In the depth - chapter 2 (2/2)

Story by Yvaslo1 on SoFurry

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#3 of Feral stories

Hi it's me again with this time the second part of chapter 2 of "In the depth".

This comes directly after part 1 and the two main characters find themselves in a situation which is becoming increasingly awkward and disturbing. Will they get out of this mess? Read to find out.

In the depth

Chapter 2

Part 2

Three hours later his day of work was over. Thyan left the building by one of the back doors, wanting to avoid his colleagues at all cost; too ashamed to even show himself in this state. The scent of his boss was still everywhere over him. It had been annoying him all day long; making him lose his focus on his work. Several time he had to stop, too unfocused to properly work. He could do nothing else besides struggling with the potent scent and all the gooey seed sloshing in his belly. A specific part of his body felt strangely hot and tingled, bothering him quite a lot. "Why is my slit so sensitive?" he moaned as his paw came in contact with the wet rift. The rubs he tried to keep slow and light were enough to stimulate his sensitive lips. His cock quickly hardened, throbbing in his palm as it slid out in the open. He tried to ignore the pesky, demanding organ twitching in his grasp. With cautions and hesitations he moved his paw away from the wet shaft, looking for what laid right below. His slit had always been particularly large and puffy, attracting all the people that had once seen it curiosity. However today, unlike any other day it was twitching and squirting a strange ooze that carried an enticing smell with it. The wet crack demanded all his attention. Touching this so unique place had always been one of his secret pleasures and having someone else doing the same to him felt even better. Everyone that stuck a claw, a tail or a tongue inside told him that it felt incredible and tasted sweet unlike any other male. Nervous he parted it open; unleashing a stream of fertile cum that drips between his claws. "Gross" he snarls in disgust. Rapidly the stream turns to a weak dribble along his scales. He takes a deep breath, trying his best to prepare for what he would find inside his ravaged genital slit. Then when his eyes make contact with the area he is disappointed to find nothing. Nothing impressive or shocking like he imagined; just reddened flesh drenched in a mess of cum and blood. "Why does it feel so weird0ÿ _then?" He whispers to himself.

He stared at his own slit for a while, wondering what he should do with it. "Maybe I should clean that..." he suggested to himself. Instantly reject overpowered his mind. "No..." he hissed "I'm never going to clean that. There is no way I'm gonna put my tongue in there to just state this... bastard's... vile essence...."

So he stayed there; hesitant and doubtful until someone knocked at his door. Thyna took some time calming his ragging heart beats, keeping his irregular panting breath to a minimum. "Come in" he finally said. The door creaked open on the dragon that had helped him a few hours ago. "Hey... bringing you the last folder... it's... kinda heavy...." He grumbled, struggling to keep a huge pile of folders and documents stable. "I see that... put them on my desk." "Easier to do than to say..." huffed the guy. Thyan jumped from his seat and came closer to the guy to give him a helpful hand. After a few issues they managed to put it down, separated in several more stable piles. "Thanks grumbled the guy "I really needed that." "Your welcome it was the least I could do after what you did for me." "Yeah... speaking of which how are you going?" "Fine... pretty much I guess..." "I... I didn't ask earlier but... who did that to you?" "You won't believe me if I tell you..." sighed Thyan with sadness. "Try at least. I've seen really weird things in my life... among them are finding you in the toilets with... well seed all over you." "Well... I'm sure it was disturbing for you. But... if I tell you... will you promise to keep it secret?" "Thyan I can't promise that. If what happened to you is.. grave enough I'll have to report it and the bastard will get punished." "I don't know?" "Then first tell me... did you want what happened?" "NO!!!" shouted Thyan "Absolutely not. I've never wanted that. I've been raped... crudely, brutally... raped." Cried Thyan. The other dude grimaced in disgust. "Who?" "You won't believe me if I tell you." "Go ahead... don't hide it." "Well... it was... our boss..." whimpered Thyan. "You're right Thyan I don't believe you. Although... it's... not as stupid and pointless as it might sound." He grumbled. "So... you trust me?" "I do..." he sighed "but I'm sure you understand that I can't let that unpunished. If this bastard is raping his employees and remains free and out of harms it has to be reported... and I know the perfect person for that." "Great... as long as I stay out of troubles too." "You'll be safe I promise. However Thyan... it's not because you've spend years raisinh your tail for others that you should keep doing this here." "*gasp* How do you know!" "I've met you before... as something like ninety percent of the people here did." Thyan blushed profusely. Did his reputation go further than he imagined? Was he that renown throughout the city? "Damn... I'm... famous..." he chuckled to himself; instantly regretting these words. "Are you... a... customer?" "No... and it's not io my habits to gr see a bitch to relieve myself. No... I met you in a bar three years ago. At first I thought you were just a random guy waiting for someone... until I saw you leave with b bigger guy after he gave you a handful of money. Then- peoples told me about a young slut that would anything that you wanted as long as you had the money to pay." Thyan's blush only deepened, his cheeks warming as they turned red. "Anyway... I think I should leave. I have tones of work to do. You should do the same." Thyan nodded as the guy left. When three hours later the bell signaling the end of work time had rang he had vanished without a trace, all the work done and left there in plain view for someone to pick it up if needed.

He took his time to go back home, even doing a detour downtown to buy a few things. He did all he could to come back as late as possible, buying things here and there; some useless; some they really needed. He even stopped in a bar he knew too well to have a drink and talk with old friends he met by hazard. But... he couldn't stop time or rewind it so the fatal moment came where he had to go back home. When he arrived in his building his guts twisted in anticipation. Would Squal notice it and get angry; in one of those rage that made Thyan tremble. He knew that when Squal was in such a state he could bend and wish for the storm to pass on. Or would he wait and pretend that everything is normal to then when he'll less expect it viciously lash at him and punish him like he deserved? Thyan hopped for the first possibility. He could handle his mate's wrath then find a way to forgive himself once Squal would have calmed down. On the other hand if Squal stayed stoic it would be even worse because everything that Thyan could do would be useless and Squal would still hurt him in the end. He took ages to climb the stairs like his paws were as heavy as the granite floor below him. Once in front of his door he felt nervous and he had good reasons to be in such state. Slowly he opened the door. He was quite surprised to find the apartment plunged in a deep darkness. All windows and shutters had been closed, denying all light inside. The only light in the large living room came from two lines of small candles forming a path. He smiled; Squal had always a talent for staging that he envied him quite a lot for that. He slowly closed the door behind him and followed the path under the guidance of these candles which flames danced in darkness. First it led him to a table where a small bottle and a note were awaiting him. He grabbed the bottle; it had no indication on it and was just filled of a slightly blurry liquid. He took the note and read it "Lube yourself and come to me... I'm waiting for my big male" Thyan was slightly disappointed. No riddle like the other time, no hunt through the apartment to find him or all the different gears and stuff he had hidden here and there; no trial of resistance where he had to please himself with different objects and could only go claim him once he was on the verge of cumming. No, this time the path leed straight away to their bedroom. "Damn... he must be so eager." This thought had him nervous. He observed the bottle. How could he get out of this mess? He had no seed to give to his hungry mate and he would probably beg for it once he'll enter in the room. Slowly an idea rooted in his mind. "It could work." he whispered for himself, grinning widely. He padded toward the room, the bottle in his mouth. When he opened the door a strong scent waffled at his nostrils, making him go back. In front of him, lying on their bed, his back exposed to him in plain view, a happy lusty grin spread across his face, one paw on his cock, stroking it up and down, drizzling pre on his scales was his mate Squal. The sight evens more than the scent was enough to turn him on.

"Finally you're here." purred Squal "I've been waiting for you. Come on... don't be shy... come lay with me..."

Squal had been waiting for an hour, toying with himself, keeping his cock hard and needy. Thyan joined him in the bed. Instinctively their lips joined in a deep passionate kiss. Their jaws locked together as their tongue wiggled together, twisting and coiling in a wet sloppy kiss.

When they separated they were both panting, Thyan's cock already growing hard. "Oh... I've been waiting all day for that. Have you lubed yourself?" "Nope..." "Do you want me to do it for you?" purred Squal, his claw making little circles on Thyan's chest. "Sounds interesting but no?" "Oh... I see someone want to take it rough.... Then... in that case go ahead... I'm waiting for you." "Not tonight Squa" whimpered Thyan, licking his mate's neck.

Squal pulled away from his mate's embrace. "What do you want then?" "Something else." "What else? I don't get it." "Allow me to show you what I have in mind." Thyan gave his mate a gentle kiss then rolled on his belly. Squal stared at his mate as he raised his tail high above him, uncovering his fleshy puckered entrance. "Why don't you... take the lead for once?" "What...! Are you serious?" "Yes... why not?" "I... I dnn't know Thyan... I've never done it before. I don't want to hurt you." "Don't worry I'm quite stretchy down there." answered Thyan with a reassuring tone.

"If you say so." "I'm glad you accept. Would you like me to lube you first?" "Yes... and if you could jerk me off before. I'm kinda pent up right now." "Sure... let me take care of your itch." purred Thyan, opening his maw wide for Squal to stuff them with his maleness. Squal hovered over his mate, his forepaw grabbing to his shoulders, his hard cock a mere inch from Thyan's maw, his hot breath billowing over his sensitive flesh. "What are you waiting for... put it in?" mumbled Thyan. "No... could you... do it for me but... don't... don't suck it... just... licks and... paws if you want." he huffed, panting eagerly. "May I ask why?" "I'm... close..." moaned Squal "and I'd... love to paint this pretty snout of yours in white." "It'll be my pleasure to receive it then." murred Thyan, his tongue reaching out to caress his mate's hard throbbing flesh. Like Squal asked he didn't suck on the sweet meaty rod even if he craved for it and only used his tongue, coiling it around the receptive shaft before squeezing it while his paws worked near the base, teasing the knot and slit, making more of Squal's sweet tasting lubrication to ooze out. "Oh yes... keep going... I'm so... close." moaned Squal, lightly humping in Thyan's grip. He kept his ministration, licking and squeezing his mate's tight rod. He could feel each throb of his mate's length as he edged closer to his orgasm.

His panting breath became irregular as he humped automatically, trusting his cock or trying at least to trust in Thyan's vice like tongue grip. "Oh... oh... yes... I'm... cumming." he shouted; his whole length tensed a second before erupting a sharp spurt of cum. Thyan felt it come way before it happened and closed his eyes, waiting for the cock to spill it's warm content over his face. He felt the constant drip of seed gliding along his slick scales as Squal kept pumping more of it in his face. His nostrils were full of the potent smell of fresh male essence. He purred in delight as Squal's orgasm died out. He let go of Squal's cock just to find it rehardening instantly. "Eager are we?" "You bet your ass I am." grunted Squal "Your so... skilled with your tongue." "And you've not even tried my ass yet." "Stop teasing me and get on all fours. I'm gonna judge how good it feels by myself." "Yes... before... let's just make sure you're all lubed up." "No thanks I think your saliva does the trick just fine." "I'm not asking you your opinion." growled Thyan, cracking the bottle open and pouring a generous amount of clear lube on his friend's cock "I want it to be as smooth and enjoyable as possible for you. After all it's your first time... and all firsts shall be memorable." Squal squealed from the bite of the cold liquid on his heated flesh. For an instant he felt his cock shrink back in the even warmer shelter of his slit. But Thyan knew how to keep him hard and eager as he stroked his length, smearing the freezing liquid everywhere in his reach. "Oh god... it's so cold..." gasped Squal, half panting half whining. "Stop squirming like that or I'm gonna hurt you. Wouldn't it be a shame to damage such a natural beauty right now?" purred Thyan, giving the lubed cock a quick affectionate nuzzle. "Hmmm... just perfect." he whispered after sometime; proud of his work. He turned his back toward Squal and raising his tail. Squal mounted him in the old feral way, already panting eagerly, his whole frame trembling in excitement. His cock probed at Thyan's back, searching for his hole. The first trust missed it by a far inch and his cock smoothly slid against his scales. The second time it hit to high, gliding next to Thyan's raised tail, earnihg mocking giggles from Thyan "Didn't all your matings with females learned you how to aim?" "It's definitely easier with them... their vagina is always eager to be penetrated when I mount one and its much bigger than your tiny hole." "Still... shouldn't be hard for you." "Easy for you to say you've been taking dicks for... I don't even know how long." "Thanks for reminding me of my past Squal." Hissed Thyan. "Sorry... didn't mean that" "Fine... it's forgiven... just... let me help." Gently offered Thyan. "No thanks... I'm gonna find it." Finally the fifth time was the good one as his cock brushed against his sensitive pucker, the tip sinking in briefly. "Wait!" shouted Thyan, making Squal freeze. "What do we have here?" mumbled Thyan as he revealed a large rubber made dildo from below a pillow, followed closely by a small bottle.

He had noticed from the second he climbed on the bed. Squal had been trying to hide it but it had been useless. It formed such a bulge under the pillow that even blinded Thyan couldn't miss it. "Where did you get that?" "Well I... I... I... how to put that...? It's embarrassing. I bought that... for you." "It's really nice but I prefer real male's meat over rubber." "I know... but I thought... It might have felt nice in your hole... while you bred me." "What a cute attention... but I have a much better place where it'll fit just nicely." "Where?" "I'll show you... just... dismount me for a sec."

Squal was nervous and hesitant but obeyed. "Oh... you even have that..." purred Thyan, shaking the bottle." "Yes... it was sold with it... but I don't know what it is for." "Let me show you." murred Thyan as he worked on the dildo. Before Squal's amazed look he saw Thyan unplug the thick dildo base and open it, taking a thin white wire coiled on itself inside. He then opened the bottle and let some of the whitish liquid fall on the makeshift cock. He smeared it across the lengthy and wide shaft making sure to leave no part untouched. When he had finished the shaft was slightly glinting under the candle's light. "You don't know what it is for right?" asked Thyan with a devious grin.

"Nope... I have no idea." "First it's a lube..." "It makes sense..." "But it's also a very fun product that makes more receptive to stimulations." "Oh it's why it..." Squal quickly cut short his exclaim, realizing he'd better keep for himself his morning fun. "Why what?" "No... no... nothing..." "So... are you ready to take this bad boy up your little rump?" "Yes... I think I can do it." "Then show me your butt."

Squal obeyed. Thyan could see his friend's nervousness and he understood. It wasn't every day that you had one monster of a cock shoved up your ass like this. Squal raised his tail, exposing a tailhole Thyan knew every single detail of. However he was surprised to see slightly loosened and it gave close to no resistance when Thyan pressed a claw against his rim. "You've used it right?" "Yes..." "Fun killer..." "Hey I hadn't planned to take it again."

Thyan huffed and parted open Squal's hole with two claws, making the eager drake moan, begging for something to fill his gaping hole. Thyan pressed the tip inside. Squal howled as he was parted again by the now familiar rubbery toy. "Oh... oh... yes... definitely better with the lube..." he moaned. "What don't tell me you tried it without the lube..." "Yeah... I... was curious." "You're insane." "Hey didn't... AHHHHHH!" he yelled as several more inches were forcefully pushed in his hole, ridges popping inside with wet squelching sounds. "How much?" asked Thyan, slowly pulling at the dildo, making each ridge tug at Squal's inside. "All..." "You're so insane Squal..." "No... I just love them big..." he panted, his eyes hazy with lust. "The knot too?" "The knot too..." he repeated. With that said Thyan put all his force in shoving the dildo deeper in his mate's eager ass. It was easier than he had imagined, the lube making it slide in deeper with such ease he had almost nothing to do. Squal was shuddering in bliss from the bare penetration of this so slick cock. Only the knot gave him some trouble but finally slipped inside after a few vigorous trusts. "Great... now that you have your fill..." Thyan shivered "Time to fill me." He showed his backside to his mate who mounted him again. "Ready?" asked Squal with a trembling voice, unsure of what he was about to do. "Go ahead." Squal took a deep breath and pushed. His tip slid in with ease, too much ease in fact. Without really wanting it he found himself with half of his cock buried in this tight hole. He groaned in pleasure. It felt incredible. The sensation of this muscular fleshy hole clamping around him, pulling him inward, tugging at his member until he agreed to give it to the quivering mass of muscles massaging it felt simply amazing. He kept pushing deeper until his knot met with Thyan's soft entrance. He paused panting heavily. Thyan below him smiled deviously as he pressed a button on the part of the dildo he had kept for himself. Above him Squal felt a weird tickling sensation in his rear. He had no time to wonder what created it; it had already amplified. He moaned loudly as a strong vibration filled his clenching tailhole. "You... bastard..." he huffed, trying to ignore the intense pleasure the toy in his ass created. "Stop talking and start trusting. I bet you're not gonna last long with that." Squal huffed, and pulled out of his friend. He didn't take it slow, not at all. Instead he drove his cock in and out at a rapid, steady pace, hammering his knot against Thyan's hole. The dildo was pressing against an area of his tailhole so pleasurable that the bliss that was injected directly in his brain made it impossible to think for him. He only felt the pleasant sensation of his cock rapidly going in and out of this stretched tailhole. Thyan On the other end was snarling and biting his tongue to not cry out in pain. It was not Squal's cock that hurt him but all the wounds from his previous rough session reminding themselves to him in the most painful way; amplified by each forceful trust; the worsts reopening, dripping blood on the large prehensile member stuffing his rear. Squal's aqueous pre did a good job of nurturing his wounded hole but it didn't completely suppress the pain. Squal didn't hear or saw his friend's suffering, too enrapture to even care. His trust became shallow and irregular as he felt the pressure building up inside him impetuous tidal wave of pure pleasure. Thyan however was far from finished; he was far from close either. The ache of his guts made it almost impossible to feel any kind of pleasure. Squal was doing a pretty good job but he almost fell nothing of it, all the pleasure Squal was giving him went to waste, erased before it could reach his brain by the way stronger sufferance. Squal's snout came resting on his shoulder, his tongue slathering Thyan's neck in warm saliva. Slowly, ever so slowly pleasure overcame pain as he began to moan in union with his mate. Squal shifted his stance, taking a more dominant position over his friend, forcing him into a more submissive position. He was forced to bend, giving Squal more room to trust. A needy moan escaped Thyan's throat as Squal squeezed his throat between his sharp fangs, holding him still in a submissive position. Needy purrs escape his tightly squeezed throat as Squal drove his cock even harder in the depth of his stretched hole. His deep growls and rumbles were the best indicator of how close Squal was from letting lose all the burden of his seed in his mate's gaping hole. Squl's frame began to tremble as he tipped over the edge, an intense pressure building up in his loins. Suddenly Thyan felt something big slip inside his tailhole, forcing Squal's cock even deeper. He cried out in a pain he couldn't hold back anymore when the thing began to swell, stretching his abused hole to its limit. Squal let go of his throat as he howled loudly to the ceiling, forcing himself on top of his friend until he fell flat on the bed. Squal's brain blanked out as seed exploded from his cock in long white jet that came painting Thyan's sensitive hole. Squal's muscles weakened. He fell flat on top of his mate as he emptied himself in the greatest hole he had ever penetrated in his entire life.

"Ohh... you... you're so... nice..." moaned Squal, his glassy eyes staring deeply in his mate's as hazy orbs. "You're not... not bad either." groaned Thyan in answer, trying his best to smile. "Damn... I never came... that hard before..." "It always does that the first time." whispered Thyan reassuringly "Do you want to try again?" "Maybe... but... later... I'm so... tired..." yowled Squal, his eyes closing themselves on their own. "Oh no you're not done yet" hissed Thyan, grabbing the remote controller. It took Squal some time to react, a time Thyan put to use to turn back on the vibrator dildo and put it to its highest setting.

Squal's eyes shot open as a weird mewling sound escaped his throat. His eyes became glassy again as a torrent of lust washed over him. His softening member grew to its full mast once again in an instant. He squirmed his way out of Thyan's backside and began to hump against Thyan's tender scales. "What are you... doing?" he panted, incapable to control his body's ragged trusting. "I'm not done with you..." deeply growled Thyan as he shoved his mate on his back, letting him buck eagerly in the air "You still have one hole to try." "One... hole... but... you don't have any other hole..." he winced, trying to resist the flow of pleasure coursing through his veins. "Oh... you'd be surprise." purred Thyan, feeling an unusual itch in his slit near his cock, a sensation he had never felt before. He turned the toy to a lower vibration setting and began to work on it, inserting the small supple tube he had taken before they started in the dildo's base, putting the other end in a weird looking mechanism half dipping in the bottle's content. Squal saw nothing of it, too busy moaning and trusting like a wild needy beast to care. When Thyan was satisfied of his work he leaned down against his boyfriend's belly, feeling his hard length prod at his own scales. He shivered in anticipation, aroused by what he was about to do. He hovered above Squal, staring in his hazy amber orbs as he slowly lowered himself until his slit brushed against his wet tip. Thyan froze, nervous, was he really ready to do that? He knew that if he kept asking himself those questions he'll stay here the whole day. So slowly, ever so slowly, with care and swiftness he pressed this cock against his slit. It gave way easily, allowing the first inch to enter him. "What the... grawr... what the fuck... is that..." moaned Squal, feeling a whole new type of sensation. "Shut up and enjoy..." purred Thyan, bumping into his friend's chin. Squal couldn't believe it; it felt so good, so... delightful. All his senses grew aroused by the feeling of this warm silky place Thyan was offering him. But, in the back of his head he knew that something wasn't right. He had already felt this sensation, felt this tight vice grip squeezing his length and drawing him deeper, inviting him to trust again and again but... not in a male. It felt like a female's breeding tunnel but... with a little plus: this as hard cock poking at his own tight slit entrance, smearing layers of heated liquids on his shaft's base.

Thyan left him no time to wonder and pushed more of his shaft inside this new found amazing hole. Thyan kept pushing further, moaning from the stimulation all of Squal's barbs did to his flesh. Every time one scraped to his sensitive hole it triggered a pleasant sensation that made his body surge with an heavenly delight. Squal's knot slapped against his thick slit labia, making him moan in pleasure. He stopped, panting in need, feeling this cock throb and twitch inside him. "You feel so nice." he murred. Bs he slowly pulled this dick out of him, barbs tugging at his flesh in an incredibly pleasurable way. When only the tip remained lodged inside him he impaled himself on the thick prehensile member. This time Squal howled loudly as his barbs flared, stabbing his flesh. Thyan whined in pain as the thick fleshy spines held the cock in place as a strange liquid was shot deeper inside of him. The thing felt gooey and hot, so hot it belt like his guts were melting. "You're so hot" moaned Thyan, resting his head on his mate's strong chest. "And you so... damn sweet. I have never felt like this before." Thyan smiled, nibbling at his friend's chin fin. Thyan pressed on the small object he had kept clutched in his paw all along. Squal cried out in pleasure. A devious smirk curled Thyan's lips. He knew it had work. "*GASP* It squirts!" shouted Squal. "Of course... it's me who make it squirts." answered Thyan, shaking the small bottle before Squal's eyes, pressing the button again, letting out another squirt of stimulating goo deep in Squal's hole. "Homm... interesting... but... didn't you say I shuld lead?" "I said that... but I still can have my fun." "Oh no I don't think so." growled Squal. In an instant his limp paws grabbed Thyan in a tight grasp, His fangs piercing his neck. Held like this Thyan couldn't even move a claw. Squal moved him around, forcing him on his back, taking the dominant role again. He stood still for some time, just staring at his mate, simply enjoying the rhythmic squeeze of Thyan's hole. "Ready?" he whispered gently in his hear. "Always ready for you..." "Then brace yourself and I'm not gonna be gentle." "Fine... give me everything that you have." Squal pulled back, his barbs scraping at Thyan's passage, making it even more sensitive. Almost all his cock popped out with a wet sound, leaving Thyan gaping and craving for more. Squal didn't make him wait long, driving his hard member as deep as he could. Pleasure flooded his weakening mind, replacing all the thoughts about his friend's well-being in their mating. He only craved for more of this sweet silk hole milking him so well. With each push of his cock he felt Thyan tense and moan, bucking forward until their lower belly caressed for a so short second. before Squal pulled out. His brutal trusts were shallow and irregular, hard and fast, meant to bury his whole member all the way in. However he still had some issues fitting his knot inside this clamping hole; the ball of engorged flesh slapping against his soaked labia. The pressure in his balls had grown unbearable and he so desperately wanted to cum. With one last forceful shove the swelling orbs parted the opening wider. They moaned in union. Squal expected to cum right away but something more unusual happened instead. He felt like growing, swelling exponentially. Not his entire body; just his cock. He roared out loud, hammering his mate's hole. Thyan felt the sudden growth in his hole, the swell of Squal's knot becoming even bigger than before, forcing his hole open to its limit as the rest of the meaty rod swelled and lengthened, the thin barbs becoming true spines that pinned his flesh. The tip became even larger and pointier, piercing through the same barrier that had blocked his boss a few hours ago. Then and only then when Squal's cock had finished shifting did he came. A powerful roar shook the room and Thyan's body. The sheer might of orgasm hit Squal right in the face. His whole frame stiffened, freezing completely for a split second before he collapsed on top of Thyan, roaring out loud his pleasure as a geyser of seed splattered in this still so unknown part of Thyan anatomy. The force with each jet of cum hit him made Thyan ho over the edge. His initial roar sounded more like a pitiful whimper as he was painfully reminded of the emptiness in his balls as only a weak spurts escaped his throbbing loins. Beside that however his new hole filled with an additional warmth that didn't come from Squal at all. It seemed to rise from the depth of his body. Spurts of a thick liquid bathed Squal's cock, surrounding it with a warm slimy coat. Squal was barely moving, panting rapidly, his eyes half closed staring at his mate, his tongue hanging out, licking his mate's chin. Thyan trembled basking in an cottony heaven of pleasure as he orgasmed in a way he had never achieved before. After some time he heard a light snoring noise. Squal had fallen asleep on top of him, too tired ;¤o even dislodge his cock from Thyan's depth. However he didn't mind feeling the weak spurts shot deep inside him, adding to the great amount sloshing around in his belly. Thyan closed his eyes, joining his mate in the realm of dreams.

Squal awoke several hours later. Dawn hadn't broken yet and Thyan was still sleeping peacefully, purring in his dreams. Thankfully for him Squal always had a very precise biological clock that avoided using all these noisy alarms clock that would surely wake up his sleeping friend When his eyes cracked open he first saw the radiant green color of his mate's scales right below him. His warmth engulfed his body in a soft smooth caress. Slowly he separated, his cock popping out with a loud wet noise. Thyan groaned in his sleep, rolling on his side, hiding himself from viewing. Squal tried to silence a growl as his cock retreated back in it's hiding place. However something was still bothering him, or rather anoying him: his tailhole still felt more stretched than it used to be. He leaned back against a wall and discovered the blue hilt of the dildo protruding from his overused hole. Slowly he pulled it out, tugging at it until his muscles let go of it, not without a loud groan. He stared at the lubed rubber for a moment panting in relief from having this huge thing pulled out of his hole. "Damn they're all gonna think I've been bred all night..." he huffed, throwing a quick glance at his wide open hole. He slowly got on his paws, leaving the room in a perfect silence. Only in the living room did he finally breathe. He prepared himself a breakfast made of scraps of his last meal and things he rapidly cooked up. He did everything in complete darkness, fearing that switching off one of the light would alarm his sleeping friend.

As he was eating, sitting on the couch. He gulped down another mouthful when something attracted his attention. It was a strange sensation of dampness on his lower belly. It felt awkward and highly unusual. He lowered his still blurry eyes to this particular area. What he was chewing on flew across the rook as he coughed loudly, gasping on bare air. Before him stood a thing he had never seen before and that had nothing to do here. It looked like it didn't belong to him but it was still there, displayed in all its glory, already at its full mast throbbing and twitching before his eyes. The hard spear of black tapered flesh didn't match with the leaf green of his underbelly. It was like it had been grafted to him like a part coming from someone else had been added above his own member. However when he gave it a gentle caress with his claw; he was pleased to see it throb and surge like a normal cock would. He switched on a small lamp that "diffuser" enough of its dim light to allow him to see this new and weird maleness. He gasped in horror, a snarl of disgust forming on his lips. The long, thick and hard rod of black flesh was protruding from his overly stretched slit, throbbing and spewing a viscous substance that gathered on his tip before slowly leaking along the shaft. It felt warm as it traveled down his flesh, making his blood heat up. The strange dark ooze then came pooling in his gaping slit. With the now glistening flesh bobbing before him he had a good opportunity to observe every detail of it. It was made of a perfectly black flesh much smoother to the touch than his old cock. It was a striking foot long and had enough girth to fill his paw when he wrapped it around the throbbing length. The broad pointy tip was crowned with thick cartilaginous barbs that flared with each throb. As he went down he discovered an unusual mix of thick ridges and barbs that went all the way down to a bulbous knot made of several lobs engorged with blood. His paw slowly stroked his hard member, smearing the strange fluid over his length and scales. The strange ooze made everything it touched tingle in a weird way. However he wasn't as disgusted as he thought he would be, the smell was nice, the sight of this new dick was starting to turn him on; the sensation his paws were triggering felt delightful. He only missed the taste and as reluctant as he was he didn't doubt it would be as good as it smelled.

Slowly his pleasure grew and with it the flow of this strange fluid pouring from his tip. As he stroked the bobbing member ahead of him an intense pleasure flooded his veins. This new flesh was so sensitive, so... eager, and so full of promising seed. Each jerk of his cock made a strange annoying tingle grow in his balls. It went from something he could barely feel if he wasn't focusing on it to something that took his entire mind. This dull ache in his loins, this itch that pushed him to stroke harder and faster, his own knot slamming in his paw was nothing more than the incoming delight of an orgasm... or perhaps it was something else, something... terrifying. Pleasure rippled through his body. Lewd moans escaped his maw. The pressure applied on his balls was beyond what he could handle. He bit his tongue as a wave of pleasure swallowed him. He aimed his throbbing cock at his face and broke loose. Seed spurted hard from his tip, splashing on his chest. A goofy smile curled his lips as tides of pleasure surging from his throbbing balls made his body even stiffer.

He thought about opening his mouth wide and let the sweet smelling liquid pool inside but when he opened his eyes he did the complete opposite, closing his lips until they were like sealed, letting his cum splatter on his snout, staining the scales with its gooey texture and it's musky, potent essence filled his nostrils. What used to be pearlescent white gooey semen had turn into a thick sticky, pungent purple, almost black thing that clung to everything it touched. Squal's orgasmic delight died out quickly, too quickly, leaving him crippling with fear. The sight of this disgusting mess tainting his scales made him shiver in pure terror. "What's happening to me?" He had no time to wonder his balls started to ache quite badly, throbbing, pain surging through his spine. He tensed, curling in a ball as the dull pain grew stronger, taking all his attention. He tried to keep his eyes open but tears hazed his two amber orbs. Before his eyes he saw his slit stretch and widen oozing this gross liquid. It kept growing and swelling until his shrinking cock could fit inside. Just below his balls were itching; tingling uncomfortably. Slowly the swelling sensation moved to his painful balls. The dark thing started pouring from his very scale, coating his sack in shiny blackness. He shrieked in a brutal pain as his balls started stirring, like someone was tugging at them, trying to rip them from his body. In reality they were swelling until they filled all the available space in his sack. Then it was his skin's turn to stretch, his leathery sack growing to allow his balls growth to continue. Even his scales adapted to his new sizeable nuts. When the unbearable pain vanished after ten minutes of suffering he was relieved to finally see it come to a stop. Yet a strange feeling of emptiness remained, like something was missing. He slowly rose on wobbly paw, muffing his whine. He felt so... big... so... weird like this new genitals were too heavy to carry for him. How was he gonna explain that to Thyan? How and why did it even happen? Why him? Why now? Was it... his fault? Was it his sexual crave that had... somehow triggered it?

Were the gods above dooming... or perhaps blessing him? He shook his head; he had no time to ask himself these weird questions. The clock reminded him he had to leave soon. He ran to the bathroom and locked himself inside.

He didn't left the shower's water time to heat up and jumped right in. He didn't care that the water was a freezing cold; he just wanted this smelly mess to disappear. It was harder to do than to say, it clung to every scale, forcing him to rub, even mash his paws against his lower belly, coating them in this sticky substance. He snarled in disgust but managed to wipe it off. "Come on... come on... stop sticking everywhere..." he grumbled as some more kept sticking to his claws; forming a large web above his palms. As he dried off he realized the parts that had shifted in his body had adopted a dark color "Fuck... are you kidding me..." he growled "I'll have to hide that all day." He left the bathroom trembling like a leaf, still shocked by the brutal and unexpected transformation "Why is it happening to me? Have I done something that might have... started it? No.... Maybe it's something I drank or eat.... No it can't be I've not eaten something out of the usual food I buy. Perhaps... during a hunt... maybe some kind of toxic plants... could make sense." He examined himself yet he found no trace of sting or marks on his scales. "No it can't be that..." He sat on the couch again, staring at his new neither region "Why it has to fall on me?" At the exact moment a question made its way in his mind: when did it all started? When did he start to feel weird? Last night. He hiccupped in fear. "Oh no... Thyan... have I... no... no... it can't be... I can't have... infected him..." Panicked he rushed to their bedroom; stopping an inch away from the door. He slowly pushed it and, like a shadow entered. Thyan was still sleeping peacefully, splayed on his back, his belly exposed for Squal's pleasure. Slowly he came closer to the bed, terrified by what he could possibly discover. Would his mate be changed like him? Would he be... like him?

A tide of release submerged him when he saw his friend. Nothing had changed; he was still the same. Squal took a deep breath. Appearances could hide a lot of things and he knew he had to dig in deeper. "Forgive me Thyan" he mumbled, his paws reaching out to touch his friend's backside. His claws found Thyan's pucker easily. It was widely opened and vulnerable. "An easy target" he thought. When his claws sank in the tight tunnel Squal found nothing unusual. When he pulled back he found his ivory claws and paws fins coated in white creamy seed. Squal relaxed... until he remembered this "other hole" that Thyan made him try. He took several deep breathes, trembling from the thought of what he was about to do. Once again his claws closed the gap between them. Two entered Thyan's loosened slit, parting it open slowly; ever so slowly. The thought of Thyan unexpectedly waking up and finding him in such a position were enough to make him tremble. Once the slit was opened enough he took a peek inside. On one side he could see the head of Thyan's flaccid cock comfortably nestled in its fleshy cocoon. Right below, separated from the rest by only a thin layer of flesh he discovered a hole, plunging deep in Thyan's guts. Was it what he just penetrated a night before? Probably. He applied a bit of pressure. Instantly a dark ooze spurted right in his face; making him snarl and flinch in surprise. The thing was sticky, viscous, smelled like a wild animal's seed; strong and potent. The only thing that was strange was the color: a deep glowing purple, almost black shade. "What's that thing?" No one could answer him. At least Thyan didn't seem to suffer the same... curse as he did; his body looked perfectly normal and healthy.

Squal's gaze wandered around the room; accidently falling on the alarm clock. "Crap I'm gonna be late" he pestered, leaving the room in a flash.

He ran out of the apartment, descended the stairs faster than he had ever did and made his way to the city's border in a record setting speed. All the others were waiting for him, talking near the gelatinous dome. He stopped, hidden by the pitch dark environment, caught his breath and put on a makeshift smile. He joined his friends and after a quick greeting they left. No one complained about his lateness but they all exchanged an amused expression and all nodded in union. Squal grimaced when he learned that because of a deadly attack on a merchant caravan the day before they'd have to work in team to ensure their security.

Squal knew for sure that the beasts they all feared preferred attacking an isolated target than an entire group where they'd lose a precious advantage. Squal was annoyed by this change but tried to show as least as possible. At least he was with some of his closest friends, including Clowney. They began hunting in the dark and deep sea, using their powerful sonar to guide themselves in the darkness. Squal felt... weird... unusually aroused by the thought of hunting. It was like he could already smell the blood of dead fish from there. He was so bothered by the changes going on inside him that he didn't realize he had left the entire group in dust. "Slow down Squal!" shouted Clowney "there's no need to hurry the fish isn't gonna vanish before we arrive." "Sorry... am I swimming that fast?" "You bet your ass you are. We're all having trouble catching up." "Sorry... I... I didn't mean that." "It's nothing... just... slow the pace down would you." They finally reached the hunting ground and got to work.

The hunt was quite successful, even more than Squal thought possible. However his mind wasn't to the hunting; more focused on the changes occurring deep in his flesh. He felt... better than ever, faster. His senses seemed to have developed, his eyes and ears had improved, his sonar send him echoes from miles away, allowing him to detect preys or threat beyond what the other could feel to their own surprise, jealousy and amazement. He was amazed too by this yet terrified. There was definitely something wrong with him. Five hours later all their baskets were overflowing with fish. They had so much that they offered themselves a great meal from what was left. Squal's fangs and claws were dripping with blood after eating and hunting so much. His breath was a constant panting, accompanied by deep growls. "Damn you were hungry..." commented Clowney, licking along one of the fishes' bones. "Didn't you eat this morning?" "I did" answered Squal,. "Apparently not enough" grunted another. "Anyway... so... what do we do?" "We have two hours left before grouping up with all the others..." "Yep and we don't have room for a single seashell in there." commented a male Squal didn't know. "Maybe if we come back earlier with all we hunted we could get next day off." "Bright ideas approved all the others. "A well-earned reward." purred Clowney.

They grabbed two baskets each and moved toward the city. Squal was leading, keeping awareness of their surroundings. Suddenly his sonar sent him back a strange echo, something big on the border of his detection area. At first he said nothing; the thing didn't seem to come in their direction. It was until his smelled the metallic stench of blood in the currents. Right after four others presences were felt. "Stop!" he ordered. Everyone froze. "What's wrong?" "Predators..." hissed Squal, on his guards.

"Where?" "Straight ahead... four or five?" "Shit... what can we do?" "We could... change path..." "No... they're not coming in our direction." grumbled Squal, focus on what he felt. "There's a canyon one mile away... maybe we could avoid them like that." "Good idea..." approved Squal "they won't be able to attack us like that.... Ok let's do it."

Guided by the drake they entered the canyon. Squal was acting as a sentinel, protecting them from attacks. The beasts weren't moving. Where they ambushing something? Were they busy doing something else? As they swam past them a stench of mixed blood assaulted his nostrils. It didn't smell like one of his kind's blood, it was more... animalistic, carrying the scents of the wild. "Strange... one of them... is bleeding..." grumbled Squal. "I smell that too.... What's happening up there?" "I'm gonna have a look..." grumbled Squal. "I'm coming too." All the group followed as they swam up. They hid behind rocks, throwing quick glances forward. They all stayed stunned before what they saw. In an almost circular place forming like a natural arena five dragons were fighting. To be true it was more of a one on four combat. One bigger drake was struggling under the restless assaults of the four others. They were much quicker, biting, lashing, whipping him from every directions at the same time. He staggered under the hits, blood pouring out from every wound they inflicted him. "Why are they doing that to one of them?" gasped Clowney. "These wild beasts don't care... as long as they spill blood." grumbled the unknown guy. "They're disgusting."

They watched helplessly, disgusted by the show put before them. The guy trembled, barely holding on his paws, bloods streaming from everywhere, mixing with a darker fluid. His attacks were getting weaker with every strike until he fell limply, his eyes closing. He was so weakened that he could barely move. The others only spat at him and left, leaving him to die in his own blood. "Poor goy..." cried Clowney. "Don't have pity for him... he won't have." "What shall we do? Leave?" "Yeah... before they come back." "We should end him first." growled Squal "A wounded one is still dangerous. I'd rather see him dead." "Are you mad!" shouted his friends. "No... listen...I have a plan... the smell of blood is gonna attract them straight to here. If we stay in group we'll be an easier target for an entire pack. Swim low, stay in closed quarters and be careful. I'm gonna end this guy then... if one comes by I'll draw them of your back. If I'm not back in one hour I'm probably dead."

They didn't liked his plan, he could see it on their face they knew he was right but they didn't want to leave him to a probable death. Also maybe it was only him but he swore he had caught a glimpse of jealousy in their gaze. They probably thought he wanted to get all the rewards and glory for killing one. But Squal didn't want any reward or any glory what so ever. It took some time but in the end they accepted. They resigned themselves, took what he carried and left, diving straight in the depth of the canyon. Squal sneakily entered in the arena. The place was empty, excepting for the guy empting himself on the sands. Squal got closer, moving slowly and silently, making sure to do as less noise as possible. When he reached the guy he felt like he would throw up. His body was a mess of blood and torn apart flesh. Squal couldn't deny that he felt pity for the goy. "Poor being... slaughtered by his own kind." His claws came in contact with the guy's bleeding throat, ready to deliver the final blow. Suddenly the creature began to shake violently, coughing blood as its eyes snapped open, revealing ruby red orbs. Squal backed away. Too late the creature had detected him. His eyes lowered until they crossed his. Squal froze in place. He expected the creature to unexpectedly attack on him, using his relative lack of defense to slay him. He never imagine that what came next could even be possible. What he saw in these two gleaning orbs destabilized him. The fearsome beast seemed to be begging for help, his orbs staring insistently, glued to Squal's own. His jaws open, unveiling rows of deadly fangs. Blood sputtered from his throat, staining his chin in red. Squal, after some time of hesitation padded closer; lowering himself until he could hear, through the disgusting gurgling noises the few whimpered words. "Please... help..." "Help... you want me to help you?" growled Squal. The once monstrous beast reduced to a miserable mess nodded weakly. "What could force me to do that? I'd rather see you dead than have you snapping at me when you'll be healed. If you can heal anyway. Your wounds are deep and... worrying... you won't live much longer with all this blood spilled." "No... you have... no idea..." he gasped, choking on the blood in his throat "we're... tougher... than you imagine..." Squal raised an eyebrow. Was it a trick to tickle his curiosity or was he serious? What could he be meaning by that anyway? He knew from all the warning he got since his childhood that these monsters had sharp claws and fangs but above everything else a natural armor that could withstand almost everything. From what he remembered it was thanks to a several layers of thick scales, tough leathery skin and right below bony plates that formed like a protective shell. But even with all of that they weren't immortal and the injured one Squal was still staring at was at the gate to death. Or maybe... maybe they had other tricks up their sleeves. In the end his plan had worked and Squal was now to curious to end this beast's life. He snarled: lowering his claws to the ground. He clawed and lashed at the sandy floor to calm his nerves. His eyes lingered on his body for some time before he took his decision. "I'm gonna regret it..." he grumbled as he grabbed one of the few undamaged part of the monster: his spiked and finned tail. He dragged him along the sand. The thing squeaked behind him. He found a cavern in the canyon his friend had just took and let the beast fall on a slick rock. "There... you'll be safe... for now". No answer came this time. "Hey are you still a..." his words vanished in a gasp. Behind him the creature was almost fully coated in a thick black slime that leaked from his very scales. "What the hell..." squawked Squal, moving back. In five minute, the five longest minutes of his life the creature was entirely covered of this goop that started to dry, gaining in strength until it formed a thick shell Squal's claw didn't manage to break. Squal was sweating hard as what looked like a cocoon took shape before his eyes. "I'd better leave this place." He swam away as fast as he could, never looking back. As he slowed down two miles away thought flooded his empty mind "Is that there secret? Is he dead... or... regenerating himself? I'd rather not imagine what he'll do to me if he is healing himself right now. I should have killed him when I had the opportunity". When he reached all the other he found them anxiously looking for him he met up with them and only said one word "Dead...". They nodded and didn't ask any further question. When the elders learned about the whole adventure they ordered an instant retreat in the safety of the city and gave everyone involved two days off to calm down. They were glad that no one had been harmed but worried that the beasts could be still wandering in their hunting ground. When Squal came back home he was surprised to see a plate full of cold but tasty looking food and a small note near it. Will be late tonight. Have a good meal.

It wasn't in Thyan's habitude to be late like this for no reason. He always justified himself when he had any issue. However Squal was too busy thinking about the creature he had just seen to care about his friend's problems. He was surprised how similar looking they were to his kind. They just seemed more muscular, and far more deadly. This similarity disturbed him more than he could admit it. "It's strange... it was like I was staring at a random person... just with... sharper claws... and fangs... and regeneration capabilities... and a lust for blood..." The more he thought about it the stranger he found it. They were so similar yet so different. He sat in the couch, eating his meal. How was he gonna explain that to Thyay? Should he tell him? He had more than enough time to think about it.


Meanwhile Thyan was in a room that smelled disinfectant and other medical product that made him flinch. He hated the doctor's cabinet. He hated to be here, under the piercing gaze of the old doctor that had seen all his brothers and sisters since their youngest age.

"What brings you heRe?" he just asked. "I... I have a... itch I'd like to know more about." "An itch... hmmm... may I ask where it is exactly?" Thyan pointed down at his own gender. "Be more precise please." "Well... I've been feeling... weird there since... this morning."

"It will require a visual examination I think." said the doctor before getting up "Please le down on the examination table there." Thyan reluctantly obeyed. "Perfect... on your back now... yes... just like that. Now hold still." He felt the doctor's large but gentle paws slowly descend upon his gender. With two claws he opened his slit wide, dipping a third one in. Thyan flinched and whimpered. "Hmmm... penis unharmed... a bit dirty..." ok.... Balls... healthy and... hmmm... empty... you've been busy." he mumbled as his other paw groped his nuts. Thyan said nothing, trembling nervously. "Stay calm it's almost over. Hmm... ah!... that's interesting..." he grumbled "hmmm... it has been used recently. Hymen... broken, flesh scraped... clit..." Thyan screamed from a light touch on a small nub of muscles. "Sensitive.... It's done... I have what I wanted to know." he said, removing his paws. Thyan got on trembling paws. "What is the diagnostic doc?" "You're perfectly fine." "What... but..." "Let me finish. You're fine physically... you've just lost your virginity." "My... virginity... but... I've lost it a while ago!" "Actually yes but we're not talking of the same thing.... Sit down and let me explain you."

Thyan obeyed, terrified by what the man could announce him. "I have convened you to an appointment five years ago but you never came." "Yeah... was quite busy back then." mumbled Thyan, perfectly aware of this letter he had received and had instantly peed on before throwing it into the garbage can. "You see... your family has a long history of having a slight... particularity. A particular feature that makes you very unique. I've dug deep and it goes back to your oldest ancestors..." "Tell me what it is?" "Hermaphrodites..." "You mean..." "Yes... you're a herm." "God no..." "Thankfully the one who used you did it before you entered heat." "Heat! But... I've never..." "Because you never used it, never stimulated this part of your body." "No... never..." "Well... now you'll have to deal with that. And before you ask there is no way to remove it." Thyan listened to the few advices the doc gave before leaving. Night came quicker than he expected and as he climbed the stairs he wondered if he should have told Squal before they did a regrettable mistake. However when he faced him his courage had melted away; beside Squal wasn't even listening. When bed time came he expected his mate to join him but no one came. He fell asleep alone for the first time in one month, too tired to even call him. The next morning he found him in his old bed, sleeping on the old bedsheets that none of them dared to clean since he moved to Thyan's room. It's only once he woke him up that he learned about the day before' events, Squal pretending he had awful nightmares all night and didn't wanted to bother his friend with that. Thyan felt like these words were only empty lies but he said nothing, too busy with his own growing problems to even care. His new found pussy was burning with desire. The thick scent emanating from Squal was driving him insane with lust. Days past like this, the gap between them stretching with each passing minutes. Both of them hiding a secret they couldn't reveal to the other without risking to break everything up. Even though Squal was supposed to stay home he left several time, going to an unknown location. Thyan was worried. Was his mate cheating on him? He didn't know the darker truth. Everyday Squal went back to the cave. The first day he only saw the cocoon. He thought that the thing was definitely gone, dead.

Moreover, when he left an hour later he heard the thing crack. Before he had time to run away it blew up, throwing sharpened shards in all directions. Thankfully none harmed him. He looked behind his shoulder to see the beast lying on its back, eyes closed, breathing slow and regular. All the worst wounds had closed themselves and the blood flow had of course stopped. The only things remaining where light, only cuts and bruised, some bite marks and a few deeper ones in his side that looked like a claw swipe. The most worrying was a broken paw making a strange angle. Squal sighed and tended to the beast's injuries; using all the bandages he had brought to cover the wounds. It was a special type made to resist the constant assaults of salted water. Made in a thick alga they resisted to almost everything. He strapped his paws in several layer of it, holding it in a much better position. Before leaving he decided to do another thing: he grabbed a thick collar he had brought to and put it around the beast's neck. It fitted perfectly. The thing was tied to a chain and a thick pick that could be attached to something else. He buried it under several heavy rocks and only then left.

The next morning he came back right after dawn. He had left while Thyan was still sleeping to avoid having to justify why he was leaving again this early. The seas had adopted a gorgeous panel of orange and gold shimmering color. He found the cave silent and calm. From the inside he could see nothing; everything was plunged in a deep darkness that his piercing eyes couldn't penetrate. His sonar sent him nothing. It was like the place was empty. With relief he entered. The stench of the beast was impregnating every cubic centimeter of water around him. He went to toe back of the cave yet he could distinguish nothing in the dark. It felt to him like he was swimming in a thick soap. His paws finally found the chain. At the exact second he touched the tough steel the chain slip away between his claws. "What the..." he whispered, nervous. In the dark two small points appeared, two gleaning red orbs staring directly at him. "Oh shit..." he winced. He walked back, wanting to avoid being too close from these too fiery spheres. His back roughly hit the stone behind him. He had nowhere else to go; he was stuck. Was it all... a trap? He snapped his eyes shut thinking his last hour had come. The beast attacked jumping on the defenseless prey ahead of him. Squal's muscles tightened in anticipation; he could already feel the claws tearing in his flesh, ripping him apart. A loud clinging noise made him open an eye just in time to hear the beast wince, gasp and fall limply flat on its belly at his feet. He stared for some time at the creature; it looked like it was angry, his wrath going beyond what Squal could imagine. Yet he was still stuck, the chain attached to his neck blocking him. He tried to lash at Squal with all he had but his fangs only closed on bare air, his claws missing their target. Relief washed over his body. He knew for sure that if he stayed here he would be out of harm. "Oh look at that... the little baby is angry... how cute" he dared to taunt the creature. "Say that just once again and I can promise you that when I'll be free of these chains I will tear you apart. 'Then I'll make sure to not release you soon." 'You'd better free me now before I kill you!" "No offence but you're a bit stuck. I think myself a bit... out of reach." "Sadly..." They stayed there; sitting or swimming around, staring at each other. They were tensed and nervous, their claws unsheathed and scraping along the rocky ground. Squal couldn't move; the monster was blocking the only way out. After some time a deep gurgle broke the silence. "Someone is hungry?" "You have no idea... can't hunt by myself with your fucking chains around me." "Point taken" admitted Squal "thankfully I have something just for you" "Really. May I ask what it is?"

Squal smiled deviously before getting rid of a bag he had been carrying all along. The beast kept glancing at him suspiciously, all his muscles bent and tensed to their limits. Squal felt increasingly nervous, his guts were almost yelling at him to run away while he had the opportunity to do so. Slowly he opened the bags, revealing some more bandages and medical supply and, hidden in a small basket some medium sized fishes. Instantly he heard the chain cling as the creature happily moved around, his tail widely swishing behind him. A sly smile drew on Squal's lips as he handed the fish to the fearsome beast. His paws were still uncontrollably shaking as he did so. The thing patiently waited until he came closer; his sense of danger becoming nuts. A terrifying growl echoed through the cavern. Afraid he dropped the fish that slowly fell in the water. White claws sprang out of the shadow, grabbing onto the fish before pulling it away. Squal was breathing hard, standing on shaky paws that barely held him up. He could hear the beast noisily devouring the fish somewhere in the darkness. The two blazing crimson which he had lost sight for a brief second came back to him. After a long second he dared to look at them again. "Did he just... blinked at me?" he asked himself as one of the two orbs vanished for a split second. In less than ten seconds the first fish was eaten. Squal carefully grabbed the second and once again gave it to the creature. This time he was surprised to see the creature's bulky snout come in closer, his jaws opening, his long serpentine tongue slithering out like a snake, coiling around the fish before pulling it in. Squal watched, amazed by the beast. After another twenty seconds the thing opened its maws again, demanding another. Squal gladly gave it to him. This time he giggled as the creature ate it in his paws, his tongue dashing out; licking Squal's soft and sensitives paws. After some more time the snout came back, asking for more. "Sorry it's all that I have." Apologized Squal. "It will do..." purred the thing in delight; gently even if it was weird to admit, licking Squal's paws of any scrap staining them. "Wait... you can talk!" Shouted Squal finally realizing that the monstrous thing he had been fearing all this time had been talking to him in the same language. "Of course I do." He replied with a hint of obviousness in his voice "Why does it surprise you?" "Well I... nothing... just forget about what I just said." The thing just snorted. "So... what do we do now?" it asked, roaming around the cavern. "Well... I'd like to see if you're healing well..." "Go ahead then; it's not like I have other choices." He huffed, rolling on his back, exposing itself before Squal. Squal came closer, still nervous and unsure. Everything was so new and... weird; he still feared that the creature was simply tricking him; breaking through his defenses with his appearing gentleness just to finish him when he would thing himself safe. "You... you won't attack me right?" he asked in a squeaking voice. "No... not for now at least..." Squal gulped his saliva down and tended to the beast's injuries; cleaning them, changing the bandages, making sure the one around his paw was still tightly wrapped. As he had just finished he sighed; preparing to reach back out of the creature's range his eyes fell on the collar. He hesitated, observing the tough steel for an eternity. He took a deep inhale and moved a strange mechanism on the black surface. In the following second some more of the chain was freed, giving the creature more room to move around. He rose up; satisfied but doubtful about what he had just done strong paws wrapped around him, pulling him in closer. He gasped, tried to squirm out of the tight grasp but the sheer force of the beast was too much for him and he could just watch as the beast dragged him in its direction. He expected the claws to cut his flesh, the fangs to pierce his veins, the tail to whip his scales but not to be pulled against softer yet still harsh scales and held in some kind of hug. He froze; what was it doing? He trembled as he was pressed against the warm belly; his head resting on the creature's broad muscular chest. The claws squeezing him tightly seemed gentle, not wanting to harm him. The creature's large snout descended upon him, curling at a strange angle to face him. "What are you going to do to me?" whined Squal in pure fear. No answer came. Instead a warm, agile tongue dashed across his neck. He gasped, shocked yet the tongue returned again and again, smearing a gooey, slimy saliva everywhere it touched. Squal couldn't hold a purr as the tongue caressed everywhere it felt good; like it knew where to touch to trigger Squal's pleasure. "Thanks..." whispered the creature's deep voice, almost squashing Squal as it hugged him with a renewed strength. Squal had raised all the eyebrows he had "Why are you surprised? You don't have the monopole of emotions and gratefulness." Squal had chuckled in answer. With the new knowledge of identical or almost at least language he talked with the beast... not much but enough to know its name: Stradavar. He observed the creature a long time, so curious bay his pretty form. Soon his attention was focused on his gender. He was a male by looking at the large sack dangling between his legs. Compared so Squal he had thick sheets to hide his cock, and his scent was purely intoxicating. When he tried to leave the creature tired everything to hold him close, finding every little excuses to have Squal near him. "Wait! Where are you going?" "Sorry... I have to leave... otherwise they'll notice I'm missing... and they'll come here eventually." "Will you come back?" it sighed, deceived. "Tomorrow; I promise." "Ok... but at least... unbound me..." he begged with adorable pleading eyes. "I... I Can't do that... you have to understand... I don't trust you enough to let you free..." "I understand." He grumbled with deception in his voice. Squal's guts were twisting painfully in regret. He came closer and gave Stradavar all the chain length he could "That's the best I can do." Apologized Squal. "This shall do... see you tomorrow I guess." "Yes... see you...". The next days he had troubles coming back but always managed to find some time to visit his protégé, feeding him with a few of his day's catches. Stradavar was recovering much quicker than he anticipated, his cuts had sealed themselves in no time; the only thing left was his broken wrist and paw. He could move around the cave and had even manage to make himself a comfortable bed using more tender stones and seaweeds to craft it. The fourth day as he came back from his work and another visit to Stradavar he ran head first into Aryna. "Oh... Squal I'm so... sorry..." she apologized when she saw him stagger back, his lips bleeding. "It's nothing... wasn't looking where I was going either." "Don't take the blame for me, it's my fault and only my fault." "Well at least I'm glad to see you." "Me too... you missed me... but I don't have time today." "We're all kinda in a hurry." "You have no idea." She passed near him. He took in the fragrance of flowers coming from her perfumes. "Oh... and... Squal..." "Yes..." "I'm sorry but I'll have to delate our date of tomorrow." "That's disappointing." "I'm sorry I had someone who died in my family yesterday and I'm pretty busy with all the funerals and stuff." "I understand." "What about we put it in... let's say... one week? Same day same hour same place." "I'll be there." he promised. As she vanished in the stairs Squal couldn't hold his frustration inside. He stormed in the apartment, growling and barking at everything in his way. It took Thyan a long time and a lot of loving licks to calm his mate down. Squal explained him the whole date planned with Aryna a few days ago that she had just deleted. Thyan understood but word couldn't comfort his friend. He knew that he was pent up, as much as he was but Squal aggressively refused that Thyan touched or even came close to his inner tight. Two days later as Squal arrived to the cave he was surprised to find his captive standing on his paws, walking around the cavern, attached to a longer chain Squal had found in an abandoned hangar. His paw had almost perfectly healed. When he saw him Stradavar smiled happily, revealing his long hooked fangs. Even if he had shown no sign of aggressiveness and had been pretty much obedient and... pretty gentle near him Squal never felt totally comfortable near this beast. As he came closer Stradavar naturally rolled on his back. He examined his paw. He was no doctor but he knew that he would soon be able to use it. Squal was relieved because he knew he would soon be over with this annoying problem. Slowly his gaze drifted toward his exposed gender. His thick sheets, his tip poking out in the open. Squal turned away. "Come on... don't be shy... I know you want it..." "Fuck of... not touching that." "Why are you resisting? It's obvious that you're pent up." "I can handle myself." grunted Squal, getting out of under the other male he was examining. Squal couldn't deny that the male's appendage looked big and would probably stuff him more than anything had done before, that he would have enough seed to quench his thirst and that his general looking was enough to make his member slide out of its hiding. Speaking of which it was already stirring from the scent floating in the water. "You see... your mind is strong but your body as already given up into the urge." "With you constantly teasing me it's easy to say." "Come on you know I'd gladly welcome you in if you want." purred Stradavar, his tail swishing from side to side. Squal knew about it. The male had made this offer countless time and more than once Squal had seen him eagerly raise his tail, putting his puckered hole on a gorgeous display. "I said no" growled Squal defensively. "Come on... don't be shy. From the scent on your scales I know you're not stranger to a few... male plays." he purred with a low purr. "Stay far from me." "Come on let me take care of that for you."

Squal hesitated but he knew he couldn't get back in town with a huge boner hanging out like that. "Fine... just... make it quick..." "As you wish. I won't have to work hard anyway?" "Why?" "Because you're already so close to cum." teased Stradavar, his snout poking at his hard flesh. Squal craned his neck to face his own throbbing meat. A constant stream of dark pre leaked from his tip, mixing with the surrounding water, giving it a strange inky color. "What's happening to me." whispered Squal.

Stradavar's tongue coiled around his shaft, squeezing it tightly as he aimed it toward his open maws. Fangs brushed against the sensitive flesh, triggering so many pleasurable sensations at the same time.

He moaned loudly, small bubbles fleeing toward the surface. He wasn't comfortable with so many razor sharped fangs nearing his maleness but the touch of Stradavar's tongue felt so delightful. He couldn't resist; the urge had grown far past what he could handle in a blink of an eye.

Squal trusted in the tight vice like grip, eager to cum. He moaned and grunted as his member sunk deeper in this so warm maws. This agile tongue slathered his gooey saliva everywhere as his tip was massaged by tight throat muscles. A throaty growl escaped Squal's maws as he rapidly grew edgy, his orgasm so close, seed threatening to burst from his cock. Like Stradavar had said it didn't took long before Squal's cock started throbbing, large veins bulging on all its surface. "Oh... oh yes... that's it... just like that." Below him Stradavar had his snout dipping in his drenched slit, taking in a scent that aroused his senses. For what he would have called a prey a week ago he had a very unusual scent that didn't match with what he was used to. It was too strong, too heavy, too musky, too... wild... for his kind. It was weird to find this kind of scent there. This find was disturbing but this mesmerizing stench kept his mind too focused on this cock to even bother himself with that. All the pre seed pooling in the back of his mouth, leaking in his throat every time he pushed Squal's tip inside past his gag reflex.

"Oh... oh I think... I'm gonna... cum!" howled Squal, bucking in this sloppy mouth. Stradavar had to close his eyes, fluids raining on his snout, coming from Squal's clamping slit as his knot popped in the open water. The cool water embracing it must have been too much for him. Squal roared out, slamming all he could in Stradavar mouth, forcing his length as far as he could in Stradavar's throat. He gasped in surprise but thought from there that nothing worst could happen to him. For the unlucky sea drake ha was so wrong. All of Squal's barbs flared at the same time, impaling his trachea, piercing it in every direction. He chocked, blood dripping in his stomach. The next second a geyser of thick seed flooded his belly. It didn't last long, like Squal had gave everything that he had in one powerful spurt. His barbs dislodged themselves from his flesh as his cock already softened in his throat, shrinking enough to allow air to flow in his stuffed passage. Squal pulled out with a needy moan, trembling on his paws, his claws digging in tender marine soil. "God... that was great..." he panted. He turned in Stradavar's direction to see the sea dragon lapping his snout with his forked tongue, wiping all the lubrication Squal had left there. "Are you... ok.... woah... didn't expect that to be so... intense." "Neither did I..." he grunted, massaging his throat." "Are you... ok?" "I'm fine... just... your barbs hurt quite a bit..." "Sorry... I... totally forgot about that." "Me too... but... it felt nice anyway. You really have a sweet seed... very fertile." "Thanks... I guess." "You know a lot of males of my tribe would be jealous of such a virile semen. All the females would be at your knees begging for you to breed them full of your clutch." "Sounds... exciting but... no... I should leave before they notice I'm missing." "With that the southern tides carry you to your destination safely." "Thanks... and... by the two thousands tentacles of the great Kraken what is that!" "Oh that... well... it's my cock." "Damn- it's... huge..." gasped Squal, staring helplessly at the thick rod of flesh. It was very unlikely, much different from all the cocks he had seen before. It had a pointy, quite an impressive length and girth, thick ridges and large swells like he had several knots along his length. Squal grimaced; how painful it must have been to be stretched by this monster. "I think you're... terrified." "Of course... I've... damn... didn't even imagined it was possible." "Well... now you know that it is." "Could I..." "No..." growled Stradavar "Why?" "I'd rather not let you close to this beauty." "Hmpf... attached to your little male pride?" "No... just... I don't think it is a good idea to let you taste my seed." "May I learn why?" "It has... weird effects... on horny drakes like you." "Yeah... now that you say this... I might not give it a try." "A wise choice." approved Stradavar. As he left Squal couldn't stop thought of the weird cock to infest his mind with curiosity and... eagerness. It could have looked dreadful at first, and Stradavar could pretend it tasted bad or something like that he would have appreciated to test it as Stradavar did with his. Perhaps he would try his luck with Stradavar tomorrow. "No... not gonna taste this filthy piece of meat. What am I thinking?" he grumbled, shaking his head in disbelief from his own weird thoughts. The next morning when Squal came back he imagined he would find Stradavar probably sleeping in the cave or shuffling around like he usually did. Instead he found it empty and silent. The bed was cold, no one had slept on it since maybe last night. He found the collar broke in two pieces on the other side of the cavern, the chain broken apart, the pick ripped from the wall; still attached to a big rock lump. Whatever had come was way stronger than he anticipated. Was it the four guys that left Stradavar for dead the first time that came back to finish the job. Stradavar was no defeanseless whelp he was sure of that but against four or even more opponent his chances were close to zero. Squal regretted to have left the chain on him. He didn't seem to think about leaving before he had fully recovered but Squal had kept him attached. However when he gave a closer look around he saw no traces of a fight, neither did he smelled blood in the air. So... what happened? The tender stone and sand floor was covered of claw marks, like someone had repeatedly stepped on it. Or perhaps... several people. He analyzed the chain. It had been broken, like someone had pulled it until the tough metal broke, twisting in the process. The pick had still a big lump of rock the size of his chest attached to it, like someone had literally pulled the wall with it instead of just dislodging it. The necklace was in the same state, twisted and torn apart, thrown far from the rest. From what it looked like he had been freed by someone... maybe his so called tribe. As he roamed around the cavern he noticed a symbol, a backward pointing arrow like etched in the stone. He followed it and noticed a round rock detaching from the rest, put on a thin rope. ,Squal grabbed it with caution, afraid of an eventual trap hidden below it. The rope was roughly wrapped around a small bag made of a single dark green alga leaf. When he opened it he discovered another leaf wrapped around an ovoid object. He unrolled it until a purplish object fell in his paw. His eyes grew wide when he recognized what it was: a gem; not a simple gem that anyone could find by digging a small hole in the sand, no; much better; a black gem, an almost pure, maybe perfect gem. "Where did he found that?" he gasped, trembling in shock. He looked at the slick leaf he was still holding between his claws. There was only one sentence, written with an unsure hand, like scribbled too quickly. He manage to read it "A small present for you. It's not much but I hope it is enough to thank you." Squal was breathless. He couldn't believe this. Slowly his eyes drifted to the first leaf and the tiny rope. Something was written there as well, but with a more sure hand. This one made a cold chill run down his spine.

Your benevolence will be known of your enemies', way before you meet them my friend. Stradavar.

He quickly left, fearing an ambush, holding the gem like his life depended of it. Only when he was in front of his door did he calmed down. Ge shoved the door open, bursting like a bullet in the living room, crying out his joy. Thyan jumped in surprise, waking him up from his slumber. "What the hell is that all about." he growled, displeased by this brutal awakening that added to his already terrible mood. "You'll never guess what I found in the ocean." "Something interesting enough to wake me up." "Oh... sorry" apologized Squal with a gentle nuzzle on his mate's cheek. "So... are you gonna show me your finding or are you gonna make me wait all day long?" "No... it's... right there."

When Squal revealed what he kept preciously hidden in his paw Thyan gasped, his eyes opening in surprise. "A black gem! Where did you find that?" "Just there... lying on the bottom of the sea." Instantly Thyan grabbed his paw, squeezing it in an incredibly strong grip. "Are you kidding me Squal." "Why... no.... What's wrong?" "No one has ever found a black gem that pure at our level for the last five hundred years." "Got lucky..." gasped Squal, trembling nervously. He started to regret. He should have prepared his little story better. He had totally forgot about Thyan's immense knowledge of their kind's story. "What are you hiding behind this pathetic lie Squal?" he hissed right in his ear. "What! I swear... I'm hiding nothing from you..." "Don't try to foul with me Squal... I'm pretty pissed off and you know how I can be when I'm angry." Squal gulped down his saliva. He had to fight back. "And you..." Thyan flinched. "You've been acting weirdly for the past week." "As much as you did." spat Thyan in return. They realized they were going into a dead end like this.

Squal was panicking, a strange tingle was spreading through his body, getting stronger by the second. "Oh qod... not now" he whimpered. He needed to calm down before he started shifting again. "We're getting nowhere like this..." "Agreed... so start speaking now..." "You... you first..." protested Thyan. They chuckled nervously, adding to the weird situation. It was their first real argument, something they couldn't sold with a few rounds of vigorous pounding. "Who..." finally growled Thyan. "Who what?" "Who are you with?" "I... I don't get it. Do you insinuate that I'm cheating on you?" "That's it little rat." That was too much for Squal, in rage he shoved his mate back. His strength went beyond what he originally planned and Thyan landed on a table that broke under his weight. "How dare you!" he cried, spanking his friend harshly "Do you think my love is only makeshift!?" "I've been having doubts since... quite recently." "Thyan... I love you... I'd... I'd never do that to you." I swear on my life I'd never betray you for another male." "So... what are you hiding in that case?" Rumbled Thyan as he slowly left the pile of debris he was sprawled in. Squal at first said nothing, keeping his mouth sealed, not in defiance, not to hide his past actions but just to calm down and deal with this pesky tingle in his guts. He knew he wouldn't get out of this angry spiral between them if he kept silence. He sighed and mumbled. "You're right on something at least... I've met someone..." "I knew..." "But not the kind of person you imagine. It was... not a very respectable person"." "Could you be clearer?"

Squal walked to the couch where he took a sit, facing his mate and he started counting the events of the past week. He didn't stop until he had finished, leaving no time for Thyan to ask all the pressing questions burning his lips. As Squal whispered his story on a so low tone he had to perk his ears to understand it his face lost color, his jaws stood gaping, breathless. It felt like time had stopped at the first word Squal said. "You... you've saved one. Why?" "I don't know why I did that... I just felt... like it was the rightest thing." "You could have died... he could have killed you..." "I know. To be honest... I planned to end him at first but I... I hesitated. It was pure weakness from me..." "Thankfully he did nothing to you Squal... but it was a risky foolish trial anyway." "I know." "What happened to this... Stradavar?" "He vanished... probably yesterday after I left." "And he gave you this gem right?" "Yes... as a present. He left me two small note too." "What did they say?"

Squal recited what the first said to Thyan's surprise "A grateful monster... that's unusual. What did the second said?" When Squal whispered it this time Thyan shivereed. "I've already heard that somewhere. It can have two meanings if I remember right. Either it means he find you weak and that he simply warns you that you are doomed my friend." "Doomed..." hiccupped Squal. "Yes... they seek easy prey... and if they think you're weak they would chase you anywhere you go." "And the other meaning?" "The second one is... much better in my opinion but makes no sense knowing their savage nature. He can mean that his gratefulness to you is eternal and that he would probably keep you away from his kind. This one... I really have doubt it but if I'm right you're one hell of a lucky drake. In the other case you're so screwed my friend." A dead silence followed his last sentence.

"Is that all Squal? I mean... it's quite the tale you told me... but it doesn't justify all your weird behaviors of last week. "Well... there is also... something else." admitted Squal "but first... tell me... what has been bothering you for the past week?" "Well... I've discovered... something about myself and my whole family by the way... something I've been struggling with for the last few days. I wanted to tell you but... never found the courage to do it." "What is this so bothering thing?" "I'll tell you... but only once you've finished your own story." "Fine..." grumbled Squal "How to put that?" "Keep it as simple as possible." "I'll try..."

Squal wanted for some time, trying his hardest to choose the best words possible. "Well... since I mated you... I've been feeling different." "It's normal after your first time." "No... not like that. I mean... I... I have changed." "Thank you captain obvious I had noticed that." "Would you stop interrupting me all the time please." growled Squal. He took a second to chill out then continued. "I mean I've... shifted..." "Ok... now I'm lost." mumbled Thyan, scratching his head. "I know... it... it might sound weird but it's true." "I trust you... but... It's really hard to imagine. What do you mean exactly by shifting? Is it some kind of transformation?" "Kinda... I've been changing... physically, growing...." "Could you show me these... changed parts of yours?" "Well... its kinda embarrassing." stammered Squal, his tail covering his gender twitching in all direction like a sinuous snake. "Come on... you've never been shy around me... so show me the source of your predicament."

Squal sighed and moved his tail out of the way, exposing himself to his mate's lusty gaze. "Damn... I didn't expect... that kind of change." whispered Thyan, closing the gap between them. "Can I...?" Squal nodded. A mischievous smile spread across his lips Thyan extended a paw, his claws gently touching the taut skin of his sack. Slowly the rest of his paws made contact with his balls, cupping the two fat orbs in his palm. "They're... definitely bigger." he admitted "You must be so pent up with all this seed trapped inside you." "I manage to deal with it for now." purred Squal as Thyan's grip shifted, grabbing more firmly to his sack. "And this scent... I never smelled something so potent." Yeah... it's quite intoxicating sometime." "I hope you have the cock to go with this nuts." murred Thyan, daring a lick, his tongue quickly dashing over the sensitive skin. "Stop that Thyan.". His mate didn't listen, instead pressing his nostrils against the heavy sack, taking deeply in his sharp musk. His tongue slipped out of his mouth, going below his pouch, bathing it ,in his thick and warm saliva until they were covered in a slimy coat. Squal was helplessly panted, aroused by his mate's treatment. Thyan guide a nut in his mouth, slathering it in saliva, suckling greedily on it like he could extract the tasty juices it held. He went from one nut to the other, trapping Squal in a constant teasing. His slit became increasingly wetter, ashen liquids pouring on his scales, covering his crotch in a glinting blanket of lubrication, a heated liquid which smells quickly drew Thyan's attention to his Lover's slit. "Oh... it seems full of promises too..." moaned Thyaan. "No... don't touch that." gasped Squal. His advice came way too late; Thyan had already lurched forward, pinning him to the couch, pressing his own neither to his soaked one. His cock was hard add constantly dripping his aqueous precum on his belly. His tip entered the tight and warm sanctuary of his slit, forcing more of his lube out.

Squal gasped, feeling this prehensile flesh push further, mashing against his hardening spire. He moaned blissfully, his eyes flushed with glee as his last resistance fell. Thyan smiled cutely, trusting lightly in Squal's rift until a huge mast coming from deep inside this hot shelter pushing him out. He retreated himself, leaving Squal's slit gaping, a black tip peeking out. He watched the growing length emerged in the open. It took a bit longer before Squal managed to relax enough to let his knot spill out with a large amount of natural lube that made the pool on his chest overflow, leaking along his sides in stick rivulets. "Oh my... that's quite a gorgeous tool you have there." "You... you like it?" groaned Squal, trusting against his mate's belly, his lubed member sliding along his scales, smearing his liquid heat on his body. "I love it... can't wait to have it inside me." "Do you really plan on... taking this?" "Yes... I'm sure it will fit nicely." purred Thyan, grinding his messy slit against the slickened flesh, drawing little moans from Squal. Thyan moaned his newly found vagina so sensitive. He had listened to the doctor's advices but nothing could prepare him from the brutal, tricky arrival of heat. He didn't know he was so close to one and when it hit him right in the face in the morning five days ago he could do nothing else than moan helplessly, moving around with his tail raised high and uncontrollably masturbate when the crave got too strong,. His juices flowing out of his cunt carried a smell that had all males staring at him in need. More than once he had thought he would trigger an orgy just with his sweet smell lingering wherever he went but the other held their instincts better than he did himself. He had manage to not lash at Squal and impale himself on his pole for this whole time but it couldn't wait any longer. "Thyan..." called Squal "Thyan... you're dripping something..." "I know..." he purred, describing circling motions with his hips. "Are you peeing on me or something like that?" "No... it's... much better."

A second later Squal's nostrils flared, catching a strong wife of femininity close to him. How was it possible? It took time to link the two things together. "Thyan... you are..." "A herm... yes... your little herm begging for you to take her..." "How?" "Thanks to you my friend. You awoke the hidden desires of my body. A crave... that just wants you to quench it." "No... no... Thyan... wait! We shouldn't do..." "Oh shut up and fuck me already." growled Squal, incapable of stopping his ragging lust. He rapidly lowered himself, impaling him on the thick cock. He cried out in bliss, joined by a deep rumble of Squal as he shoved everything he could inside his tight tunnel. Thyaan let himself go, lying on Squal's strong belly, moaning as the cock shot its pre deep inside his hole. Srual was trembling, trying to resist the tides of pleasure dragging him toward the edge.

He growled in need, his body urging him to breed this tight hole. His restrain were gone as he slammed hard and fast, pounding away in this slick hole massaging his length.

After a complete week of abstinence his natural urges had taken the lead and after five minute of ruthless humping the felt already about to burst.

He slammed harder in the quivering hole, howling in bliss as seed shot in thick jet out of his cock. His muscles weakened. A large bulge pressed against his own belly. "Oh... I'm so... full..." moaned Thyan. "More... give me more..." he begged, his muscles milking Squal's cock to the last drop of seed. As his brain cleared from the surge of lust he realized what he had just done. Panic overwhelmed his mind. He shoved Thyan away, dislodging his member from his vagina, his dark seed spurting out. "Oh no... Thyan... are you ok?" "I'm fine... never felt so full before... but why did you pull out." "We shouldn't have done this." whined Squal in despair.

Terror held him in its cold embrace. What had he done to his friend? Had he infected him? Was his friend in an immediate danger because of him? He stepped back, paralyzed by fear. He didn't realize yet that the annoying tingle had spread to his entire body until a dull ache replaced it. "What the..." he mumbled, falling flat on his belly. "Squal... are you ok over there?" grumbled Thyan. "No... It... it hurts." "What hurts?"

Thyan rolled on his back, his eyes widening in shock. "Squal... you're bleeding." Squal felt the trickle of blood traveling down his snout. He reached out with a paw; a red droplet fell on the tip of his claw, closely followed by a darker globe. "Oh no..." he winced. His words ended in an ear splitting shriek; his claws suddenly lengthened, splitting the top of his toes. His fins elongated to match his growing paws. Scales shifted to black.

The transformation spread through his body, his belly turning to black, thickening, forming an impenetrable armor of blackness on his entire body. His belly turned to an ash shade. All his body grew bigger, his bones stretching, crackling ane merging together, adapting to his new body. Muscles swelled, bulging under his thickening leathery skin. After his paws came his limbs, his tail that became twice as long and thick, his tail fin stretching to fit. The rest of his body soon followed, his rib cage felt like blowing, shredded to pieces before rebuilding itself, becoming larger, broadening his chest. His spine lengthened as did his neck, cutting his breath for a while.

The painful changes kept going through his body, slowly, ever so slowly, each bone, each inch of flesh becoming something else in an unbearable pain. He managed to stand on his paws even though his body kept breaking apart. Blood poured from wounds that appeared then vanished in a second, covering him in a mix of vermillion red and shiny blackness. His voice had deepened, his senset seemed to have improved but they were still so numb to work properly. Thyan had been staring at the pile of merging flesh that had once been his mate, so afraid that he had ran to cover behind some piece of furniture, his body shaking so violently that it became painful. When Squal rose on his paws he looked like crap, bleeding everywhere, oozing this disgusting dark goo that leaked on the floor. With a half transformed face he turned his bulging eyes in his direction. Thyan didn't know if he was begging for help or just staring at him emptily. His Jaws cracked open but only a few deep growls came out. In this mess of incoherent sounds Thyan only understand one word "...sorry..." then Squal left; running out by a door both of them had forgot to close.

Thyan jumped on his paws trying to catch up with his friend. But once he reached the entrance to their home he had already vanished, gone away too far, out of view. Squal fell more than he descended the stairs. He ran, ran through the thankfully streets, praying for no guard to stand in his way. More time than he could count he had to stop, screaming in pain as a part of his body painfully changed, either it was his spines growing longer, or some more bones polling or breaking he didn't really know. Everything was vanishing in a haze of suffering. He didn't really knew where he was heading, he just hopped it was far from this place. Strong paws wrapped around his chest, squeezing him tightly. "Where do you think you're going?" growled a deep familiar voice. Through the haze of his transforming eyes he discovered the brightness of pearlescent white scales. His numb brain took ages to recognize the strong dragon holding him high above the ground. "Ray..." "No time to talk... not yet.... Come with me and don't make a single noise understood." Squal tried to talk but only a plethora of growls got past his lips. "If you can't talk, just nod. Do you understand?" Squal vigorously nodded. Raynhor grumbled a few more words then began walking, turning left in a dark alley. Squal followed, each step unsure than the previous. Raynhor stopped in front of a wall. Squal raised a quizzical eyebrow. What was he doing? Raynhor deviously smirked and pressed a brick. It sunk an inch in the wall then came back in its original position as the wall divided into two sections that slowly moved to the side, revealing a dark hole, going underneath the ground, vanishing in what seemed to be a black hole. Few sparkles of light drew a terrifying way in. "Go in there." ordered Raynhor. Squal backed away. "I said go in there." Squal bared his forming fangs. "Pathetic child..." growled Raynhor a pitch louder "Do you want to get yourself killed or do you wish to stay alive." "Alive..." whimpered Squal in answer, bowing before the bigger dragon. "Then go in this god damn hole... and don't look back." Squal submissively obeyed, walking on the first step of a long stair going down, straight to the abys. "Perfect... now walk away and don't look back. Understood?" "Yes... but... Raynhor... what is happening to me? Please... tell me?" "I don't have time for this shit. Let's just say... that it's either a curse... or a blessing... it's up to you." This answer did nothing to help Squal feel any better. He was left no other choice as the door closed before his very eyes. "Well... I guess I have no choice." he thought for himself, engaging into the dark path. The place was cold, the air carried smells of the sea and dead creatures. He grimaced, sinking deeper in the dark corridor. The only light came from amber crystals

He didn't know how long he spent walking in this corridor, looking for an exit that never came. He came to a stop, his guts tightening. He arched his back. A loud roar escaped from his throat as a powerful surge of growth struck him right in the face. Flesh burst in all direction, spines piercing his scales, and so many other things happening at the same time he couldn't feel them all. His muscles weakened so much he had to crawl on the cold floor. His senses were so dumb he smelled felt or saw only a blur in which he could distinct nothing precise. However when one of his own paws came across his pour vision range he froze. It had shrunk back to its original size, everything looked fine and just... normal. The only difference was his black scaled body stained in deep red blood but everything had gone back to its original state. Maybe it had been a temporary effect whatever it was, whatever it came from. The weakness in his body was still there and the rhythmic pounding of his muscles still made him spasm on the floor but he was in a much better shape than two minutes ago. He kept going forward until he met another stair, this one going up. He climbed it slowly, digging in the tender mortar to keep himself from falling all the wan down. He stopped in front of a large wooden hatch. It looked old, made of thick wood, old rusty metal and huge nails. It was probably heavy.

His first time gave nothing, the heavy hatch didn't move at all. The second time it moved slightly, making all the accumulated dust fell on his head. He coughed in the greyish clouds. The third time it opened enough to allow a thin light to enter right before the hatch fell again with a loud noise as it slammed in its lodgment. The fourth time he tried with all his remaining forces, desperate to see the light again. This time it opened, like it had been lighter than a plume. He leaped in the light, filing his lungs with the cleaner air. He had no time to savor this fleeing sensation of freedom something large and strong grabbed to one of his forelegs. In a flash he was on his back, rolling in the sand as something pinned him down; forcing him still under the greatest force he had ever seen. He was roughly pulled away from the hatch by an uncaring hand, dragged along the rough terrain, his back bumping in every piece of rock. To pure air succeeded water. He gagged when he was forced to shift from one breathing system to another. It seemed to awake the tingling dizzying sensation in his flesh. He was let down. He thhught he could get up but it was hopeless. Other pairs of what felt like claws lashed at him, digging in his flesh, forcing all his limbs in an uncomfortable position. He struggled against his captor's grasp but they wouldn't move a slightest bit. Something came near to his face, a black form that in an instant filled the entirety of his sight. A hot breath washed over his face, or a torrent of bubbles did. The stream of thin bubbles got lower, aiming at his ear. "Your benevolence will be known of your enemies... way before you meet them my friend." gently whispered the voice. All of Squal's body tensed when he recognized the words. "St... Stradavar! What are you doing here?" "Taking care of business..." "What do you... mean..." growled Squal. Stradavar tried to reply but was cut short by some strange rumbling and gurgling noises. He lowered his snout until it was hovering just above Squal's body. He was like shivering yet it wasn't cold. Veins bulged beneath the skin. "Something... is... very wrong with this guy." Hissed a drake as he took a step back. "Don't stay near this freak I don't feel it..." growled another, adopting a defensive stance. "Smells fishy indeed..." he confirmed; his instincts were yelling to him to get out; to leave this dude here and save his own scales before it was too late. Sadly before Stradavar could understand what was happening and where did this strange sensation of insecurity, of something big coming; Squal had imploded, flesh surging in all direction at the same time, lashing like thick tendrils at everyone in range. The group holding Squal in place moved bcak to avoid the twisted tentacles. A cloud of blood swallowed them all, filling their nostrils with a mix of metallic blood and rancid flesh, their eyes became blind, only able to see red. In their ears only echoed the sound of Squal's bone chilling cries. He had almost completely vanished, reduced to a vague black form convulsing on the floor, drenched in its own repugnant mess. Stradavar hadn't move, grimacing under the restless assaults of flesh and muscles spurting in every direction, his face was drenched in blood and goo as his eyes remained glued to the changing frame before him. His heart didn't skipped a beat, he just simply stopped functioning. His breath was stuck in his throat, like he was trying to hold it inside. Fear crept beneath his skin like never before. Stradavar had never been a fighter and the sight of blood always disgusted him since his childhood. But there it was too much for him, his guts were twisting in painful knots, acrid flood oozing from his throat.

After a so long time; or maybe just a minute it finally ended in a weak series of whimper before Squal collapsed on the ground. Stradavar swallowed what threatened to get out of his maws. "Is everyone alright?" he whimpered, shaken by what he had just witnessed. Deep pestered growls answered him. He couldn't move his eyes away from the unconscious creature a mere inch away from his claws. "Ok... just... just grab him... and bring him to the tribe." he sputtered with a trembling voice, finally gathering enough strength to stop staring. The other reluctantly obeyed, grabbing Squal by a different limb and lifting him off the ground. "Let's go... before someone notices that." winced Stradavar, the content of his bowels threatening to spill on the sandy ocean floor. A paw gently rubbed his shoulder. He followed the group on weavy paws, in aan half-awake state.

"By all the gods above... what has happened to you?" he thought, the dreadful memories passing again and again in his head as they walked away.

END of part 2

What will happen to Squal? Where is Stradavar bringing him? What is the cause of his transformation?

Will Thyan get some payback on his boss? Will he see his beloved mate again? Will their mating have unintended consequences on him too?

What has caused all the previous events?

To find out read the third and final chapter of "In the depth".


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[REWORKED] In the depth - Chapter 1

In the depth Chapter 1 The emerald surface of the sea, peaceful yet dangerous, calm yet impetuous. Both an incredible and respected food giver but also a mighty force to be reckoned with, a ruthless killer that swallow the braves and the fishers...

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In the depth - chapter 3

In the depth Chapter three. Everything was only pain and chaos, a confusing mess of mixed feelings forming an explosive cocktail flowing in his veins. He could hear nothing, feel nothing; smell nothing. He was only a pile of barely living flesh and...

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In the depth - chapter 2 (1/2)

In the depth Chapter 2 Part one Squal slowly opened his eyes. At first he only saw darkness around him and felt under his numb paw the contact of a soft bedsheet. As he crawled out of sleep he became aware of his surroundings. His eyes adapted to...

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