One Way By Day, Another By Night - Chapter One -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#1 of One Way By Day, Another By Night

Greytail is a Anthropomorphic Grey Kangaroo, by day he is a fitness instructor, who drives his students hard, to achieve the best they can, but he harbours a dark secret...

One Way By Day, Another By Night

  1. Cederwyn Whitefurr

17thSeptember, 2017,

All Rights Reserved.

Greytail snorted, the large, athletic kangaroo walking back and forth, as he watched the people he was training in fitness exercises. As they stretched, jumped and flexed, he shook his head and increased their calisthenic regimen. Whilst he was a harsh Instructor, his students adored him, and he had a waiting list of new students to join his classes.

"Right, that's done, alright, give me ten laps then start your cool down exercises!" He barked like a drill sargent, but inwardly, he was pleased at how well the students had come along in such a short time. Wiping a paw paw across his head, he flicked away a rivulet of sweat and began a routine of squat thrusts, his muscular arms held out as he crouched and stood, feeling the muscles like bands of iron ripple and move beneath his pale brown fur. Indeed, he felt good, the sun was shining, it was about twenty one degrees, and as he watched the students of his class run laps, he noted those who needed extra attention and work on various parts of their bodies, but all in all, he was pleased with his latest group.

Leaning back on his heavy tail, he twisted and scratched at the base of his tail then looked up, as this students finished their laps around the park, some where panting heavily, some were only lightly puffed and one or two looked as fresh as if they'd been on a casual stroll. As he began rolling up the exercise mats, a young Doe casually walked over to him, and he smelt the sweet aroma of her scent, before he composed himself and turned to look at her, starting with her long slender foot-paws, silvery grey fur that covered the athletic muscled legs, the tight fitting blue shorts, up the taught, well formed belly and finally, stopped at her shoulders, then he glanced into her eyes.

"Jasmine, you're looking nice today!" He commented drily.

"I feel wonderful, that diet change and the exercises you've outlined for me, I think they're really working for me, thank you!" She blushed, then smiled.

"You have always been a fine looking young Doe, you just needed some minor changes, to reach your peak physical fitness. How many of that routine did you do?"

"I'm up to twenty of each a night - it hurt at first, but as you said, if something starts hurting, don't push yourself - its natures way of telling us to take it easier - but I persevered, and now...I think its really showing off!"

Greytail walked around her, grunting and giving her a critical looking over, before he snorted and gestured to the padded mitts, as he began padding himself up, shins, belly, chest and shoulders, his paws encased in thick gloves to protect them, then he adjusted a few straps and nodded, adopting a defensive stance, as the young Doe bounced on the tips of her toes eagerly. She wore thick pads on her slender feet, and larger ones on her paws, before he nodded at her, and she began a series of vicious kicks and punches. Greytail grunted as one foot got past his defence and crashed into his belly padding, making him step back before the Doe crouched back flat on her feet.

"Oh, I'm so sorry - I didn't hurt you, did I?" She asked, ears slashing backwards in concern.

"No..." Greytail coughed, as he stood back up. "Quite a good kick for a Doe so young, you've been working on your leg muscles I see!"

Bouncing back onto her toes, she began pressing the attack on her trainer, slowly pushing him backwards as he blocked and dodged, before he grew impatient and spun about, his heavy tail slicing like a scythe at her long legs, but she seen it coming, jumping over the tail then gripping him by the shoulders with her padded paws and with both feet, she slammed them into his chest and knocked him to the ground, before she resumed bouncing on her toes again, using her forearm to wipe away the sweat.

With a scissor kick, he leapt back to his foot-paws, just in time to block a series of vicious punches, before he misjudged and another sharp kick cracked against the padding on his belly and he nodded in satisfaction.

"Again!" He snapped at her, adopting the defensive stance.

Obediently, the doe huffed and launched into a faster and harder rotation, mixing kicks with punches, as he blocked and deflected her, impressed with her ability to think of her paws and mix it up, to make it more unpredictable. A series of kicks, followed by a punch then another kick, it was becoming a blend of unpredictable movements, and finally, with another sharp double kick, one following the other so close together as to feel like both at once, she knocked him down again, then knelt over him, panting and sweating and gazing down at him.

"Did I pass your test?" She huffed, then began peeling the gloves off her paws and forearmed away the sweat from her forehead.

"Excellent work young Jasmine, you've adapted well, much better than you were six months ago - where you couldn't kick like our ancestors, without falling over! Excellent work, now, that'll do for today, I couldn't be more proud of you, you've shown the most progress of all my students, and you're well on your way to succeeding my expectations." Greytail grudgingly admitted.

Jasmine smirked, then stood and held her paw out, gripping her instructor by the wrist and helping him up, before she crouched over and unclasped the pads from her shins and feet. As he watched her, he began thinking how to fine tune her technique, before he resumed rolling up the practice mats and packing away the pads and other equipment into large gym bags.


Later, as Jasmine showered, the last of the students to do so, she heard the door creak, and one ears flicked backwards, as she frowned and began reaching for the taps, before her forearms were grabbed from behind, pulled up over her head as she was cruelly twisted around and her paws crossed over up over her heard as she was slammed back against the wall. She squealed in fright and alarm, blinking as the soapy water rand down into her eyes, before she felt a strong powerful body press against hers, then she grunted as a large, strong male drive himself deep inside her, then bit down on her shoulder.

"Mmmmmph!" Jasmine squealed, as she instinctively pushed away from the wall, only to be violently thrust back again, before the water washed over her muzzle and she blinked, then shook her head and looked at Greytail, who smiled and licked her wet forehead as he gasped and thrust against her again.

"You scared ten years off me!" Jasmine snorted, then stamped a long foot-paw, before she smiled and licked him back, before squeezing down with her vaginal muscles, making him gasp.

"I'm going to make you moan little Doe - " Greytail snarled, his dewlaps pulling back.

Jasmine snorted water from her nostrils, before in an amazingly dextrous move, twisted and slammed him against the wall, before she pushed her hips forwards and drove his whole length deep, before she bit at his throat and a mocking growl come from her throat.

"You?" Jasmine laughed, as she began thrusting against him, feeling him tremble and try to suppress the pleasure of being taken like this. "A sweet, innocent little Joey like you? You couldn't dominate the skin off a custard, and we both know it! Admit act all tough and macho - but I know how to make you...squeal..."

Jasmine dismounted, then slipped her paws out of his grasp and then sank her blunt claws into his shoulder, pushing him backwards until he fell onto the bench seat, flat on his back. Wasting little time, she straddled him and easily thrust her hips, her labial folds gripping at his impressive penis as it slipped into her, then she squeezed down with her muscles and he grunted in admiration and pleasure, totally dominated by this strong spirited Doe.

Her muscular control was incredible, as she began rocking harder and harder against Greytail, who rested his paws on her thighs, feeling the iron-like muscles beneath the thin fur, as she began squeezing tighter and tighter, making his moan and gasp.

"Give up little Joey..." Jasmine teased him, as she raked her claws from his chest to his belly, then back up the opposite ways.

"Not...happening..." Greytail grunted, as he felt her slide herself back, then with a strong thrust, plunge back down and grip him with her muscles that felt like a hot velvet glove was gripping his imprisoned shaft.

With a snort, Jasmine dismounted, turned about and slid him back inside her again, angling the penetration so his penis rubbed against her vaginal walls with more intensity, as she started rocking, her tail thumping in time against his chest, until she shivered and heard his breath becoming shorter and more rapid, as she smirked widely and felt her own orgasm coming on strongly, but she bit down on her lower lip and trembled, holding on as best she could, before Greytail squealed as she promised he would, his semen pulsing into her dark, moist folds, then as she felt the explosive release of warmth, she rocked forwards and her own orgasm following two heartbeats later, as she leaned forwards flexibly, gripping Greytail's ankles as she gasped and shuddered.

"Gods damn you - " Greytail grunted, as he swatted at Jasmine's wet back with his paws. "You did that intentionally..."

"Do you admit defeat?" Jasmine snickered, as she contracted and relaxed the strong vaginal folds that held the trembling Buck captive.

Grudgingly, Greytail sighed, then he answered in the affirmative, before Jasmine grinned and stepped up and off, then turned around and looked down as Greytail shuddered and a dribble of his semen spattered onto the bench on which he sat.

"I'll never're so damn...gifted - " He grunted, as he stood and shook himself, then smoothed down his wet fur on the groin. "Now I'm all hot and sweaty, care to join me in the shower?"

"I thought you'd never ask - " Jasmine winked, then stepped back into the steam, dragging Greytail with her, before she placed her paws around his hips and pulled him close, her wet breasts pressing firmly against his taught muscular chest. "Want to try for seconds? I'm ready if you are...if you think you can, that is, I know you're not as young as you once were..."

With a snort, Greytail nibbled at her throat and shoulder, as he ground his hips against hers, then gasped and moaned as she raked her blunt claws up his back.

"I'll have to take a rain-check on that - much to my sorrow - " Greytail huffed, as he slid his paws down her belly and rubbed them against her tight pouch. "Too much to do, to little time - "

Jasmine grunted in pleasure, before she slapped him hard on the taught buttocks.

"Anytime you feel up to it - Joey - " Jasmine giggled, as she began soaping her ears up. "You just come and try me..."

Greytail grinned, then gripped her around the hips and rubbed himself against her tail and humped playfully.

"I will, don't you worry about that..." Greytail snorted, then walked out of the shower Jasmine's mocking laughter trailing after him.


To Be Continued...

M-F Harmony and Killian - Chapter Two -

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M-F Harmony and Killian

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