By Day One Way By iNight Another - Finale -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#6 of One Way By Day, Another By Night

Ashtail is confused, witt the rising of the sun, she should revert back to her true form...but she does not - did something she do, in killing the Gazelle who exploited her - force this permanent change?

By Day One Way, By Night Another,

Chapter Six - Finale -

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

All Rights Reserved.

Patrick frowned, following Ashtail out into the hallway, when he lay a gentle paw on the back of her head, then looked down at her. Ashtail kept starting, her eyes wide and unseeing, as she stared at the sunlight that crept higher and higher, before she twitched a single cheek, the whiskers trembling, then went still as a statue again, her mind unable to process what it knew shouldn't be...


"Ashtail, honey...what's wrong, you''re shaking!" Patrick whispered, as he gently slid his arms around her and held her tight, feeling the minute trembles growing until the Doe was shaking with hysterical fear., this isn't right...I shouldn't be... Ashtail's mind screamed at her.

"Ashtail, sweety, hey, easy're frightening me, please, whats wrong - you''re never like this, are you sick, do I need to call a veterinarian?"

Ashtail wailed, a deep chested, primal scream of fright and pain, before she collapsed, and if Patrick hadn't of been holding her, she would have fallen and hurt herself. Instead, he caught her, t hen crouched and slipped an arm under her legs and lifted her up, feeling her trembling and panting heavily, tears sliding down her cheeks. He cuddled her, gently walking back to the bedroom, where he lay her down and lay with her back against him, holding her tightly and feeling the choking sobs tearing at her, the convulsive shaking making him fear she would surely die from stress.

"Shhh, its alright my love, my dear, sweet kangaroo doe, its all going to be will hurt you anymore, I - I don't know what happened at work last night - there were police and ambulance and..."

Ashtail screamed, then she clawed at the bed covers and the shaking grew worse, before Patrick pulled her tighter and then not knowing what else to do, he held her muzzle closed, until she stopped fighting against him and broke into heartbreaking sobs and trembles.

"Shhh..." He whispered, as he began kissing her neck and the back of her head, sensing that something terrible had happened at the "Establishment" - and it triggered her responses, but he knew not to press the issue. " Ashtail? Honey...let me go get you some warm milk, alright? It'll help calm you and..."

Without warning, she rolled over, then gripped him by the shoulders, her claws sinking into the fur and flesh, before she gripped him and began sobbing, the hot, salty tears streaking down her cheeks. He whined softly, then carefully pulled her paws away, before pulling her tight and holding her for hours, letting the Doe cry herself into an exhausted, troubled sleep - he rested his head on hers, stroking her quivering back and his mind tried to find solutions to questions he didn't know...


Ashtail awoke early that evening, Patrick still cuddling her, then when she licked his nose shyly, he blinked, yawned and woke up, before stroking her ears and gazing into her pale eyes. Ashtail squirmed,d and he released her, then watched as she crawled off the bed and looked over her shoulder at him and made a strange clucking sound with her tongue, her lips moving and whiskers quivering, before she reached back and clawed gently at him.

"You thirsty? Hungry? What do you need sweety?" Patrick asked, as he yawned and scratched at the back of his head.

He climbed off the bed, then Ashtail growled quietly, before she pushed him with her paws, and he sat down on the bed, looking confused and bewildered. Ashtail shivered, before she looked up at him with a look of pure love and trust, before she clucked and growled at him, gently placing her paws on his thighs.

"Honey, I don't understand you, I'm sorry, but I don't speak...well...kangaroo - I don't understand what you want, and won't Greytail be wondering where you are? I know he works nights's just...strange I haven't heard from him and - "

Patrick gasped, as Ashtail snorted, then stamped a long slender foot in anger, before she shook her head and growled and clucked, then in frustration, that much he read in her body language and the look she gave him, she reached out and gripped his sheath in her paws.

"Woah...hey!" Patrick squealed, as he shook his head. "No, bad, bad girl..."

Again, Ashtail snorted and stamped her foot, as she looked up at him.

"Honey, don' don't have to do that, I'm..." Patrick stammered, as he felt her paw grip tighter, then slowly start stroking, her eyes staring into his. "I don't...I know we can mate - but I - "

Ashtail continued her gentle caressing, feeling his penis firming and start sliding out of his furred sheath, her head tilting to one side, as she squeezed tighter, before she lowered her muzzle and her furred lips kissed the tip of his penis with a feathery touch.

"Oh..." Patrick gasped, and his hips bucked, as he become fully aroused, then blushed and looked down at Ashtail, who tilted her head further and kissed his penis again, before giving a shy, furtive lick. "Honey, don't..."

Ashtail growled quietly, before she released him, then turned about and crouched down, lifting her hips up by standing on her narrow toes, then moved so her tail was pushed aside, before she looked at him with a look of absolutely trust and open love. Patrick stood, then he looked at her, before gently placing his paws on her back, using one to hold his quivering penis, as he looked down at her, then shuddered.

" this...this really want you want from me..." Patrick whispered, as he caressed her back, watching her trembling.

Ashtail frowned, then flicked her ears and grunted, before giving him a weak nod, the fear shining in her eyes, and he could smell the scent from her body - fear mixed with her arousal, then he swallowed and moved closer, tenderly rubbing his penile head against her trembling folds.

"Ashtail, honey...I'll ask you once more, you...know, what will happen, if...we mate and..."

Ashtail shuddered and frowned a little more, before she nodded and lifted her hips higher, the tendons in her hind legs trembling, as she crouched with her front paws and lay her forearms on the ground, then looked back over her shoulder, nodding twice, before she swallowed in fear and pleasure - the conflicting emotions making her tremble.

Patrick swallowed, before he moved against her rump, gently pushing her tail further aside, before he gasped as he felt her labial folds pressing against his penis. Instincts took him, and he began thrusting, pushing deeper and deeper, his penis swelling with the knot, that soon pushed against her trembling labia, her cervix walls squirming and tightening along the enveloped length.

"Honey I...I need..." Patrick gasped, then felt Ashtail tremble and give a weak nod, before she squealed as Patrick gripped her flanks, then pushed his hips hard.

Ashtail gasped, feeling the knot stretching her labia until she was whimpering in pain, fearing he wouldn't be able to tie, then as he grunted and pulled her hips up and back, she squealed in fright and pain, before Patrick finally knotted her, and he shuddered, tenderly stroking her flanks with his paws and leaning over her back to lick at her back-swept ears.

"Ashtail, I'm...I'm sorry honey, I know that must have hurt you...but it...we're tied now my dear, sweet, naieve young Kangaroo..that's it, breathe honey...nice slow breaths..." Patrick whispered soothingly, his furred fingers sliding under her belly to lovingly caress and massage her pouch, feeling her tight leg muscles and tendons quivering, before he applied more pressure on her rump and got her to finally lay her long feet flat on the carpet.

Ashtail panted, her head almost touching the floor, as she swept her ears back and shivered, feeling Patrick's knot work its way deeper, stretching her vaginal walls like they'd never been stretched before - before he moved slightly and her paws gripped at the carpet, before she squealed and threw her head back. Patrick blinked, thinking he'd hurt her, but the scent from her body indicated far from it - her scent was sweet and aroused, before she pushed her hips back, sliding his knot as deep as she could, before her labial folds squeezed closed behind it and he gasped, never imagining Ashtail could do that, as his penis began to twitch, pumping the shuddering Kangaroo's depths full of the pre-ejaculate, its warmth spreading from her groin to throughout her body, as she sighed and hung her head, a rivulet of drool dripping from her muzzle as her eyes closed and she quivered...


By Day One Way, By Night Another - Chapter Five -

By Day One Way, By Night Another Chapter Five - © Cederwyn Whitefurr 18thSeptember, 2017, All Rights Reserved. "You will not be paid for the next month ,do you hear me? You will work every night, to repay what you have cost me this night..." Madam...

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By Day One Way By Night Another - Chapter Four -

By Day One Way, By Night Another, Chapter Five © Cederwyn Whitefurr 18thSeptember, 2017, All Rights Reserved. A knock on her door to the private suite snapped Ashtail out of a light doze, before she gasped and slapped herself across the muzzle,...

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Game Over

\*Authors note\* Due to the dark and brutal nature of this short story, I'm going to leave a full page of whitespace before it begins, so as not to upset sensitive types :) Game over 1. Cederwyn Whitefurr 18thSeptember, 2017, All Rights...

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