In the depth - chapter 2 (1/2)

Story by Yvaslo1 on SoFurry

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#2 of Feral stories

Hi everyone. this is the second part of three of "in the depth".

It wasn't supposed to be that long both in time and length but i really love writing about the two main characters of this story.

In this first part of the second chapter Squal and Thyan enjoy there love to each other, going through several small issues for one delightful month until some events come disturbing their peaceful life .

As always please vote, fav and comment if you liked it and put a watch if you want to see more of my writtings.

In the depth

Chapter 2

Part one

Squal slowly opened his eyes. At first he only saw darkness around him and felt under his numb paw the contact of a soft bedsheet. As he crawled out of sleep he became aware of his surroundings. His eyes adapted to the lack of any light, his muscles slowly distended. He felt a heavy weight against his chest. He soon realized it was just Thyan's head lying on his favorite spot. His mate was lying beside him, tightly curled in a ball with only his neck extended and his heavy head resting on Squal's own body. Squal smiled as he watched upon his mate with care. His chest was slowly rising and falling and a wide goofy smile was spread over his lips. Squal smiled in return, gently rubbing his mate's snout. He looked at the slightly gleaning clock. Nine A.m. The information took time to be integrated by his brain. Nine O'clock... shit Thyan was going to be late. He squirmed out of his mate's grasp and turned a bright yellow lamp on. He whined when light flooded his eyes. He closed them and jumped from the bed, using his sonar to find his way through the messy room. His sonar acted simply but was the best thing he had to lead himself when his eyes were useless. It send little imperceptible sound waves around him that would bounce on surrounding thick object and come back to him, offering him a precise view at a 360° angle.

"Squal... turn off the light... I'm trying to sleep." grumbled Thyan in his sleep, turning the other side to avoid the blinding light. Squal ignored him.

"Squal... tour off this god damn light!" he growled. Squal kept silence and went one step further, pressing the curtain's opening command. A bright blueish light flooded the room, forcing him to turn away to. "What don't you understand in the word sleep?!" "Come on, you gut sack wake up you're gonna be late." "Noe more minute mam..." he grumbled ironically, hiding his face under a pillow.

Squal jumped back on the bed that squeaked under his weight. "Wakey wakey..." "Go eat your cock I want to sleep!" "I'd rather eat yours for breakfast." "Don't even think about it..." hissed Thyan defensively. "So get on your paws you're gonna be late." "They can wait a bit... it's not like the company is going to bankrupt without me." "Thyan... don't force me to do this or you're gonna regret it." "Don't... even think about it." "You've been warned." sighed Squal as he dove straight between his mate's hindlegs, his tongue already oud stuck in his friend's slit. He heard him gasp above him, a sharp squirt of clear liquid gushed out of his depth, soaking Squal's snout in his natural lubrication. He stiffened his muscles, tried to shove Squal away but his tongue kept sliding in deeper, dabbing swiftly at his sensitive flesh. His insides wetted, fluids oozing from his opened slit, spilling around Squal's swift and agile tongue.

Thyan couldn't hold a blissful moan as his friend kept digging in the layers of flesh and muscles that formed his slit until his tongue entered in contact with his limp member sheltered in the warm comfort of his slit. "No... not that... please... stop... I'm up... I'm up!" he shouted, trying his hardest to shove the horny male away from his genitals. But it was useless he knew nothing was strong enough to dislodge Squal from his soaked slit. Once he tasted masculinity; his in particular he became so eager for more that no one could stop him from getting what he wanted.

However Thyan tried to resist the ruthless assaults of his mate, clamped his jaws shut to silence his moans, clenched all the muscles of his slit with all his might to deny this intruder inside, tried to ignore this so hot and agile fleshy appendage dashing over this so sensitive rift, daring to sneak in his now soapy depth. He trembled, pleasure rapidly increasing until he could take it anymore and let out a lusty moan as his member sprang out of its hiding.

Without any hesitation Squal open his mouth wide and engulf the whole thing in the warm and inviting shelter of his maws. Thyan couldn't hold back any longer and began to hump his friend's mouth, taking the lead of what he had been trying to stop an instant before. Squal purred deeply, eyes half closed to enjoy the sensation of this meaty organ sliding in deeper with each forceful trust Thyan gave. Thyan was enraptured in a second, groaning and grunting as he drove his prehensile length in his mate sloppy maws, a mix of saliva and pre seed leaked on the side of his mate's mouth as he pushed his cock further, deeper. The wet sounds Squal made only encouraged him to fuck his mouth harder.

Yet Thyan tried to resist the tide of pleasure slowly taking over him, his claws curled inward, his muscles stiffening. His two paws that had been holding to his mate's head gripped to it with more strength like he was trying to squeeze it like a fruit. At the same time he seemed to try to shove it away from his throbbing dick. Thyan was divided, cut into two: his rational mind tried to keep him out of the haze of his own lust, reminding him constantly that he shouldn't have been doing this; that he should stop it now; leave while his body still allowed it and go to work and try to forget everything that was currently happening and; more important hold his storming lust back until some more appropriate times. But his more animalistic brain so flushed with lust wasn't thinking the same way; instead it was filling his head with more arousing thought that kept him hard and eager. He let out a loud moan as he felt his loins tighten, aching with the raw need to cum. He felt so close to the edge but he didn't want to cum. He gritted his jaws and tried to focus but the haze of lust kept swallowing back in a heated heaven.

He gathered all the remaining strength he had and tried to form some words. Only a gasp escaped his numb throat as Squal doubled vigor on sucking his cock. He shut his eyes and let out a long moan and trusts harder in his friend's mouth.

He shook his head hardly and finally managed to form a few words "Squal... stop... please stop... I'm about to...." Of course his words fell on deaf hears. Squal didn't even heard what he said; too far gone already. He had succumbed to his own desires so long ago. Thyan, after another moan of the purest pleasure began to pull at his mate's snout. Squal let out a muffed squeal and tried his hardest to stay tightly pressed against his mate's penis. Thyan doubled his efforts and; after an endless minute of struggles over his own flesh he pushes Squal backward. His mate was forced to let go of his burning hot flesh, strands of gooey saliva linking them. Thyan retreated back, hiding his stiff member behind the cover of his tail. He whined when the heated organ came brushing against his belly, leaving damp gooey trails behind. "*gasp* what is wrong with..." tried to grunt Squal as he rolled on his paws; not realizing he was a bit too close from the edge of the bed. Thyan saw his friend vanish as he fell from the bed. A loud thump shook the now silent room. "Squal... are you ok?" "Yes... I'm fine...." he grumbled. He got on his paws, shaking his head to clear his thoughts "Damn... what is wrong with you?" "I just don't want to cum..." whispered Thyan as he jumped from the bed with his still rock-hard erection. "Why?" "Because if I do I'm gonna stay hard all day." "As you wish." grunted Squal, deceived of his mate's behavior. "I'd rather get ready." "Do you want me to prepare your breakfast?" "If you don't mind." They left the room in silence. Squal immediately went to the kitchen to tend to their breakfast while Thyan took a shower.

Under the hot jets of water he closes his eyes, trying to calm his panting breath.

"Oh... Squal... why do you have to be so good at this..." he moaned, his cock slapping against his belly, begging for attention.

Thyan tried to ignore it, to suppress the need burning in his loins. He knew that when he was started like Squal did to him, nothing could stop his lust. It had happened twice already. The first time it was three days after he was hired. He had woken up with a huge throbbing morning wood that didn't want to go down. Squal had nicely offered to take care of it... but once it was done he stayed hard, lust clouding his judgment. They ended up breeding each other in the living room. When he had looked at the clock he had realized he was so late. He left Squal sleeping in a pool of their mixed essence and ran through the city to get to his work; not realizing he was still covered of dried streaks of seed. Sadly for him he ran in his boss that seemed to be waiting for him in the hall. "Sorry sir... please accepts my excuses... I got a little trouble... and... didn't see time... and ..." his boss had raised a paw and smiled to him. "I understand Thyan" his webbed paw fell on Thyan's shoulder and gripped it tightly, making Thyan whine and bend in discomfort "But it must not happen again... understood?" "Yes... sir..." he squealed. "Great... I hope you understand why?" "Yes... Sir... it won't happen again... promised. You have my words." "Perfect... I'm glad you understand." He let go of Thyan's shoulder and added. "You should head to the bathroom immediately you're... quite dirty." Thyan had looked below him to discover his belly covered of dried seed. Was it his or Squal's essence? He didn't know. His cheeks flushed red with shame. "Sorry... sir... a... a little... accident."

"I understand... don't worry." he answered with a warm smile "I had quite a few male plays too in my young years." Thyan turned around, looking for the bathroom's door when his boss stepped on his tail, making him squeal in pain. "However Thyan... it must not happen again... am I clear?" "Yeas..." Fine... otherwise I'd be forced to take drastic mesures. It would be a shame if I had to fire you already." He stepped aside, letting Thyan run to the bathroom. He had quickly cleaned himsebf and got to work like nothing had happened. But... some time later it happened again. This time it was entirely his fault; he succumbed to his fiery lust and, when he should have been preparing for work instead jumped on his friend, pinned him to the ground and bred him wildly on the carpet of their living room. After his first orgasm he had let his gaze wander in the room until it fell on the clock. When he saw the pretty advanced hour he gasped, dislodged himself from his mate's massaging tailhole, leaving him gaping and dripping with his seed, and ran off. He quickly realized he was still hard and throbbing rapidly. So he spent most of his time on his way to his work hiding his raging boner and muffing his needy moans. When he haad finally arrived to his work he prayed to avoid his boss but he stomped on him by behind, pressing his tail to the ground, making him whine he pain. "Late again are we?" "I'm sorry sir... I... I didn't hear my alarm this morning."

"Are you sure? Because I see a completely different story. I think you enjoyed your mate's company a bit too much...". Thyan gasped, and lowered his head. "Please... don't fire me... I really need this job..." he begged, tears wetting his eyes. "I give you ten minutes to get rid of this. You'd better hurry." Once again he rushed to the bathroom and locked himself up in one of the free stalls. Thankfully the place was empty; he could take care of his business. He stared at his bobbing erection for some time. He tried to calm his panting breath. He closed his eyes and, behind his closed eyelids a frame materialized. He could see himself coming back home and; when he entered their bedroom it was to find him on their bed in an enticing position: on his back, his neither region exposed for Thyan's pleasure, his prehensile penis already out and drizzling pre all over his blue belly, his hole already gaping and quivering eagerly for him.

Just The sight of his mate's eagerness displayed before him is enough to send him over the edge. He aimed his cock down and, with a loud moan he was incapable to suppress he let his seed burst freely from his tip, splattering in the toilet below him.

He left the stall with a strange feeling inside him, a sensation of emptiness. His desires were fulfilled yet he felt like something was missing.

"Are you done in there? You have work to do." Thyan wanted to answer yet No sound came out of his mouth.

"Thyan are you ok?" once again words caught in his throat. The door creaked open on his boss' face. Thyan looked away. "What's wrong?" His boss came closer and put a hand on his shoulder. Instantly Thyan broke in tear, falling in his boss's harms. "Ok... calm down... what's wrong?" "Don't fire me please..." he cried, holding tightly to the grey dragon. "*gasp* calm down Thyan... there is no need to panic... I'm not gonna fire you... not yet at least. "You mean...?" "I just have to keep some serious and discipline here. You're doing a great job it would be a pain for me if I had to get rid of you." While he talked he slowly forced Thyan to sit against a wall. "Listen... I'm only that harsh with you because... well... I dug into your past Thyan..." Thyan instantly tensed "Relax... I do this for every of my employees; but what I found is... really embarrassing for my company. You imagine if someone learned that I hired an ancient... forgive me for that... a whore... it will give my company a bad reputation. I think you understand." "Yes..." whined Thyan, covering his moist slit with his tail. "Listen... if you're late again... ok... I won't kick you out for that... as long as it doesn't happen too often. But if you come to work one last time with cum on you or with your member out... or if someone reports me seeing you masturbating or sucking yourself at work..." he hissed, pointing a claw at Thyan's throat who gasped in shock, his eyes snapping open "Yes because some of your colleagues already saw you doing this twice." "I... I was... I was so pent up." he protests. "It's not the problem. The problem is that your office isn't the proper place for relieving your needs!" he shouted "If you're caught again or if you dare to come with a boner then you can take your things ane live. Is it clear for you?" "Yes... Sir..." His boss helped him get up and left him in front of his office. And now... this day... it was going to happen again. He got out of the shower, water dripping from all his body. He raised a hind paw and took a quick glance at his gender. His maleness was still out, throbbing rapidly, urging him to do something about this itching thing. He wanted to blow his load so badly but he knew Squal would never forgive him if he released without his help. So he just finished preparing himself, made sure his claws were well cut and shiny; that no scrap of meat from their last meal was still in between two teeth; that all his scales looked pristine and was perfectly clean before he finally opened the door. He found Squal near the table; staring at his own plate, drooling in anticipation before the appetizing meal he just prepared. Thyan came sitting in front of his mate and began to eat. I! was delicious,; like always. However Thyan soon noticed that his friend hadn't touched to his meal even though thick saliva had begun leaking from the corner of his lips. "You're not eating?" Askad Thyan. "No... I'm not hungry... not of food at least." "God damn it Squal I said no! You know I'm gonna be fired If I go there with a droplet of seed on me." "Or with a boner I know. But... come on... don't tell me you don't want it as much as I do." "I do Squal... trust me if I could I would spend my day fucking you all over the apartment but I have to go to work." "Sadly..." "Come on... don't be grumpy we need this money." "I know..." Thyan got up and walked toward the door. "Stop!!!" yelled Squal. Thyan jumped in surprise "What?" he stammered, looking at his friend with an intrigued stare. "They don't want you to arrive with a boner right?" "Yes... and..." "And didn't you forget something?" "No... I don't think..." "Are you sure?" Ask Squal, coming closer to his mate, making him grow increasingly nervous. "Yes... I'm sure... all my things are there... I'm clean... I... I... I don't know." "And that?" growls Squal, shoving his snout in his mate's chest, forcing him to topple over, exposing his twitching erection to the view "I... I... I thought it had got down..." "Aparently not." spits Squal, baring his fangs. "What are you gonna do to me?" Whined Thyan in distress. "Depends of you. Either you let me take care of this for you and it will all go smoothly. Or you try to resist and I can't promise you'll leave with your cock in one piece."

Thyan gasped, terrified. From his lying position he could see the hard prehensile flesh aimed at him, spewinh viscous pre seed. He looked higher and met his mate's eyes.They were filled with a mix of lust and anger. "I... I don't want to get hornier..." "Why would you get hornier if I release your seed?" "I know myself Squal... I... I know that I can grow eager... pretty rapidly. And... also I know you!" "What?... What do you mean?" "Don't pretend to be innocent. You are so eager for seed. I'd never imagined you'd be craving for my cock like this." "I like how it looks like; how it tastes, how it feels inside me..." "Yeah... but I have never seen a male so ravenous when it comes to cock." "You taste so sweet..."whimpers Squal "But don't try to draw my attention. What shall we do for this little thing?" he asked, letting a claw caress the sensitive flesh, earning long whines of pleasure. "Don't touch it." growls Thyan defensively. squal pinned the prehensile slickened member, making him whine in pain. "So... what do you want to do? Lose one minuter and be satisfied or leave and risk to be fired?" "I... I know you Squal... when you'll have tasted it you won't stop until I'm dry." "No... I can hold myself." "Oh really; allow me to doubt of that." "I promise I'll just finish You off; you have my word." "Can I believe that?" "You can... so... what do you say?" "D... do... it..." he whined, laying back, bracing for what was to come. He didn't have to wait long. Squal jumped on him, holding him still as his agile tongue coiled around his erect cock, guiding it into his warm maws. Thyan moaned loudly at the first contact against his mate's mouth. His claws curled inward as he jerked higher, stuffing his mate's mouth with his length. Squal giggles happily, suckling hard and fast on Thyan's member.

Thyan's eyes roll back as pleasure floods his veins. "Oh... damn... you're so... good... keep going... I'm gonna... oh yes!..." shouted Thyan, seed rushing in his bloated cock. Unknown to Thyan Squal smiled, burying his friend's cock deeper in his mouth but still keeping him out of his throat. "I'm gonna..." yelled Thyan. Squal closes his eyes, feeling the first spurts of seed filling his mouth. He purred in bliss; swallowing the warm seed. Thyan opened his eyes to see his friend gulping down all the semen he fed him with. His orgasm didn't last and he soon found himself softening, the last few weak spurts of cum he had splattered on his mate's tongue. Squal, as much as he wanted to enjoy the moment a bit longer decided to go against his raging lust and released his mate's shrinking cock. He stared at the limp piece of flesh as it retreated in Thyan's slit.

Squal was panting hard, his brain flushed with lust; his cock bobbing and slapping his belly, leaving trails of gooey warmth on his scales. Thyan's breathing was quick and irregular. Squal could hear the beating his heart from where he was. Shyan was staring at him, his brain probably blanking from the sheer amount of pleasure he received, his eyes filled with glee; his tongue hanging out on the side of his maw. "Oh... you taste so sweet..." moaned Squal shivering in pure bliss. Thyan seemed to instantly wake from his lust addled state and covered his private parts. "Come on get on your paws and get to work... and bring us all this shiny money..." he cooed, rubbing his snout with his mate. "And... and you?" asked Thyan; shivering io an obvious need. "Don't worry about me... I can tend to my own needs." purred Squal with a quick lick on his mate's nose. "And don't think too much about me... I want to keep all your seed for tonight." he whispered teasingly. "Tonight... do you have something planned?" "I have a lot of things planned for you... but it's a secret... a gift only for you. But you'll have to wait until tonight." "Well then... see you..." whispered Thyay with a swift kiss on his mate's cheek before he turned away. When the door closed behind him Squal sighed in relief. "Damn... thought he wasn't going to leave." He carefully locked the door and flopped on the nearest couch, his snout facing his own flesh demanding all his attention. "Now let's take care of you...". Slowly he lowered a paw until his claws touched the bare flesh. He moaned loudly, pre squirting out of his tip. He felt his tailhole clench and quiver in need. "Oh Thyan... I feel so empty without you..." he whined, stroking his hard cock. He took it slowly at first, stroking and jerking himself with slow and swift motions; his paws slickened by all the pre seed coating it. He shivered in bliss, pleasure flushing his brain. After some time he was moaning and groaning in pleasure. But he let go of his throbbing flesh. It felt good to masturbated and he felt already so close to the edge but something lacked, something was missing; a sensation of emptiness grew inside him. He grunted and jumped on his paws and went to his old room. The place felt close and empty; even his scent had vanished. He roamed in his things until he found a large wooden box. Nervously he looked behind him but the apartment was empty and silent. He slowly opened the box. Inside, nestled in a case of red velour was a blue dildo. Squal carefully took it out and observed it under the light. "Beautiful..." he whispered; staring at the large cock. It was a magnificent ocean blue color. It was a striking foot long with a pointed tip. The length had more girth than Thyan's cock had. The whole length was covered of barbs and had rows of thick ridges on the underside and the already large base was gifted with a knot that made him drool in anticipation.

The whole thing was simply huge; made of a slick rubber. Squal looked inside the box again and found; hidden below a bottle full of a whitish liquid. Squal, intrigued; cracked it open. The liquid had an enticing smell that made him feel lighter. Curious he let a droplet fall on one of his claws and with cautions tasted it. When it touched his tongue he felt a strange tingle spray throughout his body. He felt suddenly unbearably hot and horny. "Damn... this shit is powerful..." he moaned, his cock twitching below him begging for attention. He panted, staring at the dildo that he had put on his old bed. It looked so big. Squal moaned in anticipation, imagining how good it would feel insjee of him, how it would stretch him; probably more than Thyan ever did. He took it with a trembling paw and poured a good amount of liquid on the tapered length.

He went back to the living room; holding the slick dildo in his mouth and jumped back on the couch he had just left.

His tailhole clenched in need. He wanted so badly to be filled; to have this huge thing inside him; he couldn't wait any longer. One of his forepaws slowly traveled down his flank, slowly rubbing the soft scales on his way until he reached his puckered hole. He was shivering uncontrollably in anticipation. He opened the bottle again and poured a generous amount of the liquid on his claws, purring in delight just from the idea of what he was about to do.

He prodded at his anus with a claw tip, rubbing the tight entrance of his passage. Instantly he jerked his body forward, pleasure surging from his sensitive hole as his toes touched it. The liquid smeared in his passage had incredible effects. His cock grew increasingly stiffer as seed threatened to erupt from his bloated tip. His passage clenched so hard and he had barely stimulated himself. He pulled out his two claws. He was panting hardly; lust flushing his brain with an unstoppable urge to cum. He looked at the ridged dildo covered of the same fluids and moaned like a little submissive bitch needy for a big juicy cock. Without further hesitation he forcefully penetrated himself with the thick dildo. He cried out in pleasure as the thing stretched him way further than any cock did before. The thing slipped from his hand; only burying itself deeper inside him like it had a mind of it's own. Squal couldn't control his body anymore. The paw that held to the base of the dildo drove it straight in his anus. He whined in an explosive mix of rippling pain and a pleasure he had never felt before. He trusted forward; impaling himself on the large dildo stuffing his ass; the knot kissing against his entrance. He noticed, protruding from the Dildo a strange button. What was that thing there for? He focused on it and noticed little writings around it. On the top right he saw "OFF"; right below he read "On/LOW". He wondered what it could mean. Just below he discovered "HIGH".

He turned the button to the first setting. A strange vibration sprayed throughout his body; making his hole tingle and quiver in a very unusual way. The large dildo buried in his guts triggered little moans and whines as his sensitive flesh was teased by the constant vibration.

"Damn... that feels... so... good..." he panted, his cock throbbing and twitching; squirting precum all over his belly."I wonder..." he mumbled, gasping for breath, staring at the thick dildo plowing his hole. With a trembling paw he turned the button to the last and highest setting. He cried out in bliss, pure pleasure shooting through his entire body. "Oh... by all the gods above!" he roared as he came right away. He had no time to brace himself for what was to come. The intense vibration was way too much for his sensitive flesh. He was already so close to reach his peak, the unbearable sensation of the dildo both vibrating and trusting inside him made all his body arched in need, impaling himself on the large pole. In an instant he broke loose, his whole frame tensed for a brief second then went numb, his muscles weakening in a flash as torrents of fresh warm seed exploded from his member, so hard it splashed directly on his face; some of it coating his eyes in a sticky veil; the stench of it assaulting his flared nostrils; the taste invaded his opened mouth with the flood of product of his own lust. He felt like he was about to die from the sheer amount of pleasure unleashed in his body. His balls throbbed with how much seed they kept producing.

His orgasm lasted long; a long minute of heated ecstatic heaven before it finally died out. He pulled the thick dildo from his now loosened tailhole and switched it off; panting on the couch, basking in the afterglow of what was probably the most intense orgasm of his life yet.

If he enjoyed it Thyan would probably fall in love for this thing. "Thyan is gonna love you..." he whispered to the thing like it could hear him.

He got up and went back to his room where he put back the dildo it its comfy box and hide it under a pile of old stuff. "So... let's get everything ready for tonight." He told himself; shivering in sheer anticipation. Thyan won't see this one coming and surely he would enjoy it. "But first... maybe I could use a little shower..." he grumbled; curling his neck to watch his cum soaked belly.

After some time under the hot jet of water he came out with a happy grin sprayed across his face. He began to clean their little cozy place from the floor to the ceiling; tidying the bed for their next fun time, and doing so many other things that it would take too long to lit them all down. While he prepared the same joy kept him smiling. He was so happy. He had never imagined that he would be so happy in a male's harms; that he would feel so much pleasure with a male's dick; that even the sight of this long apendage of the thick musky scent Thyan was constantly radiating would turn him on; that he would so ravenously feast on a load of male's creamy essence.

But one month ago Thyan started; maybe without knowing it a new lust; a desire that nothing could stop now that it was awake. Squal was eager, more than he had ever been and the crave only kept growing. Since the first time they mated he had be, wanting, begging for more. He loved how his mate's prehensile maleness felt inside him; how it tasted; how it grew and throbbed when he touched it; how fast he could make him blow his load with the simple contact of his tongue. All of it was incredibly pleasurable for him and he hadn't even bred him like he had at first wanted. He had quickly learned to love the sensation of this meaty cock sliding inside him and he had been too demanding to care about his old dominance.

However his thought slowly shifted drifting toward what happened since they shared their love for the first time.

He had woken up the next morning with so many strange and completely new feelings blowing his mind. He felt awkward, his tailhole was still gaping from his first ever penetration; seed oozing from his depth. He felt good yet bad at the same time. He tried to escape Thyan' loving embrace but only managed to wake him up. Thyan groaned as his eyes opened, directly plunging into his. When he tried to kiss him Squal squirmed away from him; leaving him alone on the carpet of the living room. Many hours later when he dared to come to Squal and have a talk he went straight for the hot topic. "If you didn't like it you didn't have to stick close to me all night." "What..." gasped Squal. "If you didn't like what we did last night you could have left or refused instead of running away like this." "No... no Thyay... you're all wrong... I liked it... I enjoyed it... every second of it felt good. Better than I'd imagine anyway." "So why are you avoiding me since this morning?" "Well... I... I feel weird... after that... I... I need to... tell myself I did it..." "You'll get over it easily don't worry.". Thyan came even closer and gave him a gentle smile. "Can I kiss you without you running away like a coward?" "Yes... I think." Thyan' lips slowly made contact with his right cheek, slowly moving toward his lips. Squal hesitated for some time; his eyes going from his roommate's face to the ground. He took a deep breath and answered to the kiss, his lips joining with his mate. They spent the next to days exploring the other body, finding the most pleasurable spot, what they loved the most; and above all they mated like wild animals. After just the first day their bed was stained with their seed; so deeply that even after washing it it kept their combined scent. So they finished what they had started. Squal always did that to whoever he matead with. This time it was Thyan's turn to be shy and uncomfortable with what happened to him. Squal had dragged him in their room and; when he was inside threw him on their bed, face first in their pillows and pinned him to the bed. Thyaay was too weak to shove him away and just gasped when the hot jet of yellow urine hit his scales. Squal didn't lose a single second and began to spray his liquid waste over his friend. The stench that some might have found disgusting smelled sweet for him. He went everywhere, his pee coating Thyan in a filthy coat. No part of him was forgotten and he found himself lying in a pool of Squal's urine. It was Squal's kinks. He loved to mark his mates with his scent, making sure that everyone that would come after him would smell it and know this person had already been claimed. Usually he did it after mating after his last and often most powerful orgasm, while he was still deeply lodged in a female he would his bladder empty inside her. Some would gasp, struggle and sometime force him to dismount them. They would scream at him, tried to lash at his face but he was stronger and would almost every time manage to get on top of them again and spray his scent on their swollen pussy. Some other would moan in pleasure as he'd fill their cunt with his pee. And sometime he would get some reward. Some female would return the favor and coat his penis and balls in their own scent. Their burning hot pee raining on his dick would be enough to make him cum right on the spot, fill^ing their pussy with more of his fertile seed.

However this time it was a male that he had pinned under his claws. He covered every scale in yellow piss; even coaxing his cock out of its slit to mark it too. When he was done with him Thyan only got on his paws and left the room. Squal first thought he was displeased, that he hated been marked; that he may should have asked before doing it. He was pleasantly surprised when Thyan rammed himself into him, shoving him on the side. Before he could recover Thyan had forced his cock in his slit and had unleashed a torrent of briny piss in his mate's sanctuary. Squal couldn't even breath, too shocked and aroused to even react. He could just stare, panting harshly as Thyan pane him go through the same treatment that Squal had inflicted him earlier.

He watched as the hot pee oozed from his slit. Thyan pulled out, leaving his slit gaping and oozing as he kept marking him. Soon his tailhole received the same treatment, covered of hot liquid. He slowly went higher, smearing more urine on his belly. The stream of dark yellow pee seemed endless as it reached his neck. He was growing nervous. How many gallons of pee did he have in his bladder? He observed as the large member has slowly coated his whole neck in piss. When it splashed on his face he snarled. Not in disgust but in surprise. The scent was incredibly strong. Thyan stopped; his half hard cock facing Squal's snout, pee dribbling from the tip. "Drink..." he growled. "Hey didn't make you swallow mine so keep it far from my..." his sentence ended in a loud gurgling noise as Thyan stuffed his cock in Squal's maw, making his cheeks bulge with all the pee he filled it with. Squal didn't want to swallow this nasty liquid and let it dribble down his chin. Thyan huffed loudly and forced his length down Squal's throat. He had no choice but to swallow it all. He grimaced through the thick cock buried in his mouth. Yet Thyan kept peeing. He couldn't breathe by his mouth or nostrils. He prayed for it to end soon. Finally the stream slowly turned into a weak trickle of warm pee. Thyan dislodged himself from Squal maw. They stared at each other, chuckling and giggling. Thyan opened his maws to talk but was instantly shut off by an invading tongue.

When Squal had awaken again the following morning he discovered himself lying side by side with Thyan in a large pool of a mix of urine and sperm. He grunted as he rolled on his paws, his body covered of this mess. "Great... I'm good for another shower." he grumbled, sniffing at his soaked scales "*grrr* and a long one..." he huffed in disgust, the scent so strong he felt like fainting.

He went directly to the bathroom and entered in the shower. The hot jets of water were enough to wash the mess sticking to his whole frame but the smell kept clinging to his scales even after emptying an entire bottle of soap on his scales. Everything was mossy and foggy, a warm haze surrounding him. He felt a cold gust of wind, like someone had opened the door but he had closed it... well... he thought he had closed it. "Hello sweetie!" shouted a happy voice that made him shiver in delight "Do you have so space left for me in there?" "Well... look by yourself... I think we can fit your fat ass in there."

Thyan happily joined him in the moist and hot atmosphere of their shower. There wasn't enough space to mate so they just cleaned themselves, their paws rubbing on the other's body, their tongue entwined in their locked mouth.

They took their time, enjoying this moment of closeness and affection. Spending time without mating felt good to them. The sensation of ice cold water falling on them abruptly forced them to break their deep kiss. "Well... I think we've emptied our daily hot water stock." "Sad but totally worse it." Replied Squal, jumping out of the shower, shaking himself like a dog to get rid of all the water on his pristine scales. "What do you plan on doing today?" asked Thyan "breeding me?" he added with excitement piercing in his voice. "Nope... I think I'll clean this mess first" answered Squal, pointing a claw at the large yellow pool near the couch "Then I'll have to go to the doctor I have a visit to go through today... you know the complete check stuff... they I'll go to my work and see if they still want me." "They'll never throw you away you're irreplaceable dude." shouted Thyan, affectionately rubbing his snout against Squal's neck. "Thanks Thyan... but flattering won't save you from cleaning all this. It's your fault too." "Well... half my fault." "Still half so you'd have to help me." "Well... let's fill our belly with something else than seed first then we'll see about it." "Ok I cook" said Squal, running in the kitchen. "As you wish." Whispered Thyan.

They ate in silence, savoring the tasty meal Squal just cooked for them. They had barely finished washing all the dirty dishes when someone knocked hard at their door. They stopped and exchanged a surprised look. "Who can it be?" whispered Squal. "I don't like it..." mumbled Thyan "I have a gut feeling its bad... like... really bad..." "Yes... me too..." Squal slowly walked to the door, looked at himself in a mirror, took a deep breath, put k´n a warm smile and opened the door. His smile instantly vanished from his face. In the corridor was standing an older drake coated in crimson red scales, wearing a really pissed off expression, his once beautiful amber eyes literally piercing through Squal like he wasn't existing. This old drake was simply the owner of the apartment they were renting. "*Gasp* Mister Hirsh... what can I do..." "Shut up I don't have all day. Where is your friend?" Squal didn't answer. "Where is this huge cunt that own me money?!" he roared.

"I'm here..." squeaked Thyan. "There you are, you little whore.... Where is my money?" "I... I... I don't have it sir..." "Are you kidding me? I warned you... I told you I don't tolerate payment delay." "I... I know sir... but... I... I couldn't find it all sir..." He grumbled something none of them could understand. "Fine... just because you haven't done too much mess and never tried to trick me in four years so I'll give you some time." They both sighed in relief. "You have three days..." growled the owner. "Three days... no more no less. And if you don't have all the missing money or if one coin is missing I kick you out of here myself understood?" "Yes... sir..." squeaked Thyan pitifully. "Well then... see you in three days... and you'd better have all that you own me." Thyan retreated behind Squal, trembling in fear. The drake snorted and left, walking away in the silent corridor. Squal shook his head and closed the door. "Whatever..." he told himself. "We are so screwed!" screamed Thyan, falling limply against the door, streams of tears rolling down his cheeks. "No... don't say that... we still have time." "Three days... three fucking days... where are we going to find all this money in three days?"

"Well... I still have my month of salary to go claim today..." Thyan giggled hysterically. "Won't be enough... far from it. What will you get anyway after almost a month of sickness? One hundred coins." "Not much more I think... but the previous hunts were good... might get a small bonus. Let's say... something around one hundred and fifty." "It's so far from what we need..." winced Thyan, burying his snout in his mate's chest. "How many do we need?" "Four hundred..." growled Thyan.

"What... but you told me two days ago that we had just enough..." "Yeah I said that... but I had to pay the electricity and water..." "We could have lived without it for a little while..." "Are you sure of what you say. Look around Squal! Look at all the mess we made.... I'd better look clean and smell good if I have to go out and find myself a job." "Point taken..." grumbled Squal. "Speaking of which when will you do so and find one?" "Well... I don't know" "If you want to keep your bed you'd better start today!" shouted Squal, shaking Thyan hardly. "You... you're right... but... how could I find enough money in three days?"

Squal was asking himself the same question. Slowly their gaze turned to the heavy book Thyan once used to notify all his customers. "No... no..." he squealed "I don't want to do this again...." The flow of his tears only increased. "I know... and you won't have to..." "What do you mean?" "I promisyou won't have to raise your tail for anyone... except me of course." "Thank you Squal..." he whispered, grinding his snout against Squal's chest. "Just... don't you have any of these guy that own you money?" "Maybe one or two... not much more. There is... the guy from the other night... but I don't even know his name." "Will be hard to find him in that case." "I'd better try my luck and find a suitable job." They quickly cleaned their apartment and left it ten minute after, separating in the hall after one last tender kiss. They went on their own path, Squal heading to his doctor for what would probably be a boring visit. Surprisingly he was wrong and in no time it was done. The doctor seemed happy to see him in a better state. He agreed to Squal going back to work, just warning him to be careful and not exhaust himself at work the first few days.

Then he headed to his work's headquarter. It was a kinda small buildiq located near the borders of the city surrounded by a large courtyard full of creates of fish ready to be delivered. When his collegs saw him they jumped in him, pressing him into the ground under their restless affection. They assaulted them of questions. He answered some, ducking some others and; after a long time he managed to squirm out of their affectionate grasp.

The meeting with his boss was surprisingly warm and welcoming. The guy seemed to be in a good mood. When Squal entered in his office the old drake hugged him close to his chest, rubbing the young blushing hunter. Squal knew he was appreciated from his boss and maybe he could take advantage of this. When his boss learned that he could go back to work he let out all his contained joy. He wanted to celebrate Squal's return properly. He called his assistant aand ordered her to bring them a bottle to celebrate. Squal wanted to protest but his boss didn't listen and in the blink of an eye he found himself with a large glass in his webbed paw filled to the brim with an amber liquid. He almost never Drank alcohol therefore the taste made him grimace, the sensation of the liquid falling down h^,s throat felt awkward, like his flesh was melting. But the warmth it flooded him with felt good.

His boss agreed to him coming back and gave him the money he owned him. But one little detail made Squal gasp. His boss wanted to impose him a day off per week. Squal was afraid it would be counted in his total salary but his boss wiped his worries away. He had already concluded a bargain with Squal without him knowing it. He would be paid like before but he'd have to work harder the other days. Squal was happy with this turn of even and returned to their apartment with his tail raised upward swaying widely behind him. He was almost dancing in happiness in the middle of the street; earning surprised or suspicious glares from the other bystanders. Sadly Thyan came back in the evening with nothing.

He kept trying the next three days but found nothing; no one wanted him; no one needed someone to hire. He was desperate to find a job but all doors were closing before him. When the third day came Thyan was depressed to a point where he didn't even wanted to get off the bed. Squal tried to convince him, to comfort him but it was like his words fell on deaf ears. Squal sighed and grabbed his mate by the tail; tugging at it until he squeaked. Squal dragged him behind him, his tail fin slapping his face repeatedly; trying to make him loosean his grip but Squal held on.

Thyan kept struggling and fighting back until Squal dropped him in the middle of the living room. "Come on get on your paws before I rip your balls from you..." "Ok ok I'm up..." growled Thyan "Even if I'd prefer stay in bed." "Come on... we can try to negotiate..." "Negotiate! With this guy! Are you crazy Squal! He'd rather throw us by the window more than listening to your pleas." "We can still try."

An hour later the owner of the apartment came knocking at their door in his usual hard and rough manner. "Well... I think it's time..." sighed Thyan depressed.

Squal gulped down his saliva and opened. Instantly he saw a devious grin on the owner's face. "Well... by the look on both your fuck faces I guess you don't have the money you own me." "Some is still missing..." replied Squal, eyes lowered to the ground. "How much...? Tell me... I might be forgiving." "A bit more than half." His grin instantly vanished. "Are you kidding me!" he roared "I warned you didn't I..." he spat angrily. "We know... and we apologize for it... but... we couldn't gather all the money in time... please... leave us three more days. "Be careful runt you don't want me to get angry." he growled; showing his fearsome fangs. "So you'd better pack all your..."

A loud sound cut him short, coming from the inside of the appartment. It was like a phone ringing. "What are you waiting for? Go answer... when you still have time..."

Thyan vanished inside and grabbed the "interphone". "Hello... what do you want... oh... brother... yeah... yeah sure... hold on... I'll open for you..."

He came back with a sly smile on his lips. "My brother is coming..." he announced to Squal. "I hope he has the missing money." "You'll see... soon enough." chuckled Squal mischievously. "What is that supposed to mean?" he hissed, his claws scratching the carpet. "You'll see..." repeated Squal, a grind slowly spraying on his face. "It better be a bad joke of yours otherwise I'll call the guards... and trust me I can make sure you never see daylight.

"The guards... they are already here!" shouted a deep, very familiar voice coming from the staircase. The drake froze in surprise, his face losing all color; all his anger pushed to the side, replaced by utter fear. His gaze slowly, ever too slowly to the side.

Squal was delighted when he heard the dragon gasp. He didn't even have to look at what was terrifying the apartment owner. He knew an impressive frame was standing on top of the staircase; blocking the only way out with his size. When Squal slowly turned his gaze, following the same direction the now trembling drake did he was glad to be met by the large perfectly white form of an immense see dragon. His whole body was a pearlescent white, pure unlike many creature could pretend to be. The only things that disturbed this gorgeous display of purity were some thin black marks much like tattoos. The one on his face looked like little traits following the outlines of his face, some underlining his cobalt blue eyes with a thin black curve. The whole thing formed like a second face over his own. Long swirls were covering his neck; tail and legs to his paws that were heavily marked by some as weird and unusual tattoos that kept going until his very claws. Surprisingly his claws, horns, fangs and the spikes on his back and tail were the same deep blackness. Speaking of his claws they were long, longer than what Squal was used to see, forming a long curve to the tip, sharp enough that a single touch from there edge was enough to cut through scales and skin as thick as it might have been. His fangs were as deadly; even his thick muscular tail was capable of breaking bones with ease.

Raynhor imposing form moved in their direction with slow measured steps. "Gentlemen what is the problem?" he asked with an apparent calm and appeasing voice "What is the cause of such trouble?" "These two guys own me they rent sir." "And..." "And they are late in the payment and are asking for more time." "¹I see... however... is that a reason to make use of menaces like you did?" rumbled Raynhor, slowly baring his fangs aggressively. "Well... I just wanted to make sure that they'll understand the message." "Are you sure it's the best of way`?" "Maybe not... but it's the way that works the best." pitifully squeaked the drake, walking back one step after another under Raynhor's incendiary gaze. "Do you think its how you should talk to young people? Do you really think that menacing them before witnesses..." "Witnesses..." interrupted the apartment owner. "Yes... witnesses." hissed Raynhor, pointing a door next to Squal and Thyan. They all followed the direction the claw was pointing at and discovered their neighbor's door half open from where two eyes were spying at them. Squal gasped, his eyes bulging out when he dared to cross these two gleaning orbs. In the pitch dark opening he saw her smile before the door silently closed.

"Well... how much is missing exactly?" asked Raynhor, his eyes still glued to the apartment owner that was literally shrinking, lowering his snout to the ground. "Two hundred and fifty..." whispered Thyan. "On a rent of...?" "One thousand..." added Thyan, still too nervous to look at his brother. "Hmmm... did it happen before?" "No..." "Then... let's be forgiving. in that case I think it can wait until next month... don't you think?" grumbled Raynhor; one of his heavy forepaw landing on the other's tail. "Yes..." "And you two guys... will this man receive all the money you own him plus the usual rent?" The two drakes vigorously nodded. "Perfect... I think we can say this argument is settled..." Everyone sighed in relief. "May I go now?" asked a now high pitched voice. "Not yet... I'm not done with you." Everyone heard the drake whimper in primal fear. "You pretend you have a lot of connection... you pathetic little thing." spat Raynhor, tightening his grip on the tail. "Listen very carefully whelp... if you dare to mess with my little brother again I'll make sure you never see daylight again! I thiink a little visit in the pit will only be good for you." "No... no please..." "Then leave my brother and his..." he stopped and stared for a moment at Thyan then at Squal before a large toothy smile curled his lips "... and his mate alone... understood?" "Yes..." "Then run..." growled Raynhor. In a flash the guy had vanished in the stairs, living drops of vermillion blood behind."

Raynhor turned his bulky snout in their direction. At first his expression was as cold as an ice block slowly warmed up. "So... how is my little brother doing?" As his only answer Thyan jumped in his big brother's arms. He hugged him tightly, resting his snout against his soft yet muscular chest. "Woah... calm down...!" he shouted, laughing amusingly "Why such a display of affection?" "I missed you..." whined Thyan. "You too brother... you too..." he whispered in his ear. They entered in the apartment, still hugging affectionately. "So... how did you manage to put yourself in trouble?" asked Raynhor after leaving his brother on one of the couch of the living room. "Well... I got some... money issues..." "That I noticed... but how? For three years you managed to sustain yourself so what went wrong?" "Well... he had to pay my treatment which was very expensive." "I see..." mumbled Raynhor "speaking of which... how do you feel?" "Better than ever!" answered Squal with a wide grin spread across his face.

"Great... but it doesn't answer the main question. How did you manage to sustain yourself for three years? Because a hunter's job is well paid but not enough to pay this... quite nice looking place... aside from the smell at least." "Well... I... found... some sort of job..." mumbled Thyan. "Yeah... some kind of job." approved Squal, as nervous as his mate. "Oh really. I'm happy to know that. May I ask what kind of job it is?" "A... really... unusual job..." "Tell me more.... Where are you working?" "Well... mostly at home...?" "Hmmm... interesting; but why so many secrets? Are you ashamed of what you're doing?" "No... no... not at all... it's just... you know... professional secret and confidential stuff..." "That's sad...." At this precise moment Squal's heart skipped a beat. He had been searching for a way to get out of the tricky situation triggered by Raynhor's questions. His gaze had been lingering around the room, looking for something to distract Raynhor when they fell on a pile of large books on a table... right next to Raynhor. He felt like something trying to pierce his scales, to probe the depth of his soul. "Hmmm... what are these for...?" asked Raynhor as he took hold of the first one. Thyan didn't instantly react like Squal would expect him to do. Instead he seemed to be blanking out, staring at the book in his brother's paw with his lower jaws hanging open. "Oh... looks like an account book... you were always good with numbers weren't you..." "Yeah... kinda... otherwise I wouldn't have studied them..." "You're right..." agreed his brother.

He started to read the first page. At first he chuckled and snorted, like the book itself was the best advertisement he had ever seen. But slowly the rhythm at which he turned the pages sped up as fast as his smile shrank, replaced by, at first, a surprised face that turned into a snarl of disgust and anger. Thyan looked down, staring at his own claws. Raynhor's heavy and slow breathing `was the only thing they could hear. "I'm... very... disappointed.... He finally let out in a growl; "I didn't expect you to go down so low to sustain yourself..." "I had no choice." sobs Thyan, ashamed. "What do you mean by that?" "I... I tried to find a job... I really did... but... I ran in the same problems... no one wanted me. So... I... I... used my lust toward males to my advantage..." "I see..." he grumbled, letting go of the pile of books who fell flat on the table before him, "My question is... do you like it?" "Why everyone thinks I enjoy it!" he roared, letting all his held back feelings burst out "Sure... I like to raise my tail for a male... but I hate being bred by complete stranger. It's such a humiliation for me." "I understand...." whispered his brother, nuzzling Thyan's cheek. "Why you didn't come to me? I could have let you get out of this pit..." "Remind me who gave our parents the idea of kicking me out of my home; of cutting the only stable source of income I had. Remember that and you'll understand why I didn't came begging for your help." "First I didn't give our parents these Ideas... I just agreed to them. I thought it would help you grow up and stop being the lazy childish asshole you were. I never imagined it would have... this kind of consequences." "Well... now you know what you've done to me..." "What I've done to you... you put yourself into this situation alone. If you had worked harder at school and got your fucking exams instead of spending all your time breeding males and organizing parties in our parent's house you wouldn't be in this fucking state right now." "But... but... I... I've... I've done them?" weakly protested Thyan. "Done what?" growled Raynhor. "My exams..." whined Thyan, pointing at something framed attached to the opposite wall.

"What..." gasped Raynhor. He followed the direction Thyan was indicating and took the strange thing. His already white face lost even more color, becoming even paler. "Best mark of the school... impressed?" Raynhor mechanically nodded, trembling on his paws. "And this party... it was all to celebrate it. Went quite out of control didn't it?" "You're talking of this giant orgy going on in the living room or these females having there fun in father's office" "There was a male or two there if I remember right." "You're right and the maids still find traces of their... fun there..." Thyan chuckled to himself. "I think they didn't really appreciate because I did all behind their back right?" "There's that... and... other things..." "Like what?" "They didn't really appreciate your general behavior?" "What do you mean by that?" hissed Thyan defensively. Squal felt increasingly nervous. He could feel the tension between the two brothers. "Well... I think they didn't really found acceptable to have you spending each and every day at home doing nothing, living with their income without moving your ass to get a single coin and your only hobby being fucking or being fucked wherever you wanted in the house by any random guy you brought back... even in public damn it!" "They weren't random they were my friends..." hissed Thyan defensively. "Doesn't change the fact that you weren't moving a single claw to find a job and enjoyed the comfy life our parents gave you. You forgot you had to earn this place." "I was just taking a break" pleaded Thyan. "Yes... a very long break..." hissed Raynhor. Fuck of Raynhor I do what I want. Our parents... just... didn't left me enough time." "No offense Thyan but I think you deserved to have your ass kicked out of their place." Interrupted Squal. "What... not you Squal!" "Ahhh! Finally someone that hears the voice of reason." "Shut up Raynhor;" growled Squal "What I mean if you had decided to look for a job before they wouldn't have cut your income source three years ago." "Yeah... I admit I might have been a bit too... lazy..." "Yeah just slightly..." growled Thyan. "Anyway... I could spend a month yelling all your defaults to your face but we have more important things to take care off like... making sure you keep your home." "Bright idea..." approved Thyan "But I've already made some research it the whole city but I found nothing." "Yeah... well... it's not a reason to give up now... I can help you... I have... quite a lot of influential contacts that could help you..." "Sure... we could ask them." agreed Thyan apparently relieved that his brother was ready to help him. "And... maybe I could... give you some money for this month..." offered Raynhor with an obvious discomfort. "No thanks. I really appreciate the attention but I have already to many debts to add one more to the list." "There would be no hurry to pay me... I mean I'm not really in need of all of it right now" "Still I don't want it."

Raynhor was about to add something when someone knocked at the door. "Thyan could you go open it?" asked Squal with a honeyed voice. "I'd like to speak with your brother of... private matters." "Yeah... sure... I'll be back in a second or two..." stammered Thyan, surpriseby the demande. Even Raynhor looked puzzled.

Thyan left them. "So... what is this important thing you you wanted to tell me?" "I just wanted to thank you for helping me when I needed it." "I told you... the elder wanted me to keep an eye on you... it's what I did... it was just my job..." "You did more than watching me... you saved my life." "What! Are you sure... I mean... some f my contacts... told me that your state got even worst after..." "They were right... but... you gave me some more time... otherwise I think I would have died on the way back home..." "Well... I'm glad you're satisfied of my work..." "I'm so satisfied that I think you deserve a reward..." "A reward... no... no thanks... there is no need to... I told you... it was... just a job..." "Stop talking for a sec would you. I want to reward you so just just enjoy it and please... keep your mouth closed." "As you wish." "Perfect... then put your ass on this couch would you..." "Yeah... sure..." mumbled Raynhor as he obediently followed the command. "Perfect... now lean back..." Raynhor once again obeyed. SqUal was amused to see the big scary drake obediently following the order he gave him, trembling like he knew what Squal had in mind.

"Like that... is that good for you?" "Perfect... it's just perfect..." answered Squal with a wide devious grin "Well... not exactly" he huffed, baring his fangs in annoyance. "What... what's wrong?" squeaked Raynhor, sweating hard. "This." hissed Squal, pointing a claw between Raynhor hind legs. Raynhor looked down but only saw his thick tail ending on a large fin covered of black markings. "What... I... I don't understand?" "Your fucking tail is in the way...; move it away." he growled. Raynhor froze, hesitating. "Come on... don't make me lose my time..." grumbled Squal, growing increasingly impatient.

"I'm not sure if it's a good idea..." "Come on... don't be shy... I won't bite it... promised..." Raynhor slowly moved his tail to the side, exposing his neither region. Squal could observe the much larger aquatic dragon's package, his mouth watering in anticipation. Unlike him Raynhor had a really impressive package even for his size. His two large orbs in their leathery sack were even bigger than what Squal had already seen before under some older male's tail. Just below was his tight looking pucker that seemed to have never been touched before. Squal shivered in bliss. It would be so easy to deflower the huge male. The trip of dominance would have granted him so much indescribable pleasures, maybe as much as this tight hole squeezing his dick. He shook his head. It wasn't at all what he had in mind, what he had planned for him. He stepped forward and rose on his hind paws, putting his forepaw on Raynhor's hindlegs like he wanted to mount him. Instead he inched closer, his nostrils flaring when the thick, pungent scent of a male waffled at him. Squal couldn't hold back a moan, tempted by this enticing musky aroma. He lowered his snout until it was hovering right above the wet rift on top of Raynhor's sheet. Soon they would give way, reveal^ing his glorious length... would he be big? Would his seed taste good enough to make him moan and beg for more? He hoped it was the case.

Slowly he lowered his snout until he had his nostrils tightly pressed against his sheets, taking in this delightful virile fragrance with each inhale. He groaned, feeling his slit stir in need, his tip already peeking out. "Oh... you smell so... sweet... so... masculine..." "We shouldn't be doing this." he just answered in an obvious discomfort. "Shut up... I'm sure Thyan won't mind." "If you say so..." he whimpered, as Squal's tongue dashed over the sensitive slit that swelled with his rising arousal.

Squal grinned happily, his tongue dashing over the puffing slit. Above him Raynhor was trying to muff his groans of pleasure. Squal, amused by his futile attempts doubled his efforts until the only sound he could here beside his wet slurping sounds were loud moans and grunts. Like he expected, raynhor's slit soon opened like a flower, revealing in the layers of a deep purple flash coated in a musky slime the black tip of a large cock. "Hmmm... interesting..." he whispered to himself as he let his tongue delv in the larger male's heated depth. As he went deeper he felt the muscles squeeze around him, applying more and more pressure on his tongue like they wanted to force him out. However the thick gooey slime kept pouring in Raynhor passage, a substance Squal could eagerly feast on. It tasted sweet, mesmerizing, honeyed and sugary at the same time. Yet had something rancid attached to it. It didn't matter for Squal. What he cared about for now was this promising looking cock hardening under his assaults. All the blood being pumped in this large spire of dark flesh that rapidly grew; the first inches spilling from his sheet with a loud squelshing sound, thick fluids spurting around the thick shaft, making sure it was constantly lubed. Squal kept his ministration up, licking along the hardening flesh as it grew until he had no more room left to work his magic. He pulled out, his tongue drenched in a thick mix of these sweet fluids and his own saliva. Strands of goo connecting his mouth and the thick cock throbbing before him as it reached its full mast. Squal gasped in shock, impressed and terrified in some way by what he discovered. "Damn... you're huge..." he stammered, staring with wide eyes at the throbbing cock ahead of him. "Thanks... I guess..." huffed Raynhor, his claws digging in the couch. The member Squal had now in front of him was a true monster; a foot long rod of tapered flesh starting on a triangular shaped tip with a single slit at its top and crowned with hooked barbs. The shaft itself was definitely impressive. It had large ridges on all the underside and long lines of hooked barbs on the rest of his length, going all the way down to a fat bulbous knot that seemed to have trouble getting out of his groin.

A constant stream of gooey precum leaked from his slightly opened urethral hole. Squal shivered, his tailhole clenching in need. He was so curious about this beast of a cock, how would it feel inside him? He shook his head, trying to clear his hazy mind. He had to stay focus... even with this sweet fragrance making his mind so deliciously numb. He knew if he tried to take this beauty inside him he would tear his own hole apart and would just earn pain than pleasure and would just shred his own flesh in the process. He winced at the picture of him lying on the cold ground, this huge cock inches away from his ripped apart hole, rivulets of blood mixing to his cum. He chilled in fear. "Are you ok?" asked Raynhor. "Yeah... just a bit nervous. I never imagined it would be... so big..." "Well... I take that as a compliment... but... could you... hurry and do... what you want to do before Thyan comes back?" "Yeah... sure." whispered Squal, struggling with his own lust. He lowered his snout and, after one last deep breath let his tongue slip out of his maws and dash over the pre coated tip. The taste was strong, the scent smacked him right in the face, musky, pungeant, virile. In an instant his lust had taken over him once again, flushing his senses with a delicious sensation of heat. He opened his jaws as wide as he could and took the first inches of rigid cock in his mouth. Raynhor moaned loudly, feel^,ng his maleness being greedily swallowed in this moist shelter. His strong paws firmly grabbed Squal's head, shoving him harder on his pole, pushing more inches inside this sloppy mouth. Squal huffed, taken by surprise by the rough trusting. Raynhor was already panting hard over him. He stopped, letting his length rest on Squal's tongue, spewing gooey lines in the back of his mouth with every throb; his barbs flexing and extending, trying to hook to Squal's flesh, only managing to harmlessly scrap at the roof of his mouth, triggering strangely pleasurable feelings. Slowly he pulled out, dragging his flared ridges along Squal's agile tongue. He pulled out until only the tip remained inside. Squal squeezed the thick member in the coils of his tongue, forcing more sharp spurts of precum out. "Ready...?" asked Raynhor, in a hissing breath. "Go ahead..." whispered Squal. Raynhor began to hump upward, driving his length deep in Squal's mouth. He adopted a slow and steady pace, moaning and groaning with every push of his hard throbbing length. Squal licked the hot flesh, his agile tongue sneaking between the ridges, caressing the many barbs it found. They were surprisingly squishy to the touch and bended under a slight pressure. They more seemed to be made to give pleasure more than to truly grab and hold the bred person in place. However when it began to throb the barbs grew incredibly stiff, one of them piercing his tongue. He winced in pain, the thing piercing his flesh. "*gasp* Sorry... I forgot to warn you about that..." Squal huffed and patiently waited until the thing dislodged from his mouth. The metallic taste of blood lingered on his tongue for quite some time. He pulled out just to slam his dripping cock back in. It Kept going on for quite a while. Squal expected him to cum pretty rapidly from how hard and drippy he was but Raynhor surprised him by his stamina and he kept forcefully trusting inside his mouth. The cock felt really nice and tasty, each throb and twitch made him purr in delight. He was pleased to pleasure the bigger male yet... he wasn't enjoying himself as much as he thought he would. Sure this cock was definitely appetizing, his precum pooling in his mouth made him shiver with every gulp he did. Of course the smell was strong and full of dominant masculinity made him moan however he wasn't as eager as he had been with Thyan. He couldn't work at his pace with this large shaft constantly trusting inside his mouth, leaving him no time to lick or suck on this huge beast. Pre cum was shot deep in his mouth; he just had to swallow it. He tried to withdraw the cock from his maws but Raynhor trusted deeper, his tip brushing against the back of his mouth. An idea rooted in his mind and, instead of trying to dislodge the cock in his mouth he braced himself and forced the thick rod deeper. With a wet pop the tip entered in his throat. Instantly he gagged, his muscles squeezing around the invading cock. The thing was taking all the available space, he was suffocating, choking on the huge cock stuffing his throat, pouring his pre directly in his hungry belly. Raynhor let out a loud moan-growl, feeling his member sink in the tight tunnel. He looked down and saw the thick bulge his cock was creating in the younger drake's throat.

He pulled out, his length coated in a mix of thick drools and purplish precum. "Are you ok?" he asked, gritting his teeth to not moan. "Yeah... I'm fine..." coughed Squal, spitting a few droplets of vermillion blood "I... rmI just... regretting it..." "You shouldn't have done this... I could have killed you..." "Well... was too late when I realized it..." chuckled Squal, taking slow and deep breathes. "I think I'm too big foyou to deep throat..." "Apparently..." huffed Squal. "So... do you want to... continue?" "Of course... just... go easy on the hump... thing... ok? My jaws are aching quite a bit." "Sorry... I like it rough..." "Think I can't blame you for that..." huffed Squl "Just doesn't use me as some kind of fucktoy ok? Just... leave me some time to work my magic on you..." "No..." hissed Raynhor "I want to make it as quick as possible. I don't want Thyan to see us like this." "He won't mind..." growled Squal. "Are you sure of that?" "Yeah... he's gonna be... kinda mad at me." "You see... so open your mouth and let me finish." "Will it take long?" "No... I'm... pretty close by now." "Then..." huffed Squal before opening his mouth wide. Raynhor didn't lost time and filled Squal's maw once again with his ridged and barbed cock. Therefor he left Squal enough room to breathe and even give a few licks and suckles to the tip as it rapidly thrusted inside him.

He felt Raynhor's pace quicken as his throbs became harder, pre seed almost gushing from his engorged tip. Suddenly he stopped thrusting and pulled all the way back, exposing his hard cock in the dim light of the apartment. For the first time since he had begun to suck it. It seemed even bigger, purple pre ,was constantly streaming down his length, coating his entire shaft in his own fluids. The liquid seemed to wear a faint glow. Huge veins bulged on its surface, providing the same weird purple glow.

"Damn... it's the first time I see a glowing cock..." "Hmmm... pretty weird don't you think?" "Slightly..." "You have no idea? Do you want a taste?" "I'd love..." "Then..." he pulled Squal's head closer "Suck..." he ordered.

Squal's mouth watered in anticipation. He squirmed out of Raynhor,'s tight grasp and took back the cock in his mouth, suckling rapidly and loudly. Soon Raynhor was moaning louder than he had did before, spurting his precum with much more strength than before.

Finally a loud growl broke the silence. Squal prepared for the bigger drake's mighty orgasm. But at the last second Raynhor pulled out, leaving Squal's maw so empty, craving for this huge rod to stuff them again. Yet nothing came to fill his hungry mouth. Instead Raynhor yanked one of his horn, forcing him to lower his snout just in time for a torrent of black seed to splash right in his face. Squal whined, a potent smell filling his nostrils. He closed his eyes as the first powerful gush hit his face, covering his blue scales ,in a thick layer of black. He moaned, feeling the continued stream of flesh fertile cum covering his face, dripping along his chin and neck. He waited, basking in this warm cum shower. It lasted, so long he thought for a moment it would never end. Spurts after spurts all his face was covered of gooey, musky warmth. Sadly it all came down to a weak dribble on the top of his snout. He opened his eyes to discover his whole face coated in a thick layer of a jet black cum slightly gleaning purples here and there. Just below him Raynhor's fat cock was slowly softening, retreating back in his sheets. "Came hard didn't you?" "Yeah..." he panted "Didn't came so hard in ages..." "Well... I'm glad I made you orgasm so well... however... why didn't you came inside my mouth." "Well... first... I think there was a bit too much for you. Secondly it would have been easy to notice what we just did if you had a big belly like you were a pregnant lady. Thirdly I don't want Thyan to smell it in your breath silly."

"Makes sense..." "Now you just have to go wash it all up and all the clues will be erased."

At his words Squal sneakily let his tongue dash over his own muzzle, gathering a good amount of fresh cum before retreating back in his mouth. Raynhor gasped, his eyes shooting wide. Squal just threw him a devious smirk as he let the hot cum slosh in his mouth before swallowing loudly, making sure Raynhor heard it. "It's sad you couldn't cum inside me it tastes really good." "You... you like it?" asked Raynhor like he was terrified.

"Yes... why shouldn't I?" "No... just... forget that ok." "Sure..." "Am I disturbing maybe." asked a familiar voice. Raynhor squeaked in fear. Squal looked back to discover Thyan laying on his back on the other couch on the other side of the small table, observing them with a pervert gaze, idly fondling his own boner jutting between his hind legs. From what Squal saw he had been spying on them for quite a while without them noticing from what Squal could see. He was already hard and pre drizzled down his length, clear gooey lines coating his claws. Raynhor shoved Squal away, hiding his softening cock from viewing. "How long have you been starinh?" hissed Squal in a totally empty sounding defiance. "A good five minutes... and you've been putting on quite a show." he let out with a devious grin.

He jumped from the couch with his erect member dangling between his hind legs and came closer to Squal. "You'd better clean this mess of your face before I add mine." he whispered in Squal's ear. Squal noticed his mate was wearing a wide happy grin. "Why are you smiling like that?" "Well... just learned a good news." he answered, putting a large pile of shiny golden coins on the table near them. "Where did you get that?" "Well... the person that was at our door... you'll never guess who it was." "Who was it? Come on... tell me?" begged Squal. "You remember this red drake you saw me with not so long ago when you were spying on us like the little pervert you are?" "Yes..." answered Squal with a red blush warming his cheeks, thankfully hidden by the thick coat of cum beginning to dry off on his face.

"Yeah I remember him." "Well... he came back to pay me." "And...?" asked Raynhor, answering to his brother's smile. "Well... it's the postman as well..." "Wait... you mean that I've met this guy countless time and the first time he enters I'm not even capable of recognizing him" shouted Squal in shock "Damn dude... you really took all the dicks of the blocks..." "Of the entire city would be more... appropriate." taunted Raynhor. "Fuck off..." hissed Thyan, snarling angrily. He shook his head, trying to ignore his brother's provocations "And you don't know the best yet." he finally mumbled in Squal's ear. "Come on stop this and tell me who it is already." "It's an old friend of mine; we were in the same classes five years ago. Sadly he didn't manage to get his exams and his family stopped financing his studies so he became postman instead. Apparently he is happy like that from what he told me; no more big responsibilities to handle." Thyan stopped for a brief second, looking at the diploma that made his pride with nostalgia in his eyes. "He even gave me a little tip. From what he knows a factory that is searching for an accountant since yesterday and I have all the chances of getting the job if I hurry." explained Thyan, his tail raggedly swishing behind him like a playful child. "Great then take this chance." encouraged Raynhor with a wide happy grin. "First I'm gonna make this little bastard pay for cheating on me in plain view." hissed Thyan, baring his fangs. "I think it can wait until you get this job... then I think he'll be more than eager to bend for you." "You're right approved Thyan; "I'll be back in one hour or two." "You're gonna get it." Thyan grabbed his things and ran out of the appartment. "I think I should leave too.... I have to go back to work." "Well then have a good day."

Raynhor left after a quick gentle nuzzle on Squal's cheek. Like he said Thyan came back one hour later with a look of confidence on his face. "I can almost pretend I have the job." he yelled when he burst into the apartment like a bullet. And like he had warned Squal he bred him all night, covering Squal in a thick coat of his white semen. He had been fucked so roughly that his tailhole stayed loosened and oozed seed all the next tay, giving all his collegs a pretty good clue of what he had been doing the previous night. Thyan got the job like he expected and the next month went pretty well, all the shit they were into vanished, leaving them to enjoy. Squal had been thinking all along about what had been happening since they closed the gap and admitted their love to each other while he was buying all the things he needed. He constantly wore a happy grin on his face, making all the people he saw smile in return. As he went back to his apartment, his back heavy with all that he was carrying he heard a much known voice coming from his side. He gasped, all happiness leaving his body, replaced by his usual nervousness. Aryna.... She was there, so close to him, right by his side like she had appeared from the void itself. He had seen her a few times since he had first mated with Thyan and she had started playing a very devious game with him, spending her time joking and taunting him about his new gay nature. He was still so shy in her presence that he could barely protest and when she grew tired of making bad jokes of him she had begun teasing him, making him grow hard more than once, making his already easy noticeable blush even worst. Often Thyan was here to save him from the embarrassing moment but today he was alone. "Hi Squal, how are you doing today?" "Fine... just... fine..." he answered in a barely audible whine. "Preparing something?" she asked, poking at the heavy bag he was crumbling under. "Kinda..." he answered, avoiding her gaze. "Enjoying yourself?" "Why... why are you asking me that?" "I heard you." she just giggles. Squal raised a scaly eyebrow "Heard me do what?" he mumbled nervously.

"Don't play the foul with me Squal I know that you know what exactly I'm talking about." "To be honest Aryna... I... I don't have a clue... of... of what you're talking about." he managed to say between two irregular breathes, doing probably his longest sentence since he had begun to chat with her. "I heard you earlier." This time Squal got what she was talking about. A deep red blush covered his cheeks. "How?" he pitifully squeaked. "Walls here are thick but not enough to muff all your moans Squal." He looked down, ashamed. "How do you know?" "First I heard I heard you moan and also I recognized a sound I'm very much used to. Two you carry the smell of cum on you and because I know how Thyan smells and taste so I guess it's yours. And three I saw you coming back with the box a few days ago and I recognized the brand so..." "Well... you... you figured that one. I plead guilty your honor." "Stop joking Squal." she giggled, poking at his chin "Anyway... did you like it?" Squal's blush became even harder to the point where he felt like melting. "Awkward at first... but definitely enjoyable." "I knew it..." she whispered a bit too loud."

She went silent for a long minute, lost in her thoughts, totally ignoring him. She seemed wanting to ask him something but for some unknown reasons she kept her mouth sealed. He made a step forward toward his door but she held him back. "Wait... I have one more question to ask." "Then... do it... I suppose." "Was it for you or..." Squal this time cut her short. "It was for Thyan but..." "You were curious...?" "Yes..." "And you tried...?" "Yes but..." "And you enjoyed it?" "Yes!" Roared Squal, making her flinch in surprise. "What are you trying to make me say?" "Nothing... I just want to know." Squal huffed, bored by her questions. "Why did you wanted to offer him a dildo?" she finally whispered. "Well... he... he told me... that he wanted... so... something in his ass... so I..." "Squal... Squal... Squal... poor Squal... you didn't got that one did you?" This time Squal stared at her in a mix of surprise and understanding. "When he says that he want something in his ass he doesn't want some discarded rubber he wants you on top of him." she rumbled, putting one of her claws on his chest. "But... but I like being on the bottom" whined Squal, adopting a cute pleading face. "I know and I understand that you think he deserve it. Don't give me wrong he truly deserve to be on top but Thyan... *sigh... Thyan is a natural bottom. Trust me you're doing him more harm than good. I'm sure he loves it I'm sure he does... from what I hear every night at least... but... at least trust me on that one day or another he is gonna raise his tail for you and beg you to claim him like the dominant you are deep inside." "How... how do... you...?" "Ush... this story is for another day... short version is I had an unmissable opportunity in my life and I took it... I went out of it with... much more knowledges than I imagined I'd get."

Squal didn't understand a word was she playing riddles?

"The only thing I'm pretty disappointed about you is that... well... I thought you were more into females..." "How... how do you... know that?" he gasped, feeling dreadful shivers run down his spine. "I've asked the good question to the good person and I got the answers I wanted..." "I don't get it... how do you know all of these things about me?" "I just asked your friend silly" she huffed. "Why?" "Well... when one of my neighbors passes out in the middle of the corridor in a poul of his own blood and his roommate is calling out for aid I like to know a bit more on who I just ;^aved the ass." "Make sense... I guess..." "You see." "And for my... sexual... preferences?" "That was the easiest part of the job." "Wait was it... that easy?" "Of course it was!" she shouted, whiping his face gently with her tail. "You're barely hiding it Squal. I just had to observe how you were acting near me... and well... a gay male such as Thyan wouldn't have reacted like you did to my advances."

Squal blushed. "So... I think I should leave you to your... male on male... things... I think you're pretty busy with that... am I riggt..." "Yes it's... taking a lot of my time..." "Oh and Squal..." she added, padding closer from him until her mouth was an inch away or so from Squal's ear "If you want a dildo next time... ask me instead of buying one... you'll save money like that." Squal gasped, his jaws opening on a silent word. "I don't use them anyway?" "May I ask... why?" mumbled Squal, his tip poking out of his soaked slit, drizzling little rivers of pre seed on the floor between his hind paws. "Oh... let's say that I have a comstant porn show happening next door. Now I just have to... well... close my eyes... and listen to the sound and... above all... imagine so... I don't need all this fake cock to give myself pleasure... so... if you're interested in purchasing one or two... I can give you them for almost nothing." "Sounds interesting." mumbled Squal, his cheeks now so red that it could have looked natural.

"Well then see you around."

Squal hesitated... should he answer politely or try his luck? He took a deep breath and made his choice. "Aryna... wait...." She stopped in front of her door. "Yes Squal." "You know... I'm... I'm still interested in females... and..."

She giggled loudly, cutting his "élan de courage" off. Was she laughing of him? Was his attempt that ridiculous? "Are you trying to flirt with me Squal?" "Yeah... Kinda..." "How cute...". Squal nervously chuckled, a twisted smile curling his lips. "Why not...; after all it could be a good occasion to learn more about each other." "Yeah... you know so much about me but I barely know you." "Oh I only know... what peoples wanted to tell me. I'm sure you have tones of juicy bits." "You'll see..." he purred, smiling deviously. "Then... in thet case... what about a dinner... together... in five day?" "Five days... yeah... sure... I'll be there?" "Perfect. I'll be waiting for you downtown in five days.... I hope you won't forget." "I won't... I promise you I'll be there."

To prove his words he closed the gap between them and boldly dared to do what he had in mind for so many years and let his snout brush against her soft scaled cheek. She gasped in surprise and abruptly moved back, breaking the kiss. She turned her snout to face Squal just too involuntarily meet lips with him. Their eyes shot wide open in shock as they stared at each other, their lips like glued to each other's. A crimson blush warmed their respective cheeks. Shyly Squal slightly Opened his maws, tilting his head to the side and carefully letting his slippery tongue prod at her mouth, his teeth lightly nibbling at her lower lips. She purred softly, opening her maws, inviting him to enter. In an instant they had their jaws locked, their tongue coiling in the wet shelter of their moist maws, exploring the depth of the other's mouth. Squal closed his eyes, enjoying the sensation of her swift tongue entwined with his, their saliva leading in the other's; maw, drooling at the corner of their lips. Aryna slowly Aryna shoved him away, breaking the kiss; strands of their mixed saliva bridging between them. "Woah... that was... really... good..." panted Squal. "Yes... and very... unexpected..." she mumbled. For the first time she was the one feeling uncomfortable. "Damn... just for that I won't miss our diner." She threw the blue male a happy smirk and noticed a sliver of pink throbbing and curving prehensile member. "I hope he'll be part of the dinner too..." she whispered tantalizingly, her pussy moistening from the lewd thought sneaking in her mind. Squal didn't realize she was talking of his ragging erection. He gasped when he felt her gaze upon his member and shifted his stance to hide it with, close to no result. She giggled, amused by the young male's embarrassment. "Well... I think I should leave you to your male's... problem..." "Yeah... could be... very kind of you.... No offenses but you're making me feel very weird right now..." "I know..." she giggled; "See you later shy boy..." she whispered in his ear as she turned away, showing her back to him. He grunted when he caught a glimpse of her glistening pussy under her swishing tail. At this simple sight his cock throbbed even harder, spewing pre seed on his belly. He began to follow her, mesmerized by her swollen pussy lips and her sweet scent aggressing his nostrils, making them flare in anticipation. Her tail slammed into his face, her tail fin dragging along his snout. "Ahahah... not yet horny guy... you'll have to wait..." Squal only growled, trying to step further. "I said no..." she hissed, slapping his face with her tail "You'll have to wait.... I still have to judge if you're worthy of my interest..." "*growl* Why teasing me like this to tell me just after that I may not have my go with you?" "I like to tease pent-up males like you. And to answer your question I'll see when time will come if I'll let you in. I know that you want it but I don't mate with every male that present itself to me; you have to earn access to my pussy... and you'll have to really deserve to be allowed to mount me..." "Isn't it the same thing?" "Not at all my dear... I can milk you dry of all your seed without you being on top of me."

"Hmmm... dominant behavior... I like it..." purred Squal in excitement. "You have no idea..." she purred in return. With that said she entered in her apartment and slammed the door shut with her tail right before Squal's face.

He stayed in the empty corridor, stunned by what just happened before letting out all his joy. He grabbed his heavy bags and kicked the door of his apartment open. It hit the wall with a loud bang but he didn't care. He dragged everything inside and slammed it shut with the same strength, making another loud noise that shook the entire room. He wanted to scream, to shout his sheer happiness to the sky. Thankfully he remembers Aryna can hear him. So he first rush to the living room and put a large black disc on a strange looking object before turning it on. From hidden speakers a loud but slow and soft music fill the apartment, muffing all other sounds. "I'm gonna breed her..." he sings out loud, dancing happily in the living room, his cock slapping wetly against his belly. He flopped on a couch, one of his forepaw already descending along his belly to grab on his hard cock. So many lewd thoughts scambled in his head; making him all the more eager to spill his essence inside her. "Five days... damn it's so long... why can't it be now?" he moaned as his paw grabbed onto his dripping member, slowly stroking it up and down at a pretty reasonable pace. Pleasure surged in his head, clouding his judgment as he stroked his pre coated length. His eyes closed on their own; pictures of him on top of this teasing female making her moan loudly and enjoy her as he rapidly trusted in and out of her at a rapid pace. His climax was coming; the pressure in his balls was unbearable as seed traveled to his bloated cock head, ready to burst at the first occasion. He roared loudly; seed spraying on his belly as he came hard, his scales soon turning a pearlescent white. He kept his eyes firmly shut together, basking in a delightful afterglow. For the first time in a long month he had cum from the thought of a female. He panted in need, imagining what it would feel like to mate with a female again after so many years without even coming close to one. The thought of Aryna's delicate form bending under him as his mocker would slowly enter her heated sanctuary, filling her with his fertile essence. He groaned in raw need, his cock shrinking between his clenched clawed toes, leaving a web of clear liquids behind. Slowly he rolled on his paws and walked on weakened paws to the bathroom for yet another hot shower. As the warm water soaked his scales and a heated mist started to form around him, hiding his lower half in a moist vaporous veil he didn't notice, there, on his lower belly, long black strands on the white gooey mess he had done on his belly that the hot water was washing away. Neither did he saw the few scales around his slit that hat slowly shifted from leaf green to a deep almost black color, form^,ng a much darker area around his slit. He left the bathroom, still unaware of the changes going through him. It was harmless, barely more than a tickle in his crotch and he just put that on his constantly boiling lust. He looked at the apartment around him then at the clock. He had still two hours ahead of him before Thyan would come back. "Let's make sure everything is ready for when he'll come back..." whispered Squal, a wide devious grin spreading on his lips. Meanwhile; unaware to him something completely different wp happening to his mate. Thyan had arrived with a good thirty minutes of lateness. He had stumbled into the building, almost ramming head first into the thick metal door that had been to slow to open. He ran in the large atrium, barely looking at the immense aquariums forming the walls full of colored marine plants and corals where exotic fish were wandering or the huge marble statues of master's painting showing some of the founders and most important person related to the enterprise; displayed in all their glory, basking in a well-placed light. Often the newcomers were impressed by both the magnificent building and all the masterpieces displayed before their eyes. All these statue, forming a large formal alley where the visitors had to walk to reach the reception office. All these statues glaring at them from above didn't help feeling at ease here and often he giggled when he saw a new guy coming, looking at the shiny black ground, making himself as small and insignificant as possible. He had undergone the same fear at first but now; a month later he didn't even bother about the intimidating statues. They were just piles of chiseled rock after all. Today he gave them even less attention, running in the immense room and silent room, his claws clicking on the tile floor. "Hey careful I just..." shouted a voice coming from his left. He ignored it. His paws glided on the floor. He saw too late the yellow panel saying "Warning, slippery floor" he skidded falling limply on his belly as he slid against the cold floor, hais claws only meeting a perfectly slick surface offering no grip what so ever. He stopped his uncontrolled gliding on a hard and as cold surface. His head hit the thing with a loud bang. He stayed there, lying against the reception office, his snout resting on something freezing cold, his tongue lolling out of his mouth, tasting the slippery texture of rock. His hyes didn't show him much more than a blur. He stayed there, gathering back his thought. "Late again?" asked a sweet feminine voice above him. "Linda..." he growled as he slowly got onto all four, his paws shaking like he was too heavy for them. "Are you ok..." "Yeah... just... a bit dizzy.... Reminded me I shouldn't have been running in here." The familiar voice came from an old female sitting behind the desk, throwing an amused gaze at him from above. "You should hurry the boss is in th"archives" he shouldn't be able to see you..." "Thanks Grace... I owe you one..." "You owe me much more than one Thyan. I really should ask for some sort of... payback one day..." "What do you have in mind?" "I don't know... maybe... a restaurant could be nice... with you..." "Grace... you know I'm gay..." he laughed loudly "this kind of flirt doesn't work on me." "I know... I already have a mate..." she chirped, poking at his neck "However the idea still sounds nice..." "Fine...I think I can afford that.... I'll pay you the meal at break time." "When..." "What about today..." "Fine for me too...; see you later..." "Yes... see you" shouted Thyan was he began to trot to one of the elevators."

The building was one of the highest of the city so using the staircases was the worst idea he could have. He pressed the tenth floor button and patiently waited while the square cabin rose in silence. He looked at himself in a small mirror, making sure he was looking good. The door opened with a light noise. He stepped into an empty corridor and silently padded toward his own office, a door similar to all the other with just his name written in small letters next to it. At the exact second he touched the wooden panel another door opened with a loud hissing sound right before a loud voice thundered "Thyan! In my office now!" roared his boss. Thyan slowly and carefully turned his head to the side. His boss was standing in the corridor, pushing a heavy and unstable looking pile of folders in a small cart.

"Crap..." winced Thyan, slowly turning toward his boss, tryinh to put on an happy to serve expression. "Yes sir... what can I do for you...?" he asked with a voice that sounded emptier than it had wished it to be. His boss didn't answer, walking to him with a blazing gaze of pure anger. "You're late again..." he spat once he was facing him. "¹Yes sir... I... I apologize... it was just a... alarm issue..." "It's the third time..." his boss only growled. "S... I know sir... but... I swear I'm clean... I... I... I didn't..." "You still carry the scent of it. It hangs in the air like the stench of a dead discarded rat..." Thyan bared his fangs, growling deeply. "Of course sur... I think it's pretty normal that I carry my own musk with me..." "You call that musk.... I call that the vile stench of a perverted slut..." "How dare you insult me... I could complain to the big boss..." "Menaces... then let me be more clear... do you want to lose your job? Do I have to remind you that I have the power to kick your ass out of here whenever I want?" "No..." whined Thyan; his brutal excess of boldness vanished. "Then be obedient and follow!". Thyan submissively obeyed. His boss seemed to be pretty pissed off and absolutely not in the mood to be merciful. "And carry this by the way would you." he growled, pointing at the cart. "Sure..." mumbled Thyan, shivering nervously. Had he burned his last chance? He kept thinking about it, dragging the heavy cart behind him. How was he going to get out of this mess? How would he tell Squal that he had been fired one month after finding a job... because of him in some ways! However Thyan was too grateful to his friend to be mad at him. If Squal hadn't woke him up like this he would still be peacefully sleeping. Even though it felt nice to wake up from the touch of this wet tongue hungrily lapping at his neither to coax his cock out to drink his milk it felt awkward and highly annoying to have his mate sticking to his cock like an hungry parasite, draining every drop of seed he had. How would he react to the news of him being fired like this? He didn't know and to be true he didn't cared at the moment. His boss led him into his office, an immense room with one of the best view of the city. Behind the large desk that took alone a good half of the room was a large painting covering half the wall showing a gorgeous place, probably in the southern seas by the look of it. The rest was... pretty standard... shelfs crippling under the immense weight of tones of folders and books. The only unusual thing that had always made him wonder was a comfy looking black leathery couch facing the desk. Thyan had never used it because of the sets of chairs near the desk that were made for those like him who came here. "Put that here..." ordered his boss, pointing at a corner near a plant. "Sure...". Thyan obeyed, not even aware of the sneaky glance his boss was throwing at his rump. "Great... now... close the door... I don't want to be disturbed..." "It's already done... sir..." He pushed the door until it closed. "Lock it..." ordered his boss. "What... but..." "I said lock it down..." "Yes... sir..." he whimpered, a bone chilling sensation slowly making it's way in his body. Did his boss have another idea in mind... an idea that he surely won't like. When the door was locked it sounded like a death sentence to his ears. He turned back toward his boss, waiting for the next command. "Perfect... now... come here." Thyan lowered his head, looking at his own claws as he followed the new instruction. His boss was standing near the large couch, staring at him with a predatory grin. "Hop on..." "What... but..." "I said on the couch right now!"

Thyan jumped on the couch. At the second his paws touched the slick fabric he sank into it, falling in it, ending flat on his belly in a weird position in the deep comfy sofa. "On your back..." Thyan rolled on his back which took him more time qhan he had expected due to the 'sofa moving below him, making every move more difficult. "Now lean back against the dossier..." Squal crawled backward, his belly still exposed. He found himself in an uncomfortable half laying half sitting position in the comfy couch, his fins hardly pressed against the leather y material. He didn't like to be on his back like this for a simple and good reason; a body feature specific to his family from what he knew: spiked fins. His dorsal fin covered of long thin and sharp, backward facing spines. They allowed him to retract his fin in his back but he preferred to have them out. However it always made peoples nervous when it came to have someone on top of him, on Squal in particular.

"Nice... really nice... now... tease yourself for me..." "What... I... I don't understand..." "Don't try to play the foul with me get me this slit of yours wet little slut." "No... not again..." he thought for himself, trembling in sheer panic. Slowly his paws descended along his soft underbelly until they reached his slit. The thick lips were slightly puffed, making him nervous. He stopped, his claws making little circles around his entrance. Slowly a claw slipped inside. Instantly he tensed, a gasp escaping his throat as a sharp squirt of heated fluid landed on his paw. His muscles squeezed his invading claw, trying to pull him out. He grunted, snarling in a mix of different expression. He sank his claw deeper, parting the layers of flesh and muscles open, dipping into his oozing secretions. He prodded at his own wet depth, making more of his musky lubrication fluids pour out. He didn't want to show the big male staring at him that he loved it; that he enjoyed the touch of his own claw in his private sanctuary. Thyan had always been pretty sensitive down there. It's even by rubbing here that he triggered his very first orgasm when he was barely more than a youngling unaware of what this pace was made for. He remembered like it happened yesterday the intense pleasure he felt, the rhythmic clamp of his inner muscles and the torrents of aqueous seed that streamed from his gaping slit in time with the throb of his cock that hadn't even peaked out yet. He couldn't resist the intense pleasure; not for long at least soon he had reached deep enough to feel the tip of his soft member against his claw tip. He was very careful near this so fragile area of his anatomy; taking extra cautions to not damage his so precious member. Pre was squirting rapidly, lubing his insides and his paw. He began to trust his claw in and out rapidly, forcing more of the viscous mess in his slit to ooze out; staining his scales with the byproduct of his growing arousal. A strong scent quickly filled the air, assaulting the horny male above Thyan's nostrils. His own dick had long since grown fully hard and was now dripping steadily. The show the smaller male was putting aroused his senses; the sight of this stuffed slit oozing around this slut's claws made him eager to fill it with his own flesh. The pungent scent made him purr and the noise this little bitch made only made him so eager of these high pitched moans. He only lacked the taste and the touch but he knew it would soon come in due time. Below him Thyan was enjoying himself more than he should have this kind of embarrassing situation; adding another claw in the heated quivering confined space of his slit. His cock was throbbing, squirting its slick pre on his intruding fingers, making each rapid trust easier. He moaned. The sensations it created never grew old. He pushed another claw inside, opening his slit even more; an even bigger amount of smelly fluids gush out. His neither region was a mess; glistening with all the spilled lubrication slowly rolling down along his scales, smearing everywhere even on his fleshy rim. He was helplessly moaning, his body arching in his trusting claws, burrying more of his paw inside his warm fleshy passage. His cock slowly grew, struggling to get past his invading paw, grinding against his finned paws, coating it in strands of gooey pre. The prehensile length manages to grow; pushing his paw against his clamping walls. The pink shaft emerged, coated in slimy liquids. Thyan, enraptured slipped his claws out of his slit. He observed his own throbbing member. Pleasure overwhelmed his weak mind. A goofy grin spread across his face. His paws grabbed a hold of his flesh and began to stroke it rapidly. His moan filled the room as he masturbated, helplessly bucking in his own paw to the horny male above him enjoyment. He was so amused by the display of pure pleasure Thyan was offering him. He had given up to his lust so long ago that now he wasn't caring that he was doing it all before his boss's greedy gaze. Thyan's brain, so flushed with lust didn't even registered the needy purrs his boss was doing neither did his numb senses smelled the incredibly thick scent filling every cubic centimeter of air. Thyan only cared about the immense pleasure traversing his body and to his so close release. The pressure in his balls was unbearable; his cock twitched and throbbed, on the verge of exploding from all the seed that was quickly rushing to the bloated tip. His member became stiffer than a steel rod, pre pouring out on his paw. He had lost all notion of where and when he was; what only mattered was pleasure... and orgasm. His strokes were irregular and lacked any kind of pace. He didn't care. The only thing he wanted right now was to cum; to spill his fertile essence all over himself and bask in the unmatchable delight of a well-deserved orgasm.

His boss was still watching him but he had brought a small box closer to him and was playing with a little rounded object. Earing Thyan getting closer to the edge and about to spill he acted. "Not yet little slut... it's not time to release." Thyan of course didn't heard a single word from it, to taken by his own desires to even ear his own panting breath. The bigger drake grabbed his employee's ragingly strokinh paw and pulled it off his cock. It was enough to wake up Thyan from his lust addled state. He gasped, his eyes snapping open just to meet with his boss's cobalt blue iris. It took Thyan a mere second to realize what he had been doing all along. He had surrendered himself to pleasure and had been... masturbating before his own boss. How did he even go there anyway? His brain was a mess of lust and wandering pieces of memories. It took him time to pick himself up and set back every few memories to their rightful place. He remembered seeing himself entering the building and miserably on the floor then stumbling into his boss when he didn't even wanted to see him then being brought here by the same boss and ordered... to pleasure himself. This last piece of information disturbed him even more. Why did he even obey to that? He slowly lowered his gaze nervously; afraid of what he would find. His breath caught in his throat when he saw the mess on his scales, his widely parted slit and his hard length drizzling pre down on his under belly; his own thick and pungent scent filling the air. "Fuck..." he whispered. He had barely finished his whispered swear that his pre coated paw was yanked back by someone much stronger than him. He yelped in protest but was given no opportunity to struggle or try to squirm his other paw was grabbed by another much larger and he less time than it takes to say it he had his paws attached together by his wrist; tied by a touch looking material.

He tried with all his force to break this damn thing but the thing held on. He just manages to hurt himself with the thing as it cut through his scales and thick leathery skin. "You can try to struggle as much as you want this thing as held males much stronger than you." chuckled his boss.

"What do you want?" squeaked Thyan, jerking his body in all direction to try and roll on his belly. "I just think you deserve a punishment for being continuously late." "Continuously! I've just been late three times!" shouted Thyan. His boss ignored his pathetic pleas. He grabbed Thyan's kicking hind paws and yanked them upward, drawing another sharp whine of pain from Thyan as he tied them in an uncomfortable position; leaving Thyan exposed, defenseless; Almost. As the horny male stepped closer Thyan's tail slammed hard into his pretty face. He staggered back, a red mark covering his cheek where Thyan's tail had struck. "Little... bitch..." he rumbled "Should have tied that too...". "Don't deny it... you like it when I slap your pretty fuck face." "That's it... keep talking while you can. I won't make the same mistake this time." he hissed as his paw fell on Thyan's thick tail; squeezing it like a fruit from which he wanted to extract the juices.

He grabbed a thick, tough looking rope and began to coil it around Thyan's tail, making sure it was held rigid in a position where the male had literally free access to his hole. It almost looked like he was inviting him in.

"You look definitely better like that" "Fuck off..." "Be careful with your words... or do you want me to silence you?". Thyan only bared his fangs in respond. "Now let's teach you good manners shall we..." "What do you mean by that?" "Simply that you'll learn to never arrive late again..." "You've got to be kidding me..." "Nope... but first... let's take care of this bad boy here." whispered his boss. A wide smirk curled his lips. Maybe he was going to enjoy himself too. A soft and warm paw wrapped around his twitching length and slowly descended toward his knot. Thyan moaned, gently bucking in his boss's palm. "Hmmm... eager aren't we?". Thyan didn't answer but the face he was doing showed how badly he wanted to cum more than any word could have. Moreover his smirk slowly turned to a snarl when he saw a black ring being slid along his throbbing length. The contact of the cold metal on his bare heated flesh sent painful tingles through his already painfully stiff cock. He kept pushing it downward until it smacked wetly against his inflated knot. His boss gazed at him with a devious grin, his paw slowly went back up, stroking the hard pole, teasing every sensitive spot. With how sensitive Thyan was he had almost nothing to do to bring him close to the edge. Thyan moaned loudly, slamming his knot in his boss's stroking paw with glee. All his body craved for one thing: the delight of orgasm. His balls tightened, sending a good amount of cum toward his hard member. He roared out loud, pleasure flooding his veins. The pressure in his dick reached new height as he felt like exploding. But his roar like his pleasure abruptly ended when an immense pain surged in his lust hazed brain. He mewled loudly, looking down to see what caused such discomfort in such a delightful moment. What he discovered made his eyes bulge out. His cock had swelled exponentially, veins bulging on all its surface, a gooey mess oozing from his tip. The tight ring squeezed his cock in a way nothing could get past it. He yelped in pain, each throb sending jolts of pain in his brain. He arched his body, trying everything to just cum. The pressure building up iNside him was beyond what he could bear. He growled and rumbled his frustration as his orgasm slowly died out, leaving him full of a warm seed on the brink of being released. "It hurts right?" Thyan only pitifully winced, his cock trembling in need. "Now... I think it's my turn to have some fun." "Fuc I... I didn't came." whined Thyan, jaws clamping shut. "Of course you didn't... I didn't say I'd allow you to release." "Motherfucker..." "Hold your tongue. Or do you want me to... hehehe... to add something more... arousing." "Eat my cock..." "As you wish." He vanished from Thyan's sight. A cold sweat ran down his back. What did he had in mind? Something slimy and tight enveloped his cock. He howled loudlz, penetrating in the thing slowly covering his cock. Once again he lowered his gaze to discover something weird that sheltered the entirety of his member. He didn't know what it was but what he was sure of was that it felt incredibly amazing. "So... tight..." he whined, humping in the thing. "Glad you like it because it's the only stimulation you'll get for quite some time." "Oh... oh yes..." whined Thyan, not even aware of what his boss just said. "Now..." he snorted, hopping on the couch next to Thyan "Suck it slut" he hissed, shoving his erect member in Thyan's face. Instantly his nostrils flared from the sbarp musk invading them. He could only gaze at the hard cock pressed against his lips. Compared to his it was totally rigid, covered of thick ridges from top to bottom. A bulbous knot adorned his base, engorging with blood. From his pinted tip a viscous pre drizzled. Thyan's senses, overwhelmed by all the different things they felt didn't help him focus. This cock looked so juicy and tasty. He couldn't help his mind to wonder how it could taste; how it would heel inside him. His maws crackled open on their own, his tongue swiftly dashing out to lap at this big dick. He went from tip to base bathing the eager member in his saliva. Above him the horny male groaned in pleasure, observing his employee licking so greedily, exploring every inch of his thick shaft. This forked tongue felt even better than he could have imagined. It was so agile it reached places so pleasurable he felt like his mind was gonna blow up from the sheer waves of pleasure this agile tongue was unleashing inside him. The wet oral appendage coiled tightly around his thick rod of flesh, squeezing unlike anything had ever done to him before, milking everything he had. Thyan gave the cock a few more licks before letting go of the drippy rod, staring at it with glee. "What do you have in mind slut?" In reply Thyan just opened his maw wide, his tongue sneakinh between his fangs, brushing on the underside of this ridged cock, sneaking its way behind the rows of sensitive ridges. Slowly Thyan pulled the thick cock in his maws, his lips enclosing just behind the tip. He started suckling on the tip, drinking greedily all the liquid leaking from the urethral slit. It was a bit salty but really sweet. His boss moaned in bliss, feeling this warm sloppy maw around his hard dragonhood. Inch after inch of hard flesh Thyan swallowed, each ridge popping in with a wet sound.Thyan only stopped when his lips bumped against this thick inflated knot. Without further restrain he began to hungrily lap and suck on the hard spire of throbbing flesh, letting the pre it dripped pool in his mouth before swallowing it, and he had gallons of this viscous fluid to feast on. Eagerness to taste this male's virile seed had since long overwhelmed his weak mind, pushing any rational thought to the side. The only thing he wanted besides releasing all this pent up lust building in his cock was to taste what this big guy he dad to offer. Slowly he began to bob his head up and down the lengthy shaft; his tongue still slathering in his gooey saliva as he worked. The much more dominant male above him purring and groaning in pleasure answered to each bob of the little slut stuck to his cock by bucking his hips in these sloppy maws, sinking his cock deeper every time he did so. Thyan didn't show the slightest hint of resistance and even opened his maws wider to try and take more of this delicious shaft.The wide knot smacked against his lips as the tip probed at the back of his mouth. Thyan moaned around the large cock. His boss huffed, feeling his peak foming in. He slowly pulled all the way out; dragging all his ridges on this eager tongue then forced it back penetrating into Thyan's throat. The tight muscles squeezed the invading member, grabbing him in a vice like grip.

The fat knot filled all the available space in Thyan's mouth, his tongue tip dipping in the other male's slit. His nostrils were pressed against this moist rift oozing with the male's natural lubrication. A loud roar shook the room as the cock stuffing his mouth throbbed harder. Thyan closed his eyes, bracing himself for the incoming climax. A mere second later a strong gush of warm cum flooded his throat; falling directly in his belly. Each powerful throb made his body tremble in bliss as gush after gush of viscous cum filled his belly. It felt endless at first, each spurt even stronger than the previous. Every inch of his body shivered in rhythm with the male's strong throbs and twitches. His jaws were forced to stretch under the swelling knot tying him to his boss. Slowly the orgasm ended in a few weak spurts of his viscous seed. Thyan murred with the cock softening in his mouth. He dislodged himself from Thyan's sloppy maws, his member still dripping his cum. Thyan panted, his own member trembling, begging for attention, a thin rivulet of gooey mess escaping his member. A relieved sigh escaped his maws. "Oh no we're not done yet..." "What but you just..." "I have more than one load in store for you..." "Curses..." he grumbled "Ok... fine... I think I'm not gonna leave this place before you've emptied your wicked balls on me so go ahead. It's not like I'm gonna resist. But... just... let me cum." "Hmmm... I have to give your request a negative answer. It's much more fun to hear you beg." "You... asshole... you're gonna pay for..." "Yeah yeah... they all say that... but... before that... let's give this nice slit of yours a try." Thyan, too taken by anger and frustration of all his trapped seed Urging to spill didn't registered his words. "Wait... what did you say?" "I said I was going to breed this... slit of yours. Let's more say this... cunt of yours." "A cunt... but I have no cunt... I'm not a female." "Of course you're not but this large slit of yours looks pretty much like a cunt." "But... but... you can't breed me if I'm hard... like this." "Don't worry about that... I'm sure I'll fit." Thyan gasped in shock. Was this guy really going to breed him? Was he so mad with his own lust to realize it couldn't work? His boss moved to his crotch. Slowly, carefully he untied the rope holding his hind legs. Thyan stretched them out, making his stiff articulation crack. His boss leaned over him. Thyan shivered, feeling his hardening member poke at his backside. Squirting its pre on his scales. His cock was forced up, the tip smacking against his belly. Thyan tried to push the male away just to be pushed back by his stronger paws. "Don't even think about kicking me off slut... or I'll be forced to make you scream..." Thyan froze, afraid. "Much better like that. Now... don't move and don't you dare try to resist me." Thyan tried to calm his ragging breath and relax. If he kept struggling he would just earn more pain he knew it. But he didn't want to submit to another male again, except Squal of course. He hated himself for thinking that but he knew he had no other option. He took a deep breath and prepared himself for the big male. He didn't even thought of lubing what he was going to fuck he just wanted to bury his cock inside it. And that's what ended up happening. With one forceful trust he penetrated Thyan; his slit giving way easily. However once he was inside he was surprised to find his member squeezed by a stronger muscular tunnel than he had expected. It felt warm and tight; sweet and soft; slick and simply incredible. Thyan screamed out loud, pain surging from his still surprisingly tight slit as this big cock parted it open. His own cockwas pushed to the side to make more room for the eager male lying on top of him. The sensation of this big member buried inside his untouched sanctuary felt awkward, unbearably painful and... pleasurable. When Thyan felt pleasure sneak in his mind he froze. Why was he feeling any kind of pleasure right now when a male was forcefully raping him? He could just clench his maws the hardest possible and blame his own sensitivity. Was his own sensitivity playing against him? Definitely yes. When his boss pulled out, his ridges grabbing on everything in his way Thyan couldn't hold back the rippling pleasure it triggered and howled to the ceiling. He helplessly moaned, bucking his hips in the large cock, pushing it even deeper. They both gasped in a mix of surprise and bliss. The two male stared at each other for some time, panting harshly, their tongue sticking out. Thyan purred gently in his boss here, his teeth nibbling lightly at his lips. "I see my little slut is enjoying it." "You have no idea. Untie my paws and I'll show you how much I love your fat dick?" Thyan wanted to slap himself a thousand times to punish himself but he couldn't help it. He had to admit it felt nice to have this thick cock buried in his slit and his lust had already silenced the rational side of his mind; the only thing that held him back; the only part of himself constantly reminding him that he already had a mate and that what he was doing wasn't right. But the intense pleasure felt so delightful. His slit was purely on fire from the sheer feeling of this lengthy member throbbing in his hole. His boss seemed reluctant to do as he asked. He huffed and slowly, sensually began to squeeze on his hard spire, drawing him deeper. "Come on untie me and I'll make you cum harder than you ever did." This time a sly smile curled the bigger drake's lips as he broke the knot. The tough rope fell, freeing his paws. "Thank you... now... I guess it's my time to fill my end of the bargain." purred Thyan. With one powerful motion of his haunches he made them both roll over, ending on top of the bigger see drake that clutche him tightly, keeping his cock buried in the warm shalter that his slit. Thyan started gyrating his hips, making the large cock wiggle inside him as the bigger male kept trusting slowly, his hard length rubbing against every pleasurable spot so often that Thyan found himself moaning, edging closer to his peak, clear fluids pouring out around the shaft, lubing both this new found tunnel and the rod exploring it. After some time his boss took back the lead , rolling him again on his back, giving himself more room to freely and wildly trust inside his so eager bitch of an employee. With every push his cock was shoved deeper, parting his smaller hole with its girth. The soft passage clenching every time he penetrated deeper, massaging his cock in all the right way possible. Slowly he sped up his pace, breeding the now loosened slithole with all he had, going much further, his knot rammed so hard against the tight entrance that it made loud wet squelching sound that sounded heaven to their ears. Both their brains were so hazy with the mighty primal power of their combined lust that none of them wondered what was this tightly shut thing the cock was repeatedly running into that was denying him further access to the depth of the needy male? The larger male growled, feeling his cock throb and twitch. Hh was on the verge of climax but in order to cum he needed to knot this little bastard. He groaned in need, slamming his cock inside this tight passage even harder, making Thyan squeal in utter bliss. Finally the strange thing blocking him gave way and he could sink his cock all the way in. His knot slipped inside, sealing the entrance of it's hole, forming a large swell just beneath the scales. Warm semen shot deep inside Thyan body in a part of himself he didn't know about His boss roared loudly as he sprayed his seed in his employee. His knot forming a perfect seal the seed had only one place to go. Thyan moaned loudly, arching his body upward as his climax hit. The throbs of his cock increased, turning into powerful spasms but still no seed managed to burst past the tight grip of this ring around his cock. His boss smirked deviously, observing his slut humping the air, trying so desperately to cum. Meanwhile he was enjoying himself, the sensation of his seed fleeing from his swollen balls felt incredibly releasing for him. He was lying on Thyan, moaning with him as he kept cumming; Thyan's muscles milking every droplet of cum he had.

After some time his knot had deflated enough for him to pull out, cum messily leaking from his tip. "Hmmm... gorgeous..." purred Thyan` "Are you gonna let me cum now?" "Not yet... still have one hole to try." "Then hurry up." "No..." "Oh come on... really..." "I'm getting tired of this position. Let's try something different." Thyan raised an eyebrow. What did this perverted dragon had in mind? Thyan watched as the dragon jumped of the couch. Thyan stayed there, observing the dragon's backside without understanding what he wanted precisely. "Come on come down here I have a... bright idea." Thyan mindlessly followed the command like a good obedient pet. Standing on all four with his bulging member below him felt awkward. He wanted everything to make it's persistent pain to stop, grinding it against something, stroking or suckling on it, or just putting it in one of this male hole's to release all the tension inside it but nothing would do the trick and he was left there with a rock-hard erection between his legs demanding all his attention as it twitched and jumped, slapping wetly on his belly, making him half moan half wince in the most delightful yet unbearable mix of pleasure and pain. "Lean over the desk." ordered his boss. Thyan gave no protest and did as he was instructed,, putting his two forepaws on the wooden desk, ending in a half lying position, his belly pressed against the polished wooden surface, most of his weight supported by his strong hindlegs, his stiff member brushing against the desk, his thick tail raised high, exposing his tight quivering tailhole. His body was trembling in anticipation, knowing that he'd be soon pierced by this shaft's girth which he could feel the warmth as his boss closed in. He observed Thyan bending across hiss desk with a predatory grin, getting on his hind paws, his forepaws falling onto Thyan's shoulders, his claws hooking onto cracks between scales. Thyan moaned, begging to be taken like the submissive bitch he was deep inside. The slickened tip poked around his back side, sliding along his scales, searching for his tight puckered entrance, missing its mark a few times before sinking right in. Thyan hadn't been prepared for the rough penetration but the slickened apendage slid in with ease. His fleshy tunnel was forced open by the ridged member that sank halfway into it. The sheer amount of pleasure unleashed in his veins when this immense cock rubbed aa so sensitive spot in his hole it made his brain melt with pleasure. From there, as the male started to wildly trust, wiggling his length deeper inside him Thyan blanked out. He didn't know if he was awake or not or if he had passed out from the pain or pleasure he felt. What he was sure of was that his body was numb, slack like chewing gum, his brain a useless pile of neurons incapable of coordinating a single coherent action. He was just moaning and bucking in the male's trust. He was dragged all over the room, taken in all imaginable position, all his hole, his ass, his slit, his mouth were painted in white creamy seed, his belly swelled with every strong load delivered inside him. He had been taken on the comfy couch, on the desk, on the bare cold ground, humped and bred like a lifeless toy, his holes spread open every time his boss sheltered himself inside one of his fleshy holes. He didn't know how long it lasted, how many time he was used like this, how many gallons of cum were delivered inside him. What he knew for sure was that his own essence was still trapped in his cock and balls that by the time his boss finally pulled out the ring from his cock which was far from easy. His member didn't look like one anymore, large veins bulging on all its surface, a large swell like a second knot had formed on the base of his cock and the tapered flesh had turned from pink to a deep blood red color. However when the ring was moved from his monstrously damaged cock Thyan didn't came right on the spot even if the swell in his cock grew even bigger, stretching his member to its limit. It took a few more trust and a knot lodged in his ass to trigger the most powerful, mind blowing orgasm of his life. It was like he had gently waited for his breeder to finish emptying himself. With a loud shrieking sound Thyan came, his cock imploding. His boss that had his belly pressed against his was taken by surprise by the sheer power of the mighty orgasm. A geyser of burning hot seed hit him right in the chest. He was shoved back, seed forcefully splattering on his lowerbelly. His knot popped out despite the tight massaging hole holding to it. He fell back on the floor, watching as a powerful torrent of seed rose from Thyan's bloated member, going so high it hit the ceiling, smearing it's gooey white mess in there too. The rest came raining down on both of them, covering them of white droplets. Even after a long delightful minute Thyan hadn't emptied all the seed trapped in his loins. Slowly he grabbed his prehensile flesh twitching in every direction and aimed it down, splattering the rest on his boss, covering the three quarter of his body in pearlescent essence.

Finally it came down in a few weak spurts on the couch. Thyan purred blissfully and rolled on the couch, not aware that he was close to the edge. He fell limply in a pool of his own cum, throwing more essence everywhere. It was at this precise moment that he woke up or rather took back control over his body. When he realized he was dipping in his own still warm cum he gasped, and tried to get on his paws, just to fall flat inside it again. He turned his gaze to his boss to find him covered of the same mess, casually walking in his direction. "I hope you've learned your lesson. Now get back to work." Thyan only let out a feeble squeak but managed to get on his paws and silently walk to the door. As he left his boss' office the numbness in his body left him, replaced by an immense pain. He whined in the middle of the empty corridor. It felt like someone had stabbed him with a thousand knifes or more at the same time. All his body throbbed and ached in pain, his holes felt stretched and loosened; his cock hanged limply beneath him, too weak to even go back in its protective slit. His loins were only two balls of pure suffering. He fell flat on the floor, incapable of walking any further. But he had to go back to his office before someone saw him like this. He persuaded him muscles to work and crawled along the floor, leaving a large white trail behind. As he crawled, he realized that even if he went to his office he wouldn't be able to come out without everyone noticing what he had done. Instead he obligated toward the employee's bathroom. He shoved the door open with his snout. Thankfully it was empty. He dragged his limp body toward one of the shower but as he got closer his muscles grew weaker. Fatigue snapped on him, making him yowl loudly. He waas so tired, so exhausted. He needed rest. Yes... some rest... a good nap wouldn't hurt. He was trying to resist the weakness spreading in his body but it was a lost battle and his heavy eyes closed as he drifted in a deep sleep.

Sometime later another employee noticed the gooey trail staining the floor of the corridor. At first he growled, pissed off by it and thought about calling a maid. "I hate these newbie runts that relieve themselves in the corridors." he barked. The stench of cum was highly uncomfortable for him. But before calling the cleaning team he wanted to find out who the bastard who did such a mess was.

He followed the trail to the bathroom. "Hmmm... strange..." he whispered for himself. When he pushed the door open his heart missed a beat. There, lying on the floor covered of the same mess he had left behind was the guy that occupied the office next to his. What was his name already? Thyan... or... something pretty similar to that. "Damn dude... what has happened to you?" he grumbled, covering his nose to not take in the disgusting fragrance of fresh seed. Thyan ha his tailhole widely opened, dripping a mix ocf cum and blood, like all the other orifice of his body. If someone found him there he would get in so much trouble. The older drake grabbed him and pulled him to the nearest shower. Thyan hadn't even awakened. The dude took no glove with him and put him under the shower head and opened it to the coldest setting. Instantly Thyan shrieked in surprise, his eyes shooting open in surprise as he half drowned under cold jets of water, his body hesitating between using his lungs or his gills. "Finally awake" huffed the guy that had started cleaning him with a snarl of disgust on his face. "Where... where am I?" "In the showers?" "Why..." "Stop asking stupid questions and help me with that mess." Thyan tried as best as he could to help the kind guy, whipping all the seed clinging to his scales. When it came to his holes the guy simply left the shower stall. "Wait... where are you going?" whined Thyay. "Not gonna clean that and don't want to witness that." Thyan said nothing and took care of the remaining seed oozing from the depth of his ass. When he left the shower after drying himself off the drake was still there. "Feeling better?" "So... cold..." he mumbled, his teeth clacking together. "You could have used warm water instead." snorted the guy. "No... no it felt good anyway."

Thyan went to a mirror to look at himself. When he was met with the sight of his own face he lowered his snout. The stench of the male's musk assaulted his nostrils. He was still so deeply marked with his scent. To that shameful scen! added a surge of pain coming from the depth of his slit. He was empty, so... painfully empty.

"I'm so screwed." he cried out, tears brutally flowing out of his eyes. "Indeed you were screwed." "No... I... I... don't mean that. I wanted to say... if my mate learn that... he's gonna kill me." "Not my problem." huffed the guy with a grimace. "If he smells that... oh god I'd rather not imagine what he'll do." "It's not my fucking problem." growled the drake that stood next to him." "But... what can I do?" whined Thyan, ramming his snout in the other's chest.

"I don't know" he sighed loudly, bored by this drake's pleas, "take another shower maybe it will wash it away."

Thyan followed the advice and didn't take one but three showers. When he left the bathroom no one could have guessed what he had done an hour ago. He went back to his office and tried his best to work but his mind wasn't there, too focused on what would probably happen when he'd come back home. He was sure Squal had something planned for him but if he came back with this scent on him he'd instantly understand what he had done. Worst, if his mate had a crave for his seed he'd have nothing to quench it so he'd suspect something too. He went back to his office, trembling in fear. How would he explain that to Squal. His mate would and will notice its new stench sticking to his scales. What could he do? Showering could wash away the most obvious clues but not the virile smell of the other male. "I'm so... fucked up... he'll never forgive me....".

Depressed, terrified, he took a deep breath; staring at the pile of documents on his desk. He could do nothing else than go to work even if it was the last thing he wanted to do. "Well... let's get to work then..."

[REWORKED] In the depth - Chapter 1

In the depth Chapter 1 The emerald surface of the sea, peaceful yet dangerous, calm yet impetuous. Both an incredible and respected food giver but also a mighty force to be reckoned with, a ruthless killer that swallow the braves and the fishers...

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In the depth - chapter 3

In the depth Chapter three. Everything was only pain and chaos, a confusing mess of mixed feelings forming an explosive cocktail flowing in his veins. He could hear nothing, feel nothing; smell nothing. He was only a pile of barely living flesh and...

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In the depth - chapter 1

In the depth Summary: Squal is an adolescent blue sea dragon leaving among the southern sea's tribe in their underwater realm. He is a great hunter, strong, fast, courageous, intelligent, cunning, and loved by his friends and family, respected by...

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