Winter's Gambit - Chapter One -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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Winter's Gambit

Chapter One

© Cederwyn Whitefurr,

29thSeptember, 2017,

All Rights Reserved.

Winter was bored - beyond bored, the young anthropomorphic grey kangaroo sprawled on his effeminate belly, his black tipped tail laying between his folded back back legs and he rested his muzzle on his leathery paw pads then sighed. As naked as the day he was was born, his luxurious white coat gleaming in the light from the overhead lamp, he rolled over on to his back and rested his black furred paws on his pale white belly, then scratched idly with his short black claws.'

Frustrated, his black tipped ears swept backwards and brushed against the carpet, before he sighed again and closed his eyes - nothing he could think of, brought him any mediation from his crippling boredom. He rolled his eyes, then stretched out his long feet, the black tipped toes curling, as he yawned delicately, covering his slender muzzle with his paws as he stared up at the soft white lamp that hung over the centre of the living room.

After several moments of lying around, he rolled over and got to his feet, then stretched and scratched his chin thoughtfully. He was home alone, i a two bedroom low set house his brother had bought for them after the death of their parents - and without his elder brother, Winter was lost and alone - they had shared many things, growing up together - including the elder buck being Winter's lover and partner - but fate had conspired to take the elder brother in a tragic accident - but Winter had inherited the house outright, due to his beloved brother's will.

Now, Winter was alone, bored and sexually frustrated - the young buck missed his brothers warmth, love and their affections they had shared - but now, Winter was alone - and he no longer had his beloved brother as a partner...

Shaking his head, Winter snorted and banished the dark, melancholic thoughts from his mind, as he stood up, his short stature only coming to five feet four inches in height, his fur was a soft, almost gossamer feel, and his distinctly feral and effeminate looks had won him many hearts and affections - but they never lasted more than six months. Winter was shy, submissive, easily frightened - especially by thunderstorms - and was more content to be another doe - than the young grey kangaroo was expected to perform as a buck.

Winter didn't mind, many of the males who had shared his affections were kind, gentle and loving - caring for and enjoying the affections Winter bestowed on them - but Winter had heard the stories, he was getting to be known as a cheap lay - and one cruel comment labelled the young buck as 'the town bike - everyone's had a ride'. Winter hated this reputation he had earned - was it wrong he was the way he was? He happily did things for his gay or bi male friends - or so he thought of them - that they enjoyed, and Winter had enjoyed their affections, until he finally realised he was being used and preyed upon - because of his willingness to do what no male kangaroo should be expected to do...

Winter had turned away from that life - not without tears and upset - for he had come to see himself as just a cheap, easy, whore - willing to crouch on his long, slender feet and paws, to please a male in any way possible - that was the old Winter, now, he'd been introduced by a friend of a friend - into a whole new life - one Winter had never imagined possible...


Winter walked into the kitchen, rummaging through the fridge for a carrot, as he wasn't very hungry - but needed something, when he heard a coughing grunt and the thud, thud, thud, thud, of something coming towards him, then it stopped and Winter flicked an ear, before he held the carrot in one black furred paw and stood up, then looked over his shoulder.

A large, fully grown grey kangaroo buck crouched no more than three feet away, his biceps large and imposing, his large furred fingers splayed out on the timber floor, as he flicked his ears and then yawned, before gazing at Winter from behind wide-spaced dark brown eyes. Winter smiled at the kangaroo, then clucked at him, before the kangaroo grunted and shuffled forwards, crawling on his paws and hind feet, the heavy tail of the feral dragging along behind him.

"Ashtail, you beautiful buck - " Winter smiled, then gripped the carrot between his own slender paws and snapped it, holding out the bottom half to the kangaroo, who nuzzled Winter's shoulder, then took the carrot in his paws and began biting it. "Hey, don't be greedy - eat it slowly!"

Ignoring Winter, the feral buck merely took another bite, then Winter watched as the kangaroo's bottom jaw moved from side to side as he ate the carrot, then Winter giggled and walked around behind the kangaroo and wrapped his arms around the larger buck and cuddled him, playfully nuzzling the feral's neck and ears. Patiently, the feral let Winter cuddle him, before he twisted about, the carrot falling from his furred fingers, as he gripped Winter tightly on the shoulders. Winter made no effort to retreat or break away, as he knew the kangaroo was only being playful and affectionate - which was proven seconds later as the kangaroo happily licked Winter's muzzle and forehead.

"I love you too Ashtail - " Winter giggled. "Did you have a nice sleep, my dear buck?"

Ashtail tilted his head, then seemed to frown, staring into Winter's eyes, before he nuzzled the young anthropomorphic kangaroo, pulling him close and wrapping the strong arms around Winter's back and splaying out his fingers.

"Alright Ashtail - hey!" Winter squealed, feeling the strength of the kangaroo's grip.

Winter squealed and uttered a loud, submissive cough, then the feral blinked and instantly released Winter, who gasped and trembled, before placing his own paw on the kangaroo's chest.

"Gentle honey, gentle..." Winter whispered, as he shivered and coughed softly. "You forget your own strength at times, I'm not a feral like you and..."

Chastised, the larger buck snorted, then crouched down on all fours, before he coughed loud and clearly, his posture one of submission.

"No, Ashtail, no my dear, sweet buck, I'm not going to punish you - come on honey, stand up please - " Winter moaned, as he crouched and lifted the buck back up, so he was standing again, then he cuddled him gently. "You never have to be afraid of me my love, I'll never hurt you - I just...need to remember, you're strong for your age, and to be more gentle, you understand me?"

Ashtail blinked, then flicked his ears, not understanding much of what Winter was telling him, but the younger bucks scent and gentle touch assured him all was forgiven. Nuzzling his owner, Ashtail gave Winter another gentle lick, before he moved to the door and waited patiently, until Winter got the hint and opened it, letting Ashtail outside. Winter followed, as he loved watching Ashtail bounding around the property, the young buck seemingly enjoying his late afternoon play and exercise.

Ashtail gave Winter another gentle nuzzle, before he crawled out onto the grass, then cropped some of it and chewed thoughtfully, before he began tentatively hopping in increasingly larger circles, before long, he was bounding at full stretch down one fence line, then along the back and down the other side, whilst Winter smiled and watched his companion playing and exercising, without a care in the world.

For an hour an a half, Ashtail exercised, before his hopping slowed and he crawled back to where Winter sat, then nuzzled his owner playfully.

"Enjoy yourself?" Winter giggled, then cuddled the Kangaroo and licked his ears, tasting the sweet salty sweat. "Alright honey, come on, let's go back inside - the mosquito's will eat both of us alive, if we wait out here any longer."

Ashtail nuzzled again, then obediently crawled after Winter, who walked back inside.

Just inside the door, Winter froze and his muzzle fell open, as he felt Ashtail clucking and grabbing at Winter's slender tail. Glancing over his shoulder, Winter giggled shyly and squirmed, knowing the noise and the tail gripping, as Ashtail's attempts at courtship. Winter giggled skittishly, as Ashtail grunted and clucked, slowly working his way up Winter's tail, continuing to make the strange clucking noises, before Winter shuddered and crouched over, placing his paws on the floor and adopting the position Ashtail knew well.

"Gentle my love..." Winter giggled, as Ashtail's strong paws slipped around Winter's hips, then began nuzzling and licking the back of Winter's neck, continuing to cluck at him as Winter squirmed and crouched lower as Ashtail gripped firmer, then Winter sighed in pleasure, feeling Ashtail's S shaped penis rubbing against the side of his tail.

"Careful Ashtail - " Winter grunted, as he spread his legs out and crouched a little lower, giving Ashtail easier access.

Ashtail grunted and wriggled his hips, before he found the right position, then began humping Winter's cloaca, Ashtail's penis slipping halfway into Winter's tightening cloaca as Winter moaned and panted, feeling the ache growing in his shins and thighs, from the unnatural position he was expected to hold. Ashtail move closer, his grip tightening, before he angled his hips and more enthusiastically mated Winter, who began gasping in pleasure.

"Oh, good boy - yes, right there - " Winter moaned and trembled - feeling five inches of the kangaroo's prehensile penis slipping in and out of his tightening cloaca, encouraged by his masters moans and the growing trembling, Ashtail squirmed and pulled Winter up and back, sliding another inch into Winter's cloaca.

"Ooh - " Winter squealed like a doe, his head snapping back and ears hanging loose, as Ashtail nuzzled and licked him, thrusting with the ferocity and intensity only a feral buck could do. His furred fingers were splayed over Winter's belly, his sharp claws pricking the flesh, whilst Winter trembled and squealed - losing himself in the pleasure of having his beloved companion mating with him.

Winter felt his own arousal, yet with him being mated by the feral kangaroo, it was difficult to achieve erection. Ashtail nuzzled and licked Winter's neck and back of his head, as he tightened his grip and began frenetically thrusting, making Winter moan and squirm helplessly.

For twenty minutes, Ashtail mated Winter, before at last Ashtail bucked twice, then he pulled Winter close and tight, before he trembled and his penis buried itself as deeply as it could and his sticky semen spurted inside Winter's anal passage, as the anthropomorphic kangaroo squealed and panted in pleasure.

"Ashtail - that...was amazing, truly - " Winter shuddered, his anal muscles squeezing and milking Ashtail's penis for every last drop the panting buck could deliver.

Ashtail gave a weak lick, before he released Winter, who sprawled onto his belly and lay on the floor, a dribble of semen escaping his cloaca and dribbling onto the floor, as he panted and his claws scratched against the timber floor, as he sighed in pleasure, as Greytail nuzzled him and licked him adoringly.

"Thank you Ashtail - " Winter panted, as he rolled over onto his back, then sighed as he ran his paws down his chest and belly. "You're a blessing, you know that, don't you?"

Ashtail grunted and crouched down, licking at Winter's muzzle, as he nuzzled his beloved owner and lay down, pressing his back against Winter's side, making Winter roll onto his side and gently cuddle the kangaroo, who licked Winter's forearms.

To Be Continued

Farm Dog - Chapter Five -

Farm Dog Chapter Five, © Cederwyn Whitefurr, 29thSeptember, 2017, All Rights Reserved. Patrick lead the way, patches ushering the ewe along behind his beloved master and Bluey brought up the rear, chuckling to himself as they walked into the house...

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Farm Dog - Chapter Four - Chosen

Farm Dog Chapter Four © Cederwyn Whitefurr 27thSeptember, 2017, All Rights Reserved. After washing and grooming Selkie, who genuinely enjoyed her treats and care, Patrick was helped back to his house by Bluey, who snickered and ended up carrying...

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Farm Dog - Chapter Three - A Friend made -

Farm Dog Chapter Three - A Friend Made © Cederwyn Whitefurr 27thSeptember, 2017,' All Rights Reserved. Selkie flicked her ears forwards, the grey mare nickering at the Kangaroo, who smiled and stroked her velvety nose, then seemingly by magic,...

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