Game Over

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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Henrikson has a compulsion, he can only get off sexually, on the suffering and agony of others - but what happens when one of his victims turns the tables on him?

*Authors note* Due to the dark and brutal nature of this short story, I'm going to leave a full page of whitespace before it begins, so as not to upset sensitive types :)

Game over

  1. Cederwyn Whitefurr

18thSeptember, 2017,

All Rights Reserved.

Darkness...pain...agony, Henrickson awoke to these sensations, as the Wolf moaned and hung suspended in he chains that bound him, his drugged mind whirled and spun. A crackle of static made his head lift, as he yelped and felt the hooks that had been strategically pierced through hs silver grey fur - through musles and flesh - and he screamed in primal rage and horror, panic gripping him as he flailed - which only brought more pain and agony.

A dark, mocking voice - one he instantly recognized, come from the television situated against the wall, mounted at eye height and hidden in a cage bolted to the wall. A creepy, puppet flickered and materialised onto the screen, Henrickson screamed in fear and rage, his dewlaps curling back as he recognized his own work...his own sadistic it was turned against him...

"Hello Henrickson..." Come the voice from the puppet, cold chilling and cruel itn its inflections - exactly how he had used it for his own, sick, perverted torture games he had made others suffer. "All your adult life, you've been unable to get off sexually, without the pain and suffering of others to fill some black, empty hole within will experience that which you inflicted on others! The chains that bind you are a representation of those emotions within you - only you can change your ways - by freeing yourself from the metaphysical chains which bind you - do it quickly though,,,in sixty seconds - well - you know this trap well, don't you? After all - you designed it..."

Henirkson screamed and fought, as he saw a digital timer start up and begin its inexorable countdown. He raged and screamed and wept like a frightened puppy - the emotions coming and going between the time of one heartbeat and the next - as he began to panic...

As the countdown reached zero, he screamed, expecting a gruesome, horrible death - but nothing happened...instead, he heard the clip-clop of hooves approaching from behind him, slow, steady..inexorable...then the feeling of hooflets as they trailed over his shin, his belly, his chest...then it loomed out of the gloom and stared into his eyes.

He snarled and snapped at the scarred Doe who stood before him, terrible pale lines of traumatic injuries marred her muzzle neck and paws, as she narrowed her eyes and glared at him with a look of predatory rage and hatred.

"Remember me? I'm the one one who escaped your traps...oh, they left a mark on me, physically, emotionally and psychologically - but you know that - you don't know how I escaped your trap...and denied you the sexual exstacy of watching my demise..."

She walked around him, trailing a two fingered hand over his flank, before she stepped over to the doorr, then paused and glanced back over her shoulder, the cruel, predatory smile spreading across her muzzle, as she touched the handle of a large steel door.

"Now, you will know what you inflicted on will suffer as they have suffered, in one of your own, you think you have a chance? What chance did you offer those who died in horrific ways for your sexual gratification? Of you gave them hope, do this, sacrifice was all lies, wasn't it? They had no hope, no chance to turn their lives around and redeem themselves - no - their fates were is yours...Goodbye Henrikson..,"

As he began to scream and fight, she stepped through the door and it slowly slid closed - the last thing she did, was look over her shoulder at him, then smile cruelly.

"Let the game begin..."


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