the cat do the rest of the job. They always did.

The first thing the feline did was, of course, to clamp his hands around his throat, wheezing feebly through his nostrils. His whole throat was stuffed with wolf meat, his jaws were extended way more than they should be, and his stomach was cramping around the fleshy intruder. So, the next thing he tried was to pull back - only to find out that it was impossible. In the short time that had passed between the big brute knotting his muzzle and letting go of his head, that knot had begun growing... and was now locked firmly behind his teeth, impossible to move. And then, the cat felt it. It wasn't only the knot that was growing. The shaft itself was swelling as well.

With a nasal whine, he pulled again.. And again... and again... each attempt to free himself only producing a moan from the wolf... and a pulse of growing thickness in his throat.

Kendrick had lost his interest with the rhinos legs. He had managed to scratch them raw, both of them, and then he had moved on to the other end - and now, he was playing with the horn. He had heard that they were incredibly robust, and he was dead-on curious how much of that actually was true. So, he had sat down, in front of the rhino, had placed his paws on his toys shoulder, grabbed the horn with both hands... and then, began to pull. It had turned out that all the rumours had been true. It had taken Kendrick more than ten minutes, and a considerable amount of effort, to finally rip the horn away from the rhino's head, and it hadn't gone without some collateral damage. He had felt some bones break in the grey one's shoulders, but he had been very careful not to snap his toys neck... he liked the moans and screams way too much. Throwing the bloody horn away, he got up again, stretched, and walked to the rhino's foot end again... only this time, he didn't bother to go around. There definitely was some damage this time, his bulk and weight too much for even the massive rhino to bear without some breakage.

Blood was running down Clyde's shaft. Since the first thrust, he hadn't moved, had even held the wolf aloft as not to allow gravity to pull him down any further. He had just... waited till the screaming had reduced to a soft whimper, and all the while he had smiled at his victim. But now, it was time again. Very slowly, very gently, he pushed a bit further, millimeter by millimeter, till he felt something round and hard touching the lip of his tip, sending an electric shock through the wolf's system. "Ahh... you felt that, right? That's why so many love to take cock... Makes you go aaaaall woozy in the head, doesn't it? Here, let me show you..."

Clyde began to roll his pelvis in gentle, wide corkscrewing motions, massaging and squeezing the wolf's prostate with exquisite experience and skill, forcing the canine to experience the most intense and concentrated lustful pleasure he had ever known. Despite his torn and bleeding ring still hurting like it was on fire, the wolf's shaft practically exploded out of his sheath, the red piece in sharp contrast to the canines fur.

"Heh... look at that. He's getting fucked to death, and he's getting a boner."

"Oh... really. I... wouldn't have thought...."

"What, that he's gay? He isn't. It's just fun getting fucked when it's done right. Doesn't matter if you actually like a guy doing it or if you do it to yourself."

"......I know."

The last words were so quiet that Jake wouldn't have understood them if he hadn't watched the fennecs lips move. Still, it made him blink, but there was no doubt, especially not since now, the fennecs ears turned the cutest shade of pink.

"Played with yourself, huh?"

"....Yeah. Some carrots... and a cucumber. A small one."

"....Huh. Interesting."

Maurice was panting again. The cat's panicked fight against his cock was having its effect, the contraction of the muscles massaging his shaft in the most exquisite way, and the pressure around his knot steadily growing. But he also saw the signs. The lack of air was getting to the feline, slowing him down and making him tired... it was time to get this done. Maurice licked his lips, clenched his fists... and bucked. The force of the hump lifted the cat from the ground, making him stumble like a ragdoll, his head firmly attached to the wolf's groin, his neck stiff from the massive rod that went through it. Again, the wolf humped, and now the feline could feel it, the pressure in his muzzle growing rapidly, the full force of the knot now beginning to push his skull apart, breaking his jaw out of its socket... and crushing his teeth. Another buck, followed by a deep, lusty growl, that didn't end... and more pressure, pulsing, intensely painful, in his skull, in his lungs, his....

Maurice came the very moment the cat's head burst, his knot breaking away the lower jaw while splitting the upper jaw lengthwise as well. His shaft, now grown to its full, cruel diameter, filled the cat's throat so densely one could see the pulsation of his orgasm even through the felines fur... and looking closely, one also could see the trim belly beginning to get a little rounder, the wolf's lust easily enough to fill the smaller furres stomach to inflation.

Clyde grinned as the wolf groaned. He had pushed the canine, pushed him right to the point where his shaft was fully out and dripping, and the first signs of his puny knot were becoming visible.

"Now you know what your prostate is for, puppy," he nickered. "You just won't use it anymore."

With a sudden movement, he yanked the wolf backwards, changed the angle between his toy and his shaft, and then.. he thrust again.

Before, he had teased the internal organ with the rim of his tip. Now, he battered against it with the flat side, and the full force of his well-trained muscles. It didn't take long. On the third hit, clyde could feel the tell-tale pop as the small, round organ was pulped by his shaft, effectively rendering the wolf's shaft useless, never to harden again - not that this would mean anything, not for him who was bound to die within the next few minutes anyway - but all the lust, all the pleasure he had tickled out of that wolf's prostate was now instantly turned into pure, distilled pain. It was too much to just scream out, it was enough to lock the body up in a rock-solid cramp, going from ears to paws. And into this hard, unflexible lock-up of muscles, Clyde rammed his shaft.

"Jake? What's that guy... Collin... doing?"

"Mhm? Yeah - What ARE you doing?"

"I..... I'm.... I'm pawing. Ok? It's not as if I have much time left. Might as well."

"Mhrrm. You know, he's right, Jake. Fuck, I'm doing it too... Clyde is SO HOT."

"Yeah. Go on. Hurry up a bit, Maurice is done. And once Clyde is through, I think I'm going to have you."

And through was what Clyde wanted to be. His lips were smiling, his eyes gleamed, and he looked at the wolf with genuine, sunny friendliness, while further down, his legs and hips were doing their destructive work. Powering his shaft, hard as cast iron, deep into the tangle of pain and muscles the wolf had turned into, he tore and ripped into the canine, shredding tissue, splitting bone, and turning organs into pulp. He simply didn't give his toy time to relax, he held him in this state of tight seizure, creating a much stronger and tighter sleeve for his lance than otherwise would have been possible. Half of the shaft was gone, forced into the wolf, then two thirds, and clyde changed his grip, now wrapping his hands around the wolf's middle, his thumbs resting there where the massive bulge of his shaft stretched the canines' fur, and still, he hammered away, now pulling the wolf's body down into his crotch, never stopping, never relenting. Thirty seconds after it had begun, it was over. With a whinny and a massive effort, Clyde ripped the wolf down into the hollow between his legs, the canines pelvis splitting like a dry piece of wood under an axe. His head had snapped back, and with that final push, the horses flare, now massive and wide, had broken through flesh and bone, rising above the impaled canines maw like a perverted, twisted impersonation of a fountain, an association that was made even stronger now that clyde came, and huge jets of pure white erupted from his swollen shaft. Clyde knew that his toy could see what had become of him. Up to the very first shot, he had felt the wolf's heart beat right next to his lance, only stopping then, and the wolf's eyes, clear and filled with utter horror, had only broken after the first volley of seed had landed in them, covering them with white goo.

"Yess!", Clyde shouted, and raised his fists in a victory pump, "All the way through AND alive till the shot!"


"Did you just come?"


"Good boy. I almost came myself. Clyde is a good show...."

"Oh. That's.... Your ... thing, then?"

"Yeah. You've been only sitting on it for the last twenty minutes."

"I thought.... It was something else."

Kendrick didn't have the time or motivation to watch either Maurice nor Clyde, he was busy with the rhino. It hat turned out that the big, grey-skinned guy was amazingly tough, even to the kind of treatment the huge croc would dish out... and Ken had had to resort to treating the rhino bit by bit. After he had walked all over the guy, he had focussed on the feet, the ankles already being dislocated. Kendrick hat simply stepped onto them, and then had commenced swaying from left to right, shifting his weight from one side to the other. Bit by bit, the rhino's bones had started to give way, first grinding against each other, then shifting, then moving... and finally, flattening out nicely beneath the hard soles of the reptile. Ken had then moved up, taking in the next piece of unbroken flesh to slowly compress and grind under his ceaseless paws, millimeter by millimeter progressing along the rhinos legs.

It had become loud.

The rhino, feeling his feet and then legs being slowly ground down to a tough, but mushy paste, had begun screaming the very moment Ken had begun with his gruesome task, and hadn't stopped since, he even had tried to escape once more - clawing at the hard ground with both of his hands, raking his nails across the concrete. It had not been successful. There was just no escape with the weight of a small truck standing on his legs, and after a while, the grey guy resorted to clawing his own hands instead of the ground, the sharp pain of his self-inflicted scratches somehow soothing and relaxing, compared to the primal torment that was radiating up his legs.

Dan had waited for the first two to finish. It had become somewhat crowded down here at the pit, and he didn't want to take the spotlight away from Clyde and Maurice. Now, though, that the wolf was clearly dead, the stallion having hammered his shaft all the way through the smaller canine, and the cat having received a fatal headache, courtesy of Maurices knot, he stepped up, dragging the second wolf of the gang behind him by the scruff of his neck. He had forced his claws through the thick fur and the loose skin underneath to achieve an unbreakable grip, and he was grinning from ear to ear as he pulled his charge up against the back wall, letting the wolf's paws dangle in the air, a good half meter above the floor.

"I haven't had a workout for quite some time, you know?", rumbled the badger, and stretched his left arm to limber up his muscles. "It's a bit of an addiction. Once you start, you get cranky when you don't get it for a while..."

Without warning, he made a fist, and slammed it into the wolf's unprotected middle, focussing all of the strength of his upper body into the blow. If not for the wall, the canine would have been thrown back a couple of meters, but this way, there was no space to escape into. The badgers huge fist compressed fur, muscle and connective tissue into a flat, solid piece of flesh, and the result was instantaneous.

Dan swiftly stepped aside to not be hit by the wolf's solid jet of vomit, propelled by the sheer force of the blow that hit his stomach, letting the vile liquid hit the floor behind him. Dan grinned. "That's right. Let's get that stuff out of you first." He hit again, and again, pumping his fist into the canine three, four, five times, until his efforts didn't result in more liquid coming up, but just dry, and unproductive heaves.

"Now we're getting somewhere," nodded the badger, and pulled back for his next blow. It hit way higher. With a grunt, Dan pulled through, feeling the delicate bone of the collarbone turn to splinters under his calloused knuckles, the wolf's left arm, which had flailed just a second before, falling down uselessly.

"Ohh, yeah...."

The next blow hit the right shoulder, and with even more force, not only broke, but pulverized the remaining collarbone, driving splinters deep into the muscle behind it.

The wolf... screamed.

Thomas wasn't being so subtle.

He wasn't one to play with his prey, not for long, anyway. He had a job to do, and his mind was set to get it done.

The dog needed to die, he had attacked one of his friends.. Actually, two of his friends... Jake, and the little one, Rico. He personally thought it strange that someone like Jake would take a piece of prey as a friend, someone who was small, and fragile, and would probably break soon enough... but who was he to understand the world. Rico seemed nice enough, and it was a pity he wouldn't last, but...

The bull picked the dog up. The canine was whimpering, having seen what had happened to his comrades, he already had pissed himself in fear, and was way too far gone into panic to even think. He barely felt the strong hands of the bull lifting him into the air and pressing him against something cold and hard, and he had his eyes closed tightly, his ears laid back.....

But the, he felt something. There was something in his core, from one moment to the other, it had appeared. It was like burning ice had been placed inside him, forming a fiercely hot, freezing channel from his bellybutton way up into his chest, and he couldn't help but to stare down and look.

The canine howled.

"What ... did he just do?"

"Who, Thomas? The bull?"

"Yeah.... I couldn't really see from here."

"I think he just gored him."

"With a horn?"

"That's how it's usually done. Look, he's pulling out now... Yeah, gored him good."

".....just like that....."

Thomas felt the blood running down his face. And he... snorted. It wasn't the colour - red had no more meaning to him than every other colour, the "red flag" thing was just a myth, after all - but the scent... the scent was something else.

Thomas felt his cloven hoof scratch and stomp the ground, and he felt his neck muscles tighten and swell. This was why he was here, this was why he had joined the crew... And then, the rage took him.

Thomas bellowed, his coarse, mooing cry even blotting out the sound of the rhinos shrill whine, and the sound of the wolf's bones breaking one by one under Dan's remorseless fists.

The bull swung his head back, and thrust forwards again, sinking his other horn into soft flesh, piercing easily through fur and hide, drilling a channel into soft flesh. More blood, more of that intoxicating scent... and another thrust, another hole, and one more, and another one...

Thomas let himself slip, let himself become the rage, and just let it out on his victim, ripping him to shreds until his horns found no more purchase, then throwing the body on the ground and stomping it, trampling on the fur with blind, aimless rage,

Even Dan stopped to look. Thomas, in full berserk mode, was a sight to behold. Of all of them, he was the one who switched the most hard way, his usual mood being placid and gentle... until he got switched. Then, the bull became almost feral, no, worse than feral, and whoever found himself at the receiving end of the bull's rage...

Dan grinned. He looked at his wolf, the body being one continuous mass of bruises between shoulders and pelvis by now, the guy barely hanging on to consciousness. Time to wake him up again.

Dan lowered the wolf a good bit further down, then stepped up, close enough to touch chest fur to chest fur.

"This is going to hurt a bit," he murmured softly, then waited till he saw the eyes blink.

With the full force he could muster, the badger rammed his knee upwards, between the wolf's legs, hammering it into his crotch with the force of a sledge hammer. He could feel the canines balls pop like grapes, just the fraction of a second before he felt the much harder crack of a pelvis giving way... and then, a good second later, the howl. It was always the most beautiful of screams, the scream of a male knowing he'd never be a male again - the one thing that defined, that _was_malenes... shattered and lost forever.

"Oh gods......"

Collin bit his lip. He was still watching, now the show being less sexual and way more physical than he was used to, and also turning into a direction he couldn't really process. He just saw his comrades being slaughtered, and ....

He was still sitting on the log the dragon had called his dick.

"...Jake? You said... you're going to crush me, right? Like... what the badger is doing?"

"Mhm...? No...Not like that. I'm going to step on you. Much more like what's Kendrick doing to the stupid rhino. Although... you're way smaller. I don't think you'll last long."

Collins gaze went down the the dragons paws. They were almost broader than they were long, three strong talons at the front, and one massive heel at the back, all covered in black, robust scales. Yes, he could imagine very well him dying once Jake stepped onto him with these things, they didn't look neither soft nor forgiving.

"Uhmmmm..... Jake? I ... well, you think I could ask you something?"

"What? Oh, sure. Shoot."

Thomas was running out of steam. As powerful as his rage was, as little duration it had. Splattered in gore up to his hips from stomping the dog to mincemeat, he came to a halt, still snorting and bellowing, his eyes blinking away the blood and ichor that covered his head from his horns to his chin. With a slow, deliberate blink, he brought himself to a halt before he went on to blindly attack the next object that came into his reach, and with the willing end of his rage, he felt the relaxation set it, like it always did. It was so refreshing, so cleansing to get all those aggressions and hateful feelings out in one, big ugly rush, and it always left him so calm and serene, so peaceful and happy.

With a smile on his lips, Thomas went back to his seat and let himself fall into it, closing his eyes while wearing a broad, serene smile on his lips.

Dan was almost done. He had proceeded by turning his wolf around, twisting his arms onto his back and physically dislocating both shoulders before throwing the broken body to the ground, and bending both knees backwards, slowly and deliberately, the wolf's howls and screams music to his ears. Now he was standing above the grey-furred meatsack, roughly fisting the shaft that had grown to a full erection over the past minutes, grunting and growling with pleasure. He was getting close, but there was one thing that was still missing... and he was determined to get it.

Placing one foot paw onto the throat of his victim, he gently pressed down until he felt the breath rush past his paw pads, rough and laboured... and then, he pushed just a little more, until it stopped.

He watched the wolf convulse, the muscles not having any bones to move anymore, contracting uselessly under the fur as the oxygen ran out. Faster and faster Dan beat himself off, and it was the frantic, fluttering pulse under his paw that got him off, the heart desperately trying to get oxygen to the brain, and to the other parts of the body... and failing. He came the very moment that pulse stopped, his seed dripping down, heavy and sticky, onto the fur of the now-dead wolf, staining his fur forever.

"You know, I was... wondering. You seem to enjoy this kind of thing..."

Collin gently patted the rock-hard shaft he was partly sitting on.

"How are you planning to get off? Seeing that almost everyone here seems to do that."

"Rico will blow me after I have done you..... He's my boyfriend, you know."

Jake chuckled softly, his eyes still riveted on what dan was doing.

"Wouldn't you rather like to fuck me?"

Jake blinked. "Wha...? You want me to ... fuck you?"

Jake gave Rico a nudge, the fox totally mesmerized with Kendricks progress on turning the rhino flat, one millimeter at a time. "Yo. Open your ears. Tiny here just asked me to fuck him instead of crushing him."

Rico turned his head away from the show in front of him, now for the first time in quite a while actually listening to the quiet conversation between the fennec and his dragon.

"Do you have any idea how big he is?"

He looked at the fennec with a critical eye, the narrow, fine-boned body, the almost comically large ears, the fluffy tail that was longer than his torso... and the slight blush on the inside of those very radar-dish like ears, and the rather obvious, cute bulge in the fennecs shorts.

"Well.. yeah. I'm sitting on it." Collin actually smiled. "I'm sorry. But I thought you most likely wouldn't take him, you being still alive and all."

"Well... yeah, I'm not. It's.... Not really possible... not without.. "

The fennec nodded. "Yeah. And I thought you wouldn't want that. Nor would you, Jake, do you?"

Slowly, the dragon shook his head. It was a bit too slow, and maybe a little less then enthusiastic, and Rico couldn't help but notice.

"You... would want?"

"Aw, come on. You know I want to... fuck something, at least. Of course I want you. You're my boyfriend, no? I can't, I know that too, and I won't. Can't have you and keep you, and I want to keep you."

Rico blinked. He hadn't really thought about this aspect of their relationship. Of course Jake would like to fuck as well, and not only receive a blowjob every time they were alone. And he couldn't give him that... not himself. But... he could allow him to do it to someone else... as long as they were... "Jake..." Rico said softly, "I never said you couldn't... have someone. I mean, someone else. I just... want to be there. And I want.... Them to be small. Like... Collin here."

"Alright, time to get you done."

Kendrick grinned down at the rhino, legs nearly gone, and he folded his hands and stretched, making his knuckles pop. It looked almost effortless when the croc took a light step forward, placing his paw on the small of the rhino's back, and then lifted his other paw, bringing his eight tonnes of weight to bear on a relatively small fraction of the grey ones body. The rhino held up to the pressure, for a moment, then started to give way, flattening noticeably under the massive crocodile, howling with new, fresh pain, and the feeling of his hipbones shifting against each other. A second later, a new pressure appeared between his shoulderblades, Kendrick having stepped onto the rhino's body completely now, spreading his weight between his paws. The weight shifted more and more towards the shoulders, again grinding bones against each other, seriously compressing the body... which, all on its own, fought back by tightening muscles to push against the ever-increasing pressure.

Kendrick started to walk in place, lifting his left and right paws in a constant rhythm, stepping down onto his victim, systematically overloading the rhino's capability to withstand him. After a good dozen steps, exhaustion began to show in the grey furs behaviour, his groans and howls getting more and more strained... and his body yielding to the merciless stomping. Bones no longer grated against each other, they bent, bent further, and began to snap, and each snap meant that there was less structure to uphold Kendrick, making it easier and easier to intentionally pulverize his victim.

Sam slapped the rat onto his buttocks. "Time for our little game, vermin. Run. I'll give you five seconds head start... and then...I'm coming to get you."

The rat blinked. He had seen what was going on here, and he had been apprehensive of what the great cat might want to do to him - bad things, for sure, but what exactly, he couldn't fathom. Maybe he, too, was going to be impaled on a far-too-large cock, or maybe he was destined to find his end under hard and cruel soles - but now, he was told to run. He stared at the liger, and the grin on the cat's muzzle was anything but feral, white fangs the size of his fingers gleaming in the semi darkness of the area around the main stage, where the crocodile now was really going to work on his friend. The rodent didn't think twice. The moment he felt the grip on his neck losen, he ran. Swiftly, he darted into the deeper shadows, following the wall of the great building, looking for cracks and holes to squeeze into, and possibly escape the room - and thus his doom - all together.

He froze in place when he heard Sam's chair fall over. Five seconds weren't really that much, as it seemed, and he redoubled his efforts to find a hole, a spot, anything...

Soft footsteps behind him, the clicking of claws on concrete, an excited huff...

THERE was something, the stage wasn't attached to the floor, a gap..

The rodent made a dive for it, leaping forward without stopping his flat-out running, his arms thrusting into the small opening, his head sliding in as well...

And then he screamed. Claws had pierced his legs, cutting through his skin like a hot knife through butter, and incredibly strong arms were pulling him back, tearing him out of the promise of safety, back into the light. And then there was the growl, much too close to his hears, and the hot breath of the excited predator blowing across his neck, stirring up a primal fear inside him, from a place old as eons.

"Why do they need to be small?", Jake was wondering. Sure, it would be a better show, but why would Rico insist on it?

"Because that way, they won't live to tell about it," came the smug reply from the fox, underlined with a tail twitch. "Besides.... " Rico made a pause, his eyes now on the fennec, "That way... I can imagine it's me you're taking."

"Hrrf." Jake made a noncommittal sound, and fell quiet, to think. The thought was, as he found out, incredibly exciting to him, and he felt his shaft twitch with sudden, heightened lust underneath the fennec.

Collin noticed it, too, and opened his muzzle to speak softly.

"Rico... How would you like me to tell you how it is? It would almost be like you're experiencing it yourself....And Jake? You could ... pretend it's him, not me. It wouldn't really be cheating that way... right?"

Jake and Rico looked at each other, and both saw a gleam in the other's eyes, the spark of lust, now kindled to a much greater fire.

"I think he's got something there," Jake said slowly, "Yeah. Definitely something," Rico nodded.

Kendrick growled. He hadn't broken skin on the rhinos torso yet, but he could feel the hard body softening with each of his steps, the internals being broken down bit by bit, turning into a mushy, resilient paste, which was now spreading out and beginning to stretch the tough hide of the rhino. "Fuck, yeah, that's how it's done... surrender to my stinkin' paws, stupid grass eater... let 'em crush you, just stop fighting 'em... you're already dead, you just haven't noticed it yet..."

Kendrick stopped in his tracks for a moment, just letting his weight rest on both paws evenly, and took off his pants, throwing them to the side of the stage. He was hard, and his shaft, long, slimy and pointed, slapped up to his hard-scaled torso, almost reaching up to its middle. It was an ugly tool, being carried internally most of the time, the surface was of a pinkish, glistening hue, but it was as hard as any shaft would get with that level of excitement. Compared to it, clyde would look almost cute, and whoever the crock chose to use it on would not have a good time.

The croc resumed his trampling at a faster pace now, and began to slowly slide both of his hands along his length, spreading pre and juices, grunting and growling with pleasure.


The word made the rat's stomach contract into a hard, painful bowl, and with a sudden start, he felt something warm running down his legs. He had pissed himself in fear, and there was nothing he could do about it.

A second later, Sam bit. He slammed his fangs into the rat's shoulder, the perfect set of weapons smoothly slicing through skin and muscles, scraping across bone and anchoring themselves deep inside the prey's body, tickling a high-pitched scream of pure fear and agony from the rat. Sams claws raked over the body underneath him, cutting skin and fur, picking small bits of hide away from the red meat underneath. Blood began to well up in the great cat's muzzle, and he lapped at it, swallowed greedily the hot essence of life. He had caught his prey, and he was going to enjoy every fucking second out of it. Claws shredded the rats pants, and then his own. With both knees, Sam spread his victims legs, and then gave a vicious thrust, his barbed length shredding the rat's ring, digging into ins insides just as his claws were digging on the outside.

A second scream, this time, with even more pain than before.

"So, we're going to do this, then." It was a statement, no longer a question.

Both Rico and Colin nodded.

"Well... you know you're still not coming out of this alive, right?"

The dragon was now focussed intensely on the fennec, who again, nodded, but slower. "Yeah... I know. I just thought... I've never had someone's cock inside me. Just... toys. I want to know how that feels before I... die."

Jake took a deep breath, and exhaled it with the faintest of growls, so deep and rumbly it was more felt than heard by the two sitting on his lap.

"You're going to get your wish. And... thank you for the idea. I'm going to try to be really careful with you... but ... I'm still bigger than you, you know."

"And I'm going to hold you," Rico interjected. "You have to do what you promised. Tell me how it feels.. Every bit. All the details."

Collin's ears turned two shades darker.

"W... When are we going to start?"

"When the others are done. I don't want distractions."

Blood had begun to seep out of the rhinos asshole and muzzle, a clear sign that his innards had begun to liquefy after several minutes of relentless pounding. Kendrick saw it, too, and his grin turned even more feral than it already had been.

"Yesss.... Thaaat's it.... Going to flatten you like a bug...."

Kendrick moved back two steps, grunted deeply as his hands became a blur along his shaft... and then, he jumped. The force of him propelling his body upwards ran through the floor of the building like a small earthquake, followed by a much, much larger impact as Ken landed squarely on the half-dead rhino's torso. The grey fur didn't so much as burst, he literally exploded, the liquified internal organs and bones squeezing sideways under the force of the impact... ripping the tough, grey skin to bits, and exploding outwards as if driven by a stick of dynamite. From one moment to the next, the rhino had ceased to exist, and all that remained was a disembodied head, eyes staring soullessly into the bright lights above the stage. Until, that is, Kendrick put his paw down, compressing the skull into rubble, grinding his foot to massage the brains and blood into the concrete. The rhino wasn't there anymore to feel the hot seed of the croc raining down on what once had been a body, Ken growling lustily as the rush of the destruction driving him over the edge, and giving him the release he had sought.

Behind the stage, the liger's body was moving with elegant grace, muscles playing under silky fur. Sam was using his whole body to fuck the rat, covering the smaller fur completely, driving his cock into the too tight confines of the rodent... while chewing on his shoulder. Every time he thrust, he also bit down, chewing through sinew and muscles, the pressure of his jaws forcing more and more blood and meaty bits onto his tongue...and eventually down his throat. He finally met resistance, the shoulder half-way gone, and the first bones now resisting his chewing. With a growl, Sam turned his head a bit, opened his jaws wide, and bit down, his formidable teeth splintering the hard substance almost effortlessly.

The rat's screams had become hoarse, but redoubled in volume as the liger begun to really dig into the rodent, only to flutter when the blood loss finally hit the rat's brain.

Red mist was wafting in front of his eyes, stars exploding in his field of vision which was, strangely, becoming narrower and darker by the second. A second wave of pain hit him when Sam changed from the shoulder to his neck, the great jaws easily closing around his narrow body, and then, the pressure began to grow.

He barely heard the triumphant growl that accompanied the warm explosion inside him, the cat obviously coming, and then... four stabs as fangs pierced his throat, cutting off his air, teeth slicing through his skin like knives, and finally, almost at the edge of the abyss, the sharp snap of his spine, rendered apart by the murder machine that was the feline body.

Silence fell. The only sounds that still could be heard was the dripping of blood from the main stage, the heavy breathing of kendrick, and the sounds of chewing and occasional bone-breaking where Sam was huddled over his prey.

Into this silence, Collin's word cut like a knife. "Wow."

That was all he said, and Jake and Rico looked at each other. There had been true amazement in the fennec's voice, and they both were wondering if the whole story would have played out differently if the fennec had met them under different circumstances.

"So," said Jake, and stretched his arms over his head, and pushed his paws as far away from him as possible, toes splayed and talons twitching. "That leaves us." He gave the fennec a friendly pat on his back. "Time for you to get the fuck of your life."

Collin actually chuckled. "The last one, you mean."

"Yep!", Jake grinned. "No matter what. Even if you're able to take me, you're going to end up under those afterwards.." He wriggled his paws, and licked his lips.

Collin looked down, then slipped from Jake's lap to the ground, walking around the dragon's outstretched legs while running a hand along the black scales. He drew a careful line over the span of Jake's paws, letting his hand finally rest on the middle talon, regarding it thoughtfully, taking in the thick, solid scales on the underside, and the smaller, more flexible ones on the top. He finally traced his hand along the sole, then looked up at the dragon, who had been watching him, nonplussed.

"I bet I could fit between your pads," the fennec said slyly, "Or underneath your arch. You better fuck me good, or you might not be able to do what you're planning...."

Jake couldn't believe the fennec was actually teasing him. Or rather, flirting with death, as it were.

"You...." he growled, an his toes twitched.

"Calm down, Jake." Rico lightly punched the dragon's flank. "He's just teasing you. Let's.... Get going with the other stuff. I'm horny, and I want to see you make this little foxy howl.... Can we go somewhere else? It stinks in here."

He slid to the floor as well, and actually smiled at Collin, before resting a hand on the smaller foxes shoulder. "You know," me whispered, "I'm going to enjoy this. And if you're lucky, so will you..."

One room further, they found what they were looking for. A bench, adjustable in height, the surface padded with a thick layer of foam and leather, made from sturdy wood and steel. There were rings and hooks attached to the device, and on the wall next to it were the accessories, chains and cuffs, designed to tie any victim down to the bench securely, making escape impossible. Collin eyed the chains, his tail slowly creeping between his legs, when Rico shook his head. He had noticed the fennec's gaze, and smiled. "We won't be needing those. I'm going to hold you.... I promised, remember?"

Meanwhile, Jake had gotten rid of his clothes. His shaft had been hard for almost the entire time it took for the others to break their toys, and it showed. The great shaft was pressed firmly against the dragon's belly, slimy and dripping with pre, and his balls were low and heavy in their sac, stretching the flexible scales to the max. Jake growled lowly as he watched his mate and the fennec put their heads together, whispering, their swishing tails, their short bodies... and then his eyes wandered to the fennecs rump, narrow and lean, almost too delicate to belong to a guy. He would wreak havoc on that delicate body, and the mere thought made another wave of clear pre erupt from his maleness, dripping to the floor.

Collin turned around, and for the first time, took in the whole of the dragon that was Jake. The strong muscles, the broad shoulders, the narrow, defined waste, the massive legs with the even more massive paws... and finally, the rod, sticking up arrogantly and proud, ready to rend and tear, and finally..breed. Collin swallowed hard. "So... how......?"

"Easy," came the answer from Rico, who had undressed as well, and now hopped up to the bench. "Get naked, and join me here." Rico patted the leather next to him, and stretched out on his back, his own foxhood as erect as it could be. He watched with curiosity as Collin took of his pants and folded them neatly, placing them on a nearby chair as if he would be putting them on again later. The fennec was really small, Rico saw that now, his body even less bulky now the clothes were gone, the ears the largest thing on the bright-furred desert fox. Collin climbed onto the bench with little effort, but then stopped, unsure what to do.

Rico reached up and pulled the fennec into his arms, then spread out more comfortably, adjusting the fennec on top of him, until both their sheathes touched, and their shafts rested on top of each other, hot and pulsing with lust.

"See...?", whispered Rico, wrapping his hands around Collins body in a hug while kicking the fennec's legs apart with his own paws, "I told you I'd hold you. Jake... pump that thing here higher, and get going. He's hot, and I don't want to be coming before you do..."

Jake had watched the two getting in position, and it had to be the sexiest thing he ever had seen. Compared to the fennec, his mate looked almost bulky, the red foxes body wider and longer than Collin's. It wasn't all muscle, but still... and the pose the fennec was in? Spread apart and presented to him like a present, the tailstar almost invisible between the fluffy fur and tail, so tiny it nearly vanished. The dragon gave a growl, and stepped up to the bench, grabbing the control for the lifters in the benches legs. Spreading his legs wide, he straddled the construction, and then pushed the button to actually bring his toy up to him instead of having to bend down. With the quiet whirr of distant hydraulics, the bench rose, centimeter by centimeter, until the white-fluffed behind of Collin was only centimeters away from the base of the dragon's shaft. Warm pre dripped down, hitting the fennec like heavy, slimy raindrops, soaking into the fur and matting it down, each drop displaying more of the narrow valley between the two pert buttcheeks.

"He's..... dripping," Collin whispered, staring directly into Rico's eyes. "I can feel him above me. He's warm, and his growl makes my lungs flutter. There's something warm dripping down onto me, right under my tail, and it's sticky.. It must be pre. I..... I'm feeling excited that I am making him so happy, and I am scared. He's huge...."

Rico held the fennec's gaze, running his tongue across his lips. Already, Collins's narrative had something hypnotic and fascinating, drawing him in.

Jake, on the other hand, dropped the controller and bent forward. His hands came down, one after the other, right next to Rico's head, and Jake's muzzle dipped deep into the space now created by their two bodies and his arms. "Keep talkin', Collin," he growled, and at the same time, he brought his hips forward, just a tiny bit.


Collin's muzzle formed a perfect, little loop, and his eyes went wide.

"He's touching me. I .... can feel his tip, it's right under my tail... it's warm, Rico, it's so warm... and..."

Collin blinked, his ears twitching.

"....he just shot some of his pre inside me, I think. It... fits, his tip is.. It's almost like a kiss, it's just...there."

Above him, Jake was gritting his teeth in concentration. The fennec's little ring felt like the gate to heaven to him, and he wanted nothing more than to thrust, to ram his shaft into the sinful tightness behind those gates, but he couldn't. Not yet. He had promised to be gentle, and fuck it, he was going to be. He listened to Collins's narrative, and a grin flashed over his face. It had not been intentional to flood the little guy with pre, but he certainly could do it again... and tightening his muscles, he felt another shot leave his body, and spurt into the fennec.

"Gods... it's so hot, he's pumping it inside me... I think he's lubing me up, so he can get me better. Yes, that... There's pressure now. He's pushing against me. The tip is.. It's moving, it's opening me up, it's the most incredible feeling ever. It's smooth, and slick, and he's very careful, very slow, it's getting wider now, he's stretching me..."

Collins words became faster, his voice more brittle, as Jake leaned forward just the tiniest bit, letting his shaft slowly glide into the fennec. He could feel the ring twitching and pulsing around his sensitive tip, the fennec apparently doing his very best to not clench down, and with just a little more pressure, he felt himself move. The pressure of the hole increased slightly as the first half of the tip slipped into the hot wetness behind, Collin's body welcoming him with silken tightness.

"He's big... I feel like I'm as open as I've ever been, but he's still pushing. There's a lot more, and he's now really starting to stretch me, I'm... It hurts, just a bit, but... it's hurting more now, Rico, Gods, he's so big, he's tearing me apart, Fuuuuuck....."

The fennec's muzzle clamped shut with an audible click, and he pressed his eyes closed, his face a grimace of pain as his hole was slowly, but relentlessly stretched by the dragon's tip.

Jake caught the movement from the corner of his eye. Rico waved a hand at him in a "back off" gesture, and with an effort of will, he lessened the pressure to bring his shaft to a standstill. It was two thirds of the tip now, the fennec having proved more flexible than expected already, but there was more to go... and that was only the tip. The shaft itself, with its ridges and hooks, would be different matter completely, and ...

Collin felt something wet on his nose, and he blinked his eyes open. Rico's tongue was lapping at his muzzle, the red fox smiling in a gentle, compassionate way. Also, he noted that the searing pain in his behind had dulled to a gentle throbbing, the dragon apparently giving him a break.

"He's huge, isn't he?", Rico murmured softly. "You knew that before you asked for this. You knew it would hurt...."

"Yes....", whispered Collin, and Rico used the moment to slip his tongue inside the fennec's muzzle for a quick, but deep kiss. "You wanted this.... You still want it... don't you...? You want to get fucked by my boyfriend... you want to feel his shaft inside you, want to hear him growl with the pleasure your body gives him... don't you...."

Collin felt his cock twitch. "Yesssss......" he exhaled, and gently, shyly, licked back at Rico's nose. "Then tell him... tell him what you want, Collin... ", Rico murmured, nibbling at the fennecs tongue.

"Jake... please... let me have your shaft. Please... don't stop now, I... need you inside me, I need to be fucked... Please... let me have it, I need it... I..."

Collins words became faster and faster, until they ended in a shreek. Jake, again, had resumed his pressure, and was now forcing his shaft into the fennec, the tip muscling its way through the too-tight entrance. He still was slow, and he still was gentle, but this time, he wouldn't stop, come what may.

"Ahhhhh.... He's.... Taking... me... too big... I'm... tearing... I can feel... a rip... another... Ah! It hurts, it hurts, it hurts so bad, it.... Hurrrrrrrtttsssss!"

Jake could feel the fennec give way, bit by bit, each bit the result of another small tear in the skin. And then... he popped in. With a final push, he propelled his shaft forwards, the tip passing through the ring, slamming into the fennec's insides. Hot, silky skin surrounded him, snug to his shaft like a too-small glove on a hand, not leaving any space, any piece of the surface uncovered.

Collin hiccupped, and let out a moan that was dripping with wet, sticky lust. "Fuuuuuck, he's in, he's in, and it's so big.. So good... He's in my belly, I can feel him, he's pressing against my insides.... I can feel his heartbeat inside me, and he's filling me... and it's soooooo goooooood........"

Rico looked up to see Jake mouthing the words "Just the tip" without a sound, and a quick grin flashed over the foxes lips. He felt the fennec squirming at him, and even though his ears were ringing from the smaller ones screams, he felt almost like he was owning the fennec himself... and at the same time, he was deeply, deeply envious on what Collin was experiencing now.

"Good boy..." he whispered soothingly, gently ruffling through the fennecs neck fur. "You're doing just fine.... He's in now, the worst part is over...."

It was a lie, and Collin knew it, but still, the fennec blinked at Rico, smiling thankfully. "Yeah..." he whispered, "Kiss me again when he starts fucking? Jake... you need to fuck me, please... use me, I want... your seed, and... "

Rico felt Jake's hands move, coming closer to his shoulders, the dragon's wrists pressing firmly against his fur. And then, with a growl, Jake thrust.

Rico could see the muscles twitching before releasing their strength, and he wrapped his arms tightly around the fennec to prevent the smaller fur from being pushed forwards. And Collin... screamed, as a good hand's width of shaft was rammed into him, two ridges tearing through his ring, each one with an audible snap.

"Power... he's... so strong, he... I know it, he tore me good... Rico, I'm split... he... ruined me, and.... It hurts so good, Rico, my ass is on fire, my... belly, it's full of Jake, and... he's pressing into me, it's .... Horrible.... I need... Please, don't... stop... hold.. Me..."

The scent of blood hit Jakes nostrils, and it made his balls pulse with pleasure. He felt the warmth of the fennec running along his shaft and dripping down to the bench from his balls, he didn't need to look to know that all the small cuts and tears now were gaping rips in the fennec's delicate flesh. The musical voice of Collin narrating about what exactly was being done to him proved to be a turn-on of satanic proportions, and Jake didn't need any more encouragement to buck again, hammer another hand's width of shaft into the heavenly insides of the fennec. "Yeah..." he growled as Collin screamed once more, "Scream. I'm not done..."

Rico moaned as Jake thrust again. He could feel his dragon's cocktip rub against his own bellybutton - through the skin of Collin, the draconic shaft easily large enough to produce a proud bulge in the delicate fennec's flat belly.

"Tell me.... " growled Rico, "Tell me how it feels... how my boyfriend makes you feel, fucking you like you'd be his mate...."

"He's..... Magnificent.... He's inside me, so deep, so hard... It... hurts less now, and... his pulse, I can feel it.. It.. makes me feel so good, I'm... I don't know, I want... more, but... Gods, I'm so horny... "

Another thrust, another hand's width, and Collin screamed.

"I'm... his now, I know it..."

"No, you're not.... Not yet....."

Rico grinned. He still could feel Jake's shaft inside Collins belly, it was further up now, just under the ribs. And that could only mean that...

He pulled the fennec closer, and this time, the kiss was as passionate as it could be between two lovers, and Rico let his tongue roam over Collin's face, his muzzle, and his ears. Jake was humping now, each thrust underlined with a deep growl of the dragon, he was pulling his shaft out all the way to the tip, before hammering it in again, and it was making it a bit hard to hold on to the fennec.

"You're not yet his, Collin... He's fucking you, but he has so much more to give.. He's holding back, I can see it on his face.... He could give you more, so much more... but he'd have to break you for it.... Would you like to be broken, Collin? Would you like him to show you what true strength is... and really make you his? He's ruined you anyway... no dick will ever feel as good as his... noone will ever make you feel this full, after you have experienced my mate... "


Collin hissed the word out as if in trance. His whole body was bucking now in sync with Jake's thrusts, rubbing his leaking shaft against ricos, the amount of pre pressed out of him enough to make the space between the two foxes slick as oil.

"Please.... I'm yours.... Jake... show me... you like me... take all of me... I... need to be broken, I need... to be split, to.... Take you... you can do it, I know it, you're so strong... and I.. am so weak.... Show me... show me what I'm good for, Jake... show... Rico....."

It was as if a switch inside Jake had been flipped. This fennec, this.. Boy... was challenging him. He was feeling good, he was... feeling perfect, the upper half of his shaft had created the perfect sheath inside the fennec's body, and he could have come this way, in maybe ten, fifteen minutes. But that wasn't good enough. The words of the fennec... there was a doubt there, a doubt that Jake was strong enough, man enough, to force every last bit of his cock into the white-furred body... and worse, he had, indirectly, accused him of holding back because of Rico.

Jake growled, and it wasn't the lusty murr that came from him before, it was an aggressive sound, a warning and an promise. Lifting one hand from the bench, he grabbed Collin by the neck and pressed him down, hard, against Rico's chest, and Jake lowered his head, almost pushing his nose into that great, triangular ear.

"You...." he growled, "Are mine.... And I decide.... What I do with you. You live because it pleases me, boy, and you die when I want to. I am your master... you belong to me, your body, and your soul. And You.... Will... Suffer...."

He pushed forwards, slowly, deliberately. He knew there was no more space left inside the fennec, not without poking holes... and he was just preparing to do that.

If he got the angle just right, and was clever about it...

Collin stared at Rico, who now as well was breathing hard, Jakes force making it difficult for both of them to move. "He.... " moaned Collin, "Is... pushing... it's.. .moving.. The tip... it....stretches....hurts... it is...."

And then, wetness spread out between the two foxes. Collin screamed as another, massive ridge popped into his tunnel and slammed down onto his prostate with bone-crushing force. He came, that very moment, when the tip of Jake's shaft drilled through his intestinal wall and reached into his guts, the strength of the dragon ever so slowly feeding more shaft into the fennec. The next ridge came up, and stuck fast, the bones of Collins pelvis too narrow to accept the girth of the dragon. But still, Jake kept on pushing. Rico could hear the sounds of claws digging into concrete, he heard the growl of his boyfriend, and then, with the sound of breaking bones, there was a short, hard thrust. Collin screamed again, but this time, he didn't stop, he just screamed on, until, finally, the screams turned into sobs. Tears were leaking from the fennecs eyes, and Rico did his best to lick them up as the pressure from above lessened, Jake letting go now that he had demonstrated what he could do.

"He's.... Got me, now...."

"Yes... he's got you now, Collin... you're his now, his... toy, his... cockwarmer... you're a good little slut..."

"He's inside... my belly... He's poking... my... I don't know.. It's... way up..."

"I know.. I can feel him through you... hush now.... Relax... you're almost... done..."

Jake looked... triumphant. There was still some of himself that was uncovered by fennec, but he didn't intend to force more upon Collin - that would kill him, for sure, and there was something else he wanted to try out. So, instead of impaling the fennec fully, he pulled back a tiny bit, and then began a series of rapid, short thrusts, intended to bring him over the edge as fast as possible. The bench shook and creaked under the assault of the black dragon, rhythmical grunts from jake mixing with Collins sobbing and Rico's moaning, the rapidfire hammering by Jake rocking Colling just enough to massage his own shaft in a devilishly pleasurable way. It didn't take long for either of the pair, fox and dragon, to reach their respective climaxes, Jake pouring the contents of his balls into the fennec, the salty, strong seed burning into Collin's wounds like liquid fire, animating him to some new screams and moans, and Rico adding to the sticky mess that had been established between him and Jakes cocksock.

With glacial slowness, Jake pulled back, creating a little more space inside the fennec after each contraction of his balls, only to fill it up again with his next eruption. Methodically, he filled Collin's upper part with his seed, knowing full well that his ruined tailhole would never form a tight seal again. However, he wanted most of his cream to stay inside the fennec, to feel it well up between his talons later, when he would crush the little fox into the ground.

He was still growling when he finally disconnected his still-hard pole from his victim and stepped back, straightening himself in the process. There was some leakage, sure, but it was, all things considered, not a lot that was running from the split fennec's rear, his legs standing apart at an all unnatural angle. Rico, however, was grinning wide enough to make his teeth show, giving him an unusually feral appearance.

"So... full...." moaned Collin, feebly trying to separate himself from Rico, and failing. It took Jake's help to finally sit the fennec upright, and thus allowing Rico to get up himself, and hop from the bench to the ground.

"You did it..." purred the red fox, "Collin... you did everything you promised.... This was... perfect.... "

"Thank you...", replied Collin, his voice brittle and quiet. He felt... feverish, his insides a barrel of cum and pain, his torn intestines cramping up like he had never experienced before. "I.... won't... make it. Not... after this..."

"No..." Jake bent down to look closely at the fennec, his slitted eyes staring coldly at the living corpse. And then, he did something very unexpected. Flicking his tongue out, he licked across Collins face, catching a few tears, but lingering around his lips, caressing them with tenderness. "You're truly mine, like you always wanted to be," he rumbled, "And I have accepted your offer thankfully. I won't let you suffer more than it is needed."

Strong hands grabbed the fennec, lifted him from the bench, placed him gently on the floor, between the great, black footpaws of the dragon. "You liked my paws before. They're going to end your life, very soon now. Would you like to see them closer?"

"Yes... master."

Collin rolled himself over to all fours, but he didn't have much control over his legs, his hips being broken. He pulled himself across the floor, covering the short distance to the dragon's paws, and ran his hands along the top once more, his small fingers playing along the scales and the ridges the strong, thick tendons made underneath. "They're beautiful," Collin whispered, and pulled himself even closer, now close enough to stroke over Jake's heel and the backside of his ankle, where most of the dragon's weight was held in balance by muscles and tendons. "What's... your weight, master?"

"Four tonnes..."

A shiver ran over Collin, the few strands of fur that were not matted down vibrating visibly. "It's... going to be fast, then....."

Jake nodded. "Yes. You're not built to withstand my power. You know it already."

Collin nodded, again, and half learned, half draped himself over Jake's right paw.

"Lick them." Rico had crouched down next to Collin, one hand on the fennecs back, fingers slowly ruffling through the wet fur. "They're just as magnificent as his shaft.. And you would have licked that, when you thought it was going to end you."

For a moment, Collin seemed to hesitate, but then, he lowered his muzzle between two of Jakes toes, and began to lick. Slowly at first, but picking up speed after only a few moments as the fennec got into it. "So... strong," he murmured, and now tried to nuzzle the underside of Jake's middle toe.

The dragon, watching all of this with a cocked head and a still dripping shaft, shifted his weight and rocked back on his heel, allowing collin to push his muzzle underneath the massive toepad, the fennec murring softly as his tongue played over steel-hard scales.

Jake half closed his eyes and watched, the occasional rumble coming from his chest, as he let the fennec worship him for a good minute. But he did notice Collin's efforts losing energy, his broken insides draining his life fast. So, before it was too late, he spoke.

"Collin. Roll on your back. And Rico... please help him straighten his legs."

He stepped back, withdrawing his paw from the fennec, who almost mewled in protest - and whimpered with pain as Rico pulled his legs straight, forcing them together, causing the broken pelvis to shift painfully.


Jake again lifted his right paw, swung it over Collin, and gently lowered it, heel first, onto the fennecs body. He didn't step down, not yet, balancing his weight on his left paw, but letting Collin experience how it was to be under a dragon. He wasn't surprised when he again felt that tiny, wet tongue touch the underside of his sole, Collin still licking away, even as Jake did shift his weight and his heel pressed down on the fennec's own footpaws, flattening them with the sound of balled-up cellophane expanding again. Only when he ground his paw, left and right, totally separating the destroyed parts from the rest of the body, did collin cry out, soft and plaintive, an almost musical sound to Jake's and Rico's ears.

"Not enough resistance," Jake grumbled. "Barely could feel that. Damned fennec is too fragile..."

"I got an idea," came Rico's reply, "Stand back a bit, will ya?"

The dragon did as he was asked, and stepped back, watching his mate and his victim with the head tilted to the side. Rico quickly knelt down next to the panting fennec, blood slowly beginning to pool under his crushed ankles. "We need to make you a bit thicker, Collin. Jake can't really feel you breaking, and you don't want that, do you?" "No....."

Rico smiled. "You're a good boy. Here, let me help you..."

With both hands, Rico grabbed the remains of Collin's legs, and lifted them high up in the air, then bent them over the fennec's torso, flexing his spine into a bow, until the bloody crater that once had been a tailhole was pointing straight up at the air.

"Here, hold on... grab your knees, then.. Just hold on...."

Collin, biting his lip to not cry out again, raised his arms and wrapped his hands around the backside of his knees, now practically balancing on his shoulders, his legs just above his head, hovering in the air and dripping blood onto his ears.

When Rico pulled back, Jake swung back into action. Once he had understood what the fox was planning, he had latched onto it mentally, and now could barely wait to make it into reality.

Leaning back, he put the heel of his right paw on the ground right behind Collin, letting the bulk hover above the fennec like a huge slab of black meat, talons bent down as far as they would go. Rico was flat on the ground, lying on his belly, watching from only a meter away, grinning like a madman. And when Jake finally began to push down, there was a whispered "fuuuuuuuck" from the red foxes lips.

Pressure began to build immediately within the fennec's body. Jake's weight was bending him into a tighter ball, his body being stuck between the sole of the dragon's paw and the unyielding ground, and his already bent spine was forced to bend even further. Collin was panting as the tension grew in his back, and he felt the first indications of his bones being bent further than they were meant to be. "Pleeaaasseeeee....." he moaned, and then shrieked, as something gave with a sharp pop. Electricity seemed to flow into him from a point on his lower back, making his nerves sing and scream with pure, unadulterated pain, a pain more intense than even the feeling of the dragon's shaft ripping apart his intestine. Instinctively, he let go of his legs and clawed at the black surface above him, his fingers uselessly scratching over the hard, unyielding surface.

Jake grinned, and like the compactor he was called after, he slowly rolled his paw down, centimeter by centimeter bending the screaming and fighting fennec. More pops sounded as more of the fennec's spine broke, the body now folded almost completely in half. Eventually, Jake's talons touched the concrete floor, and he stopped for a moment. "Mine.... Mine to take, mine to break." Collin, hearing the voice, fell silent, his arms dropping to the ground. And then, Rico could see it, barely, the fennec's tongue extending up towards the black scales of Jake's sole.

Jake - Roared. He had felt it too, and it was nearly enough to make him blow a second load that day. He leaned forward, and brought his paw down, feeling bones crunch and pulverize beneath his weight, flesh first ripping, then turning to paste... and mixing with the liters of cum he had left behind in the fennec, forming a soft, squishy liquid. The ground shook as Jake finally stepped down completely, the pulverized fennec gushing up between the dragons toes, two wells of reddish pink goo squelching up like toothpaste being forced out of its tube.

Jake roared again, and this time, he did come, aiming his shaft at Rico, who rolled on his back the moment the very first drop hit him, taking his mates load onto his belly, while squeezing his own knot hard enough to add his insignificant amount of seed to the draconic flood.

And then... there was silence. Rico was panting, and so was Jake, and it took both a moment to collect themselves and free themselves from the power rush they just experienced. Though when they did, they looked at each other, smiling.

"Love ya," Rico said, grinning even wider. "Love ya too,", Jake replied, and licked a drop of seed from his hand. "You know..." Rico drawled, and nodded at the place where Jake's paw was still sitting in a puddle of pureed fennec, "He took your tip pretty well. And he was smaller than me. I wonder.. If I train a bit...."

The Dragon grinned back at his mate "Maybe"

A Few minutes later

The Coach called everyone over, congratulating each and everyone of them

"We have amazing new videos, the fans will love em. Now we only need to edit them and they can be uploaded, also your show has gotten me some new ideas. Kendrick, I think I will try and get you a few big ones in the future, and the rest of you, good work. You will all get some nice bonus money at the end of the month - this will be our most expensive movie yet!"

With a cheer of agreement the Crew headed to the shower section since everyone was at least on some part coated with blood and cum.

When Jake and Rico were finally done they headed home, the sun was going down and dipped everything in a beautiful orange red.

"That was pretty awesome today, foxy," growled the dragon, still slightly aroused when he thought back to his little Fennec "Ah! I will miss that little runt. He knew how to treat a dragon right"

That got him a punch from his boyfriend. "Oh and I don't know how to treat you right?" asked Rico with pretended jealousy.

Jake laughed "Well if you do wanna treat me right, how about you train your butt until you can take me? Heck, if you really wanna spoil me, get me another small fox who does whatever I want."

"I think I shouldn't let you choose who you can take. Collin spoiled you."

"He only spoiled me because he knew that I deserved it."

The teasing kept going on for a long time and while they joked and made lewd comments whenever they passed by someone who could be used as a victim, of course quietly enough that said potential victim couldn't hear them. When they did finally reach the street where they lived, they fell silent and just looked at each other for a moment. Finally, they said their "good night" to each other, kissed and hugged for a brief moment, then let go, walked into their homes, ate something and quickly moved into their bedrooms where they could keep chatting and watch the video previews they received later that night until they fell asleep, dreaming about each other.

The End

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