Hybridisation Project - Chapter Five - Finale

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#5 of Hybridisation Project

Dr. Faline is called into the CEO's office, only to find herself convicted by her own emotions, but Dr. Krushev is also convicted for her crimes of an immoral nature, her punishment doesn't go according to plan - whilst Dr. Faline uses her contract to claim ownership over Dr. Nate...but with an unforseen concequence for the Anthropormorphic kangaroo...and herself...

Hybridisation Project,

Chapter Five,

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

23rdSeptember, 2017,

All Rights Reserved.

As Dr. Faline ground her hips against Nate, he gasped and moaned softly, his leathery paw pads slipping around her back to gently stroke and caress, his mind overwhelmed with the pleasure of his first lovemaking.

"Good boy," Faline smiled, as she kissed him again, caressing his ears and her lips pressed against his furred ones, as she sighed in longing and pleasure.

Nate frowned, before Faline winked and clenched down on his penis with her strong muscular contractions, causing the Buck beneath her to snap his hips against hers and utter a long, breathless gasp of pleasure and surprise, his penis flickering as he reached orgasm under her affections - the sticky semen spurting in powerful squirts as Faline gasped and her eyes flew open, as she'd never imagined how hot it was. Pleasure radiated from her depths and seared along nerve endings, as Nate quivered and moaned, his eyes squeezing shut as he began trembling in fright, fearing he had done something wrong again, but Faline smiled and slid her hands under his head, then gently caressed him.

"That...that's amazing, you're so warm and..." Faline murmured, as she squeezed him tight, until his trembling eased and he smiled nervously.

"You...you - " He stammered, then Faline kissed him long and deep, her lips pressed against his furred muzzle, as her tongue wrestled with his and their saliva blended and merged, before she finally pulled her head back.

"No, my dear, sweet Buck - never feel frightened or ashamed, at sharing your lovemaking with someone who is willing and adores you. What we have done, it was done out of love, compassion and gentleness. I shared my love with you, as you did with me, and there is nothing wrong or unnatural about what we done, do you understand?"

Nate blinked, then looked into her eyes, before he timidly licked her cheek and nodded slowly. Faline cuddled him, enjoying the post coital warmth and love she felt for this enigmatic kangaroo, pushing aside the thoughts that somehow, it was wrong - he was an laboratory experiment - a hybrid - not a human like she was, but the love he felt for her, she knew it was genuine, as the love she had given him - and the lovemaking was short - she couldn't fault him there, as it was the first time he had freely and willingly been a participant - rather than the times he had been coerced via his hypnotic state.

Stiffling a yawn, he blinked and Faline looked into his eyes, seeing the glazed, empty look, before she gently lay with him and caressed his ears, watching as his eyes slowly slid closed and at last, he fell into a pleasant, restful sleep. Laying with him for an hour, Faline felt his heart rate slow as his sleep deepened, before she slipped off him and covered his body with a light coverlet. He mumbled incoherently and twitched, before rolling onto his side and resuming his deep, exhausted slumber.

Faline watched with interest, before she slipped into the small shower bay and washed herself from hair to toes, then found a clean lab robe, redressed and went back to her laboratory work, letting the exhausted anthropomorphic kangaroo sleep.


Hours past, Faline occasionally checking on Nate, before she returned and the AI Computer chirped. Faline sighed, then touched the sensor pad.

"Doctor Faline, please report to Main Office, thank you." Come the feminine voice from the AI.

"What now..." Faline sighed, as she rose, locked her workstation and left the room, dimming the lab lights as she left.


Dr. Faline brushed her hair back and quickly affixed it into a pony tail, before she strode into the CEO's office. He looked at her, then gestured to the seat, before Faline's eyes narrowed as she seen Dr. Krushev sitting in the other seat - the heated argument between mother and daughter simmered like a pot about to boil, but Faline ignored her mothers glare and composed her emotions, falling into a professional, business like mindset, her face composed and calm.

"Doctor Faline, thank you for coming - I won't mince words Doctor, my time is precious and there are many things on my mind. Have you examined the lab subject?"

"His name is Dr. Nate, Sir..." Faline replied, her voice a hairs breadth from anger.

"He_has_ no name - he is a failed laboratory experiment, implanted with the memories of a brilliant scientist, a gift that _beast_is undeserving of! Yes, it can help around the lab and conduct experimentation and so on - but that makes it nothing more than what it is - what have we learned from it? Nothing! Have we succeeded in making another viable, living hybrid?..." Dr. Krushev growled, unable to hold her professional demeanour and her anger rising.

Holding up a hand, the CEO silenced the argument, before he folding his immaculate hands on the blotter on his desk, then sighed.

"Doctor Faline, analysis of subject, please - is it capable of furthering our knowledge in the Project, if said project was to be restarted? Could something be learned from it, that would enable success?"

"In my professional opinion, Sir, no - " Dr. Faline admitted. "We do not know what caused Dr. Nate to become what he is. However, he is a valued member of the staff, polite, gentle and kind - "

Without warning, the CEO touched a sensor, and the wall behind him lit up with the security footage of Dr Faline making love with the anthropomorphic Kangaroo. Faline's eyes went wide as she moaned and pressed back against the chair. With another gesture, the CEO stopped the video, then stared at Dr Faline, a look of disgust and revulsion on his face.

"You...mated...with that animal, for that is what it is - it's an animal, that possesses some traits of humanity - traits that it inherited from when it's mind was meshed with Dr. Nate's memories and training! It is a beast Ms. Faline - "

Faline stared, her eyes widening further. "You can't - "

"I can, and I have - as of 6pm today, ma'am, your services will no longer be required by this facility. I can not have my staff - sexually deviant - with laboratory experiments...do you realise the public relations damage this would cause, if such were released?"

"He is a living, breathing, sentient creature - with feelings, emotions and thoughts that are his own and unique to him! I have it on very good authority that he - " Faline exploded, as she slammed her palms on the table and stood up. "How _dare_you..."

"It is your own lack of morals and composure, that have forced the release of you from your contract Faline - " Spoke the CEO, his voice calm and polite, but the steel behind it unmistakable. "Dr Krushev, as there is nothing further to be learned from the experiment- have it terminated."

"You can't murder an innocent, sentient person!" Faline screamed in fright and rage.

"Correction, Faline," Spoke the CEO, as he snorted, and composed himself. "This experiment, belongs to the Corporation. It has no rights, no privilegeses, no right to life - it is owned, by the Corporation, and as such, we can terminate it - at our discretion...this conversation, is over..."

Standing, Faline wept, before she slashed her fingers over her eyes, then stood and composed herself, before she glared at her smugly smiling mother, then at the CEO.

"So be it, you leave me no choice, I have until eighteen hundred hours, until my contract is terminated, correct?" Faline spoke calmly, and quietly.

"That is correct, Doctor- " Spoke the CEO, as he looked at the chronometer on his desk. "Your point? You have two hours Doctor, I suggest you spend that time wisely...or I will have security escort you out."

"Computer, this is Doctor Faline, please access encrypted file..." Faline began, then snapped a command in Russian, before glaring at her mother, whose eyes widened in horror and shock.

"You can't possibly..." Dr. Krushev moaned.

"You taught me too well mother, oh, that's right, you didn't know I knew Russian, your native tongue, did you?" Faline snapped.

"Denied - " Come the impassioned reply.

"I protest this outrage, that is my personal notes and observations - this is a violation of my rights and - " Dr. Krushev snarled.

"I'll permit it,Doctor- " Spoke the CEO, raising an eyebrow. "Computer, authorised, Access file!"

"Voice ident recognised, accessing..." Answered the Computer.

They all looked at the secretly recorded video that showed Dr. Krushev using the hypnotic command on Dr. Nate, then her deviate sexual acts, she had ordered him to do, and Dr. Krushev went pale and slumped in her chair, as she never expected to ever have to face the truth of what she had done to the anthropomorphic kangaroo...

"Doctor Krushev!" Snarled the CEO, as he looked away, horrified and sickened.

"It w as for scientific research!" Dr. Krushev snarled in rage. "Laboratory experiments and - "

With a gesture, the CEO dismissed the video footage as he was several minutes trying to compose himself, sickened and horrified at what she had done to Dr. Nate against is consent and will.

"You brought this down upon yourself - mother- " Dr. Faline spoke quietly, as she stared at her mother, sickened to her very core at the horror she had witnessed. "You treated Dr. Nate as your personal...no, I won't give you a chance to explain your deviancy. What I shared with Dr. Nate, was kind, gentle and consensual - yes - he is an anthropomorphic Kangaroo, but he willing consented to our lovemaking, I accept my punishment for this, but he is innocent, furthermore - Computer, please access my contract!"

"Dr. Elizabeth Faline, age, twenty-two, hired as Veterinary Specialist for Project Hybridisation..."

"Skip ahead!" Faline snapped imperiously, before she crossed her arms. "State contract stipulations and instructions!"

"Dr. Faline, given full permission and responsibility for any/all Hybridisation Project hybrid animals, Veterinary care and well being, rights to said animals are granted here-fore, to Dr. Elizabeth Faline - she is to retain property of any and all hybrid's, termination of said hybrid at her discretion, if proven to be no longer - "

"Thank you, my point is made - " Dr. Faline spoke, and the computer stopped its recital.

"This is an outrage!" Dr. Krushev snarled in ferocity and anger.

"I'm afraid Dr. Krushev, that Dr. Faline is correct - I did_authorise her, to retain possession of the hybrid project's successful outcomes. However - as this hybrid possesses knowledge and experience of a _human- that was implanted into its mind - that- is not Dr. Faline's possession, I hereby immediately order the mind of this hybrid, to be erased - furthermore, it shall be released into the care and attention of Dr. Elizabeth Faline, once the mind-wipe has been done..."

Dr Krushev stood, shaking with rage and disbelief, before the CEO glared at her, then touched another sensor. Two large men entered, dressed in the black uniform of security, then stepped up behind Dr. Krushev.

"Computer, Dr. Krushev is no longer employed by this corporation, so noted and dated, this day, this very second, acknowledge!"

"Acknowledged, Dr. Krushev is no longer an employee, security access and all records in my memory are hereby locked out permanently to her ident, palm print and voice print."

"You can't do this to me!" Dr. Krushev screamed, as the CEO gestured and the two security officers stepped forwards, then seized her by the arms.

"I can, and I have - furthermore, as violation of innumerable crimes against nature, and by these laws as humanity have lived by for millennia - Doctor- you will be subjected to only one punishment, befitting your crimes...it gives me no pleasure, but you are to undergo intensive psycho-therapy, at our Blackgrove Facility for the Mentally Divergent."

"You can't do this!" Dr. Krushev screamed and struggled, but the men held her tight, remaining implacable and irresistible.

Dr. Faline wept, as she watched her mother dragged away, before she turned to the CEO and wiped her eyes, before she shuddered.

"My punishment, Sir?" Dr. Faline spoke quietly.

"You...it could be argued, as it was consensual, with an intelligent, sentient - " He broke off, then rested his head in his hands and shook with revulsion and horror. "You are to be stripped of all rights, privileges and shall never be permitted to work as a Veterinarian again - from this day until your last, may whatever God's you worship - have mercy on you Dr. Faline...I can not find it in my heart to absolve you for what you done - but after the removal of Dr. Nate's memories from the - experiment - I legally leave its raising and education to you..."

"I...yes sir," Faline shivered, fearing the worst. "Thank you...for your compassion...sir..."

Faline turned and left his office, both hating and dreading what was to come - for the mind-meld process had been agonising, frightening and confusing, for the young anthropomorphic kangaroo - and now, he would have to endure it all over again...at the hands of the one he loved and trusted...


Two days later, the anthropomorphic kangaroo snorted and woke, in a dark room, laying on a warm bed. It squealed and leapt from the bed, pressing itself against the wall in abject fear, before it cried and began slapping its paws against the walls, seeking a way out, before the door was opened and a young human woman entered, then the lighting slowly rose.

"I am Faline," Faline spoke, as she crouched down, then adopted a submissive, non-threatening pose._"_It's alright, I won't hurt you..."

"Where am I?" Screamed the Kangaroo in fright and fear, its ears flat and eyes wide in terror. "What am I doing here, who are you...what do you want with me..."

Faline winced, realising the mind-patch had erased all his memories and emotions, he was back to a blank mental slate. The years they had spent together, the bonds he had formed, the memories of her kind, gentle, treatment...he was shocked and frightened, seeing a stranger - a stranger whose instincts warned him could be very dangerous to him. Taking a risk, Faline walked closer, then held her hands out and crouched down, looking into his black, confused eyes.

"Faline...I'm your..." Faline's mind whirled, trying to explain it, but knowing too much would kill him from stress and mental psychosis. "I'm...your friend little one...it's...alright, shhh..."

he crouched, trembling and fearful, as Faline gently touched his shoulder, feeling him flinch, but she moved closer, then in the ultimate risk, she slipped her arms around him and held him, as he struggled and trembled - then a strange scent come from Faline - and he pressed his nose against her shoulder and sniffed, then sniffed deeper and longer, before he swallowed and trembled, leaning back to look into her eyes.

"You..." He asked, tears sliding down his muzzle, as she seen his fractured mind trying to link together pieces of a jigsaw - whilst he was blindfolded - or so it must have felt. "Faline...you..."

"That's right, I'm Faline, you're..." Faline smiled and cuddled him tenderly, knowing this must be done with care and gentleness, or he'd snap and become psychotic.

He sniffed along her shoulder, then Faline sat on the cot on which he had lain, and let him sniff her from hair to ankles, as he frowned and the look of deep concentration come over him. His mind was like a child, empty and devoid of memories, a vessel waiting to be filled with experiences and memories.

"Are you my mother?" He asked suddenly, looking up at her as he crouched submissively, his feral instincts making him feel he needed to obey this obviously superior creature before him.

"No, my, dear, sweet companion - " Faline smiled, then timidly reached out and lifted his chin, making him stand.

"Who am I?" He asked, the frown deepening. "I don't...remember -"

"Your name..." Faline whispered, as she stroked his ears tenderly. "Your name is Nate, you are my friend, you have always been my friend - and - my...mate."

"Nate...my name is Nate, and I'm your friend...and..." He blinked slowly, memories imprinting on his virgin mind. "I don't remember..."

Faline smiled, then gently kissed him on the forehead and cuddled him, the shy, timid kangaroo slowly cuddling back as he trembled.

"You will in time my love, I promise..." Faline wept, as she hugged him harder. "You will in time - "


Krushev sat in the wheelchair, blank and staring, a rivulet of drool dribbling from her lips, as she stared unseeing at the wall. A young human in a white uniform approached, then knelt down and touched her knee, making Krushev slowly turn and look at her - her eyes vague and empty - for the psycho-therapy had worked - but her own resentment bitterness and strong will, had turned her into a shell, an almost empty, mindless shell - compared to what she once was. There was nothing that could be done with her, as the psychosis had deranged and destroyed her once brilliant mind - now - she had the billions of memories shattered and disjointed.

Some days she was almost fully cognisant and lucid - some days - she was a drooling, mindless husk.

"Hello Ms. Krushev, you have a visitor - " Spoke the Nurse calmly, then used a tissue to lightly wipe away the spittle.

Another young woman stepped into view, then crouched down and smiled weakly, placing her hands on the lap of Ms. Krushev, before she smiled nervously, barely keeping the tears from flowing, as she looked into the broken eyes, seeing the terrible emptiness.

"Hello mother," Faline whispered. "I promised I would come visit..."

Ms Krushev weakly lifted her head, before her eyes blinked, then she seemed to frown mentally, before her eyes narrowed as she became lucid and coherent.

"What the fuck do you want - " Ms. Krushev growled, her claw-like hands tightening on the armrests of the wheelchair.

Faline rose, carefully, before she smiled weakly and placed her hands on her swollen abdomen, looking down at her mother and letting the tears trickle down her cheeks. Ms Krushev looked from Faline's face, down her breasts and her eyes lingered on the swollen belly, as Faline gently caressed and stroked it.

"Congratulations...mother - the project _was_a success...just not how you envisioned it..." Faline whispered. "Project Hybridisation was a success...I'm pregnant...with Nate's child..."

Ms. Krushev began to scream and rage, her anger boiling over, before the Nurses come running and one slipped a needle into her forearm, administering a sedative which quickly calmed her, but the look of feral rage and anger in her eyes remained, as she stared at her daughter, who merely smiled weakly and picked up her mothers trembling hand, then lay it on her belly. Ms. Krushev glare grew, as Faline gasped and moaned, then rubbed her belly, as her unborn offspring kicked hard.

"It was a success mother...yes, that's my child in my womb - my - beautiful, growing baby...conceived naturally, and the best of all? Neither you, nor the Corporation, will ever - get your hands on my offspring - the first - naturally conceived anthropomorphic kangaroo...yes mother, its a Joey...a girl...and she's going to be raised better than you raised me...I promise...."


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