Teachers Pet

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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Palen is a anthropomorphic grey kangaroo hermaprodite, but self-identifies as a Doe, one day during her college years, she brings along her favorite animal companion - but thing's don't go according to plan....

Teachers Pet,

(C) Cederwyn Whitefurr,

21stSeptember, 2017

All Rights Reserved....

Palen picked up the small male rat, whose dark eyes gazed back his mistress with adoration and love, before her furred lips lightly brushed against his pale nose and she trailed her leathery paw pads down his back, feeling the rat squirm and utter a quiet squeak in pleasure.

"Shhh Blacktail, you got to be quiet now, you'll get us into trouble!" Palen snickered, as she lifted up her blouse, then consciously relaxed, the taught muscular ring that held her pouch closed relaxing, as she stroked the rat again and then slipped him under the blouse, then into her warm, velvety pouch.

Tightening the muscle a little, she pulled it mostly taut, but still enough play so he could breathe, before she dropped her blouse and flushed the toilet, even though she hadn't used it. Leaving the stall, she washed her paws in the sink, before drying them and returning to her classroom, her ears back-swept as she slinked back to her chair and slid her tail through the back and opened the books in front of her.

A stern glance from the professor made her blush, her long inner ears turning crimson as she mumbled an apologiy and picked up her pen. As she began taking notes, idly thoughts began to sift through her mind - thoughts that soon caused her pleasure as they turned more erotic, causing her to lose her self-control, as slowly but surely, the skirt trembled, then rose in a decided peak.

Palen gasped, her muzzle falling open loosely, as she shivered from ears to toes, as she tried to control herself - and her embarassing errection that lifted the skirt higher. Palen never woe panties, as being a hermaprodite, they often rubbed and chaffed something terrible against her furred scrotum.

"Miss Blackwood, is there something that you'd like to share with the class?" Come the snort from the Elk Professor.

"No...sir!" Palen moaned, then buried her muzzle behind her book, as she bit her lower lip and quivered.

Palen felt the clinging paws, those tiny, sharp claws as Blacktail crawled out of her pouch, the tickling sensation making her tremble before she quivered helplessly, feeling him crawling ever so slowly beneath her skirt, then across one furred thigh.

No, no, no! Palen's mind gasped.

Blacktail seemed oblivious, before he moved again, then Palen felt the tiny paws and claws grip the base of her exposed penis, as he wrapped his long tail around it twince then began climbing towarsd the twitching tip. Palen bit her lip harder, trying to surpess the urge to squeal as the paws tickled, before the rat sat, his rump resting against the base of the cloaca, sliding his hind paws either side of the thick, muscular length and gripping up near the tip with his front paws.

Oh, please don't...not now... Palen mentally pleaded, as if she could telepathically speak to her pet that hid beneath her skirt.

Blacktail gripped a little tighter, then began to lick, his small tongue like a cattle prod to the aroused Kangaroo, whose paws splayed out on her desk as she twitched once, struggling with all her power to resist the ticklish tongue. He seemed oblivous to the Kangaroo's growing distress, as he kept licking, enjoying the taste of his owners pre-ejaculate, that dribbled from the sensitive tip as he licked at it, feeling the excess run down his black furred chest and belly, slickening it down and making him grip harder, the delicate flesh dimpling under his claws.

Palen bit her lip, her ears aching as blood pumped through the veins and capillaries, to her mind, it felt like they were going to melt, before she gasped and gripped the edge of her desk with her paws as she squirmed, her orgasm rising like steam from a boiling kettle, before with incredible self control, she resisted the urge to buck, instead a low, gasping moan escaped her muzzle before she slammed shut her book, to distract the fellow students from the violent quiver that ran through her body.

Semen pulsed from the tip of her penis, dribbling down her length and soaking the black furred rat who squeezed his eyes tightly closed, yet licked and nuzzled at the hot, salty fluids that coated his head and upper body. For five minutes he drank, licked and nuzzled, whilst Palen blushed and shivered, glancing around her as the fellow students started in shock at the sudden snapping of the book against its covers.

"Miss Palen - " Snarled the Professor, as he began walking down the aisle towards her. "Perhaps if you wish to be a distraction in my class - you might find yourself in detention, now, for the last time - cease your foolery and concentrate!"

Swallowing, Palen looked up, her ears quivering, as she felt the sticky rat clambering up her belly, leaving a smear of semen, before he crept back into her pouch and curled up. Palen quivered and nodded vigorously, before she made a weak gurgling sound deep in her throat and swallowed again, her salivary glads going into overdrive.

"Yes...sir...it...won't happen again..." Palen stammered, before she rubbed at her lower belly, giving the rat that was curled in her pouch a gentle, yet meaningful squeeze, feeling him squeak and squirm.

"See that it doesn't....now, go to the bathroom and clean yourself up, I can smell the musk from here..."


Ties That Bind - Chapter Two - Trust In Me

Ties That Bind Chapter Two - Trust In Me © Cederwyn Whitefurr 21stSeptember, 2017, All Rights Reserved. AUthors Note - Due to the nature of this story, from here on out, I'll always preface it with a fair bit of white space - if you're offended by...

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Ties That Bind - Chapter One - Uncertain Future -

Ties That Bind Chapter One - Uncertain Future - 1. Cederwyn Whitefurr 21stSeptember, 2017 All Rights Reserved. Heavily pregnant, the Kendra lay on the bed, her furred belly bulging with the unborn life that moved and kicked within, as she smiled...

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Breakfast In Bed

Breakfast In Bed, 1. Cederwyn Whitefurr 19thSeptember, 2017, All Rights Reserved. Laying under the thin coverlet that was draped over his sleeping form, the Whitetail buck's left ear flicked, and he mumbled incoherently, as something again brushed...

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