In the depth - chapter 4 (2/2)

Story by Yvaslo1 on SoFurry

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#6 of Feral stories

And here goes the second part

If you haven't read the first part go check it out before going any further

In the depth

Chapter 4

Part 2


Sometime later. Days? Weeks? Months? Whatever'


Squal was lying on his bed; head resting on his pillow; body splayed on the comfy mattress, his tongue lolling out; his breath a rapid panting. between his legs a thick pole of flesh throbbing, pulsing, squirting gooey pre on his belly; his barbs flaring, his knot swelling as he moaned loudly. One paw was wrapped around his shaft, slowly stroking it up and down, a claw sometime teasing the head, smearing his pre-seed down his length while his other paw gripped a thick rubbery base as he pumped a wonderfully shaped toy in his eager tailhole; the thick rubber penetrating his quivering vent. The foot long cock was a masterpiece, the impassive girth spreading him apart; the thick ridges popping in and out of his hole with wet squelching sound, grinding over his every sensitive spots, forcing more pre out with each trust of the large dildo. It even had a knot and a thick one: two juicy bulbous orbs on each side of the dildo. He loved to have that part mashing against his pucker, ready to slip inside. It almost made heel like a real dick as he shoved it hard and fast inside his clenching hole; groaning and moaning as wave after wave of pleasure surged from his passage, coursing through his entire frame. His brain was numb, lust inducing every thought as he drove the fat dildo harder and deeper, chirring in pure bliss. His toes curled inward, his back arched, bucking his hips in the open air. After so much time he had understood what Stradavar meant by a ragging desire; he was giving himself that kind of treatment twice a day at least... when he was in a good day of course; otherwise he could spend entire "days" in his room, jerking off, using whatever he could to get rid of the pesky itch in his loins. The amount of semen he could produce daily was simply astonishing; he had barely finished that he could feel them swell with a new batch of fresh seed; making his urge to cum rise again.

He rolled over, standing on wobbly paw as his rear muscles squeezed the thick toy stuffed in his ass as he wildly trusted in the air, his cockhead smacking his bed every time he did so, pre dripping at a near constant rate on the blankets and mattress, forming small puddles everywhere. His tailhole was gaping, stretched wide by the knot he had finally lodged inside his fleshy hole. He moaned loudly, pleasure shooting in his fuzzy brain; his body quaking as he felt his peak near. "Fuuuck!" he screamed, arching his back for one final trust. His cock slammed in the bed, throbbing and twitching as he roared his pleasure to the ceiling. The first blast of seed hit hard, gushing out of his bloated member, splattering on the light grey blanket below him. He leaned forward; aiming his cock up, letting the next powerful gush hit another spot. His powerful muscles rhythmically clamped around the thick hard toy keeping his rear apart. Gushes after gushes of his musky black spunk spilled on the bed, long inky streaks staining the material. He fell on his belly, dipping in his own secretions, panting as it all went down, the pleasure flushing his brain slowly subsiding, leaving him exhausted; spent but utterly delighted and satisfied.

He remained long time like this, basking in a sweet afterglow of a well-deserved release, moaning and cooing as he let go of everything, only caring about that delicious instant of pure satisfaction. Unfortunately good times had to end as his spent member retreated back in its hiding, still dripping with all the fluids smeared across its surface. He turned on his flank, observing himself with half lidded eyes; the broad dildo's base protruding from his rear, his crotch coated in his pre, his belly stained with his own cum. He let out a deep sigh, removing with an expert paw the massive member of his ass, wincing as the knot popped out of him in a torrent of translucent lube. He watched as, inch after inch of rubber were removed from his hole. Sparks of pain tingled in his flesh as he did so, grunting as his sensitive hole clenched, making that operation even more difficult. Finally, after one last pull the massive toy popped out of his sore tailhole. He grimaced, muffing a whimper as new jolts of pain shot through his frame. It was so good when he used that thing but the aftermath was always made of pure suffering. His pucker was left wide open, oozing with the same thick lube, opening on throbbing red depth. He threw a last glance at the dildo; a red spear of fake flesh, molded from a true beast's cock.

He was quite proud of that purchase; he had been lucky to find it. With what money you might ask? He had received some time ago a strange letter marked of the royal seal. When Stradavar had brought it to him he had been quite surprise to say the least. Stradavar had urged him to open it but he had refused; he still hadn't told his friend who he truly was. He had waited until he was alone in his room to read it under the light of a small crystal. It wasn't just a letter from someone of the government but from the king; his father himself.

The general tone of the letter had nothing formal; completely opposite instead, the light minded writing contrasted with the seriousness of the package it had been brought in. His father was simply asking him if he was alright; getting accustomed to his new life; to his new self? Then he announced him that he had sent him a little gift for all his "missed birthdays." His father was taking his fatherly duties very seriously. Squal found in a box that had been with the letter a few things with little ribbons on them. He had chuckled amusingly as he untied a rather large pouch; thin plates slipping between his claws. He examined one of them; made of a magnificent ruby material covered of tiny marks and glyphs. On a small paper he discovered a complete description of what they were: coins; lot of them with their exact value along with a small note simply saying "Not much but I hope it will be enough."

He had roamed through the box, examining each object; some were interesting, others were hilarious. In the end, after maybe half an hour of fumbling and plying with whatever there was inside there was only one thing left, taking all the bottom of the box; the actual largest present. Well large was a big word as it was in fact rather small, wrapped in some sort of package made of thick flat seaweeds. His claws had no troubles tearing into pieces. As he ripped it apart with an almost childish impatience he almost chocked when the object it held was revealed in the light. "A... A plush!" he had gasped, holding the surprising thing in one paw. He was divided between laughter and tears. On one hand it was funny to see his father would still offer him that even now that he had grown up; but on the other hand it felt... he didn't know... weird... but... good all the same. When he had read the note he had broken in tears.

"My son; I had hoped to offer this to you after your birth but destiny pulled our family apart. However even after all these years it still belongs to you. I hope you'll like it even after all this time." "Yes dad... I love it..." he had whispered; hugging the fluffy plush direly. It was a bit rough to the touch and smelled dust like it had spent a dozen year in a chest or a vault. Yet he appreciated the affection even more. His childhood had been... quite... distant. Not cold; just distant. The elder cared for him, fed him, nursed him, taught him, sheltered him, took the role of the familiar presence; yet it lacked something. He had been able to put a name on that feeling only when he had entered school, where the other children would be left there by their parents and would jump back in their arms once the day was over. Him, he had only the cold presence of a guard or a nurse; depended of the day. It was all lacking affection. By that he didn't meant that the Elder wasn't taking care of him; he surely did; but in a distant way. Although he had submerged him under mountains of gifts, Squal's only wish was to be hugged, cuddled in stronger arms.

Having that gift, that remnant of the past made him feel that, even during all these years someone cared, in the shadow. However there was a detail that bothered him; something written near the end of the letter: "I can only encourage you to keep our secret as it is right now; the world isn't ready yet for you. But I'd advise you greatly to tell it to people you can trust (Stradavar included, he deserves to know); I don't seek to let you crumble under this burden."

He had cringed when he had red these few lines; he hadn't told Stradavar Yet. Would his friend even believe him?

He had pondered over those questions for days, looking for a way to bring the subject, to reveal that truth that was; to be fair, heavy to bear alone. But was he ready? Was he ready to accept that last part of his true identity? To accept to become a prince; to accept his rank in a society he barely knew?

Fate solved that issue for him in quite an unexpected way. It had occurred few "weeks" after his arrival, as they were making their way through the crowded maze that was the central market.

Squal loved this place; it had become one of his favorite spot of the city, that immense room accessible by twenty different doors, in the exact center of the city; an immense square space with an irregular floor made in pure obsidian rock that gave the feeling of being outside the city. The whole hall was illuminated by plenty of crystals in the floors, pillars, structures and ceiling, marking the path to follow defining alleys, emplacements for merchants and many other things. The roof was entirely made of colored glass all held together by incredibly thin curved metallic structure entwined in an extravagant way. Gorgeous and build to last. It had everything of the market district of his childhood but in much bigger.

It had been the very first place of the entire city he had visited when he had agreed to go out. The place was almost magic, always busy, always noisy; so colorful and enlightened, a blend of flavors and scents as much as of the many different people living in the city. He had lost himself so many time he had stopped counting; always discovering new places, new things; like this place was meant to hide surprises at every corner. What had made him feel better and enjoy this place so much was that no one seemed to suspect him to be different, to see him differently. For them he was only one in a million other yet they talked to him without restrains, engaging conversation so casually it had left him speechless more than once. Everyone for the most part seemed easy going, talkative and friendly, talking to a complete stranger openly; making you feel at ease at the first smile.

It had all happened one of these days, he was wandering through the alleys with Stradavar, throwing quick glances at every kart full of goods. "So... what are you looking for again?" enquired Stradavar who had been following without asking a single question. "I'd like to find a new blanket for my bed... in case I'd need to wash the other one." "Yes it could enjoy a bit of cleaning." had grumbled Stradavar. "How do you know?" "It can be smelled from outside your room; beside I entered the other day to do some cleaning. I think you can imagine why I didn't fulfil that task." "Yes... I... I know..." had blabbered Squal, in shame. "Don't feel too ashamed mine used to look like that when I was younger, but Squal; seriously clean up after you've done that it's getting kinda gross." "I know... I'll do it when we'll go back home."

A few minutes later he had stopped in front of a small stall where long tissues were displayed. He had quickly flashed on a magnificent red one with tiny golden decorations on the edges. "What do you think?" he had asked, cautiously grabbing an angle of tissue between two claws. "Looks nice." "I think I'll take it then." "A wise choice young one; you won't find any better products around here." had shouted the large merchant. "It better be so. How much do I own you?" "A hundred coin young one." "Ouch... that's expensive." "The finest items have a price."

Squal had heard someone chuckling behind him. When he had looked back it had been to find Stradavar; sniggering, his eyes mockingly gleaning. "You little bastard you knew..." he hissed "I just read the sign silly!"

Squal sighed, ignoring Stradavar as he fumbled in a satchel to find his money. As he did so his gaze drifted away in the dense crowd, faces passing by; an endless river of living beings slithering their way in the crowded paths. Something attracted his gaze, a black form that in theory had nothing different from the other, yet in the meantime it had a little something familiar. He squinted his eyes, trying to discern something but the shadow had already vanished, swallowed up by the endlessly shifting flow. With furrowed brows he took his purchase and threw it in a satchel, moving on to other parts of the market. Later, as he was buying a few vegetables he had noticed in a mirror the same phantom shadow hovering in the crowd a few meters away. At the moment where it felt noticed it disappeared again. He picked up the pace, getting antsier with each step, throwing suspicious glares everywhere.

"For goodness sake Squal slow down!" yelled Stradavar, completely lacking behind "Why such a hurry all of a sudden?" "I don't like this?" "Like what?" "Someone is following us." he had let out. "What!" had gasped Stradavar, throwing his surroundings a circular look, noticing nothing out of the ordinary "I see nothing. You're surye ou're not getting paranoid for some reason?" "I don't know. I just feel... spied on..." "Chill out man there is no one weird here beside you! You know what? After we're done with this I'll pay you a drink; it will help you relax a bit." Squal had nodded, not convinced.

Then; while they were leaving the place, walking slowly in the narrow gap that was the door Squal felt that odd impression come back again, his instincts pounding in his guts, alarming him of a nearby threat. He knew it was something he could rely on; his instincts had never betrayed him before. He turned around, his sharp eyes immediately spotting the form trying to make itself as small as possible in throws of people and bags. "What again." huffed Stradavar. "He's there?" "God damn it for the last time there is no one chasing us!" "Oh really? Look behind us..."hissed Squal, keeping his voice as low as possible. "What? There is nothing to see." "The small guy trying to sneak in." "Yeah I see..." "Keep an eye on him." "ok... although I don't get the idea." "Keep quiet and watch him closely. Also... try to do that discreetly." he grumbled as he saw Stradavar twist his neck around to see their stalker.

They spent some time in the largest streets, making sure to always stay in the crowd. At every turn either of them would notice the shadow trying to keep up the pace while remaining out of sight. "You know... I'll have to give you that you have sharp senses." mumbled Stradavar, trembling in fear. "Thanks." "How did you notice?" "A gut feeling." "Then I'll trust your guts more often." "Finally some credits." he had chuckled, gently pouncing his friend. "But... what shall we do of our little... problem?" "I'm on it."

They arrived in a small place where a marvelous statue of a bold dragon roaring toward the ceiling could be seen. Squal was thinking quickly, he had to find something to get that weirdo of their tail. "Keep going... I've got an idea." he whispered, slowly changing direction. In the mass of people it all went unnoticed as he disappeared in the tide of citizens. He made a complete circle around the statue, coming back on his own tracks. It had all worked like he expected it. The stalker was still following Stradavar, probably asking himself where his friend was gone. A shudder ran down his spine; an old sensation coming back. The prey had become the hunter. It went on for a while, Stradavar opening the way, the stalker staying behind and Squal in the back, tracking his prey, silent, unnoticed, a true hunter in action. The prey had let down his guard; it wasn't expecting him anymore.

The crowd had mostly scattered as they entered in smaller tunnels, until there were only them left. No one in sight, no one to come in case where it would go south. Squal acted, leaping toward his prey, all claws and fangs out. At the last second the dragon turned around, squealing in surprise as he realized he had just been fooled. Sadly for him it was too late to dodge the attack. Squal hit him at full force, his claws latching on his flank as they rolled together in the water, tangled in a bag of limbs swishing in all directions. Loud yelps could be heard as the result of the short battle unveiled. Squal rose on top, pinning down the smaller drake with ease, a sadistic smile twisting his lips. The creature below was still squirming, his claws trying to get a grip on the much stronger drake, only managing to skid on the tough shell of his scales. "Holy fuck dude that was some badass move." gasped Stradavar, coming closer but keeping some distance between them. "Nothing very complicated." grunted Squal in response "now let's see what we have here."

As he lowered his snout he flinched, the one he was clutching with all his might; he knew him. "Askyr!" he yelped "What the hell are you doing here?" "One of the king's bitches?" asked Stradavaar, as surprised as his friend.

"Ok first I'm not a bitch!" "Oh really... then explain me the number of rumors involving you taking a few feet of cock up your ass." "That's my business and... it's false I never took more than a foot." "Are you sure about that?" mumbled Squal,, warmth seeping in his cheeks. "It doesn't count." "And with what you told me..."Quiet that's private!" "Anyway why are you stalking us?" "I'm not stalking you! I just saw a friend and wanted to say hi." "Then why you didn't do that sooner?" "What! I just saw you." "Stop lying I've spotted you in the market." "Fuck..." he let out "how did you do that?" "First lesson if you want to chase a hunter don't get too close; I can feel you." "How do you expect me to see you otherwise!?" "Not my problem. Also lesson two, when your target has spotted you; on't stay nearby; wait until he has dropped his guard again. If not you'll only raise suspicion." "Nice advice... I'll be sure to keep that in mind." "Still that doesn't answer the main question; why were you on our back?" grumbled Stradavar; snarling annoyingly. "Sorry can't tell you that's confidential you see." "Well I have a little friend there that might not be... satisfied. Am I correct Squal?" "You bet..." he hissed, fangs barred, his grip on the shivering frame underneath him tightening, scales starting to give way under the sheer strength. "So tell us what you were doing now if you still want to have a head on your shoulders." "Ok ok chill out. I'm gonna tell you." he yelped, squirming in Squal's grasp "just... just let me go please." "Fine... don't run away." "I won't" "Beside I would catch you anyway." "Let him go I guess he won't run away." "You bet... I still care for my ass." grumbled Askyr, getting on his feet with a loud huff. "So..." "King's order." he grumbled. "That's unusual... I've never heard of anything like that before! I hope you're not trying to mess up with us."

"I'm not. It happens but usually they give that kind of task to... professionals." "Not to complete newbies like you." sniggered Stradavar. "Give me a break I wasn't supposed to do that in the first place!" defensively yelped Askyr. "Why you then?" "Don't ask me? Maybe it has something to do with you Squal." "You know each other?" "We had a little rough introduction back in the palace." he whispered winking lewdly in Squal's direction. Squal looked away, profusely blushing in pure shame. "Don't try to evade the subject Askyr; why would the king wish to spy on someone like this?" "I don't know. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact he wants to keep his... son... safe." He had whispered in a honeyed tone that had given Squal murderous impulses as the smaller drake grinned mischievously; keeping his eyes insistently focused on Squal; as if he was saying "you know what I'm talking about do you?" How did he know? How could he possibly know? Had his father spoiled the secret? Would he have dared to let it slip when he asked his son to keep it secret.

Squal; who was struggling to find a good way to explain it to Stradavar he had found an unexpected solution to his problem. "What! Squal... you... you're... the... king's son!" gasped Stradavar, taking a few terrified steps back; instinctively bowing his head down. "Oups... did I make a mistake?" he sniggered in turn. "How did you know about that?" "Well... even though your father seems to be willing to hide you... rumors are like tides; they come and go and no one can stop them. Someone happened to know and from there it spread. I think by now everyone in the palace knows who you are. Lucky for you it hasn't slipped past the walls though. However I'm kinda... disappointed to say the least. I thought you would have told it to your friend." "Don't lecture me you're not my father!" barked Squal. "But I know that's exactly what he would say if he was here instead of me."

"He... he is... right... why didn't you tell me?" "I didn't know how to... tell it to you... it seemed... unbelievable doesn't it?" "With what I've seen to that day trust me it is more than believable." "Really?" "Dude you fucking transformed in my hands for no reason; than the king made sure to keep you safe. Also... he agreed fairly easily to my request... it was... like he knew what I was up to." "So... you... you knew?" "I had a hunch there was something fishy with you and your reluctance to tell me only... well... added to that." "But... why does he wants to have me surveilled all the time?" "Because he is worried for you; as any good parent would." "Then you can tell him that I'm doing perfectly fine on my own, I don't need to have a personal body guard pestering me all the time." "As if you had your word in it. You have no choice, from now on you're stuck with me." "Wonderful..." grumbled Squal. "Fantastic." sighed Stradavar "guess I'll have to find you a place to sleep." "Actually... no... I don't seek to raise suspicion even more. Beside wouldn't it be strange if you were walking around all the time with me sticking to you? I think I'd rather keep things like they are." "Whatever. I don't need you!" "Are you sure of what you're pretending Squal? Sure the city looks nice and welcoming... but keep in mind... just like us it is a two faced creature... think about It." he whispered in Squal's ear with a malicious voice before he turned away.

They had returned to their home, Squal keeping silence as they entered in Stradavar's apartment. In that same suffocating silence they sat around the table, looking in opposite directions. He didn't know how long they remained like this, waiting, expecting, pondering.

"Why you didn't tell me?" "I... I didn't know... I... I still can't believe it myself." "Squal..." he sighed, getting up and gently grabbing Squal's snout, rubbing it softly, his daiinty paws triggering light tickles as they went over his sensitive scales "Was it what bothered you?" "It was..." "Why so many secrets? Don't you trust me?" "I do... I... I just... needed more time. I... it... it's still so... new for me; I have been living a normal life and suddenly I learn that I'm the son of those I hated for so many years." "I understand how difficult it can be for you to... adapt." "You have no idea." "But... Squal... is it everything?" "What do you mean?" "Listen... I can comprehend why you wanted to keep this a secret but... I feel that there is more to this story than what you let beleive. Am I correct?" "You are?" whimpered Squal, nestling his snout in Stradavar's neck. "What is it?" "I... I don't know if I can." "Squal... you can trust me; whatever your secret is I won't judge you."

Squal said nothing, keeping his mouth firmly shut. "Does it have to do with your family?" Squal nodded weakly, as if hwas ashamed. "That's a good start I suppose. So... let's see... I know your father is our sovereign... but... what about your mother?" "She... she's... not from here." "Oh... a stranger I see. You know... it's not the only place around the vast ocean where you can find our kind... throughout the seas; warm or cold; everywhere we have been forced to similar darkness but it is common for people to travel from one city to another. We are not secluded from the rest of the world. You know it would be very sweet if you had some of these guys from the north's blood in you; usually these guys are ice blocks; literally... but so warm when you've cracked their shell." explained Stradavar. "No... sorry... it's... more complicated." "Like... very complicated? Go ahead; try to explain me." "She... she was... from... above." "You men above the water? That's neat!" "No... not so high above?" "Oh... you mean?" "Yes... she was one of them." "Oh... I... now I understand why Askyr said that." "Said what?" "That the city wouldn't be as friendly to you when people would know. Hatred and disregard has become common here, after so many years of conflict so... learning that the king has been... copulating with one of these whores from above... I don't mean it of course; and that a child is born from this union... it won't be... accepted that easily; you might be rejected... or worse... killed." explained Stradavar, his claws tracing along Squal's muzzle in a new way, like he was discovering him once again "So... you are some sort of hybrid?" "I am." "That's... Unusual... I've never met one before." he whispered, rubbing his scales in amazement, like he was met with a stunning new discovery "You... you don't look really different from us; honestly I was expecting something drastically different. Still... that...brings a new light on... quite a lot of things... like your transformation for instance." "Yes..." "Squal... you should have told me." "I'm sorry... I... I tried... but I... I didn't know how to tell it to you." "You should just have said it silly." "What... what will happen now?" "I don't know... I'd say nothing... until someone finds out... but after... I don't know."

Squal nodded, a heavy weight had been removed from his heart, the weight of guilt, of keeping that crushing truth for himself, bending under that weight alone. Now that he had let it all out he felt better, relieved; not alone anymore to deal with that burden.

After that day life had gone back to what it was yet he felt better, like a wall between them had finally collapsed, leaving an immense hole to fill. He kept discovering more of the city, fascinated by this majestic beauty of the abysses; even the habitation districts had something pretty attached to them, something that had him impressed, respectful. Meanwhile he had developed something new toward Stradavaar, some sort of attachment. Sure he was grateful that Stradavar had accepted him like he was, that he still welcomed him in his home without the shadow of a second thought. But deep inside... he knew there was something more than friendly affection. Deep in his heart he felt there was more. He was ashamed of that; it felt like a betrayal, like he was betraying his previous mate's trust. His thought would still drift away, aimed at the one he had once loved and still did even after so long without seeing him. He felt terrible to think of another male when he had vowed to love Thyan. Yet, as time passed he would notice that all these great memories he had built with him seemed to fade away. He could feel guilty as possible but it wouldn't bring them back. In the meantime, as he held on to fading images his body was slowly but surely driving him in the opposite direction, toward his sweet host. "What is wrong with me?" he kept asking himself, crippled by shame and regrets. He didn't know what was happening to him; why was his lust so abruptly shifting toward someone else? Was this wild lust threatening to ruin everything for just the elusive crave of release? Why did he felt so eager? Why even when he would jerk off every fucking day was he so horny? Why was he having that feeling of unfinished; of unaccomplished, of unsatisfied lurking around? He couldn't explain it. It was like his body wanted him to just give in and mate. He tried to ignore the urge, to deny it but it would always come back under the form of a massive boner dangling between his legs; of wet dreams shortening his nights; of almost constant daydreams that would have him loose his focus, and more important his grip on reality. He could spend hours somewhere, almost immobile, like a statue, purring and cooing lightly; the only part of him moving being his hand slowly stroking along his turgid length, oozing pre squirting on his scales as he caressed his member.

Lust boiled in his veins, a raw desire to breed grew in his mind; his whole body urging him to seek out a nice hole to bury his demanding cock.

"Squal... Squal! Are you listening to me or what?" shouted Stradavar, throwing him a large slimy seaweed in the face. Squal shook it off quickly, emerging from his dream state. "Sorry... what did you say?" "Could you go to the market and grab some meat for our meal?" "Yes... sure... what do you need?" "I've wrote you a list while you were spacing again." "Sorry... I... I've haven't slept enough." "Whatever... just go get me that ok?" grumbled Stradavr his face in his pots, checking what was inside as a column of steam rose, filling the air with a whitish mist. "Hurry up I don't want to mess that one up!" he let out, growling deeply.

Squal left the room, grabbing the small list in a complete silence. Stradavar had been in a bad mood, not engaging any conversation, only growling and grumbling under his breath. Squal had mostly ignored him, too busy dealing with his own current predicament. He walked away, not swam, not even struggled against the water that would usually slow him down. No; instead he was only casually walking, breathing slowly in a clear pure air.

How was that possible? The apartment had been entirely emptied of its water, only leaving dry space to walk through.

When Stradavar had showed him this feature of his house he had looked in owe and shock, panicking as he had seen the water level decrease dramatically. When the water had gone underneath his chin he had taken a last deep breath, taking as much of the cold water in his mouth as he could.

He had held his breath like this for a long minute, his throat burning; his gills throbbing, desperate for air. All along Stradavar had been watching him with that pesky amused grin on his face. Soon there was no water left, only a few puddle here and there staining the ground. Yet Squal was dumbfounded; staring helplessly at his friend; he seemed calm, appeased, like nothing was wrong. Squal frowned, why was he looking so peaceful? Why wasn't he afraid?

"Come on man you can breathe now." had sniggered Stradavar. Squal had flinched, terrified, shaking his head negatively. Was he crazy? Had he lost his mind? He knew for sure they couldn't breathe out of water... at least... that's what he had been told since the day he had been capable of understanding. "Squal... don't be silly stop holding your breath." It had taken a lot of calm, persuasion and a good blow in the chest to make him open his mouth, gasping for air.

The first breath had been rough; suffocating as for the first time his lungs took their first load of fresh air. He choked on that pure light air, coughing as he was forced to shift from one breathing system to another. "Squal... you didn't seriously think we were incapable of breathing above water level." had chuckled Stradavar, a hue of disappointment transpiring in his voice. Squal was amazed, taking deep breathes in that sweet clean air. He had listened as Stradavar had explained that his house was equipped with a system that allowed pumping all the water out of the rooms at will and the structure of the building would still be able to withstand the difference of pressure. The whole place had been built for that purpose; every furniture nailed to the ground; waterproof even though that sounded odd in the deep dark ocean; not even the bedsheets or couches were damped; completely dry.

The only odd detail was what happened at the apartment's main door: a wall of a viscous liquid had formed a wall it was a bit hard to get through but right behind it there was only water.

Squal left the apartment, still trying to ignore the stir in his slit; a trickle of his own gooey juices trailing down his thighs; fighting the need to scratch that persistent itch again.

He had been around for so long that now the market had no secret left for him as he made his way through the alleys, finding with ease the merchant he needed to look for. In ten minutes he had gathered all the goods he needed and was heading back home, a smile curling his lips as he headed home, slightly swinging his butt in time with a music that was playing in his mind; another of Stradavar's creation he couldn't get enough of. He had heard it a few days ago and couldn't get out of his mind. He was mumbling the melody, dancing alone on the tempo of a music he was the only one to hear. Sometime it was just such a privilege to live with a musician; he had the rare honor of hearing his newest creation right when he had finished them.

As he left the crowded market a sound caught his attention, something loud, something lewd, something that made excited shivers run down his spine. A familiar tingle made itself known as his slit wetted. He blushed, knowing all too well a potent musk was slowly filling the water around him. The tip of his member poked out in the open as he muffed a moan. He tried to ignore it, tried to resist it yet his cock only kept sliding out of his slit, drenched in his natural lube while his arousal only grew more noticeable. He kept walking in the almost empty street, fighting against the desire to stop and get rid of that itch; his member now fully erect bouncing widely wish each step, slapping his belly repeatedly, smearing a sticky mess on his scales. He gritted his teeth, trying to keep himself focused and not succumb to the tide of delight that ravaged through his body, pre squirting directly in the cool water around him. With each step he felt his member throb eagerly, the sweet smell of male arousal reaching his nostrils; was it his? Did it belong to someone else? He wouldn't have made the difference, his brain dazed with lust. His muscles stiffened, his breath becoming shallow and irregular, his paw trembling every time they touched the ground, his stance widening to leave some space to his hard member pulsing eagerly, his knot swelling in eagerness. He could feel the gazes all converging on him, attracted to his cock like bugs by a light; were they interested? Disgusted? He didn't know yet he could feel their weight on his butt. He tried to keep himself together, to keep a bit of self-control and not just sit there in the midde of the street and jerk off. "Hey bro want some help?" Squal gasped.

Unaware to him a bunch of guys had closed up around him, walking at the same pace. "These things look heavy to carry you're sure you don't want some help to lighten them up a bit?" asked another.

Squal was confused, what was happening? Why were these... three... four... five... five guys pressing around him like this, forming a cluster of scales and fins. Where they trying to rob him?

He tried to walk a tad bit faster but his hard cock dangling between his legs wasn't helping at all, making each motion more annoying as his member ached for attention. "Hey dude no need to hurry like this." giggled a third one, the whole group keeping up the rapid pace with ease. Squal was panicking, suffocating in the tightly packed crowd around him. "Don't be afraid we aren't going to harm you." "What do you want then?" "Just help you relieve yourself of all this weight you seem to be struggling with." Squal tensed... his hunch was right, they were only thieves. "By the creatures of the abyss calm down dude we're not after what you're carrying." shouted the first one, the one closest to him. "What..." squeaked Squal. "Dude did you seriously thought we were after your belongings?" exclaimed one, laughing noisily "Do you believe that lads? This dude thought we were gonna rob him." the whole group burst into laughter; even Squal found himself smiling, relieved by this news "We wouldn't dare crunching to this level of meanness" of stealing." "Thanks god..." mumbled Squal, still trembling in shock. "Actually... the only thing I'd gladly harvest from you would be the content of these jewels of yours." "Excuse me." "You heard me right cutie it would be a shame to leave one of our comrades struggling with his needs." "I'm... I'm not interested." "Your mouth says so but your body speaks otherwise." "I'm not interested..." he repeated, persisting in his denial of his own desire." "Don't be shy we'll gladly satisfy you. Isn't it true guys?" Everyone agreed, their voices intertwined so much Squal didn't discern a single coherent word. He tried to ignore the crowd yet their words were slowly seeping underneath his scales, urging him to give up his useless struggles and let his lust submerge him. His cock throbbed beneath him, spurting thick strings of pre, jolts of pleasure coursing through his body, weakening his already poor resistance. He was helplessly panting, shuddering as the group of eager drake pressed harder against him, scales grinding against scales, hot breath washing over every inch of his shivering frame, potent musk blended together filled his nostrils, making him feel lighter as his overwhelmed rational mind subsided, vanquished by the powerful surges of raw desire. "Come on man... allow us to help you with your... predicament." "Leave me alone..." he mumbled, shaking his snout vigorously, hoping to clear his fuzzy head. "Don't be shy we won't hurt you." purred one nuzzling his neck. Squal squealed loudly as something wrapped around his cock; the swollen organ jumping in the tight grip of a paw. His back arched, his hips bucking helplessly in the paw, his oozing pre slickening the scales embracing his firm flesh. "Look at that... so eager... so aroused." whispered the guy holding his cock, massaging his sensitive barbed shaft, his still uninflated knot sliding with ease in the fake tunnel formed by that palm. "Stop... please stop..." he whined loudly, squirming, trying to evade the pleasuring embrace while his body was still wildly humping in the vice like grip of the paw. "How cute. Do you hear that guys this young brat here doesn't like. Yet... like I said your body speaks a different language." "Perhaps he'd prefer something more... satisfying than a paw." suggested the one holding his cock "Am I right?"

Squal let out a relieved sigh, panting, standing on wobbly paws as his cock was freed, dangling between his legs. "Am I right handsome?" interrogated the guy, running a claw along his member's bare surface, drawing a lustful moan out of his gaping mouth. "I'll take that as a yes." purred the same voice. Squal couldn't help it, groaning loudly as his dick spewed thickening strands of precum. "Perhaps he'd like that more." suggested another. Squal squawked, his body tensing when a snout buried itself under his tail, a broad tongue prodding at the rim of his puckered hole, threatening to break past the tight puckered entrance. "No... don't... don't do that..." he begged, uncontrollably pushing back into the invading tongue, the wet agile oral appendage finally parting his muscular walls, smearing thick spit in his quivering anal passage. "Hey you're right he does enjoy that!" shouted another, his own wet tongue sticking out to gather as much of the spilled fluids as he could "and he does taste good I can tell you that."

Squal didn't care anymore, lost in his own world of pleasure; letting out loud moans as wave after wave of pure bliss came crashing down over him. All this toying with himself, all these times stuffing his bowel with thicker and thicker dildos had left him loosened and quite receptive to stimulation down there. "Hey don't go too hard at it dude it's too soon to have him cumming." cooed another one grinning deviously.

Squal could smell the intoxication stench of their arousal filling his nostrils, see their hard cock slapping their belly, every one of them thicker and juicier than the previous.

"Alright that's enough! Everyone clears the street now!" yelled a loud voice. Squal looked up, two tall bulky shadows were standing before him, all dressed in a pretty armor wearing the blazon of the king. "Guards" he thought to himself "thanks god someone to help him." "Not them..." winced one; "We haven't even started yet!" complained another. "Shut up and move your asses ladies." grumbled a third guard coming from behind. "Everyone separate now you're blocking the road!" called a fourth one completing the circle forming around them. "Go eat a dick we're busy." growled one of the guy next to Squal. "Bad idea..." he sniggered. "Do you have anything to say!?" growled the nearest guard, darting suspicious eyes on the drake. "No... nothing sir." "You're sure? Perhaps I misheard then. " "Yes... we... we're moving sir." gasped the group's leader. "Wonderful and leave that poor guy some space." "Seriously we haven't done anything to him." "Oh really... well perhaps you'd like us to discuss that fact? What do you think if I bring you to the police office to talk calmly about what you were doing? Perhaps if I dragged you there by your dick you'd be more... complying." "No... thanks... I'm already out of here." he yelped, running away under the gaze of the guards.

In a few minutes the group of lusty drakes had scattered, leaving Squal alone, trembling, panting, his hard cock throbbing between his legs. "Are you alright?" "I'm... I'm fine..." "Are you sure? They didn't hurt you did they?" "No... more fears than actual wounds." "Good good" mumbled the guard, keeping an eye on the scattering group of drakes "You'd better head back home kiddo..." he grumbled, turning away. "Thanks..." mumbled Squal, still frightened by what just happened.

As he padded away, his body still shaking in fear as voice called from behind "Hey kiddo!" Squal turned around, watching the soldier expectantly "Next time try not to block an entire road like this." Squal's jaw dropped, his protest stuck in his throat as he saw the man smile mockingly. "More seriously though..." he sighed, getting much closer "Don't let that kind of thing happen to you." "I didn't want this!" protested Squal, offended by the guard's insinuation. "I know I know... I've seen them trying to sneak under your tail; don't let them do that you hear me!" "I... I couldn't help it." pleaded Squal. "I know I've been keeping an eye on you... you're in fact hard to miss with that." purred the much taller drake, a sneaky paw squeezing Squal's member. He tensed, stiffening a moan, baring his fangs as menacingly as he could. "Relax I'm not interested in you... I'm just trying to warn you that it isn't wise to walk around unsheathed; you're attracting all the eyes like a freaking magnet." "I... I know... I'm... I'm sorry..." "Don't be... it happens to everyone..." he said with a kind voice, letting go of Squal's twitching member "Just don't let anyone see your weakness... there... you got lucky they were only five... it could have been much worse." "Like... how..." "Add a zero after the five." "Argh fifty!" "Yep that already happened a few times." Squal gulped his saliva down nervously, observing the bystanders with a new look. "See? So don't let anyone see your weaknesses otherwise you'll find yourself hammered into the ground faster than you can cry for help."

Squal quickly lowered his tail, hiding his private parts as best as he could. "Well... see you around... and try not to get into trouble... prince..." he added on the tone of secret. Squal let out a feeble gasp, taking a step back. How could this guy know? "Chill out young guy... someone... very special warned me of who you are." Although the voice sounded appeasing Squal remained tensed, darting suspicious looks at the grinning guard. "Alright... see you around." he said, casually walking away like nothing had happened.

Squal took the opposite way, avoiding the straightest way; not because of how crowded it was, not even because of his turgid length pulsing between his legs and his potent scent filling the water around him with an enticing fragrance; no... simple because he needed to take a breath, be alone and think; gather all his thoughts and make the point on his current situation.

"Not waiting for your savior?" asked a voice. Squal jumped, surprised, growling toward whoever dared to disturb him. When his eyes fell on Askyr he felt only half surprised to find him here, staring at him with that malicious smile twitching his lips. "Why should I even care about you!" he hissed, ignoring the pesky servant.

Since their rough meeting some time ago he had been much more careful, detecting Askyr whenever he would leave Stradavar's home, although the small servant was making huge progress in the tricky art of stealth. "Hey educated people say hi dumbass! Even more when you are a prince!" "Go eat a dick! Is that enough?" spat Squal, adopting a honeyed tone. Askyr only snorted, ignoring in turn the provoking attempt. "Beside why should I call you savior? You did nothing. As a body guard you suck." "Oh really... then think again? Who do you think warned the guards?" "I hate you so much..." whimpered Squal. "Hmpf... I should have let them have their fun with you." "Fine... thank you." "Oh it's nothing... I could do that all day." "Stop bragging you're getting on my nerves." "Did you wake up on the wrong paw or something? You look kinda grumpy." "Shut up..." "Yep should have let them ravage you." grumbled Askyr.

Squal observed Askyr as he went silent, walking next to him without throwing him a look.

Why was he so upset? Why was he spitting all his anger on him? He had done nothing wrong. "Sorry... I'm... I'm pretty... I don't know..." he whispered, lowering his snout in apology. "It's ok..." "I... I just... I don't know what took over me. I... I don't understand how it works." "How what works?" "My body. I've... I've been... let's say... filled up... lately." "I had noticed." "Is that... so obvious?" "If it was only for your cock but have you seen the size of your nuts?" "No... not really." "They're freaking huge! If you ask me that's a typical case of blue balls." "Blue... blue balls... but... but I keep releasing my essence all day." "How?" "What how?" "How do you relieve yourself silly?" "Oh... I... jerk off... often." "How much?" "I... I don't know... I'm not counting!" "Let's say a lot then. Also... how do you cum?" "Like... anyone else... I suppose." "Be more precise please." "How do you want me to be more precise? I just use my paws like anyone else!" "And...?" interrogated Askyr, more persistent than Squal had thought. "And my tongue." "And?" "And my mouth too..." "And?" "And what? It's not like I can stuff my tail in my ass or something!" "No but you can use it to stroke your cock." "I... I never thought about this..." mumbled Squal, giving that thick appendage a renewed look. "Anything else?"

Squal blushed, embarrassed "I... I use toys... a lot of them." he whispered, feeling guilty. At the mention of all his moments of lone pleasure in the solitude of his room his tailhole clenched on emptiness, quivering blissfully, reminding him of his ragging desire. "I see... I see. Have you mated since our little... fun in the palace?" "No... never..." "Have you even thought about it?" "No... not really... I've been too... busy dealing with other stuff." "I understand." "So... what's... your... advice if I can say so?" "I suggest you seek a mate." "A... A mate..." gasped Squal, taking a step back, the face of his previous one flashing before his eyes. "Or an eager hole to burry your cock in if you wish." "It... it sounds... bad said like this." "It's not as bad as you imagine I know a lot of people that would willingly do thq for you." chuckled Askyr, mischievous as always. "Sounds fishy to me." "No it is not! I was just trying to picture their face when they'll see what monster is packed in that slit." "You mean it?" "Considering your size; in all honesty you have the biggest cock I've ever seen! For a dragon your age that is." "Thanks... I guess." "You're welcome." "Well... I... I... I don't know. It feels wrong to fuck a random guy." "Your choice.„" he let out, lifting a paw from the ground although Squal didn't catch the meaning of that move. "I'll let you here; I still have some work to do." "Yeah keep an eye on me." "No not today; in fact I promised someone I'd give them a hand to repair an issue they have in their home so I'm off duty today." "And you're still finding some time to stalk me?" "Not really, we just crossed path. Maybe fate wanted us to meet here and now." "I don't believe in fate." "Neither do I." Askyr turned away, leaving Squal alone in the glass tube that was the street. He watched that sweet rump sway widely as his bodyguard and friend walked away; his tail swishing from side to side; offering him quick glances of that tight looking puckered hole; stirring back to life his half hard member; the throbbing meat slapping hard against his belly as another spurt of pre-seed stained his scales. Lust overwhelmed his mind; desire welling up in his loins as he felt that pressing urge to breed; his eyes becoming glassy and unfocused as a weird thought slithered it's way in his mind.

"Askyr wait!" he called. "Yes." "I... I have a favor to ask you." "Sure. I'm listening with delighted ears." "Actually... you just talked about... people that would be... willing to help me with my current... issue." "Indeed... would you like me to introduce you to them?" "No... I... I was thinking... if you could be that... helpful hand..." he mumbled, staring hopefully at Askyr.

"No!" the answer came like a whip lash over his face; his tone so harsh, denying all negotiation. Squal took a step back, astonished by the sudden tension in the air. Askyr glared at him, growling deeply in his throat, his claws racking the metallic ground. "Sorry..." he sighed, his snarl vanishing of his face, the tension in his muscles fading "I've experienced it once and it's not something I'm willing to try again." "Oh... you... you didn't like it?" "I don't call being drilled by a pent up drake an enjoyable moment." "Sorry...I didn't want to hurt you." "It's alright... I've forgiven you that instant of... lack of awareness." "I... I didn't know that it could be so painful." "Actually... you do feel nice... but all these barbs of yours kinda hurt." "Oh... that much... for me they feel quite... pleasurable." "They do... when you don't stab the person's butthole with them." "I... I see." "Maybe if you hadn't gone as rough on me I would be more willing to help you." "I... I'm sorry... I shouldn't have let my lust overwhelm me." Mumbled Squal; lowering his snout to the ground; the first of many tears rolling down his cheek. "Hey don't be so serious Squal I'm joking." he chuckled, caressing Squal's cheek with a claw "beside I was in no position to give you orders; my job was to pleasure you; not to gain any satisfaction out of it. However if I can give you an advice next time don't go as wild on someone; take your time and make sure they enjoy it." "If there is a second time..." sighed Squal; despair peaking in his trembling voice. "Well... sorry if I can't help you but I want to keep my ass in one piece if you see what I mean." Squal nodded, yet deep inside something else was happening, an inner battle between his rational mind crippled and weakened and his ravenous sexual desire. "To be honest... breeding you... isn't what I meant." He mumbled, his voice shaky with lust, his body trembling as a hot tide of pleasure filled his veins. "Oh... what was it that you meant then?" "Well I... I... thought that maybe you could..." he purred, teasingly wiggling his rump, making his hard cock slap against his thighs, leaking pre-seed at a near constant rate. "What sucking you? Let me make my point clearer Squal... anything that implies your cock will only get you a negative answer!" "No... I... I mean... something else." "What then?" exploded Askyr, looking in all direction like he was fearing something.

Squal let out a weak moan, showing his back to Askyr. He couldn't believe what he was doing but deep inside something told him it was the thing to do.

The servant stared wide eyed; jaws dropping as Squal slowly raised his tail, bending on the floor submissively. "What the hell..." gasped Askyr, trembling in sheer shock "Are you kidding me?" "Please... breed me... make me cum." he pleaded, swaying his hindquarter widely, displaying his tight clenching puckered hole and hanging package. "Holy shits... look at that... look at that rump... so... thick... so... inviting." The other male shushed to himself, stunned, drooling as his eyes were like nailed onto Squal's rump. A trembling paw made contact with one of Squal's rump cheek, giving it a firm squeeze then slowly descending until it grasped firmly onto his sack, making the two plump sphere roll in his grasp. Soon Squal felt Askyr's nostrils press against the taut sack, taking deep inhales of his potent musk. "So... sweet... that smell is... so... delicious..." he whispered, mesmerized by the pungent stench of Squal's musk; giving a tempting lick to the sensitive sack; drawing a needy moan from Squal's gaping maw. "Go... go ahead it's all yours." mumbled Squal, his body instinctively bucking forward, trusting his hard rod in the cool water. "Really..." "Yes..." moaned Squal, catching a sliver of Askyr's adolescent musk. Askyr's palm left his sack, his member drizzling precum; throbbing eagerly; craving for more touches from the other male. Askyr's forepaws gripped Squal's back as he climbed on top of him, his own hard member poking at Squal's entrance. The eager sea dragon raised his rump higher, aligning his hole with Askyr's throbbing meat; coated in a thin film of his own natural lube. It was so close... so hot; so wet; so eager for his quivering hole; so tempting to just buck back and sink that hard pole in his guts; to earn that so desired relief.

"I... I can't..." brutally let out Askyr, dismounting him. Squal looked back, surprised as Askyr took a few steps back; away from him, shaking his head vigorously. "The hell just happened?" he mumbled, watching Squal with a suspicious expression. It was as if he had just fell asleep, his brain disconnection, only leaving the rawest part of himself at the control.

Squal was as disappointed as he was lost; indeed what had just happened? Askyr was staring at him in utter shock, taking slow steps back always keeping his eyes on Squal. "The hell have you done to me?" "I... I don't know!" whispered Squal "Is it me who did that?" "I don't want to know..." growled Askyr "Don't you dare come close to me again!" "Askyr wait...!" yelped Squal, going after him, grimacing when his hard member slammed violently in his belly.

In barely a second they were facing each other. "I'm... I'm sorry... I don't know what just happened." "I don't have a clue but I don't want this to ever happen again you hear me!" "I... I do... I'm awfully sorry." "Still... I have to give you that... for a weird hybrid you have one hell of a sweet scent." "Thanks.... Actually... do you think it's... because of that?" "Probably..." "Crap... I'll have to be careful with this..." "Indeed." "How did you manage to..." "Snap out of it? I don't know. Perhaps it's because I'm less of a lusty fish brain than you." "Shut up... I'm sure you wouldn't have minded the slightest. Speaking of which... why you...?" "Broke free? Unlike you I manage to keep a clear head and I can give you a handful of reasons why I shouldn't have done it." "Like?" "First it's... not forbidden but... unappropriated. Imagine if your father learned." "Even if it was me who pleaded you?" "Even in that case it's like I would have gone over my own rank." "Oh... that sucks... if you allow me." "It does..." "I didn't suspect there were rules about who should pair with who." "There are not many but enough to keep the too higher cast to mix with the rest... in theory at least." he let out, winking meaningfully "Also... since you're a hybrid I don't want to get myself involved in some more weird stuff." "What you fear I'm contagious or something?" "Maybe... who knows..." "Hehe your fears come too late Askyr with the amount of seed I deposited into you if there was any risk of contagion you would have felt it." "True."

A long minute went by, the two of them only staring at each other in a complete silence. "Frankly... I wasn't expecting you to be a bottom." let out Askyr, breaking the heavy silence. "I've been... taking that position most of the time so... yes I'd say I'm a bottom." "Well... I'd love to discuss that matter for an entire day but it's really time for me to go." "Are you that much in a hurry?" "Well I left my friend in the middle of the market to save your butt; they must be losing their mind now so I'd better hurry." "Alright... see you around I suppose." "Oh I'll always be there... watching over you."

They parted way, each one going in a different direction.

It took time for Squal to find his way; his wanders through small alleys had left him lost. After some more wanders he found a place he recognize5, realizing he had walked in the wrong direction all this time and had now twice the distance to walk to get back in the safety of Stradavar's home. Below him his member wasn't hard anymore, still hanging out but limp; flaccid. The flow of his lust had come to a stop, allowing for a long needed time of clear thinking.

He knew for sure his lust would only rise again, driving him in another tricky situation like this one... a situation he might not escape without a scratch this time. But what could he do against it? Pleasuring himself over and over had no effect yet the solution suggested by Askyr sounded bad. Yet... he had no other visible choice. What could he do? Who could do? He didn't want to have someone as his fuck toy... but did he really have a choice? Could he decide or would his body push him toward that solution? Maybe... maybe there was another way... but would he have the guts to do it? Did he have the willpower to do it?

This idea had been on his mind for a while, obsessing him. He had tried to ignore it... but to no avail, it had always come back. What if... what if the solution was to... restart everything... take a fresh start and rebuild everything where he had left it and... find himself a new mate.

A new mate; these words echoed in his mind like blames, like dooming sentences. On one hand he felt guilty for abandoning Thyan like this, the one that had provided him a home, had cared for him, had loved him truly even his flaws, the one that had been with him, with who he had shared everything for the last months of his life among them; the one who's face flashed before his eyes every time he dared to think of someone else as a potential mate, the one who when he thought of him pinched his heart and twitched his guts violently; the one with who he had discovered his own unknown feelings, the unknown side of himself, the one that had trusted him to the end. Yet on the other side another part of him was suggesting something else, a vicious voice whispering to his ear "It's not like you'll ever see him again." Or "he has already forgotten everything about you; he doesn't even remember you." even "Why bother he'll never like you anymore... he'll only be like the rest, seeing you as a bloodthirsty beast; you'll never see him again... an entire world separates you now."

Thinking this way hurt him badly, he loved his mate and only wished to be with him again, his nights were filled of dreams of their reunion. Yet sometime the dreamed turned into a nightmare and the happiness became fear, reject, disregard. He felt cut in half, ripped apart, torn between his burning love and his devouring desire. But... even though he hated himself for thinking this way he had to admit he was right; what was the probability of seeing Thyan again? One in a billion? He couldn't just get in there so easily and just knock at the door firstly because he would have to get out of the abyssal pit and find his way back home; secondly the guards would immediately try to kill him whenever they'd spot him; thirdly no one would believe someone like him, he would just get himself killed, fourthly even if he managed to sneak past the security he would still get killed by the poisonous air and fifthly what guaranteed him that Thyan would recognize him? What told him he would believe him?

"Perhaps I should... stop thinking about him." he whispered, not convinced. That pinch to his heart wouldn't fade away, constant reminder of this past life he enjoyed so much. He stopped, observing the dark sea through the window, mirror of his mind; darkness, unknown, doubts, fears, all blended in an immense obscurity. Yet, before his amazed eyes the water shifted, troubled, a familiar face appearing like a ghost floating in the water. Squal took a step back, a blank cry stuck in his throat as Thyan materialized before him. He shook his head, rubbed his eyes with a paw, pinched himself, bit on his tongue, nothing did... the apparition was still there, glaring at him with disappointment. "What the... hell..." he mumbled "am I losing my mind?"

The ghostly face seemed to nod in agreement.

He turned his eyes away, cold sweat running down his spine, feeling that gaze fixated on his scales. "It's not true... it's not true..." he repeated himself.

When he turned his unsure gaze toward the incurved window the scary face was gone, leaving only the blackness of the pit, of the oppressing darkness of the blind city. He took a deep breath, his heart thumping ,in his chest, blood pounding in his veins, his brain going at light speed, flushed with panic as; for the first time he felt oppressed, trapped, squeezed in the drowning darkness of the city sank in eternal night. He took what remained of his courage and went away, feeling that invisible presence next to him.

Why did he felt so guilty all of a sudden? He only thought of it out loud and it was like the universe was making him pay for that instant of doubt. Beside... finding a mate sounded fairly easy on paper but in reality it was far from it; he had never tried to flirt with anyone here. He had only seen males since his arrival, not a single female and he had never tried to flirt with a male before. Also... he secretly feared the person's reaction whey they would find out what he truly was. Actually the only person he talked to were Askyr... his father... and... Stradavar.

He had thought several times of the musician drake as a possible mate, they had already experimented together, had some fun together but... would he accept? Also... why were they still together, living in the same home? Why had even Stradavar suggested it in the first place? That's right... why? Was he feeling grateful, grateful toward him... for saving his life? It made no sense; he had found plenty of opportunities and ways to make up for it; he had helped him escape, had brought him to safety; had made sure he was safe and healthy; and then had offered to shelter him. He had always been nice, welcoming, understanding, wise and full of advices and always eager to land him a helpful hand. A smile slowly curled Squal's lips, his head filled of good memories with his newfound friend.

Yet... was he only a friend? Had he never trid to be something more.

He had to admit he had always been nice and gentle with him. Did this behavior have another meaning? A meaning he only caught now.

Without him noticing he had reached Stradavar's house, now standing before the door, his paw hovering over the handle He took a deep breath, tried to put a smile on his face and pushed the heavy panel, crossing that thin gelatinous barrier marking the place where water had crawled away, leaving place to pure air. "I'm home!" he shouted loud enough to be heard throughout the apartment. No answer came. "Sorry I'm awfully late!" he screamed, ears perked. No voice answered his call. "You don't imagine what happened to me." he chirped, trying to keep his happy tone. Once again only a cold silence came to his ears. "Stradavar are you there?" No one replied, only the soft music playing on its own could be heard. Why was it so silent?

Nervously Squal stepped in the corridor, throwing a furtive glance in every room, finding no trace of his friend. His nostrils flared, catching a scent of cooked fish. Instantly heavy globes of spit rained down along his chin. Stradavar's cooking always had him drooling like this. His senses drove him straight to the kitchen; the door was wide open, offering a perfect view of the room behind.

Squal had barely thrown a glance inside that he had already backed away, muffing a gasp as his eyes burst wide open. What he was seeing felt so unbelievable. He tried to calm his irregular breath, blood pounding in his head as a new wave of emotions submerged him.

In the kitchen; in that silent house lied Stradavar, sprawled on the floor, leaning on the cupboard, his muscles relaxed, his expression peaceful, his eyes closed, his tongue lolling his breath slow and shallow, his whole body on display.

But that wasn't the position he was in that had shocked Squal to the point of making him tremble in fear; it was what Stradavar was doing that took him by surprise. Surely it was normal for him to enjoy his own private's time but Squal never expected to catch a glimpse of him in one of those private moments. Slowly he moved his snout through the doorframe. Stradavar didn't seem to have noticed him, his eyes tightly sealed shut.

Slowly Squal entered again; his snout peaking in the doorframe; his gaze lowering, descending along Stradavar's neck, along his chest, then his belly until his gaze met what he thought he had spotted.

Stradavar's hindquarter was exposed right before him, his sheath parted to let the girth of his cock slip out, bathed in slick fluids, his whole turgid length throbbing in the air, spurting thick ropes of pre-seed.

It felt strangely familiar to Squal as he stared at Strad's member, incapable of moving his eyes away. The ribbed surface was covered of thick pulsing veins, all the swells along his member inflated. From the pointy tip more pre oozed out. A paw was casually rubbing his length, massaging the sensitive pole of hard flesh, his claws doing slow circling motions over his swollen shaft, smearing more of his spent fluids on his length.

Squal sneaked in the kitchen, finding a better spot to watch the action while keeping a quick escape route. Stradavaar still hadn't felt his presence, his senses gone numb, his head tilted to the side, his mouth gaping open, thick globes of spit dangling from his chin, his paw mechanically stroking his hard meat.

Squal felt his own member start to throb, hardening in the blink of an eye, already dribbling pre on the ground below as he stared helplessly, panting rapidly, his resistance melting away. Slowly he sat on the ground in front of Straadavar, his own pulsing member slapping hard against his belly, pleading for his attention. Squal's eyes immediately found Stradvar's needy member again, observing the turgid rod twitch and pulse, spitting more of Stradavar's musky pre. Squal's nostrils twitched; catching that sweet scent of male virility, his scales shivering in anticipation, his member itching to be touched, pleasured, the content of his balls swirling in his nuts, impatient to be released, the pressure becoming unbearable. Squal's paw found the head of his member, his claws playing with the tip, letting the constant trickle of pre-seed turn his scales smooth and slippery.

The two dragon started pleasuring themselves face to face yet oblivious to the other's presence. Squal's eyes became hazy, the world before him losing all texture, becoming a blur of blended colors and forms, the only thing he could define was Stradavar's cock, shiny and slickened with his natural lube, standing in all its glory. His ears became deaf to every sound except Stradavar's low purrs and groans. His brain had turned into a slack peace of meat, his body almost entirely frozen except for the hand sensually caressing his barbed member.

Stradavar on his side was lost, overwhelmed with lust, moaning as jolts of pleasure burst from his shaft under the touch of his paw.

Slowly, almost unconsciously their pace started to synchronize, their motion to mimic one another, their breath to find the same steady rhythm, their moans to intertwine in a sweet melody of mutual pleasure.

Stradavar's paw stopped teasing his member with swift touches and rubs, instead gripping the base firmly; squeezing the thickest knot, drawing another spurt of clear pre out of his tip and a loud moan from the depth of his throat. Squal imitated his friend; his barbed flesh flaring as his palm wrapped around the bulbous knot, his hips bucking in the tight tunnel he had formed with his scaled palm; pre literally streaming from his cock; forming dark puddles between his legs as he groaned loudly, cramming his neck high as he let out more cries of bliss, shuddering as he stroked his dick harder, feeling a warm tide rise from the depth of his loins.

Both drakes were steadily pumping their dick, still unawaare of the other's presence, panting, salivating and growling like two savage beasts drove by mighty instincts, two beasts crippled by the burden of their seed.

Stradavar's eyes cracked open, his sight a blur, his brain a weak piece of meat incapable of registering the slightest thing about his surroundings, too focused on the successive waves of pleasure washing over him as his clawed fingers found the most pleasant spots of his cock, triggering new, more powerful surges of bliss and squirts of pre to come out, splattering onto his belly, making a mess of his scales. His jaws parted, a low groan making his throat vibrate as his tail swayed widely, his fin slamming in the tile, his hind paws kicking in the air, his other paw grabbing the tip of his cock, teasing that so sensitive part of his anatomy while his other paw was kept busy by his ever pulsing and inflating base.

Squal was eagerly panting, cooing as he lowered his snout, observing his cock as he kept stroking and bucking in his paw, leaving dark gleaning trail of pre behind, the puddles between his legs grew, fueled by the constant drip of his gooey fluids, every drop producing a light plop as it landed on the ground.

Squal grimaced; a face of pure bliss, arching his back, more pre spurting out on the ground, dark streaks staining the ground as he felt his peak near; seed building up in his swollen cock, ready to be unleashed. Loud groans and moans escaped his open maw, his whole frame shuddering in bliss. He shifted his balance a bit, pumping his hand harder along his shaft, crying out in sheer delight.

"Oh... oh... yes..." moaned a voice. Squal froze, a cold chill running down his spine. His paw let go of his member, soaked in his own spent secretions, panting rapidly, letting out low needy moans, his bloated cock begging for more, his body on the brink of letting loose another wave of seed. All he wanted was to grab his cock and squeeze it until his sticky essence would explode, splashing everywhere but that voice... that lustful moan was dragging him back into reality, wiping away the fog clouding his judgment. Before him Stradavar was still sitting against the furniture, staring at him with glassy eyes that seemed blind to his presence while he was still toying with himself.

Was he truly seeing him? His half lidded eyes seemed to go through him like he had been a mere shadow. Squal observed in silence as Stradavar kept masturbating, ignoring his friend, not even hearing him try to stiffen his loud moans. Was Stradavar so enthralled by his own pleasure to be so oblivious to the fact that someone was perversely watching him as he gave himself pleasure and earned his sweet release.

Squal perked his ears, listening as Stradavar's lips twitched, forming word he could barely hear. "Oh yes... just like that... just a bit more and I... oh... yes...!"

Squal smirked, hearing his friend talk to himself in his own bliss. Yet his expression brutally changed when he heard what came next.

"Oh yes... harder... faster... wonderful! Oh... you're... so good at it." Who was he talking to? Was he daydreaming, creating himself a fantasy of someone pleasuring him? Was it that intense?

Squal kept listening, intrigued and aroused by what was happening, enticed by both Stradavar's leaking shaft and musk as well as by his naughty imagination going wild. Who could his friend imagine to get rewarded with so much pleasure? The answer came fast.

"Oh... you're... so... good... with your mouth." that detail surprised Squal; how could his friend visualize a warm and wet maw suckling his cock when he was only using his bare hands? But that wasn't the main focus as he tried to guess who was making Stradavar so hard and eager "Oh... you're... you're a natural.... Oh... yes... that's the spot... don't stop..." Squal was stunned by the amount of precum that would gush out from his shaft, long ropes of gooey liquid smothering across his paw and bely; his potent fragrance filling the air, making Squal pant in wild desire as Stradavar's low lust addled voice kept raising, arousing his senses with words of delight "Oh... yes... just like that...! Oh fuck! Your mouth feels so... good around my dick!" he cried out, lost bin his own dream "Oh Squal! Squal... yes... keep... suckling... I'm gonna..."

Squal gasped, taking a step back, breathless, speechless, his eyes popping wide, almost bursting from his skull.

Had Just Stradavar called his name in his slumber, had he just been imagining him Squal bringing him such pleasure?

Squal was divided by that surprising news that brought conflicting feelings to him. On one side he felt pleased, proud, honored even that Stradavar enjoyed him giving some head to an extend to keep it memorable and finding relief by diving back in that instant; but on the other side he was disgusted, grossed out that his friend was building his fantasies with him servicing his cock like a good obedient slut willingly bobbing on his shaft until he would claim him with the stench of his spunk.

A snarl formed onto his face, his lips twitching as a deep growl escaped his maw as he took a step back, then another, keeping his eyes aimed on Stradavar's pulsing member. He couldn't deny that he felt a perverted satisfaction rising deep within; warming his heart with pride. He had never imagined, even in his weirdest dream that he would be able to leave such an imprint in someone else's mind... even less one of them. Nevertheless he glared at the masturbating drake, not giving a damn that his body had been enticed by that whole situation. He kept slowly pulling back, glaring and snarling hatefully at the one he had thought to be a friend like he wasn't too enraptured to care. One step at the time he closed in on the door, making sure to let his claw rack audibly on the tile until he felt something break as one of his hind paw made contact with that unknown thing that immediately gave way under him as his entire paw dipped in warm, thick and sticky substance that clung onto his scales. His eyes shot wide open as a feeble sound slipped between his lips, his snout slowly turning away, discovering discarded jagged fragments scattered across the ground in a large blackish pool spread across the floor in which one of his paw was dipping, drenched in inky black substance.

Stradavar; through the haze of lust clouding his mind heard a loud crushing noise, his brain clearing in a mere instant, his paws quickly leaving his cock as he shook his head. Instantly his guts tightened, knots formed in his throat when he discovered what had caused that sound and that sudden surge of scent in the air. "Squal... how... how did you... how... how long have you been watching?" he squeaked, uselessly trying to hide his prominent erection.

But Squal wasn't listening, staring at what coated his paw, a powerful fragrance rushing to his flaring nostrils as he inhaled deeply. His body quaked, his muscles tensed, his hard traits tensed by anger softened, his snarl melted away, his furiously blazing eyes turned hazy, blurry, his pupils widened as his tongue dropped from his mouth. "Squal... are you alright?" weakly called Stradavar, trembling as Squal turned his half lidded eyes in his direction, his breathing heavy, sounding like a constant rumble of thunder.

"Oh no... Squal... Squal... do you hear me?!" he squeaked again, curling on himself like a little frightened whelp. He closed his eyes tightly, lowering his snout; wishing only to forget that sight; this vision that announced nothing good for him. How much did he wish it was all only an embarrassing dream; a nightmare that would soon end. The peculiar sound of Squal's claws on the floor was the only thing he could hear, hiding himself a bit more as he sensed Squal's presence closer and closer. "Please... don't... don't...... please... forgive me." he whimpered, feeling that hot breath wash over his shivering scales, blasts of moist air blowing right in his face. He didn't dare to look at his friend straight in his eyes, just the mere sight of his black scales was making him quiver and wish to shrink to the size of a grain of sand.

Something wet dashed over his scales, right under his sheath, in the narrow space between his two swollen spheres and his twitching dragonhood; triggering an unexpected chirr of bliss as his overstimulated hindquarter reacted to that swift touch, arching up toward what had just made contact with him.

His eyes cracked open. Was he stupefied when he discovered what was occurring? Absolutely. His mouth opened on a cry that never came, his eyes rolling back as another surge of bliss shot up in his already dazed brain, sending him sky-high floating in a world of pleasure.

Between his legs Squal's snout had sneaked it's way, his long agile forked tongue lapping greedily around his package; smearing his thick spit on his scales, cleaning all the mess of fluids Stradavar had made earlier with an eagerness that surprised him; it was like he was adoring it. Stradavar shuddered, helplessly exposing his private parts to his willing friend, letting out loud moans as that hot appendage prodded without even brushing against the most sensitive part of him, teasing places he didn't even know would provide such pleasure; making his member throb with a renewed strength as geysers of pre made an even bigger mess of his belly and stomach. Squal leaned over him, his paws swiftly caressing his flanks as his underbelly pressed against his slippery cock as he stepped over him, his agile tongue lapping over the glinting pre-seed, following the curves of his belly, leaving slimy trails behind. Stradavear cooed, eyes half closed, breath slow and shallow letting himself be cradled in the gentle embrace of his friend as his muzzle traveled up, discovering pleasurable nubs of his body he didn't know existed, shuddering when that skilled tongue would prod in a tine crevice between scales or circle around a specific area, unleashing torrents of pleasure in his veins. His body temperature skyrocketed, bliss like molten steel flowing in his flesh; his whole frame tensing under the restless assaults of that sweet tongue.

It wasn't Stradavar's first time but it was the first time he experienced such climactic pleasure by only the touch of another, his cock painfully hard and sensitive, flared and swollen, mapped with large veins engorged with scalding hot blood. His loins throbbed, the burden of seed tormenting him as spurts of a thick mess rained on his belly. Waves of orgasmic delight crashing down on him in full force, his body convulsing in sheer bliss. But all along Squal would keep him on edge, stopping his ministration whenever Stradavar was on the brink of exploding; right when he would cry out in orgasmic delight that marvelous tongue would withdraw, leaving him whining and moaning, begging for release. So much seed had welled up in his member that he started wondering how it could withstand such a pressure and amount of that life giving essence. "Squal... please... stop... stop teasing... I... I can't hold it back... I'm... I'm gonna... cum... I... I need to..."

Something swift jabbed his mouth, making him gag in surprise as the slimy invader prodded deep in his maw. His eyes widened; his breath stuck in his throat as, in a dash of black scales Squal had stuck his tongue in between hi sparted jaws; That sneaky eel of a dragon had sank a good portion of his agile appendage deep in his maw, playing around with Stradavar's own limp organ, exploring curiously as torrent of spit and venom alike flooded his mouth. Stradavar gulped down the thick mess, murring as it filled his stomach. Even the poison Squal secreted, that vile substance meant to kill or turn someone else in one of them tasted sweet; sugary like candy yet spicy and tangy, so wonderful that he started suckling, draining every drop Squal could provide him, milking him for all he was worth.

A long minute later their jaws parted, long strands of saliva linking them. Sstradavar's brain was useless, his eyes unfocused as he tried to make eye contact with Squal just to find him in an equal state, dazed with his own lust; rivulets of spit and thick venom coating his chin in a glossy white blanket. The musk of the other dragon, strong and fertile leaked in the air, making his nostrils twitch in desire as his lust urged him to taste that pole he saw sway between Squal's legs. It was so new... so enthralling, so potent and attractive yet filled with hints he had never smelled before, hues of unknown, of foreign, scents of other places... of other worlds; of other pleasures all blended together to form a concoction that made him eager to delve deeper into that juicy cock and unveil all the secrets it hid.

Sadly Squal seemed to have other plan as he retreated slowly, his paws gripping Stradavar's thighs as his muzzle faced his twitching length from which pre and cum poured out.

Squal licked his lips, glancing at the hard member just an inch away from him, watching that fountain of male fluids run down that juicy thick pillar of flesh with desire burning in his hazy irises.

"You... you're... not gonna hurt me... right?" winced Stradavar, doubting Squal's intentions. He seemed eager, willing to bring him to a much needed climax before he lost what remained of his flickering sanity but that wicked smiled glued to his lips was telling a completely different story; a horrifying tale where the horny drake dominating him would have his way with him; would claim his body as his prize, hammer every orifice until they would leak blood and cum, marked eternally with his scent.

Stradavar was helpless, even if that thought was scaring him to death he couldn't do much about it in his current position, submitted under a more powerful pent up drake that held him in a steel grip.

With a frightened look Stradavr watched as Squal's muzzle descended upon his dripping member, his jaws parted on a low growl; stream of dark spit bathing his cock.

Stradavar jerked, arched, howled as he felt something embrace his cock, a steaming warmth wrapping around his overstimulated pole as something warm and wet smacked his tip, tightly sealing around his shaft slickened tip.

Stradavar let out a loud moan, feeling his member twitch in that heated cavity; the agile tongue rapidly lapping his member, swallowing all the pre it could gather. Shudders of pleasure traversed his body, hisses and moans escaped his mouth as his neck twisted upward, every inch of his body tensing under the waves of delight a simple tongue created. "Squal!" he shouted, out of breath, tipping on the egde again "Squal... please... stop... I can't... I can't hold it back... I'm... I'm gonna... cum!" he yelled. Squal gave no weight to the desperate calls of the one squirming under him. Did he even hear the voice through the haze of his lust?

Nevertheless Squal kept suckling, slowly bobbing his head down the shaft, his tongue lapping eagerly along the burning hot flesh, coiling tightly around the hard rod of dragon meat, forcing more precum out for him to feast on. His pursed lips slowly went down along the shaft, bumping against each ridge, stopping to the first swell and at the same teasing pace going back, making lewd suckling noises as he spat more of the long thick cock. He had barely adopted a steady suckling pattern that already Stradavar roared in pleasure, his shaking paws firmly grabbing a hold of Squal's head, shoving his fat dick deep in Squal's mouth as he broke loose, torrents of thick gooey seed flooding that fleshy cave, blasts of pure male essence making Squal's cheeks bulge a bit more each time Stradavar exploded inside him, painting his flesh black with his semen. Squal didn't say a thing, didn't protest, didn't try to spit all the cum pooling in his mouth as he simply swallowed instead, making sure to be as loud as possible.

Soon however the constant torrent of seed began to overwhelm even him, gushes of seed bursting out of his gaping maws, streaming along his chin, cascading on the ground as the torrent became a true geyser of thick potent spooge. Squal swiftly broke free from the weakening grip, the hard throbbing cock escaping his mouth, spraying as it swayed widely, covering everything in steaming hot cum. A paw found the member, aiming the spraying tip at Squal's snout, letting all that was left coat his scales a deep ink black similar to the one of his own scales. Stradavar kept howling to the ceiling, quaking under the might of his own release, his mind flushed with pleasure like never before, all traces of rationality gone, replaced by utter delight as he emptied himself in that awaiting maw, spilling all the content of his balls wherever his cock wanted.

Sometime had gone by, Stradavar wat resting against the cool floor of his kitchen, his body still shaken by the overpowering climax, trying to piece together what had just happened. His cock had stopped spurting cum everywhere, now resting on his belly; weakly squirting the last droplets of seed he had in store, exhausted floppy eel crawling on his belly, hanging out, too tired to crawl back in its hiding. "What just happened?" he asked himself, still clueless if he had just dived so deep in his fantasy that it felt real or if it had just truly happened like in his dreams.

With a grunt he turned his head around, the world spinning around him, his brain barely making the difference between the floor and the walls. He felt as if he was drunk, dazed but not with any alcohol but bay a sweeter nectar, a taste that made his whole body tingle; the unequaled fulfilling feeling of orgasm.

Slowly his surroundings stopped shifting, his blurry sight clearing, showing him a scene he could hardly believe. The floor around him was a mess, stained deeply with his cum; other much smaller puddles and rivulets were scattered around the tile, slithering in the gaps; far away, in the corner of his vision he noticed debris, pieces of what once was a bowl reduced to a bunch of broken shards in a middle of a pond of more gooey gunk.

In the middle of the room however he spotted a large form blocking most of his view. It took him time to recognize Squal, head hanging low, claws hooked to his thighs, his chest rising and falling steadily at the rhythm of his shallow breathing; his back arched in an odd way, his long tail swishing excitedly behind him. A minute of adjusting his sight later he discovered more of the drake standing before him, his face soaked in shiny black seed drizzling down on Stradavar's chest, his half closed eyes piercing through Stradavar, fogged by lust; and that monster of a cock jumping under his belly, spewing pre-seed on the other's scales, jutting from an overflowing slit drenching that gorgeous rod of flesh in glossy slippery lube.

Stradavar trembled. It was impossible; it couldn't have had happened! Yet here he was, staring at a dragon covered of his spunk. But a detail seemed odd, out of place; Squal seemed to be completely phasing, like he was disconnected from reality; his irises only sending a feeling of emptiness to whoever dared to cross that gaze.

"Squal... are... are you alright?" he called, trembling under the stoned dragon. No reaction, not even a wink. "Squal..." he gasped, trying to break free of the tight embrace of his friend's sharp claws. Squal didn't flinch, keeping a firm grip on Stradavar's shivering frame. "Hey Squal... you... you can let go now..." he mumbled, his voice barely audible, muffed by fear.

This time his pleas seemed to have triggered a reaction as Squal's snout slowly rose exposing his cum dripping face to him, a malicious grin twisting his traits.

Stradavar had no time to react. In a flash the paws squeezing his hindlegs had disappeared, leaving him free of his actions. But it was no opportunity to escape as an immense form blocked his horizon, casting a large shadow over him. Before he knew it Squal was over him, his muscular frame taking all the available space, his powerful hindpaws painfully pressed against his lower belly, pinning him down under his weight.

Stradavar huffed, all the air in his lungs was brutally forced out. The new submissive stance he had been forced into had come as a big surprise; he didn't expect his seemingly spacing friend to go wild so suddenly.

Unaware to him he had closed his eyes, trembling as he felt the heavy weight shifting on top of him. Slowly his eyelids cracked open, revealing an ocean of blackness accompanied by a wave of pungent tangy musk. In disbelief he examined what was happening, trying his best to get a grip on the situation.

Squal was completely dominating him, holding him in place under his deadly talons, his forepaws resting on the furniture above, leaving only his broad chest and sleek body to gaze at for the submitted male. His head was out of sight, bent over the furniture. What was he doing? Was he looking for something up there? Food maybe? Had he misunderstood Squal's intentions? Was he only hungry?

He relaxed, relieved, opening his mouth to take a deep breath just to cough as something thick and hard sank right in, choking him as a thick liquid leaked in his throat. He suffocated; that thing stuffing his mouth, forcing his jaws to part to accommodate to that thick meaty pillar as it slid deeper; the pointy tip poking at his throat; threatening to penetrate in his gullet as his lips smacked against something bigger, thicker, as wet and smelly as the rest, carrying that same fragrance he had grown accustomed to.

Gurgling noises escaped his throat as he tried to breathe through the thick fluid pooling in his mouth, pumped there by a needy pulsing member. Panic spread through his body as he tried to breathe; his lungs only filling with thick male spunk. At least he knew how it felt for other drakes when sucking his member.

The pressure applied on his head was unbearable, his bone cracking, his jaws aching as Squal brutally tried to sink all the way in, pushing inch after inch of turgid flesh in Stradavar's gullet. The male's cheeks bulged, his mouth filling wth seed as he clawed at Squal's flanks, desperate for breath, reality spinning and twirling around him as he felt on the brink of fainting. But his struggles seemed vain; only seeming to enthrall the horny drake more; Squal didn't let go, slamming harder and deeper into his pre-dripping muzzle, growling deeply as he battled against that pesky mouth that didn't want to welcome him.

Finally Stradavar's weakening struggles seemed to reach him as, with a low annoyed huff he let go of his prize, his grip loosening as he pulled out, enjoying these last seconds in that sloppy maw.

Stradavar panted, wiggling his snout until the hard member was completely withdrawn, spitting all the pre that had accumulated in his mouth, coughing for breath as fresh clean air fueled his burning lungs.

Squal observed with a keen eye, wanting as Stradavar tried to calm down, taking slow deep breathes. A claw brushed against his cheek in a gentle way, wiping away some of the trails of precum trickling down his chin. Stradavar was still coughing, coping with the amount of pre he had accidently swallowed in the wrong tunnel, making lewd gurgling noises every time he exhaled as he tried to spit it all.

Some time later Stradavar had found a slow breathing pattern, the ragged thumping of his heart tamed. Squal was still on top of him, watching silently, patiently waiting for his friend to recover, wearing what could be called an apologetic look on his face, like even in his horny state he would still understand his mistake and beg mercy for his faults.

Stradavar smiled, still shaken by the violence of the act, lightly shivering in fright as he still felt that dominating presence above him and that pulsing hot shaft hovering ^close to his face. Yet Squal didn't try to have his way with him again, only waiting, watching expectedly. Nervously Stradavar grabbed his friend's flank, gently patting the soft scales, feeling the powerful muscles moving under the tough skin.

Squal purred, curling his neck down until he nuzzled the other's snout. "You're adorable..." chuckled Stradavar, closing his eyes, letting Squal nestle himself in his neck. The contact didn't last long as Squaal retreated his snout away, the slow rubbing of scales against scales stopping, replaced by another kind of rub of something warm and slimy brushed against his scales, a musky scent smearing on his face. Strad didn't have to open his eyes to know Squal was grinding his needy cock against his cheek, gently humping his face with his hard meat, begging him to finish their business. "You know... if you wanted me to return the favor... you just had to ask..." mumbled Stradavar, still unsure how Squal would react. He didn't move a muscle, only keeping up a slow trusting pace against Stradavar's right cheek. Yet when Stradavar had spoken he nodded, his tongue lolling out and his eyes hazy as ever but he nodded in a surprising acknowledgment.

Deep within however Stradavar wondered if Squal had not simply lost his mind, turned into a wild animal by his unsettled needs. Yet he didn't try to force his friend to accept his member again, simply watching, listening as it seemed like. Squal let out a low coo that sounded like an apology. Stradavar smirked, aligning his mouth and the drooling cock. "Let's proceed then shall we." He expected a rough thrust forward, to get his mouth stuffed with more cock than he could handle. But Squal didn't even flinch, leaving Stradavar to do the job the way he wanted. Stradavar let out a deep sigh, relieved that his lust driven friend was leaving him control as he opened his mouth, his agile tongue wrapping around the cockhead, stopping that pesky fleshy worm from squirming; more pre splashing his face as he squeezed just behind the flared head, feeling all the barbs flare and flex as Squal groaned lustfully.

The skillful tongue expertly guided his pole in the awaiting maw, the soft scaly lips closing right behind the head, suckling happily on the few inches of flesh, bathing them in warm saliva. Squal unexpectedly tensed, steadying himself on top of Stradavar, gritting his teeth as a loud deep growl built up in his throat. "Already?" thought Stradavar, bracing himself for what he expected to be one hell of a climax. He wasn't disappointed; the cock started pulsing harder in his mouth as Squal roared above him, stiffening his muscles, fighting the urge to hump the tight maw enclosing his member. Although Stradavar expected it the first spurt; no the first eruption of seed took him by surprise. It was like a pent up volcano had broken loose, gushing torrents of scalding hot fluids right in Stradavar's mouth. The very first gush was enough to fill his oral cavity to the brim, making his cheeks bulge as he huffed in obvious discomfort, trying to swallow the first wave of that thick potent essence before more would come. Yet he couldn't bring his body to comply, his throat unwilling to open for the flood of semen. The second spurt made streams of seed gush from the corner of his maw as he obstinately tried to swallow, yet his body kept refusing, more thick cum coming out around the swollen organ.

A long minute passed by, more cum flowing in and out of his mouth, a paw wrapped around the swollen knot, another cupped his ballsack, feeling the member's every throb as more seed was pumped straight into his overflowing maw, seed cascading down from everywhere. In his hands the two plump spheres despite having emptied at least several gallons of seed in his hungry stomach had only barely shrunk, remaining as swollen and full as before. "How much seed do you have in store?" he wondered as an increasingly big amount of seed erupted from Squal's overstimulated cock, gushing directly in his gullet. Stradavar felt deeply satisfied, purring as more of that tangy seed flowed in his stomach, churning and swirling in his guts. His hunger was settled; it even felt like he had ate too much, a noticeable bulge forming in his belly. Finally he let go of the ejaculating cock, ropes after ropes of thick semen splashing on his snout. He closed his eyes, letting that sweet smelling and tasting cum shower his face.

It took an eternity or so for the stream of seed to weaken and eventually turn into a low trickle of blackish goo along his neck.

Squal was panting raggedly, standing on wobbly paws as he descended from the furniture, stammering as all his paws touched the floor. He backed away, breathless, his tongue wildly lolling out on the side of his mouth, his tail swishing happily behind him, his eyes glazed with fulfilled desire as he basked in his afterglow.

Stradavar grunted, grimacing as he rolled on his paws; drenched in cool cum. He gave the room a quick look, the floor was a mess, puddles and streaks of both their cum scattered throughout the room, sticking to the tile and furniture alike. It would be a pain to clean and the scent would stick there for an even longer time, making it known to every guest that naughty things had happened there. "Wow... you made... quite a mess..." he mumbled, glancing meaningfully at Squal. His friend barely moved, only turning a blurry eye in his general direction, panting and drooling like a wild animal. Stradavar smiled, after such a powerful orgasm it was normal that his friend wasn't answering, probably exhausted. He had to admit he felt pretty much drained and he could have enjoyed a short nap. He felt something drip on one of his paw. When he looked down he noticed a glinting drop falling on the ground between his paws, creating blackish points on the clear tile. "Gross..." he let out, shaking his snout, making more gooey droplets rain down. His whole face was blanketed in seed, coated in the virile stench of Squal's essence. "Guess I'll need a shower first..." he whispered, cringing as he felt that same sensation of wetness on his crotch and underbelly, tiny rivulets slithering along his thighs; dribbling on the floor below "Yes... maybe even two or three..." he grumbled, catching strong whiffs of that potent fragrance lingering on his scales.

He left the kitchen, leaving Squal to recover on his own growling and panting wildly; as he was himself too lost in his thoughts, trying not to smear the mess in the other rooms. He was still dumbfounded, shocked, astonished by what had just happened. He had never imagined that things would go this way. He had been so shy, so nervous, so ashamed to ask Squal if he would have been interested in some male fun. He didn't want to appear as the horny guy desperate for a hole to breed, even though he had fallen for it the very first day, helping Squal release without restrain. But... afterward... he had felt embarrassed, regretful for this unconsidered action. He didn't want to look like a pent up freak seeking a drake that would bend before him.

It had been so long since he had felt such a wonderful relief. It wasn't his first time, neither the last, nor was it his first time with a male but it had been ages; or at least it felt like this; since he had been having such enjoyable fun wish another. Actually he had found no interest in flirting with other males from the city, first he was pretty much known, secondly they were pretty much all pent up and eager to scratch their itch but almost none of them would like to take the submissive role, forcing him to comply and take that role; not that he minded but he secretly dreamed of being on top, to make other moan and cry out under him as he would trust in their bowel, hammer them into the ground with his cock and fill them with his seed until they cried no more. So when Squal had unexpectedly popped in his life that fateful day where he saved him from a certain death when Stradavar's group wished to slaughter the hunter group in which Squal was.

When Squal had found him, weakened and wounded he had thought his death would have come. Squal would use that opportunity; slay him and come back as a hero in his city, cheered by his kind for his bravery and courage.

He should have killed him... but instead he saved him, healed him. Sure he chained him in a dark cave away from everything, held captive by his savior. But could he blame him? He was still scared, not a coward but unsure of Stradavar's reaction and, after a few days he had come to forgive that frightened behavior; he knew he would have acted the very same way if he had been in that very same situation. As time had gone by he even started feeling gratitude toward his unexpected savior. When the last day of his captivity came, when he sucked Squal's cock until he blasted seed in his mouth he wished he could have done more to thank the drake that nursed him, that fed him, that healed him; he understood Squal was taking great risks keeping him there, he risked even his life doing so. But... when his kind freed him he didn't want to go anymore, he had come to enjoy the company of the elusive drake, to the point where he wanted to have him by his side. Sadly he had no choice but to leave.

However... now that he was here, in his home it was like all his courage, all his boldness had ran away, leaving him too scared to carry out his plan. After all he hadn't made that offer out of pure kindness. Sure he owed Squal at least that for saving him and he gladly paid his debt but there was a second hidden reason to that. He had forged that plan when he was going back to the city "Why not kill two birds with the same stone" was what he thought to himself, a devilish smile plastered across his face.

It was almost ideal, on one side he would pay his debt and have the wanted one in range, and perhaps since he wouldn't know a damn thing of the city he could use it to have his way with the newly arrived drake. He hated himself for thinking this way but he couldn't help it; he had been in need of a good mating for so long. Moreover... Squal wouldn't mind... despite his reluctance at first Squal hadn't been complying when he had sucked his cock. What a beauty it was; what a potent seed he had, tasty and fertile. And that musk... so sweet... so... exotic... so pungent... so thick... so invasive the first whiff of it made his head spin.

Yet... now that he was under his roof, so close to him, enjoying his company, learning from him Stradavar felt incapable to bring his original plan to its end, incapable of getting on top of that adorable drake he had come to appreciate more than he would have imagine and earn that sweet relief he had been craving for so long.

However Squal was offering an unmissable chance, the good kick in the balls he needed to revive the ravenous fire of his never satisfied lust. He had been so willing so eager, had sucked his hard cock without having been given any instruction. Sure he had been a bit rough afterward but could he blame him?

Nonetheless even with all these lust filled thoughts crossing his mind Stradavar felt guilty, shameful for taking advantage of his friend's weakness. He knew what was happening, he had witnessed it, watched it happen without flinching. He knew exactly what was causing such a brutal shift in Squal's behavior... he had experienced it himself for so long... for too long that cripple burden of unsettled desire growing with each passing day. An unbearable torture that broke both body and soul until only a freeze of lust remained, taking over every single thought.

Not many males could overpower that mighty urge and Squal was none of them; he had already succumbed. Was it his fault? Definitely? Was he regretting it? Absolutely. Yet... could he not see in it the opportunity to get rid of the itch that had been pestering him for so long? Still was it right to use another's struggles at your advantage? Definitely not.

While he lost himself in his thoughts he had reached the living room; leaving behind a large trail of gooey seed, a track someone else had followed, nose close to the ground, sniffing like a hunter tracking its prey, walking slowly, silently, keeping a safe distance between them; out of sight, out of ear range but close enough to catch his unaware target off guards; rumbling and breathing slowly, crouched low, drooling steadily, eyes glazed with a carnal lust.

Stradavar on his side had stopped before the windows, plunging his doubtful gaze in the depth of the ocean like a dive straight into the unknown. He wasn't looking somewhere, only losing himself in the contemplation of the blind waters. Squal let out a low growl, leaping forward.

When the sound of claws clicking on the ground came to his ears it was already too late.

He had barely turned his head around, his jaws opening on a terrified scream when a blurred black form lashed onto him.

The impact was violent; savage. He fell flat under the weight of the other dragon; paralyzed under the crushing weight of an unstoppable mass. They rolled together on the ground, entangled in a mess of claws and fangs. The assault was brutal, quick. In the blink of an eye he had been submitted, claws latched onto his flanks, the powerful muscular body squashing him down, his jaws clutching his neck. Stradavar quaked, horrified, paralyzed by fear, forced to bow under the other drake.

What was happening? Had Squal totally gave up in his carnal side, turning into a wild beast? "What have I done?" gasped Stradavar, trembling in true fear. Had his own doubt, his incapacity to take a decision doomed his friend? Had his own desire to have this handsome male under him turned against him?

"Squal... please... don't... don't do this..." he begged; his voice a pathetic squeak barely audible as it struggled to escape his squeezed throat "Don't... don't hurt me...." he mumbled, closing his eyes. To his own surprise the grip of fangs on his scales loosened, a broad tongue dashing over his softening scales. "What the..." he gasped, looking behind.

Squal was still on top of him, dominating him with all his strength and height but all aggressively seemed to be gone. "What's... what's happening?" he mumbled, frozen in shock. Squal was still glancing down at him, his eyes flushed with unsettled need, his brain probably overwhelmed by pure lust. "What... what do you want?" whined Stradavar. A low growl was his only reply as he was forced to bend forward, his chest touching the ground as his hindquarter rose higher in the air. He shifted his stance a bit, trying to keep his balance under the pressure applied on his back.

He knew what would happen next, he didn't have to wait until he felt something hard and thick sneaked below his tail, prodding for his backdoor to know what would happen to him. Although he was surprised, he didn't expect Squal to have anything left in his balls after his previous massive climax. "Damn... you just came and you're still eager for more..." Squal vigorously nodded; gently trusting his hips against Stradavar's rump, his pre-ejaculate soaked cock gliding over his scaled cheeks, slapping his sensitive backside as the all too eager drake tried to find him mark. "Easy boy... easy..." whispered Stradavar "I haven't done this in a while... so... please... go slow." a low grunt rose in the silence as, after another attempt Squal's spaded cockhead found his puckered hole, the slick lubed organ slipping in with ease, drawing a pained squeal from Stradavar. It had been ages since he had a cock in his rump and his anal passage quickly reminded it to him as it was forced to stretch to accommodate the lustful male. Stradavar let out a sharp cry of pain as he arched his back, his powerful anal muscles clamping around the invader, squeezing Squal's hot penis until he huffed in discomfort, gritting his teeth as his member ,was milked by this insanely tight vent.

Stradavar was grimacing, jolts of pain bursting from his hole is it was pried open by that thick shaft. He had taken big guys there before, but that long time of abstinence had turned him tight and unused again. He cringed and tried to cope with the surges of pain that barbed cock was provoking each time Squal tried to force it deeper. He was terrified, he had only taken one inch or so and already he was suffering greatly, as if someone had tried to ram a red-hot metal rod in his ass. Squal had looked and felt big in his mouth, but in his rump he felt absolutely huge, stretching him apart like no other male before. "Gosh... you're... so... big..." he moned, kneeling under the tide of pain rushing through his flesh. He expected Squal would hammer him, pound him into the dust, ram that thick tool bristled of all these barbs in his guts, ravaging his hole until he would release his sweet seed in his shredded insides, oblivious to his feelings, careless for his sake, only seeking the carnal pleasure of flesh but once again Squal showed a great deal of self-control as he stayed perfectly immobile, only gentry rocking back and forth, moving the tiny portion of his member in and out the constricting hole, smearing his lube on the tensed flesh, slowly skillfully easing it up; preparing it for the real fun. Squal was full of surprises as he patiently waited for him to adjust, to feel comfortable with him inside his rump. "Who... who are you?" asked Stradavar, incapable of keeping that interrogation for himself anymore. Squal seemed to smirk, amused as his snout closed in, his tongue lapping over Strad's neck, right where the slits leading to his gills were located, triggering strong itches and tickles, his whole body shuddering under that skilled touch. "Stop... stop!" he shouted, chirping, squirming under the restless assaults of that elusive tongue. Surprisingly it felt good, enjoyable, and before he knew it he had relaxed, leaving Squal more room to trust.

The hard member lodged in his tailhole went a bit deeper, inch by inch; each ridge making a loud squelching sound as they went past the tight puckered rim, the rows of barbs brushing against his inner flesh, causing Stradavar to quake and buck back in the sinking cock, welcoming more of the hardened pole in his demanding hole, letting out sharp cries of pleasure as Squal slowly penetrated him, stopping every time the blissful chirrs turned into pained screams, giving Stradavar time to adjust to his thickening girth before continuing any further. Stradavar now had most of his upper body sprawled across the floor, his sinuous neck extend to its maximum length, his snout bumping against the glass of the window as he moaned loudly as Squal kept pushing more of his cock inside until his knot pressed tightly against the entrance, too fat to enter for now, only mashing against the quivering puckered entrance to his anus. They waited a long minute, Strad's anal muscles massaging the thick textured meat buried inside him, feeling it throb and twitch inside him.

With a low growl Squal began pulling out, his pointed barbs now scratching his flesh as he withdrew most of his member from his hole, drawing a few droplets of blood but the overall experience was delightful for both of them, Stradavar's anus itching from the incredible stimulation of these many tine hooks. With another grunt Squal pushed in again, his cock smoothly going all the way in; slickened by the thick layer of pre and spit coating it; more squirting in his hole, making his tight passage slippery, oozing around the cock as it pressed in deeper.

In no time Squal was lodged deep inside him once again, gyrating his hips, shoving his knot against the tight denying entrance.

Stradavar was in bliss, stuffed by that thick cock, pleasure shooting in his veins as his own member dropped from his sheath, engorged with blood as it grew hard. Squal pulled out again until only the tip remained nestled inside; feeling the muscular passage clamp down on emptiness; then gently pushed it back inside, purring as his length slid in and out with ease. Soon he had found a slow and steady rhythm, thrusting at a gentle pace, listening to Stradavar's blissful coos of pleasure as he would trust back into his cock, driving it a bit deeper every time. Squal smiled, licking Stradavar's neck as he mated him, keeping that same pace for a while, enjoying the sensual mating, the soft contact of two bodies meshing together, of scales grinding against scales.

Slowly, imperceptibly he sped up the pace, thrusting a tad bit faster each time, slamming harder and harder in that tight quivering vent, his grip tightening on Stradavar's shoulders, deep growls and groans escaping his parted maw as he bred that needy bitch moaning under him, begging for his cock.

Stradavaar could do nothing but let the immensely pleasurable moment follow his course, his almost limp body rocking back and forth with each thrust, his maw hanging open, tongue lolling on the side as he moaned his lungs out in sheer bliss. That cock had seemed terrifying at first glance, with its arsenal of barbs and ridges but once inside him it was a real mountain of the purest, rawest pleasure, these same barbs making a wonderful job of both shredding his ass, leaving bloody marks with every hump, and bring an almost unbelievable amount of pleasure to him every time they rubbed against one of his sensitive spots, triggering blasts of pleasure to rush in his already lust flushed brain, stars dancing before his clouded eyes his cock drooling pre, bouncing with each forceful thrust. As it went on the at first slow mating turned into a rough breeding, Squal, growling in agonizing pleasure as he slammed hardly in Stradavar's butt, hammering away in his tight puckered hole, streams of pre gushing out of his tip, leaking every time he pulled out. Stradavaar let out a long noise of suffering, his back burning, his hole convulsing every time Squal stabbed him, rivulets of vermillion blood trickling down his thighs, the flaring barbs digging in his flesh ripped him apart with each motion. "So... that's... how you breed..." he hissed, culling his claws as he tried to deal with the discharges of pain piercing his body "Can't say I'm... surprised... I expected that... coming from someone pent up such as you..." he huffed, between broken squeaks and winces of pain. Yet, in the tormenting torrents of suffering, molten lava burning his flesh, he felt something different, something soft; something good; something... appeasing.

In the plethora of growls, moans and whimpers another sound reached his ears, the sound of that tongue lapping his scales meticulously, bathing his neck in saliva. What was he trying to do? Weaken him? Soften him for a bite he knew would eventually come? Or was he trying to help him cope with the pain? When he looked back it was to find Squal's eyes fixated on his neck, focused on the glimmering scales like his life depended of it, putting all that was left of his rational side in that simple task, long stroked over and over again. Stradavar felt himself shudder, crumbling under the affectionate behavior and the quick jabs of Squal's cock, thick strands of scalding hot pre-seed gushing in his hole while his own painted the ground a glimmering black. He moaned, breathing hard as he was mated in the wildest way, pommeled forcefully by one of the most well-endowed males he had ever met and; even though it was unbearably painful to take that thick shaft in the depth of his hole he couldn't deny that it brought him an equally fulfilling amount of pleasure, that prick built like a weapon of war both crushed him and made him cry for more in the meantime, tearing his fragile inner flesh apart while touching so many pleasurable nubs that bliss coursed wildly in his veins, pure delight like molten steel blooming in his weakened brain, washing away all the rest. Even the sharp surges of pain had something pleasurable in them; increasing the amount of pleasure; a carnal satisfaction that threatened to overthrow his sanity. "How... how can it feel so good!?" he moaned, digging his claws into the ground, trying to get in a better position, bouncing hard with each trust as Squal pumped his hard member in and out, his barbs flaring with each throb, scraping his flesh a bit more, his pre dribbling constantly in his anus, nurturing the freshly made cuts and lacerations, mixing with his blood as it oozed out.

After some struggles, pushing back on the paws that tried to hold him down Squal loosened his grip enough to allow him to stand up. His legs were wobbly, his muscles weak, so weak that he thought he would fall face first on the floor again but his body held still, rocking in sync with Squal. That new stance didn't allow him to go as deep as before but he made it up for it by slamming harder and even faster in Stradavar's rump, leaning on top of him, asserting his dominance over the moaning drake. Their cock bloated, bulging with pent up seed ready to burst free, their bodies tensed, their muscles stiffened by the climactic delight boiling in their veins. Squal started playfully nibbling at his neck, groaning loudly as he increased the pace again, plunging in Stradavar's tailhole, the tight passage slickened by all the spent fluids he had left in there, going deep enough that his cock tip repeatedly rammed against a peculiar spot that made Stradavar roar in pleasure and his tight hole to squeeze his member harder, massaging his eager flesh in the tight vice-like grip of his muscles, forcing lustful groans out of Squal's salivating maw. Squal grunted; angling his trusts to hit that pleasurable nub again and again; feeling the tight tunnel clamp around his shaft; tugging at his flesh as if it was begging him to go deeper.

Stradavar grinned, tongue limply hanging out, eyes glazed with lust, mind weakened overwhelmed by the constant flow of pleasure coursing through him. When Squal had found the most pleasurable place of his anatomy, That organ hidden deep within his vent he could have done nothing more than jerk his body back, craning his neck high as he let out a screech of utter delight, gyrating his hips to make sure that sweet cock would rub again and again against that sweet spot; his prostate. Electric like shocks had traversed his body, his cock jumping, his loins throbbing as they squirted more pre out in t:e open, coating his belly with a warm wetness.

The pressure around Squal's cock was having devastating effect, eliciting lewd moans from him as he stopped for a mere second, gritting his teeth as the powerful muscles milked him dry, driving his member in deeper. He growled, his throat vibrating as that deep sound echoed in the room, making Stradavar shiver. Before he could even think about moving a brutal sting of pain shook his neck as thousands of sharp needles punctured his scales, burying in his flesh as blood oozed around the many holes they had dug; a steaming hot moist puff of air washing over his scales. A muffed gurgling sound escaped his mouth, the tight grip of fangs around his neck paralyzing him, forcing him to hold still, reducing the airflow in his lungs, almost suffocating him. He didn't have to look back to know Squal's powerful jaws had clamped shut around his neck, biting him deeply, not to harm him, only to hold him still, leaving him hand free to fuck him as savagely as he wanted, the final show of dominance. His slippery tongue lapped over the scales, gathering some of the blood he had drawn out, licking it right from the source in an obvious perverted enjoyment. With his prize secured between his jaws he shoved his cock as hard and deep as he could, humping the tight quivering vent with all his might, his knot smashing against the tight puckered holes, every powerful impact bruising Stradavar's backside.

Stradavar bent down, feeling every rough thrust sinking that turgid cock harder and deeper, the knot threatening to breach his hole; so thick so swollen, ready to pry him open.

Squal's hips thrusted in and out, so fast any bystander would have only seen a blur of black, his heavy ballsack slapping wetly against Stradavar's rump, his loins throbbing raggedly, preparing for what was still to come. His growls deepened, his breath became a ragged panting, his thrusts losing their rhythm, becoming shallow and irregular as he tipped over the edge.

Stradavar was in no better state, screaming in pleasure, panting, moaning, letting himself be rocked by each powerful hump, his pre drizzling constantly; streaming down his bobbing and pulsing shaft, his own loins convulsing, ready to deliver their creamy load, his cock painfully hard, full of potent semen ready to be released. He could feel the male over him losing control, hovering over the edge of his own climax in time with his, ready to blow his load deep in his rear; his knot parting his loosened hole open but not yet managing to slip inside.

Finally; with one last powerful thrust the bulbous orb eased in, sinking deep inside; stretching his passage wide open. Instantly Squal roared, a mighty roar that shook every fiber of Stradavar's being, right before he broke loose, his cock jumping once in his eager, clenching anus before breaking loose, burning hot fertile semen erupting in his hole, warmth flooding his guts as the cock stuffing his bowels pulsed, emptying buckets over buckets of thick gooey seed in his belly.

The very first spurt aimed straight for that pleasure button of his; causing a last tide of orgasmic delight to wash over him. Stradavar let out a roar of his own, his neck still trapped in the grasp of sharp fangs, arching into the member lodged inside him, geysers of seed bursting from his bloated cock-tip, splattering on the window right before him, coating the transparent surface in shiny black semen. Throb after throb, gush after gush of creamy cum were freed from their twitching cock, spraying either on the ground or in a tight vent, forming long black streaks across stone; scales; glass, or coating someone else's inside in a sticky coat. Stradavar could feel his belly swell as spurt after spurt of gooey cum were spilled in his guts; filling him with the humongous load Squal had to give, what couldn't fit inside leaking around the seal formed by his knot. Minutes went by, Squal letting go of Stradavar's neck, only resting on top of him, purring as he emptied himself in his friend, feeling the bulge in his belly grow under his paws with the large amount of his cum he deposited deep inside; the tangy spicy scent of seed filled the air, fueling his own untamed desire to cum, to fill, to impregnate, to mark with his scent whoever he was breeding. At some point the torrents of male essence turned into weak trickles as they finally and completely emptied themselves, reaching the nirvana, the greatest satisfaction any male could dream of: the feeling of accomplishment that only a successful mating could grant. Surely this one would ensure no legacy, no clutch but the delight it brought was still there as they basked in the sweet relief of their afterglow.

Stradavar was the first to fall, exhausted, struggling to keep standing. In his fall he brought Squal with him, falling on top of each other in a plethora of muffed gasps and huffs; Squal's cock still deeply lodged in his friend's rump. Their eyes closed as they passed out, Squal hugging Stradavar close to his chest right in the middle of the pool of the mess they had just made.


Squal squirmed, trembled, mumbled, his eyes tightly shut, his lips twitching, his face slightly moving, his grip tightening around his friend.

Behind his closed eyelids however another scene was taking place. It wasn't the calm of the apartment, the slow music still playing in the background. No, it was none of that.

He was back in Thyan's place, lying on his mate's bed, clutching him tight in his paws, keeping him close; smiling after probably another heated romp. "Thyan... I love you so much..." he purred in his mate's ear. "I love you too..." he whispered back, nudging against his scales. "There's no way I could love someone else... you're the only one that matters... just you... and me..." "If you say so...." he replied his voice slightly colder, more distant "but tell me... if what you pretend is right... why did you left me?" "Excuse me?" he gasped, terrified, the warm and soft scales turning the coldness of ice and the texture of stone. He tensed, holding tightly to the freezing cold corps in-between his paws "I haven't left you..." he mumbled, terror creeping inside him. "Then why did you ran away?" the cold, barely recognizable voice enquired. "I... I had to... I couldn't stay with you... I'm sorry." he sobbed, looking down. His once blue scales had turned the taint of black ink, his claws now like oversized sharp blades protruding from his fingers, large sharpened fangs stuffed his mouth, making it hard to speak as his long hooks appeared, dripping the venom on the floor. "Who are you Squal?" asked the voice seemingly coming from everywhere at once. In-between his paws the reassuring presence of his mate was gone, leaving him alone. The room around him shifted, the walls oozing dark goo, distorting, collapsing, only leaving darkness to stare into. In the middle of stood it a black shadow shrouded in obscurity in which floated two eyes he only knew too well, glaring at him in anger. He looked away, incapable of keeping his gaze fixated on his old mate; too scared, too ashamed to cross that fierce look.

Yet when he tried to avoid meeting these fiery orbs again it was just to be met with that same piercing gaze again. He tried another direction, the same pair of eyes, the same face hidden in darkness. Soon he was surrounded, assaulted by that army of eyes darted at him, that same question "Who are you? Who are you? Who are you?" "I don't... I don't know..." he whispered, understanding what he had become; all these things he didn't knew that shattered his life, that ruined everything. "But... but... it... doesn't change a thing... I still love you... with all my heart! No matter the look, no matter the time that has gone by I still love you!" "Your words transpire honesty." he let out... like he regretted something "But I don't know if I can trust you... I don't know if I did even trust you." "But... you can have faith in me... I've always been loyal to you!" "Lies! Lies!" roared the angry voices, the armada of eyes closing in, forcing him to back in a corner. "I've never..." "Silence! You've lied before and you keep lying today!"

Squal crouched low, bowing his head down . His mate was right... he had lied to him on several things; his meeting with Stradavar and his decision about the one who should have been thought as an enemy and executed on the spot; his slowly occurring transformation, his dormant lust so suddenly awakened... so many things that could have; in the end; ruined everything, broken the confidence they had in each other. "I regret it... I've never wanted this... I've never asked for it..." "Squal..." sighed the voice, the myriad of eyes vanishing, only one pair remaining, staring directly at him as a shadow slowly shaped before him, a green outline drawn in the pit of blackness, a form, a figure, a body he knew all too well. In an instant his mate was standing before him, face to face, looking at him with regret filled eyes, sadness... and sorrow. "Squal..." he whispered, a claw running along his check. even though Thyan looked much like a ghost he swore he could feel that soft contact causing his scales to shudder under that affectionate caress.

Suddenly the warm loving contact became the cold sting of a blade tearing his flesh apart, tingles of pain running wild in his body, the metallic taste of blood filling his mouth. "Then why did you betray me?" growled a deep voice that didn't belong to his mate. "I didn't..." "Oh you did... the moment you left you forgot me; you turned your back on me, you erased me of your mind!" "No... I... I didn't..." gasped Squal, seeing the irises filled with red sparkles, hateful flames dancing, blazing in his eyes. "I've... I've never stopped... thinking about you!" he tried to shout, trying to fight that devouring feeling of guilt taking over him. "Lies again... only more Lies!" he spat, his disregardful tone making Squal feel like b thousand burning hot daggers were stabbing his heart, tears building up in his eyes. He knew what Thyan meant; he knew it was all due to the lust addled course that had just happened. "I didn't want this... please... forgive me..." The time for forgiveness has long since passed by." rumbled the voice on the solemn tone of a judge pronouncing his sentence. "But... Thyan... I... I love you..." he weakly protested, seeing that already shadowy form vanishing; sucked away by the darkness. "Enough!" roared that very same voice "You had your chance and you wasted it. Your current position proves how much you disregarded me... just like you always did." "No... Thyan... I..." "Silence! Your betrayal... breathes fire... into my soul! Dare to show up before me again and it will be the last thing you'll ever be capable to do before I slice you in pieces."

Squal backed away, watching in owe as his mate spun around and walked away, swallowed by shadows he now understood symbolized the pit he had plunged in.

His eyes shot open, all his claws curling, his whole frame teasing as he brutally awoke, breathless; the rapid thuds of his heard filling his temples. His panicked brain was sending shots of adrenaline in his body, filling his muscles with a new strength, speeding up his already ragged heartbeats; his haggard eyes throwing quick glances everywhere, incapable to settle on a single thing for more than a second.

The room was silent, the only perceptible sound beside his panting breath were Straeavar's low snoring as he lied sprawled underneath him; half dipping in a lake of drying black gooey stuff which spicy scent made Squal's private parts tingle with arousal.

He tried to focus, to tame the tremors of his heart. He grimaced, sensing a coppery tasting liquid in his mouth. He turned away and spat, red droplets staining the shiny black pool smothered on the ground: blood... his blood. At least he knew where the flavor of his nightmare came: he had bitten his tongue during his agitated sleep; just enough to draw some blood and the pain that came along with it. He realized he was shivering, his paws tightly gripping onto Stradavar's flanks, so hard that some scales had been broken under the pressure. He bit his tongue again, his eyes watering with tears, holding back his sobs as his breathing became shallow, jerky. The air around him was saturated with the stench of spilled cum and male pheromones, involuntarily turning him on, his cock hardening, trapped in somewhere tight and warm, full of Something thick and sticky. His paws unlatched from his friend, dripping blood as he slowly went down, probing Strad's belly, felling all his semen sloshing in that large bulge, churning in his guts. "What have I done..." he squeaked... tears threatening to cascade from his swollen eyes. He didn't have to look down to know where his now fully erect member was lodged; in Stradavar's loosened tailhole, stuffed with his flesh and seed. An attempt to pull out but was met with resistance, the powerful muscles squeezing his member, trying to hold it in. He gruntid, giving it another try, noticing a bulbous protrusion parting Stradavar's rump wide, keeping them tied together; his knot. "I'm... I'm still... tied..." he mumbled, his senses coming back to him, allowing him to feel the weak squirts of his member, pumping more seed deep inside, the excess leaking out around his inflated knot. "How long have I been..." he gasped, trying to gather some clues on his current situation.

He felt weird, satisfied, fulfilled, delightfully empty, proud like he had accomplished something good; but in the meantime he was feeling disgusted, dirty, stained, ashamed, regretful... like he had done something awful. He was puzzled, why such a mess of emotion was coursing through him? Why that weird dream? Why that feeling of having done something wrong?

"Hey... not sleeping anymore cutie?" purred a gentle voice as something shifted below him, scales rubbing against his snout, dragging him back into reality. Before he could open his mouth or move away Stradavar's face had appeared in his field of view, grinning widely, playfully glazing at him. Their lips met; the soft contact made Squal flinch, eyes popping wide as he let out a muffed gasp. He froze, paralyzed in sheer surprise, incapable of pulling away. Stradavar's lips were soft, sweet, carrying a delicious, almost sugary flavor. He gave into the kiss, closing his eyes, his blood stained paws caressing his friend's head. A few seconds went by, their maws parting slightly, their swift tongue dashing out, licking the other's snout, wetting their scales with saliva. Slowly, sensually their jaws interlocked, their tongue mingling as they explored the other's mouth. Squal shuddered; it felt odd to taste himself in another's mouth but it was something he was used to; he had already experienced that before with... Thyan.

His eyes burst open once again, freezing him in mid action as he abruptly forced the kiss to an end, long ropes of saliva linking them. "Is everything alright?" asked Stradavar, equally surprised. "Yes... just... wasn't expecting it." "You look... frightened..." mumbled Stradavar with squinted eyes, trying to guess what was making his friend uncomfortable. "No I'm fine... it's just... nightmares." "Oh dear..." "Relax its... it's nothing." "It does look important from where I stand... you're all shivering and sweating. Come on you can tell me... count me what terrified you like this." "It's nothing don't worry... I'm fine... just a bit... shaken." "Oh... poor boy... come here I know exactly what you need." cooed Straadavar enticingly, pulling him in for a kiss... or maybe a hug. Squal hesitated, not knowing what to do; should he resist... or let his friend comfort him?

As he was about to take a decision he froze again, a silent cry blocking his throat. For a brief instant, barely a split second a picture had flashed before his eyes, a face superposing to Stradavar's traits, glaring at him in disappointment.

"Hey Squal... you're sure you're not sick or something?" benevolently asked the other male, holding Squal's trembling snout with all his paws.

Squal shook his head, tried to evade the caring embrace but Stradavar's grip was strong and he wouldn't let go of him so easily. "Hey what's wrong?" he asked. Didn't he see? Couldn't he see his affection was only making it worse. The more he felt these paws brush against his cheeks the greater his torment became hard to bear, consuming his mind with pain. "Let go of me..." he whimpered, sobbing slowly. "Hey boy... tell me what's wrong?" "Let go of me!" he yelled, trying to shove Stradavar away but all his strength had abandoned him, all his willpower had faded, and that damn knot firmly buried in that massaging rump wasn't helping either. He broke into tears, incapable of holding them back any longer, ramming his snout in Stradavar's neck, salted droplets overflowing from his eyes as he whined, curling up on himself as much as he could. "Hey Squal... what's wrong?" he mumbled, surprised by the brutal change of behavior. Squal gave no answer; only crying louder as tears streamed down his cheeks; his body convulsing with each powerful sob "Ok... try... try to calm down".

Squal seemed to not ear him anymore, crying out loud, snot dribbling from his nostrils, tear cascading down his cheeks as he curled more on himself. He was clueless, what was happening to his friend? Was it his fault? Had he done something wrong?

He grabbed Squal like he could, holding his quaking body close to his chest, trying to comfort him as bed as he could. But nothing seemed to do, Squal would still cry, howling to the sky; his cheeks bathed in salty tears. At some point he only held Squal in his grasp, cuddling with him, cradling him until the flow of his tears ended; until he just lied down on his chest, lightly sobbing, appeased. "Feeling better?" he asked, slowly rubbing his friend's back. "Let go of me..." he huffed, snout buried in a blanket of scales, still humming a bit. "I take that as a yes. So... are you willing to tell me what just happened?" "Told you... just nightmares..." "They seem to have a pretty bad effect on you." "I just... I... I... just... couldn't believe what just happened." "Did it scare you?" "Of course it did! I fucking... r... ... r... raped you!" he let out, struggling to let that cursed word slip out of his maw. "I'd rather use the term breeding,... a rough breeding if you'd allow me." "How can you be so... calm about it? I just... forced myself onto you and..." "Hush... don't freak out about this... I understand the state of need you were in." "It... it doesn't forgive that in any way." "Let's discuss that somewhere else; I'm getting tired of lying in my own cum." "Wait... it's... all yours?" "Yep... what you see here is all that you made me release. Pretty impressive isn't it?" "Yes..." mumbled Squal, staring in shock at the large pool of semen staining the ground. They got up, Straadavar grunting as the semi-hard cock popped out of his tailhole with a wet sounds, the knot having finally deflated, the whole length drenched in a slimy mixture of all the spilled fluid glued together; closely followed by a torrent of still cool semen. "Holy...fuck... you did come quite a lot there..." "I... I see that..." whispered Squal, "pestant" against Stradavar for holding his snout, forcing him to see his mess trickle down his friend's hide. "Don't feel embarrassed; I know you've made an even bigger mess of your room." he teasingly purred in Squal's here, gathering a few droplets of fresh seed on his claw tips and smothered it between Squal's nostrils, causing them to flare, taking a deep whiffs of his own arousing pheromones. Squal's nostrils twitched as he snarled, trying to get rid of the scent overpowering his weakened senses.

Straadavar carried him away like he was weighting nothing; lifting him off of the ground with such ease he froze, wondering what was the true strength. He was left on a couch, trying to wash away the semen clinging to his scales as Stradavar padded away. "Where are you going?" "Grabbing something to eat? You must be hungry after such an intercourse." "No thanks..." he protested. A loud gurgling rose, covering his words as he lowered his snout, his scales reddening. "I take that as a yes then." chuckled Stradavar, walking toward the kitchen, leaving behind a trail of tiny black droplets.

Squal felt divided, ashamed and satisfied, grossed out and fulfilled, self-contempt and so utterly settled, the maelstrom of lust reduced to a mere itch in the back of his head; leaving him head free and cleared to think about what had happened.

A few minutes later Straadavar was back, bringing two plates filled with goods, whistling a happy thrill. "Sorry it's cold by now but... I hope you'll still appreciate it." he apologized as he put the plate before Squal. He took it with cautious, not sure he'd be able to hold it in his paw. "Thanks..." "You're welcome." "So... what is there inside?" "Secret of the cook. Take a bite." he encouraged him, keeping that wide devious grin across his face. Squal hesitated, staring at the portions of whitish fish, seaweeds and other things he didn't immediately recognized; all of it dipping in a thick black gravy. "Come on go ahead... it won't bite you." chuckled Stradavar. "And you? You're not eating?" he asked, noticing his much lighter plate still sitting on the table. "Nah... not yet; I still have a full belly to rest on." he let out, patting his bloated belly, making the cum slosh in his guts. "Yeah... about that... I'm... I'm sorry." "Why?" asked Stradavar, surprised "I don't mind the slightest." "How can't you be mad at me for... that? I must have... hurt you... didn't I?" he asked, watching as Stradavar only laughed. "I have to admit... it was... quite painful sometime but... you... you're quite good at it." "Thanks..." "And you... tried to help me cope with the pain." "Yes... I... I tried that... I... I... could see it happen... and I didn't want to make you suffer. I... I couldn't control myself but... I... I tried to ease the pain as best as I could." "Don't feel bad for it; you were even quite good at it." "I... I had a wonderful teacher..." he whispered, his voice breaking as a new picture of his mate popped in his mind.

"Hey Squal; calm down... there is no need to feel ashamed for that. In fact... I... I deserved it." "What! How can you say that!?" "First... I enjoyed it; after I learned how to deal with the pain and I... honestly think I deserved all of it." "You're insane! I forced myself upon you and you say that!" "Listen...; consider it... my punishment." "Pu... punishment?" "I've... seen it happen to you; I've watched you fall into it... and I did nothing to prevent it." "I... I should have tried to fight it." "You cannot possibly fight it Squal... no one can... but I should have tried to help you earlier. It's entirely my fault... don't take the blame for me." "Why? I... I'm the one that tried to rape you!" "And overall I enjoyed it... I'm... pretty much a bottom so... I don't particularly mind taking a cock up my butt. But if I can give you one handy advice it would be don't be as rough on your next partner." "Yes... someone already told it to me." "It's a wise word of advice; you'll make the thing much more enjoyable for both if you try to contain yourself a bit more." "It's odd to hear you give me advices after what I just did to you." "I don't mind the slightest. I might just feel a bit sore and walk funny for a while but otherwise I'm perfectly fine... and happy to have welcomed all your semen inside me. Actually... it was one of my wishes to... experiment a bit more with you." "Yes... I... I heard you moaning my name." "Sorry if I disturbed you; I was just thinking about that time where you gave me some head, you were quite skilled with that tongue of yours." "Told you I had an amazing teacher." "I see what you mean by that but enough talking let's fill our bellies first then we'll restart where we left it." "As you wish." sighed Squal, not particularly hungry. He grabbed his plate, the spiced scent of the cooked aliments waffling at his nose. Yet, as he took a deep breath in the appetizing scent that made his maw water he caught a glimpse of another smell, something, much stronger, much more potent, much muskier, something that made an enthralled shudder run down his spine. Yet that scent, as sweet as it was felt odd, out of place in his plate, he couldn't put a word on it nor identify it clearly but he was sure he had already smelled it before.

He shook his head, trying to ignore that curious fragrance, grabbing in between two claws a small piece of meat dipping in the strange mixture coating his plate and threw it in his mouth. As his jaws snapped shut he huffed, the pressure his fangs applied on the tiny white fragment enough to make that same strange liquid to gush in his mouth; bringing a strong flavor. He didn't know what it was but he could bet he knew that scent, that taste from before but where? He didn't know. "Something wrong?" "Nah... I... I... think I'll need... some water..." he gasped with a strangulated, muffed voice, struggling to swallow just that minuscule bit. "I'll go get that for you."

In a flash his friend was gone, even with that fat belly he was still incredibly fast. When he came back he was holding a glass of water. It had always amused him; he was a sea-born creature and he needed to drink water; it was not like it was lacking right outside; but he knew that out of water they dehydrated fairly quickly and had to guzzle down a lot of it. He took a sip, cold water flooding his mouth, washing away the awkward taste. "Feeling better?" "Yes... thanks." "Is it too dry?" "No... my throat was actually..." "Don't choke yourself... I wouldn't like to bring you to a hospital for that."

Stradavar sat back on the couch, watching as Squal tried his luck again. He grimaced, the same weird flavor invading his mouth. What was it inside making him feel so bizarre? What was disturbing was the fact he was sure he had tasted that very same thing somewhere else... but where?

He swallowed again, fringing as his stomach protested, trying to deny whatever it was. But... was he sure it came from the meal? He could feel the dried seed covering his face, sticking to his scales. Frightened he let his tongue slip out, dashing quickly over a black streak. The very same salted taste again. He took a long sip of water, cleaned his mouth before trying to eat something.

He chocked, his senses once again assaulted by that same stench and flavor. But it couldn't be... it couldn't be the same.

He froze, a detail he had until now overlooked coming back, full of a new meaning: that thing he had broken back in the kitchen, right before his senses were overwhelmed by a brutal surge of pheromones only a male could produce. A silent gasp escaped his parting jaws as pieced everything together. He spat the content of his mouth on the floor, coughing, chocking. "Oh dear... you're sure you're alright?"

Stradavar came closer, wrapping his paws around him. "You... you came in... came in... your... food..." mumbled Squal, shaken by disgust. Stradavar tensed, his grip tightening around his friend. "Lisaten... Squal... let me..." "Get far from me weirdo!" he roared, shoving Stradavar away with such force he fell from the couch "you... gross... perverted... asshole! What is wrong with you?" "Please... Let me explain." begged his friend, rolling back on his paws. Squal was growling, darting menacing eyes at his once friend Fine... but you'd better... be convincing." "Since you've... arrived here... I've been quite... productive..." "And when did the idea of making me eat that came!?" "Quite... rapidly in fact... I... I didn't know what to do of all that essence and... one day ¹I... accidently... came in my meal.... At first I was gonna throw it to the bin but... it... didn't taste bad... even... quite good so... I did a few... experiments with it then I... well... used it as an ingredient... plus... you didn't seem to mind." "Disgusting..." he spat; feeling on the edge of throwing up his last meal "and what made you so... productive... as you call it?" "You silly." "Am I making you that horny?" "You have no idea." he whispered lustfully.

Squal took a step back, all rage gone, leaving him utterly terrified, afraid by what would happen next. "Actually... it's... one of the reasons I... offered to shelter you." "What?" "I mean... I... I owed you that... for saving my life... but... I... I had other plans in mind." "Like what? Dragging me in your repugnant games?" "No... I... I I found you attractive... and I... I had been pent-up for a while." "Oh I see... you wanted to hump me?" "Among other things yes... but... I... I already had planned that when I would have turned you but... since it never happen... I... had to change my plans ... and never had the balls to ask you after that... even less when I learned... what you were. To be frank... I was scared to ask."

"I... I understand..." mumbled Squal like the entire world was breaking apart around him "but... please... don't... don't do that again." "I... I won't..." "I mean... don't do anything involving me and your seed..." "I... I understand... I swear I won't. Would you like me to... cook something else... without my semen this time?" "I'm not hungry anymore..." whispered Squal, turning away

Stradavar watched his friend leaving the room, not throwing a look back. His mind was racing, thoughts fusing at light speed; he had already spoken so much than he had ever did to another male, partially opening his heart, a door that wouldn't shut soon. Yet he knew himself too well to be certain that when that inner door would close itself it would be to never open again.

"Squal wait!" his friend stopped, staring emptily at him. "I... I have something to tell you." "What it is..." "Well... I... I know it's probably too late but would you... be my mate?"

Squal expected it but hearing it out loud made him tremble; images of his previous mate flashing before his eyes. "No... sorry..." "I understand. Well... perhaps we could... have some more fun? " "No... I... I... I can't..." whimpered Squal, his eyes watering, more memories rushing to his head. "Can't? But... why?" "I... It's... complicated." "You... you don't want me?" "No... no you... you misunderstood me! I... I... enjoyed what we did... even though I regret it had to go down this road but... it... it cannot happen again." "Really? Why? Don't tell me you're not into male stuff?" "No... I... I am... but... we... can't do it together again... ever..." "What? Do you prefer to bear this burden alone?" "No... it's not that!" "Oh well... don't expect me to be as welcoming next time you can't hold your seed inside."

Squal went silent, hesitating, should he tell him? Should he scream it out? Was it still even making sense to be so loyal and refuse Stradavar's proposal for the sake of a broken relationship?

"Stradavar... it's... it's not because of you... actually... I've been... pondering that possibility but... I... I can't accept." "Why?" asked his friend, seeing the obvious troubles Squal was having. Silently he closed the gap between them, a paw caressing Squal's messy cheek "It's alright... don't be afraid... I won't be mad at you." "I'm... I'm..." sobbed Squal, looking down.

He broke away, took a deep breath and let out in a shaky voice "I'm already mated..."

His words had the effect of a bomb; Stradavar took a step back, stuttering like he had received a blow to the chest, a cold blade in the heart. "Wow... really... that's... incredible!" he shouted, trying to sound happy, putting a large smile on his face, a smirk which's corners turned into a comical grimace "Who is the lucky one?" "You... you don't know him." "It... it doesn't change anything; who is it? Is it a he? A she maybe?" "It's a he..." "Oh... lucky dude. How is he looking like?" "Oh... it's... it's hard to describe... handsome... kind... caring..." "Definitely a good choice for a mate. Lucky bastard!" he giggled, pouncing Squal in the shoulder "Where is he from?" "Oh... you... you don't want to know." "Come on don't be shy! Don't keep it a secret!" "Well... he... isn't from here." "What's the matter it's not an issue to have strangers here." Squal opened his mouth, his eyes bursting from his skull "What!? You didn't actually think we were the only one of our kinds all packed here?" "I... I did." "You're so wrong man! Here is our... capital if I can call it like this but there are other cities, other... colonies scattered through the oceans, from the frozen sea of the north to the hot capricious seas of the south although most of them are hidden just like this one in pits or caves so... having our people from foreign places passing by is nothing out of the ordinary." "I see..." "So where is he from?" "Not... not that far actually..." "Come on stop fooling around." "You don't understand... he... he isn't from any of your... colonies." "Oh... I... I see. But... how did you two met? You never left the city?"

"We... we were already together before... until... I... vanished." "Poor guy must be devastated." said Stradavar, trying to sound nice but he couldn't hide the bitter hints to be perceptible.

"I miss him so much..." mumbled Squal, sobbing deeply. "Sorry... I... didn't want to offend you. What was his name?" "Thyan..." he cried, pronouncing that simple name painfully twisted his heart. "He must have been very important for you." "You have no idea."

Stradavar hesitated; keeping his distances with his crying friend like an invisible wall was separating them. He could see the pain, the impression of missing a part of yourself in Squal's desperate gaze; he knew that feeling all too well; a crippling sensation of loneliness, of being pulled apart from inside.

There was a way and he knew it; the very same way he used to get to Squal when he had wanted to get him for himself. But could he give that lead to Squal, wouldn't it be foolish, Squl would just run after some probably vain hopes of seeing his mate again; a risky trial for maybe nothing. But... he could see his friend's pain, his desire to be reunited with his other half, to be with the one he loved again... for the one he had always loved.

"Well... there... there might be a way... but... I'm not sure you'll like it..."


In the depth - chapter 4 (1/2)

In the depth Chapter 4 Part 1 Squal wished he had said nothing. The few words of the king had the effect of a bomb for him. One word; one word that should have never been pronounced. Squal scrambled on paws that barely held him; trembling, on the...

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In the depth - chapter 3

In the depth Chapter three. Everything was only pain and chaos, a confusing mess of mixed feelings forming an explosive cocktail flowing in his veins. He could hear nothing, feel nothing; smell nothing. He was only a pile of barely living flesh and...

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In the depth - chapter 2 (2/2)

In the depth Chapter 2 Part 2 Three hours later his day of work was over. Thyan left the building by one of the back doors, wanting to avoid his colleagues at all cost; too ashamed to even show himself in this state. The scent of his boss was...

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