Kanga's Playtime

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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Kanga 'borrowed' some 'interesting things' from Christopher's mother, last time she visted Christopher's home - now Kanga is home alone, bored and curious...

Kanga's Playtime,

© Cederwyn Whitefurr,

1stOctober, 2017,

All Rights Reserved.

Kanga was bored - bored beyond anything she had previously known - with Roo off playing with Tigger and Eyore and Piglet, Kanga was left home alone. Having done the washing and cleaned the house - amazing how such a little Roo could make such a mess! Kanga flopped into her favourite crude wooden chair and rubbed a forearm over her head as she peeled the scarf off and dropped it onto the floor beside her chair.

Christopher hadn't been to see them in months, and Kanga was restless, lonely - and frustrated - so there was nothing else for it! Last time Kanga had visited Christopher, she had found some - interesting - playthings in Christopher's mothers bedroom, oh, Kanga knew she wasn't meant to go into there - but the scent had been alluring, and late one night as Christopher had slept after their mating, Kanga had prowled the house and been drawn to the scent like a hound to a fox.

Kanga had hidden them in her pouch, when she returned to the 100 Acre Wood, she had felt shame and guilt - stealing was wrong after all - but was it really stealing, if she meant to return them - someday?

Kanga crept off her chair and crawled down the hallway, before she paused and sniffed, her tubular ears twitching as she inhaled through her black nostrils and smiled to herself. She had wondered what that strange, musky scent was, coming from Roo's bedroom - now after many years of mating with Christopher - and being in his room - she knew the scent well, but Roo's spent seed smelt stronger and more bitter to her nostrils, that Christopher's ever had.

"My dear sweet Joey is growing up so fast..." Kanga muttered to herself, as she smiled weakly and nudged open her own door and crawled inside.

Kanga's bed was well made, the roughly woven rug that covered some of the timber floor worn and threadbare, but this room had held many memories for Kanga - including when Roo was born in this very room! With her paws, Kanga fumbled with the bedside cupboard, grumbling to herself as he lacked the proper paws to open it easily - being made out of cloth and stuffing, well it wasn't easy! At last her perseverance paid off and it slid open, then Kanga looked down at the assortment of 'things' - as she thought of them. Some Kanga knew resembled dear Christopher's penis - and these entranced Kanga - but some were more...odd in their shape and form.

Kanga fumbled with them, until her blunt paws managed to work out how to grip them and she placed them on her bed, roughly lining them up according to size and shape - but it wasn't easy, before she crouched down and began to sniff each one in turn, inhaling a strange scent Kanga had never encountered. It vaguely smelt like Kanga herself, and clutching one with her paws, Kanga frowned and lifted it so it was angled upwards, before she gave the strange object a lick with her supple tongue.

Kanga could taste a strange, odd taste to it - not unpleasant - but not as nice as what she had tasted before, when she had pleasured Christopher with her tongue and muzzle. Still - it _was_the right sort of shape - slightly longer than what Kanga was used too - and as she began licking it more and more - her arousal in time to her licking of the toy.

Intrigued, Kanga fumbled with the toy, until she managed to grip it with her paws and she held it like a feral would hold a carrot - before her eyes narrowed and she looked at the strange end on it. Touching it lightly, Kanga felt it stick to her fur, before she frowned more and pondered, before at last she remembered a thing Christopher had shown her - it was a picture that because of a strange sticky pad on the top, it stuck to the wall, the window and other things - and this seemed very similar. Kanga licked and licked and licked, until the sticky pad was dripping with her saliva, before she clutched the toy clumsily and pressed it against the wall - surprised ans delighted when it stuck there and when she released it, it bounced up and down - just like Christopher's member when Kanga would play with it!

Aroused and curious, Kanga held the toy in her paws, running them over it from tip to base and back, before she cupped it with her paws and began licking at it - growing more confidant and aroused - until she timidly opened her muzzle and slipped the slightly squishy toy head inside her muzzle. Tasting the fluids that had soaked into this toy, Kanga coughed and gagged slightly, as she pulled her head back and looked at it again - before sighing and closing her eyes, imagining said toy was Christopher - and she was going to get a nice, hot salty drink as a reward for pleasuring him this way.

Soon, Kanga's muzzle slid down to the base of the toy and she began suckling easily and lovingly, the toy glistening with her saliva as she worked it into the back of her muzzle and increasing her suckling until she was bobbing her head back and forth with a frenetic pace. After an hour, Kanga's jaw began to ache, and she pulled her head back before she looked at the toy and grinned lopsidedly - as it dripped with her saliva and some of it had puddled on the timber floor.

Curious, Kanga rose, stretched and turned about, crouching down until her knees and toes were pressed against the floor, her tail curled up over her back and belly pressed firmly against the floor, her paws crossed over at the wrists as she wriggled backwards, feeling the saliva soaked toy rubbing against her tail base.

"No, not there - " Kanga grumbled in frustration, as she used powerful tendons and muscles in her hind legs to lift her rump a little higher - feeling the toy poking and probing, just like Christopher had done when he was young - and didn't know how to mate with Kanga. Growing frustrated, Kanga lifted her hips higher, then she felt the head of the toy press against her cloaca and she gasped, muscles squirming and tendons quivering from the unnatural angle she was making them perform.

Kanga's legs quivered, as the toy rubbed and probed her quivering folds - before her legs gave up and Kanga squealed in surprise and pleasure - as the toy slid in, then angled up into her body and she slid down the full length before gasping as she felt the bulge of the toy shoved hard against her cloaca.

"Oh..." Kanga panted, head tilting back as she squirmed and quivered, thighs aching, but the feel of the strange thing inside her - larger and longer than Christopher - made Kanga tremble.

Another two inches lay beyond the firm ball that pressed against her cloaca, and Kanga squirmed from side to side, before she panted and hyperventilated - then pushed her hips backwards before biting down on her left wrist to muffle her loud, surprised and pleasured squeal. Kanga had never felt such pleasure before - the toy pushed hard against her cloaca and then suddenly it thrust its way inside her - stretching her vaginal walls as they'd never been stretched before, the length and girth of the toy making Kanga gasp and moan helplessly.

Never having seen a fox, let alone a foxes penis - Kanga had no reference for the knot that continued to push its way inwards - until Kanga's uplifted tail thudded against the wall and she lay on her belly, panting and gasping. Fully mounted, Kanga felt the knot begin to make her vagina walls ache - but it wasn't unpleasant - if anything, the experience was incredibly pleasant and pleasurable.

Her paws gripped at the coverlet on her bed, pulling it towards her then she giggled and moaned, as the toys fell onto the floor - thankfully within grasping range. One fell on its end, then Kanga gasped as the large toy buzzed and vibrated towards her, before she clutched it in her paws and her muzzle fell open, as she felt the pleasurable vibrations from it.

It squirmed, buzzed and vibrated, then Kanga flicked an ear and frowned, before she giggled nervously and crunched herself over, gasping as she pulled the knotted toy back against the inside of her cloaca as she fumbled and slid the vibrating toy into her pouch, feeling it kick, tremble and vibrate - the sensation of it inside her slippery pouch almost making Kanga pass out from the pleasure.

Never had she imagined such a feeling could exist - intentionally tightening her pouch muscles until the toy slid to the bottom of the pouch, its vibrations electrifying her nerves as she pushed herself back, feeling the knot straining her vaginal folds again.

"Oh...that...that feels - " Kanga stammered, her belly flopping back onto the floor, as the vibrating dildo in her pouch was pressed hard against the sensitive fur-less flesh, the knotted toy inside her straining and pulling against her cloaca - and her paws crawled forwards, gripping another toy in her trembling paws, before she lifted it so it stood upright and dropped her muzzle, tongue swirling and encircling the toy as she began suckling with wanton abandon.

Three toys pleasured Kanga for four hours - bringing the kangaroo doe multiple orgasms, until she was soaked in sweat, her vaginal fluids dribbling down from her stretched cloaca and forming a puddle on the floor - saliva from the toy she had been suckling on forming another puddle - and at last, Kanga squealed and bucked - the toy falling from her muzzle and slapping wetly against the floor, before her chin fell into the puddle of drool and she gasped as the knotted toy popped free from her cloaca and her body sagged down onto the floor, the vibrating toy in her pouch still trembling and buzzing, still sending its pleasurable sensations through Kanga's weak and exhausted body.

Kanga tried to rise, but her multiple orgasms and exertions had left her weak and helpless, as she felt the knotted toy pressed against the underside of her tail, and Kanga was too weak and exhausted to pull her tail away - leaving the toy suction-cupped to the wall and the knot firmly pressed into the base of her tail.

"Mom..." Come a loud, happy chidlish voice, as the front door to her cottage banged open with a loud slap against the wall. "Mom, I'm home!"

Kanga's ear flicked as she moaned, then buried her muzzle in her paws - having forgotten Roo was coming home - had it really been that long? Kanga was shocked and dismayed, but as she struggled to rose, then fell bonelessly back onto the floor, Kanga could do little as Roo bounced down the hallway, then skidded to a halt - he stared at her, his muzzle falling open and eyes widening, black tipped ears slicking backwards, as Kanga blushed and flattened her ears - she couldn't hide the scent of her pleasure - nor had she been able to clean up the puddle on the floor - all she could do was lay there, weak, exhausted and feeling thoroughly pleasured - as Roo just stared wide-eyed and dumbfounded at her...


Winter's Gambit - Chapter One -

Winter's Gambit Chapter One © Cederwyn Whitefurr, 29thSeptember, 2017, All Rights Reserved. Winter was bored - beyond bored, the young anthropomorphic grey kangaroo sprawled on his effeminate belly, his black tipped tail laying between his folded...

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Farm Dog - Chapter Five -

Farm Dog Chapter Five, © Cederwyn Whitefurr, 29thSeptember, 2017, All Rights Reserved. Patrick lead the way, patches ushering the ewe along behind his beloved master and Bluey brought up the rear, chuckling to himself as they walked into the house...

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Farm Dog - Chapter Four - Chosen

Farm Dog Chapter Four © Cederwyn Whitefurr 27thSeptember, 2017, All Rights Reserved. After washing and grooming Selkie, who genuinely enjoyed her treats and care, Patrick was helped back to his house by Bluey, who snickered and ended up carrying...

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