Breakfast In Bed

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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Jake is an anthropomorphic Whitetail Stag, who hand reared Katy from when she was a premature Joey, watching her grow and as she grew up, he formed a loving, trusting bond with her, and she with him...

Breakfast In Bed,

  1. Cederwyn Whitefurr

19thSeptember, 2017,

All Rights Reserved.

Laying under the thin coverlet that was draped over his sleeping form, the Whitetail buck's left ear flicked, and he mumbled incoherently, as something again brushed against his ear, before he snorted and opened his pale eyes. With a yawn that wrinkled the black muzzle stripe, Jake blinked and used his pale brown paws to lightly rub at his eyes as he sat up, feeling warm leathery paw pads slide off his ears and fall to the bed with a quiet thump before the unseen creature snorted.

As Jake yawned again, then threw the coverlet back off his lithe, athletic form, revealing his light brown fur from shoulders to inner thighs - he sighed as he looked down to find his slender penis at full arousal and a spatter of per-ejaculaculate soaking into his belly fur.

"I was having such a wonderful dream - " Jake grumbled, as he flicked his black tipped ears and slid his legs over the side of the low bed and rested his still sleepy head in his paws.

He was startled, when he felt the ticklish whiskers brush against his thighs, then strong leathery paws were placed on his knees as something used a long, supple tongue to lick the sticky fluids from his belly fur. Jake blinked and looked down, to see the young Grey Kangaroo doe looking up at him, before she lifted her head and lapped at the Stag's chin, before it looked back down and swept its ears back.

"Well, good morning to you too Katy," Jake smiled, as he gently stroked her long ears and chuckled.

As Jake went to stand, Katy looked up again then she grunted something Jake didn't understand, but her questing paws, one above the other, wrapped around the Stag's firm length and her sharp claws lightly pricked the sensitive flesh.

", sweety, no, stop it, please?" Jake murmured, as he placed a paw on her neck and gently squeezed her scruff, but she only snorted and flicked an ear, before she looked back down and lowered her muzzle, gripping him tighter and using her supple tongue to begin licking his quivering penis.

"Mmmm - " Jake moaned quietly, feeling the feral Kangaroo's hot breath and amazing tongue. "You're such a pleasure to wake up to of a morning my dear, sweet Joey..."

Katy's ear flicked and she snorted, as if understanding him and taking offence at being called a Joey.

"I was kidding love, just...oh...."

Katy pulled his penis down, so she could more easily lick at it, before she rubbed it against both sides of her muzzle and timidly took the tip into her muzzle and began flicking her tongue over and around the sensitive head.

" feel...amazing honey, how do you - " Jake groaned, as he quivered, knowing Katy could inflict terrible wounds with her front teeth that were as sharp as a knife...but she had never done anything more than a little nibble in the years she had felt desire for her morning drink.

Jake tried to stay calm, not flinch or tremble, as Katy pleasured him for nearly twenty minutes with her tongue, slowly working his length further into her muzzle, before she tasted the sticky pre that Jake spurted into her mouth and she gripped the base of his penis in a firmer hold, angling it more carefully, as if she willingly knew what she was doing - and Jake was certain this feral kangaroo knew exactly what she was doing...

Katy licked, swallowed and suckled him, before Jake placed his trembling paws on the back of her head and gently pressed down, as Katy trembled and her lips formed a tight seal, before Jake grunted and bit down on his lower lip, body quivering. Katy snorted and gave another tentative lick, before she quivered as Jake moaned and his explosive orgasm pulsed down Katy's willing throat. Spurt after spurt, she swallowed, seemingly enjoying the hot, sticky fluids rich with salt and other nutrients, before Jake had no more to offer her and he panted heavily, massaging Katy's ears as she licked him with loving and gentle slurps until his penis was clean and he felt relieved and in desperate need of a morning shower to wash away the sweat.

"Katy..." Jake whispered, as he gently cupped her muzzle in his paws, then lifted her head up, the Kangaroo happily permitting this, as she used her tongue to lick her muzzle and lips clean, before she clucked at him and looked into his eyes, her own like pools of melted chocolate, that sparkled with love and affection for her adopted parent.

Jake gently kissed her, pressing his furred lips to hers, making Katy obediently open her muzzle as Jake's tongue swirled and mingled, their saliva combining and he slipped his arms around her back and gently cuddled her, Katy returning the affection by placing her paws on his shoulders.

"I adore you, and your...talented muzzle and tongue, but I don't understand how you can drink that!" Jake smiled, and kissed her lightly on the forehead, before he squeezed her gently.

Katy looked into his eyes, before she titled her head and flicked her ears back, looking chastised and timid.

"No, no, my dear, sweet Doe, I'm not angry with you, not at all! I love you, cared for you when you were a little joey, with no fur and tightly closed eyes...I watched you grow into the beautiful, pretty young Kangaroo you are now! I could never be angry with you honey, not now, not ever, now - come on, up!"

Jake lay back down, then pet the bed and Katy obediently leap up onto the bed and lay herself down, folding one long leg over the over, before she yawned widely and lay her head down on Jake's upper arm, her back pressed against him. Jake smiled and kissed her between the ears, before he gently lay the think coverlet over them both and reached over her belly with his free paw and lightly caressed her pouch. Katy quivered, this being one of her most pleasurable areas, before she grunted and placed a paw on Jake's paw, then clucked softly.

"Katy, I don't understand you love, go on, you tell me what you want, move my hand where you want it and - "

Katy snorted, then began pushing his paw down her lower pouch, before she couldn't reach any further, but this made Jake blink, as he smiled and nodded.

"You want me to rub you down there - " Jake asked, as he nibbled her left ear cup and licked along it, feeling Katy tremble. "Alright, but I'd much prefer to use my tongue, I know how much that pleases you - and - "

Katy growled and snorted, obviously impatient, so Jake chuckled and slipped his fingers down and feathered across her wet cloaca. Katy lay her head back down and quivered in pleasure, before Jake felt her relax, as he teasingly slipped one long finger into her cloaca and felt the tight walls as she grunted and trembled.

"You're so warm Katy..." Jake murmured, as he felt her wriggled closer against him, her back pressed tight against his belly, her heavy tail laying against his furred legs.

Katy clucked and squirmed, as Jake willingly pleasured her first with one finger, then another - lightly spreading his fingers apart and stretching her vaginal walls, before Katy snorted and he felt the tension, before he eased back to one finger, carefully sliding it down to the second knuckle inside her.

For ten minutes, he alternated fingers, sometimes just one, then two, eventually sliding both forefinger and index finger right down to the base - Katy squirming against his belly as she panted and grunted in pleasure. Jake felt pleasure as well, as playing with Katy like this made her nice and relaxed - and if he did it long enough - sometimes - he could please her a s a Stag would please a Doe...and when they mated like that, Katy's internal body heat made Jake experience multiple orgasms.

Katy snorted, then Jake slid his sticky fingers out, then he lifted them to his muzzle and licked them, tasting the delicious fluids that coated them. Aroused again, Jake pushed himself back further across the bed, then as Katy blinked and twisted her head, Jake smiled and gently rolled her over onto her back. Making sure she was comfortable, he braced himself with his strong forearms over Katy, then began kissing her throat and chest, then both leathery paw pads and gently working his way back down. Katy quivered and watched him, but made no effort to stop him, hear head sinking into the soft pillow as she grunted in pleasure.

"Shhh..." Jake smiled, as he began massaging her pouch, feeling the muscles holding it closed loosening, before he smiled and curled two fingers into the pouch and pulled it open tenderly, sliding his muzzle inside until only the tips of his ears were showing, as he kissed, licked and nuzzled, finding her sensitive teats and giving each a long, sensual suckling. Katy quivered and writhed, Jake knowing from experience how much this pleased her, before he pulled his head out and resumed kissing her lithe, trembling body, working his way down.

Katy lifted her head, before she looked down her body, seeing Jake's penis at full arousal again, then she clucked at him and growled, before she made a strange coughing sound and let her head fall back onto the pillow.

"Shhh, its alright Katy, just...relax my love, it'll..." Jake's remaining words were silenced, as he pressed his nose against her wet cloallca then began kissing at it.

His supple tongue flickering around the outside, then slowly spiralling inwards. With his rogue, he could reach further and deeper than with his fingers - and he felt Katy's natural lubricating juices as the flowed vigorously. Encouraged by this, he orally pleasured her for an hour - savouring the tastes, feel and smell of her - before he lifted his wet muzzle and licked away the last of the delicious fluids that had soaked into his muzzle fur.

"Katy, my love...may I..." Jake whispered, as he looked down into her dark, soulful eyes. "I know I'm...not a Kangaroo Buck, but we've...we've mated before and - "

Katy gazed back, before her whiskers twitched on her grey furred muzzle and she frowned slightly, then felt Jake's penile bead timidly brush against her quivering cloaca. With an acquiescent grunt, Katy lay her head back down, as Jake smiled and carefully moved forwards, bracing his weight on his paws, as he carefully mounted her. Katy trembled and Jake held his breath, feeling her tight vaginal walls stretching to accommodate him, only an inch of his six inches inside her. As Katy squirmed and trembled, Jake crept forwards a little further, then waited against as Katy's paws gripped at the sheet on the mattress and she cried out, but he knew she could take his whole length - she just needed time to let her body stretch out further, before he could push deeper into her.

Already, half his length was inside her warm slick folds, and it took all of Jake's self control not to ejaculate inside her, then and there - but Katy shivered and Jake slid himself down to the base of his sheath as Katy grunted and he slowly lowered himself down, and began kissing her muzzle and cheeks, feeling Katy's muscles squeezing along his firm shaft inside her.

"Oh my god Katy - " Jake gasped, then giggled as Katy licked the inside of his muzzle as he spoke, her tongue flickering over his teeth and against his tongue in love and trust for her master.

Jake lay on Katy, resting her paws on his shoulders, as he slipped his paws beneath her head and gently lifted it, kissing and nuzzling her, as he tenderly rocked against her - sliding himself about half way out of her - then feeling the tense walls gripping and slipping, as he pushed back into her again. Katy wriggled and squirmed, her tongue flickering over his teeth, tongue and mouth, as she panted lightly and her leathery paws began to contract on his strong shoulder muscles.

Jake looked into Katy's eyes, then felt her heart thudding in her chest, before she bucked against him and she squealed, her orgasm rippling her muscles along his length, then Jake moaned helplessly, giving a gentle thrust of his own, his sheath pressed tight against her Cloaca as he ejaculated deep inside her, as Katy squealed again and her paws gripped his shoulder and she lovingly lathered his muzzle and forehead in licks.

"Damn it - " Jake gasped. "Katy, I'm sorry my love, I know you don't like it when I do that inside you..."

Katy snorted through her slender nostrils, then shuddered and slipped her paws up to wrap them around Jake's furred neck, as she continued lovingly licking him, as he giggled softly and cuddled her close, before taking a firm grip on her and rolling onto his side, staying firmly inside her as Katy trembled and breathed easier, her quiet grunts, clucks and growls showing her pleasure - and her muscles began to tighten again, as Jake gasped and quivered, his ears slicking back and muzzle falling open, as he felt Katy's paws clenching and unclenching on his neck - for she knew how to bring her stag multiple orgasms, when they mated - and doing this to his neck, well, she was definitely enjoying their gentle, passionate mating - and she was certain, he was as well, as he gasped and flinched - then another strong ejaculation spurted into her body as she reached her own orgasm a heartbeat later...


By Day One Way By iNight Another - Finale -

By Day One Way, By Night Another, Chapter Six - Finale - © Cederwyn Whitefurr All Rights Reserved. Patrick frowned, following Ashtail out into the hallway, when he lay a gentle paw on the back of her head, then looked down at her. Ashtail kept...

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By Day One Way, By Night Another - Chapter Five -

By Day One Way, By Night Another Chapter Five - © Cederwyn Whitefurr 18thSeptember, 2017, All Rights Reserved. "You will not be paid for the next month ,do you hear me? You will work every night, to repay what you have cost me this night..." Madam...

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By Day One Way By Night Another - Chapter Four -

By Day One Way, By Night Another, Chapter Five © Cederwyn Whitefurr 18thSeptember, 2017, All Rights Reserved. A knock on her door to the private suite snapped Ashtail out of a light doze, before she gasped and slapped herself across the muzzle,...

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