The Second Age

Story by Tai the Dragon on SoFurry

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#1 of The Second Age


An introduction to how the world looks like about five hundred years after the legendary pact between Gunnar and Maximus.

Contains big, stompy bears, NC sex and a good deal of worldbuilding.

Well another new Folder in the ever Advancing Age Universe i hope it doesent get to Distracting for some of you Guys :D

Again like always this story wouldnt exist without the help of The invisible Wolf Thanks.

The Second Age

".... and that concludes our lesson for today. Now, would anyone like to summarize?"

The vixen stared over her half-moon spectacles, her yellow eyes piercing like burning sulfur. She was wearing a conservative dress in dark green, and had her greying hair bound back behind her head in a tight bun. As always, her lips were pressed together to form a thin line of disappointment and disgust as she was looking over the more than thirty pupils filling the rows of the classroom. Of course, most of them were foxes - young ones, staring at the ceiling, the heads of those in front of them, or simply at nothing - just not at her. Of course, those were the... less privileged ones, the riffraff, the stuff that was only good for one thing.

"Kevin? How about you do the summary, mhmm?"

Kevin blinked. He usually was one of the better pupils, and even though his long, equine face usually looked like he was half asleep, he really wasn't. The young stallion sighed, sat up straighter in his chair, and began to talk.

"We have learned that the pact between Gunnar and Maximus was the beginning of what we now call the second age, an age of prosperity and wealth for this world. After all of the opposing furs had been crushed by the bears and the armies of the foxes, the two species began to work together to create the world and society we know today. The lesser species, like rodents, are there to serve the greater ones, like bears and horses. The foxes themselves have developed an internal hierarchy between the nobles, such as you, Mrs Murphy, and the commoners, like most of my classmates. The acceptance of the power of the greater beings has been the keystone to the success of the society. With the rule of the bears, crime has nearly vanished, for everyone of the greater beings has the right to exterminate anyone who does not comply to their rule. History has taught us that the suppression of rebellious elements and their radical destruction is the most effective way of keeping our society healthy and alive, and that it needs to be understood by every lesser being that if a greater being decides to crush them to paste, or to use their orifices for their pleasure, it is a service to society and the greater good of everyone. No-one should doubt that even if they themselves meet their end at the paws of a bear, or on the shaft of a horse, they are providing a valuable service, preventing the bear from being aggressive towards the powers that be, and preventing the stallion from causing harm and grief to their peers. The wisdom of Gunnarr and Maximus, who have chosen to build our society to their ideals has, again and again, proven to be the right path to take."

Finishing his monologue, Kevin leaned back against his seat, his expression almost bored again, but he had seen Mrs Murphy's ears focus on him the entire time, and he almost believed he saw those lips twitch into what could have been a smile.

"Excellent, Kevin, thank you. For the rest of you, I want to see an essay about one aspect of the rule of the greater being by our next lesson. Pick any aspect you like, but write at least one and a half pages. The essays will be graded. Class dismissed,"

Now that the Class was dismissed nearly every student padded to the mess hall. Lunch time is what gets most of the Students going. Kevin saw his best friend Vince, he was a giant of a bear, although not even adult, he was already 3 meters tall, with muscles that matched his size. Not that the Stallion was small either, with plenty of muscle on his own.

"Haha, Mrs Murphy really has it out for you, she keeps calling you," the polar bear chuckled. "Yeah, I know, it's annoying..." Kevin lamented. "Shit, it's 2 pm! The public executions are going on... I hate fridays, we can only watch them on tv on fridays."

"Yeah I hear you bro, but tomorrow we can go to the plaza and watch it live again. I mean we do that every week," the bear immediately had to grin. "Hehe, you're right, but let's just watch them now" and with that said both walked to the one of the many big flatscreen TVs. Nearly all of them had already drawn a crowd, some guys jerking off while watching, others were commenting and laughing.

"Here, bro that one's free and even somewhat private," shouted Kevin as he found one that was completely free, the TV was quickly turned on and the right TV channel was luckily already selected. It was clear that today would have been a fantastic day to see the executions, way more victims than usual, from mice all the way to wolves, were already turned to mush or were in the process of becoming said mush or waiting for their turn under bear paws, elephant feet or stallion hooves.

"Aw, we missed the beginning," said the bear, disappointed.

"Well, so far they only crushed 32, so there is still plenty left," the stallion tried to reason, but he knew his friend, if he missed just one flat fur, he would whine like a baby.

"I know, but come on, I bet that elephant crushed that ferret in just the right way, or that rhino there, I mean, just look how he jumps on that wolf. I bet he did that already on some fox, and I missed it..."

With an eyeroll from his best friend, both kept watching on, fur after fur getting turned into pancakes. Of course, it soon got them both going, and soon both were quite hard.

"Man, I hate that stupid rule that you're only allowed to snuff when you're 16. I mean, it's just a few weeks for both of us, but my brother teases me so fucking much, he brings home one fox after another and crushes them flat right in my room and I can't do anything but watch."

"Haha, the way I know you, my beary friend, you do more than just watch."

"Ha ha, yeah sure, laugh at me. And of course I am not only watching, but using my hand or the corpse he leaves behind when he leaves the room and laughs at me doesn't quite cut it, bro."

"Fuck, you fuck the corpse your brother leaves behind?"

"Yeah bro, it's... warm and it does feel damn good but... you know, it's not the real deal, but if you want, you can come to my place at the weekend. I know my brother, he already reserved some foxes, so he will leave a few in my room again and then you can use it too if you want."

"Mmmm... that does sound good. Count me in, I'll be there on saturday."

And with his imagination running wild, he had to open his pants from where his rock hard stallion cock sprung forth, nearly hitting his best friend. "Watch it, pony," he threatened jokingly

"Fuck off, you sucked it more than I did, and you never complained then," he shot back with a grin.

"Hehe, what can I say, I love sucking your dick just as much as you love getting my dick up your butt," he grinned back.

"Heh, I have to admit your cock is just thick enough to hit my prostate and massage it just right."

"Your wha...?"

"Forget it, bear..."

And with that, he started to jerk off while the spectacle still unfolded right in front of his eyes.

"You're not gonna jerk off, Vince?"

"Huh? Nah, I have something planned today and I need to save my cum for that."

"Oh well, if you say so... if you're not busy with yours can you jerk me off then?"

With an eyeroll of his companion he leaned back and let his best friends paws get him off.

After Lunch

Whoever had made the timetable, he never seemed to think much. Placing the physical education after lunch made everyone groan, every time. Bellys too full to really feel comfortable, the class changed as slow as possible, drawing out the inevitable. But... with coach Shelby doing the coaching, this never lasted long. The grizzly came into the locker room like an angry locomotive, shouting at the top of his considerable lungs, chasing each and every one of the boys out into the field. Today's program, as it seemed, consisted mainly of running, followed by a match of soccer right after. As usual, the longer-legged species were at an advantage on the track, while the heavier-bodied bears and rhinos didn't do so well. Of course, the lesser species were the ones who had to suffer most, they had to move twice as fast to keep up with the horses and deers, making them the target of the coaches anger and screaming.

With the game afterwards, it was even worse for them. While there was a strict "no harm" rule on the school grounds, accidents did happen all the time.. Accidents such as a mis-aimed soccer ball, kicked by a bear, hitting a rat so hard that he had to be helped off the playing field to catch his breath. All in all, it was two miserable hours of sweat and curses out under the hot sun, and no one was really unhappy when the whistle sounded and they all were free to go back inside to have a shower and change into their normal clothing.

Usually, this kind of thing was following a pattern. The lesser furs were shy, trying to hide in a room that had nothing to hide behind - the school believed that a healthy fur didn't need to be ashamed of his body, and so the showers were just one big room with eight shower heads on each of the three walls that didn't contain the door. The greater furs, however, were showing off, washing their sheathes and balls with the back to the wall, massaging their growing packages with much more than the necessary thoroughness. It also wasn't uncommon for some to jerk off, and then aim their cum at one of the rats or mice on the other side of the room, who, of course, then had to start his shower all over again. This time, it was Vince who unashamedly presented his organ, fully hard and adult-sized, slowly massaging along the shaft while keeping his eyes trained on a rather shy and timid looking fox who was just across the corner from him and was trying his best not to look at the mighty weapon. Others quickly picked up on that, and soon after, the fox was grabbing for the shampoo a third time, when the bottle slipped from his fingers.

Everyone in the room knew what that meant, and even the rodents on the other side of the room began to whisper among themselves. One second after the fox knelt down to pick his shampoo up with shaking fingers, a rhino had slammed his hand onto the fox's shoulders, pinning him down effectively, while a stallion stepped forward, aimed his cannon-shaped dick at the poor creature, and let go - giving the fox a different kind of shower, yellow and acrid-smelling. The mewling protests of the fox caused a wave of laughter to run through the room, and while the grinning stallion was shaking off the last drops of urine, the rhino followed his example, and soaked the back of the fox with an even larger load of foul-smelling liquid.

One by one, the boys finished their shower and left to shake themselves dry and towel off, their laughter and joking disappearing first to the locker room, and then completely.

Only the sniffling fox remained in the shower... and Vince.

The bear had asked his friends to make the fox stay behind, and they had done so well. Everyone knew it took at least half an hour of thorough scrubbing to get the stench of piss out of fur, and generally was a guarantee for a miserable afternoon... but not as miserable an afternoon the fox was about to have.

Strong, white handpaws reached out, closing around the scrawny arm of the vulpine, jerking him away from his shower and pulling him towards a grinning Vince.

"Heya, Mickey," the bear huffed, "Why don't you just wear it with pride, eh? You don't get such a gift every day..."

"Let go, Vince...."

The protest was feeble, and the yank on the bear's hand was even more useless. When Vince had something in his hands, it wouldn't leave unless the bear wanted to. And he didn't want to very much right now.

"Naah, I'm not letting go. You know, hearing about all that today, in history, it got me all, like hot and bothered...."

The bear's grin got wider. "And I don't wanna wait anymore. I'm ready now, and you're going to get it."

Mickey's eyes went wide as he began to understand. Vince didn't just push him around like usual, this was....

"No! You can't, it's the rules! You can't hurt me, and you know it..."

"Yeah, yeah, the rules. You know what? Fuck the rules. I'm horny now, and I want to fuck.... You."

Vince pulled the fox off his footpaws with ease. The vulpine didn't weigh anything compared to the mass of muscles and strength that was the bear, and holding him up by his wrist didn't seem to bother Vince at all, despite Mickey's struggling. Vinces other paw was on his cock again, now painfully hard and leaking pre, the showers long having stopped to spew water to wash it away. Vince spread the oily substance over the surface of his weapon with deliberate slowness, his grin now maniacal as he watched the foxes face displaying more and more horror.

"That's right. You're mine now, stupidfox, and I'm going to take you... just like my brother does, right in the shitter... "

Mickey did the only thing he could think of. He started to scream, only to have his muzzle clamped shut by vince's free hand, one finger thrusting roughly between his jaws, spreading the taste of pre and dick across his tongue. The fox's scream instantly turned into a muffled gagging as he was lifted higher, his struggling footpaws kicking and slamming into the thighs of the bear, who didn't seem to be bothered by this treatment at all.

Already, he could feel the heat of the bear's shaft under his tail, the tip barely touching his wet fur, and yet, it already felt way too big and way too hard. Again, Mickey kicked back, managing to push himself away just enough for the bear's first thrust to miss his ring and instead push between the foxes legs, jutting up next to his own sheath like a cartoonish, oversized caricature of himself, the part of the shaft sticking out easily long enough to reach the foxes bellybutton.

"You little shit..."

Vince wasn't happy. He only had one hand to hold the fox up, the other one he had to use to keep him silent...

The bear stopped for a moment, his grin returning. He could solve the problem by holding the fox up and keeping him silent at the same time if he just...

Mickey managed to get out one squeak before the bear's fingers closed around his neck like a steel vice, holding his weight and compressing his windpipe at the same time. He could feel the other hand letting go of his arm and closing around his tail, yanking it up and pulling him forward again, maneuvering his now totally unprotected behind above the deadly weapon again.... when he heard the sound of the locker room's door.

Vince had heard it too, and he froze in place. If they were to catch him now... he wouldn't be able to talk his way out of it. But what followed wasn't the heavy footfalls of the coaches massive paws, it was the fast, light clicking of claws on tiles, and that meant...

For a bear of his size, Vince could move very quickly if he wanted to, and both fast and silent, he moved right next to the doorway of the shower room, still holding up Mickey. The footsteps came closer, closer still, and..

"Mick? Where are you? Are you still in the shower?"

Mick knew that voice. It was Jack, one of his friends, a fellow fox from the same breeding facility like him, and gods bless his soul, he would save him. Mick redoubled his efforts, his footpaws kicking against the bear with renewed force, the wet slapping sound echoing from the walls...


Jack peeked around the corner, stepped into the shower... and immediately understood what was going on.

"Vince, let him go! You can't, we're at school! Let him go now, or I'm going to get coach!"


The answer was totally unexpected, and it came with such a no-fucks-given attitude that even Jack blinked, and hesitated. This hesitation cost him his life.

Vinces foot paw slammed forward between Jack's legs, the kick powerful enough to lift the fox off his paws and hurtle him through the air, back against the wall of the shower, where he immediately collapsed into a curled-up ball of fur, both hands clasped around his broken testicles, his muzzle wide open in an airless scream. Vince followed, taking two long steps across the room, then slammed his right foot paw down onto the fox, putting all of his weight and strength into it.

Jack... ceased to exist. He didn't just die, he physically stopped to be there. The force of the impact simply pulverized the upper half of the foxes body, turning bones, skin and flesh instantly into paste. The resulting liquid shot out under Vince's footpaw like red explosion, covering the walls of the shower up to half their height... and also covering the bear's white fur up to his hips. Some drops made it even higher, hitting Micks legs and chest, the warm, gloopy substance soaking into his already wet fur. But before Mick could fully understand what just had happened, his mind was taken off the demise of his friend by the sudden, brutal insertion of the bear's cock into his tight little ass.

Vince roared. He had bucked upwards into Mickey with reckless force, and it had worked... worked a little too well, maybe. He had punched himself through the foxes ring hard enough to split it apart, creating two long, vertical tears, one reaching up to the base of his tail, the other one down to the testicles, and there simply hadn't been any tightness at all... but there was warmth. Lots and lots of warmth, and it was running down his shaft and balls, and it was smelling like blood, like prey, like...

Vince roared again, and once more slammed his hips forward and up, hammering more of his shaft into the unlucky fox, again hard enough to not really feel what he was destroying - but Vince didn't care. He was cumming, cumming now, harder than he ever had before, his shaft maybe half inside the fox - but he didn't care at all. He kept roaring, riding his orgasm to the max, just standing there, one paw on the remains of jack, and a feebly struggling Mick covering the upper half of his shaft...

"What the FUCK!"

Vince blinked.

Coach Shelby stood in the doorway, and he looked pissed. Pissed beyond belief. One could say that he looked like he was about to go berserk. The grizzly was carrying a bunny under his arm, a bunny that was wearing the trademark outfit of a discarded slave - blood red collar and black loincloth - and was, of course, also gagged and bound... it must have been a paw mat from the store just across the street from the school, and coach must have had decided to have a little fun after classes were over. And now he was standing there, literally steaming from his nostrils, bearing his teeth in something that wasn't a grin at all.

With slow, deliberate movements coach Shelby hooked the bunnies bound hands over one of the hooks that were meant to hold the towels while the students were showering, all the while never taking his eyes off Vince.

"Put him down. Slowly. Very slowly. NOW!"

Vince did, indeed, put him down, very slowly. Of course, he had to pull Mick of his shaft first, and that resulted in a small flood of red and white spilling from the foxes behind, and of course, once his hand wasn't throttling the foxes throat anymore,

Mick immediately started to howl like a stuck pig... or rather, like the stuck fox he was.

But that was nothing compared to the screaming Coach Shelby was now unloading upon him. There were words in there that Vince never had heard before, curses mostly, but also words like "Expulsion", "Board of inquiry", "School conference", and, worst of all, "Parents" and "Telephone."

Eventually, the tirade ended.

Shelby bent down to examine Mickey for the first time, his hands actually being gentle as he ran them over the foxes body, turning him over and carefully spreading his legs. Micky, whose screams by now had reduced to a whimpering, howled again as the coach inserted one, then two, then three fingers into his torn behind, swirling and rotating them around in the raw wound.

"You ruined him, you idiot," Shelby stated calmly, "You ruined the poor creature. Has noone ever taught you how to properly fuck a fox? You have to be slow at the beginning, you dumbass, or you'll rip them apart before you are even half way in... Sometimes I wonder WHAT they are actually teaching you bumblefucks there in those classrooms, damnnit..."

The grizzly shook his head, and reached for Mickey shoulders, pulling the fox up into a kneeling position.

"Sorry for that, Mick, but there's nothing that can be done. You're broken, and you're just a fox. I'm going to relieve you, though."

Rather matter-of-factly, the grizzly undid his belt, then the zipper of his pants, fishing out his own considerable dick... easily half as long as Vince's, even though the coach was still soft. "Go on, lick it. Just put it in your muzzle and start to suck."

Mick didn't understand the world anymore. The pain from his pelvis was enough to nearly erase his mind, and coach came and rescued him... right? And he said something about relief...

It was more automation than conscious decision that made Mick open his muzzle, lick at the coaches soft dick, and finally, take it between his jaws, the warm, soft tube of flesh feeling strangely comforting and good on his tongue. He began to suck on it like a baby on a teat, his head spinning with vertigo and blood loss. He barely felt the coach's hands close behind the back of his head, holding him in position like a concrete block.. But he did feel the pulse of pressure inside the shaft that was now filling his muzzle, and was beginning to stretch towards his gullet.

"You are lucky," growled the grizzly, "That you are a polar. If you'd have been a stallion... or a rhino... you could kiss your graduation goodbye, you know that?"

Vince, who was watching glumly, only nodded. The full gravity of the situation was beginning to sink in, and the prospect of "fuck the rules" didn't seem to be as much fun as it had before.

"You are going to have detention for the rest of your fucking school year. You're going to show up here, each day after classes, and you're going to to run fourty laps before you go home..."

Shelby had begun to gently rock his hips back and forth, his hands still holding the fox in place - who now was beginning to struggle again, the grizzly's ever-growing meat beginning to overfill his maw, and force itself down his throat.

"You're off the regular team at football as well, you're going to sit on the bench for the next three games..."

Mickey was starting to panic. The coaches shaft was truly halfway down his throat now, and was cutting off his air as well as stretching his neck. Also, his jaws were beginning to hurt from the pressure of the bear's cock....which still didn't seem to be fully hard.

"You're also going to clean up this mess. And after that, I'm going to make another mess, which you will clean up as well."

Another nod from Vince, who was, by now, watching the struggling fox... and the bulge that was moving down the furs throat ever so slowly.

Micky heard something creak inside his skull. He couldn't breathe, he couldn't move, and the shaft was growing faster and faster, drilling and digging into his abdomen, slowly but unstoppable, shutting off his air and widening his neck. He rolled his eyes up to look at the coach, who now was looking down at him as well, smiling and licking his lips... And then, something gave. Blinding pain shot through him again, this time from his lower jaw, which suddenly wasn't where it belonged, having opened wider than it could to accept the now fully hard weapon of the grizzly.

The coaches moan was the last thing he heard before the pressure on the back of his head grew, and he saw the coach's crotch flying towards his eyes...

Vince watched Coach Shelby fuck his fox, the fox that he had wanted so much... and which was now serving as a sleeve for the coaches massive organ, bigger than his own. Also, Shelby seemed to know what he was doing, using slow and deliberate movements, taking care to not rip what could be stretched, and to only hammer through what was absolutely necessary. He was pretty sure that Mick was still alive when the grizzly gave his own roar, making the wet foxes belly bloat and bulge with his load, and only died when Shelby, finally, simply closed his hands, crushing the foxes skull between them like an overripe tomato.

"As I said. Clean up, then call me. And... for the love of Gunnarr... if you touch my paw toy, Vince, I'm going to kill you, and compared to what I have in mind for YOU....."

Shelby pulled the filled, dead fox of his shaft and dumped him unceremoniously onto the floor, "This poor guy here just had a birthday party. With CAKE!"

The End

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