Farm Dog - Chapter Three - A Friend made -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#3 of (ZOO) Farm Dog

Bluey introduces Patrick the Collie to Selkie, Bluey's mare. Selkie is curious, and quickly reestablishes her bond with her former owner, never having forgotten him - but Bluey does the unimagined - willingly asks Selkie if she would be Patrick's first mare...and Selkie is more than happy to comply, and show this shy, naieve young Collie what a willing, happy and excited Mare can do...

Farm Dog

Chapter Three - A Friend Made

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

27thSeptember, 2017,'

All Rights Reserved.

Selkie flicked her ears forwards, the grey mare nickering at the Kangaroo, who smiled and stroked her velvety nose, then seemingly by magic, produced an apple and held it out to her. Selkie's strong teeth bit down on it, and she squirted apple juice everywhere, as she crunched up the apple, whilst Bluey chuckled and bent down, picking up the other half and feeding it to her.

"That's all you're getting greedy girl!" Bluey chuckled and caressed her forehead. "I don't want my mare getting fat and out of shape!"

Selkie's ears twitched and she snorted, then lipped playfully at Bluey's shoulder, before she turned her head to look at Patrick, who smiled and held his paws out to her to smell. Selkie snorted, then stepped forwards and pressed her nostrils against Patrick's cold, wet nose, before she breathed through them, her ears pricked forwards.

"My, my, my..." Bluey grinned. "She DOES like you - blow gently into her nostrils, like she did to you, that's a bond you'll form with a horse that shows they trust and love you."

Embarrassed, Patrick gently exhaled into Selkie's nostrils, and she blinked and nuzzled him gently, her tail swishing from side to side.

"So, Selkie you slut of a foal!" Bluey swore good naturedly, then stroked her neck. "Been behaving yourself, not giving the other horses a hard time I hope?"

Selkie flicked an ear, then nuzzled him, as if to say she had been good - but Bluey knew she was the alpha mare of this herd, and the other horses knew their places.

Bluey crouched down, then gently tapped Selkie behind the left knee, and she obediently lifted the leg, letting Bluey stretch it out as he checked the hoof, then set it down again. Selkie's tail swished, as she looked at Patrick, who giggled nervously and hung his head.

"Awww, don't be like that mate, Selkie's a wonderful mare - she doesn't have a bad bone in her body - if you're not another horse and try to be top in her herd! I've seen stallions back down when Selkie asserts herself, but with us, she's meek as a newborn foal, nothing to worry about, is there you tubby whore?"

Selkie snorted, as Bluey slapped her belly, then she flicked her ears and nuzzled her owner adoringly.

"Selkie, my dear, I got a present for remember this runt of a pup, don't you?" Bluey grinned, then slipped a paw around Patrick's neck and pulled him close to Selkie, who merely flicked an ear and nuzzled Bluey again.

"I don't even - " Patrick began, then he blinked as Bluey's fingers closed over his muzzle and shut it gently.

"Selkie, Patrick here, well, this pup is a virgin - I'd like, with your permission, to show him, what a beautiful, sensual mare can offer."

"I - " Patrick moaned, his eyes widening.

"I'd never do this for anyone mate, so be thankful for the honour! A Zoophile never shares his partner, with anyone - it's - just not done, you understand? If Selkie accepts, you will get to experience a willing, eager mare mate with you. Oh, don't worry, she won't break you - much - if it makes it easier, I'll ask her to kneel down on the ground, if that makes you happier." Blue stroked Selkie's neck, then looked into her eyes, before he grew stern and solemn. "Selkie, would you consent - just this once - to allowing Patrick here, to mate with you?"

"How can she..." Patrick began, then Selkie looked at him, before nuzzling him and turning about, her grey tail sweeping up over his muzzle and forehead, then draping over his shoulder, as she looked back at him, the look of trust and affection unmistakable.

"Selkie, my love, down girl - " Bluey grinned, as he tapped her lightly on the right shoulder.

Obediently, Selkie sank down onto her front knees, then the back ones followed and she obediently knelt on the ground, her tail swishing against the soil as she waited patiently.

"I've never...what do I do?" Patrick moaned, his eyes widening in fright.

"Well, usually, we start with foreplay - gets her motor going _real_good - " Bluey grinned, as he knelt down and lifted aside Selkie's tail, then used his fingers to flutter lovingly across her velvety labial folds.

Patrick watched, as Selkie squirmed and trembled, her tail swishing twice more, before she raised it as high as she could, Bluey gently caressing the underside of her tail and draping it over his right shoulder - as his fingers peeled apart the labia and exposed the deep pink of her vagina for Patrick's stunned eyes.

"What? You've never once looked at a mare's sex? Truly?" Bluey blinked, then chuckled as he crouched down and his furred lips began kissing and nuzzling, his supple tongue clicking along one muscular lip of Selkie's folds, then the other - before she nickered and quivered, her muscles spasiming as she winked - the labial folds gripping at the pale muzzle of the kangaroo then relaxing again, Patrick watching on in surprise and confusion.

"She tastes amazing - " Bluey murmured, then pressed his muzzle firmer against her labia, tongue swirling and lathering her tight folds in licks and saliva, before he sighed in pleasure as she winked again and he tasted her vaginal secretions beginning to flow. "Mmmmm, good girl Selkie, that's it - get nice and wet love..."

"I - " Patrick moaned, feeling his arousal yet, afraid and confused. "I never imagined - "

Bluey flicked his ears back, grinning, then he sighed in pleasure and began licking Selkie's clitoris, making the mare whinny and tremble.

"Beautiful, absolutely beautiful...but I better quit, she'll get over excited, and then I'll get worked up...she's well and truly ready for you boss - just - well ,you don't need to be gentle, she's a mare after all - I doubt you'd be capable of hurting it true what they say about you Canine's?"

Patrick blushed, feeling the tip of his penis poking from his sheath and he hung his head. "I don't know - can I - tie with a mare?

"I guess we'll find out - sure looks like you're keen enough!" Bluey smirked, as he rose and dusted himself off, pointing at Patrick's fully erect penis.

"I...oh gods, I've never - what do I"

Bluey chuckled, then made Patrick kneel and take himself in one paw, before he grinned and slapped him on the shoulder. "Where do you think it goes? Now, nice and gently, let her get used to you...don't ever just rush in, that's it..."

Patrick moaned, as he felt Selkie's labial folds gripping at his penis, then he trembled and felt Bluey lift Selkie's tail up and postioned it, whilst the mare looked back over her shoulder and snorted, as if to say hurry up. As gently as he could, Patrick slid easily into Selkie's folds, then felt his penis rub against the ridges before it was slid up and forwards - quickly sliding down over his knot and he gasped and bucked as Selkie snorted and winked her labial folds, then she flicked an ear and her labial crushed down behind his swelling knot, the tight vulva muscles beginning to tremble and ripple, then Patrick squealed as he felt his knot forming and pushing back against Selkie's tightening grip.

"Oh...I've...she's so..." Patrick panted, his paws fluttering across Selkie's rump, as he thrust twice and felt her respond, eagerly increasing her rippling muscles.

"I know what you mean - a willing mare, well, there's nothing like it. You think she's hot inside now? You've never mated her when she's in season...I got great self control, but when we make love when she's in season...I barely last more than five minutes with her." Bluey chuckled and sat back, pulling his knees to his chest, as he watched Patrick's body quaking and shuddering, Selkie's snorts and nickers encouraging and pleasing to his ears. "She's enjoying it - I can tell..."

Patrick squirmed and tried to pull out, but Selkie snorted and gripped her labial muscles painfully tight around and behind his knot, squeezing them until he thought he'd lose his mind, his head thrown back and whines of imagined pleasure escaping his throat.

"I can't...Selkie, please...stop I can't..." Patrick moaned, as she squeezed with faster ripples.

"Let go pup," Bluey grinned, knowing exactly what Selkie was doing to him, from his own experience with her. "Selkie wants to feel you, she wants to make you happy and well - if that means bringing you too - "

Patrick was unable to hold himself in check, as he flopped onto Selkie's back and he whimpered - his hips pushing forwards as powerful jets of his semen spurted up into Selkie's willing folds, the mare's own orgasm following a second later and making her contract her muscles in a wild, uncontrolled spasm, her whinnies loud and piercing, as Bluey laughed and pet Selkie gently on the neck.

"Easy honey, its his first mating with a Mare, don't break the boss now...ease off girl, that's it..."

"Fuck..." Patrick gasped, as he felt Selkie's vagina trembling with her orgasm, and the sticky fluids of her orgasm mingling with his semen to form a flood that made him afraid to withdraw from.

"My, my, my - " Bluey sniggered. "She got you off _real_fast, I'm not surprised! She feels incredible, doesn't she? Those muscular contractions and..."

Patrick yelped, as Selkie snorted, dissatisfied with the mating, and she began squeezing and rippling her muscles again, quickly and easily bringing the Collie to another explosive orgasm, before she shuddered from nose to tail and relaxed, snorting through her nostrils and trembling.

"_Twice_so quickly!" Bluey smiled wider. "My, you trying to put her with foal or something?"

"I couldn't help it - " Patrick gasped, as he lay sprawled over Selkie's back, still firmly tied inside her, before Selkie trembled and relaxed her muscles and Patrick's knot slipped out - followed by the gush of Selkie's orgasm and his own semen that spattered over his belly, groin and thighs, then soaked into the ground. " god, I've never...imagined...what it could be like..."

Bluey chuckled, then helped the trembling Collie to stand, before he snickered and felt the sweat that soaked Patrick's fur. Selkie struggled to her hooves, then turned about and nuzzled against Patrick, who moaned and cuddled Selkie tightly around the neck, pressing his forehead against her fur.

"Selkie, I don't know how to thank you - " Patrick murmured, still overcome with the experience.

"Usually, after a good mating, Selkie gets rewarded with a bath, a nice brush down, and extra feed in her trough - sometimes some carrots and an apple." Bluey smiled, then winked. "You stay here and hang onto her, I'll go back and get some - you can give them to her."

Patrick couldn't walk if he tried, his wilting erection dribbling semen onto the ground, as Selkie nuzzled at his hip and sniffed him, smelling his scent and her own well pleasured smell as well, before she snorted lightly and lipped playfully at him.

"Selkie...thank you..." Patrick moaned, then sank to his knees and trembled, overcome with emotion and pleasure, as the patient Mare merely nuzzled his ears and lipped at him, then stood and watched over the quivering anthro collie, until Bluey returned with her treats.

To Be Continued...

Farm Dog - Chapter Two - Secret No More -

Farm Dog Chapter Two 1. Cederwyn Whitefurr 27thSeptember, 2017, All Rights Reserved. After feeding the two Border Collies, ensuring the alpha male was fed first, then Patches, Patrick made his way outside, a cold beer in one pale paw, before he...

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Farm Dog - Chapter One -

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Hybridisation Project - Chapter Five - Finale

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