Farm Dog - Chapter One -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#1 of (ZOO) Farm Dog

Patrick owns and works a sheep farm, with his two loyal canine helpers, after their mid-afternoon nap, and having herded their livestock, Patrick gives his favorite a special reward - one he knows the younger Border Collie enjoys - and Patrick himself enjoys as well...

Farm Dog

Chapter One

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

27thSeptember, 2017,

All Rights Reserved.

Patrick tipped his hat back, before the male border collie issued a piercing whistle, then gestured to his working dogs. Obediently, they split and circled the herd of sheep, driving them towards the pen and then inside, whilst Patrick smiled and pulled the wire gate closed behind the last of the stragglers.

"That'll do boys, that'll do - " Patrick smiled, as he whistled and the two Border Collies obediently ran to his side then lay down, their ears pricked forwards and haunches trembling - tongues lolling from their muzzles as they awaited the next orders from their master. "You both did a wonderful job, the mob is herded and rounded up, so lets break for lunch!"

As Patrick walked off, the two dogs glanced at each other, then obediently fell in behind, sensing their anthropomorphic master no longer had orders for them. Patrick sprawled under the large gum tree, before he opened his satchel and pulled out his lunch - content with the morning round up and now pulling his boots off his foot paws and stretching his furred toes, with a jaw cracking yawn.

Dressed simply in blue singlet and loose tan shorts, Patrick looked much like the working dogs who sprawled either side of him - whereas they were feral in appearance, he was anthropomorphic - but shared their similar fur patterns and colours. White furred gloves ran from his paws to just above his elbows, before black become the predominant coloration on the upper arm and shoulders. His neck, chest and belly down to inner thighs were a off-white, with the distinctive black furred head and white patch over the nose and cheeks, fading into a narrow fingers width white stripe up between his dark brown eyes.

At nineteen, he was considered a young adult, but as he'd lived and worked on the sheep farm from his earliest memories, he found the work rewarding and satisfying in and of itself. Every day brought changes, and something new and interesting - so he was never bored with his lot in life. Working the farm was all he had known, and he'd never give it up for anything.

Having herded the sheep into the pen, his work was done for the day - but he confessed he'd done very little, as the two border collies had run themselves into the ground all morning, and they were the unsung heroes of the farm - for without their tireless efforts and training, Patrick knew he'd be out in the hot sun, still trying to drive the sheep...


Listening to their baa's and other calls, Patrick finished his lunch and sprawled flat on his back, placing his Akubra hat over his narrow muzzle and closing his eyes, composing himself for a restful nap as the heat from the summer sun baked down on man and beast alike...and within minutes - he was in a deep, restful sleep, the two Border Collies joining him for a well earned nap.


Mid-afternoon, the bleating and bellowing of the sheep woke him, and he rose and stretched, seeing a third of the herd had been freshly shawn of their thick Merino wool, and were milling around in the holding yards at the back of the shearing shed. Rubbing his eyes, Patrick stood and placed his hat back on his head, his black ears poking through the holes, as he nodded in satisfaction.

Running three hundred and two head of sheep on his farm, Patrick worked out the shearers would be done by late afternoon, and the wool would be graded and packed ready for transport to the wool sales in three days. Whilst there was always jobs to do on and around the farm, none were instantly important, so he thought a well earned break for himself and his working dogs was in order.

Looking at his loving, adoring Border Collies, made Patrick smile, before he knelt down and gave each of them a cuddle, both dogs wagging their tails and giving their owner a lick on the muzzle.

"Nice work today boys, you earned it, now, let's go home!" Patrick told them, as he grinned and ruffled their ears with his paws.

With joyous yelps, the two Border Collies began running in circles, barking and yelping, as if they understood work was done for the day, and they were free to play and relax. Patrick chuckled, then made his way back to the homestead, where he pulled his boots off and hung his hat on the hook beside the door, then pulled the fly screen door open and walked inside, letting the two dog's in.


After a refreshing shower, Patrick dried himself and walked out of the bathroom, as naked as the day he had been whelped. He wasn't ashamed of his athletic, furred body, and as his paws ran down his well muscled chest and belly, he nodded in satisfaction at feeling the taught musculature beneath the fur. Sitting in a recliner chair, he put his foot paws up, then one of the Collie's come and sat at his feet, gazing at him with a look of absolutely love and adoration. As Patrick's eyes widened, the Collie tilted his head, then leapt up onto Patrick and sprawled in his lap, licking his face and throat, his tail wagging happily as he rested his paws on his master's shoulders.

"I know what you want Patches - " Patrick smirked, then playfully ruffled the Collie's ears. "Alright, here on the couch - or on the bed?"

Tilting his head, the Collie seemed to think, then wagged his tail and gave a single lick to Patrick's chin.

"Here then?" Patrick asked, as he gazed into the hazel eyes of the tail wagging Collie. "Alright, here it is then!"

Placing his paws under the Collie's hind legs, Patrick pulled him up and felt his furred sheath slip from under the Collie's belly, down his groin and then it popped free and Patrick manoeuvred the squirming dog, until Patrick's sheath rubbed just beneath the Collie's anus. Eagerly, the Collie licked his owners muzzle again, flagging his tail in expectation, as Patrick took a gentle grip on the Collie's hind legs and pushed him slightly back, until the Collie's tight puckered sphincter pressed against the pale sheath slit of Patrick.

"Now, you know, once we do this..." Patrick warned his companion, cupping the quivering Collie's chin in a paw.

Gazing back with adoration and love, the Collie squirmed and nuzzled Patrick's throat, eager and willing to submit to his owners pleasures. Patrick rolled his eyes and chuckled, then placed both paws on the Collie's hips and began gently humping - relaxing his muscles and letting the pale tip of his penis press against the Collie's anus.

With a whine, the Collie wriggled and got comfortable, as he felt Patrick's penile head press firmer and firmer - then as it become engorged, it worked it's way in to the panting Collie. Squirming, the Collie trembled, feeling his anal passage filled with the firming member, which rapidly swelled, then as it reached the bottom, it narrowed and the Collie's gentle growls and squirming ceased, as he felt the firm knot pressed against his rump.

"Gods, Patches, you feel amazing - " Patrick whined, as he felt the eager Collie's warmth gripping his penis. "Alright, now - ready?"

Patches blinked and wagged his tail happily - having mated with Patrick many many times, he was ready and willing to be tied by his beloved master. Patrick's penis spurted copious amounts of pre-ejaculate fluid, as he slid Patches back off him, then again mounted - ensuring Patches was stretched out before Patrick took a firm grip on his hips and looked down into his eyes.

"One...two..." Patrick grunted, as he began humping against Patches tight sphincter, then as the Collie yelped, Patrick thrust with a hard push down on Patches' hips and he gasped as he felt his knot slide home, then rapidly swell, locking the two canine's together.

Patches whined and trembled, pushing back so his rump was as hard against Patrick's groin as he could, before he lovingly licked Patrick's muzzle, enjoying the feeling of his owner mating with him. Patrick gasped and sighed, as Patches' muscular anus squeezed closed behind his knot and the canine rested his head on Patrick's shoulder as Patrick began rubbing and caressing Patches' spine. Both canine's loved mating with each other, and Patrick sighed in pleasure, then giggled as Patches licked the inside of his muzzle adoringly, his tail whipping across Patrick's thighs, before Patrick grunted and moaned, feeling the first of his orgasms spurting from his penis, deep inside his male canine's anal passage.

Patches pushed back harder, making Patrick gasp as he felt his knot pushed deeper, yet the willing younger Canine seemed to genuinely enjoy this strange mating, as he began slobbering on Patrick's muzzle. Patrick chuckled and pressed his lips against Patches, then his long, broad tongue snaked into the panting younger canine's muzzle and Patrick kissed him long and deep - their saliva mixing and blending.

"Mmm, you're - " Patrick murmured, as he cuddled the panting Patches, who wriggled and licked Patrick's ears. "How many times have I mated you like a bitch - you've never refused, or shown distress my dear, sweet friend...oh, I know, you enjoy taking me, as much as I enjoy mating with you!"

Patches blinked, then frowned and flicked his ears forwards, not understanding much of what Patrick was telling him, but the scent of his well pleased master, and the pleasure of their mating, made Patches happy - and that's what counted to him. As Patrick moved slightly, Patches whined quietly and he gasped, as another orgasm flooded his already saturated anal passage, the hot, sticky canine semen sending pleasure built on pleasure searing through his feral body. Patches knew his master could mate for hours on hours - and when they were done, Patches would be weak, panting and exhausted - but for what his master gave, Patches happily received and tried to return the affection with loyalty, love and admiration.

For three hours, Patrick mated Patches, until at last Patches whined softly, as Patrick's knot deflated, and Patrick held the quivering Patches gently.

"Five orgasms - not a bad effort - " Patrick smiled lopsidedly, then gave Patches a lick on the forehead with his broad, rough tongue - as he grunted and carefully lifted Patches up - the Collie's anal muscles tightening, seeking to keep his master buried inside him. "Patches, stop that - don't be greedy - now, ready? I know this must hurt love..."

Patrick grunted and pulled Patches up, before he pulled himself down, the half-inflated knot straining against Patches anus, before it popped free - followed by a gush of Patrick's semen that soaked into his groin and thighs, making him sigh before Patches anus squeezed closed. Patches squirmed and wriggled, before he slipped out of Patrick's grasp and Patrick grinned at him, his penis still dribbling semen and pre-ejaculate fluids - whilst Patches turned about and began licking the sticky fluid from Patrick's couch, his cold nose soon pressed against Patrick's thighs as he licked and slurped, wagging his white tipped tail happily, as he cleaned up after their passionate mating.

"Damn Patches - " Patrick gasped, feeling the Collie's broad tongue licking his sensitive penis and wrapping around it. "Keep that up and I'll - "

Patrick gasped, as Patches looked up at him, then gave a grin, his muzzle dropping as he curled his tongue around Patrick's penis and drew it into his muzzle and began suckling happily, draining the last of the salty, hot liquid from Patrick's member and licking him cleaner than a shower would ever do.

Sitting down on his haunches, Patches looked up lovingly at Patrick, who lay sprawled in his leather recliner, panting and trembling with post-orgasmic pleasure and love for his favourite of his two dogs.

"I adore you, you know that - don't you?" Patrick told him.

Patches tilted his head, then gave a short, sharp bark as if agreeing, before he smiled wider and wagged his tail enthusiastically, happy to have pleased his owner - and very much - having enjoyed their mating.

"Come on Patches, you deserve extra special meal tonight, you're such a good, loyal boy..." Patrick grunted, as he slipped off the couch, then braced himself with one quivering paw.

Happily, Patches nuzzled against Patrick's leg, then followed his owner towards the kitchen, knowing he'd be rewarded and receive his dinner...later...well, Patrick might reward him further...

To Be Continued...

Farm Dog - Chapter Two - Secret No More -

Farm Dog Chapter Two 1. Cederwyn Whitefurr 27thSeptember, 2017, All Rights Reserved. After feeding the two Border Collies, ensuring the alpha male was fed first, then Patches, Patrick made his way outside, a cold beer in one pale paw, before he...

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Hybridisation Project - Chapter Five - Finale

Hybridisation Project, Chapter Five, © Cederwyn Whitefurr 23rdSeptember, 2017, All Rights Reserved. As Dr. Faline ground her hips against Nate, he gasped and moaned softly, his leathery paw pads slipping around her back to gently stroke and...

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Teachers Pet

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