In the depth - chapter 3

Story by Yvaslo1 on SoFurry

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#4 of Feral stories

Squal wakes up in the place that looks like an inferno. Forever changed he explores the hidden reality; discovering the truth.

Hey everyone and welcome back for those who followed since the begining of the story.

This part took me much more time than I expected to get out but here it is.

Please fav and vote if you liked; comment if you feel like (even criticizes) and I'll see you later.


In the depth

Chapter three.

Everything was only pain and chaos, a confusing mess of mixed feelings forming an explosive cocktail flowing in his veins. He could hear nothing, feel nothing; smell nothing. He was only a pile of barely living flesh and bones fitted with a weakened brain incapable of coordinating a single action, too numb to even make him open his eyes.

Squal was lying on a bed, whimpering in his sleep; his eyes tightly shut; his face frozen on an expression of pure suffering. Every inch of his body was tensed, so stiff that he almost looked and felt like a statue more than a true living being. Stradavar was there; staring at the sleeping drake, still trembling uncontrollably; shaken by the recent events that had occurred. His eyes were wandering on Squal's lightly trembling frame. With the low whimpers he made in his deep sleep it was the only signs of life he saw. He still couldn't believe what happened. He had come to the city border with this small squad with a precise plan in mind but from the first second everything went wrong. There were guards everywhere; they had troubles deploying the dome then... when Squal appeared in the hatch he couldn't believe what his eyes showed him. Then... all hell broke loose. He forcefully shook his head, memories of what followed still too fresh in his mind, marked for eternity in his head. "Calm down Stradavar... go take some rest he isn't going to move from here." whispered a deep voice behind him, a paw gently caressing his shoulder "No..." he huffed. "As you wish." Sighed the person to who belonged the voice. Stradavar grimaced in pain. The deep lashes and cuts left from his destabilizing encounter with Squal were burning and aching like hell but he didn't want to move. He preferred grimacing under the pain rather than leave the room and go to a healer.

"What has happened to you Squal?" he asked himself. This question had been obsessing him since he had seen the awful events a few hours ago. His stomach was still painfully churning and twisting, on the verge of forcing all it's content out. He took a deep breath; he had to ask Squal... whatever it took.

He stepped forward silently, moving like a shadow in the almost dark room. When he arrived near the bed the weak whimpers became louder, showing the obvious suffering of the dragon splayed before him. He doubted; was it such a great idea to wake him up? He didn't know anymore.

A glimpse of amber caught his attention, tiny, almost invisible. He realized soon that it was simply Squal's eyes cracking open for a brief second. Was he awaking? Stradavar took his chance and reached out with a paw. The contact of soft scales against his webbed paw felt strange, kinda nice in some way. Gently he shook Squal. No answer. He tried again; this time he groaned and rolled on his side, exposing his back to stradavar. He tried again, shaking the sleepy dragon a bit harder. This time Squal groaned louder "Stop that Thyan... I'm trying to sleep...". Stradavar reached back, rumbling deep in his throat. He didn't know who this Thyan was but first it definitely wasn't him ant secondly he hated to be confounded with someone else. He hissed loudly, baring his fangs. "Don't force me to do this Squal..." he warned the sleepy drake. "Go eat your cock..." huffed Squal, shuffling around again. Stradavar blushed, ashamed but quickly threw away the lusty thoughts seeping in his head. He grabbed with more force to Squal's flank, his claws piercing the first layers of scales. Squal gasped, tensing all his muscles as he felt the strong paws gripping his flank. A hot breath came billowing over his snout, hot, carrying smells of blood and rotten flesh. "Wake up you gut sack" growled a deep voice near his ear. Panic flooded his veins. He didn't know who was holding him in a tight clutch but the thing he knew for sure was that it wasn't good; not good at all. Now he was awake, trembling from head to toe as his breath quickens, adrenaline shooting through his brain. He couldn't stay here, couldn't let this... beast touch him. "Let go of me!" he yelled, squirming raggedly, trying with all his weakened strength to get out of the steel grasp. His limbs were kicking in all direction, slamming in everything in his reach, his claws tearing through a thick fabric beneath him. His tail had turned in a deadly weapon swaying widely like a whip, lashing at his aggressor's body.

"Hey... calm down... I... argh... you bastard... ar... RAWR!" roared the thing in pain, letting go of Squal. Squal was pleased; he had felt his claws had touch something that hurt, something better than rock and tissues. The grip faded as the creature staggered back, whining in pain. Squal rolled on his back. "I hope you learn your lesson filthy..." he provoked, raising his bloodied claws in the air. Air no... water. "What the..." he whimpered, realizing that something was wrong. "What the fuck is that? Where am I...?" He looked around, discovering the bare naked walls of some sort of cavern. Everything was made of a black rock that somehow gleaned in the almost dark place. The only source of light came from multicolor crystals; some in the walls, others in the floor near the walls and some under the form of lamps most he had kicked away. The light was too dim for him to really see the rest of the room aside from the bed on which he was sitting. He couldn't see his opponent that had backed away in the cover of shadows but at least he could smell him. He was close... whimpering from the pain of the wound Squal inflicted him. However Squal was too afraid to move to go ask the one who attacked him and instead waits; sitting on the bed; his claws nervously tearing apart the quite resistant bedsheets. "Grawr... felt that one... curses... it hurts so bad..."

This voice... this voice Squal knew it. He knew it so well but he was astonished. What was this voice doing there? Why the possessor of this voice tried to attack him anyway? Squal could only ask these questions to himself as his maws were stuck in a grotesque position. He stared at the veil of darkness a few steps ahead, expecting something terrifying to crawl out in blood, all in claws, baring its fangs and all the deadly arsenal it may have at him before lashing at his weak pathetic form as a vengeance. As he expected a dark and muscular form leaped out of the shadow, fitted with impressive muscles moving beneath his skin and scales. Sure did he have a blood chilling set of claws, fangs that made his whole frame quake, spiked back and tail on which he could have so easily been impaled if the thing decided to strike with it but it was no foe that he saw, far from that. The one who stood before him was a friendly face he recognized with ease even deformed by a pained grimace and stained with blood. "Stradavar!" he shouted "What the fuck are you doing here?" "Argh... just... just a second... oh crap...that hurt bad... damn... and it bleeds like hell..." "Are you... are you ok?" "Yeah... I'm fine... just... give me a second..."

Squal stared emptily as Stradavar once again disappeared in the blackness just to reappear on the other side of the room, followed by a puffing cloud of blood that dispersed in the water. He roamed through some of the furniture, apparently looking for something. "Ahhhh... saw them earlier... where are then? Where are those god damn bandages?" "Do... do you need some help?" "No I'm fine thank you." he growled bitterly. "Ok ok ok... chill out." "Ah Ha! I've got them!" he yelled, pulling out a set of greenish bandages. "Ah... crap... didn't thought about that." "What's wrong?" "Could you help me with this?" "Yes... sure."

He walked to the bed and handed the bandages to Squal before craning his neck; exposing a series of deep lashes on his neck, blood oozing from the badly shaped cuts on his neck; ¤;he blood spilling from it forming like tiny worms that seemed to crawl around his scales. "I'm sorry..." apologized Squal in shame, putting the bandages around Stradavar's neck with unsure motions; his paws trembling as he wrapped a band around the wounded area. "Nah it's nothing It's my fault; I shouldn't have awoken you like this." "Yeah... you... you... honestly... you did scare the hell out of me." mumbled Squal, pondering each word. "I saw ;@hat. well... at least I know it's not a good idea to scare you off." "Yeah... I react... quite badly."

They kept talking together as Squal worked on the wounds, applying several layers of thick bandages to make sure no drop of blood would leak; keeping a constant pressure on the injury. "You're doing well... just... make sure to keep them tight." "Tight... like this?" playfully asked Squal, pulling at the knot he had just made until Stradavar gasped "no... too tight..."

Squal smiled and let go of his friend's neck; the green patch of healing bands contrasting on his dark scales. "Thanks..." "Your welcome." "You're... you seem to be pretty good with it..." "As a hunter... I've got a small teaching of first aid medicine." "It looks like it was very useful to you."

Squal smiled. He felt... strange, uncomfortable; his claws were still grasping at the thick fabric of the bedsheet, finishing to reduce it in tiny pieces. "You're... nervous... are you alright?" Asked Stradavar with a hint of worry in his voice. "I'm fine... physically I mean... it's just that I don't know where I am and it's getting me worried." "I understand... but I can't tell it to you yet. However what I can promise is that you're safe and that no one will harm you." whispered Stradavar with a reassuring voice. "Why are yzu saying that?" "Well... when you'll step out of here... you may be a bit... afraid." "Afraid..." repeated Squal "why would I be afraid? I mean... I'm just in some weird underwater place with a drake I barely know that scared me to death but beside... it's pretty ok." "Oh trust me you haven't seen what's behind that door." "Is it... bad?" "Can't tell. Speaking of doors you shuld follow me now. I have someone that insisted to see you in private." "Do I know him?" "No... not at all but he is very curious about you." "Is it a good news?" "Dude it's a great news." "Then... lead the way." Stradavar nodded, giving Squal a warm smile as he turned around and walked in darkness. Squal; after a few seconds of hesitation followed, penetrating in the thick shadows. He didn't have to walk for long, he bumped in Stradavar backside, drawing a surprised gasp of the guy's mouth. "Dude... You... you're scary when you want!" he shouted, trembling like a leaf. His claws were firmly dug into the ground. "Sorry... I... I didn't see you..." "It's nothing... honestly I thought you lost yourself in the dark."

"Yes... kinda thought the same... it's... really pitch dark here." "It will be better outside... come... follow me." answers Stradavar, putting a paw on a door Squal had barely noticed. When he inserted his claws in a thin crack between the door frame and the wall Squal thought he was mad but when he saw the said door slide into the wall he stayed stunned; feeling so dumb to not have noticed earlier the shiny rail along the door base. In an instant a blinding glow flooded the room and Squal's eyes. He grimaced, curling his neck to look away; his eyelids tightly shut. "Sorry..." apologized Stradavar with concern "Are you ok?" "Too... too bright..." hissed Squal, keeping his eyes close. "Should have warned you... the outside can be a bit... blinding..." playfully chirped Stradavar. Squal; with another grimace managed to open his eyes. He discovered a large corridor going on either side of the room he left. It was large enough for two or three adult beings to walks side by side. Compared to the room it was bright, too bright, the ground and walls made of a white rock; some of them curved outward; like to keep a cave look of some sort. The corridor seemed to extend without limits out of his vision range. The wall thing was lightened by a smart mix of crystals installed on thin torch like decorations and some large windows; some taking half of the rounded roof; a radiant blue light seeping inside. For now it was empty of any living being beside them. "It's... quite nice looking..." I admit; impressed. "Indeed it is... but you've not even seen the rest yet. Don't be too impressed yet there is much more to come." Squal rose an eyebrow, intrigued by his friend's words. Stradavar smiled mysteriously and turned left; walking away in the corridor. Squal followed; looking in all directions with the same curiosity. On the left side rows of anonymous doors succeeded in a long endless line where the right side was pure of any mark or opening beside the many windows bringing most of the place's light. "Why is there nothing on this side?" wondered Squal, pointing at the empty wall. "You'll see..." mischievously grinning. Squal frowned but kept walking behind his friend, throwing quick glances at the doors; they were all closed and probably locked; no indications showed what was inside. "What's behind these doors?" he asked. "Oh... many things, injured, sick." Vaguely answered Stradavar like he wanted to avoid the subject. "Is it a hospital of some sort?" This time Stradavar looked at him directly, a new glow shinnying in his eyes "You're smarter than I thought. Yes it's a hospital and yes it's absolutely normal if you're gonna ask." Squal remained silent this time. The few information he was given were a great help for him; at least he knew he was somewhere safe. After all what could be wrong in a hospital. However a question was left to answer "Why was my room so dark if we were in a hospital?" "Good question..." admitted Stradavar "And the answer is simple: it's not a hospital chamber." "What!!!? But you just said..." "I know let me explain. This room was a resting chamber. You remember all the crystals there?" "Yes" "They're all made to reenergize you, to heal you passively while you are in their reach, it's a better way of healing than being fed of all the medicine's treatments that I rarely trust are any good for us." "Well... it really did work well." Confirmed Squal, stretching his limbs and waving his tail happily. "This method works just fine, could give it a try myself a few years ago but that's another story for another day."

All the mysteries Stradavar tried to keep were really getting on Squal's nerves as they roamed in this strange too white place. Finally after some time they arrived in front of two doors barring the entrance, on the top of the left one a small window allowed to see the other side even though it was heavily deformed. Stradaver stepped in front of it, throwing a long inquisitive glare on the other side, making sure Squal couldn't see a thing. "Ok... we're at the right spot are you ready?" "Yes... I suppose... but for what?" "You'll find out soon what you just have to do is follow my instruction." "I'm listening." "Take a deep breath... calm down, relax... imagine yourself in the most peaceful and relaxing place you know... yes just like this... now... close your eyes and take my paws." Squal grabbed the paws, finned toes wrapping around his, making him tingle in some feeling he couldn't name. It felt weird yet great at the same time. He heard the doors being pushed open, then voices shouting out, sounds of paws or fins swaying nearby as the water around him waved from the intense activity in the new area. "Now... open your eyes... and remain calm." Squal; with a sly smile did as he was instructed. However when his eyes fully opened he regretted to have done so. His smile froze, his eyes went wide, his breath stuck in his throat, his muscles tensing painfully. He coughed, trembling from head to toe as the scene unveiled before his eyes. He froze, terrified. His blood became colder as fear overwhelmed his senses; instinct yelling at him to run away. He tried to hide behind the bulkier frame but Stradavar kept him close, applying more pressure on his paw with his claws. "Calm down... they won't harm you." Even the reassuring tone wasn't enough to bring Squal to calm again; his whole frame was tense like a rope, his muscles stiff, his eyes glaring in defiance at everything they saw. The source of such panic was simply what he had discovered behind the door. There in a corridor identical to the one he had left to the only difference that this one had one entire side covered of immense curved windows showing the ocean outside. In the hall there were rows, dozens, hundreds of these black muscular monsters that crippled his kind with fear and the blood they spilled. They were all different sizes; from the smallest to the biggest, from thinner one that almost looked like females to real mountains of muscles all in claws and fangs. In the middle of that small versions of these creatures were running around, slaloming between paws and finned tails, chirping playfully. Children... the children of these... beasts. On top of that he noticed a few other one wearing little whitish hats on their head between their frills or horns that gave them a ridiculous look. On the said hats Squal saw a red cross; the universal symbol of medical personnel. They were running around in the corridor, going from one to the other, examining quickly with expert looks or giving diagnostics or medicaments to some before leaving like shadows slithering their ways in the corridor from a patient to the other. They all wore tired look on their face; the same look Squal had already seen years ago when he was sent to the hospital after a stupid accident where he broke his right foreleg. Sadly for him the same day a squad of these beast had struck, decimating an entire convoy and its guard; there were corps everywhere, some dead covered of black blankets, some other crying out in pain; lying in bloodied beds. He had staid several hours in there, waiting for a doctor to tend to his injury under the constant cries of pure sufferance and the heavy hypnotizing stench of blood. Today he felt like he had come back to this fateful day because it was exactly the same scene he discovered; the same cries of pain caused by the multiple injuries inflicted; the same haggard look on the face of the less injured; the same tears filled eyes of the relatives, the same cold closed face of some others; the same jaws locked together to hold the ragged roars of revenge. Squal was afraid yet... amazed in some way. It was just like back home. Although Squal couldn't erase his fear; it was too deeply incrusted in his bones. Stradavar took a few steps forward tugging at Squal's paw until he followed. He kept Squal in his grasp like some stubborn child he dragged behind him. Squal looked everywhere around him, crossing surprised or curious gaze from those uninjured. Some gaze were cold and caution, like they didn't liked Squal. At the opposite some were warm, amused, accompanied of wide smiles that made him feel more comfortable but his nervousness was still there. Why were they all acting like this? Why no one had already tried t snap at him? Was it Stradavar's presence that held them back? But their smile seemed sincere, so warm and welcoming. What was wrong then? Squal was suddenly disturbed by a violent collision against his chest. He staggered back, stumbling on his paws. Before him a small black and blue dragon stood, his fins were small and soft looking. He had a surprised and amused gaze on his face as he chirped happily, giggling like he had done the best trick of his young life. Squal send him back the same smile, reaching him with a claw. He gave him a gentle poke with the tip, pushing him backward. The little dragon rolls on his back; squeaking in sheer amusement. In the distance a deep voice calls out. The childish happiness vanishes from the dragonet's face as he ran away. Squal was disappointed; this brief moment of playfulness had managed to calm him down but suddenly he was brought back to reality. Right before he lifted his eyes of the clear white marble ground he noticed a strange detail, a black point at the edge of his claws. Did this affliction spread to new parts of his body? Did it become... even worst? He didn't know; he couldn't know. The humongous pain he had gone through a few hours again had been strong enough to erase his memories of the accident; for now at least.

What was left was an empty page waiting to be written. Before he could investigate on this unusual detail Stradavar drew his attention away. "You see... I told you no one would harm you." Squal was surprised but in fact he knew Stradavar was right from the beginning. But Squal couldn't stop asking what caused such a calm amongst creatures he feared a few hours ago. He looked around; his gaze wandering around the injured waiting for a doctor like he had been several years ago. The heavy scent of blood impregnated the water around him as it tainted with a reddish hue. The smell invaded his nostrils, made his vision slightly blurry. For some unknown reasons he was salivating since he entered in this part of the hospital; like the delightful perfume of blood was arousing his senses.

He shook his head; trying to clear his mind. There was definitely something wrong with him. "So... what happened here?" "A raid... on one of our outposts..." huffed Stradavar with a voice full of sorrows. "Why?" "It's their retaliation for the caravan's attack" "My god..." "It happened... twelve hours ago... it was a bloodbath. Everyone was sleeping or taking some relief. They saw nothing coming; they were almost injured or... murdered... bastardly. They say we're the monsters but look at what they've just done to us!" Roared Stradavar with a loud voice full of hatred and a rage he tried to keep at bay. "We... we didn't want to kill back then... just to scare them off and... some got killed... by their own in the panic that followed. We're not responsible for that and look at the massacre they've done!"

His frustration was obvious and his thirst for revenge even more. The sight of this face twisted by anger made Squal tremble. "Anyway... I'm losing my nerves..." he mumbles, taking several deep breath, staring at Squal with an apologizing look "that's not the right time or place to talk about that..." "Hey Strad!!!!" yelled a voice.

They both looked in a direction to see one of the beast running in their direction; he was wearing the strange hat of the medical personnel. "Hey Strad... what's up?" "I'm fine and you Sven?" The other came closer; hugging Stradavar in an affectionate manner. They started to talk in a strange alien language made of guttural sounds and growls; a long passionate talk interrupted by loud laughter burst that Squal can't understand. He uses this free time to detail the newcomer. He was slimmer than Stradavar, his horns seemed to have been shaped thin, his claws cut, reduced to small nails, his muscles seemed inexistent compared to the bulky form of Stradavar as they hugged, laughed and talked loudly like all the misery around them had vanished. He changed position, finding a better spot to observe the dragon, what he discovered was surprising; the guy because it was one had an impressive package: a large sheet swaying between his hind legs with, just behind a large pouch holding too hefty balls that seem inadequate for swimming. His fins are a strange light blue hue that contrast with his black body; everything is so slim, thin in this dragon that he looks almost fragile; Squal can even see the bones below the thick skin and scales giving an unusual look to every inch of this body. "Hey I'm talking to you." Said the dude with a wide smile; his eyes staring deeply at Squal, two immense orbs with this same too bright, too violent light blue irises, almost white. Squal realized the other was handing him his slim paw. Squal grabbed it and shook nervously. "What's your name cutie?" he asked with a honeyed and soft voice. "Squal..." he mumbled; letting go of the paw. "Nice... mine's Sven." "Nice to meet you... I guess..."

Sven lost all interest in the new dragon and instantly turned his gaze back to Stradavar. He said a word; one word; a few syllabus that sounded cold and sharp like a knife. Stradavar nodded. Squal... felt weird suddenly, his eyes becoming blurry, a loud hiss filling his ears, turning his ears deaf as he looked away. Everything vanished, turning into colored points as he stumbled on his paws. Suddenly the sound blocking his ears dissipated; the haze of his vision did the same a mere instant later. Squal gasped; surprised by this brutal tide of pain that had washed over him; leaving him weakened and destabilized. However it wasn't enough to not notice a slight shift; sounds had changed around him; growls had turned into words, clear and pure as crystal; flowing like a stream of water to his ears. The tones still seemed strange; foreign to him and some of the sounds were still hard to understand and to make sense of but he understood. "New one?" he tensed; he knew the two were talking about him. "Yes..." answered Stradavar. "Where does this one come from?" "It's... complicated... I can't tell you now... this situation is already such a mess." "I understand" sighed the other "we're barely doing better here... look around we're crumpling under all the injured to heal we can't tend to them all."

The discussion kept going on, none of the two had noticed the change in Squal attitude; how he grimaced and flinched in pain; how he then looked up to them and now listened to every word they said with a new interest. "Does he know?" asked Sven, throwing nervous glances at Squal. "No... and... I still haven't found how to tell him?" "He looks... quite lost..." admitted Sven, "you'd better use a lot of diplomacy with him" "Thanks for the advice" chuckled Stradavar in answer "what do you guess I'm doing since this morning?" "You're right... forgive me..." grumbled "and... all these cuts... all these scars... is it... his doing?" "Yes... was quite a tough day." Admitted Stradavar with a long somehow relieved heavy breath. "I hope I'll be done with this before night. I have some other business to take care of." "Speaking of which how is your little... project going?" "I'm almost done with it... just have to take care of a few details and it'll be just perfect." "That sounds great why don't we talk about it around a drink this night?" "Nah I can't I'm too tired for that." "I understand. Go get some rest we'll find another time for this drink." "Agreed." In the distance a loud voice shouted something at the doctor's intention; he sighed; grumbled something under his breath then said with a drawn out tone. "Well... looks like it's time to go you know... duty's call..." "Yeah yeah go save some lives." They nuzzled rapidly as a good bye and the other vanished in the crowded corridor behind them. Stradavar couldn't stop smiling; thinking about some memories only he knew about. Slowly his gaze turned to Squal, his smirk erased itself of his lips as he became serious again. "Come on... I want to show you something." Squal was still intrigued by these mysterious things Stradavar pretended to know about and that could be revealed to him so he obliged and followed the bigger drake's trace. Well... big was a bit of an exaggeration: the one that had been dominating Squal from his sheer height and size seemed small; almost to his size like he had shrunk. Perhaps it was just Squal's fear that had made him look bigger and now that he was confident with the other maybe he saw him like he truly was. However he had to admit he felt taller and the ground seemed to be farer from his eyes. Maybe it was simply the shape of this place that made it look like this but he couldn't be sure. Stradavar eventually came to a stop in front of one of the large windows. Squal did the same but kept his distance with the reinforced glass. Stradavar made him a sign to come closer. Squal wasn't confident at all; it smelled fishy. Stradavar persisted and; with a deep growl that surprised him Squal came closer; putting himself side to side with his... "friend". "That's what I wanted to show you... look." Squal did; his eyes bulged out; his mouth opening on a cry that never came out. Before him; a dozen floors below, he discovered the unimaginable. There; in the depth of the sea, where the waters were freezing, the pressure to high for most beings to bear, where everything was an eternal night swallowing all the light of the outside there was the most incredible thing Squal had ever seen. There; in a black canyon that descended miles and miles under what he thought was the surface; there; in this narrow passage, in this crack that would have appeared so tiny from the surface he discovered true sky scrapers or built in the rock itself, exposing one side to the sea water, forming rounded protrusion in the ridged surface of the canyon walls. Everywhere his gaze fell he discovered a building, either spurting from the rocky irregular ground like it had been naturally placed here by some giant hand or appearing like enormous bulges in the dark rocky walls, hundreds of windows showed thousands of rooms; some lightened; others dark. Here and there he noticed some balconies or path along the high walls; some directly in the sea, others covered by large metallic structure or colored glasses. Tunnels form paths between buildings; forming an immense maze of glass and steel where he could see some shadows wander. Wide lights hidden amongst the sharped rocks, enlightening the many buildings of the center; one in particular; a dark construction made of perfectly chiseled obsidian and glass reflecting, mirroring all the lights in which the tall building was basking. On each angle and at some parts a thin line of gold sublimed the building, forming a strange decoration; like a giant crown of gold and rubies. At the top of the building stood a giant rounded globe of diamond from which radiated a bright light.

Squal's eyes explored the city from this gorgeous point of view and realized that the city wasn't only made of the already magnificent place; he noticed several parks and gardens on the bare rocks of the canyon all covered in glass letting all sort of light in. On each side of the canyon he noticed a long rail vanishing in the distance; a few trembling lights giving a good idea of the trail followed by the rail. "What's that?" he asks, pointing at the rail. "That... it's the tram. You didn't imagine that our city was that small; there are two separate parts. You see the huge building in the canyon there?" asked Stradavar, pointing at a large sky scraper that seemed to have burst from the wall, climbing high in the deep canyon. "I live up there... there... at the last floor... you see the line of windows at the last floor?" "Yes..." "Well all of this belongs to me." "Damn... you must be earning a lot of money to rent that place." "I'm not renting it; it's my belonging." "Incredible... must be beautiful up there." "Oh I'm quite proud of it" admitted Stradavar "I'm not the bet around in decoration but I'm really proud of my work... and I've got access to true light up there... and trust me it's gorgeous to mate in the changing light of the sea." "Lucky guy..." chuckled Squal; his brain not having registering yet the information." "Wait... true light!" "Yes... we're forced to recreate light otherwise we would be living in darkness. You see all these crystals down below... they're light receptors. We can't see it from there but there are some other on top of the canyon that generate energy from sun light and we use them for lighting. It's a very discreet system and... Squal are you listening?" called out Stradavar, detaching his gaze from the window. Squal was like frozen; his eyes wide open, filled of a primal fear. His breath was irregular; ragged, reduced to a tiny gust. "Squal... hey Squal! Dude what's wrong?" Squal didn't answer; staring at the window; or maybe what was behind. Stradavar followed his gaze but saw nothing beside the dark rock he was used to. Did Squal saw something he had missed? Something that seemed to have terrified him. Stradavar kept watching at the outside, tiny bubbles crossing his sight but he found no clue of the cause of the terror of his friend. Yet Squal was trembling in horror; staring at an invisible point in the distance. Stradavar was afraid too; looking in all directions to try and find the source of his friend's terror. He found nothing... until he looked at the glass itself. There; in the thick translucent material he discovered something he had completely missed. It was so natural; so ordinary that he totally went over it without noticing it when It was right under his nose. There; in the pure glass a shadow; a reflection had formed; directly facing Squal with its two haggard and shocked eyes, terror radiating from the black face. Squal looked behind him; searching for someone playing him a bad trick; to a probable and logic reason for this surge of blackness in his reflection in the mirror of the glass. There was no one; this section of the corridor was thankfully not very crowded and the first person was out of reach. Squal turned back his gaze to the long piece of glass; staring at the black image the window mirrored. His breath remained stuck in his throat. "Oh no... no... not that..." whimpered Stradavar. Squal was shivering in horror; his claws scrapping the ground; his tail hanging low. "Squal... calm down... I... I can explain... just... remain calm ok." Said Stradavar with a deep voice he tried to keep calm but worry pierced in his voice. Squal wasn't listening at all; too shocked to hear a single thing. He lifted a paw, exposing his claws to the light. They were still as ivory white as before; perfectly shaped, sharper than razorblades, the top side forming a nice curve. He hesitated; everything seemed normal, his claws just slightly longer and curvy than before but normal. When he looked down his heart stopped; his brain blanked oud; his eyes bulged out of their orbits as a blank cry formed in his opened maws. There; what he wished was blue was instead an inky black; his scales seemed to have melted just to reform bigger; thicker; tougher; the fins between his paws were now grey and definitely more stretchy than before. He didn't dare to look below; afraid of what he would discover. He closed his eyes as tight as he could; begging all the divinities to wake him up; that it could only be a nightmare; that he had just passed out after this heated session with Thyan. Yet when his eyes opened again the blackness was still there; covering his paw. He couldn't look down or move his eyes away but he had to know; he had to see. With all his strength he managed to look at the window. There stood a strange large black shadow staring at him with its too amber eyes. Squal wanted to ask "who are you?" but he already knew that answer. "Squal... I... I'll explain you... just... please for god sake... stay calm and don't move." Whispered Stradavar; slowly moving forward; like he worried an unexpected action from Squal. When a claw came in contact with Squal's shoulder a surge of rejection invaded his body. He frowned; snarling in disgust; his paws trembling uncontrollably. "Get off me!" roared Squal; shoving him back in the wall. Stradavar gasped; falling to the ground; stunned by the violent shock. Squal was growling; staring at the one who tried to get on his paws; his breath short and ragged. Squal looked around; ignoring the weak pleas of Stradavar who tried to remain on all fours. Without hesitation he ran into the first door he saw; shoving it open; almost breaking it from the strength of the blow. A voice inside shouted "Hey you're not allowed to be here!". Squal only grumbled; forcing its way inside. "Get out of here or I'll call the security!" "SHUT UP!!!" roared Squal in answer; throwing a deadly cold glance to a doctor tending to someone lying in a bed. Squal quickly analyzed the room; he found in no time a mirror in a small bathroom near the entrance. He took a few seconds to calm his breath; the constant pounding of blood in his ears slowly reduced. Finally he dared to turn his gaze in the mirror's direction. His heart missed a beat; his cry of terror remained stuck in his throat; in the mirror stood a totally different face than what he imagined; the blue of his scales had shifted to black like the rest; his snout had stretched; his maws now stuffed with two rows of sharp teeth in which he discovered four that protruded from the rest; like giant snake hooks; too big to even fit in his mouth once closed; forcing him to keep the top ones on the outer side of his mouth; gleaming in the light. The fin below his chin had grown too, felling quite heavy now; his neck and back were covered of spikes and the fin there had turned an ash color; the membrane stretching to match his new size. His claws like he had seen them before longer; sharper. His tail was twice as long and thick; but still surprisingly swift and agile. Squal found himself tall and in fact he now was. He had won three feet in height making him match the other in height. His muscles seemed to have expanded too; becoming stronger; making his skin stretch, drawing a precise map of his new musculature. In general he was larger; so impressive that he terrified himself. The only part of himself he didn't dare to watch was his groin; he imagined it changed; monstrous like the rest. A grimace of hatred slowly twisted his traits; his claws curled inward; racking the ground. His eyes darted in Stradavar's direction. The large sea dragon was standing in the entrance to the room; grimacing in pain and panting harshly. He was talking the same doctor Squal sent away. "Do you believe this!" complained the doctor "How am I supposed to work in these condition?" "I... I know..." grimaced Stradavar in reply, trying to keep his balance "Just... give him a second... he is new here and..." "Whatever. Tell your friend to hurry before I call the security." "You won't have to... we'll be out right away." Promised Stradavar with a grimace. Squal was staring at him from the pitch dark bathroom; glaring at the one he thought to be a friend with defiance and hatred. An unknown rage like he had never felt before flowed in his veins, making all his muscles tense; a thick saliva started streaming from the corners of his maws; some more dribbling along these new fangs protruding from his mouth. Stradavar saw nothing coming, a dark; swift shadow jumped from the bathroom. He had just stepped into the room; looking for Squal; using the wall to sustain his weakening form. Squal's snout was rammed against his flank. Breath cut, knocked out he flew through the room catapulted by the sheer force of the impact. He could feel his bones cracking where Squal struck. His limp body hit the wall; falling to the ground with a muffed grunt of pain. He tried to get up but Squal was already on him. He felt the clawed paw wrap around his neck; squeezing it like a fruit as he lifted him up; pinning him against the cold wall. Stradavar was trembling; the hunter had become the prey and he didn't like this sensation; neither did he liked the two gleaming orbs fixated on his frame with, inside their amber irises a glow he had never seen before; a glow of madness and utter rage. He tried to grab at Squal's paws but the first blows had already left him weakened and dizzied and his claws just scratched the surface. "What... have you done to me?" rumbled Squal with a deep voice Stradavar never heard before in this mouth. "What?" he simply gasped; the paw pressing against his throat applying so much pressure that he could barely breathe. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME!!!" screamed Squal right in his face; his thick drool raining down on his snout; forming purplish rivulets on his forehead. "Squal... please... calm down... let me... explain... please... I can't breathe." Pleaded Stradavar in a weak gasp. "No you explain first then... I'll see..." growled Squal with this bone chilling voice. Without leaving Stradavar a single second he pulled him away from the wall and dragged his limp body behind him as he left the room; savoring the weak gasps and gurgles of one of the creatures he thought as terrifying when he was younger. Once in the corridor he repeated the operation in the inverse sense and slammed Stradavar in one of the windows. The glass surface crackled around the point of impact; forming a whitish web where Stradavar's face touched the cold surface; soon vermillion blood came filling the cracks, long trails staining the glass. "ANSWER ME!!!"

Stradavar tried; he really tried with all his force but nothing more than incoherent sounds came out; mixed with his quick panting breathe. Was it the pressure around his throat or the fear the one holding him inspired? The result was that he was muted; for the better... and the worst. His face hit the freezing cold surface again, and again; the network of cracks extending further. Every time he could see the city's light in the distance; his comfy home on top of that tower; his family; his friends. He was brutally turned around, forced to face this mad twisted face. Even if he would have been able to talk he knew Squal wouldn't have listen. Fear; like never before washed over him; dragging him in a ragged ocean of ice cold tides and waves. For the first time he wondered if he had taken the right decision. Had it been a good idea to bring Squal here; in a place he didn't know? Had it done any good to hide the truth? The only answer was no and Stradavar knew it from the beginning but was there another way? Once again no. Out of option, paralyzed by fear; slammed again and again against this glass he started to cry. Salty droplets filled his eyes; streaming down his cheeks. Was it remorse and regret that flowed in the clear drops raining down on the ground? Was it the immense pain of his broken bones; of his opened flesh; of the blood trickling down on his scales? No one could tell. A voice; low and soft came to his ears. He opened his eyes but before him he only discovered Squal, shaking; staring at him. All hate and rage seemed to have vanished from his amber eyes as he caressed Stradavar's right cheek with a claw; gathering a drop here and there; like he tried to wipe away the tears. "Why are you crying?" he asked with an unsure voice. Although he was at the brink of passing out however his eyes shot open in shock. Squal before him didn't show any sign of anger; he was even... like before; shy; nervous; afraid; glancing at everything like it was all new to him. It was like the burst of rage had erased; wiped away his last memories. His grip reduced around Stradavar's neck but didn't vanish. The two former... "friends" if they could be called so kept staring at each other in the same mix of shock and disbelief. Suddenly; coming from apparently nowhere two giant paws burst; enclosing around Squal. He gasped; let go of his prize as he was shoved away. Stradavar limply fell to the ground; too exhausted and weakened to move. The first inhale of fresh air felt painful to his burning lungs; so painful that his vision turned to red for a brief instant. He managed to move his head to the side; looking for Squal. He found him tightly held by two muscular frames of adult sea dragon; their finned tail hanging low, their claws sinking deep past Squal's scales, keeping him in place. In a flash all the wrath Stradar had seen vanish with relief came back in full force. Squal was struggling; squirming in his captor's tight grasps; their claws digging deeper in his flesh, drawing crimson blood with each of his harsh buck. The two held without flinching; trying their best to keep him still. Yet Squal did not; instead his vain struggles became even stronger. He trashed against the broad chests; whipped the flanks with his tail; tried to bite; to claw at them. He was like enraged; thick drool drizzling from hos gaping maw. He looked like a beast; a wild animal undergoing some sort of crisis. Stradavar wanted to look away; to not witness what was to come but all strength had left him; even closing his eyes was an exhausting action. Suddenly; Squal jerked upward; forcing the claws deeper in his flesh; blood poured out of the deep cuts he inflicted himself. He craned his neck and; agile like a snake stroke; his jaws clamped shut around the left one's chin; his fangs pierced the scales; shattered the skin and sank with ease in the tender flesh. Blood spewed in all directions; painting the perfectly white walls with trails of red. The guy roared in pain and backed away; his chin in blood; leaving the other to handle Squal alone. He was no match for the ragging; storming being. Squal got rid of him in a split second. Stradavar was left here; watching helplessly as Squal now free turned his blazing gaze to the two dragons stumbling on their paws; one with half of the face bleeding; the other with a bad looking fracture and claw lashes. Stradavar wished his hardest for peace; for Squal to calm down again like he did before; once again he was all wrong. He heard; he smelled he felt more than he saw the fight; his vision had long since turned hazy and red; the trickle of blood on his neck had turned into a river; a warm red river with a copper smell. Loud cries echoed to growls; jaws clamping; tails swaying and smashing into things; bones breaking, flesh being torn apart. That's what Stradavar's universe reduced to. When his vision became stable again he wondered if he wasn't in hell. All was red; walls seemed to have been painted with the color of blood; the soil was nothing more than a pool of red; a red mist floated in the transparent water ahead of him and he realized his own muzzle was drenched in it. A tide of repugnance washed over him; he hated this metallic smell and taste of the red liquid. He frowned but could no nothing more; he was still too weak and was only getting weaker. His vision became a red blur as well; but in the reddening environment he discovered a black form; trembling; no... shuddering in an apparent delight; coated in blood; strands of bloodied flesh hanging from his maws; his claws turned to the same bloody mess. Stradavar couldn't believe what he was witnessing. It couldn't be... this thing... this monster... this feral beast... there was no way it could be his friend this creature elated by the massacre it just did. The two dragon that tried to stop him were only mere outlines lying on the ground with their guts on display; basking in a pool of their own blood but surprisingly they were still alive. The mad twisted face turned in his direction; a snarl of satisfaction sticking to his lips. "So... where were we?" it asked; it's bloody paws wrapping around Stradavar's neck again. Stradavar could only stare; all his muscles weak; his brain limp and numb. Squal didn't wait or cared about the badly injured person he was holding in his claws and; like he had done before slammed his head in the already crackled window. Stradavar's senses were flushed with another wave of suffering as his head bounced on the cold surface before being once more pressed against it. He could barely see neither hear or talk yet; in the haze slowly taking over he noticed a strange detail; the cracks had spread over the point of no return. The perspective of what was about to happen. Squal saw nothing of it; too busy glaring at the cause of his torment. The last thing he saw was a sly; almost imperceptible smile on Stradavar's lips. The next second a loud cracking sound came to his ears; a sound he took a second to recognize it. "oh... crap." Too late the glass exploded in a million of tiny shards. A flow of blue water invaded the confined space as an alarm rang in the distance. Squal was in first line; the flood hit him right in the face; from the violence of the blow he let go of Stradavar who fell against the wall; thankfully out of the flow. Squal backed away but the freezing cold water were already on him; bathing him from head to toe. He chilled; frozen on the spot. Suddenly a security vent slammed shut; blocking the source of the leak. The corridor was now a pool of blue water that went up to Squal's ankles; his body was trembling; convulsing from the cold outburst. "Cold... so... cold..." he gasped. The haze of bloodlust that had been obscuring his judgment faded; leaving him freezing; with his friend's lifeless body as the only sight. "Strad... what... what have I..." he never finished that mute question. Something powerful struck his right flank. He fell; breathless on his other side; just in time to see a face he knew for sure. He was left no time to search in his memories; a fist as large as his forehead slammed down in his snout. His snout bounced violently on the water slickened floor as he fell to the side; knocked out.


Squal slowly opened his eyes; instantly the disagreeable stench of disinfectant and other medical product assaulted his nostrils. He grimaced; his head aching like hell. It felt like someone was trying to hammer him into the ground. He looked around. He was in a large room; splayed on his back in a comfortable hospital bed with on two side white curtains. In front of him he discovered a white wall. He tried to get up but he couldn't move a claw. It took him time to realize he was attached to the bed by thick metal rings around each of his paws; his tail; even his neck was immobilized at its base. "Why... why am I like this? What happened?". Slowly his senses came back to him; first his ears; then his sense of touch and all the other natural sensors along his body then his nose and tongue. Instantly he hiccupped; a disgusting taste of flesh and blood stinging to his mouth. He frowned; bucking against the chains; his guts making knots. He managed to put himself in a side looking position and; after another series of hiccups and gurgles let out the content of his belly. There was almost nothing to give anyway; he hadn't eat since at least the previous day. A mix of yellowish bile and a few fragments of half eaten meat floated before him. "Could have warned me..." growled a voice coming from the door. He looked in this direction and noticed a tall and slim dragon. Squal knew him; he had already met him before but what was his name already? The man ignored him and walked to him. His face was ice cold and closed; he only threw hateful glares at him. "Where... where am I?" he risked. "In an hospital... but I'd rather see you in a cemetery." Grumbled the other with the same coldness. "What happened to me?" this time the other froze and turned his gaze in Squal's direction. Squal froze in turn; these eyes were blazing of a fire of pure anger; he knew from the single sight of these two orbs that one misplaced word would have him dead right away. "Are you trying to fool me?" hissed the doctor that Squal definitely knew. "No..." he whined tears threatening to burst from his heavy eyes. The other raised a surprised eyebrow. "You don't remember?" "No!" cried Squal in answer "It's like... a black hole in my head... I... *sniff* saw myself in a mirror then... just... nothingness." This time the other's gaze softened slightly. "You've attacked everyone in range; almost killed three person and flooded a part of the corridor with cold water." "Damn... I... I don't remember any of that." "It surprises me too." Admits the other. Suddenly a surge of memories assaulted his weakened mind. Suddenly he remembered; his whole body felt like shrinking entirely. "And... stradavar... where... where is he?" "Right next to you." He growled; his face turning cold again. He pulled the curtain of the right side; revealing the sleeping form of Stradavar; a large bandage wrapped around his head. "Oh no... no no no..." whimpered Squal in horror "Is he ok?" "Yes he is... not thanks to you..." he hissed; the guy's claws digging bloody lines in his chest "and I won't let you close to him understood." "But... but... he is my friend." Protested Squal. "Oh really... that's strange..." "Why?" "Because it's not a way to treat a friend." He growled; his claws drawing more blood from the deep wounds in his chest. "I... I didn't want this..." "Why don't I trust you?" Squal broke in tears; trembling on his bed; the chains clinging loudly. It took time before he found enough composure to talk. "Sven..." he called. "Don't even dare to call me by my name!" he roared; slapping Squal across his face. "Let me... let me see him." Begged Squal. "You really think I'm gonna let you close to him? After what you've done!" "Please..." he pleaded. "No and don't try to make me change my mind it's no use."

Squal trashed against his chain; tugging at them with all his might. Nothing moved. "Yes keep trying... these things have held some stronger than you. You won't be able to..." a loud metallic sound filled the silence "break them..." he gasped. He turned around; trembling in fear. Behind him Squal had managed to rip one ring from its chain. "This one must be damaged." Snorted the doctor; trying to hold his composure. Then in an instant the second one holding his left forepaw broke in pieces. "How... did you do that?" "Did what?" grunted Squal with a devious smile on his face; finishing to free himself with ease. He walked to the other bed. Stradavar; to his own surprise wasn't sleeping; his eyes were a bit blurry and unfocused but his breathing slow and steady. "Finally awake." Whispered Stradavar with a weak smile. "Since when are you awake Strad?" sighed Sven. "Oh... a few hours I'd say." "What time is it?" "Don't know." Grumbled the doc "I've spent hours healing you... wasn't an easy task." "Anyway... we've been waiting here for too long." Said Stradavar: slowly getting on his paws. Squal gasped; his friend didn't seem in any shape too walk. He managed to get on all four but his limbs were trembling; weakened. Sven was the fastest to react; grabbing Stradavar right before he fell. "Oh no you stay there." Huffed Sven "Damn should do a bit more sport... you're quite heavy." He grumbled. "He... he is right...." Approved Squal; rushing to the doc's help. "Dude... you can't even walk." Grumbled Squal. "You must take some rest." Agreed Sven with a grimace. "Oh but we don't have time to rest there is someone really important that wants to see you... and I thing he is getting really impatient." "Don't tell me it is..." gasped Sven. Stradavar nodded. "Dude he can wait" shouted Sven. "Oh no he can't... I'll take some rest later." Grumbled Stradavar; tugging weakly at them until he was on his paws "beside I have someone who can handle me if I fall." He added with a wicked smile in Squal's direction. "What!? But... dude... you're bigger... and heavier than me I... I can't...." he protested. As his only answer Stradavar fell in his harms. Squal grimaced under the heavy weight but held good. Stradavar smiled "So... who's heavy?" Squal grimaced. "Yeah yeah... go fuck yourself..." grumbled Squal.

"I guess I can't hold you here." Sighed Sven. "Nope." "Then I'll let you go... but I'll come at your place tonight to see if you're ok." "Fine... see you later."

They left the room; Stradavar leaning over Squal as he walked away. The corridor was a mess; the floor stained with blue water that felt cold to their paws. They said nothing until the automated doors of the hospital shut themselves behind them and that they found themselves into one of these transparent tunnel; walking on a metal made alley. "That wasn't a bright idea to break this glass Squal you know." "I... I didn't know that the water was so cold." "Don't pretend silly... we're several miles below the surface; in one of the deepest canyon of the region. A place where the water is so cold; the pressure so high that no one dares to come in here; even us. We don't need protections like you... this place is our fortress. So welcome to the bottom of the pit." He said with a smile. "I... I have to admit that it looks impressive." "And it's only the central part. The two rails that you've seen lead to other parts of the city. I'll show you later." "Thanks... but I don't plan on staying here." "And what are you gonna do then? Go back to them? They'll kill you without hesitation. They don't care that you once were one of them they'll shoot you down before you can even get in range to talk. You've seen your new appearance... you've seen how you look. If you try to go back there you're doomed." Squal said nothing and only waked through the maze of corridors. Every crossing point was a small room where they could stop and admire a few decorations; statues; paintings or other thing. "Strad..." "Yes." "Why can't we swim?" "It's a little trick we use" he explained "some of the crystals generate a spell that keep us glued to the ground." "Why?" "Don't you get it? Before it was a mess; you could get rammed by someone that wasn't looking where he was. There were accidents every day. But it's only the first half of the spell. You must have noticed that you don't even feel that we're walking in water right." "Yes I did and..." "It's normal we've made sure the water gives less resistance otherwise it would be impossible and we can even dry some specific spaces." "Incredible." "Yes indeed but stop talking for nothing. I know what question is burning your tongue." Said Stradavar with malice. Squal sighed. "You're right... what... what have you done... to me?" "It's not the proper place to talk about that... turn left at the next cross... we'll better there." Squal wanted to protest but Stradavar didn't left an opportunity for that "You won't get anything from me until then". Squal grumbled under his breath. He led them to the place Stradavar talked about. "You'll see it's magnificent there.".

Another thick door opened before them; unveiling a gorgeous underwater park; plants were swaying slowly in an artificial tide. It was amazing to see such a burst of color in the darkness of the canyon. "There... on the bench... let me down here... I need to take a break." Mumbled Stradavar, panting hard. Squal left him on a bench and looked at a batch of corals. "What have you done to me?" "Nothing." Whispered Stradavar. "Are you kidding me?" "No..." Squal looked behind. Stradavar was smiling calmly; taking deep breathes. "I... I don't get it." "It's... more complicated than you imagine Squal.... you've transformed indeed... but it's not my fault." "So who?" "Let me explain." Whispered Stradavar; tired. "When... when I came to your city... it was my plan... I... I... I wanted to than you... to offer you a gift that I thought would be a sign of my gratitude. I... I... I... wanted to mate you." "Mate me? But... what is the point of mating?" "Well... as you might be aware of... we can turn others into... beings like us." "Yes I know that..." "There are two ways of transforming someone. The first is the most known: it's simply... a biting." "Biting?" "Yes..." he said with a nod; he opened his mouth; exposing his four glistening hooks; two on each jaw. "These hooks... are made for injecting the venom; a single bite is enough to turn someone in five minutes or so. The other way... is... much more pleasurable... we... we have to mate the one we wish to transform and implant our seed inside him or her. Any hole can work; anal... vaginal... the slit of a male... even a good blowjob is enough as long as it remains inside long enough to do..." "I... I see..." mumbled Squal; terrified "but... what's the link with me?" "It's... it's what I wanted to do with you. I wanted to give you this gift... I... I wanted you as my mate." "So if I get it you claim someone with a nice breeding and he is yours." "Well... not exactly but... pretty close to." "Why do I get the urge to rip this tiny tool of yours?" "*gasp don't... don't do this." "Then explain yourself!" shouted Squal; slamming his paws in the wooden bench. "I... I planned on giving you this... gift." "This curse." Spat Squal. "Anyway... when I arrived... with this plan in mind but all went wrong." Said Stradavar; his voice breaking on the last words. "What god damn it?" "We... we were late... the dome we used malfunctioned and... when you arrived... oh god I'll never forget that. It was... just..." once again his voice broke; tears erupting from his eyes; his paws were trembling. Counting this story seemed to awake an ancient fear inside him; a shock that left him shivering like he was cold. "What happened!" shouted Squal in frustration. "When... when you appeared in that hatch. You were... half mutated... drenched in your blood... you... you were unrecognizable; there was flesh muscles; tendons spurting everywhere. It was... just... horrible. When I saw you I was so happy... I held you in my harms. You remember? I was relieved; you came to us. At first I saw nothing of what was happening to you. I... I didn't care... until it happened." "What!" roared Squal; his paws crashing in a glass containing a beautiful specimen of coral. The glass broke in tiny pieces; waters flooding the room until a puddle had formed under his feet. Stradavar was still sprawled on his bench; trembling from head to toe; tears streaming down his cheeks. "You... you transformed." Squeaked Stradavar. "What... but... how?" "I... I don't know... I was holding you close to me; and then you vanished in your own blood. I... I had never seen that; it was violent; d... disgusting; I... I couldn't bear this but I held on to you. I felt you change below my paws; your flesh, your bones; to your very scales... I felt everything." He cried. Trembling even harder. "Sorry Stradavar I lost all memories of this moment." Apologized Squual "But... what caused that?" "I don't know... I... I just saw it happen; I told you; you were already badly mutated when we caught you." "So... who did this to me?" "I have no clue at all." "Raynhor..." whispered Squal; like the revelation struck him in the face. "You know him?" "Yes he is supposedly my mate's brother." Growled Squal "apparently he is nothing of that." "Well... we've replaced the true Raynhor by one of us... quite a while ago if I remember right at least." Hissed Stradavar with a tensed snarl "the real one is here. But... why do you accuse one of us?" "I've rode his dick a few weeks ago." "What! You've been mated by one of us while you were still... normal if I can say so. Are you mad?" "Relax he didn't came inside me... this bastard pulled out at the last second; I could only taste a sample of it." "It's... in theory not enough to infect you... but... when you rescued me... you already transformed parts... among which your member." "Yes... it happened... I can't even remember when." "You're shift must have been slow but what caused it... I don't have a single idea about that." Admitted Stradavar "Have you done some... arousing things before we met? I mean... things that made you scream your heart out?" "I've mated with... Thyan for the first time... as a top... and he even made me try a strange place of his; another hole just beneath his slit... and... when I truly transformed we had just finished again. Do you thing I've infected him?" "No otherwise he would have been turned with you." "Are you sure of that?" "As sure as the sun rises from the east." "You seem to know the subject pretty well... have you ever done that before?" "No... you would have been my first." Said Stradavar; a warm blush forming on his cheeks. "but... sadly it never happened." "Why me?" "Well... I... I liked you... and I owned you that... I mean... you saved my life when all the other had left me for dead; you cared for me; tend to my wounds... you... you were here for me so I... decided I make you this gift... at first... I thought about... offering it to you... like any normal people. Oh I imagined the scene... me... on top of you... pounding your tight ass in this dark cave... it would have been the apotheosis. I... I wished it would have been like this... but... once again fate had a really awkward sense of humor: the others found me; they were mad at me but they freed me. So... I organized this little plan but..." tears swallowed his last words "You see all these scars... it's you who did them to me... all of them." "Damn... how?" "When you transformed all your body imploded and I was in first line so... I took everything in the face. But it's not the subject." "Agreed but Strad... you really thought about mating me?" "Of course! I... I tasted your seed... I wanted more." "So... you just wanted me to raise my tail for you?" "Yes!" "But... Strad... you... you never tried to attack me... I mean; I imagined your kind to be violent and lusting for our blood but you... you never did." "In fact... It's only a legend; a tale to affray your kind. Well maybe... not exactly: sure some correspond to what you imagine but not all of us; me for example I don't." "Really?" "Dude!" shouted Strad "I'm no fighter; I've never... I've never spilled or tasted blood. My claws have never been used to shred flesh; to rip apart another being. I'm a musician." Squal's eyes widened; his jaws dropped; his breath cut short. "So... why were you among those who... tried to attack us." "Even though I'm not a fighter I still have to achieve some... protection works; some... patrols if you see what I mean. We're not many so we have no choice but to do this." "I... I see." "But we didn't try to attack you. I mean... someone warned us of your presence in OUR hunting ground. We just had to scare you off. Some of us wanted to punish you for entering in our territory; I tried to hold them back but they didn't listen. None of them had noticed that one person in the group had noticed us. I guess it was you right?" "Ye... I felt you from afar." "It's a sign; you were already transformed... in deep." "And then?" "Well... they didn't want to listen and... you saw what happened. They attacked me all at once; thinking that I was a weakling." "I see... but... what I don't get is... why me?" "That my friend I don't know." Squal's eyes watered as he came closer to Stradavar that seemed to have recovered. Squal fell to the ground; trembling; sobbing in silence. His snout rested on Stradavar's lap, adding more water to the ocean. Stradavar wrapped his paws around his head, hugging him close. Above him Stradavar was crying too; biting his tongue to not whine; his tears flowing in the clear water. "Strad... is there a way to... reverse this? To... turn me back to what I was before?" whispered Squal. Stradavar didn't answer; crying in a perfect silence. "Strad..." "No... I'm sorry... there's no way...". Squal flinched; his claws digging in Stradavar's scales. "Squal... could you... move your head a bit... to the right please." "Why?" "Well... because you're at a place... uncomfortable for me and..." He didn't have to finish his sentence. Something hard and wet came poking at his lips. Squal gasped; his blurry vision stabilizing long enough to allow him to witness the sight of Stradavar's hard member slowly getting out of his slit. For the first time since he had discovered it in this dark cave. For the first time he could detail the unusual rod of flesh in the light. He remembered the pure inky black of the flesh; the pointed tip; the ridges on the underside; the large swells along the length of the shaft. For now they were like his knot; unaroused and pretty insignificant: just slightly larger lumps of flesh at a regular interval on his cock. His tool was... or at least Squal thought was smaller than his but he was so damn thick He then saw another surprising detail in this so unusual penis: the slit. Stradavar urethral slit wasn't exactly at the top of his spire; it was slightly upward; like misplaced; it was almost facing his belly; forming a flat portion in the tip. From the said tiny slit oozed a dark liquid that pooled on this flat section before leaking on the shaft; giving it a shiny gleam. "Oh Strad... really..." "I told you I liked you." "I didn't imagine it was to that point." "What can I say you make me hard." He answered with a sly smile. Squal answered with the same grin; still observing the male's tool. Slowly lust sneaked its way beneath his skin; in his very bones as his own cock stirred to life in his slit. He couldn't stop wandering how one of these creature tasted and he had an incredible opportunity to satisfy is little curiosity right now. The desire was becoming too great to ignore; his blood heated up as the tip of his maleness finally broke through the thick labia of his slit; already spewing his now dark pre in the water. A forepaw hesitantly reached out for the shat bobbing before his eyes. Stradavar instantly gasped; his whole body tensing; his hips bucking in Squal's grip; forcing his cock in the soft grasp of a paw. His maleness surged forward; engorging with blood. The spire spasmed as the first swell grew to the size of a grapefruit; aqueous fluids spurting from the widening slit; mixing with the water around them; giving the translucent liquid an enticing smell. "Squal... what are you doing?" he howled; bliss piercing in his voice. "Well you tasted my seed back in this cave; I think it's only fair if I taste your." Purred Squal in a teasing whimper. His maws opened; unveiling rows of sharp fangs bathing in gooey saliva. Stradavar shuddered. Squal's tongue slowly slipped out of his mouth; slithering along Stradavar's hindquarter; licking the sensitive scales around his two exposed plump orbs that throbbed in rhythm with his cock. Slowly; taking a hundred detour he finally arrived to the base of the shaft; squeezing the last swell; the one that most looked like a knot before with the same eagerness; his tongue dabbing at the sensitive flesh that seem to react; to answer to any of his touch. He prods at the next swell; testing it's firmness until the thing underwent the same treatment; growing exponentially. Finally; after countless prodding and teasing he came to the tip. During all his ministration dark secretions had been squirting from the slit; soaking the whole length in slick lubrication. Squal couldn't deny that even with this strange shape and his constant leak of these so exciting fluids that he was almost peeing from the sheer strength of the stream made for a concoction Squal couldn't resist; a perfect mix of virility and attraction; another unimaginable; delightful organized mess where the perfect shape of this dick; the smell that made his brain fuzzy; the sensation of the organ pounding in his palm; answering to the slightest pressure he applied; all of that combined made for a tide; a torrent; a wave; a tsunami of lust he couldn't resist. So he let it submerge him; washing him in the warm flows of desire; of a lust he once thought forbidden that now seemed all that normal. A goofy smile spread on his face; his eyes covered with a mist of arousal as his cock finally surged to life; reaching the peak of its hardness; throbbing with the might of animalistic desire; the simplest desire that could be form; the urge... for sex.

He looked up; meeting for an instant the half lidded eyes of Stradavar; his tongue sticking out of his open maws. The male had long since let his own crave take over him; his whole body was stiff like wood; his muscles tensed under his skin; his claws closing on emptiness. Squal smiled; Stradavar didn't answer; too occupied dealing with his own lust. Squal stared at the throbbing member half an inch away from his mouth; his hot breath billowing over the sensitive organ. He had ignored it; the desire; now he was letting it control him; enjoying the sensation of watching and letting his body do the rest. His tongue coiled around the organ; giving it a few more squeezes before; with a sensual motion driving it toward his mouth. The tip caressed his lips forming a tight rounded entrance of a wet hole awaiting for the squirting cock. Stradavar seemed to tense again; like he so suddenly didn't want to do it. Squal froze; glazing up. Stradavar seemed to have brutally awoke from his awake dream; his eyes only showing fear. "Are you ok?" "No... I... I don't think it's such a great idea. We should be heading to this appointment instead of... doing this..." "Relax... we both need some relief... and I sure know how to give it to you..." "I... I know it but... I mean... I know I can't stop you now... like I can't stop myself... it's bound to happen so I won't fight it. What I'm worried about is... I'm not sure you'll be able to take it all in your mouth. I'm really big you know..." "Yes you're rather... thick" confirmed Squal; prodding at one of the bulbous orb of swelling flesh; drawing a throaty moan from Stradavar "But it won't stop me; I've taken someone three time your size so this... it's nothing." "No... that's not what I mean" growled Stradavar. He sighed deeply then added in defeat "Fine... just... don't deep throat me ok?" "May I know why?" grumbled Squal; disappointed. "Last time I tried I almost killed someone." Whispered Stradavar; his voice breaking into a whimper on the last few words. Squal's eyes widened; a gasp escaped his throat as he put some distance between him and the twitching length "How is it even possible?" "Well... you find me big already right?" "Well then let me tell you that in reality it is only the beginning. I'll keep growing; getting even thicker until I've sealed you... whatever hole it is. The guy had taken I'd say... two bulbs in his throat and... I grew inside him until he couldn't breathe. Then... I... I released inside him; I couldn't do anything else. I came... I emptied myself inside him." "Why couldn't he breathe? We still have gills." "Indeed... but we were on dry lands; no water around us." Squal registered the information but kept his question for later. "I sealed his throat; I could feel him cough; gasp; choke on my dick. He was suffocation and I could do nothing beside cumming... again and again. It lasted for so long... half an hour I'd say. At some point his breath made some disgusting gurgling noises... I was filling his lungs with my seed... it was horrible. Thankfully I managed to pull out early and... he survived." Upon finishing his Stradavar resumed crying. "Damn do you cum that much?" "Well it's not exactly cum but..." "Oh I can't wait to see that." Interrupted Squal. Before Stradavar could open his maws Squal had already sank half of the cock in his mouth. Stradavar moaned; his hips bucking in Squal's maws. His paws grabbing to his eager friend's head. Squal smiled around the cock stuffing his mouth. He grunted; he didn't expected that. Stradavar's tool surely looked big; now in his mouth it felt absolutely huge. He tried to ignore the thick shaft forcing his jaws to stretch to their limits to fit the pulsing organ inside. A cold sweat formed on his forehead; slowly leaking along his cheeks. Had he overestimated his chances? Had he underestimate too much Stradavar's warnings?


Squal gasped; gagging on something big. A grimace twisted his traits. Something huge was prodding at the entrance to his throat; spurting mouthful of a strange viscous liquid. He looked ahead; Stradavar was panting harshly; his face frozen on a grotesque expression of glee. He could feel the hot cock throbbing in his mouth; the slick precum spurting everywhere; the entire thing swelling like a flesh balloon. Yet above that Stradavar was still moaning out loud; pumping his fat dick in and out of his maws. Squal felt increasingly uncomfortable with this awkward piece of flesh pistoning in his gaping mouth; pre leaking from the side of his mouth. He didn't know when Stradavar took control or when did his brain blanked out. His paws were still tightly clutching the back of his head; impaling him on his spire. He tried to close his mouth but one of the swells now the size of a watermelon kept him in place. Stradavar groaned and; pulled out. Squal gasped; coughing for breath; spitting all the dark pre left in his mouth; sticking to everything it touched. "Are you ok?" "How long?... How long have I blanked out?" "I don't know... five minute I'd say but for me you didn't blanked out or anything; you were still sucking me and... I... I enjoyed it quite a lot. To be honest I wasn't really watching you...." "What a surprise." "Dude... you were pleasuring me unlike any male did before you... you... you sure know how to use your tongue for other's pleasure." Stradavar stopped a short second; shuddering in bliss "I've never been so enraptured before... it was... amazing." Squal didn't listen; neither did he saw the throbbing member before him; shouting his lubrication on his face; forming a strange haze in the perfectly clean water. "Why don't I remember a damn thing?" he asked. "I don't know buddy but you were enjoying quite a lot; maybe even more than me." "How can you say that?" "Just have to look between your legs silly." Squal followed Stradavar's gaze; twisting his neck to get a peek at his hindquarter. The dragon was right; between his legs sported a massive erection; throbbing eagerly; spewing strands of precum in the water. With each beat Squal witnessed his barbs and ridges flaring; looking even more like hooks waiting for something to grab onto. It look and felt like his organ had a life of it's own; made of desire and eagerness. "You know I still find it kinda scary." Admitted Stradavar with a look of disgust. "You've not looked at yourself." Hissed Squal; baring his fangs at Stradavar's monstrously inflated dick; each swell now looking gigantic compared to the shaft itself. "Yes but me at least I won't harm anyone... unless I put it where it should not be. You... I still remember when all these things sank into my flesh; how they pierced my throat. Back then I really thought you would kill me with this." "Well... I think I just need some practice with it." "Yeah.... *giggle* practice." "Err Strad I have a question." "Go ahead." "Are all males endowed like us?" "You mean big right?" "Yes... but... not only... do they all have weird cocks?" Stradavar's face darkened; his eyes became colder; his muscles tensed; his jaws opened on a deep growl. "What do you think Squal? That I have seen all male's package?" "No just..." "Learn this... I raise my tail... for only those I judge worth it. You're lucky I like you enough to not be mad." "Sorry... misplaced curiosity." "Nah it's nothing forget it." A wide smile spread on Stradavar's lips "and to tell you there are all kind of size and shape around here; you'll find plenty of... surprises." "Like what?" "Keep that for you;" he whispered "but some of the weirdest dicks I've seen would make you beg." "Come on tell me more." Begged Squal. "First you must promise you won't even bother me with that again." "Fine I promise." "Then... I remember two guys... the first one had not one but multiple cocks." "You mean hemipenis it's very common among us too." Replied Squal with disappointment. "No I don't mean that silly. I mean... lots of cocks. There were at least three males feasting upon these things." "DAAAAAAAMN." "And it's not even the best yet. For me the best... the top of the top of top was a guy I knew. He had one hell of a cock." "What do you mean by that?" "Let me talk. It was... a beauty... a... a thing you can even dream of even in your weirdest dreams.... It was... hard to describe. You see one of your kind's cock; all tiny; all... prehensile...." Purred Stradavar in delight. "I see." "Well... imagine that... but... much longer, thicker; with ridges and all. It was like being fucked by a tentacle when this thing is inside you." "Must feel... good I guess." "Surely it does. So happy?" "Yes and... *moan* it made me damn horny." "I can see that. So... do we return to our little fun? I'm still eager to see how you can handle this." Me too... I can't wait to see how you taste... if I can fit this thing in my mouth. But... Strad... I have another question." "What it is?" "Is this meant to leak like this?" gasped Squal; staring in amazement at the leaky shaft; a constant stream of dark liquids oozing from the tip. "It's absolutely normal don't worry." "If you say so." Murmured Squal; his jaws parting open; his tongue wrapping around the slick organ. Slowly; inch after inch of juicy cock entered his mouth. He muffed his gasps; trying his best to cope with the liquids pooling in his mouth. It was much harder with the new size of Stradavar's member. Each swell entering with a wet plop; forcing more liquid to overflow. Squal took a deep breath through his gills; avoiding like this to swallow all the liquid at once. Curious; he started to lick; to suck onto the hard flesh; his tongue dancing around the swells of the cock; discovering every pleasurable nub and spots. "Oh... yes... that's it...." Moaned Stradavar "you're very agile with your tongue." Squal only snorted and pushed a few more inches deeper in his mouth. "*gasp* Squal... don't go... further... I don't want... to hurt you. Just... just keep it up... I can cum here... you'll just have to swallow." He groaned; trying his best to hold back his breeding instincts; his paws were still firmly hooked to Squal's head; keeping it in place. Squal huffed; a smile forming on his lips; a new glow shinnying in his eyes. He had other plans in mind. He raised himself on his hindlegs; shoving Stradavar back on the bench, forcing him to lean back, the control slipping from him. Stradavar rose on top; his forepaws caressing the male's flanks as he wiggled his gaping mouth; making the huge penis move widely inside. Stradavar stared helplessly, moaning out loud. He understood what Squal had in mind yet he could do nothing besides leaning back and enjoy. Squal grabbed with more strength to Stradavar's lap, scales cracking under his claws. He shoved his mouth on the pole; another ball of flesh in his mouth with a loud sound. The slickened tip pushing against the entrance to his throat. "No *gasp* don't do this." Pleaded Stradavar; his claws curling under the might of the pleasure Squal was giving him. Squal grunted; the cock stuffing his mouth becoming increasingly hard to hold inside. With a grimace he pushes the first inches in his throat. Instantly the first swelling part grows to seal his throat. Instantly his breathing stops; leaving him suffocating. The next instant a new flow of air invades his lungs; tiny bubbles raising from his gills. He sighs relieved that this trick worked. Now; with a new strength fed by his desire he forces more cock forward; swells sliding in the fleshy tunnel of his throat. With each inflated spheres disappearing in his throat Stradavar convulses; pleasure flooding his system. Squal's snout bumps against something harsh; something smelly; something full of the virile scent of the male above him: his slit. A new pride fills Squal's veins. He has done it; he has managed to take everything inside. An instant later Stradavar cries out; his hips bucking forward; dragging Squal in the same motion. Thick ooze streaming down directly in his belly. "What... cumming already?" gurgles Squal for himself; impressed by the flow making his throat bulge. Above him Stradavar is still lightly humping his mouth in the limits of his swollen member deeply lodged in his new companion. Squal's limbs tremble; struggling to hold him up in this unusual position as his stomach does to accommodate to the endless stream. Ten minutes go by like this; the two males holding their ground as more and more liquid poured down Squal's overused throat to the point where he wondered how could Stradavar produce so much of it. This species was definitely strange. Suddenly everything quickened. Stradavar's entire body surged with glee. One last time he slammed against Squal; driving his member a tiny bit deeper; one last time his dick throbbed; making Squal's body quake in return. One last time it swelled; growing again to let all the cum it wielded explode. Squal's eyes almost sprang out in shock. The stream had weakened just to turn into a ragged torrent of pure sticky, hot, gooey seed. Squal shuddered; basking in the warm geyser rapidly filling him. He hadn't eat since he didn't know how long and this warm; fertile semen felt like a life elixir to him. He let every drop fill his stomach; making his body temperature rise up. Stradavar from where he was saw the nice bulge his own dick was forming in the other's throat; how greedily; now hungrily he swallowed everything he gave him. Dark thought started to slip in his mind. Maybe he could have given Squal a little... bonus. He shook his head. It wasn't such a great idea. After all what told him Squal was into this kind of thinks. He knew from experience that all living beings had different kinks and habits when it came to mating. His orgasm finally died out; the torrent turning into a weak dribble. Squal groaned around the thick pulsing organ. All the cum he had swallowed was now sloshing around in his overly stuffed stomach. It felt like he had eaten too much. Stradavar's member rapidly deflated; it only lacked the high pitched hiss of a deflated balloon to be comical. The flaccid member was pulled out of his maws; drenched in seed and saliva; strings of drools linking them together. Squal watched as this so strange penis retreated back in its hiding place. "God... I haven't enjoyed myself like that since... a month at least." "I'm glad you did." "Aren't you the same?" "I did... but... I still *humph* have a little thing to take care of." "You didn't came?" "No... and it's getting quite urgent... if you see what I mean." Grumbled Squal; claws racking the stone floor. Stradavar didn't even needed to glance between Squal's hindlegs to know that his cock was bloated; seed threatening to burst.

"You should have told me... I would have took care of that." "You don't have to... you've already done so much for me." Groaned Squal; obviously struggling to not pleasure himself in front of the other male. "I'll oblige... let me do that for you." "No no no... I can do it on my own." "Don't act like a child." "Strad... don't do... oh gosh." Squal cried out in pure bliss. He had forgot about Stradavar's hind paws. During their session Stradavar's hindlegs had wrapped around Squal unaware to him; now his paws had sneaked their ways down to his erect cock; one going under while the other was toying with the sensitive organ. Squal growled; humping in between two claws; grinding the underside of his cock against the softer scales of the paw; smearing slick precum on the black scales. A few rapid trust later and he was shouting out in pleasure; spurting his load everywhere in turn. Exhausted; panting he fell on Stradavar who fell on the hard rock, incapable to hold the heavy weight. They stayed tangled together in a messy cuddle; their limp cocks retreating in their slit; squirting the last drops of seed they had. Slowly; ever so slowly their paws found the other's body; their tails coiled tightly together; their body pressed against each other; their jaws locked and their forked tongue; for the first time met; prodding in the wet confines of a maw. Squal's eyes closed on a heaven like sensation of well-being. "Hahaha you're adorable you too." Laughed a voice in the distance. Squal gasped; waking up in a blink to see himself jaws locked; French kissing Stradavar who looked amused by the whole experience. Squal parted away; getting on his paws; saliva messily pouring from his lower jaw. Stradavar instead casually got up; not even giving a fuck that his cock could still be clearly seen. "That was quite a nice show you put on... absolutely gorgeous. I'd give you a nine on ten just for the finish." Happily shouted the masculine voice with a hint of perversion inside it. Squal steadied himself; grumbling a few apologies under his breath. "Thank you." Proudly answered Stradavar; making Squal choke on his next breath. Squal stared in disbelief as the two began talking about mating and other ways to give pleasure to other. Their talk soon drifted to the heated session that had taken place a few minutes ago. "Dude that was insane... didn't expect that. I'm a bit disappointed by how you finished, honestly I wished for something incredible; something that would make me lose my balls on the floor and... nope nothing; deception." "Sorry buddy; it was our first." "A great one for a first time." He complimented; glaring at Squal who was looking the other way; losing himself in the contemplation of some plants. "I've never imagined I would get the luck of seeing two like you... and... you just pop up right under my nose." "Why are you even here anyway?" asked Squal; more to change subject than by any real interest. "Well I came to clean up this mess." He answered; pointing at the millions of shards scattered through the water. "Err... sorry..."stammered Squal. "Nah it's my job; these things break often anyway." He added with a blink at Squal's attention. From there the newcomer totally ignored him; getting in a great talk with Stradavar; going into subjects Squal didn't understand. At first he thought it was still about sex but then; when he gave it more interest he realized they were chatting on another subject; something about notes; concerto and music. Squal found it awkward to talk about that just after what happened but he remained silent. "So I guess it's time for us to go." Said Stradavar after an eternity of discussion; putting an abrupt end to their talk. "You're right... have to clean all your mess before anyone notices it.". Squal agreed with a nod; looking himself in a glass. Aside a few traces of fresh cum and saliva he was pretty good looking. Only when did the door shut itself behind them he sighed. "phew thought we wouldn't leave this place." "You don't seem... comfortable with it." "Well... I thought that the room was empty." "That's what you get when you do it in a public space; you often end up with some... watchers." "I've never done it in public before." "It's fairly common here... and we've only been doing a blowjob. I'll have to show you some places later but first... we have to get you... you... to the..." Stradavar's words lost themselves in a magma of sounds. "Are you ok?" asked Squal; feeling panic tightening his muscles. Stradavar fell; his paws breaking under him. Squal was prepared this time; he went under his friend and took the fall; grimacing under the added weight. Stradavar stared with empty eyes; his tongue freely lolling out on the side of his maws. "Oh no... don't fail me now." Begged Squal; panicked. "I'm... I'm fine...;" he whispered "I'm just... weak... and this... little break didn't help that much..." "We need to get you back to the hospital... I'll find a way to get where I have to go then." "No... I said I'm fine." "But... but..." "There's no but we're close anyway... you'll just have to carry me to there." "Don't get too used to it." "Oh... that's too bad... you're doing quite a great job... and your scales make for such a great pillow to rest my head...." "I'm glad you like... but I won't do it all day..." "Fine... just carry us to the tower... then I'll lead you to somewhere you can rest... depending on what is decided in there." "Fine... but in return don't even dare to talk about what just happened. "You're a weird guy Squal." "I... I simply don't want to talk about this ok. It was a mistake." "I don't call that a mistake." "I do... I let my urges take over." "You'll have to learn how to control them... and I'll be there to help you if you wish." "Thank you but no thanks." "As you wish.".

Under the precise indications of Stradavar he found the tower's entrance without problem. The whole edifice looked much more impressive from up close; making the newcomer feel minuscule under the weight of all the black rocks. The interior was made of slick black rocks illuminated by the dim light of red crystals incrusted in the floor; forming a path of black and gold where the visitor had to step under the suspicious eyes of immobile guards ready to strike at the slightest misplaced action. The giant hall led to a single elevator from the look it had; protected by two bulky guards. The left one opened his maws to speak but the right one made him a sign to stay silent and instead bowed; closely imitated by the other ones. Once inside the confined space one guard pressed a button before swiftly pulling his paw away before the two fenced door made of pure gold closed. The cabin lifted with a muffed sound; moving them up to the desired location. "That's strange..." whispered Stradavar; lost in his thoughts. "What?" "They've never been acting this way with me... you must have something special." He decreed. "Or simply someone have given them orders to treat us well... as a sign of welcome for me." "Maybe..."

A minute later the door opened on a highly decorated corridor; the floor covered of a blood red carpet; the walls covered of old looking things. In one room he discovered portraits either sculpted; painted or chiseled into stone with under each a long ivory blade. A hook; the same as his. The thought made him shiver. They kept walking in the strange place under the guidance of Stradavar which's voice had lowered to a tiny whisper. "Dude you really need to rest." "No... not yet... we're almost there... after I'll take a short nap... or a long one maybe." For the first time a guard moved from his position and came closer; lightening Squal of the heavy weight that started to feel rather uncomfortable for him to bear all the time. "Your friend is right sir... you're badly injured, you need assistance." "No I'm fine!" shouted Stradavar. His words left place to weak whines. "This is not an advice sir... It's an order." "Wait... I I need him to guide me." Shouted Squal; nervous. The guard only smiled. "It's easy; it's straight ahead you can't miss it." He answered; pointing at the largest door or the corridor where four guards were waiting in the same statue stance "meanwhile we will take good care of your friend." "Thank you... I suppose." "It's my duty to serve young one... now go you're gonna be late." Squal makes a rapid sign of goodbye but Stradavar had already drifted in the depth of unconsciousness. He walked alone to the great door; apprehending what could be waiting him behind. "Squal!" shouted a voice behind him. He looked in the said direction to find Stradavar; awake or half at least; staring at him with hazy eyes. He goes back to where he was "I'm here my friend." "Just wanted to wish you good luck." "Thank you." "And..." he gasped; his breath becoming quicker. "Go easy my friend... save your forces." "I'm fine... just tell the one that is waiting for you to not forget our deal." "What deal?" "It doesn't concern you..." he seems to hesitate then add in a weak whimper "In fact it concerns you... but you'll learn what it is in due time." "Why so much secrets?" "Sorry... professional deformation. Anyway... if I had told you everything you wouldn't have trust me or... maybe you would have lost your nerves like earlier... and I think my head cannot take another blow." He chuckles. Squal blushes, ashamed of his past actions. "I'll see you later my friend... meanwhile... take some rest." "I won't miss that. I'll be waiting for your return." "See you later." He whispers in the ear of the sleepy drake. "Later cutie." Whispers Stradavar with a gentle lick on the top of the snout. Squal's blush only increases to his friend's enjoyment as he closes his eyes; falling asleep with a low satisfied purr. "Hehe Strad... he never misses one occasion to make someone feel ashamed." Chuckles the guard. "You know him?" "Of course young one" he answers; giving Squal a gentle rub "He is almost... part of the family." "Which family?" "The royal family." Squal's jaw almost broke from the surprise of the revelation. "Incredible." "Not for me; he is the official music composer of the king. He even used to live here. You see the door on your left?" "Yes." "It was once his personal quarter and before you ask he is still the king's musician; he just doesn't use them anymore; he prefer his own home I don't know why and it is none of my business." "Interesting." "Anyway we're gonna put him in there and call a healer for him; hell be waiting for you there." "Thank" "Your welcome; now hurry young one you're going to make the one waiting for you lose his patience." "I'm already gone."

Squal walks again to the door; instantly the guards surround him; glaring at him from their position. He holds still; cold sweat blurring his vision as the four large men start circling around him. Without a work they analyze him from afar and up close; one of them even tugging at his tail until he raises it. "Nice butt." He chuckles; giving him a slap on the cheek. "Nice endowment... for a youngling." He whispers in Squal's ear; a paw swiftly prodding at his slit until it gives way to the tip of his maleness while another sink a claw in his tightly clenched hole. Squal's loud moaning sound made all gaze turn in his direction. "Sensitive on top of that." Grumbled the third one. "Could make a great pick for some fun." Giggles the fourth. "And that smell..." purrs the first one a claw still pushed to the first knuckle in Squal's asshole "even better than a female in heat." "Hey the perverts over there!" shouted another guard coming from the other end of the corridor "I think the king won't be happy to learn that you're playing with his guest." "Oh come on he has so many sluts he won't mind one already full..." snarled one. The one with a claw shoved deep in Squal's ass pumped his toe in and out a few times at a rapid pace until Squal let out a loud mewling sound of bliss; a few inches of hard, drippy cock spilling from Squal's slit in a burst of natural lubrication. "You see he is already so eager." Chuckled the second one. "Who said it was one of his slut?" asked the guard with a mysterious look on his face. The other seemed to doubt; exchanging nervous gaze as they slowly pulled away from him: leaving him panting and his tailhole gaping for something to fill it. The four guards stared at each other nervously; their face rivaling in the deepness of the hues of red covering their face with shame. Squal couldn't hold a little smile of amusement; silently blessing the other guard to have come to his rescue. A shivering paw fell on his shoulder. "Err.... We might have been a bit too... harsh with you..." Before he could end his apologies the door opened from the other side with a loud creaking sound that sounded more like the deep rumble of some chthonian creature of the depth that to the normal sound of a door. From the other side appeared another squad of four guards staring coldly at their colleagues; slivers of disapproval passing in their eyes. Squal soon noticed a fifth person in the middle; sighing deeply and shaking its head in disappointment. He stepped forward; closing the invisible gap of the immense door. He didn't even eyed Squal; all his attention focused on the four shameful guards. "What you bunch of incapables are doing to the king's personal guests?!" he roared; obviously pissed off. "Forgive us Sir... we... we thought..." "We don't ask you to think; we ask you to guard a god damn door. Is that too complicated for you brainless creatures?" he yelled, cutting the other off once again. "No sir..." "Do you want to be punished for such dishonoring action?" "No sir..." "Then stay at your place and don't try to mess up with its majesty's invites." "Yes sir." He whispered; lowering his snout to the ground; quickly followed by the three other. "Bunch of fools..." spits the newcomer; his gaze finally meeting Squal's. "Welcome... would you kindly follow me please." "Sure..." answers Squal; entering right behind the male's that just invited him in." The gate closed behind them with this very same sound of a cavernous monster that made all his instincts come to life at once. "Please accept our apologies in the name of the king for this... disagreement. The guards can become very... pesky." "It's fine; they've done nothing to me so I'll be forgiving." "Glad to hear so." "Well... may I know at least why I'm here?' I mean... I've only be walking around with people keeping silence on that so I'm a bit... craving if I can say so to get these questions answered." "You're simply about to meet the most important person among us; the great light of our kind; our wise and strong leader... the king Veran." "It sounds nice but... why me?" "I don't know and since no one discuss a kingly decision we just follow orders. However since you're a bit... late... of a few hours the king had to change his schedule and take care of more... urgent affairs; affairs that concern our entire species." "I see... when will I meet him then?" "I don't know; maybe in ten minute; maybe in a day until then I'm here to be your guide; to make sure you don't lack anything; to keep you distracted and entertained until the great moment comes." "Sounds great." "It is... and I'm proud to have been assigned to this task." "Then I'm pleased to meet you." "Me too stranger." Answer the unknown guy; throwing Squal a curious glance. "Then in that case where do we start?" demands Squal. "I'm here to answer any of your demands; you just have to ask." "I... I don't know..." "Would you like me to do you a visit of my king's domain?" "I'd be happy to see that... but first can I ask you something?" "Sure what would please you?" "Could you give me your name?" "It's an unusual request but sure. Call me Askyr." "Nice to meet you Askyr; my name is Squal." "Pleased to meet you too." "Can we... I don't know... shake paws." Mumbles Squal. "Absolutely." Answers Askyr; taking the webbed paw in his own and vigorously shaking it. "Now that presentations are down would we proceed?" "Sure... lead the way."

Askyr smiled then; without a word took the first corridor on the left; avoiding a second immense door made in the same materials like the first he had passed; protected by a dozen more guards that threw them... no him suspicious looks. Once they're out of sight Askyr starts with a proud tone. "Welcome to the royal domain." At his words they enter in a large room with a perfectly slick soil where his claws make little clicking noise with every step. The place looks to be a giant hall decorated with gusto; pricy looking furniture are disposed methodically around the room; each with a precise goal; some supporting heavy looking shiny decorations; tables with on the center a huge pile of tasty looking products; fruits mostly. Around each table are disposed several cushions of a red velour that from where he stands looks comfortable. The entire room in some other circumstances could have been some waiting room of a rich doctor of some sort. Speaking of which the immense space was absolutely empty aside from them. They left the room and entered another corridor. The visit kept going on for long. They went everywhere; to the kitchen in the lower floors to the servant's habitation area in the three upper floors that Squal hadn't suspected were there. He had thought he was at the top of the tower now he realized how wrong he had been. Then came the immense dining rooms; the expositions room that could easily be declared even prettier than the one he had seen back in his hometown. As time passed the seriousness between the two vanished; the respect of protocol was literally thrown by the window as they started talking more freely; some sort of happiness forming between them. That's how Squal learned a bit more on this strange guide; because to be honest he didn't look like a servant at all. Although he was perfectly clean on him; was acting and talking like one something wasn't fitting. Was it the way he swayed his rump so sensually with each step? Was it this look on his face? Was it this quite attractive form of his or this sweet smell lingering in the air that stirred Squal's instincts? He shook his head; no it wasn't proper to think like that. He was just a really nice looking young drake with an enticing odor. "So... how long have you been there?" "Four years." "That's quite long." "It is but I'm happy with it. I've started at the bottom; you know the kind of guy that cleans the floor; that wash all the dishes and take care of the garbage. I rose to the top and now I'm the King's personal servant. It's well paid and fairly easy to do." "Impressive... that's quite an elevation." "Took me a lot of hard work and perseverance to get there but it was totally worth it, I have a comfortable amount of money, a home and all the food I want for free." "All the advantages..." sighs Squal. "Exactly. And you Squal; where do you come from?" "I... I'm not from here." "I can guess that Squal; I know almost everyone in the city and you are no familiar face." "I know... but I mean... I'm not from here... at all." "Where then?" "I come... from... the... the other side..." "You mean you're one of them?" hisses Askyr; baring his fangs. "Yes... I've been turned today or yesterday I don't really remember." Askyr's suspicion vanishes. "So you used to leave in their city... impressive. How is it there?" "Pretty much like here I'd say. I was a hunter back there." "Sounds interesting; what did the job consisted in?" "Just bringing back fish for the city."

Askyr nodded in acknowledgment. They remained silent for a short period of time; leaving the other enough time to assimilate the few new information. "Asky... how does it work here? I mean... politically." "Well there's the king; the senate and the justice court." "Wow kinda complex." Joked Squal. In the instant Askyr's face turned cold like the rock beneath their feet; a snarl echoed in the corridor as he barred his fangs. "What did you imagine Squal? That we were living in a complete anarchy where our bloodlust and whatever bestial instincts would prevail!?" "No... I..." "We're nothing like that; we're a civilized kind with our society; our rules; our laws." "Sorry... I didn't meant to piss you off. From where I'm from you're always depicted as brainless monsters guided by their desire for blood." "What a nice caricature of us." He spits. The next instant; as suddenly as it came his anger vanishes; replaced by a warm smile; his voices soften until it sounds honeyed and gentle. "Sorry... I.... I let my anger take the best of me. It's because I spend my day near people like you who's thought on us are only lies filled by the old hatred between our two kinds." "I imagine we're not depicted better here." "Oh you have no idea." He giggles. They leave the corridor for another one. This one; a dead end; stops on three doors; a large one that takes the entirety of the wall; covered of strange symbols and signs alien to Squal. On each side he noticed too door facing themselves; smaller yet covered of the same lines of symbols. "What's this place?" he asks; nervous; glaring at the door like it was a living thing staring at them; defying them to approach. "We're in front of the king's private quarters." Announced Askyr with his usual ceremony. "Really." "Yep; the most secured part of the city." "Come on... let's have a look." "Ahahah really funny Squal." "I'm not joking. Come on... don't tell me you don't want to see what's behind." "I already know that answer Squal; I spend most of my days behind these closed doors." "Really! So you can tell me what is behind." "Nope. You see it's sorta... confidential and all this bullshit so I can't give you even the tiniest piece of information; otherwise I would get my ass into troubles." "Why so much secrets?" "Squal don't be stupid. Why would our king put so much protection around himself? Because some people already tried to assassinate him several time. Thankfully they failed as you can guess but we'd rather take some necessary precautions." "I understand." "So as a matter of fact we're all trained and are combat ready at any time of night and day to protect the king." "That's impressive..." "And by any time of night and day I mean right now." He hisses. He had struck faster than Squal could anticipate. As fast as light a paw had spurted from nowhere; all claws out. In a matter of seconds it was firmly wrapped around his neck; applying an increasing amount of pressure on his trachea. His breath was reduced, cut; leaving him suffocating with no way to breath. He tried to fight back; to squirm out of that grasp but Askyr was too strong for him. Even with his smaller size and his frail appearance he had much more force than Squal ever had. He didn't flinch when Squal's paws slammed in his face; his claws only bumping on the hard scales without leaving even a tiny scratch on their pristine surface. Panic started to take over; waking some unknown instincts of his in the process. He snarled; rumbled deep in his throat; a thick gooey liquid filling his mouth; drooling on each side. His struggles doubles; his tail whipping in all direction but it was only in vain; Askyr didn't even moved an eyebrow. Slowly he loosened his grim, allowing a tiny trickle of air to slip inside Squal's burning lungs. "And all your question have been raising my suspicion. Secondly the King never receives newcomers like you so I came to the conclusion that you were one of them; gathering all the information you need to plan your attack." "No... I swear no..." gasps Squal; struggling to remain conscious; the dark liquid now clearly leaking from the sides of his maws; transforming each word in a repugnant gurgling sound. "And what proves me you're not one of them disguised to infiltrate us?" "That!" roars Squal; finally managing to break free; his jaws clamping shut on Askyr's forepaw; making him cry in pain as his sharpened hooks sank in his flesh, accompanied by rows of smaller teeth and a good amount of the liquid pouring out of his maws. "Argh!!! Ok... ok... you're one of us..." he gasps; grimacing in pain. Squal glares at him for a long second before pulling away; leaving the other's limb in blood; pierced deeply from both side. "Thankfully that venom doesn't work on us." Whines Askyr; gasping in the serpents of crimson red blood escaping from the deep wounds; streaming down on the ground. It's only at this moment that Squal notices the complete absence of water in the area. He turns around; ready to ask when he sees a red glow emanate from Askyr's injured arm; the blood leak turning into a squirt before completely vanishing. His lips moves on silent words as he keeps staring at the rapidly cicatrizing wound. "How did you do that?" "That? It's just a healing spell... pretty basic." "That's... incredible!" shouts Squal in a childish amazement "could you teach me how to do that?" "It's not my role to do that." He answers; putting a clear end to the talk. "So now that this... really embarrassing episode is behind us shall we proceed?" "Yes... but first I have a question. If this door leads to the King's apartment; where do these two lead?" "The left one is the prince's apartment, and the right one is... some sort of in case of if you see what I mean." "So the king has a lineage to take his place if he dies; for a reason or another." "You really want me to torture you or what? Because the way you talk gives me quite the desire to do so." "No... I'm just trying to understand how it works here." "If you say so." Grumbles Askyr. "But to answer your question no the king has no lineage, no prince to take his place after his death. No prince... well... not to our knowledge." "What do you mean?" "Oh just that from time to time; by night a female will receive a surprising visit." "Oh... that kind of visit." "Yep." "Anyway... what's left to..." Squal never ended his sentence. His eyes just fell on a painting on the other side of the T shaped corridor they were; at the exact place where they turned to gaze upon the king's private quarters. The painting even though it was taking a good half of the wall in height had seemed insignificant in there; until he really gave it some interest. The painting was divided in two parts; the upper parts was a mess of mangled bodies of all color and shape; piled together in what looked like a battle; or a fight where opponents were striking blindly what was ahead of them; friend or foe. Squal came closer; observing with all his eyes the painting. In the apparent chaos he noticed that there was some sort of logic. He started to recognizes forms; outlines; little details that gave him a critical indication on what was this painting all about. It wasn't a battle; it was THE battle; the last battle that opposed their two kinds. He recognized those of his kind; slimmer; less protected; fighting with all they had: claws; fangs; magic and many more things. However they were all falling one by one under the assaults of those monstrous looking creatures they were facing. Squal shook his head; they were no monster; they were a species just like his capable of coherent thought and evolved enough to have their own society. In each camp the loss were heavy; bodys were falling in the sands; their broken bones; teared apart flesh; their opened skin were as much reminder of the violence of the conflict. Blood for blood... he thought. The whole picture seemed slightly redder than it should have; like all the blood spilled in the water had been enough to change its color to a light red hue. The lower part of the picture offered another scene; as dreadful as the upper part. This one was almost entirely black; in the increasingly thick darkness of what looked like a cave he could see the outlines of some phantom shadows hovering in the dark depth of the ocean. Here and there a pair of eyes pierced the blackness; gleaning brightly. Focusing more he distinguished some bodies swimming toward the depth. With more focus he saw faces; as dark as the rest. On these faces; unlike what he expected to see there was no anger; no hatred; no lust for any revenge; only despair and sorrow. The top left corner showed the only source of natural light; some sort of hole showing the blue of the ocean. On the edge of this hole he noticed tiny forms looking like sea dragons like him; staring at the slow march of the excluded; the exiled slowly swimming toward their new home; the darkness of a canyon where everyone expected to forget them. Squal knew this picture; this frame of senseless violence that had terrified him since he was a child. Maybe it was the goal of this painting. However; the version he knew was slightly different; on the top part the multicolor dragons of his kind were clearly winning over their enemies even while losing some soldiers in their ranks. The main difference came from the lower part. Instead of a dark cave he could see the blue green ocean; the whitish sands of its bottom; the algae slowly bowing in the tides; the coral plants shinnying with life; the tiny marine species living there and; in the center of this peaceful image a dark hole in the ground. The end of it couldn't be seen; it looked endless; capable of swallowing all light and life alike. And; in this circular entrance millions of red eyes were glowing; throwing hateful gazes at the watcher of the painting like they were saying "You'll pay for what you've done to us." Clawed paws were lashing out from the dark hole; bony; fitted with oversized claws covered of blood; strings of rotten flesh still hanging from a few of them. On the border of the hole stood a bunch of dragon; a grey one at their lead; staring in the depth like some guardians keeping the beasts at bay. Squal staggered; his mind blowing up. Suddenly he felt idiot, lost, fooled. All his thoughts; all his beliefs were broken; blown apart; reduced to nothingness. He didn't know what the truth was with these two different pictures counting the same scene. He didn't know who was right; who was wrong. Or if there was any truth in this. "The last battle." Commented Askyr; coming next to him; lifting his eyes to see the painting "the day where we were forced to leave for this shitty place. The day where the cowards ruling us ta the time preferred to surrender over fighting for our freedom. Now we're confined here." "They don't seem to be keeping an eye on your kind anymore." "They've found more perverse way; they let us extend the boundary of our territory; let us build our new home in the depth; let us reproduce to the point where the city couldn't bear a more hatchling without imploding while constantly reducing our food reserves; denying us access to feeding grounds; keeping them all for them ONLY." "I know that." "Thanks to our king we've managed to recover a part of it and get some air to live; to keep us fed and in a good state." "But they don't respect any of the accords; harvest your hunting grounds; still your food; trespass in your territory." "Yes... and we can't do a damn thing about it. For one we kill they claim ten of our lives. But... how do you know about that?" "I was once one of the hunters that introduced in your hunting grounds." "What!" roared Askyr. "But I regret now... I didn't know; none of us knew about it. For us it was our hunting ground. Stradavar explained me that part." Whimpers Squal. "If I had known sooner I would have left more food." "I'm glad to see that you regret your mistakes." "I regret to have done them now. I always thought I was the rightest when I was the wrong." "They've fed you with their lies like all those of your kind." "I regret to not having been smart enough to see through the veils; to not asking myself the right questions." "It's fine..." whispered Askyr; nuzzling Squal's cheek "we can show some forgiveness for those who truly regret their actions." "Thank you..." mumbles Squal.

They stay here; staring at the painting; the frozen frame making painful memories rise to the surface for both. A held back thirst for revenge for his slaughtered family for Askyr; a series of shocking revelations on passed events lighting up with a new truth for Squal. He had been fooled; like all the others; he had been misled by the liar that pretended to be their guiding light; their protector; the one that had raised him since he hatched because of the death of his family. The elder would have to explain himself one day or another. His gaze drifter away; he couldn't bear the sight of so much blood and lies. Instead he focused for the first time on Askyr. He was around six feet tall; had a pretty slender body; black scales that a strange shade of yellow made brighter. His spiked back and claws wore an unusual, almost unnatural golden color that his eyes shared. In these same eyes Squal could see a glow of intelligence; a strange light that made him shiver. He felt that Askyr could have tricked him with ease. He looked away from these golden orbs; trying to focus his eyes on something else. Strangely they fell on his maws; the thin scaly lips opened on a forest of as thin yet sharp and pointy fangs that could have been taken for middles. At some point his lips retracted slightly; allowing Squal to glaze at the same hooked fangs protruding from his upper jaw. Nervously he gave his own a lick; realizing that they were still coated in blood from his previous biting. He licked them clean; gasping when the metallic taste invaded his mind; provoking another instinctive surge of his poison. The gooey substance drizzling down his chin; coating his fin in the same shiny mess. "If you're thinking about biting me again I'd rather warn you I'll break these without hesitation because a male without his hooks is barely more than a whelp." Squal squeaked; quickly taking care of the mess staining his chin. "Sorry... it's still so new for me... I don't totally control it." "You'll learn." Soberly replies Askyr; plunging again in the contemplation of the painting. Squal returned to his spying over his guide's body. His face has really nothing special to offer; it is quite nice looking but nothing more. The rest of his body is slim; his muscles and bones forming a constantly moving mass below his skin. He is very thin; almost skinny yet he has a strength that no one could imagine. Slowly, ever so slowly Squal's gaze descended upon this so attractive frame. Then came the moment he awaited with impatience yet afraid him. His eyes had finally made contact with the other's gender. His breath stuck in his throat; his eyes bulged out. In front of him was Askyr's slit in full display; glistening with a thin layer of lubrication; the thick labia had already parted around the tip of his member. It wasn't much but it was already promising. The first few inches were a deep red; lightly throbbing forming a spaded tip which's underside was covered of cartilaginous ridges. When his eyes caught a glimpse of this emerging pole he couldn't move them away any more, like they had their own will; a desire to remain glued to the red spire appearing in the light.

His breath quickened, his paws trembled. In his head something was happening, something he hadn't seen coming, something totally new for him... or not that much. It was rather something he knew about yet he had tried his hardest to ignore. He had already felt it a few hours ago in this park while he was talking to Stradavar; he had succumbed to it, falling for it without resisting. He was trembling, his eyes glued to the growing length. More had spilled out of the slit, covered of slick lubrication that oozed out with it. Drool gathered at the corner of hit jaws, his eyes still helplessly glued to the younger male before him. Desire had surged from nowhere, flooding his veins with the might of a storm, taking him once again by surprise. He frowned, his body shuddering under the constant stream of animalistic urges. Never in his life did he experiment such powerful desires; it was like a new instinct had awoke inside him, something mighty; something that went beyond what he thought possible. The urge kept becoming even more pressing, squashing his swollen balls with a force that made him gasp. Was it caused by his new form or was it something that had been there without him noticing it before? He didn't have that answer; however what he knew for sure was that a new desire had risen in him, a desire that made his entire body shudder as he kept glazing at the cute looking drake. By now half of his member was out, gleaning in the open air. As the shaft kept growing, spilling out of the lubrication it's color shifted from a crimson red to a deep shade of purple. The underside was covered of long rows of ridges which's thickness only increased the closer he came to the base.

Meanwhile, unknown to him his own cock had emerged from his slit, oozing its own blackish lubrication all over the growing length; his own barbs and ridges bathing in heated fluids that made them slicker; easing penetration. Penetration... wait... which penetration? Squal's brain flushed with a welcomed surge of lucidity in the haze of his growing lusj. Before him Askyr was still contemplating the painting in utter fascination, plunged into dark thoughts of his, not even caring that he had grown hard. By the time Squal's gaze lowered again the cock had grown to its full mast, standing proudly at a respectable nine inch length and showed quite an impressive girth that only increased at the base. The base of his cock, finally appearing shown to be surprisingly thick without even the slightest knot. Squal couldn't deny that the sight of this member made a very arousing tingle run down his spine, heading directly for his balls. His mouse was watering from the sheer size; to which added the appealing scent of this young servant. He was more than appetizing for Squal who was getting through great troubles to remain calm and focused. Before him Askyr was still apparently unaware of his growing arousal at one exception, his eyes were slowly becoming unclear, hazy like some mist was forming in his irises. His maws opened on a silent sound, only a long drawn out breath. Squal looked somewhere else; just to have his gaze falling right on Askyr's package. Just behind he discovered the two orbs half hidden inside, forming two large bulges on the slick surface of his hindquarter. He looked like he had plenty of semen ready to be released.

Once again Squal tried to break the vicious spiral of his lust, looking somewhere else; a wall; a painting; furniture; anything that would make his lust go down. Yet nothing worked, all around him objects looked uninteresting; lacking all the prettiness he had found them a few minutes ago; the paintings were like blurry, like unfinished or done by some shitty artist. It felt more and more like the only thing worthy of his attention was Askyr. His eyes drifted in his direction again, finding exactly the worst spot to gaze upon: the younger drake's backside. His thick tail is swaying widely, his finned tip grinding against the red carpet. Every time he moves it in one direction he offers the most arousing view he could wish for. Right before his eyes stood Askyr's pinkish tailstar, tightly clenched, puckered, and opening on heated depth. It seemed to quiver lightly like it was impatiently awaiting something. That was too much to handle at once for Squal; his whole frame shivered in excitement, his cock making itself remembered, spewing lines of gooey precum across both his belly and the floor, staining the carpet with his musk. Slowly, a predatory smirk stretching his lips he comes closer, his breathing low and regular, his mind focused on one simple task. All his claws are unsheathed, ready to strike, his fangs coated in this slick black substance which had never stopped wetting his mouth. His steps are silent and measured like the ones of a hunter about to catch his prey. New instincts control him, pushing him forward, hurrying to hump that tight looking ass. The only thought in his head appearing almost like evidence now is the desire to breed. From his position behind Askyr he doesn't see the sly smirk that slowly curls his lips.

His claws dig in the ground in anticipation as Squal gets even closer, his bones chilling with Squal's deep animalistic thundering growl. He tenses, waiting for what is about to come. He doesn't have to wait long. In an instant Squal is on him, raising on his hind paws, his forepaws gripping his hindquarter as he mounts him in the old fashion way. His salivatiog maws inch closer, emitting a low rumble, his tongue dashes out, slathering his neck in gooey saliva, leaving dark trails that shine in the light behind him. Askyr purred under the strokes of the agile organ softening his scales. The pleasure from this so simple action was undeniable for him. Squal had some skills with his tongue and he was showing them without restrain. Slowly the slick appendage moved, lapping greedily at his slickened scales, smearing more saliva around in the process. The heated liquid feels incredibly nice against his scales, making him shudder in bliss. Squal aligned his own dripping member with the more submissive drake's hole, eager to put it in. Askyr only giggles when Squal misses his mark a first time, gliding against his scales, smearing it's lubrication on his hide. The bigger, eager dragon growls, annoyed, bucking his hips forward another time. Missed again; this time the hard length mashing with the base of his tail. Squal's frustration only raises with each missed attempt to sink his throbbing maleness in the quivering hole taunting him. Finally Askyr's giggles reach to his ears. The haze of lust dissipates, leaving him gasping from the realization of what he is about to do. "hehehe... was quite an amusing little Play." giggles Askyr.

"What!?" gasps Squal, incapable of moving even a claw tip. "Took you long... but you still impress me." continues Askyr, ignoring Squal completely; "I had never seen a male give in to the urge so quickly. At least you tried to resist I can give you that."

Squal's cheeks flushed with embarrassment; his claw tips mechanically rubbing his back. "Anyway..." grumbles Askyr, shaking himself of violently until Squal loses balance and fall on his side, exposing his hard needy member. "That's not the way it should be done."

Squal jumps back on his paw, sahamefully shaking himself of the dust that has landed on him. Askyr is staring at him in the same mix of amusement and devious expression in his eyes. "You... you were teasing me..." tries to plead Squal. A long burst of laughter fills the silence of the empty space "I did nothing... your desires did everything... I just had to wait." "Wait what?" whimpers Squal, already knowing that answer. "I just had to wait til your eagerness made you... hehehe... close the gap..." "You... bastard... you were using me!" Shouts Squal, his jaws snapping a mere inch away from Askyr's face, venom spitting in all direction, raining on his pretty face. In the blink of an eye a thick tail has been rammed in his snout. Squal staggers back, his bones cracking from the vicious blow, the metallic taste of his own blood flooding his maws as a hot stream trickles down his throat. He has just bitten his own tongue. He spits the red liquid, barring his fangs in response. A claw pressed itself in between his nostrils, forcing him to hold still. His eyes crossed to try and keep the ivory blade in his line of sight. "Chill out..." whispers Askyr with a low voice "my intentions were not to trick or harm you... I was simply following orders." "O... orders...?" "Yes... orders... but it's not the appropriate place to talk of this kind of thing... would you please follow me to somewhere more suited for this type of talks."

Squal, still stunned from the sudden shift in the situation followed Askyr as he calmly walked away; still teasingly swaying his inviting rump. They went back into the corridor leading to the king's apartments; his cock swaying between his legs, shrinking in !he water that suddenly became colder. He snarled, his sensitive flesh tingling from `the uncomfortable sensation of the cold water running along his body. The temperature change had been so brutal, so unexpected. What was happening here. Askyr finally stopped in front of the door on the left; the prince's room. "What did he said about it already?" asked himself Squal, trying to find back his words but his thundering lust made everything else much harder to that simple action of remembering.

Before him Askyr opened the door that creaked as it swayed open; unveiling the most gorgeous thing he had ever seen. The place beyond these doors stood one immense room in which throned a large bed where three to four czuld sleep together; ancient looking furniture and other objects that made him feel like entering a museum. Everything smells old and looked like it hadn't been used in ages. Even though every little thing looked pretty as fuck they all seemed passed away, like they had lost the little something that made them look shiny. The golden parts seems to have lost its natural glow; the carpet is a nest of dust, clouds popping every time they step in. "Damn... this place looks old." "It is... and it hasn't been used in a while..." "I see that... it really feels abandoned... and... degraded." "Since there's no one to occupy it." "Why is it empty?" "Didn't I told you? Our king has no child, no son, no offspring to claim the title of sovereign after his death. You have no idea of the number of person that awaits the day where he'll pass away, leaving the throne for anyone to take. It will be a blood bath... once again." "Why would it be like this?" "Our king's political decisions aren't to everyone's taste." "I don't get it."

"He has tried ever since he arrived at the head of our kind to maintain peace between our two kinds; preferring bargains and negotiation over bloody massacres that would leave us in decay. You know what it worked out pretty well... but this... peace... it's not to everyone's liking; some crave to just go out and slain everyone in sight. I'm not completely agreeing to his ideas and ideal of peace but I have to admit it keeps us safe but all these recent... incidents have only made these old feelings rise to the surface again." he sighs. "You know the person with who he is having an appointment right as we speak; it's one of their messengers." "What does he wants?" "To what I know there was a missing person among them today or yesterday... a hunter." "Squal tenses. "You know... one of these guys that keep trespassing in our territory!" roars Askyr in an anger he barely holds back. "I... I see..." whimpers Squal, terrified, expecting the worst. "Well... apparently he has disappeared in the middle of their city... poof like that; vanished, erased; gone... and these... son of... *rawr*... they're accusing us... again."

A cold sweat ran down Squal's back; he knew for sure that it was him they were looking for. A deep silence installed between them, him trying to hold perfectly still, showing as less concern as possible. In face Askyr is clawing at the carpet, shattering the tissue in frustration. "If it only belonged to me he would have been sent back to his kind in a small box." He takes a deep breathe, his anger as dissipated, like washed away from his mind. Squal stares; impressed, amazed by the self-control Askyr makes proof of. "Anyway... it's not the time to talk about politic we have more important matters to discuss." he purrs, eying at Squal's preeminent erection that has remained as hard and eager as before. "Why did you even brought me here?" "At least no one will disturb us here." "What... what kind of being are you?" he squels. "I haven't told you everything about me." reveals Askyr "I am not only a servant to our great king I am his personal servant...." Squal's eyes widened in shock, even before Askyr had finished talking he had understood everything. "Which means..." he continued. "Which means you get your ass pounded all day?"

Askyr's face froze on an expression of pure surprise. A shameful blush warming his cheeks as he makes a few steps back, looking away to hide his own feelings. "That's... not exactly how I would put it... but yes... it what thjob consists in."

"And I guess you love it." "Of course." he admits, giving squal a warm toothy grin. "What you don't know is why I'm here?" "Yes I'm curious... why would the king send me his personal slut?". A loud growl made him froze, a claw caressed his neck. Askyr had been so fast; it was like he had dashed straight on him. "Hold your words Squal... I'm still able to rip it from you..." "*gasp* ok... ok... I'm sorry..." "You'd better be. Must I remind you that I can still beat you up without even forcing?" "I know... just... just forgive me... I... I didn't mean to insult you." "Anyway... you may be wondering why me... why... a slut... call it like you want is here?" "Well... now that you say it..." "Simply because thking as ordered it to me."

"What! I... I don't understand." "Are you dumb or what?! The king simply wants you to be pleased. I think it's his way to ask for forgiveness. Apparently he was waiting for you... like... impatiently and these new problems getting in his way are really pissing him off." "I... I can understand that... diplomacy... can be a tricky thing." "You have no idea. However that's not the matter; it's not our problem right now because I'm here to make sure you are pleased... and I know you see what kind of pleasure it is." "Oh... sure I see..." purrs Squal, eager.

"Perfect..." mumbles Askyr, looking around the room "Hmmm... I've always wanted to try that bed." he murmurs, casually walking to it before jumping on the fluffy looking covers. A cloud of dust puffs arund him, mixing with the clear water and hanging there. "Hehehe... quite dusty..."

Squal smiles in return, amused. Askyr seems so playful, easily amused by the slightest thing. "Why don't you join me up there?" "I was waiting for you to ask." He jumps on the bed in turn, forcing more dust out of the fluffy covers. "So... where were we?" asks Squal with a devious grin spread across his lips. "Oh I think I remember..." coos Askyr, grinding himself against Squal's body "you were trying to mount me..." "Yes... I remember." growls Squal, gripping tightly to Askyr's haunches.

"Yeah... You didn't forget that..." he murrs "however... I have my conditions to add." he growls, a hind paw pressing against Squal's arching dick; claws wrapping around the slick barbed surface, applying a slight pressure on the sensitive flesh.

Squal gasps in terror, feeling these sharp claws grinding against his member. "What... what do you want?" "First... you have to go slow; I think you understand that the king won't appreciate to have his personal fucktoy ripped apart." "That's... obvious..." "I'd rather say that because you seem to be a very wild person." "I... I can control. What are your other... conditions?" "Secondly no bite... and finally... no dirty play." "What do you mean?" "Dumb ass... it means no piss or other fluids beside your seed." "I wouldn't dare to stain you with my musk." protests Squal. "I'd rather take precautions..." hisses Askyr "have you understood clearly?" "Yes... but... please... stop... stop doing that." moans Squal, his paws trembling, his heart racing, his body temperature rising up, his cock jumping under the constant stimulation of Askyr's claws lightly massaging his flesh, stroking the shaft up and down slowly. "Stop what?" "Stop... what you're doing... I'm gonna...!" he yells, his muscles tensing, tire frame quacking under the might of his desires. His grip strengthen, his breath quickened as he grinds his leaky member against this so soft paw; slick lubrication squirting from his cock tip. Squal let out a loud groan, bucking his hips forward one last time, driving his hard cock in between two toes, forcing the fin between them to stretch a bit to fit him then, with a deep growl let loose. His eyes close themselves as pleasure floods his miod. Long jets of seed burst from his bloated cock, splashinh all over Askyr's belly. Squal's orgasm doesn't last long; after a few powerful jets of cum it dies out. He stays there, panting, almost lying on top of Askyr; letting out low purrs, basking in the afterglow of his orgasm.

"*gasp* that was... rather quick... and... unexpected" gasps Askyr, trying to clean the sticky mess staining his scales but only managing to smear it more. "That stuff is sticky as hell..." "Yeah... sorry..." "Does it happen to you often?" "What?" yowls Squal. "Cumming like this... way too early." "Nope... that's just because someone spent his time teasing me." "Hehe... not false." "So that's true." "Do you have some left for me... or did this little warm up drain you completely." "Don't worry... I still have enough in stock to fill at least five like you." "I hope so..." "You won't be disappointed." "What if you turn these words of yours into actions?" "I was only waiting for you to ask." growls Squal, giving Askyr's snout a gentle lick. Slowly Squal gets into position, lining his cum drenched dick with Askyr's quivering hole; making sure to grind their belly together in the process, resting his head in Askyr's soft neck, giving the scales there another bath of his saliva. "Oh... yes..." moans Askyr, gripping Squal with his own paws "Just remember... no bite..." "Don't worry... I was just looking for some sweet spots of yours." "And... have you found what you were looking for?" "Not yet... but since you insist to be bred..." "I never said... oh fuck!" howled Askyr, his body arching upward.

While they were talking Squal had gotten into position; his cock brushing against Askyr's pucker, pre cum wetting the exposed entrance. With one forceful push his cock head forced the tight tunnel to stretch around him; the spade of his tip penetrating with ease; slickened with all his spilled fluids. Askyr moaned; gripping Squal even tighter as more cock was forced inside him, stretching him around the thick shaft. His barbs sank with ease, scraping along the flesh, triggering little spikes of pleasure while his ridges rippled as they plopped inside with wet squelching sound. Askyr groaned loudly, jerkiog his head up in sheer pleasure. "Oh... god... you're bigger than I thought...". Squal didn't answer, focused on his own pace, trying his hardest to push all the way in yet this tight hole was giving him quite some resistance. With a loud grunt he manages to fit two more inches in that tight ass,. For now it will be everything he'll be able to fit... only for now at least. "Oh jeeze... you're so... big.... Smaller than the king but... quite thick...» "You're still quite tight... for someone that gets hammered by his sovereign." "Ahah... really funny..." "I'm sincere..." "Thank you... I suppose."

Squal smiled, slowly pulling out; all his barbs scraping the sensitive flesh, earning more groans and grunts from the submissive drake under him. When only the tip remained he slammed forward, sinking all the way in again. His dick jumped, pre gushing out, coating Askyr's passage with clear musky lube. "Oh... remember... you... you promised to go slow..." "Fine..." sighed Squal, pacing himself, slowing down until he was just lightly trusting in and out at a slow pace. Slowly he works his lengthy shaft deeper, his barbs grinding against the muscular walls, triggering shudders of pleasure that made Askyr's body quake and his hard cock to jerk in lust. Squal smiled, seeing the little bitch so eager, moaning out loud as he penetrated it's hole again and again; making sure to keep this slow and sensual pace. Slowly he works his cock even deeper with every trust; keeping his pace moderate. The pressure in his loins keeps building up as he trust in that time rump so slowly... too slowly to his taste. His only desire at the moment is to give into the mating urge and hammer that tight ass until his potent seed fills it. Yet he has promised... promised to remain calm and keep his craves at bay. "I know what you want." cooed Askyr in bliss "you want to breed me hard and wild... like a beast." "You read my mind..." purred Squal, affectionately licking Askyr's soft neck. "Well... if you keep that pace... for some... oh yes... for some time I might think about let you pound me... a tiny bit harder..." "You're too kind..." moans Squal, driving his cock swiftly in once again, making Askyr moan and buck back in the trust. "Oh... you feel so nice inside me...". Squal groans loudly, feeling these Muscles massage his hard member as he trusts deeper. His eyes drift upon Askyr's frame; observing these pristine scales, his thin traits that give him this adorable look; until their eyes meet.

Askyr seems nervous, bothered; like something was annoying... no worrying him. "Is there something wrong?" "No... just... just a weird impression." "Which is?" "You... you almost... feel like the king inside me... a smaller version of it... but... pretty much the same." "You know I could find these words insulting." "It... it wasn't what I meant..." "Don't worry..." giggles Squal "Since you've compared me to your sovereign... who pleases me a lot... I'm gonna be forgiving and ignore that...." "Pfew... didn't hope for such forgiveness from you." "However..." Squal growled; his hips slamming harder against Askyr's backside, his knot slapping wetly against his puckered entrance; Squal's paws grabbing with more force onto his tight "Since you've dared to call me small... I think I'm gonna have to punish you properly." "Argh... no... don't... don't do this..." "Too late." Suddenly Squal pulls all the way out, only leaving the tip inside before slamming all the way in with all his strength, parting the folds around his thick member as he plows the tight hole with a renewed desire. Askyr cries out; in pain or pleasure it doesn't matter to him; the only thing he feels is these muscles clenching around his shaft, pulling him deeper. Pre spurts from his tip, coating his inside in warmer slippery fluids that ooze around the cock now rapidly fucking him. Askyr whimpers, coping with these cartilaginous barbs racking his flesh, triggering equal surges of pains and spikes of pleasure that threaten to blow his mind. His own cock throbs and twitches, bloated with the content of his balls leaking from his urethral hole. His entire body shudders, his claws curling inward, his muscles stiffening a bit more; his tail trashing against the covers as his maws crack open on yet another moan of pleasure.

Above Squal has his eyes closed; groaning in delight from fucking this quivering hole; enjoying the raw pleasure of mating. Even the position in which he is humping that eager rump is a satisfaction of its own. Unlike animals of the upper world; livings over the surface of the ocean sea dragons like him almost never raise their tails when willing to mate; this position being too uncomfortable when they need to keep swimming while being bred. No; instead they'd rather roll On their back; letting the other, male or female alike come on top; grinding it's belly scales against the other and inserting his organ in the other; in whatever hole that is. In such a position they can maintain themselves still in the tides of the ocean while enjoying their breeding; finding a surprising sensuality and closeness in this stance. In such a mating position Squal is in heaven, the sensation of these soft belly scales mashing with his fulfils old instincts he didn't know he had. His trusts become shallow and irregular as he nears his peak; only desiring one thing; relieving himself of the burden of his seed. His barbs flared; gripping to Askyr's flesh for a few seconds before retracting, leaving deep marks from which oozed blood who leaked in tiny rivulets around Squal's shaft. His own orgasm was close too; he could feel it; feel the pressure building up in his internal balls, ready to explode. Askyr was the first to go over the edge; trashing against Squal as he howled to the great sea above; his eyes flushed with glee as jets of fertile seed spurted from his cock, forming whitish lines that floated in the water for a brief second before dissipating, feeding the ocean's divinity; if there was one at least.

Squal moaned, slamming even harder, risking at any instant to shred the small hole he was fucking, enjoying the tight clamps of muscles around his member. However Askyr shows to be quite stretchy and takes easily the wildly trusting drake. Squal's knot slaps wetly against his puffing entrance with each trust, trying to enter with whatever means it had but was only denied again and again. Finally... with one forceful trust the wide bulge pushes it's way inside, spreading the fleshy walls apart and lodging itself deeply; nestling in the muscular passage before starting to swell; sealing Akyr's completely and perfectly. Squal let out another moan; his instincts now settled leaving him with the simple need; no the crave for release. Finally cum burst from his dick; a mighty wave of pleasure submerging him from every side, leaving no space for any other kind of thought beside the mind blowing sensation of the seed flowing out of his bloated member as it throbbed rapidly. In a surge of lucidity he remembered one detail: his barbs. Sadly... it was way too late. Blood rushed to his swollen member, barbs flaring to their maximum, digging into flesh, securing his prey... no... his... the word didn't manage to come to him. Askyr tensed; roaring in union with Squal. Was it pain or pleasure he felt? Squal didn't know... his own brain was weak, overwhelmed by his own delight and satisfaction of emptying himself in this so willing hole. His body quaked under the might of his orgasm as he filled Askyr's rump with gallons of his seed; feeling his belly swell with each spurt. Finally... after a delightful eternity his peak finally subsided, leaving them both panting and groaning in their afterglow. Squal's barbs unhooked and retracted, blood streamed around his member.

"Oh my... are you... are you ok?" "Yes... I'm fine..." "It's... it's my fault..." whines Squal "I should have warned you that I could get... spiky..." "I tell you I'm fine... you're not the first with this kind of things so... I'm used to it." "But... you're bleeding..." protested Squal. "It will heal in a matter of second."

Squal didn't trust a word yet Askyr's confidence in his own capacities was forcing him to have some respect for the younger dragon. "Anyway... can you pull out now?" "I... I think... yes..." mumbles Squal. His deflated knot pops out of the hole, followed by a trickle of seed. When Squal dares to look between his own hind legs a gasp escapes his mouth. His penis is soaked in b mess of his purple-black gooey semen and streaks of fresh blood. He coils on himself; lapping rapidly at his cock; tasting the flavor of his own thick seed and taking in the metallic scent of blood. He grimaces, feeling his maws fill with this gooey saliva. "Are you ok there?" "Yes... I'm fine..." "Are you done cleaning?" "I guess yes." "So let's go... they should be finished by now.

They left the room, leaving all traces of their enjoyment behind; strands of seed still floating in the clear water. Before him Askyr kept waving his rump invitingly, like he was still trying to tease him. "Why are you walking like that?" "Hey you hammered my ass quite hard so that was to be expected." "Yeah... sorry..." "Don't be... I enjoyed it all along."

In silence they come back to the main room. The door leading to the throne room is still hermetically closed yet a strange agitation has taken a hold of the place; like something was preparing. By listening closely Squal manages to hear voices shouting from the other side.

Finally in a loud rumble the door slide open; revelation a room so shiny that Squal finds himself looking away, blinded by the light emanating from the room. "That's intolerable!" yell a voice. squal open his eyes to discover a silver grey drake wearing gold ornaments around his paws and neck walking out of the room, apparently in rage. "These actions won't be left unpunished."

"Keep your menaces for yourself sir." answers a voice as cold as ice that echoes in Squal's head; full of hidden meanings "My kind wouldn't be accused of actions they haven't done." "You won't keep that tone when the Elder will learn about this whole affair."

A loud roar makes the entire room trembles, freezing everyone in fear. "This is my last warning;, your provocations will lead you nowhere if not in in the cold arms of death." "Are these menaces?" "No... a simple warning. I cannot tolerate such insinuations over my people. You can warn all the important person of your kind that you feel necessary but be aware... if you have hard evidences of the implication of any of my subjects in this affair I will gladly open an investigation to find the guilty ones and drag them into a tribunal myself. Until then... any insinuation from you will be taken as insults to my people and their sovereign and will be punished as a crime against my kind so keep your serpentine tongue at bay... and don't dare to come back before you have enough proofs; to deserve my attention." "This is not over... far from it..." hisses the other, baring his fangs before addressing the king a rapid salute preceded by an imperceptible bow of his neck. He turns away, walking toward the door, adopting an important looking man pose. Squal remain immobile, staring at the king, speechless, his lower jaw hanging limply, his eyes wide open to the point where they start to itch from getting dry. Suddenly a violent bump against his flank making him stammer, shaking his head he discovers the grey dragon standing before him, glaring at him when they're the same size like he was insignificant. "Out of my way stupid beast."

Squal doesn't move, hesitating between anger and letting the desire to pip this bastard apart take over him. "Are you dumb or what or is there too much water in your pathetic brain? Move out of my way!"

This time it's too much; Squal bares his fangs, spit oozing at the corner of his maws as a deep growl escapes his throat. "Oh... the little monster is offended... and what are you gonna do? I am a messenger of the Elder do you know what that means? Do you? No... of course you don't. Well... I'm gonna teach it to you brainless thing it means that you can't do a thing against me. Try to hit me and you'll end up headless before you have time to move a claw." "Pfff... no matter..." before the other guy has even time to open his mouth Squal's paw lands in his face; claws digging into flesh, bones breaking under the violence of the blow. The pretentious one staggered back, spiting a tooth as blood gave the sea a slight red hue. "You bastard!" he roared, jumping on Squal with all claws and fangs out. In a flash an entire squad of guards crashed down on top of the enraged dragon, crushing him into the ground. "Let go of me!" he roared. The guard only looked at each other in a perfect silence. "You're gonna pay for that!" no one reacted once again. "I'd rather keep that mouth of yours closed if I were you." advised the king, coming closer "Not all my subjects are as patient and diplomate as me." "He attacked me!" yelled the other "Are you going to let this unpunished." "Well... since there are plenty of witnesses around here... let's ask them what they've seen. What do you say?" whispers the king. The guy just grumbled under his breatk "My respectful subjects would you help your k^,ng solve this affair." "Yes my lord..." they all replied... except Squal too shocked to speak. "And you young one... will you tell the truth... only the truth?" "Yes... gasped Squal, terrified. "Then... would you tell me what happened." "He attacked me without reason." hissed the guy, spitting more blood "you should learn to control your dogs." "He provoked me." interrupted Squal in a pleading voice.

"I see... my benevolent people please share with us what your eyes witnessed. Did this young citizen attacked with no valuable reason?" No one answered only negative snout motions. "Well... it appears you have lied to us..." the other tense. "Then... I'll leave you a choice... either you admit your fault and apologize to this young goy..." "I'd rather die." "Or I give you half an hour to leave my territory and never come back; after that delay you will be treated as a criminal." The guy snorted and left, his snout still bloodied. "So... who's next?" Asks the king, glancing at the assistance. After a moment his eyes fall on Squal. "I guess it's you young one?" Squal nods. "Follow me then."

Squal obeys, trembling like a leaf; his paws barely supporting him. The throne room's door closes behind him. He is now left alone with the king,. At this exact moment the absurdity of his situation appears to him. What is he doing here in this room with the lord of a kind he hated all his life. Why such an important person would like to meet him? And why does he get this weird impression; this feeling of looking in a mirror? It is true that he shares quite some resemblance with the king: the same general body shape and musculature but don't all of them look the same? They have the same color, the same fin shapes. The only major difference lies in their face. Squal had thin traits where the kings had traits that seemed to have chiseled in pure rock. Another difference caught his eyes; a mere detail: their claws. His were long and sharp yet they looked pretty thin and had that really nice curve to them that gave them an unmatchable look. The king in comparison had huge talons that didn't look to suit a swimming creature but that could do great ravage in combat. Squal gulped down, not imagining the wounds those claws could inflict him. To all these strange resemblance and dissemblance added Askyr's words "It's like taking the king in smaller. Taking the king in smaller." These words played in his head again and again. Brutally his paws failed him; he fell to the ground, shivering, on the brink of crying. He had realized; he had understood what it all meant. "Is there a problem young one?" asked the king with benevolence."

Squal stared in two amber orbs which had the same radiant color. Another common point to add to the list. He couldn't bring himself to talk, to open his mouth. His lips remained sealed against each of his tries. The king only stared at him; like he awaited something. Squal took a deep breath by his gills, focusing on this simple motion; inhaling, exhaling, the sound of all the tiny bubbles forming around his head. His lips cracked open on one word, a whisper "Dad?" "Yes my son."

In the depth - chapter 4 (2/2)

In the depth Chapter 4 Part 2 ......... Sometime later. Days? Weeks? Months? Whatever' ......... Squal was lying on his bed; head resting on his pillow; body splayed on the comfy mattress, his tongue lolling out; his breath a rapid...

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In the depth - chapter 4 (1/2)

In the depth Chapter 4 Part 1 Squal wished he had said nothing. The few words of the king had the effect of a bomb for him. One word; one word that should have never been pronounced. Squal scrambled on paws that barely held him; trembling, on the...

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In the depth - chapter 2 (2/2)

In the depth Chapter 2 Part 2 Three hours later his day of work was over. Thyan left the building by one of the back doors, wanting to avoid his colleagues at all cost; too ashamed to even show himself in this state. The scent of his boss was...

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