Farm Dog - Chapter Four - Chosen

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#4 of (ZOO) Farm Dog

After a long, hot day of sorting the mob, deciding what lambs go and what stay, Patrick and Bluey relax on the verandah, but it seems Patches has a mind of his own - and brings along a friend to help his master out...

Farm Dog

Chapter Four

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

27thSeptember, 2017,

All Rights Reserved.

After washing and grooming Selkie, who genuinely enjoyed her treats and care, Patrick was helped back to his house by Bluey, who snickered and ended up carrying the sweating and panting Border Collie like he would a child.

"Thanks - " Patrick murmured, as he regained his footing and stumbled towards the shower. "How do you do it..."

"With Selkie?" Bluey laughed quietly. "Mate, I can't lie, Selkie and I have been mates, for that is what it is - or so I feel with her anyway - for years. I love, adore and cherish her, as she does me. As for how do I stand it? Well, practice - much kindness, love and practice with her, sure, there are times where she's well and truly left me sobbing like a scolded Joey..."

"I've never imagined - " Patrick stammered, as his mind whirled and he was a moment trying to process the feelings. "I thought Patches was...pleasurable - "

"Oh, in his own way, I suppose he is - not that I'd ever ask to share myself with him, that handsome young Stud - so, come on Boss, time to get serious, you need a shower before you stink us out of house and district!"

Patrick smiled weakly, then meekly crept into the shower, whilst Bluey helped himself to another beer, whilst waiting for the Collie to finish showering.


"Much - " Bluey belched, then smiled lopsidedly, flicking his ears. "Oops, excuse me - much better, you don't smell like a whore house now!"

"Like you'd know what a whore house smelt like!" Patrick retorted, then helped himself to a beer, then clinked the glass bottle against Bluey's.

"Oh, you have no idea - " Blue grinned. "So, your first experience with a mare - tell!"

"What's to tell? I think my...lack of self control - was pretty self-evident, wouldn't you say?" Patrick chuckled weakly. "I had no idea she could - do that- "

Bluey twirled his beer bottle, then laughed quietly. "Oh, the muscular contractions? That was pretty sedate, compared to what she can really do - if her mind gets set to it. Trust me, Selkie can be - quite persuasive - when her blood is up!"

Patrick nodded, then he covered his muzzle and yawned wide enough so as to make no difference, before he blushed and hung his head. "Sorry - don't know where that come from..."

"I do, its not uncommon - be honest, how many times did you and Patches make love? I know what you canine's are like - once you're tied..." Bluey grinned. "Twice? More?"

"Shush Joey," Patrick stifled another yawn, then grinned lopsidedly. "None of your business, and yes, I feel...ecstatically happy, but sexually drained, in every sense of the word. I had no idea, it could - be like that, almost makes me want to buy myself a young yearling - with you as my guide and teacher..."

"It doesn't work like that, you understand? Sure, you can develop the bonds of love, affection and trust, but it's always, with the animal, if they'll be yours, and you theirs - remember that! How long did it take for Patches to lift his tail for you?" Bluey asked, as he finished his beer and fiddled with the bottle. "I bet it didn't happen instantly, did it? No - he willingly submit and chose you - an animal often chooses its partner, we never choose them."

Looking into Patrick's eyes, Bluey smiled weakly and patted Patrick's paws. "You look exhausted Boss, go get some sleep, we got a busy day tomorrow, and we'll need all paws on deck as it were."

"I got so many questions - " Patches whined, then yawned so wide, he could have passed as a Thylacine.

"Questions can wait, we don't need you dozing off and rolling the quad bike or driving muzzle first into the dam, now, I'm putting my foot down - go to bed, sleep, get a good nights sleep and you'll feel better in the morning!" Bluey grinned and helped the yawning Collie to his feet. "Besides, yawn any wider, and I'll be able to reach down your throat and see what you had for lunch!"

"Alright, alright..." Patrick grumbled, as he smiled weakly and padded off down the hallway.

Bluey chuckled and cleaned up the empty bottles, before he gave Patches a cuddle, the Collie wagging his tail and licking the Kangaroo's forearms, before he looked up at Bluey, then back at where his owner had gone, before he gave a single wag of his tail and padded off down the hallway.

"You got yourself a damn loyal dog Patrick, I hope you know that - " Bluey muttered, then he flicked his ears and chuckled, before leaving the house.


"Get way back!" Patrick yelled, as he gestured and the two Collies split and ran wide, herding the flock together.

Patrick yawned, still feeling exhausted from yesterday, as he watched the Collies cross each other, then move in in a crouched position, holding ten feet from the nervous, freshly shawn sheep flock who bleated and baa'ed at each other.

"Patches, go right, get that one!" Patrick yelled, and the Collie sprang to his feet and charged off, quickly bringing the errant sheep to heel and moving it back.

Yawning again, he twitched and swatted a fly that was hanging around the back of his sweat stained neck, before he sighed and watched as Bluey rode up on Selkie, the mare's flanks wet with sweat. Selkie reined in an stretched her head out, then nuzzles Patrick, who smiled and caressed her forehead.

"Morning Boss, sleep - well - " Bluey chuckled, the double-entente in his voice plain and clear.

"Very, now, we got the mob to sort - this is the job I hate, separating the ewes from their lambs, then deciding which go and what ones could be potential breeding stock..." Patrick sighed, as he wiped a forearm across his forehead. "Tail docking, gelding..."

Bluey winced and blushed, then his ears slicked back. "Don't remind me, but hey, we got to do what we got to do, now, standing around yapping until the cows come home, isn't getting work done - its Friday boss, and I want to get the jobs done, then relax, you know?"

"Friday already?" Patrick grumbled. "Time flies...well, you know what we got to do, so lets get too it - righto boys, walk up!"

Bluey snickered as he twisted the reins and Selkie obediently turned on the spot, before she glanced over her shoulder and flicked her tail up over Patrick's muzzle, watching him snort and blush.

"Selkie, behave yourself, we'll play later - " Bluey snorted, then tapped her sides with his heels and made her canter off.

Patrick chuckled, before he whistled, making the two panting Collies cross over as they flanked the mob and began driving them towards the pens.


Tails docked, emasculating bands applied and some of the fitter, fatter lambs sorted, Patrick and Bluey flopped down beside the campfire, watching as the billy boiled and they made bushman's mid-afternoon tea and late lunch. Whilst Patrick stirred the tea, then sniffed at it, Bluey slipped Selkie's saddle and blanket off, then hung it over the fence and let her graze.

"Two hundred and forty seven - " Bluey consulted his notebook.

"What?" Patrick grunted, as he looked up, and frowned.

"Weren't you listening?" Bluey snickered. "Two hundred and forty-seven off to the 'works' - should fetch a decent enough price, with the cost of lamb rising...say, 45 cents per kilo, got some nice healthy lambs..."

"Oh...right - " Patrick murmured, as he used a forked stick to pick up the billy, then a rag to pour the tea into the dented and chipped enamel cups.

"What's gotten into you? You're not at all switched on and completely unfocussed today." Bluey muttered, as he added some sugar to his tea, then sipped at it and winced, setting it aside.

"Just...yesterday...I never thought that - you know - " Patrick blushed and hung his head.

"As I said, you're not alone - but hey, work time, is work time - talk time...can wait, I'm sure those other jokers wouldn't appreciate hearing about what we do..."

"No, you're right - it can wait - " Patrick stammered, then took a bite out of his sandwich and chewed thoughtfully.


Late that afternoon, the livestock truck hauled away the lambs, and Patrick and Bluey sat on the verandah, enjoying the cool southerly change that had started, and sipping their beers. Bluey stretched right out, his long slender feet curling at the toes, his pale tail laying limply between his legs, as Patrick sighed.

"Good days work today, what would I do without you Bluey?" Patrick snickered quietly. "My old man was many things - but he knew quality workers, I'm glad you decided to stay on with me!"

"Your old man - well - " Bluey laughed weakly. "He'd have hung me by my ankles, if he knew what I done...I know I shouldn't speak ill of people passed on, but - he wasn't a nice man, we both know it - cruel, self-centred, ill-mannered..."

"True - " Patrick murmured, as he sipped his drink, then blinked as he heard a short, sharp bark and then the faint clopping of hooves. "What the - "

Patches followed a young Ewe, her freshly shorn wool short, before he stopped and tilted his head to the side, tongue lolling, as his tail wagged against the ground. Looking up at the Collie and the Kangaroo, the Ewe bleated softly and her long, un-docked tail wagged playfully.

"Well well well - " Bluey smirked. "I recognise her - that's Alice, isn't it?"

Patches barked, as if in affirmation, then he grinned wider.

"Patches why did you bring Alice here?" Patrick asked, as he stood and walked downstairs, then stroked Alice's neck and ruffled Patches ears.

"I think I know - " Bluey sniggered. "Smart dog that one, real smart - ever considered breeding him?"

"You know I do - I - oh - " Patrick blushed and giggled, missing the point.

Bluey laughed until he had tears streaking down his pale cheeks, then he used the back of his paws to rub away the tears. "Gods, you're so not with it today - why do you think Patches brought her here? He's a smart boy, very smart - I'm certain he understood everything we said yesterday - and besides, Alice loves and adores you - isn't it time you - thought about it? Look at her, beautiful, young, willing - I'm sure - to explore her love and affection with her chosen one! Sure, you're no ram - far from it - but I think Patches knows you've been thinking about her, and I for one - would like to know what you think! I've had sheep before, many times - not as gifted as a mare, but a lot easier to breed with...obvious, I'm a kangaroo, you're a - well - you're a canine, and quite a canine I might add..."

Patrick blushed and looked nervous, as he interlaced his furred fingers together, then giggled like a puppy.

"I've thought about it, Alice and I - but I've never..."

"Thinking is one thing, now, I'm no canine, so I don't know from experience and so on - but you can get her off - and yourself - without tying, right? I don't think poor Alice would enjoy having a large, endowed canine doing that inside her..." Bluey grinned, and poked at Patrick's nose with a short claw.

"I - it doesn't feel right though, but I guess that's instincts, millions of years of evolution, can't break instincts in us..." Patrick laughed nervously. "Alice, honey, come here..."

Patches barked once, then rose and wagged his tail, helping motivate the reluctant Ewe, who stepped timidly forwards, then stopped at the stairs. After several moments, she figured out how to climb them, then stood and wagged her long fluffy tail, nuzzling against Patrick's legs. Patrick trembled and giggled nervously, as he stroked over her pale muzzle and forehead, before he looked at Bluey, who merely shrugged and grinned.

"She's yours Patrick, I can offer some advice and such - but she's chosen you, you hand reared her, so there's no better bond..." Bluey snickered and stroked Patches ears, the Collie flopping to the ground and rolling over, wanting belly rubs.

"Seem's we've both been chosen - " Patrick giggled nervously, as he walked his furred fingers down Alice's back, feeling the spine beneath the freshly shaved wool and feeling her quiver.

"Hey, if you don't mind - I'd like to see - Patches here, he's been a good mate - friend - since he was a pup..."

"I don't mind, and it's seeming to me, he trusts you - besides - he might teach a young Joey a thing or two..."

"Hah, you wish - " Bluey grinned, as he ruffled Patches chest and belly. "Well, shall we?"

To Be Continued...

Farm Dog - Chapter Three - A Friend made -

Farm Dog Chapter Three - A Friend Made © Cederwyn Whitefurr 27thSeptember, 2017,' All Rights Reserved. Selkie flicked her ears forwards, the grey mare nickering at the Kangaroo, who smiled and stroked her velvety nose, then seemingly by magic,...

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Farm Dog - Chapter Two - Secret No More -

Farm Dog Chapter Two 1. Cederwyn Whitefurr 27thSeptember, 2017, All Rights Reserved. After feeding the two Border Collies, ensuring the alpha male was fed first, then Patches, Patrick made his way outside, a cold beer in one pale paw, before he...

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Farm Dog - Chapter One -

Farm Dog Chapter One © Cederwyn Whitefurr 27thSeptember, 2017, All Rights Reserved. Patrick tipped his hat back, before the male border collie issued a piercing whistle, then gestured to his working dogs. Obediently, they split and circled the...

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