Farm Dog - Chapter Two - Secret No More -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#2 of (ZOO) Farm Dog

Patrick meets the head Shearer, who worked for his father, now, works for him. Bluey tells him the sheep have been sheared, then he frowns as a strange scent reaches the Kangaroo's nostrils - and he is pleasantly surprised. He confides in the frightened and confused young Border Collie, telling him he suspected Patrick was a Zoophile, now, the scent Patrick didn't wash off, merely confirmed it - but Bluey isn't shocked and horrified, he helps the naieve young Collie in ways Patrick never imagined...

Farm Dog

Chapter Two

  1. Cederwyn Whitefurr

27thSeptember, 2017,

All Rights Reserved.

After feeding the two Border Collies, ensuring the alpha male was fed first, then Patches, Patrick made his way outside, a cold beer in one pale paw, before he sat in the old rocking chair and began to rock himself back and forth, still feeling the amazing pleasure from what he had shared with Patches, and letting his mind wander as he looked out over his farm, his eyes going glazed and unseeing.

"Strike me dead, can you be any more relaxed Boss?" Come a sharp, short grunt, then it was followed by a deep chested laugh.

Patrick's eyes snapped open like window shades, before he yelped and leapt up from the chair, then stared at the large imposing red kangaroo that stood on the ground, looking up at him.

"Bluey, you scared ten years growth off me, you overgrown, mangy Joey!" Patrick laughed, then waled to the stairs and looked down at the kangaroo.

"Me? Mangy?" Bluey laughed, his ears twitching, as he looked Patrick up and down, then snorted. "I know it was warm today - but - "

Patrick blushed, then chuckled. "What? My homestead, my rules - I never said I'd not parade around in just my fur-suit!"

Thinking, Bluey chuckled and scratched the back of his head, before a smile spread across his pale lips. "Well, that's true...anyway, the sheep are shorn and we're done - got the young fella cleaning up the gear and such - anything else you want before we head out?"

"Nope, all good, thank you! Come by tomorrow, I'll have your pay for the week, you and your crew do good work!" Patrick smiled, as he walked down the triple stairs, then held out a paw.

Gratefully, the Kangaroo pressed his leathery paw pads against the softer ones of the Border Collie, and shook his hand, before he leaned forwards and smirked, then breathed delicately against Patrick's right ear.

"Mate, might want to shower - you smell like the south end of a north-bound bitch in heat..."

Patrick's eyes went wide, before he stammered and his ears flattened.

Bluey snickered and stepped back, then flicked his ears and grinned. "I've known for three years mate, you never hid it - I'm only a dumb, shearer roo - but yeah, I can smell it on you, like you drowned yourself in it. What you do, is your business - I'm not going to judge you for it...hell, you think you're the only one who doesn't mind a bit of fur on the side?"

"I - " Patrick stammered.

Bluey looked at him, his dark, soulful eyes twinkling, before he placed a paw on Patrick's shoulder, then closed the gaping muzzle of the Border Collie and led him back upstairs, and into the house, before sitting him down and taking a beer from the fridge and cracking it.

"Just you and me Boss - I admit, I was curious for years - now, I know that scent a mile off! I'm more - open minded - shall we say. Oh, don't act so surprised - think you're the only farmer who had ideas about livestock? It happens more than you think, my sweet grey mare and I - " Bluey trailed off, then smirked and sipped his beer.

"I don't even know where - " Patrick stammered, then his shaking paw reached for his own beer, his claws rattling against the glass.

"Relax, you're going to blow a gasket, its alright! Honestly - whose the lucky girl? One of your Ewes? I've always wanted to bond to a sheep and - "

Patrick blushed, then his ears pricked as Patches wandered in, then stood staring at Bluey, who rose and crouched down, then held his paws out to the Border Collie.

"Patches, you stud! When's your master going to get you a bitch? You'd sire incredible pups!" Bluey chuckled, as the Collie wagged his tail and walked over, then licked the Kangaroo's face. "He totally would..."

Bluey's nostrils twitched, then he inhaled and his eyes widened, as he glanced at Patches, then up at Patrick, who hung his head and buried his muzzle in his paws, shame and guilt written in his body language.

"You and...him?" Bluey blinked, then ruffled Patches ears and sat back down, the Border Collie obediently laying at Patrick's feet. "I'd never have imagined it - so you..."

"Patches and I have been mates - for five years - " Patrick sniffled, then wiped his paws across his eyes.

Expecting Bluey to be disgusted and horrified, he was surprised as Bluey's muzzle curled into a smile, then he chuckled.

"Stone the flamin' crows...I'd never have guessed, how is it? Is it as enjoyable as a female? How do you - " Bluey began, then frowned and thought. "Does he - "

"Patches..." Patrick began ,then gently reached down and stroked the Collie's ears. "He is my mate, yes - he seems to enjoy being - well, being my bitch, for lack of a better word. He's loyal, faithful, willing and - as I've never bred with a female, human, anthro, or animal - I wouldn't know..."

Bluey blinked, his large ears twitching backwards, before he snorted in disbelief. "Mate, you've never experienced a thirsty calf, felt a mare when she gets aroused and winks, then pushes back...never?"

"I've...I'm shy's not exactly something you go to the pub and brag about, is it?" Patrick sniffled, feeling guilty and ashamed.

Bluey frowned, then he snorted and nodded. "Mate, I know exactly where you're coming from - to be honest, you're right - its not something you boast about, others wouldn't - _understand -_the bond between you and your companion. It's a magical thing, their love, trust and faith in you - their willingness to share everything with you - and you with them. I've been a - well - the word you're struggling for, is Zoophile. I've been a Zoo for fifteen years, and I'd not give it up for the world!"

"You're...not ashamed and guilty and - " Patrick stammered, before he took a deep draught of his beer and set it down, his paws trembling.

"Not at all!" Bluey grinned. "I've had many mates, over the last fifteen years - there isn't one, whom I didn't love, cherish and care for, with all my heart. You never truly get over them, each one takes a place in your heart and soul - and when they - pass on - you never forget their love and affection, and yours for them. Now, come on, relax pup, your nervous scent would spook the girls."

Patrick had no answers, never suspecting that Bluey also enjoyed the love and affections of animal companions, as he'd never shown any sign of it - he was a loyal, hard worker, as rough and tough as any shearer or stock hand Patrick had ever seen - yet this whole new side of Bluey come as a surprise.

"I..." Patrick began, then stammered and hung his head. "I got Alice, she's my...well, she's my pet, I hand raised her from when she was a baby and her mother died shortly after she was born...I've never - ever - "

Bluey finished his beer, then smirked and reached over and pet Patrick on the paws.

"So, you have the bond with her - she no doubt thinks the world of you - and you her, but you've never...even imagined how it'd be like? To lay with her, feel that warm body beneath you, to feel yourself slide into her warm depths and..." Bluey grinned, then he thought and shook his head slowly. "No, probably not - I imagine a strapping young Dog like you...well, yeah - we'll work on that, tell you what, come with me, I'll get you...acquainted..."

Patrick blinked, then wiped his paws across his eyes again, before he swallowed the lump in his throat and trembled.

"Oh, don't act so skittish, Selkie won't like that. You know her, she adores you - hell, you sold her to me as a yearling filly! I'm telling you, a finer mare you'll never meet, goes anywhere, no vices, sweet and gentle..."

"I'm..." Patrick murmured, then yelped as Bluey grinned and gripped him by the forearm and pulled him up off his chair.

To Be Continued...

Farm Dog - Chapter One -

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