By Day One Way, By Night Another - Chapter Five -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#5 of One Way By Day, Another By Night

Ashtail recieves her punishment from the enraged Gazelle, who like turning off atap, goes from angry at her favorite 'pet' to kind, loving and gentle, but the hint of violence lurks beneath the Gaelle's body. She orders Ashtail to relieve Falen's frustrations with oral pleasures, but when she gets too rough, ashtail's resolve shatters. and after months of cruelty, sexual abuse at the hands of the clientelle and the Gazelle's own punishments, Ashtail's finally pushed too far...

By Day One Way, By Night Another

Chapter Five -

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

18thSeptember, 2017,

All Rights Reserved.

"You will not be paid for the next month ,do you hear me? You will work every night, to repay what you have cost me this night..." Madam Falen shrieked, as she snapped the whip down and across Ashtail's pouch, making the kangaroo scream again in agony.

As suddenly as the rage had come, it vanished, as Madam Falen smiled sweetly down at Ashtail, then reached out a gloved paw and gently cupped the hysterically crying doe's muzzle.

"I have your contract here..." Falen smiled sweetly, as she gestured and one of her attendants handed it over to Falen, who unrolled it and held it before Ashtail's tear streaked eyes.

"I, Greytail, do solemnly swear, for a year and a day, on this date - " Falen began reciting the words in perfect order. "Yes, my pet, this is your paw print on the contract, isn't it? You willingly submit to the contract, I believe, because you were in some - considerable- debt...with some rather, unsavoury people, I believe..."

Ashtail sobbed and cringed back as far as she could against the bedhead, fearing the whip would strike her again.

"Oh, I bet you'd love to know what magick was used to turn you...wouldn't you? How to turn a naieve, foolish young buck, into a pretty young feral doe...yes, I know you understand everything I am telling you..." Falen smiled, as she sat on the bed, then trailed the whip over Ashtail's belly. "By day one way, by night another - "

Ashtail shuddered helplessly at the sensation of the whip on her belly and pouch, her eyes looking down at it, before she timidly glanced back up and whimpered piteously.

"Well, good news little one - due to your - indiscretions tonight - I hereby amend the contract..."

Ashtail's eyes widened and she grunted and barked, shaking her head violently from side to side.

"Oh, did you miss that part?" Falen smirked wider. "Did you not read the fine print...that I could _amend_the contract, at my whim?"

Ashtail moaned, then she struggled wildly against the bonds that held her, but they were strong, and she wasn't capable of doing any more than hurting herself further, before she sobbed and submit.

"No little one, now now, don't cry and struggle'll like working for me, I can...make your years with me, pleasurable...if you submit to, if I order them to untie you, you promise you'll behave? You won't - do anything - rash and foolish?"

Ashtail sobbed and nodded twice, before she went limp and un-resisting, before she was pushed over onto her back and the two humans unbound her, then rolled her back over and pushed her back against the bedhead. At a gesture from Madam Falen, they nodded and left, taking the whip and restraints with them.

"Now, get down on all fours lovely..." Madam Falen whispered, as she gazed into Ashtail's eyes.

Ashtail grunted and violently shook her head, holding her paws out claws curled forwards in fear and aggression, almost instinctive.

"Ashtail, obey me..." Falen growled, her ears slicking back as she curled her dewlaps in rising anger.

Again, Ashtail snarled and shook her head, before Falen sighed and her paw snapped out, gripping Ashtail by the ears and twisting them savagely, until the Kangaroo shrieked and all fight drained from her body as she was cruelly dragged by the ears across the bed, and then thrown to the floor at the Gazelles hooves.

"Do not ever raise your paws in anger at me little one - " Falen growled, her voice low but filled with malice.

As Ashtail slowly began to rise, Falen placed a paw on the back of Ashtail's neck, and the imprinted order come down on the kangaroo like a hammer, as she obediently crouched on all fours and coughed in submission.

"Good girl, that's much better - " Falen smiled, the viciousness vanishing like a mask. "Now, will you obey, or do I punish you again? You think that hurt you? Oh, my dear, sweet naieve young Kangaroo, you have no idea - what real punishment is...pray you never anger me enough to demonstrate it to you! Now, enough talk of punishment and pain, I find it...upsetting..."

Ashtail lifted her eyes to look up at Falen, who smiled benevolently down at her.

Like you understand what it's like to be whipped and beaten like that! Ashtail thought to herself, before she shivered and timidly crawled forwards, then licked at the Gazelle's hooves in submissiveness.

"Oh, good girl, that's it, know your place little Joey, mm - that feels nice - but I can think of somewhere - else - " Falen murmured, as she reached down and Ashtail flinched,thinking Falen was going to grip her aching ears again.

Instead, Falen lifted Ashtail's head up, then placed both paws behind Ashtail's head and pressed her pale furred nose against the hem of the skirt she wore.

"Do it little one, nice and gentle, as I know you can - I feel the slightest tremble from you...that flogging I gave you, will feel like a reward, compared to the pain I will bring down on you!" Falen whispered, as she spread her pale furred thighs apart.

Ashtail squeezed her eyes closed, as he timidly slipped her head under Falen's skirt, then brushed her nose against the Gazelle's warm folds. Taking a quick breath through her nostrils, Ashtail squeezed her eyes even tighter closed, before her supple tongue licked the outer labial folds, feeling Falen gasp and squirm, then spread her legs further apart.

"Yes, my special little Doe...that tongue of yours is amazing, I know why your clients adore you - "

Ashtail flattened her ears against her neck, trying not to quiver with fear at the veiled warning about being punished, as she rested her paws on the floor and began sexually pleasuring the Gazelle. Lashing her tongue deeper, Ashtail sought out Falen's clitoris and flicked the tip of her tongue quickly over it, feeling Falen gasp and tremble, before she arched her hips up and then lifted her skirt up to grip at Ashtail's neck scruff. Ashtail gasped and it took all her self-control not to shiver - as she resumed licking and nuzzling, then she moaned softly as the felt Falen push her head forwards, Falen's labial walls sliding up the kangaroo's muzzle, so the bridge of her muzzle rubbed against Falen's clitoris, the whiskers on Ashtail's cheeks tickling the sensitive walls.

Ashtail had no idea how Falen was so flexible in her vaginal region, ideas fluttered through her mind and she wondered if maybe one of the thoroughbred studs that Falen had - might not have had something to do with it...her head was pushed forwards further, as Falen grunted and moaned in pleasure - and Ashtail felt the labial lips squeezing her invading muzzle tight, as breathing grew more and more difficult for Ashtail, as she felt the folds brushing against her closed eyelids.

"Mmmmm, your muzzle is just perfect..." Falen grunted, as she rocked gently back and forth, and Ashtail quickly gulped a breath, before her muzzle was pushed back until she couldn't go any further. "I knew I adored you, my dear, sweet're just the right shape of muzzle, your tongue...oh...oh...yes my lovely plaything...yes...lick me there and...oh..."

Falen squirmed, holding Ashtail's muzzle hard inside her, as she began to squirm and Ashtail tried to breathe, but she could barely inflate her lungs and she began to panic, her paws slapping against Falen's thighs in increasing panic whilst the Gazelle grunted and threw her head back before she thrust and squealed, her orgasm releasing a powerful release of sticky fluids that gushed down Ashtail's throat. As the Gazelle reached orgasm, Ashtail's frantic desperation to breathe made her gasp and choke, before she threw herself backwards and sprawled on her back, coughing and convulsing. Falen squealed as Ashtail dismounted her muzzle, the sensation of the tickling whiskers bringing her another powerful orgasm, that gushed from her groin and soaked the bed on which she sat, some of it spattering the carpet.

"Oh..." Falen gurgled, as she fell backwards onto the bed, her whole body trembling with pleasure. "Oh, my dear...sweet're going to be my special plaything from now on..."

Ashtail didn't hear her, as she rolled over onto her belly, then her muzzle wrinkled as she began gagging an retching, trying to purge her nostrils, throat and stomach, but her training wouldn't allow her to throw up, but it didn't stop the agonising clenches her stomach gave her. Not having eaten since the that morning - other than a tiny bite of a carrot - Ashtail's stomach flipped and flopped, sickened by the Vulpine semen that had been spurted down her throat, now, as her stomach heaved again, she swore she could taste at least three distinct and separate tastes in the Gazelle's fluids that had joined and blended in her stomach.

As she lay coughing and retching, Falen rose on quivering hooves, then stood over her, before kneeling down and lifting Ashtail's head off the carpet, gazing into the Kangaroo's pale eyes and smiling down at her, before she kissed Ashtail on the nose.

"Your shift is over little one...but remember, I own you now, you work for me, ,your contract..." Falen snickered.

Ashtail's eyes suddenly narrowed, as she sprang from the unnatural way she lay on the floor, headbutting the Gazelle and rocking her head back and knocking her to the bed onto which she fell and lay moaning and shaking her head. Ashtail snarled, rolling over and dragging herself to her foot paws, just as Falen stood - then Ashtail shrieked in rage and feral savagery, before she tensed her powerful leg muscles, then leapt and her claws on her paws sank into Falen's shoulders. Falen tried to scream, before Ashtail's rage consumed her, and she lent back on her tail, both hind feet snapping up and forwards, slamming into Falen's chest and crushing the air from her lungs and pushing her across the bed, before she croaked and crumpled in a heap on the other side.

Pressing her attack, Ashtail bounded up onto the bed, then off the other side, before she against caught Falen trying to rise and her long slender hind feet kicked hard into Falen's back, propelling the frightened Gazelle against the opposite wall, where she screamed and there was a sickening snap as her right paw was shattered.

"Ashtail, no, please...stop...I command you!" Falen screamed, as she clutched her broken wrist and turned about.

Ashtail was feral with rage and hatred, having been victimised, abused and assaulted at the Gazelle's paws - and others - for far too long. She had just waited for her chance - and now she flicked her gaze from the Gazelle who stood, shaking and clutching her shattered paw, to the bed with the contract, then back at the Gazelle, before she crouched and growled venomously, Ashtail's body quivering, her ears slicked back against her neck.

"You..." Falen moaned, her muzzle falling open.

Ashtail twisted, then clumsily gripped the bed spread and pulled it over to her, before she could grip the contract in her paws, then she held it up and stared into Falen's eyes, uttering a string of clicks, growls and clucks, eyes narrowing in feral rage and hatred.

"Oh, you silly, misguided young think that you tearing that up will break your curse? That it'll return you to who you are during the day? You think it'll..." Falen began laughing was a fatal mistake...

Ashtail dropped the contract, as her muscles bunched in her hind quarters as she sprang at Falen, then her head tilted to the side as she gripped the screaming gazelle by the shoulders - then Ashtail's sharp, pointed teeth sank into Falen's throat and severed the jugular with a violent bite and snapping backwards of Ashtail's muzzle, before she leaned back and gave the Gazelle all she had...all her months of grief, frustration, abuse and cruelty - as she curled her toes and felt them tear through cloth, fur and flesh, as Ashtail tore Falen open from chest to only a Kangaroo can...

Falen screamed breathlessly, her paw clutching at her throat, before she sank to her knees, gasping and choking, drowning in her own blood, as she reached out for Ashtail, who snarled and slammed a long foot down, breaking Falen's other paw.

" stupid...foolish..." Falen gurgled, before she shuddered and went limp, he last moments were, mercifully, quick...

Ashtail looked down at the contract, before she crouched and picked it up, clumsily handling it in her feral paws, before she flexed her forearms and tore it in half - watching as the writing blurred and ran like melting wax, before vanishing in a cloud of silvery smoke, the parchment on which the contract had been signed crumbling to dust in her paws.

Ashtail suddenly shuddered, her eyes widening in shock and horror, as she looked down at the corpse of the Gazelle, the blood and worse, before she spun away and this time, she began retching and she dropped to all fours as her stomach flopped once more - then she was violently and explosively sick on the floor...


Ashtail didn't remember how she escaped the 'Establishment' - she fled, tears streaking down her muzzle, hopping blindly through the per-dawn streets as cars screeched and people screamed and yelled, the frightened Kangaroo dodging and weaving. She hopped wildly, her feral mind driving her through fear and guilt, before she skidded on the wet pavement and tumbled head over tail, sliding on her side and hitting a cement brick wall with a thump that crushed the air from her lungs. As he lay sprawled and gasping, a car slammed its brakes on and someone leapt from the drivers side of the vehicle, then ran towards her - as her vision swam and she coughed up blood, before unconsciousness swept over her.


Ashtail woke with a startled snort, going from a deep, exhausted sleep, to full wakefulness in the blink of an eye. She found herself laying on a soft mattress, in a bedroom, she wasn't familiar with. Instinctively, the fear lanced through her, and she made a loud choking cry, before the door was thrown open and her master strode in, his foot paws muffled by the carpet. He ran to her, then sat on the bed and pulled her close, as he rocked her gently, stroking her back and holding her tightly.

"Ashtail, my love, please...its...its alright, you're safe, nobody will hurt you...shhh, shh my love, that's it..shh...."

His scent, words and comforting hug, soon quietened her frightened cries, as she sniffled and timidly licked his chest, before she blinked and slowly tried pulling away. He let her go, and she hopped off the bed, taking a moment to get her balance, before she crawled to the bedroom door and turned, before rising to her hind feet and staring, wide eyed, at the large window in the living room - through which streamed bright, blinding sunlight...

To Be Continued...

By Day One Way By Night Another - Chapter Four -

By Day One Way, By Night Another, Chapter Five © Cederwyn Whitefurr 18thSeptember, 2017, All Rights Reserved. A knock on her door to the private suite snapped Ashtail out of a light doze, before she gasped and slapped herself across the muzzle,...

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Game Over

\*Authors note\* Due to the dark and brutal nature of this short story, I'm going to leave a full page of whitespace before it begins, so as not to upset sensitive types :) Game over 1. Cederwyn Whitefurr 18thSeptember, 2017, All Rights...

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War...War Never Ends...

War...War Never Ends... -Prequel- (c) Cederwyn Whitefurr 17th September, 2017, All Rights Reserved Rowan stood on the balcony of his high-set Queenslander home, his dark, soulful eyes gazing out over the distant fields; long stalks of sugar cane...

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