Young Crush Part 2 End of Innocence

Story by Tai the Dragon on SoFurry

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#2 of Young Crush


In the sequel to Young Crush, we follow our unlikely pair of lovers through their first major crisis, which gets resolved with the help of a visitor from far away.

Two storys in one Day, I hope you all Enjoy this one as much as the Rest :D

Again this story was only Completed thanks to the help of the Always Helpfull but invisible Wolf Thanks again.

Life had changed for the young couple rather dramatically over the past few weeks, but they were starting to settle in. As strange as it might sound, a certain routine was established, just like before, but now with the addition of regular sessions at the "Studio".

Sales of the videos was up a good 10 percent after the addition of Jake to the team, and Rico was, by now, fully accepted as a member. Even the usually grumpy Dan seemed to like the young fox, nodding at him in greeting, and occasionally Rico believed to have seen what could have been a smile on the badger's muzzle.

They both had agreed to be careful with spending the money that was now pouring in, not letting their parents get suspicious.

Coach Tucker had offered Rico a "job" at the school's playing field, keeping the balls in good shape and "mowing the lawn" as an explanation for at least some income, and Rico's mom had sounded rather happy when the fox had told her about it. It also explained his regular absences from home, when he in truth was sitting in the editing suite of the studio, preparing hard porn for sale on the internet.

Today, however, Jake and Rico found themselves without anything to do, and so, the great dragon was sprawled out on Rico's bed, while the fox was sitting at his desk, typing away at his computer - he was using the time to finish an essay for Jake. It was about, of all things, historic art within the context of the early days of the compact, a subject that even the nerdy fox found dry and boring... and that Jake totally refused to even talk about. It was almost like before, before they had become lovers, when Rico always had made sure his friend wouldn't flunk on subjects like this.

Jake was filing through mail - fanmail, to be precise, addressed to the P.O. box address the studio used to interact with the rest of the world. He seemed rather pleased with himself, going through text and pictures, occasionally chuckling and even whistling at the occasional private photograph of a fan.

"Yo, Rico... listen to this," he rumbled, and waved a piece of paper before reading aloud. "Dear Mr. Compactor, I have seen you at work, and I must say that you are the most magnificent being I have ever seen. Sir, you are formidable. The way you deal with your victims is just marvellous. Your paws are godly, and whoever falls beneath your feet should praise himself the luckiest person on this planet. You, sir, need to be worshipped and bathed with licks, your paws massaged by the bones of the fearful and heretics, and then cleaned with the fur of those who deny your greatness. If only I were so lucky as to be able to show you how much I adore you, oh great Sir, I would promise you an experience like none before, no matter what you decide you would do to me. I'd take it all, and beg you for more, until I am no longer able to do so.

In humble appreciation

Your Slave S."

Rico rolled his eyes. It wasn't the first letter of this sort that Jake had read to him today, and slowly but surely, it was getting on his nerves.

"Yeaah, another idiot who probably thinks it's fake blood."

"Nah, I think he's real. Look, another one.. Short this time. "Dear studio, I would like to volunteer to be processed by The Compactor. I'd like him to fuck me to pieces. Please contact me below." Here, there's a real address attached. And a pic. It's a squirrel."

Rico slumped together in his chair. He had lost his flow again, and wrinkled his nose, staring at the screen re-reading the last sentence he wrote for the third time now.

"Yeah, a squirrel. Goes pop nicely."

Jake stared at the back of Rico's chair, and at the fox who was hunched over his keyboard, typing away. He frowned. It wasn't fun talking like this, and he was getting the feeling that Rico was, somehow, annoyed with him. His eyes flicked back to the picture the squirrel hat sent - bent over, the tail curled up along his back, the legs spread wide, presenting his butthole... and he could very well imagine taking that guy, making him scream while forcing his shaft between those pert buttcheeks.

Something stirred in his pants at the thought, and Jake spread his legs as well, making the bed frame squeak in protest at the change of weight. Thoughtfully, the dragon began scritching his hardening shaft, thought wandering more and more towards the lusty side of the spectrum.

"Rico...." he growled in his best dark-and-hot voice, "Give me a blowjob."

At the desk, the typing stopped with a mumbled curse, then the chair swivelled around, and a very annoyed fox stared at Jake.

"Fuck. I'm trying very hard to finish YOUR essay here, you know, and every time I'm juuuust about to get into the flow of things, you rip me out of it. First with this... fan mail of yours, and now, of all times, now you want a blowjob? You know what, blow yourself. I'm going to finish this, and then I'm having a shower. You can very well take care of..."

Rico didn't finish the sentence, not because he was running out of steam, far from it. He didn't finish the sentence because Jake's hand had shot forward and snapped shut around the fox's muzzle, fingers as strong as a bear trap holding it closed. Jake leaned forward, and glared at his boyfriend.

"I... do... not... blow... myself," he growled, and it had nothing to do with bedroom play, it was real anger that was boiling there, just below the surface.

"Dogs... blow themselves... Dragons... get blowjobs!"

With his free hand, Jake undid his fly, fishing out his shaft, half-hard, and already dripping. Very slowly, he let go of Rico's muzzle, leaned back a bit, and nodded. "Get to work, fox."

Rico couldn't believe it. Sure, he had snapped at Jake, but he always did that, same as Jake always growled at him. But never, ever, had Jake done something like this, and it wasn't going down well at all. Rico felt the fur of his neck bristling, along with his tail becoming a veritable bottlebrush, and he hissed through clenched teeth.

"You're not my boss, lizard! I don't WANT to blow you now, I WON'T blow you now, and if you don't stop acting like this, it's gonna be a fucking long time before you get some again!"

This time, he saw it coming, the glint in the dragon's eyes exploding into a flame, and the muscles coiling under the black scales. However, the room was just too small, and Jake was just too big. While Rico managed to escape the first grabbing hand, he didn't make it to the door - halfway there, a kick caught him in the middle, hauling him back, and onto the bed. Jake hadn't used his full power, that was clear, Rico was still alive, and nothing was broken... but the kick _had_ forced the breath out of him, and he was struggling to get air back into his lungs now, powerless to move or fight as the dragon climbed onto the bed as well.

"You're wrong," Jake said coldly, "I am your boss. You're mine, fox, and don't you ever forget that."

Scaled hands grabbed Rico, sharp claws cut through fabric as Jake methodically peeled shirt and pants off the fox.

"You refuse to blow me? Fine. I'm going to fuck you instead."

"Whhh.... at?", Rico wheezed, his ears flicking in panic as he heard the sounds of Jake's hand slickly gliding over his shaft, spreading pre and massaging it to full hardness.

"You... can't. I'm... too tight..."

"You had two weeks to practice. If you're still too tight, not my problem."

It was true - Rico had been training for two weeks now, but... he was on the small side, and before Jake had become... an option... the only things he had ever toyed with had been smaller than his very own shaft. He had, however, worked his way up to a cucumber, being able to slide the vegetable into himself with only moderate amounts of pain, and had planned to talk to Jake about buying a real, properly sized dildo on the weekend together.

"Jake... I... I'm not ready yet! Really!"

The only answer was a deep, lusty rumbling, and the creaking of the bed as Jake pushed himself over the fox, grabbing both of his hands with one of his, stretching the foxes arms over his head. Rico felt his legs being spread, pushed apart by the dragons knees, and then... hard scales grabbing his tail, pulling it up high and hard.

"You are mine, fox...." Jakes voice was dark again, like black velvet over granite boulders, and there was something else in their - lust, yes, but also... greed.

"I've waited long enough. I'm going to take you, and you know I can... "

Another creaking of the bed, and then something hot and slimy was pushed underneath Rico's tail.

"Mine...." growled Jake, so slow it almost sounded like a purr, his head now low, almost resting on Ricos shoulder, the dragon's tongue flicking against Rico's cheek.

"Jake... no! Stop... please, stop! You can't..."

"But I can...."

And then, Jakes hips bucked forward, and Rico's scream split the air. Jake hadn't even taken it slow, but had just... forced his tip into the fox, stretching the unwilling ring beyond what it was used to... lodging himself within the hot confines of his boyfriend, and Rico...

For Rico, it had felt like he was torn apart, the dragon's lance unyielding and hard, the meager lubrication of precum just enough to make this work, but not enough to provide any kind of comfort. The massive tip was now inside him, he knew that, but his ring was burning as if the dragon's shaft was made from glowing iron, the pain radiating out into his belly and chest, and down almost to his knees. He couldn't help but scream, and his body, all on its own, was fighting against the weight of his boyfriend, uselessly twisting and writhing underneath the black-scaled behemoth.

Above him, Jake purred. The heat of the fox, the scent of his fear, the screams of his pain.. It all mixed to a heady cocktail that nearly drove him mad. He waited till the screams died down a bit, then pushed again, entering a bit deeper, just beyond the first ridge... tickling another scream out of the fox, and experiencing more of that liquid, slick heat that was now spreading along his shaft, the scent of blood filling his nostrils.

Jake blinked.

Rico felt it too, warm and sticky, coating the insides of his thighs, and it couldn't be Jake's pre - he could feel that, too, but inside him, pooling like salty fire in his belly. No, it had to be his own blood, his ring clearly having split when Jake had bucked... and totally unbidden, the image of the fennec came to his mind, the moaning, screaming desert fox whom he had held while Jake had torn him apart with his shaft, splitting the lithe creature in two before shredding his intestines. He had enjoyed that, imagining it was him who was giving so much pleasure to his lover, making him growl and snort, and finally explode with lust...

Blood. He could smell blood. It wasn't his, he was sure about that, Rico had been tight, but not enough to hurt his shaft, besides, he was feeling fine now, Rico was no longer strangling his tip.. But was pulsing warmly around the first ridge, just like..

The image of the fennec, Collin, came to Jake's mind, the way the small guy had screamed, and how tight he had been before he had, with one, hard thrust, torn him apart, opening the way to delve deeper, plunder the insides of that tight body.. How good it had felt, and .. how Rico had grinned, knowing full well what was happening.

Jake groaned, pushed himself up, leaned back, and let go of Rico, staring down at the spot where he and the fox were joined, with a mixture of fascination and horror.

There was, indeed, blood - but a lot less than he had expected. A faint trickle was seeping from the overstretched fox, covering his shaft, and it had rubbed off onto the creamy white fur of Rico's thighs, giving them a reddish hue. But the most fascinating part was the foxes ring itself - stretched thin like paper, it clung to Jake's shaft like a condom, and when he pulled back reflexively, it moved along with the shaft, making the fox emit a strange noise - somewhere between a howl and a moan.

"Fuck... Rico, are you okay? I'm... sorry, I don't... know what happened, I'm pulling out now, please please please, be okay..."

Rico hadn't expected this at all. He had prepared himself for the next thrust, the one that would surely be even more painful, but also... satisfying, in a way. He had not expect it to hurt this badly, being taken, but ... on the other hand, he hand known it would happen some day, there simply was no way he could deny this to Jake forever. But he had wanted it to happen his own way. Offering himself to Jake, sacrificing his virginity to his draconic lover. It would have been romantic... but like this?

"Go on, fuck me. I'm not dead yet, lizard-brain. That's what you want, right? Do it then, get it over with, asshole. Ram it in, enjoy me while I last, but don't come to me afterwards and complain that I didn't last long enough, you... you... Fuck, don't pull at that, that hurts!"

Of course, Jake pulled. Holding Rico down almost gently, he clenched his teeth and pulled back, popping the ridge and then the tip free, and hauling an astonishing amount of skin, pink and red, with it before it pulled back and shrivelled in on itself, accompanied by a series of moans and curses from the fox.

Jake stared guiltily at his still hard shaft, the tip covered with a pink slime, a mix of his own pre and Rico's blood, the same substance now oozing from the foxes tailhole.

"....Rico? I.... I'm sorry... I don't... know what..."

"Yeah. Fuck you. Get out. Ya hear? OUT!"

With that said the Dragon got off the bed, dressed hastily, and then almost fled from the room, not saying goodbye or... anything at all, his fox didn't say anything either and with that it looked like they were no longer an item....

Two Days Later

At the Studio

Coach had called everyone in today. Jake didn't know if Rico would even come, not after what he had done. But at the same time, he felt like the fox was at fault too, he didn't respect him - at least it didn't feel like he got the respect a dragon deserved from someone so small and weak. By now, he had crushed several guys as small as his mate, flattening them under his paws, breaking all of their bones and they always respected him.

When he reached the warehouse, he already saw several cars parked there, indicating that everyone would be present. Also, he saw a brand new car unfamiliar to him. "Huh, that's strange," he thought, then walked into the studio, being so deep in thoughts he didn't realize someone was following him, and was now standing behind him - but as soon as he saw orange fur, he knew who it was.

"Rico? I - I didn't think you would come after what I did...."

"Well, you're an asshole, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna quit the best job ever,"

he nearly snapped at the Dragon.

"Can we... maybe, like, start over? I love you, you know... I... was just mad that you didn't give me enough respect. I didn't really wanted to hurt you."

Rico looked at him skeptically.

"That's it? You tried to rape me - no, sorry, raped me - just because you thought I didn't "give you enough Respect"? "

Jake let his tail drop to the floor.

"Come on, Rico, please! I am truly sorry, I was just used to the respect I got whenever I raped someone or crushed him, I - I thought you would respect me too when I dominate you."

The fox had to laugh.

"Oh my.. thinking was never your strength.... Ok. I'm going to give you one more chance, but... you have to make it up to me."

Jake grinned

"I will do whatever my foxy wants, Dragon promise!"

Rico began to walk ahead, but Jake saw that he still suffered from his actions, limping slightly.

"Wait!" he said, then lifted Rico up, and placed him onto his shoulders, behind his neck. "There, that should be better for you."

He smiled at his mate.

"What the hell are you doing? That's embarrassing, lizard brain!"

"So what! I hurt you and now you're going to ride me, and I will care for you."

With a frustrated "Dragons...." he let his mate carry him to the others, who were already standing near the crush pit where most of the seating was located.

"Ah, the two lovebirds arrived," the coach announced, and couldn't hold back the grin as he saw the fox on the shoulders of his dragon boyfriend, clearly embarrassed with the situation.

"So, I called you all into the Studio because today, I have a friend from down under here. Say Hi to Cooper!"

In came a huge Kangaroo, 2.5 meters high and very muscular,and behind him, on leashes, he dragged a few dingos.

"G´day mates! Got your all some nice presents!" he grinned, the dogs, twelve in count, all looked frightened

"Ahhh, mates, don't look like that. I was so nice and even told you what would happen to all of you and you still look scared? Not very nice at all."

The Crew had to chuckle as they heard him talking to the twelve victims he had in tow.

"What, you don't tell your victims what will happen to them?" the roo grinned.

"Usually only when I am about to flatten them," the coach laughed.

"But we are about to flatten them... maybe rape them first, then flatten them!"

Again, that got a bout of laughter from everyone in the room, except, of course, the dingos,who now were shifting from scared to panicked.

"Of course, we also got something for you, Cooper"

"For me?" the Kangaroo smiled and then Coach Tucker pulled a cat and a fox out from behind the couch

"Aaaaah, mate, you know I LOVE jumping on foxes!" He had to laugh at the images already forming in his mind. "Fuck, I am gonna flatten him so bad..."

"I remembered that you love foxes, so I got you one. And the cat here is for you to get your rocks off."

"Perfect mate" he grinned again "Oh and well, I got a Dingo for every one of you, and some left for just flattening them!"

Suddenly Kendrick spoke up. "Man! A dingo! I never saw one in real life, and now I get to crush some? Fuck yeah."

"Haha, big guy, leave some for us... with your 8 tons you would crush them so fast we couldn't even have a turn," Clyde laughed.

Rico, meanwhile, sitting high above the crowd on Jake's shoulders, had viewed the whole scene from a unique perspective. For once, he wasn't the smallest one of the Crew, he actually was almost at eye level with Ken... and it was funny, in a way, to see everyone else so far below. From up here, the dogs the australian guy had dragged in looked positively tiny, and he licked his lips at the thought of Jake processing one of them to paste.

Suddenly, an idea crossed his mind, and he slapped Jake's cheek with his fist hard enough to get the dragon's attention.

"Hey, shit-for-brains. Next time you step onto someone, I want to ride up here and film that. That's going to look awesome... I think I never have seen a crush from the point of view of the crusher."

Jake cranked his head back and sideways so he could look at the fox, and merely raised an eyebrow. "Shit-for-brains?", he commented, and somewhat shifted his weight. "You sure you don't want to film from the point of view of the guy who's getting turned into paw grease?"

Rico merely rolled his eyes, and also shifted his weight - his behind was still hurting, despite the cream he applied dutifully every eight hours since the "incident", as he had come to call it for himself.

But, Jake continued, in a low whisper this time. "We still need to talk, you know. About... it."

"Yes, we do. But .. not now. What do you have in mind for your toy? Want to finish what you started with me? Or simply flatten him?"

"Don't know yet. Let's watch first, ok? I want to see what Cooper does... Should be quite a show. Look at his feet, they're longer than mine."

Cooper, on the other hand, didn't wait much longer. He had very well noticed that everyone was more or less waiting on him, like one would wait at the dinner table for the guest to take the first bite before digging in oneself. So, the roo shrugged, grinned into the round - and started. With a short movement, he threw the fox to the ground, hard enough to make the vulpines head hit the concrete floor, stunning him momentarily. Seconds later, he was pinned by a foot almost as long as his own body, covering him from crotch to muzzle, the blunt, thick claws digging painfully into his overstretched throat. There was, however, not a lot of weight on that foot, the roo balancing easily on his other leg and the thick, trunk-like tail that served perfectly to keep the weight of the australian in check.

"Eh, mate, you just stay there, alright? No worries, I'll take care of ya - You just have to wait a little, alright?"

Coopers grin was genuinely friendly. It seemed to Jake that the kangaroo just was like that - happy, friendly and exuberant, and that it was just impossible for him to understand that his victims were unhappy to join his fun. And fun was what he planned to have, now unbuckling his belt and unzipping his fly to free his member.

It must have been hidden down the inside of his thigh, because the bulge - although sizable - had not even hinted at the size and weight of what now was pulled out. Cooper was massive - at least thirty centimeters long, and thick enough to make even Jake clucked his tongue in appreciation. The shaft glistening, pink and wet, and there seemed to be something like an equine's medial ring somewhere between the mushroom tip and the short, sandy fur of Cooper's sheath.

"Look at that....", Jake murmured softly, getting an appreciative murr from Rico in return. The fox had finally found a comfortable position, using Jakes twin horns to keep at least a bit of his weight off his hurting bum, his boyfriend's scales not exactly comforting to his injury.

On the stage, Cooper was now working with quick efficiency, undressing his second gift - the cat. He was on the young side, and obviously had been living rough for at least a while, the ribs visible under the white and grey striped fur. The boy was scared shitless, and did his very best to escape the tall roo's grasp, but Cooper apparently had dealt with felines before... and had the cat's neck in a strong, unrelenting grip, making it nearly impossible for the tomcat to even move, his muscles weakened by the age-old reflex.

"Alright, mate, time to get this going!", Cooper boomed excitedly while maneuvering the cat over his erect cock, holding the feline suspended by the neck with his right hand while aiming his shaft with his left. Slowly, he lowered his victim on top of his knob, spreading the grey-furred legs with almost gentle nudges of the massive tip, finally sitting the feline down, lodging the shaft firmly under the striped tail.

"How is he going to get it in? He doesn't have a good enough grip there on his fur..." Rico had leaned forward and squinted his eyes to get a better view of the expression on the panicked, but helpless cat.

"I don't know..." rumbled Jake in return, "But when he lets go, that kitty is going to claw him good... "

"He's a tight one, isn't he," Cooper called out to the Coach with a laugh.

"Of course," the elephant replied, "Wouldn't have it any other way for you."

"Yeaaaah, right," chuckled Cooper, "But, no worries, I know just the thing... Hey, mate, down there? Careful now, right? Gotta crack this boy, and it might juuust pinch a bit when I do, Ok? Don't bite yer tongue, okay?"

The fox, still pinned under the roos footpaw, didn't really have the time to think about what Cooper was referring to, and just inhaled to either protest or yip - when Cooper bounced.

It wasn't high or particularly fast, the Roo just propelled himself upwards a couple of centimeters, and then dropped back down onto his heels hard, but the effect was profound. Not only did his movement force the air from the foxes lung by applying a lot of pressure to the forefoot which was resting on the vulpines chest, but it also lifted the cat into the air.. And let it fall down again. The only thing, however, to bring the cat's body to a stop at the end of the fall was Cooper's pillar of an erection... and the impact forced a sharp, short mewl from the cat's maw.

"Really a tight one," Cooper mused, and hopped again, higher this time, with much the same results... only louder. It was only on the fourth hop that the fox screamed in earnest... and the cat joined in on the fifth hop, the grey-furred body not having come to a rest this time, but kept moving on, despite Cooper's shaft not yielding a millimeter.

"Aaand he's got him." Ricos tail wagged gently, brushing over Jake's shoulders and back.

"You think?" - "Yeah. See? There's blood."

And there was, a small trickle of red slowly oozing down Cooper's maleness, making its way down towards the plushy balls of the roo.

Cooper, however, moaned, and now began bouncing on the spot in earnest. Each hop drove the cat further down towards the massive, bowed thighs of the australian, and each hop compressed the fox like a bellows, forcing air out of the vulpines body with an almost funny whistling sound, bruising his body and flexing his ribs in a way that couldn't be healthy... or sustainable.

"Soo... what do you want to do with your dingo?," Rico asked casually as they both watched the proceedings. "Show him what happens if you don't get a blowjob?"

Jake winced, just the very moment the fox began to barf up blood underneath the roos lusty bouncing, and the cat's rear finally began to tear open, his progress down the shaft much faster now.

"I... no, I'm not going to do that." Jake's sigh was drowned out by the increasing volume of noise around the pair, Dan had, tired of the show, dragged a dingo to the side, unceremoniously impaled him on his way too thick shaft and was now happily busy breaking bones with slow, precise calmness, each new jolt of pain resulting in a very pleasurable cramping around his dick, something the badger found highly pleasurable.

"I'm not going to fuck anyone anymore... not until I've had you."

Rico blinked, and his rear chose that moment to tighten rather awkwardly.

Cooper had the cat balls deep now, and was using the body as a living fleshlight while under him, the fox had turned into a malleable sack of fur, compressing like a wet sponge under each oversized paw. Amazingly, the red fur was still alive, at least his hands still moved in what looked like feeble attempts to ward the Roo off.. But he never even managed to touch the aussies fur, and the puddle of blood and gore around his head was now joined by a second puddle, forming between the vulpines legs.

"I mean...," Jake continued, "Not until you have allowed me to take you." The black dragon cleared his throat and very determinedly did not look up at his mate.

"I.... see...." murmured Rico, sitting perfectly still, not even twitching his tail or ears.

"I didn't ask for that, you know?"

"Yeah, I know... but I want it that way. Just to... show you that I'm really sorry, all right?"

Rico didn't answer. He was momentarily distracted by what Clyde was doing. The tall stallion had, with a quick, well-aimed kick, destroyed one of the dingos muzzles, and was now hauling the canid up by his feet, holding him upside down, aiming the boneless, toothless ruin of a maw directly at the tip of his mighty erection. His technique was flawless, and seconds later the dingo was being impaled from the front, clyde's wide, flat tip forcing and ripping its way down the canines esophagus, the outline clearly visible through the thin, sandy fur.

"I can't leave you like that for long though," Rico said, thereby accepting the dragon's amends. "You'd go nuts on me. And trust me, I know by now what happens if you get blue-balled..."

Jake had the grace to flinch. "I am sorry, Rico, I.."

-"Oh shut up. I know you are. I'm just... pulling your tail, all right?"

Jake felt the grin he couldn't see, and somehow, this removed a tension he didn't even know had been there before. But now, that it was gone, he felt so relieved that indeed, his cock, which had been dormant all the time, despite the display in front of him, began to stir.

"But I mean it... I can't let you live like that for a long time."

Maurice and Sam were up to something. They had half herded, half pushed two of the dingos together close enough to make it look almost like they were embracing each other, and then had positioned themselves behind their two respective victims. Before the pair of canines could realize what happened, the liger and the wolf had embraced each other as well, trapping the dingos between them... and compressing them, as the two large furs hugged each other powerfully... thus mercilessly pressing the two victims together.

It only got worse when the unlikely pair, cat and wolf, began to dry-hump each other, powerful thrusts of their hips beginning to hammer into the bodies of their toys, forcing pained and panicked howls out of them as their bones began to creak and break.

"It means I have to find a faster way to get stretched so I can take you."

Rico was matter-of-fact now, his voice having that underlying tone that told Jake his mate was deep in thought and was figuring out the solution to an especially nasty problem.

"I need to start smaller than you - it's going to be easy to find someone who isn't as ridiculously hung as are. And then I need to have that person fuck me."

Jake felt his muscles tense up, and a growl rising from deep inside his chest.

"No One is going to fuck you but me. You're mine!"

"Shut up, lizard-brain - and I mean it. Shut that part of you down, big boy, we need to talk about this rationally. I can't deal with your possessiveness right now - remember, it's what got you in this mess in the first place."

Jake growled again, shifting his weight from one paw to the other. A part of him knew that Rico was right, that they needed to talk about this - about everything, really - without his instincts making the decisions before the actual talk had taken place, but... the rest of him was running up to a hot, violent rage at the mere suggestion of somebody else having ago at his mate... his fox, his... property.

"I'm.... listening......"

He forced the words through clenched teeth, and Rico could feel the strain in the dragon's neck muscled, long strands of thick, solid flesh now shifting under him like snakes under a blanket.

"It's going to be the fastest way. No toy can be as efficient as a real dick - and, seriously, it's not as if I don't allow you to ram your shaft into whatever comes along and needs a good ramming through....."

Jake's growl welled up again, paired with another, white-hot wave of jealously inside him, and he forced himself to not say what was running through his mind, and instead watch the show.

Cooper was done, more or less, standing on the totally flattened ruines of the fox he had literally turned into a rug, the cat on his shaft bloated with the roo's juices, limp and lifeless, with a trickle of white running down from the corner of its black lips. Dan was nowhere to be seen, but the occasional grunt and the crack of splintering bone told a clear story.. Especially since the howling hat ceased, indicating that at least one dingo had gone to his maker.

Maurice and Sam were still at it, however, their two playthings had severely deformed under their combined assault, heads hanging limply out from the press the two strong furres formed, their hips now grinding at each other with much less space in between them. The rocking, thrusting motion of the two bodies was almost hypnotic to the dragon's eye, and he licked his lips.

"I get to say who it is." His tone was, again, absolute and arrogant, pure and simple, while the words themselves signalled defeat.

"And I have to be there. I'm not allowing you to do this alone. You're mine, and if anyone thinks he can have you....."

Jakes fists clenched so hard his knuckles popped, the sounds like gunshots in the great hall of the studio.

"I was thinking exactly that," replied Rico in almost a giggle. "I thought we could ask Maurice to help us. He's... good at what he does, isn't he? I first thought I might ask Clyde, but he's not that much smaller than you... and we've seen how that works out."

Both of them turned their heads to watch the stallion do what he did best, and both of them winced a little at the display. Clyde had pulled his dingo down far enough to hold him up by the solidness of his shaft alone, the australian dog reduced to a fleshlight for the massive equine length. He was pumping his hips rhythmically, thrusting up into the dingo again and again, his eyes closed and a blissful smile on his broad, soft lips. Clydes balls were still a good distance away from the canines head, now fractured and distended beyond recognition, but already his tip was bulging out the dingos belly, the flare quite obvious, signalling that the stallion was close.

As the pair watched, Clyde came, shouting a nighing bellow up towards the ceiling, filling his victim with the contents of his heavy balls so quickly that the dog barely had time to swell up before the cream began to leak out at both ends. It was a terrifying display of equine masculinity, and both fox and dragon shook their heads in wordless agreement - Clyde was out as a candidate.

"Maurice... hrrrrrrr......," Jake grumbled. He knew the wolf, he had played football with him on the team for more than a year now, and he knew him as a good-natured guy who always tried to keep his promises... and who also took a lot of pride in his honesty.

"We can... talk to him.....," he conceded, forcibly shutting off the part of him that wanted to instantly regard the wolf as a competitor.

"Alright - then let's do that once we're done with our dingos."

"Our dingos?"

"Of course. Didn't you hear the nice roo? He brought one for each of us, and that includes me. I don't want to do him myself, so... would you do me the favour and crush my dingo for me?"

This time, Jake looked up to see Ricos grin, and he found the fox looking down at him at the same time, indeed grinning wide enough to display his little, white teeth, pointed and sharp like any predator's.

"I thought," continued Rico, not breaking the eye contact for a second, "You could sit down with one of those yellow furred doggies under each of your paws... and I could give you a blowjob while you squeeze the life out of them.... "

The growl that came from Jake this time was not one of protest. It was one of hunger... and lust.

"Let's get going."

Without hesitation, Jake went into action. It only took him two long strides to be able to grab one dingo with each hand, lifting them off their feet and carrying them like wet towels, over to where the big recliner was that Clyde usually occupied, and that was perfect for what he had planned.

"Now listen up you dogs," he rumbled, hoisting his victims high enough to look at their faces, "Me and my fox here are having relationship problems. You're gonna help fix that. You're going to lick my paws clean while me and him set things right again, because he likes that kind of thing. And if you do it right, you might even run free afterwards. Got it?!"

He didn't get a verbal response - his grip around their neck fur did cut off some of their air, but the frightened, panicked look and the folded-back ears spoke their own, clear language.

With a grunt, he threw the dogs to the floor, then dropped himself into the chair... and with two massive thuds, placed the heel of each of his paws between the legs of his toys, his claws and the rough, hard underside looming over them like black.-scaled doom. "Get going," he hissed, already opening his belt and his fly, unshackling his already straining cock.

Rico, on the other hand, was now climbing down Jake's neck, sliding backwards and using the rear of the chair as stepstone to the armrests, and easily hopped to the ground from there. He strolled around the arrangement, licking his lips at the sight of his dragons widely spread, massive legs, the enormous, black paws almost resting on the two dingos - who were frozen in fear, too panicked to do anything but just stare at the sole above them.

"You better begin," Rico giggled, "He gets nasty when he doesn't get what he wants..."

And with that, he stepped into the space between the two spread thighs, licking his lips at the tower of draconic flesh that was rising between them, glistening and wet already, waiting for him.

"Mine..." he whispered as he approached further, letting one hand gently slide along the base, downwards to the big balls, cupping each of them one after the other, as if to weigh them. "Mine," he repeated, louder this time as he bent forwards and ran the tip of his tongue over the very tip of Jake's erection, collecting the first drop of pre and the first taste of his mate.

"MINE!" He shouted out, and then... became silent as he wrapped his maw around the tip, stretching his jaw as wide as it would go, forcing himself so deep he could feel the twitching tip dive into his gullet.

Coach Tucker looked around. It seemed to him that almost everyone was busy... or happy, in the cases of Cooper and Clyde, and there were still half a dozen of dogs left. On the other hand... Kendrick and Thomas were standing around, watching the others go at it, seemingly unsure what to do. He grinned, and walked over to the two others.

"Listen boys, wanna have some fun like we did back in the army days? We got still some dogs left, and they need to go, or they'll spoil..." He chuckled, pointing at the small huddle of dingos, who also were watching - or not, as at least three of them had forced their eyes shut and had covered their ears with their hands to shut out the noises of bones and flesh being processed into trash.

"Come on, join me over there... that's right, form a circle, just like that. Now your arm goes on my shoulder here, the other one there, to Ken... Wrap around good and tight, and now...."

Thud. Coach tucker stomped down hard enough to make the ground shake, not at anyone in particular, but just at the concrete under him. Kendrick looked at the elephant quizzically, and getting a nod, he stomped down as well. Soon enough, Thomas also got the idea, and now all three of them were treading on the spot, following the same, slow rhythm, their feet and hooves falling like forging hammers down to the unyielding ground. It didn't take much encouragement from the Coach to make the other two move, the three of them now starting to move sideways, three pairs of feet working around like a hammer mill... a hammer mill that was now getting smaller, every sixth stomp going half a step forward, into the circle, towards the huddling mass of shivering, panicked flesh.

Jake murred. Rico had really learned how to play with him in the past weeks, and the fox knew exactly what he had to do to drive him wild. And he was doing it right now, all of it, and with an energy and ferociousness he had rarely experienced. Except maybe that first time, where they had caught Marvin, the mouse, and reduced that boy into fertilizer and rock-hard lust. The thought brought a grin to his lips and triggered a shot of precum into Rico's throat, the feeling of the fox swallowing hard pure bliss on the dragon's tip.

It also reminded Jake that there were two more persons supposed to pleasure him, and that they weren't doing so... yet.

Wordlessly, he lowered his paws. Since he wasn't standing up, it wasn't his weight that drove them down, instead, it was a conscious effort, tightening muscles and moving joints, and as Jake found out, it was very easy to precisely control what he was doing. It took only a couple of centimeters till he felt the dingo's dongs rubbing against the heel pads of his paws, and their hands pushing up as he was squeezing their balls rather painfully, but he didn't stop, not until..

'Ahh, there it is....', thought Jake as he felt the first, wet touch on his sole, and seconds later, the second one on the other side. The dogs had finally remembered what they were told, and were now trying their very best to do the job, licking away frantically while trying to suppress their pitiful whines of pain.

Rico felt Jake's muscles shift, and the vibrations of the great dragon's rumbling purr intensifying as he stopped a second later. He must have put some pressure on the dogs, and it was having an effect, since Rico could also feel the volume of pre that was streaming into him double. In truth, he was in heaven. He had missed Jake more than he would admit, and drinking his lust was one of the thing he had _really_ missed. Wrapping both hands around the base of Jake's shaft, Rico began to massage in earnest now, his own erection straining painfully against the insides of his pants - but he wouldn't touch that, not a chance.. He wanted to keep that till later... he would need every bit of lust and lust-driven craziness to go through with what he had talked Jake into - getting stretched and opened by Maurice.

Coach Tucker was grinning like a madman. It was, indeed, just like back in the days, only then they had been fifty, elephants, rhinos, stallions, and there had been a couple of hundred in the circle, and their stomps had made the ground shiver for miles. But the look of terror... the scent of fear, of wetted pants and bitten lips, it was exactly like it had been, and the circle was growing closer now, closer and closer, and... There it was, the first, full-bodied scream as someone's foot had fallen onto somebody else's body. "Keep Going!", he shouted, but he shouldn't have worried. Kendrick, brute that he was, didn't even bat an eyelid as his reptilian paw obliterated the canines foot, didn't break the rhythm.. Only grinned a bit wider, and put more force into his steps. There, the next, this time Thomas, who had trodden onto a tail, a squishing, wet feeling underneath his own foot as a dingo's arm turned to liquid, and then....

Jake actually looked up from where Rico was now making his hips pulse and twitch with the reflexive need to thrust and hump. It was the chorus of screams that was exploding from where the Coach, Ken and Thomas were performing something that looked suspiciously like a folk dance from here, but most likely wasn't - no, it was not. Folk dance performances usually didn't include flying hands and fur, exploding out from underneath too-hard, too-heavy paws.

Jake grinned, and looked down again, lowering one hand to gently pull Rico up and away from his painfully hard shaft.

"Want me to finish, love?", he whispered, staring into Rico's eyes.

"Yeah...., finish the bastards... I want to hear their bones break while I suck you, I want to hear their screams as my dragon turns their useless bodies into a smear on the concrete... I want to feel their blood exploding onto my legs as I drink your lust..."

A shot of pre, hard and hot, hit Rico in the chin, his words having triggered a small explosion in the dragon's loins. Rico didn't flinch or break eye contact, instead, he extended his tongue, very slowly, and licked around his muzzle, making a show of scooping the clear liquid up and pulling it into his maw.

"Crush them for me... love......"

There was the sound of claws not only hitting concrete, but digging into it as Jake curled his toes, hard enough to make the tendons on his paw stand out like steel cables on a crane. His hands found the armrests of the chair, clutched around them, making the solid wood underneath creak. And then.. He bucked up, arching his whole body into a curve, balancing his weight only on his heels and his arms, thrusting his shaft under Rico's chin. "Drink my lust, fox, but keep some... for when you kiss me after."

And Rico, not needing any further encouragement, dove down, impaled his head on Jake's shaft, thrusting himself down with reckless enthusiasm, forcing the tip into his throat deep enough to make his teeth scrape over the scales of the too-fat shaft. Under his hands, he could feel the dragon's muscles vibrate under their strain, he could hear the laboured breathing of the still-licking dingos... and then, there was a shift, and the screaming began. It was music to the foxes ears, the howling and begging, the shrill whines, and finally, underlined with the snapping and cracking of bones, the pure and utter pain and terror made audible as Jake's paws came down, slowly and unstoppable, deleting the space in which the dingos resided... and deleting the dingos along.

It took almost a minute for them to die, as they were broken gradually, from their hips upwards, the careless, cruel soles of the dragon working like a trash compactor, crushing bone and flesh without effort - and pushing it upwards, squeezing liquified body like toothpaste towards the only available exit.

When the ribs began to give, the dogs had long fallen silent, all available space in their chests now occupied by displaced organs, and when there was no more resistance...

Rico heard the pop, first from the left, and immediately after from the right, and in the same instant, his legs became warm, a double spray of splattering, pulverized dingo covering him from the hips down. Half a second later, Jake roared... and came, came with the force of a firehose, pouring what felt like buckets of cum down into rick, the thick liquid thick and hot, spicy and sharp like a good thai curry. Wave after wave he swallowed, holding onto the shaft with both hands, but still, despite his efforts, he could feel some of it escape through his tightly stretched lips, running down his chin and chest, soaking into his fur, marking him, making him... his.

Rico blinked when he suddenly was grabbed by the shoulders and pulled away, the next shot flooding his maw instead of his throat, and then there were Jake's lips pressing against his snout, hungrily, greedily, his tongue forced his way past his fangs, dove deep into the lake of his his own seed, tasting, licking it in a moment of shared, pure lust.

The circle had closed to a triangle by now. There wasn't much space left on the inside, and by now, the remaining two dogs were actively fighting for the remainder. It didn't make much sense, because it should have been clear that all of them would fall under the heavy, stomping feet, but .. there was no more sense or reason left in the minds of the surviving victims. It was a gruesome, brutal fight, both bodies soaked with the blood of their already crushed friends, while around the pair, the trio of crushers were stomping on like a well oiled, thoughtless machine.

Eventually, one of the two slipped on a piece of intestine and fell down to the floor, slipped sideways and came to rest under the raised paw of kendrick. The last thing he saw in his life was the thickly scaled paw, clawed toes spread out wide, that came rushing down towards his chest, and then....

The body was literally torn apart by the force of kendrick's stomp, shoulders and hips flying apart a good couple of meters, driven by the explosion of guts and intestines that suddenly had no more space to exist. One leg hit the remaining dingo and felled him too, his legs coming under Thomas's hooves which, in seconds, turned his legs into a bloody mess of minced meat. His screams, the only remaining sound in the room only stopped when the coach did his final step to the right... and enjoyed, with a shudder and a grin, the feeling of a skull bursting like an eggshell under his sole, the warm wetness gently squeezing out under his weight.

"And that's all folks," he said, lifting his arms from Kendricks and Thomas's shoulders, rubbing his hands together like a merchant who just had made a very good deal. "That's how we did 'em back in the war, nice pile of hundreds, all stomped into the ground." Then he laughed out loud.

Jake released the grip he had on Rico and sat him gently down between his legs, For both it, was clear that they _needed_each other, and what had happened today had cemented that thought deep in their minds.

"Sorry to bother you two love birds, but I need those body parts... so could you lift your feet of em, Jake?" Kendrick rudely interrupted them, the giant croc had a big oil drum in his hands.

"Uhm, sure...." With a wet *sluuuurp*, the flattened remains separated from the giant dragon paw, leaving only arms, a bit of the legs, and some bits and pieces intact, Kendrick grabbed what he could and stuffed it in the nearly full drum.

"What are you gonna do with the stuff?" Jake asked, clearly not having listened back when everything had been explained.

Rico rolled his eyes "Jake, you .... donkey...." he thought,

"Huh? You don't know what my job is? Didn't you listen when coach explained everything to you?" the Croc asked perplexed, "I..., nah, I was zoned out..." Jake admitted.

"Well then let me explain again, My stage name is the Scrapper you know that, and I take every piece of a body that isn't crushed enough to flush it into the sewers, and stuff it into a barrel or something similar, like a water tank or something like that, then I drive to my uncle's scrap yard and either me or him crush those so flat that no one will notice anything." He smiled, clearly very proud of his work.

"Wait, what?!? Your uncle crushes with you?", Jake shouted, shocked to hear such news, at least news for him since everyone else already knew about this.

"Yeah, he actually got me into crushing in the first place. You can get rid of anything in our scrapyard, for example old cars or old cars with people you don't like in them," he grinned

"Woah that's so cool." The dragon beamed at him, nearly having a twinkle in his eyes.

"Mhhhmmmm..... Let me tell you what, how about me and you go hang out together at my place, then I will tell you all about it and we can crush some cars or stuff..."

"Haha, thats a deal!"

Rico wasn't as happy about this as Jake was, since they just left him out of all the fun, but before he could actually complain, Coach wanted everyone to meet up in the middle of the warehouse, where he and the kangaroo were waiting.

"Now that was a fun and productive day, I would say" Tucker grinned.

"True dat, old friend" the Roo laughed, "Anyway, it is now time to say goodbye to our guest, so thank you for bringing us all toys to play with!"

"Oh, but the pleasure was all mine," Cooper grinned back, "and it was a pleasure to meet you all! I'm going back to Australia, and if any of you want to see the videos we do there, Coach got my website. Just ask him for the link."

"I'll send the link into our group chat."

And with that said, they all took a shower and then went home.

Only when they were standing outside and watched the other's cars leave, Rico nudged Jake with his elbow. "We didn't get the chance to talk to Maurice...."

"Yeah? Why... Oh. Right. I'm.... going to ask him about it after practice, next thursday."

They were already half way home when Jake and Rico's smartphones notified them of the message coach was talking about.

"Phew, I thought Kendrick already uploaded another video or some more pictures," Rico said.

Jake laughed at that. "Heh, you're right, I swear he crushes more people in a day or two then I have since I have started."

"Mhm... seems about right, but you can't forget that he also buys plenty of feral animals to crush, so that's a bit unfair," Rico tried to convince the Dragon that he was still a great crusher even though he never doubted that.

"Oh yeah, you're right, those smaller lizards and stuff like that. But it's crazy that not only the anthro but also the feral lizards are this resistant to stomping, i mean, Kendrick weighs what? Like 8 tons or so? And he had to stomp one of them four times till it was flat and glued to his feet."

Even though he loved crushing anthros, Jake had to admit it looked awesome when Kendrick stomped the small reptiles and send the photos of its flat remains literally glued to his feet, he even walked around in his room with them, and they were still sticking to him.

"You want to crush a feral too? I mean, I could ask Kendrick for you where he gets them. Only if you want of course..." Rico grinned at his mate, the twinkle in his eyes told Jake that he, too, liked the idea of a small reptile sticking to his paws.

"Hehe, sure why not? Can´t never crush enough I always say..."

"Good. But that gives me another idea...", Rico said and then went silent as he thought about it.

Jake, of course, tried to get the information out of his small fox, but he kept his lips sealed and didn't say a word. He only laughed when it was time to say goodnight for the day, and both had to go home. He could see his dragon pouting like a small child, all the way down the road till he walked around the corner...

The End

Young Crush Part 3 Training

"Yo, 'Rice..." They were standing just outside the field, near the sideline, both huffing and puffing after an especially exhausting set of sprints. Maurice was bent over, his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath, while Jake was standing on...

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The Second Age

**The Second Age** ".... and that concludes our lesson for today. Now, would anyone like to summarize?" The vixen stared over her half-moon spectacles, her yellow eyes piercing like burning sulfur. She was wearing a conservative dress in dark green,...

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Young Crush

Young Crush "Come on Rico, show me how that works. You're a nerd after all!" The bass in the dragon's voice was still not so easy to get used to, even though they know each other since they were kids, of course they developed quite differently, the...

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