Ties That Bind - Chapter Two - Trust In Me

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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Ties That Bind

Chapter Two - Trust In Me

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

21stSeptember, 2017,

All Rights Reserved.

AUthors Note - Due to the nature of this story, from here on out, I'll always preface it with a fair bit of white space - if you're offended by the tag (and it WILL be tagged), please skip this story, as I would rather not offend at best, or upset (at worst) - someone, or trigger their memories of such an incident. I write this purely as fiction, a show of ultimate love, compassion and gentleness, of naievety and exploration for a young hermaprodite Eastern Grey Kangaroo, as she (he? Gods, I'm confused...), explores their sexuality with the one person in the world they trust the most - their mother, if you're offended by this, then please, skip this story, if you like it - please, leave me a comment, or if you prefer, send me a PM, I love feedback, and I don't bite...much....

Palen sniffled, then blinked, her long eyelashes meeting like long lost lovers, then parting again, as she looked up into her mothers soulful gaze, before Kendra smiled and hugged her close.

"Who better, to teach you, my loving, sweet daughter - than me? Oh, I know, there's all these taboos and such - but I love you, adore you even, you're my baby, grown up into a beautiful young Doe in your own right - and I would teach you, there's nothing shameful in mating! It can be a beautiful, gentle, and loving sharing of love and compassion, which is what I would share with you. However - you must promise me little one - you'll never tell others of what I shared with you, they wouldn't understand, call me a horrible mother, a sexual predator...and horrible other names - but I do this purely out of love, compassion and trust in you - and I only ask one thing - in that you be honest with me my love, if at any time I frighten you, or you're hurting - you'll tell me, and I'll stop, alright?" Kendra whispered, as she lightly touched her nose to Palen's, then smiled and kissed her tenderly.

"I - do I need to do anything?" Palen whispered, eyes wide in fright and her scent reeking of her fear.

"No little one, just...remember, if I do something that frightens you, tell me alright?" Kendra whispered, as she stared into Palen's eyes and stroked her ears tenderly.

"I will..I promise..."

Kendra closed her eyes, thinking for a moment, before she gently pulled Palen's muzzle close, then pressed her furred lips against the younger kangaroo, then began passionately kissing her, Palen's tongue timidly touching Kendra's, before she relaxed and sighed softly through he nostrils, enjoying the sensation of her mother stroking her ears. After a few moments, Kendra broke the affectionate kiss, then smiled and gazed adoringly into Palen's eyes.

"See? That wasn't such a bad start now, was it?"

"No - " Palen blushed, sweeping her ears back.

"Good, now, lay back my love, that's it - on your back would be best..."

Palen obeyed, wriggling herself into a comfortable position, before Kendra smiled and began kissing and licking her muzzle and throat, tenderly working her way down Palen's throat. When she felt Palen quiver, Kendra paused, but Palen laid her paws on her mother's ears and gently stroked them, giving Kendra encouragement, before she lapped lightly across one of Palen's breasts, then lipped tenderly at the nipple that poked shyly through the pale bone coloured fur.

"Oh - " Palen gasped, as her eyes widened in surprise, then unmistakable pleasure.

Kendra giggled softly, tenderly licking and suckling the warm nipple, whilst Palen squirmed and giggled timidly. Encouraged by her daughters scent and giggles, Kendra slid a paw down Palen's belly, then began massaging and caressing her pouch, making Palen squirm even more noticeably. Switching over to the other nipple, Kendra licked, nuzzled and suckled it, feeling the nipple swelling with blood as Palen gasped and moaned, her own arousal rising within her.

"I've...never - " Palen gurgled, as her paws gripped her mothers ears, tugging them gently, but it wasn't a painful tug, and Kendra smiled more, using her other paw to alternate the gentle massage on Palen's pouch, feeling the younger Doe gasping and trembling in pleasure she never imagined could possibly exist.

Once she was fully aroused, Kendra could tell, just from the light sheen of sweat and the scent, Kendra slowly kissed, licked and nuzzled her way down her daughters belly, before she gripped the pouch lightly in her paws and tenderly pulled it - Palen relaxing as she eased the tight muscles of the opening, before Kendra pulled it back further and began kissing and licking the velvety insides, her long slender tongue tickling and arousing Palen even more.

Again, Kendra nuzzled further down, before she paused and her chin brushed against the tight furred scrotum, and Palen gasped then gripped her mother's ears painfully tight. Kendra took the hint, then lifted herself up by placing her paws either side of Palen's hips, and looking into the trembling Doe's eyes.

"Mother, I've...always been - curious - " Palen began, then she swallowed and looked down her sweat dampened body, then back up. "I have...male sexual organs, but I'm a Doe...male kangaroo's don't have pouches and - "

"I know my love, this is why you're so special and unique! Remember when you were young, it used to frighten you, being so strange and different? Well, that's because you are different my love - but not in a bad way! Veterinarian's, you know, our Doctors? They told me once, that you were a very special young Doe, blessed with both female - and male organs. Take me for example - I'm a doe, I bear joeys, after mating with the male - if I wanted Joey's of course - and I carry them inside me, just like I did you, before you were born! Now, a male, well, he mates with the female, impregnates her, but he often helps raise their joey, along with the doe."

"I never knew my father - " Palen sniffled, then used her paws to wipe away her tears. "I'm confused - you say I'm a Doe, I've always been a Doe - but I have...these..."

Gesturing with her paws, Palen frowned, on the verge of tears and confusion, but Kendra cuddled her close and gently rocked her.

"Honey, you're very special - you could have a joey, as I said, like I did - or, if you met a beautiful young doe - you could mate with her, and she would bear my grandchild - which would be your son - or- your daughter. Do not be afraid, my dear, sweet Doe, you're my joey, and I love you with all my heart, and I'll never, ever, hurt you...I promise..."

Palen sniffled, then nodded, and blinked, before she timidly licked her mother's forehead and smiled weakly.

"I...liked what you were doing, please, can you...teach me more?"

"Of course, my dear joey - I'll teach you as much as you want to learn, now, dry those salty tears, let's give you good memories, not, painful ones - okay?"

Palen nodded, wiping away her tears with her paws, before she smiled weakly and gently placed her paws back on Kendra's ears, then watched and shivered, as Kendra gently balanced Palen's testicles on the bridge of her nose, then lightly rubbed them with her paws, then began kissing and licking her way slightly lower - until her furred lips feathered across the warm cloaca. Palen gasped, as she felt Kendra lovingly slurp, her sensitive tongue probing slowly into the tight, virginal folds, before Kendra snorted and felt something twitch, then she blushed as Palen gasped and her erection slowly began to swell, rising from the cloaca

"I'm...so sorry!" Palen squealed helplessly. "I didn't mean - "

Kendra snorted, then lifted herself up and kissed Palen on the nose, before stroking her cheeks.

"Palen, its perfectly natural! Relax little one, I had a theory when you come of age - you'd also - well...my dear, sweet little Doe - you could please a Doe very much...with...this..."

Kendra gently wrapped her furred fingers around the slender penis, giving it a gentle squeeze as Palen gasped and trembled, eyes widening in fright and fear, but soon, that sensation was replaced by pleasure - as Kendra gently began a sensual squeezing and rubbing - bringing the slender length to full arousal - at just shy of six inches from its slender tip to the firm, thick base.

"Oh my..." Kendra breathed, feeling the penis quivering in her paw, surprised at the length and firmness, as Palen blushed, her inner ears turning crimson. "Palen, my love - I would - if you do not mind, I would like...to mate with you, purely for pleasure of course - as a Doe and Buck - will you allow me?"

Palen blinked, then frowned. "Mother, you always said I was a girl - a Doe - "

"I know my love, and you long ago told me, you wanted to be a Doe, so I never called you anything but - but this - I would like you to experience, even if just once, the pleasure of mating, as a Buck - but the choice is yours honey, I'd never do anything that frightened you..." Kendra whispered, as he kissed Palen gently on the nose.

"It...it won't hurt...will it?" Palen sniffled, trying to be brave, but the tears that shimmered in her eyes betrayed her.

"No, my dear, sweet, naieve young Joey...it won't hurt, I promise you..." Kendra smiled, as she licked away the first of fresh tears from the corner of Palen's eyes. "Trust me my love, it won't hurt - it'll feel, well, I can't describe if from a Buck's mind - but when I mate with a buck, it feels...wonderful, feeling him inside me, his warmth, the pleasures I bring him and he brings me - "

Palen quivered, then blinked and nodded slowly. Kendra smiled and positioned herself, so only the tip of Palen's penis was just inside Kendra's cloaca, as she carefully pushed down, sighing in pleasure as Palen easily slid deeper and deeper, Palen's body quivering and her low, gasping moans making Kendra smile - as she wriggled slightly and Palen's hips snapped up and forwards, before Kendra grunted and moaned in delight - Palen instantly sheathing herself to the hilt, warm cloaca pressed against warm cloaca, and Palen trembled helplessly.

Her penis flickered and squirmed, as Kendra murmured and sighed, then lay down gently on Palen, warm furred breasts against warm furred breasts, then began kissing Palen with passion and growing lust.

"Mother - " Palen murmured, her eyes wide as she felt Kendra's vulva walls squeezing down. "Is it...am I doing the right..."

"Perfectly, little one - " Kendra gasped and squirmed. "In...time, you will learn not to mount so - hard, you want to be steady and gentle with the Doe and...oh Palen, this feels...wonderful, ,to feel your heartbeat against mine - your beautiful penis inside me - it...Palen, no, please honey, please don't cry so!"

Palen's resolve broke, as he clutched her mother tight and the tears streaked down her muzzle and dripped into her ears, as she shook with fright and pleasure - conflicting emotions tearing at the fragile young Doe's mind. She was scared of hurting her beloved mother, but at the same time, Palen couldn't deny the sensual pleasure of mating as a Buck. Kendra held her daughter tight, kissing away her tears and seeking to calm and soothe her, before Palen suddenly squealed and humped thrice against Kendra - then Kendra moaned as Palen bucked twice more, before the hot, sticky semen flooded deep into Kendra, whose instinctive reaction was uncontrollable - her cervix quivered and squeezed, milking the semen from the buck, as nature had done for millennia beyond recall.

Palen screamed when she reached her first orgasm, deep inside her mother, fearing something terribly bad had happened, but Kendra cuddled her daughter close, kissing her and gently rocking her, until the frightened hermaphrodite doe sniffled and slowly calmed, reassured by her mothers loving embrace and affectionate kisses.

"I..." Palen sobbed, as she trembled and her penis slowly wilted, retracting back into the cloaca.

"Hey, my love, shhh, that was amazing - short - but amazing, that - feeling, when your penis did that? That's how a buck might, note I said might, impregnate a doe - if she is in season, like you are. Its nothing to be ashamed of my innocent, naieve joey - in time, if you want, you can practice some more with me, learn to control your orgasm - because that is what it was, its perfectly normal and natural do that - when a Doe is mating with you. Understand though, a Doe might get - unhappy - if you ejaculate too quickly, like you did with me, but I'm not unhappy love, far from it!"

"You're...not going to slap my muzzle?" Palen whimpered, ears back-swept and eyes wide. "I've never - "

"No, my sweet, dear doe - no - don't think like that, you've never mated before, you bring me much love and honour, in allowing me to be your first! Now, shhh, settle little one, I still have much to teach you...if you will let me, once again, if anything I do frightens you, tell me - I'll stop, and we'll talk about your feelings, I want us to be totally open and honest with each other - always..."

Palen whimpered, then swallowed the lump in her throat, before she smiled crookedly and licked her mothers muzzle. "I promise...."

To Be Continued...

Ties That Bind - Chapter One - Uncertain Future -

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