In the depth - chapter 4 (1/2)

Story by Yvaslo1 on SoFurry

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#5 of Feral stories

Hi everyone and YES I DID IT!!!

I managed to post a story before the end of the month.

Actually that one was quite long and hard to both write and edit (not taking into account my latest issues) but i'm happy to finally have it out.

This story will be divided in two parts because of it's total length but I'll try to post the following part ASAP.

As usual sit / lay down and enjoy; fav and vote if you enjoyed it; comment if you wish, subscribe if you don't want to miss the next chapter and click that watch button if you liked your reading.

In the depth

Chapter 4

Part 1

Squal wished he had said nothing. The few words of the king had the effect of a bomb for him. One word; one word that should have never been pronounced. Squal scrambled on paws that barely held him; trembling, on the verge of crying. The king, his father was still speaking, showing his back to him, too busy explaining things that Squal didn't listen to notice his own son's troubles to deal with the new information. All that he thought he knew, all that he believed, everything had been lies he had been fed with since his hatching day. How did the Elder, the one that raised him, educated him; took care of him dared to lie on that critical point? For what purpose? Why keeping this part of his life in the shadow? He still could remember the day, like it was yesterday, where he asked the Elder the question. At the time he was only a child, barely ten cycles old. It had been a long day for him; an encounter with a few drakes of his age after school. The argument had quickly degenerated in a messy fight which had left them all covered of bruises cuts and bites and a few gashes here and there. The subject of the argument was part of the envy caused by the fact that he was living in the Elder's home; at the top of the ladder of their society. Squal wasn't honored at all to have such a life; he found it boring, affectionless, and cold. He hated to be in this huge mention with no one to talk to, no one to play with, no friend, no family; only him, the Elder and his servants. After enduring a much deserved punishment Squal had dared to ask. "Sir...what... what has happened to my parents?"

The Elder remained silent like a tomb, concentrated on his book like Squal didn't even exist. Only when Squal opened his mouth to speak again did he closed his book and looked in his direction. "I've awaited this question for a long time." he had sighed.

He had explained in words Squal could understand back then. His parents were inhabitants of the cold northern sea that had emigrated in the city. After his mother had laid his egg they decided to come back to their home land for a short duration to visit their family there. They left the city in a convoy which vanished without a trace several hours later, one hour after reaching the last checkpoint located near a large pit in the ocean left by an ancient underwater volcano. When five hours later a rescue team found them it was too late. Everyone had been massacred, reduced to bloody shreds that floated on the surface of the sea. The only thing they found was an egg; his egg. They brought him back to the city where the Elder promptly decided to take care of the orphan. Who were the guilty? Who were those to blame for that? Of course those always depicted as living devils driven by an unquenchable bloodlust. The very same creature that haunted his nights, filled the books he read, the games he played... those always depicted as the bad guys.

Now he saw... he saw how much of a fool he was at the time. Everything made sense; he hadn't transformed... his true nature had only be revealed, displayed in daylight. Yet... there were still a lot of shadows that needed to be put in daylight: particularly what was his true story. "Squal are you listening?"

The question took him by surprise "Eh... no... I mean ... yes... er... I... what were you saying?" "Why am I even asking? Of course you're not listening. Why am I even bothering you with all this stuff? You must have tones of question to ask." "Yes... father..." he murmurs, still shaking.

"Then I'm listening." "Where is... the rest of my family?" asked Squal, excitement piercing in his voice. Now that he was there, so close to the truth he couldn't contain his joy. His father's face was cold and emotionless as he observed his city through a large window. "You don't have any other family... well... close family at least." "What do you mean?" "My father and mother, your grandparents if you wish, the king and queen before me died six years ago... and before you ask it was from natural death; they were really old." "And... and my... my mother?" whined Squal, already knowing that answer. "She's dead... long ago." He could hear the sorrow in his father's voice as he looked at some point in the distance. "What... happened to her?" "She died while giving you birth." he coldly replied, trying to keep his composure but Squal could clearly see the tears forming in his eyes. "Dad... tell me... tell me the truth." "Are you sure you want to hear that story now?" "Yes... tell me. I have to know the truth about my origin; I cannot bear the lies any longer." "If you think it's the wisest choice then... I'll oblige." he sighed sadly. "As you must probably have guessed you are not like the other around." "Well... I... I look pretty similar to them." "Physically yes but you have something different from them." "Really... what?" "That I don't know... only you will be able to tell."

Squal grimaced suspiciously. He didn't understood what his father meant, he didn't felt special... neither different. Well... that was... false; he had lived all his life under another appearance and had shifted uncontrollably without being infected. "Is this my... special thing?" he thought for himself, glaring at his own paws. "In fact Squal... you're not one of us." "What!? But..." "Not entirely..." clarified his father "I'd say you're... half one of us." "What is... the other half?" "Your mother... was one of them..." he let out, not even disgusted or ashamed of that; just sad and loving. "So I'm..." "A hybrid... yes." he whispered, finally daring to look directly at his son, tears streaming on his cheek in a perfect silence. Squal backed away. "Don't be disgusted by yourself... I'm not..."

Squal opened his maw yet nothing came out. "I'm even... proud of having a son like you." "How? How... is that even possible?" "It is a long story... and the ending is far from happy. There's no and they lived happy and had tones of kids at the end." "I don't care I want to know." "If it's your dearest wish I will count you the story. It was... Twenty... maybe more cycles ago; I was only a prince back then, youthful, more interested by exploring the world than by my duties as a prince. I traveled a lot, learned many things from other species throughout the oceans. I was happy with this life yet I knew that one day I'd have to climb on the throne and remain locked inside my tower, far from a world I craved to discover. One day when I was coming back from another journey to a foreign sea I fell by accident into the path of an armored convoy bringing back resources from another city further west. I remained hidden behind rocks, observing as they went by me, unaware of my presence. Among them was a dragoness... a very beautiful one. She was around my age... green scales... large ice blue eyes... a ravishing smile that made all males around her drool. I wasn't insensible to her charms either. She... she stirred something to life inside of me; something that I never felt before." Behind him Squal giggled. "Hey I don't permit you to laugh of me!" growls his father "I still can spank your ass..."

Instantly Squal become silent again. "Where was I... oh yes... I remember. When I saw her... I fell in love with her on the spot. I couldn't move my eyes away from her. She was so... magnificent... perfect... physically more attractive than any other female I had seen before and she had that clever look... I knew she could have any male for her without difficulty. At that moment I wished I could have her in my arms and cover her in my affection." "Are you sure it wasn't in seed you wanted to blanket her?"

A smile curled his father's lips "There was some of that too." "So... what did you do?" "I followed her... I followed the convoy at a good distance, keeping myself in the shadow. When night came they stopped in some safe place; I followed them even there. I could have headed back home yet I wanted to see her once more, to admire the beauty of her face, the color of her scales.... So I sneaked in their camps, knocking out one or two guards that were on my path. I found a nice observation spot near where they were feasting; around a large orange glowing gem. I had my eyes fixated upon her frame, mesmerized by her beauty until they left to sleep, switching off all the crystals. I left in silence, using the darkness to hide me. But... I... I had weird feeling, a... a sensation of being followed. My instincts were flared, adrenaline was shouting in my veins. I thought a guard had seen me and was on my tail so I swam away as fast as I could, taking narrow and tricky path between the rocky grounds covered of sharped corals and seashells of this region of the sea bottom yet it was still on my back. I didn't even need my sonar; I sensed the presence behind me and it was making no efforts to hide itself. It took me time but I managed to trick it and to trap it. I could just have left while he was searching in the wrong direction and place or I could go back and neutralize him to make sure. Do you know what I did?" "Easy guess you came back!" "Of course. However I imagined I would find a guard; a really good fighter that had managed to follow my trail until there. Their guards are the only real adversaries to our size we can find around; they really can put up a good fight and show of some skills in combat. Honestly I wished it was one and that I could bath in his blood. It would have been a good way to distract myself from her.

You don't imagine my surprise when I saw that it was not a guard neither a lone fighter looking for some combat but simple her, standing in the middle of the dark night sea. At that exact moment a moon ray pierced the water and landed on her, giving her scales a marvelous looking. You're gonna find it foolish but for some time I thought I was witnessing the apparition of an anger... an angel covered of green scales that was looking in all direction like she was searching something... or someone."

Squal could clearly imagine what his father was talking about. "It took me some time before I even dared to come any closer. When I did she showed me a defiant look and swam backward, away from me. That's at that moment I realized I was drooling like mad. I think that was the worst first impression I could give. The first few minutes were tense between us. It took time before one of us dared to speak and we pondered each word. We both knew that the slightest mistake could break that magic moment. I don't know how many hours we spent in the faint glow of the moon talking like this, of everything and nothing, just enjoying the moment. I don't know who between us closed the gap first but in the end we found ourselves kissing, caressing the other's scales, our jaws locked together, our tongue coiling in our maws. That was the deepest and wildest kiss I had ever experienced. I still don't know how we managed to come to that point... but I'm glad we did. That was the peak of what I had dreamed of since I first saw her. We kept kissing for a long time, tasting the other in deep." "Dad stop... you're making me uncomfortable." "Sorry..." "And... and after?" "We parted way... we had to anyway but that was one of the best moment I can recall of my life. I was in love... for the first time and I was glad it was with her." "Was it... something usual?" "Squal... I'm not that old... beside it didn't happen that long ago... and to answer your question I've made my own researches and have found no trace of previous union like this... we were making history." "That sounds great." "Oh yes it does... yet... it wasn't as perfect as it sounded. I couldn't tell anyone about this; otherwise I would have risked being kicking out of the city; dishonored; deprived of my tittle of prince and doomed to eternal exile." "Oh... I see... I guess it was no difference for her right?"

"Exactly my son... you understand quite rapidly... I'm impressed." Squal giggled. Even though he was unsure of how he should have been acting he felt somehow happy, like a heavy weight had left his shoulders. Now he knew a part of the truth and was about to learn the rest, his family wasn't has decimated as they said. Although he was happy to know that he had a real family he was still nervous. On one hand he wanted to jump in the king; his father's arms and hug him to death, letting all his tears flow out and just cuddle with him. It would be a new start for him. Yet... on the other hand he was suspicious; his most rational brain told him to stay alert; to not give into his joy and remain on his guards. Nothing guaranteed that the king was saying the truth. After all who told him it wasn't a bunch of lies; more lies again and again he was using to draw him away from his true self, to make him turn his back to his old friends and join his army. Moreover the king had told him the most coherent story he had ever heard about his origins; he wanted to hear it entirely; then he would decide what he should do of that: believe it... or not.

Without him noticing the king had stopped recounting his story and was now silently observing his son. Pride made his heart swell; he had a good looking son; healthy, all in muscles yet rather clever and smart. He had his traits and physical appearance... mainly... and... there was something in his eyes that reminded him painfully of his dead mate. His heart tightened again; like every time he thought about her. However Squal had a strange look on his face that he knew too well, a look he had already seen in someone else's eyes a while ago; a constant sense of suspicion, like he was always expecting to be backstabbed at any time. He took a deep breath, trying to clear his mind of the presence that kept making him suffer and, attracting Squal attention he said "You don't seem in a good mood to listen to my story." thankfully his voice sounded less shaky than he thought it would. Squal gasped, brutally getting out of his pensive state, shaking his head rapidly "No... no I... I was just thinking..." "Deep thinking apparently." "Well I... I... I... I was just thinking... it's... so... unbelievable.... But... please... keep going... I... I need to hear it all." begged Squal, his limbs trembling in anticipation "What happened next?"

We remained together for so many hours, hidden in the night, our bodies floating in the water, tangled together, kissing wildly, our paws exploring to the thinnest crack of our body." "Did you... mate her?" "No... we enjoyed the moment this way, simply delighting ourselves of furtive touches and passionate kisses." "Did you..." "Turn her? No. It was my greatest urge to let my venom flow in her veins, turn her into one of us... it would have been much simpler... trust me but... she was too beautiful the way she was... I feared I would... destroy that beauty if I dared to..." "Oh... I... I see." mumbled Squal. He was trying to imagine the most beautiful creature of the world but the pictures he got were surely far from reality. "So how did you?" "Prevented it?" "It was tricky... I had to make sure to not let too much of my spit slip in her throat and... *sigh* trust me I was drooling a lot. Every time we separated my mouth felt like a waterfall. I must have been looking awful back then but... it was funny... I suppose... she was always smiling... even when I felt gross." "And... and then?" "We parted only when the first light of dawn broke the seas; we left and went opposite ways without a word; she went back to her life, as I did, with only the memories of that night impregnating our soul." "I... I suppose it's not the end... am I right?" "It's far from it." admitted his father; "A week later I found myself wandering in the ocean and helplessly dragged toward that very same place. I spent hours roaming around the ocean; trying to pick up a scent; find a trace; something that would remind me of that forbidden instant. My head was flooded by these memories of a blissful yet unexpected night. Yet no one came. Night was starting to come and the waters darkened. I could have easily swum back home but... I didn't felt like it. I found a nice comfy cave at the base of a jagged wall and fell there. I don't know how long I slept, ten minutes... an hour or more but... when I opened my eyes she was there, staring at my sleeping form from above.

When I saw her I scrambled on my paws, so surprised that I didn't manage to form a coherent sentence. She was laughing; her smile was a small flickering light in the shadows of the night. I was in heaven. I had stopped expecting her and then she showed up, a bright angel of light in darkness. We settled down side by side into that narrow crack in the rugged rocks. I spent countless hours licking, cuddling her, memorizing each detail of her like there was no tomorrow. She loved every second, her moans were music to my ears and I delved deeper in her body." Squal was listening with all his ears but, as the story went on he felt dampness in between his legs, his muscles there clenching and quivering around a growing warm spot. Before he knew it he was panting; a large erection bobbing between his hind legs. That sight made a smirk grow on his father's lips as he observed his son struggle to not give into his ragging desires. He pursued "We didn't mate that night, only sharing body heat and affection, once again I was growing restless, horny, I buried my snout in her folds and lapped there; I was so ravenous... so hungry for her sweet juices. At first she enjoyed it, I felt the pressure of her paws on the back of my skull, forcing me against her overflowing pussy but then she was trying to pull me away instead. I felt her paws tugging to my snout, trying with all her might to shove me away but I held on, latching on her hindquarter to keep myself in her snatch." "Did you... raped her?" spat Squal, feeling a wave of disgust wash over him, carrying away the almighty lust. If he had learned he had been conceived through a rape he would have had no regret tearing that bastard apart. "No... but... it almost happened. I was so enraptured back then I tried to force myself on top of her... mount her, oblivious to her struggles until I tried to kiss her again. Our gaze met again and... the terror on her face, her tears, the panic in her eyes... that's what opened my eyes to the reality of what I was doing. I immediately backed away; I was dishonoring myself and plus... I was hurting the one I loved most. I wanted to leave, to swim away and never come back but... she kept me here... when she could have just... sent me away."

Squal let out a relieved sigh, reassured by that news. "And then?" "We parted way. I was sobbing, I was desperate. I thought I had ruined everything and I didn't expect her to come back but... some time later... I don't know... a week or two later I came back to that place, dragged against my will to that precise location. I just planned to sit there and drown in my regrets. But when I arrived I smelled a scent. Someone else was here. I was on my guards, instincts flared, looking for that unwelcomed guest. You have no idea of how surprised I was to find her there, looking around, searching... for... for me... I suppose. It took me time to dare and come closer; I was so afraid, so ashamed of my past acts to dare to join her but when I did I was met with her brilliant smile again as she hugged me. She seemed to have forgiven me but I was still so afraid, like everything only held by a few fragile strings. I was taking gloves with her, always soft and affectionate with her. For some time... a really long time we didn't touch each other down there, satisfying each other with passionate kisses and slow caresses. We loved each other in secret, meeting whenever life allowed us a break in the very first spot where we met the first time. We found excuses to slip away a day or two and share in the intimacy of our little shrine. I didn't mind hunting for her or doing a few things when we were together; we were so happy with our little secret life. However... if by the hand of fate we met under other circumstances we had to show no signs of our forbidden love and act alike we should have acted if we were foes." "It... it must have been hard..." mumbled Squal, knowing for certain he wouldn't be capable of harming someone he loved. He knew that if one day he had to fight against Thyan (if that event occurred) he wouldn't be able to fight; he'd have to betray himself or simply refuse the fight. Which brought him to another bothering interrogation: would Thyan recognize him now?

"Is there something bothering you my son?" "Huh? No... nothing I... I was just trying to imagine." "Don't try... these are awful thought, don't poison your spirit with them... leave that to the elders." Squal nodded, yet his mind was still full of these many worries. "Where was I?" "You said that you had to fight against each other." "It only happened twice and to let you know she kicked my butt every time." "Was she too good for you?" "No... I let her win." chuckled his father. "And... and then?" "I suspect my parents found out that I was hanging out with some female but I think... if I had to put myself at their place that they thought I was mating with someone of a bad condition; which would be a dishonor for the family so... they put someone on my tail. But when he busted me I was with her. It had been a tricky situation to get out of but we managed to pull ourselves out of it with... minor collateral damages but I... I had to pay with my body." "Did he?" "He wanted to take your mother at first but after some... negotiations I managed to make him change his mind." "What did you do to persuade him?" "Let's say I... offered him another solution." Squal surprised himself smiling, picturing his father getting humped. That very thought had him moaning as his cock throbbed and twitched between his legs. "When he was done with me he left but... it didn't make us break apart... it only strengthened our bond. I think your mother truly accepted me now... seeing what I was capable of doing for her. However when I ascended to the throne I had that guy jailed and had his head chopped off." "Dad!" squawked Squal , astonished by the reveal and the fact that he called that mere stranger dad. "What!? No one can refuse a favor to the king." he chuckled. "Anyway... how was I... conceived?" "I was coming to it my son... be patient."

Squal sat on the floor, listening with all his ears. "It took us long, a really long time to dare and simply touch the other there so mate together... it took us two year to get to that. However we didn't waste all that time; we tried a few experiments of our own." Squal let out a low whimper, a spurt of pre splattering on the floor between his paws, his senses enticed by tones of naught ideas. "We spent nights exploring each other's private parts. Since our first trials were a bit messy we were both afraid of going any further but we did. I cannot possibly count you how many hours, how many days we spent pleasuring the other in every way and position you can imagine. Once I remember she brought a toy from her town and she used it to please me. I remember her paws pumping that thing in my ass while she was licking my cock." A shudder of bliss traversed his body. Meanwhile Squal was gritting his teeth, holding back to not spill his seed, muffing his moans as his cock jumped, throbbing, twitching under each powerful spurt of pre seed that coated the ground in glossy slime. He had completely underestimated the power of the instincts once foreign, hidden in the depth of his flesh now oozing, overflowing, blooming in his veins. "Are you getting aroused my son?" asked his father, pretending he had not noticed the heavy scent of male arousal floating in the air, neither the struggles of his child to hide his impending climax, even less the dark puddle staining the slick ground of his throne room.

"It's fine... I can handle it." grunted Squal, trying to keep up some appearance "Weren't you afraid that your seed could..." "She knew the risks Squal... as I did... but I never allowed her to feast upon my seed." "That must have been hard for you... both..." winced Squal; his claws helplessly racking the floor, his teeth gritting as his cock throbbed again and yet again, more pre erupting at a fast pace, fueling the dark pool ahead of him. "As hard as it is for you to stay focused Squal." grumbled his father, throwing his son a meaningful glare. "So... how did you do?" "Well... the first time we mated was... pretty odd honestly. I... I didn't get to breed her the usual way. Instead of experiencing her vent I had my member in her tailhole." Squal gasped, his member jumping, slapping his belly as pre gushed so hard it landed on his face. "That must have felt... intense." he moaned, picturing his father in the same position he had been with Thyan. "It was... but I forbid you to lust over it Squal!" he roared. Squal winced, scrambling on his paws as more of his slick precum shot on the floor. "Apologies father... It's... it's still so... new." "Apologies accepted... just try not to do that in public would you." Squal blushed, imagining himself in the embarrassing situation of getting unsheathed in public, what he had been doing nightmares off when he discovered himself, finding himself all but attractive. "Father... could you... please... keep going... I want to know it all." he mumbled, moaning between each words. He felt his tailhole quivering, clenching on nothingness; he had already felt that sensation: when he was eager for a cock filling his rear. He had discovered it through his many experiments with Thyan at the difference that now it seemed to have increased a thousand time, he was on the brink of losing his mind and just crunch low and beg for someone to take him.

"Surely my son, you deserve to know. So... to make sure nothing unfortunate would happen she wrapped my cock in some sort of sticky thing. It felt awkward at first; as if I had been trying to hump seaweeds but once I was inside her... oh god... it was amazing. I... I only realize its true purpose when I came. It became so warm all of a sudden, like I had been dipping in a pure wild fire. When I removed myself I discovered that thin was bulging from all side, full of my seed. Everything was held perfectly inside, sealed away from her." Squal couldn't stop moaning now, bucking his hips in empty air as the story went on, helplessly arching his back as more pre spilled from his turgid rod. "We used that very same technic every time we felt the urge to mate. She would casually bring that... like... like she had one on her all the time." "How long?" gasped Squal, trying to hold on the last strings of reality in his fuzzy brain. "One year. One day we felt the desire to take our relationship a step further. It took us a lot of time to agree on that, to prepare ourselves to that. All nights before that fateful day I would craddle her, hug her close to me, imprinting all of what I knew of her before it changed... for eternity. Then... came the time. I had faith in her, she would be strong... as she had always been and she would be the greatest mother for you. Doing it with her... without any protection was a whole new experience, a whole new plethora of sensations to discover. I went all in and gave her everything I had. I came harder than I ever did in my life... as she did... I still can remember her cries as we orgasmed together. We sealed our fate together this day. Me... her... you... although you had no idea of it."

"What... what happened next? Did she... change?" "Squal... if she had transformed... don't you think she would be here... discussing with us?" "Well... you're... right I supposed." "You must know Squal that... from the instant I put my... tool in her... nothing was ever the same... and nothing went the way it should have. After our session I waited... afraid of what I would witness in a few minutes... then in a few hours. As nothing came we interrogated ourselves... had it failed... was my seed weak... sterile? Was there something unknown to us? We had planned to stay a full month together... we had made sure no one would come looking for us." "One month... it's... quite long... isn't the conception supposed to last a week or two?" "In theory... but we took precautions.

I didn't sleep much these nights, looking after her all the time instead. I could see that bulge forming in her belly... you... growing inside her, protected by your eggshell. I was impatient... yet afraid of what would get out. And still no change occurred,; she was still in perfect shape and health. It was... disturbing to say the least. She was wondering as well... I knew it... even though she tried to be happy and smiling all the time... I knew something wasn't right." Then... came the day where she laid you. I was coming back from a hunt when I heard her cries. It had started before I arrived. I dropped everything on the bottom of the sea and ran to her. She was lying in our nest, her body convulsing, her gaping sex clenching, oozing a mix of blood and feminine fluids. I... I succumbed to panic; I was no doctor and she seemed to be in such a great pain... what could I do? I tried my best, listened to the instructions she gave me and in the end... I was more or less ready to welcome you." "It was quick." "No Squal... it took one... long... exhausting night to get you out of her womb... and it was a great deal of suffering and stress. But still... you were there, in my paws. I mean... your egg of course." Squal felt a lone tear slip from the corner of his eyes; all traces of his lust were gone, wiped away by the tension in his father's painful words. "And then... how did she die?" "That's when... everything went from bad to worse. At first I only thought she was tired as she laid there, sleeping, it was normal after all. But... with time passing by and her body not healing I started to fear. I took care of her the best I could but nothing seemed to work; her strength kept decreasing with each hour. I was worried as dark patches appeared everywhere on her scales, even her blood turned the color of night."

"Was it... the transformation occurring?" Asked Squal, remembering the tremendous waves of pain that crushed his body and soul as he shifted a couple of days ago. "It was my first thought as well but... no... it was definitely not that; her scales kept darkening as her flesh decayed, her body crippled with pain. I didn't know what was happening; I had no idea of how to cure her disease. Yet her body was plagued by that life threatening sickness. I had to make sure she'd live. She had to see true doctors; healers that would be more qualified to cure her. I spent countless time pondering which choice to do. Bring her here, showing the infamy of my betrayal to everyone including my parents... but where she could receive better treatments or... bring her back from where she came from, risk getting killed but at least she would be safer there. Also...another argument deterred me of bringing her to our city. Back then our borders were guarded and someone would have probably recognized her." "So... I guess you chose the second option." "I did... I took you both and swam in bright daylight toward your city. I managed to slip past the first patrols but... as I closed in I was spotted and surrounded in a matter of seconds. In a more convenient position I would have been able to escape... but now with her heavying on my back I could do nothing but let them trap me; getting closer and closer. She was quickly noticed, choking on my back, her breathing slow and irregular, gurgles coming out of her throat. One guy noticed her and in consequence I was brought to the edge. On the trip no one listened to my pleas, I could beg them for help no one moved a claw for her. They must have been suspecting it was a bait, a trick. Yet... when I was brought to their chief he quickly identified her. He tried to question me but !he only thing I repeated to him was "she is sick... she needs help." In the end they took her inside but as I was about to go the other way they stopped me. I thought my final hour had come, that I would be murdered here and now but instead they dragged me in the city. I followed them to a hospital where I completely lost track of her. I was left in a corridor with an entire squad of soldiers guarding me, setting a watchful eye on me.

Everyone else was staring at me like I was coming out of a freak show, like they had never seen anything like me before." "It's a rare thing among us." commented Squal letting out a low chuckle. "Indeed but don't interrupt me anymore Squal... this story is already hard enough to tell." "Sorry... didn't mean to bother you." "It's nothing. So... to resume where I was I waiting in that cramped corridor, in the stench of ether a whole dozen of hours, left unaware of her state, with you in my paws. Then... someone I hadn't expected to show up appeared..." "The elder..." whispered Squal, finally guessing who his mother truly was. He knew the tale; he learned it when he was a child.

The one and only daughter of the great elder, as pure as crystal, as shimmering as the sun, which intelligence and beauty surpassed all else that fell in love with the most depraved and deceitful of beings. Her innocent heart didn't see the danger hidden behind his apparent sadness and loneliness and, once she got close the shy face turned into a monster that lashed on her, poisoned her and left her for dead. She succumbed shortly after, yet her pure, innocence still lingers in the blue seas, brightening the path through the darkest waters.

Was there a possible link between that legend and that story, could it be that very same person? "I know it's hard to believe but you have to trust me Squal." "Like you say... it's hard but... please continue." "Well I didn't know for sure what he was doing here... I just knew it was bad for me. Yet he didn't talk to me, he headed straight for a room instead. When he got out he was looking devastated, like something awful had happened. My guts were telling it was where she was, and the look of his face only increased my worries. I kept waiting... with him at a good distance from me but still I could feel his cold gaze heavying on me, he was inspecting me, like he could see through my soul. I felt guilty for her but I was powerless, helpless; I could just wait and pray all the gods to keep her safe. I spent all that time cradling you; it was... the only thing I could do. And then... *sigh* someone came... he was drenched in red and bore a tired yet sorry face. He went to me first and... asked me if I was the one who brought her here? I couldn't speak... I was too anxious; too frightened; too terrified to talk... beside the fact that their poison was starting to make me choke so I just nodded; avoiding his eyes. He thanked me for doing so and then announced the news I wished would not happen. She was dead... she had succumbed to that sickness. They had tried to save her but nothing did. I could only cry and... blame myself.... That's when he noticed the egg I was sheltering protectively and... I suppose he understood what it meant but before he had time to even exclaim himself the elder came in and interrupted that doctor. From my sorry state it was easy guess to see how close I was to his daughter. The poison in the city's air was working its deadly effect in my veins. He didn't have to... he could have let me die but instead he gave me the antidote then he guided me to a more discreet place.

The first thing he asked me was to... give him... your egg. I..." "I bet you refused." "I did... quite harshly even. We spent maybe an hour arguing over it, trying to decide who should keep you but... he won in the end; he had good arguments in his favor." "Like what?" Hissed Squal, starting to see the chain of events that led to hat very moment where his fate was decided. "I couldn't bring you back here... it would have been too risky, I had no clue of how you'd look like when you'd hatch and if you happened to resemble one of them I would have been busted in an instant." "He had no clue either." "Still it was easier for him to hide an egg, no one would dare ask him and... in the eventuality where you'd happen to be one of us you'd have been brought back to me in secret." "I... I see..." he mumbled. His heart was tortured, shattered, ripped between two opposite beliefs fighting in his guts. On one side there was the deeply implanted story he had learned to accept since he was a child, his parents were slaughtered and he had been found among the remains of the attack and the elder took him as his protégé. On the other side was the story that deceitful king had counted him at the instant. Which one was true? "And... and after?" "I gave you to him and went back home... and this story remained our secret... a painful... crippling secret."

For the first time his father turned around completely and dared to face him, their gaze meeting for an intense second. "I see you doubt my words Squal." "I... I do... excuse me for that." "There is nothing to apologize for Squal... I know how disturbing it is." I've... I've always been told that..." "They died?" "Yes... how do you know about that?" "Because we have made sure it happened." "What! I... I don't understand." "We built that story for you... created you a new past... something anyone could doubt about." "That's impossible." "Oh really? Then tell me what he told you when you asked him? That your parents were part of a large convoy heading for a northern city that they were attacked and that no one made it out of the onslaught except for a lone egg mingled with debris and drenched in blood." "Yes... that's... exactly it... how do you know?" he gasped, unwilling to accept that evidence. "It's because we created it Squal; we invented that whole story. You had to have coherent origins; you couldn't pop out of nowhere; to avoid raising suspicion; so we forged a plan. We found a large convoy that should have left the city a week later; he would make sure it was under guarded and I would throw my soldiers on it. A big bait for a hungry predator." Squal looked away, knowing exactly what happened next. "Do you want me to continue?" "Finish this..." he grumbled. "I left the city without you, gathered men willing to fight and brought them to the ambush point. The convoy was right where we wanted, an easy prey for a successful hunt. I led the charge as we attacked. The assault was brutal, violent. The sea turned the color of their spilled blood. An old legend was even born from these tragic even. It is said that when you dare enter that gap where they found their death you can still hear their desperate cries for help. Anyway... while everyone was scavenging what could be, I left the egg in the middle of the dead bodies.

Soon after we left and no one ever did speak about this day ever again and so you were born unknown to anyone." "But... what did you gain by doing this?" "Something that has no price... peace." "I don't get it." "We made a bargain: he kept you safe and informed me of your current state... while I would guarantee a certain peace between our kinds." "A relative peace you mean." ironically chuckled Squal. "It was the best I could do." "And... believing some other you... let them take some of your territory." "That... was no part of our bargain..." he hissed defensively. "At some point he... actually went quiet; it was... five years ago." "Why?" "I don't know... maybe our agreement didn't satisfy him anymore. But above all, above the safety of my people I was worried about you Squal, about your safety, about your well-being. I was afraid that this brutal interruption in our diplomatic relationship meant something bad happened. I feared that you had... died." he whimpered, his voice becoming a mere squeak. "But... I was alive... and healthy back then." "I only learned that later Squal... much later. I was also worried that he had tricked you so deeply that you'd trust the same misbelief they force into their children's head." "I was raised with this in mind indeed." admitted Squal. "At that time I decided to send my best spies in their city, we took soldiers, citizens, politicians, merchants... all those that could allow us in. My men learned to leave like them, to act, to speak like them until perfection." "How did you...?" "We managed to get our hand on a stock of the poison they dissolve in the air along with its cure and we managed to copy it, guarantying my spies' safety... and making the elder so mad when he learned it. With that we ensured the safety of our spies." "I... was subject to the effect of this toxin... a month or so ago." revealed Squal, a bit ashamed and most of all nervous; he didn't know how his father would react to that information.

"Are you alright my boy?" "I'm fine... thanks to my mate I received proper healings." "Thyan is that it? Yeah... he seems to be a caring one... and quite cute on top of that." whispered his father on the tone of shared secret. "*Gasp* how do you know?" "My son my son... I know everything about you; in fact I saw everything from up close. You see... my spies had as their main objective to infiltrate their city, gain knowledges and harvest information's while climbing the ladder of their society. But they had a second mission, a mission only known to them... and me of course, to keep an eye on you. Of course none knew who you were and how important you were but what wouldn't they do to please their king? So they searched, asked questions, fumbled in every corner. It wasn't easy the elder is a cunning person and made a wonderful job of hiding you, erasing all suspicion but it wasn't enough for my ruthless men. They did eventually find you and gave me a constant supply of info on you. I could see your life through their narratives. One of them in particular did it to perfection. In fact... he had been ordered by the elder himself." he giggled, delighted by the hazardous play of luck. Squal gasped, before his father even spoke he knew what he was about to say, who was his spy. "No... it... it can't be." he mumbled "Thyan would have noticed." "You know him under the name of Raynhor..." "I... I know... I know who he is." mumbled Squal,. His father seemed oblivious to his son's shock as the revelation made its way in his head.

"Yet, as the story was finally told Squal felt something was missing, something so important he was surprised his father did forgot to mention it. "Dad... I... I have a question." "Yes my son." "Are you... in any way responsible for... this...?" he asked, his voice trembling as he took a step back; showing himself with obvious nervousness; waving a paw toward himself; pointing in turn at his glimmering black scales; his protruding hooked fangs; his long and sharpened claws. His father observed in silence; his lips twitching in embarrassment; his eyes going over his son like he was seeing him for the very first time. Squal could see in these two glinting irises that even he was puzzled; lacking the answer he needed. "I'll be honest with you Squal... I don't know; you... you're a complete mystery for me. I... I actually never hoped it would happen; I... I don't know how it even happened. I can only rely on the few reports of my spies seeing you half transformed running around the city but nothing else. Even Raynhor cannot explain it. No one knows... since you are actually the only leaving hybrid in this ocean to my knowledge so I have no idea if it's natural... like you reached a point in your life where you transformed and it would happen at regular interval or if your sickness triggered it. Anyway I am happy to see you with my own eyes for the very first time... and I'm proud of what I see right now." His words transpired the same sincerity and honesty, Squal could feel it in his heart and soul, this man, this dragon, this grateful and benevolent king had opened the guiltiest secret staining his soul to him like he had been someone trustworthy. His words stabbed Squal heart with a blade of truth and enlighten. These words revealed in the silence and surprising intimacy of this fancy throne room. Squal knew deep in his heart that man spoke true, truer than anyone before, not even the elder had convinced him although he had come to believe the lies. Even more interesting his words lightened shadowy areas of his past and gave answers to question that were until then bothering him. Why did Raynhor spoke to him this way when he helped him leave the city while mutating. "A gift... or a curse..." he knew what happened. He had always been one step ahead, prepared to events Squal didn't know could occur. Even weird details like why didn't his supposed parents had proper tombs in the undersea cemetery? Where his astonishing hunting skills came from. Everything made sense now. He stared at that tall sea dragon, his fins and frills trembling lightly, like he was nervous, as if he waited, yet feared an answer from his son. Without further hesitation Squal dashed forward, ramming himself in the king's chest. He staggered back under the blow as a gasp left his maw. The two rolled in an eruption of bubbles; reduced mess of paws; tails and fins, their limbs tangled together as they came to a stop on the cold floor. "Father..." chirped Squal, nuzzling his father's strong chest. "My son..." purred his father with a trembling voice, his body shaking under the flow of emotions submerging him.

Squal felt muscular webbed paws wrap around his flanks. The words felt weird, unusual for both of them as they cuddled, their cheeks bathed in tear, the water around them becoming slightly saltier.

A loud creaking noise brought them abruptly back to reality, cutting their intense instant of family intimacy as an undesired presence stepped in. "Excuse me your majesty... but... a critical affair has happened and requires all your attent... by the great abysses!...!" he gasped, noticing he had disturbed another crucial and precious instant, earning angry glares from the two hugging males. "I'll... tell them to wait..." he mumbled, eclipsing as fast as he had entered. "Well... I think it's time to go back to work..." sighed his father, nuzzling his son one last time as he let go of him. Squal swiftly dodged a lovely nudge from his father as he spiraled away, propelling himself in the water with only a swift tail swipe. "You're a fast one Squal I'll give you that... but I don't have time to play catch now; being a king is a full time job you understand." "I do... sorry... dad..." mumbled Squal, this word still feeling odd as it rolled out of his mouth. Like his father had read his mind he affectionately smiled, showing how he understood his son's emotions. "It will feel odd at first but you will get used to it." Squal nodded... not convinced. "Well then... it is time for us to part ways again. I have already ordered a room to be prepared for you; a room at your height of course... a room for a prince." Actually hearing the word made Squal flinch and frown, staring at his father in a mix of surprise and doubt. He was nothing of a prince; he didn't felt like having what it took to assume this role. He was a man of action, someone that preferred the sound of claws and fangs tearing through flesh over the blabbering voices. He felt more in his element in open water hunting, chasing and cornering his prey then slicing their veins open. Spending all day in an underwater palace doing nothing more thn small talks. Hek even his body was a sheer sign of his predilection areas. "Relax my son... you will get used to your new life here fairly easily." "Actually father... I have already seen this room... your servant offered me a visit." "Did you only visited?" he asked, a knowing smile curling his lips. "I don't see what you mean father." "Squal... don't play fool with me... I can smell it on you... you did more than exploring my humble home... you explored other... things..."

"Well... your consort was... quite attractive... and... he was... quite a tease if you allow me." "I know. Still I am pretty sure you enjoyed that visit all the same, whatever did happen." "Indeed." mumbled Squal, his black scaled cheeks burning a deep red. "Don't feel embarrassed Squal. Mating is something fairly common around here and you'll be surprised to see many of my peoples don't bother and are even quite open minded on the subject. As long as you don't harm or rape someone else." "Simple rules..." he mumbled.

"Also... I'll make sure to provide you with everything you desire... food... drinks... advertisement... consorts of the gender you wish... everything to keep you busy... and satisfied." explained his father as they walked toward the large doors. "And go outside... I mean... can I go outside... and visit the city?" "Not without some protection at least." "Won't this be suspicious?" "I don't care; I'll do whatever it takes to ensure your safety. You're the thing I cherish the most and... after all you've been through I cannot stand the idea of losing you again." "I... I understand... father." They had come to a stop in front of the doors, staring at each other in a silent goodbye. None of them tried anything, simply staring and smiling nervously at each other. Squal, feeling the urge to be close to his father again closed the gap, nuzzling his genitor lovingly. A short instant later they separated, warm smile plastered across their faces. However As Squal turned around something, an idea, a memory popped in his brain, pushing the brew of emotions aside for a brief moment. He recalled the favor he had promised to Stradavar. What was it anyway... remind the king of something... but what?

"Father..." "Yes my son?" replied the king who had already sat on his throne. "I... I have a favor to ask you..." "Sure my son, go ahead." he replied, trying to hide his suspicion under a smile. "Well... Stradavar asked me..." "Oh dear... I'm missing to all my duties!" shouted his father "Where is the one that brought my son home so I can great him like he should be?" "Right now... he must be resting. We had... a bit of an issue earlier." "Squal..." sighed his father, as if, once again he had read his mind. "I... I lost my mind." admittedly whined Squal, not daring to look at his father anymore. "It is no reason to harm a friend Squal." "I know... I'll make it up to him." "You'd better do Squal. I count on you to find a way to solve this problem. But anyway what did he want; I shall grant him his wishes for bringing me back my son." "Well... he asked me to remind you of what you promised him." "I had forgotten about that indeed." let out his father, like it anounced a tragedy. "Eid I say something wrong?" "No @o... you did well my son." "Then... what is on your mind." "Since it concerns you I suppose you have the right to know." Squal perked ears, listening to his father as he seemed to brace himself. "Stradavar... asked... well offered... to house you in his home for a while, learn you how it works here and make you discover our wonderful city. I could agree that seeing friendly faces could be a great idea to help you adapt to your new life... and body." Squal felt his cheeks become warmer as they were flushed red. "Don't feel ashamed of that. It is hard for all of us to tame our urges. All young dragons such as you go through this trial."

Squal silently agreed, knowing perfectly what his father meant. "The choice is yours my son. I won't oppose to it?" "You men... you'd let me go with him?" "Stradavar is a trustworthy person... a loyal servant, and a friend so I have no fear placing my trust in him. Besides... he knows well that if one thing happens to you he'll suffer sever retaliations. And believe me when I say I know how to make suffer."

Squal gasped, gulping down his saliva nervously. "So... what do you choose?"

It didn't take long for Squal to choose. "I'll... accept his offer... if you don't mind." "Your choice... I just hope you'll visit me sometime. And so you know it... your room awaits you at any time you wish to come back." "Thanks... I'll keep that in mind." "Be safe my son. May the light guide your step in darkness." "Same for you father." he replied.

The doors opened just enough for him to slip between them. On the other side the antechamber was looking busier than when he had entered, a small crowd had gathered there. There were the palace's guards, black vigilantes keeping an eye on the subjects coming to pledge something from the king. Among this crowd he easily discovered the diversity of peoples living in this city. He didn't take much time to look at all of them, his presence here was already causing eyebrows to raise.

He quickly left the room, trotting away in the corridor. The same guard as before waved in his direction, pointing at a certain door. "He is waiting for you." he simply let nut as Squal passed by. "Thanks." he whispered. The armored soldier smirked discreetly as Squal vanished in the room. He didn't linger too much on the fancy decoration, noticing straight away the male dragon lying on a comfy looking sofa, nestled in thick cushions. "Look at who we have here." chirped Stradavar, shuffling around on his makeshift bed, his half lidded eyes watching Squal as he approached, worry blooming in his eyes. "Are you alright?" he asked, sitting next to the sofa. "I'm fine... a bit dizzy but overall fine." whispered Strad "And you... how have you been doing?" "Fine... I suppose." "So... what has the king decided for you? " asked Strad, hardly raising to a sitting position after some struggles, yawning loudly as he did. "Well... he... offered me to stay in here for a while." "Wow man that's neat. Not many people get such a privilege." "But... he also told me about your little... suggestion. Why didn't you tell me?" "I wanted to make the surprise." "You have an unusual way of doing surprises." "Thought you would have liked but... think I misunderstood you. So... anyway... what did you chose?" "I accepted." "Accepted what?" asked Strad anxiously, almost pleading Squaal to answer him. "Your proposal silly." giggled Squal, jabbing Strad in the chest, shoving him back in his bed, before jumping in, throwing a few pillows away, floating in midwater. Strad gasped, rolling with Squal as they nestled together in the nest of pillows, tangled together in a mess of paws and fins.

"Why?" he whimpered as Squal nuzzled his chest affectionately, purring as he ground against the other male. "Honestly... between getting stuck here and stayiog with you for a while I prefer remaining by your side." "There... you mean... in the palace?" "Yep." "Dude! Are you kidding me!? It's a rare privilege to be offered to stay here! Why refuse it?" "I don't feel fitting here... beside... you promised the king to make me visit the city in deep... and I bet you know all the best spots.". A devious grin spread on Stradavar's lips as he noodded firmly. "So... are we going or not?" "Give me a minute to get up would you. After all there is no hurry." "You sleepy ass maybe but I'd really enjoy a meal and a good bed." "You have already half of your wish granted." "Shut up..." he chirped, poking snout wish Stradavar. "Alright then..." he huffed, kicking Squal away. "Anyway... what took you so long?" "Have I been away for that long? I haven't seen time go by." "It must make... I don't know... at least three hours that I'm resting here." "Don't seem to mind though." "This part of the palace once was mine so I'm someway at home here. But answer my question would you?" "Well... there was a lot to discuss." "Oh... secrets secrets. Stop teasing me man. What was so important to take you so long? You don't spend three hours doing small talks." "Well... I'll tell you... later." rumbled Squal, his face locking as his smile turned into a snarl. "Ok fine... don't be grumpy for nothing." "Sorry..." sighed Squal "I'll tell you later I promise... but not here... not now... I need to deal with it alone first." "It's ok... take as much time as you want. It must be hard for you to... accept this new you." "You bet." chuckled Squal.

They left the marvelous palace by the same way they entered, under the same solemn look of the guards. "So... where are you living?" "You see that cliff over there?" asked Stradavar, pointing at something through the transparent glass of the tunnel. Squal frowned, scanning the obscurity in search of what Stradavar was pointing at. He saw nothing until a bright ray of light went over the cliff, illuminating the metal and glass made surface of a building embedded in the cliff, or rather built in harmony with it, marrying perfectly with the jagged rocky surface, hidden among the rocky protrusions and reefs. "Holy shit!" gasped Squal "That's freaking far away!" "Not really... beside we could enjoy a short walk through the city. Also I know a few shortcuts that will help us get there quicker." "If you say so."

Squal, led by Stradavar entered the maze of reinforced glass tunnels linking all buildings and places together. The city was a true beauty of the abyss, a marvelous piece of technology and clever architecture, all buildings rivaling fancy and original designs, some even looking simply awkward and out of place. One was forming a bridge over several tunnels, enlightened like a Christmas tree. Stradavar drenched him of information about the city, feeding him with tone of details but he was barely listening, too focused on the recent reveals. A hybrid... a fucking hybrid. How was it even possible? How hadn't he noticed it earlier? Why him? Why now? So many questions collided in his head in an endless silent echo. Everything he knew, everything he believed in, everything he trusted had been only lies. Everything, everyone he had faith in were only liars. Well... perhaps not all of them... but so many knew the ominous truth. How had it been even possible? How could he live for so many years without noticing it? His overwhelming strength and speed, his beyond belief sonar detection capabilities; all these tiny details were now piling together, all sounding with a new truth, a revelation that felt like lightning was striking his every muscles from inside his body. Even his unusual thirst for blood that let him chase wounded preys even when they had fled should have made him more suspicious. Also... how had he even managed to survive in their city all those years, exposed to their poisonous air? Had the elder fed him the cure all along? However even that answer didn't help him, only added to the maelstrom of unanswered wonders flooding his mind. Why hadn't he felt the effects of the poison sooner... like... when he decided to find himself his own home. How did he remain unaffected all this time? Had someone else took charge of curing him? Or was it simpler?

An idea extracted itself of the spiral of asphyxiating questions, rising on top like evidence. He remembered... every year... at a fixed date he was invited to the elder's mansion... for his birthday... an innocent even celebrated in "family"... only an excuse to administrate him a new dose of the antidote. Finally the chain of events pulled itself together before his eyes. Three months earlier it had been his birthday. Like all years, in a well-oiled routine He received a card written from the elder's hand, inviting him to join him in his mansion for a party. Sadly this day he had been called in emergency to participate to the rescue of a missing hunter. It had taken the team two days to find the guy blocked in a narrow gap, tangled in seaweeds and injured; a lucky guy that had manage to survive the attack of a lone enemy scavenger. When he had come back home it was already too late, he had missed the encounter and... well... quickly forgot it, unaware that in his veins the crucial antidote keeping him safe was slowly dissolving, making him vulnerable to an invisible threat.

While he had lost himself in deep dark waters, searching for the few clues he had they had reached the borders of the city, entering in the first floor of the building hidden in the rocks. He gave no interest to the large atrium's cupola of glass held by thin metal bars hidden in a complex structure. Even the ground was a masterpiece: thick black plates of polished obsidian rock covered of tiny mosaic and, in between every rectangle pieces interleaved together following a strange logic slithered tiny reddish rivulets that seemed to radiate a cool warmth. "Is that... lava?" he whined when he stopped to observe one, noticing the tranquil flow of molten goo. "It is. Quite a sight to behold isn't it?" "It's... kinda scary." "Don't be afraid it isn't as close as it looks. In fact it's flowing in pipes deep underneath the ground and provides all the building with a constant heat. "How is that possible?" "The whole city is built over a fault and we found ways of use its useful properties for heating purpose" "Isn't it risky?" "Well... Not much more than living in the abyss under humongous amount of pressure put by millions of gallons of water. However it's unlikely to malfunction and if it did there are procedures for that but don't be afraid it never happens." "If you say so." "Come on man we're almost there." "At which floor are you living?" "On top; I have the best view of the city!" "Don't tell me we'll have to climb all the way there on foot!" He squeaked when he spotted an immense plan covering a wall. The building was twenty floors tall. "No silly... there are faster ways of getting to the top. Firstly you can swim; I remind you we're still in water." "Oh yes... that's true... to be fair I had forgotten." "We all do here don't worry. Anyway the other way is to take the elevator." "The what?" "I'll show you... unless you want to go the old fashion way and put these paws to use." "No... I'd rather swim... or use that... elevator is that it?" "Yep... come with me then."

Then entered in a rather cramped cylinder forming a tall column loosing itself in darkness. "And now?" "Press the last button would you." mysteriously whispered Stradavar, reassuringly smirking. Squal noticed with ease a small keyboard and pressed the button with the highest number. "Here we go." chuckled Stradavar as the platform under their paws shook and slowly rose toward the top of the building. "It's... kinda handy..." "Yes even more when you are living at the last floor."

The two of them remained silent; only a low humming sound escaped Stradavar's sealed mouth, like he was playing a song for himself. "Are you always doing that?" "Doing what?" "Just... singing..." "Oh... sorry... I didn't notice. Didn't expect it would disturb you so much. It's... quite pestering." "No one ever complained before." "Sorry... I didn't want to be rude." whispered Squal, feeling bad for being so aggressive, gently nuzzling Strad's neck. "It's just that I'd prefer some silence for now." "No problem." "Still... the song was nice." "Thanks..." mumbled Strad, blushing warmly. "My life is music Squal... so... I'm proud of earing you enjoy my work?" "Maybe I'll enjoy it even more; but later."

The platform stopped in front a new door that slid in the wall without a noise. However, where Squal expected to see a corridor he found himself in a large room basking in the orange glow of luminescent crystals. "Where the hell are we?" "When I said I lived at the last floor I meant I own the last floor. So... welcome to my humble home!" "Your humble home! This place must have cost you a lot." "It wasn't on the cheap side but it was worth it. I have the best view of the entire city and on top of that no neighbor to complain about the noise! What else can I ask for!? Beside... working for the king himself and some of the most influent people around here pays off quite well so I'm not to complain."

At the mention of the king Squal tensed, his lips twitching nervously as his claws clutched the ground. "Shall I make you visit?" he quickly asked, feeling the brutal shift in Squal's behavior. Squal nodded, keeping his teeth gritted as he followed Stradavar toward the actual entrance to his home, a set of large doors. After inserting a key in the locking mechanism he pushed the two doors open. "After you." he let out, bowing before Squal. His friend was surprisingly reluctant to go any further and only entered when he came back to a normal position. "Is everything alright?" he dared to ask, meeting for the very first time Squal's gaze. "I'm fine..." he growled, avoiding eye contact. Stradavar hesitated, it was easy to see something wasn't right, something was disturbing his friend, something was weighing heavily on his mind and causing him to getting angrier and angrier by the second.

As they stepped in Stradavar couldn't stop questioning himself. Had he done something wrong? Had he messed up? Had he missed something? Yet, as far as he could remember the only mistake he had made was try to hide his transformation to Squal. Was he still mad at him for that? He could... and he wouldn't be surprised if he was.

They had entered in a large corridor leading straight after an imposing arch to a large living room forming an immense circular arc, the curved wall all made of glasses. Stradavar was delighted to see Squal's jaw drop in amazement as he glazed at the room. "My goodness..." he gasped. "Wasn't lying when I said I have the best spot of the city." "Incredible."

Stradavar smiled; proud his friend liked it. If in music he was a renowned master all over the city and people would come kneel before him, begging him for a piece of his art or pledge his services for any event, paying astronomical amounts of money for that; however for him decoration was a true living nightmare. His house was pretty without being overly decorated, no expensive shit displayed everywhere, just good quality stuff placed to be as useful and coherent as possible, but everything was in details any visitor wouldn't notice at first glance upon entering. Yet without knowing that; his friend already looked stunned by the place. Without further ado they began the visit. The apartment was forming an immense half-circle in which the living room was playing an important role, being the center place of his home. Squal followed obediently, led by his improvised guide. They entered a rather small and intimate dining room basked in a soft dim light, furnished of only one table that, at his surprise was made of wood... which was an extremely rare thing underneath water for obvious reasons. Next came a surprisingly small kitchen that felt tiny and cramped compared to the rest. Noticing Squal's quizzical look he stopped. "Is there something bothering you?" "I don't get why is that place so small?" "You mean the kitchen?" "Yes... of course." "Well... as you might have guessed I'm living alone here so I don't need an immense, expensive place to cook a meal for one person." "That's... true... but why buy such a huge home for only you?" "I like to have space to roam around." "That makes sense."

They went on for a while, exploring the large rooms one after the other; there were three bedrooms, two really classy bathrooms, a library, a few empty rooms, a meeting what looked almost like an office. At the end of the visit they found themselves staring at a door on which a large sign indicated, written in big red letters "PRIVATE AREA DO NOT ENTER!" and, right underneath that first warning a second sentence, hardly decipherable "Trespassers will be violated." Squal gasped, taking a step back, glazing shockingly at Stradavar. The drake blushed, hiding his shame from his friend. "Are you serious?" "No... it's just... a warning... you... to keep curious away... I wouldn't... do that kind of things." "Aren't you seen as some sort of weirdo with that crap?" "It surprised quite a few... but... no... not to my knowledge." "Anyway... what is behind that door?" "That my friend is a secret." "Oh really... let me guess then..." giggled Squal, chirping like a happy kid. Stradavar tensed, his eyebrows rising questioningly. "I'd say... it's your... naughty room?" "Naughty... room...?" dumbly repeated Stradavar, feeling his cheeks warm up in embarrassment. "Yes... the room where you do all your little naughty... dirty business... where you hide all your... kinky stuff." "Kinky stuff?" he squawked, his cheeks flushed a crimson red. "Come on man... you cannot be so straight and clean and just do music all day. You must have some... relief time... some... kinks... something that turns you on." cooed Squal, internally surprised by his own words, as ashamed as his friend as all these words left his mouth with such ease. A few months ago he wouldn't have dare to ask another guy what made him hard but now... it felt so natural... so... bold and naughty as well. "Well I..." he mumbled, shuddering in embarrassment, his cheeks so red he felt he would keep this new hue forever. He shook his head trying to regain some of his composure. "Anyway why am I even answering to that!? It's not even the correct room this... oh dear... I spoke too much." he whimpered, covering his mouth with a paw. Squal was delighted, grinning as he witnessed his friend miring himself in his embarrassment. "Oh god! Screw it! You want to see what's inside? Fine! Just... promise me to not touch anything... please." "I'll hold my paws at bay." "Squal... I mean it; what's inside... is really important to me." Important? That had to be something else than porn then. Stradavar unlocked the room and stepped in carefully, disappearing in darkness that sprawled behind the door. "You can come in!" he shouted from inside, invisible in the obscurity. Squal carefully followed the command, taking caution to not hit anything. A brutal flash of light blinded his eyes as the room was illuminated by several powerful light bulbs. "What the..." let out Squal as he discovered where he had entered. Around him, in place of what he had been imagining all along, instead of a room filled of the other male most hidden secrets; where he expected to find toys, explicit pictures or many other possible stuff he only found weirdly shaped objects covered by thin white blankets. Instead of musk impregnated air carrying the traces of past naughty experiments he only smelled dust and old things; so much dust in fact that he started to sneeze. The walls here seemed thicker, entirely white and padded. "What is that place?" "It's my work place?" casually answered Stradavaar, pulling away one of the blankets to reveal complex object. It took time for Squal to clearly identify it. "A... a music instrument." "Indeed my friend indeed. What you see here is what I work with every day. Not as exciting as you imagined it?" "Not... not really..." admitted Squal, blushing in turn as he examined the instrument. "You touch with your eyes silly." hissed Stradavar when Squal tried to reach the precious thing with a claw "any of these thing cost an arm to buy and to repair so please don't touch anything." he growled as he covered it with the blanket again. "Great now that you've been allowed in my little private sanctuary... which is a really rare occurrence it would be nice of you to oblige to the next order?" "Fine... what do you want from me?" "First... let me do a slight... adjustment." he maliciously purred, avoiding Squal as he headed for a wall, only slapping his flank with his tail as he passed by, like he hadn't noticed it.

"What are you doing?" "Just setting everything in place." "What thing?" "Firstly this..." he replied, pressing a button. With a loud crackling a sound music started, filling the embarrassingly heavy silence. "Like it?" "It's... nice... I guess." Whispered Squal that, to be frank had not much interest in music. "Then... we'll do this." added Stradavar as the waters around them suddenly became hotter. "Perfect... now shall we leave before you get the idea of touching anything?" "Sure... how much is there left to visit?" "We're pretty much done." replied Stradavar, closing the door with only a tail swipe. "So... now that we've seen most of what is to see... what do you wish to do? But first... let me know which bedroom you wish to sleep in tonight." "Well... I... I don't know." "Think quickly, I have to prepare one for you anyway."

Squal was fast to dive back in his memories, remembering the mental map he had drawn himself. There were three rather large bedrooms, one was occupied by Stradavar and he hadn't seen it yet, his friend refusing so open the door. The two other were... anonymous to say the least. One was a square room with no window at all, although in the pitch blackness of the abyss it was merely useless but it felt somehow reassuring for him to have even the tiniest glimpse of light. The other room indeed had an entire wall made of the same convex windows and was oriented in a way allowing him to see the radiant lights of the underwater city. "Well I... I'd like the..." "Don't sweat it I know exactly which one you want." "How do... how do you know? Why did you even asked me?" "Just wanted to make sure... also... I saw the face you did when I made you visit so... easy guess. So why don't you go wait in the living room while I get that room ready for you." "Do you want some help?" "No... you are my guest it wouldn't be appropriate if I asked you to do some house work. So go sit that fat ass of yours in a couch and wait for me would you."

Squal obliged, finding himself alone in the living room, laying on a comfy couch, staring at his own paws and exposed belly. For the first time since he had arrived here he could finally sit down and take a breath. As he observed his own body in full display he slowly took measure of how quickly things had changed... in an unexpected way. Let's see... he had run away... leaving everything behind... his friends... his mate... his old life. But did it truly matter? Hadn't it all been fake, illusions guided by the one pulling the strings... the one he had thought to be his only family... the one that now only caused disgust to rise from the depth of his soul when he knew he was actually a member of his family. Then... his body had changed... changed beyond what he imagined was possible... leaving him in his "true form" as his father said. Then... he had learned a truth that shattered everything he knew then... he was revealed of his status... as a prince.... That last bit of information had him flinching. He had never asked for this, never wished for any kind of responsibility... he never even dreamed of ruling something. Yet... there was something of his old life he regretted bitterly, something he wished he hadn't lost... something... or rather someone he cared for... for not so long after all... but someone he loved... someone he had at first found no interest in, hated even... looked at with disregard but... that now... held a top spot in his heart... someone he couldn't bear being away from anymore. "Thyan..." he sobbed, tears mixing with the salted waters. Slowly... despair took over his heart, sinking him in regrets. He had found him so gross a few years ago... but now he had come to find something... attractive; he had come to love this drake with all he had. It had come so much as a surprise when Thyan showed interest in him, cared for him when he was sick when he had been more or less of an asshole with him. In silence he hoped his friend was alright... he had left so brutally he didn't even said good bye... didn't even kissed him... just a last time. In his brain popped pictures of them together... embracing, kissing, cuddling in the secret of their cozy home, sharing their love with each other in rivers of affections and torrents of seed.

"Hum hum..." said a voice, rising right next to him "Do you always jerk off in public?"

Squal gasped, his eyes popping open as he sprang to a sitting position. Stradavar, unknown to him, had sat near him and was now staring at him from the other side of the corner couch. "How long?" squeaked Squal, feeling the heavy gaze upon his scales. "I don't know... ten minutes at least."

Squal gasped again, unaware time had passed by so quickly. "How long have I been... fazing?" "Half an hour I'd say... you were already fazing when I arrived."

As his senses returned to him Squal began to notice an awkward sensation of dampness between his hind legs; along with an odd pressure. His whole body tingled and shuddered, heat spreading in his crotch. Nervously he looked down; his gaze falling on his ventral slit spread apart by two of his own claws, his talons sank deep in his clamping sanctuary, forcing rivulets of juices out of his parted slit. Slowly, he tried to remove them from his drenched canal while muffing his needy moans a paw grabbed his wrist, forcing his talons to delve in deeper instead, forcing a loud chirr out of his mouth as his hind paws kicked in the water. Stradavar, swift like an eel had wrapped a paw around his, guiding him into pleasuring himself more wildly as he pushed one of his own claws into his oozing slit. "What are you doing?" moaned Squal, teasing as his slit was stretched wider, his crimson red inner flesh exposed as more of his black-purplish pre overflowed. "Hush... don't resist... just let your body guide you." he purred, pumping his claw in and out at a sensual pace, encouraging Squal to do the same. Pleasure shot in his veins as his claws moved in and out; discovering the velvety inside of his own slit as a black pole slowly grew from deep within; forcing his digits out as it grew bigger until a black tip parted the thick folds, coated in a glinting coat of pre. "Why... why are you...?" gasped Squal, incapable of resisting the flood of bliss overwhelming his senses as he experienced with his new body, his turgid maleness coaxed out by his friend's skilled touch. "Because it's normal. Don't feel ashamed because you are aroused... no one here does. Trust me... there is no reason to be embarrassed... I know I'm not." he chuckled, widening his stance to expose his own throbbing member standing at full mast, jutting from his parted slit. Squal moaned, eyes bulging as he stared helplessly. "Squal... here... in this city there is no reason to hide your horniness. Trust me when we will go outside... you'll get to see... quite a few juicy cocks unsheathed... or hear sounds that... I'm sure will get all your attention... or even sometime... you'll pick up a nice scent in the water. It's all because here we don't care... you mate... whenever... wherever you want... just... not in plain view. Believe me you don't to trigger pent up males." "Are they... so pent up?" moaned Squal as a paw squeezed his swelling member, teasing the sensitive barbs covering his rod. "We are... lusty creatures to say the least. Some people hide it but deep inside they just crave for release." "Why?" "I'll tell you that later, right now just stay here and let it all come out while I cook something to fill our bellies... unless you see something else to quell your hunger." he teasingly whispered, walking away in a shallow way, his member swaying from side to side, slapping his belly with every throb. Squal gritted his teeth to not moan in sheer desire. "Just do me a favor... actually... two favors." "Which are?" "Don't leave your mess everywhere and... don't let that horniness consume you." "What do you mean?" "Don't paw off too much... some become addicted to it." "Oh... ok." whimpered Squal, removing his paw from his dripping cock. "Relax; it only happens if you do it too much. Also... I'll teach you how to tame your lust... along with other things... but right now let it rage... we've both earned it." he sighed, going out of sight in an adjacent room.

Squal smiled, he liked Stradavr, even though they didn't know each other for more than a few days in total he had always been nice, even more since he had arrived in unknown territory when he had been acting kinda like a dick, injuring, disregarding, chaining him. That would explain why Stradavar had been quite aggressive when Squal had saved him: no one appreciated to wake up chained. And now he was willing to house him, to teach him, to be as a tour guide for him without asking for anything in return. Hmmm... maybe not... maybe he had bargained something with the king... but it didn't change much... he was still a kind hearted and forgiving person and something told him he could have faith in him.

His eyes fell on his twitching length, his barbed pole throbbing eagerly, his knot rounding "Time to take care of you." he whispered, wrapping a paw around his shaft, stroking it slowly up and down, smearing his pre down his length. Pleasure bloomed in his entire body like never before, blurring his senses as he picked up the pace. In no time his paw was pumping up and down his shaft at a rapid pace as his dick spewed pre-seed all over his palm. "Doing well there?" asked Strad from the kitchen. "Just fine." he moaned, stroking his fat dick faster, blobs of gooey pre squirting from his tip, floating before him in tiny black bubbles. Pleasure rose in his body, stiffening his limbs as he arched his back, bucking eagerly in his paw, coating his scales in more of his slimy fluids.

Lust bloomed in his veins, his pole engorging with more blood, his turgid length pulsing rapidly. After a few minutes of this ministration Squal was panting, his muzzle resting on the side with his tongue lolling out on the side of his drooling maw, a paw wrapped around his twitching member, lazily pumping his hand while the other was cupping his sack, massaging his two hefty orbs. His mind was flushed with lust, all his other senses gone numb. For the last couple minutes he had changed pace, the last strands of rationality pushing him to explore this new part of his body that had so deeply changed.

This new size here was indeed disturbing, it felt almost too big even for his new grown up and majorly mutated body. It was still hard for him to call his body his... his actual self. Although he had plenty of advantages and probably even more still foreign to him but it still felt odd, as if he was wearing some sort of a suit, a costume a bit too large for him. Yet it felt so natural, everything felt so real, every inch of his body answered to his commands. Maybe it just needed some time to adjust. Still, one of the greatest advantages he found, beside thicker scales forming a natural armor that would both withstand blows and the humongous pressure of the abyss; powerful muscles; enhanced senses... no... what he truly found fascinating was what stood between his hindlegs. This new form had really interesting attributes; two marvelously hefty spheres in their scaly pouch swollen with seed and that more prominent slit with that fantastic hard dick in all ways different from his previous, thinner, more prehensile member; it made him feel big... powerful... ready to mate like a true drake.

Still it had its disadvantages: having prominent external balls would certainly make for an easy target and create additional drag while swimming... still not something his new bulging muscles couldn't compensate for; plus taking in account the fact it seemed to be more often out than in it could become pestering in tight situations.

Yes, even with all these considerations he loved that new part of his anatomy. Too bad Thyan wasn't here to try it out with him.

His heart sank with sorrow, the thought of his lost mate causing great pain to seep in. He had left so abruptly, so unexpectedly. Did his mate even understand what was happening? What had happened to him afterward? Was he safe?

Yet, as these thoughts preoccupied him he couldn't stop stroking his shaft, more pre squirting in the water; needy moans escaped his maws as a tide of pleasure washed over him. Slowly the wondering thoughts turned lighter, pore lustful, his fears turning to bliss as the pictures of his shocked mate became hotter, replaced by memories of them mating, his mate mounting him, or lying down as he rode him, wrapping his paws around Squal as he trusted inside him, spraying his warm seed in his mouth or tailhole, flooding his inside with his warmth. His other paw grabbed his sack, careful not to hurt it with his sharp claws as he massaged his heavy nuts while his other paw started gently squeezing his swollen knot, watching as his cock twitched and throbbed, barbs flexing as they flared under the surges of pre seed gushing out of his turgid member. He panted, arching his back, bucking in his palm, edging closer to climax.

This new cock was so sensitive, reacting to the slightest touch, feeling wonderfully big and juicy, delightfully swollen balls full of seed. How much he would have given to breed Thyan with that monster back then. His moan turned into a strangulated squeak, a new image appearing in his head, an image that made all desire leaving his body.

A vision of horror had struck him; a vision that made tears overflow from his eyes. A new truth was reveling itself to him, an awful truth. "Thyan..." he whined, sobbing as he realized what he had unconsciously done. He had already bred Thyan with that very same tool, not once, but twice... maybe one of them didn't truly count as he knew this part of him had transformed during or perhaps after their mating. Would it transform him as well? Had he caused without wanting it his mate's demise? Had he doomed him the instant he had penetrated him? Had he killed his own mate? Silently he cried, awful thoughts crossing his mind, he felt like he had reached the bottom of the pit of despair.

"Are you ok Squal?". Hearing that voice made him tense; Wasn't he supposed to be cooking? A sweet smell reached his nose. Was he already done with that? His eyes cracked open, immediately falling on Stradavar sitting next to him, on the table before them two large bowls filled to the brim with a tasty looking mixture. Between his friend's hindlegs the thick shaft was gone, retreated in his slit but that soft appeasing smirk was still there, like painted on his face. "Yes... I'm fine... just... happened so think of something sad." "Oh... do you want to talk about it?" asked Stradavar, landing a paw on Squal's shoulder. He tensed under the touch, a low growl escaping his throat. "No... thanks... I'd... It's personal ok..." he huffed, wiping his tears away. "Ok... as you wish..." mumbled Stradavar, pulling his hand away, not wanting to piss his friend off more. "Sorry... I... I just don't want to talk about it." "Your call... but... if you change your mind... I'll happily listen to you." "Thanks..." "So... ready to eat?" "It looks delicious." "It is! Chief's special!" shouted Stradavar proudly "But don't you want to get rid of your... itch... before?" "My... itch?" "Your cock silly..." he giggled, pouncing Squal's exposed pole with a claw, making a low moan escape the eager drake's maws "You don't seem to have cum yet." "Indeed... what I was thinking about... it... broke my mood... I... I don't feel the need to cum anymore." "Oh believe me it will come back sooner than you imagine." "I highly doubt that?" "Trust me it will come bother you sooner than you expect it." "In that case what do you suggest?" "The only cure I know." he replied, grinning deviously. Squal let out a loud groan, his limbs kicking as a paw swiftly grabbed onto his cock, slowly massaging the sensitive barbs carpeting his shaft. "Fuck...!" he yelped, trying to evade the tight grip of the paw squeezing his member "What are you doing?" "What you did to me cutie."

"I don't get it?" "Don't you think it is a good time for me to return the favor you did me earlier?" "What... sucking you... I... I owed you that... it was the least I could do after..." "Just shut up... it is my pleasure to pleasure you." he cooed, coming closer until their bodies made contact, his paw grasping the firm shaft, testing it's sensitivity as he slowly pumped his paw up and down the shaft, applying more pressure toward the head. Squal was panting, heart beating in time with his throbbing member, breath shallow and irregular as pleasure surged in his head, erasing all sadness as it took over. He moaned in bliss, shuddering under another's touch; his shaft felt on the brink of imploding, the already sensitive flesh seemingly reacting to the male's touch, pleasure further increasing as he started rocking his hips back and forth, adopting the same slow pace as Stradavar. "You're more eager than you let think..." he cooed, stroking the needy rod, his agile paw teasing the rows of sensitive barbs, triggering jolts of delight throughout Squal's body as slick pre spurted with every throb, bathing Stradavar's paw in deep purple, his length now shiny , drenched with all his spilled fluids. "You feel definitely bigger than I expected you to be." purred Stradavar, licking Squal's chin "and all these barbs... they must feel amazing... and look at that knot... so thick... so... big..." he added, squeezing the two engorged apple sized orbs crowning Squal's shaft, forcing his cock to surge with more pleasure as torrents of pre-seed gushed out. Squal trashed against the bed, his hind paws kicking in the water, his finned tail swishing widely, swiping everything in range. "Oh... someone is a bit... edgy I see..." he let out, rhythmically squeezing Squal's knot with a paw while the other kept stroking the twitching member, playing with the flaring barbs.

"I'm gonna... I'm gonna..." howled Squal, trusting in the soft tunnel formed by the paw around his dick. "I know..." he purred, pinning Squal down, the paw squeezing his knot grabbing his ball sack instead, rolling the two pulsing orbs "so... paw or maw?" he teasingly whispered. It took Squal a long minute to understand the softly spoken words, too lost in his own pleasure to make sense of them. He tried to think about it, tried to focus on what Stradavar asked. A sliver of lucidity slippinh past the barrier of lust clouding his head. "Paw..." he winced, eagerly bucking in the paw holding his cock, feeling his orgasm so close... yet out of reach, seed welling up in his balls, his cock bloating as he cried out in bliss. "Too bad... but... if it's what you want..." he sighed, pumping the shaft faster, harder, slamming against the knot. Squal arched his back, roaring in bliss as his whole frame quaked in time with the burst of seed gushing out of his cock. "I'm... cumming!" he yelled, panting raggedly as his cock spasmed, erupting thick rope after thick rope of black-purple gooey semen , large slimy inky clouds floating in the water. In a half awake state, his heavy eyes closing on their own accord, his sight blurry and his brain slack he still managed to see Stradavar angle his shaft, open his maw wide as another blast of seed burst right into the gaping hole. His friend swallowed it, a satisfied grin plastered across his face, licking his lips as he feasted on the thick spunk gushing out of the convulsing shaft like from a faucet, keeping the cock aimed at his face as he let it dip in the musky ecum. Squal couldn't do a thing about it, just watch in a half dazed state, panting, basking in orgasmic pleasure as his balls emptied their content in the water. "So tasty..." purred Stradavar, giving the softening cock a tantalizing lick, gathering the last weak squirt of seed as it came to an end. "You see... you needed that." he let out, letting go of the shrinking member as it retreated into its protective slit. "And I already came today..." panted Squal, tongue lazily hanging out.

"Do you get it now why you must follow my advice? Jerk off as much as you need, get your seed pumped out of your balls if you have to... but don't let it stack inside of you... you'd just lose your mind... and we don't want that do we?" "No..." "Great... now... would you like to take a small nap... or eat first?" these three last words sounded odd, out of place, full of hidden naughtiness when Stradavar was only designating the two bowls sitting on the table. "Eat... I'm... I'm starving." "Very well then... let's feast on some fresh meat."

Squal sat on the couch, grabbing his bowl in one paw and dipping his snout into, devouring the content right away. In a few minutes the meal was over, the two licking their lips, their belly full to the brim. "Can't even swallow a seaweed..." gasped Squal "that thing was more consistent than it looked like. What was it even?" "Hehe... secret of the chief... but I'm proud that you liked it." "Well... if music stops being a good business... you know in what you can turn yourself." "Thanks for the compliment... but you should go to sleep before you say more nonsenses." "Agreed..." yowled Squal "I could enjoy some rest. But... what about you?" "Don't worry... I have a bit of clean up to do."

"Good night then." "Have wonderful dreams..."

Squal headed to his room, closed the door, and fell on the bed, not even pulling the blankets over him, falling asleep right on the spot, drifting away into the abysses of slumber.


Squal woke up brutally, muffing a yelp as he sprang up, panting raggedly, scanning his surroundings, only seeing a suffocating thick blackness. He kicked everything away, even the warm covers wrapped around him. Who had even put that on him? He didn't remember doing it. Also... where was he? He didn't recognize a single thing either? Why was everything so dark... so suffocating; so obscure? Where was the light in here? Was there even a light? Wasn't he just lost in some dark place?

He swam around the room, trying to find out where he was. In his panicked state he bounced on every piece of furniture, slammed himself into a thick glass, half knocking himself out in the process. Finally he found what looked like a door frame. He fumbled for what felt an eternity, terrified in the thick living darkness surrounding him. He felt trapped, surrounded, cornered... he had to get out. Finally he found the handle and opened it, almost breaking through the door.

He found himself in a large corridor basked in a dim red light, a reassuring music playing in the background. Where was the? He didn't recognize any of the things around him as much as he couldn't recall how he arrived there. He rushed in the corridor, toppling over on his very first step as he realized he was moving in cold water. He swam forward, panicked, his vision tunneling as he felt trapped in a place he didn't know.

He arrived in a large room forming a wide half circle. Immediately; with a powerful tail swipe; he propelled himself forward right toward what looked to be an exit, a black gap between two rocky jaws about to snap. His head bounced hard against something invisible, something he hadn't seen. He rolled over, dazed, tongue lolling on the side of his maws as he stared at the blackness behind the transparent surface. Behind he could only see the same obscurity, the same intoxicating deep darkness letting no light slip through. He caressed the slick surface, trembling like a leaf. He concentrated his eyes on the black veil, going everywhere until, down below he discovered the bright lights of the illuminated city. A gasp stuck in his throat, memories flooding his numb brain as the shimmering lights enlightening him. "Take a hold of yourself man..." he whispered "It's... it's alright...". He knew where he was; he knew what he was doing here... he knew the truth as he gazed at the city sprawling before his eyes, never sleeping, never flickering in the darkness of the abyssal pit. He had to admit and respect the persistence of the people here; even after being forced to hide in the darkness, even after being beaten, even after all they had been through they still had the willpower to make their exile place a nice home. Instinctively he looked for the tower, for the king's palace... for his father. He gulped down, his lips twitching as he whispered "I'm one of them..." his reflection in the mirroring windows seemed to nod in agreement. Yet he didn't feel like one of them, he felt in a foreign country yet he looked just like them.

He turned his gaze away, shaking his head as he calmed down. The room around him was empty, not a trace of life to be seen but still; that slow languorous music ws playing in the back ground, spreading through every room, the water vibrating with each soundwave. Where was Stradavar? Was he the one who did that? Not that he complained about it; it even sounded really nice, relaxing but... it was odd hearing it now.

He walked around the room, looked inside each and every room to find his friend until he noticed the forbidden room wasn't locked, the door simply pushed, leaving enough space for someone to notice the light filtering from inside.

He pushed the door; the music was louder here, diffused by a strange object on a shelf where a thin black plate was turning, a thin spike scratching the surface. "What's that thing?" he mumbled contemplation the unknown device. "Looking for something cutie?"

Squal froze, whining as he looked back, a guilty look on his face as he noticed the pair of eyes staring at him. In a dark corner, barely visible, lying on a large makeshift bed made of a sofa and several thick pillows; was Stradavar, looking straight at him; his eyes still hazy with the last remnants of dreams. "Oh... sorry if I woke you up... I... I..." mumbled Squal, his cheeks warmed as his Scales tainted with red hues "I... I was... wondering where that music came from? Sounds pretty nice." "I'm glad you like it... but... I hope I didn't disturb your sleep." "No... I... I was already awake? But... I should apologize for waking you up." "You don't have to... I wasn't really sleeping anyway... more like... meditating. But tell me... did I scare you? You look a bit... shaken?" "I'm... I'm alright... I... I just... didn't expect you to be there." "Well... it happens to me often... I start working and then *yowl* I take a short nap. But... are you sure it's ok... you look... I don't know... unsure." "Well I..." "Squal you can tell me. Come closer would you." Squal pondered, did he want to speak? He walked to the couch and sat against it, stealing a pillow, nervously squeezing it, avoiding direct eye contact with Stradavar. "So... what is bothering you my friend?" asked the still half "meditating" drake. "When I woke up... I... I didn't know where I was... I... I was... suffocating... it felt like I was... drowning; I couldn't find myself in the dark." "Loss of marks." replied Stradavar, his diagnostic falling like a death sentence. "Is it bad?" "No... it will pass... you'll just need to get used to living here. However if I can give you an advice it would be to leave a light or two on in your room." "You think it'll be enough?" "Sure... listen to Doctor Stradavar and you'll be rid of your illness in a few days." "You a doctor! I'd rather go see another doctor then." "Go eat a dick." he chirped, leaping from his perch, crashing down on Squal as they rolled in a entangled ball of limbs and fins, coming to a stop against a wall as they gently wrestled, their bodies intertwined together as they poked each other wish gentle claw strikes and nibs.

Finally Squal rose on top, clutching Stradavaar in his grasp while his friend was gently nibbling his chin crested fin. "You have some strength in these paws... careful to not squash me..." "I'll drain you of all your juices..." he growled playfully, his paws softly pressing Stradavar's flanks, their belly scales grinding as they slowly rocked back and forth, the motion seeming more sensual than just gentle. "Feeling better already?" "Yes... kinda..." "I knew you would like It." he chuckled, nuzzling Squal's neck as he leaned over him. "And now... what are you doing?" gasped Squal, trembling as he felt the warm scaled frame pressed against his, dainty paws wrapping around him, pulling him in a warm and welcoming embrace. "I feel you're in dire need of a hug... so I'm just giving you that." Squal frowned, unsure as his friend kept him in his warm embrace. Squal didn't hesitate long, giving in the desire to feel cared for, to feel loved, as he let go, closing his eyes as he was cradled in between caring paws. It felt good yet odd to be in someone's embrace; in one he would have thought to be a foe a few days ago. Tears slipped between his tightly sealed eyelids as he started sobbing, nudging himself closer to Stradavar. "That's it... let it all out..." "Why does it feel so weird? Why?" whined Squal, noisily crying and sniffing. "We don't usually show our good side to our enemies; do we?" "No..." he whimpered "Do... do you consider me... a friend? After... after what I've done... to you...?" "Of course I do! Do I have to remind you? You saved my butt." "And I rammed you into a wall." "Let's... put that event on the mistakes list." "There must be a long list." "Oh... perhaps... for both of us... yes.". Squal remained silent, meditating on the words swirling in his head. Stradavar seemed to have forgiven him so easily... maybe he should too....

He didn't know how long it went on, how many minutes, hours, days he spent crying. Time seemed to dilute much like the room around him, everything reducing to the warm body he was nestled against, to the low voice shushing honeyed words in his ear. "Hey wakey waakey! Wake up big guy you're getting kinda heavy!" squeaked a voice as something tried to shove him away. His eyes fluttered open, light rushing inside as he winced, dragged out of slumber. "Move your ass you're squashing me." grumbled Stradavar, squirming uncomfortably under him. "Fine..." he yawned, rolling on his paws. "Thanks..." sighed Stradavar in relief, stretching his stiff limbs. "How long?" "What?" "How long have I been *yowl* sleeping?" "Oh... I don't know... to be honest I fell asleep to but I was getting... quite uncomfortable with you using me as your pillow." "Sorry." "No worries I'm fine. So what do you want to do? Wanna head out and visit the big city?"

Squal took a step back, the idea sending a cold chill down his spine. The outside... he hadn't really thought about it, about the immense city nestled in between rock cliffs in this abyssal pit; to its inhabitants. "I... I don't know... I... I don't feel... ready yet." "I understand Squal. We'll wait until you're comfortable with it then." "Thanks..." "No need to; I understand that you might be a bit... afraid."

Squal looked away, ashamed; a red blush warming his cheeks as he stared at one of these unusual music instruments. "Alright then. What do you want to do?" "Well... I... I... I'd like to... if you don't mind...." "Go ahead." "I'd like to see your work." "It's fairly easy, you can hear it as we speak." he chuckled, pointing a claw toward the strange machine where another thin black plate was slowly turning, the same needle scratching the surface. "No... I mean... I'd like... to see you work... to see you compose your music." "Well... it's... complicated... I mean art doesn't come with a finger snap; it takes time... preparation and...." "I don't ask you to create a masterpiece for me... just play some music for me." "I'm not used to... create with someone watching me..." "It's alright... just act like I wasn't there." Whispered Squal, jumping on the sofa Stradavar slept in some time before; the place still warm as he lied in the nest of pillows "I'm just gonna lie there and... listen..." "Ok... fine..." mumbled Stradavar shivering, his paws trembling, his claws racking the ground nervously. "I'm not... used to that... kind of thing. Usually... people come see me... ask me for a piece of my art... then leave me all to myself to create... but... never did I have someone watching me..." "Hey relax... I'm not asking for your best work... just... show me how skilled you are. I'm not even watching." he let out, closing his eyes. It took Stradavar some time but soon enough a slow deep melody rose in the water. Squal listened tapped the pillow before him with the claw at the rhythm of the music, letting out a low purring sound as his head slightly bounced from side to side. Slowly exhaustion made its way in his body, his body slowly relaxing, falling on the thick pillows as a delightful weakness spread in his veins. Slowly he fell asleep, nestled comfortably in-between pillows, cradled by the slow music filling his ears.


Squal emerged slowly, yawning loudly as he stretched his limbs, basking in the soft warmth of his improvised bed. A blanket had been put over him, fluffy and warm. "That's nice" he mumbled as he extricated himself from the bed, still yawning loudly, cracking all his body's joints. He felt renewed, revived, full of energy, ready for a new day.

"Do you often fall asleep like that?" asked a voice coming from down below. Squal winced, discovering the laying frame of Stradavar, resting on the bare floor next to the couch. "What are you down there?" "Oh me... nothing much... just taking a short nap." "But... why... here?" "Well... you're using my bed actually... and I wanted to keep an eye on you." casually replied Stradavar, keeping his eyes glued to Squal. "Also... nice view." he purred, staring intently at a precise part of Squal's anatomy. Squal tensed, knowing all too well what Strad meant; he knew that a big slab of pulsing flesh was out in the open water, drizzling blackish fluids underneath him; the whole turgid length throbbing, demanding all his attention. But... should he be ashamed? Should he hide it? Should he cover himself? He knew Stradavaar didn't mind as the same turgid rod protruded between his hindlegs, standing erect for Squal to feast his eyes on. "I feel there is something disturbing you? Is it me?" "Kinda..." "I know it might seem disturbing for you but like I already said before it's something perfectly normal around here." "I know... but... but it's still... so... weird." "I know... but trust me... you'll get used to it. When we'll go outside I swear youre gonna be very surprised... I'm sure you will catch quite a few glimpses of juicy hard cocks."

Against his will this picture had Squal shuddering, his own achingly hard member throbbing in sheer lust. "Stop... teasing me..." he half moaned, half growled, his eager member slapping his belly. "And with how handsome you are you might even earn a few raised tails." added Stradavar. Was he oblivious to Squal's issue or was he simply and utterly enticing him? Squal gasped, the awkward compliment finally reaching his brain. "Me... handsome?" he squeaked, his cheeks burning red "I... I don't think myself to be... anything like... cute." "Oh but you are indeed." Squal's embarrassment was obvious now, his scales had turned a bright red, his eyes were avoiding direct contact with Stradavar at all cost. "Do you... do you mean it?" he asked, using all his courage to ask that simple question. "Of course! Why wouldn't I?" shouted Stradavaar, warmly smiling Honesty is one of my greatest qualities... and I've only been honest with you." "Thanks..." mumbled Squal; jumping from his bed and swiftly nuzzling Stradavar's cheek. A loud gurgling noise broke the silence as a new surge of sha/e crept over Squal's cheeks, his scales turning an even brighter shade. "Hungry?" "A bit..." "Wanna eat something?" "If you don't mind cooking." "I don't... beside it would be rude for me to ask my guests to do the dirty work."

They left the room, walking side by side in the large corridor. When they arrived in the main room Squal was disappointed to see the outside the same impenetrable black color, not even a hue of color or light seeping past it. "Something bothering you?" "No... well... actually... yes... I'm... wondering... what time is it?" "Time?" repeated Stradavar in an inquiring tone. "Yes.... Time... you know... day... night...." Stradavaar stared at him stupidly, hi! eyes showing only a deep misunderstanding. "Am I talking a foreign language or what?" "I... I don't get what you mean." "Well... you know... do you have... a clock around here?" "A clock..." repeated Stradavar, a goofy grin slowly twitching his lips. "Yes a clock... do you get it." "I see..." he let out, giggling amusingly. "What's so funny?" growled Squal, pissed off by his friend's awkward behavior. "We don't use that kind of thing here." finally let out Stradavar. "What!? But... how do you..." "Know time and all this bullshit?" completed stradavar with an understanding smirk, amused by the devastated expression of Squal's face. "What but... how?" "Let me explain. You see... night and day cycle... don't really matter here; as you might have noticed we are living in a constant obscurity; no light can get past that barrier and we are at a depth where the sun light cannot reach; dooming us to a life in eternal night. It was supposed to be a punishment, a suffering for us; but we made due of it. You see... having no clue on what time it is has made us change our minds; we are not constantly worried about that endless cycle, not following the sun's dictates. No; we leave at our own pace, you want to sleep go have a nap; you want to go hang out downtown with a bunch of friends... sure go ahead; there'll always be a place to go, always a person to chat with. All in all you choose the pace that suits you most, as long as you respect the rules." "That... that sounds nice... when you put it like this." "I know... and it's not just words. Some people even say this city never sleeps."

"Yeah... that's... quite the impression I got... always so living, so colorful, so... illuminated." "Yep... that's... let's say our way of taunting them." It took Squal a few seconds to understand what Stradavar implied. "Oh... I... I guess I see." "Isn't it clever? This place should have been a n unwelcoming exile land; this city our jail; this pit our prison; but look at what we've made of it; pretty fancy cell don't you think?" "It's... gorgeous." "I'm glad to hear that from you."

As Stradavar led him to the kitchen a tornado of questions swirled in his head. If time didn't matter here... how long had he been here? How many days had already gone by unnoticed? He remembered Stradavar telling him he had been here for three days when he was in that hospital. But how many more had passed? Were these even true numbers or just random things he said; to keep up appearances. That question kept coming back to his mind... how long? Slowly his thoughts drifted to his mate again; to his beloved, adorable, caring mate. How long had gone by since he had left him? A week? A month? A year? A century? A millennium? So long. Everything of his old life felt so far away now; so... surreal; like he had been dreaming all along and had only now awakened to the real world. And yet, as he thought about Thyan's safety; he couldn't stop that very same line to go adrift, turning into a sharp curve. He had to admit, as he laid eyes on the well-built form of the male a few step ahead, all in muscles yet so sleek, so slender, so... appealing. He shook his head vigorously. No... he shouldn't be thinking that way. Was it that lust Stradavar told him about finally kicking in, inducing his thoughts with desire. Still... he had to give some credits to this specie; they had survived through everything; stood proud even after being defeated; found somewhere the strength to keep going on; build a new life in the place that should have killed them and even today still had the strength to provoke their captor and be a real threat; a thing that would fill all the tales, that would start chilling rumors around every kingdoms; be the nightmare of many children including him; that were a sight to behold. He was truly and deeply amazed by this kind, discovering a new face of what he had been taught was pure evil and malice and honestly he... liked it.

He had to admit that... now that he had seen the other side of the mirror he; he had a different opinion of them. Maybe... maybe it was time to stop being afraid... and delve in. Hell he did even look pretty like this! Just like the other; they had something beautiful beneath these tough scale shells, under these layers of bulging muscles. Perhaps... perhaps he would... enjoy the change.


(Second part coming soon)

In the depth - chapter 3

In the depth Chapter three. Everything was only pain and chaos, a confusing mess of mixed feelings forming an explosive cocktail flowing in his veins. He could hear nothing, feel nothing; smell nothing. He was only a pile of barely living flesh and...

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In the depth - chapter 2 (2/2)

In the depth Chapter 2 Part 2 Three hours later his day of work was over. Thyan left the building by one of the back doors, wanting to avoid his colleagues at all cost; too ashamed to even show himself in this state. The scent of his boss was...

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In the depth - chapter 2 (1/2)

In the depth Chapter 2 Part one Squal slowly opened his eyes. At first he only saw darkness around him and felt under his numb paw the contact of a soft bedsheet. As he crawled out of sleep he became aware of his surroundings. His eyes adapted to...

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