Farm Dog - Chapter Five -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#5 of (ZOO) Farm Dog

Patches enjoys his first lovemaking with Alice, his pet ewe, whilst Bluey discovers a hidden depth to Patches, one he never imagined the feral Border Collie had...

Farm Dog

Chapter Five,

© Cederwyn Whitefurr,

29thSeptember, 2017,

All Rights Reserved.

Patrick lead the way, patches ushering the ewe along behind his beloved master and Bluey brought up the rear, chuckling to himself as they walked into the house and Patrick stopped, then scratched the back of his head.

"Where do you think it'd be best for - this - " Patrick laughed nervously.

"Your house, you decide where, I confess, it'll be - interesting - won't it?" Bluey grinned. "I get to see the boss Dog do some work for a change!"

"Oh, har har har - " Patrick snorted, then knelt down and ruffled Alice's ears, eliciting a curious bleating from her. "Patches!"

Obediently, the dog looked up and wagged his tail, uttering a shot, sharp bark.

"Where do you...where shall we play?" Patrick asked, looking down at the Border Collie.

Patches tilted his head, then ran down the hall to the bedroom, then back to the kitchen, into the living room and back again, before he sat in the centre of the living room and looked at the leather recliner, before wagging his tail and barking again.

"He always did enjoy being taken there, and I confess, the recliner is comfortable..." Patrick chuckled and stroked Patches ear again.

"Well then, I guess that's decided, Patches and I on the recliner- we'll be nice and comfortable watching you and Alice on the floor! This will be a turn up for the books - me in a dominant position!" Bluey snickered, then slipped his singlet off and after a moments hesitation, he slid his shorts and briefs down as well, then stood as naked as the day he was born, before laying himself down on the recliner and putting the foot rest up, his tail laying between his long legs.

No sooner did he get comfortable, then Patches leapt up onto him and laid down, tail wagging vigorously across Bluey's thighs and tail.

"Hey, easy there, there's no hurry pup..." Bluey chuckled.

Patches whined and licked Bluey's muzzle, his tail wagging faster.

"I told you he likes that couch..." Patrick grinned, before he dissipated into the bedroom, returning shortly with a bottle of lube held in one paw, as he looked at Alice, who bleated and wagged her long, fluffy tail. "Now, Alice, how shall we do this..,I've never mated with you before and -"

Patrick's ears flicked,as he heard Bluey gasp as he felt Patches brace his front paws on the Kangaroo's chest, then pushed backwards, as Bluey mounted him and the Collie yipped in pleasure and wagged his tail faster and faster, leaning back until he was sitting upright, his paws on Bluey's chest.

"I never..." Bluey gasped, feeling Patches wriggle a little further down, until the Collie was fully mounted on Bluey's impressive, slightly curved penis, the collies anus rubbing against the cloaca.

"Talented, isn't he?" Patrick grinned, knowing what it was like to mate with Patches.

"Mmm, very..." Bluey shuddered, as he ran his short, blunt claws up and down Patches spine, then one paw slowly encircled the Collie's firming sheath as he began a sensual humping, the Collie panting and squirming. "Good boy, very...good boy - "

Patches blinked, then he trembled, feeling Bluey's paw encircling his sheath, before he licked adoringly at the Kangaroo's muzzle and squirmed, as Bluey intensified his lovemaking with Patches, whilst beginning to gentle caress and masturbation of Patches. Bluey grinned as Patches trembled and began humping the paw, as Bluey groaned and shuddered, feeling the pleasure of Patches anal muscles tightening, heightening their lovemaking.

Patrick watched with interest, before he began stroking his own sheath, feeling the penis growing and swelling and slipping free of the furred sheath, before he moaned softly and unscrewed the lube bottle, squirting some into the leathery paw pads and taking himself in paw and gently rubbing until he had a even coating, then he laid a quivering paw on Alice's back and gently pressed down, watching as she frowned, then knelled on her front legs, which raised her rump.

"Alice, sweety...we've never..." Patrick shivered, as he looked down at her, listening with one ear as Patches moaned and whined in pleasure, and Bluey gasped. "I don't know how..."

Alice looked over her shoulder, then her tail waggled back and forth, before she bleated softly and waited, before Patrick eased up against her rump - then rubbed the slick penile head against her narrow folds, then pushed forwards carefully and felt her push back - the lube helping him to carefully mount her, as she waggled her tail.

"Oh..." Patrick moaned, his paws resting on Alice's rump, as she bleated and pushed back, until Patrick was pressing his firming knot against her folds.

"She...feels so warm, doesn't she?" Bluey giggled, then gasped as Patches humping increased against his paw. "Damn Patches, slow down I can't keep up - "

Alice bleated and squirmed beneath Patrick's paws, whilst he began humping against her, sliding himself out, then back in, feeling the lube warming and slicking Alice's warm depths. Patrick gasped ans humped eagerly, his knot slapping against her folds as he grunted and panted. For fifteen minutes, Patrick moaned and humped with joyous abandon, before he dismounted and shuddered, placing both paws on her back and feeling his penis dribbling pre-ejaculate fluids onto the carpet.

Gently, he made Alice kneel down, before he tenderly rolled her onto her back, then took the lube bottle and added more to his penis, then looked down at her, one sticky paw lightly rubbing her udder and teats - as he moved forwards on his knees and pressed his slick penis against her folds again. Alice's tail wagged against the floor, as Patrick moved back against her folds and mounted once more - easily sliding his full length back into her as he gasped and whined in pleasure.

For nearly an hour, Patrick made love with Alice, biting his tongue as he gasped and panted, having heard Patches yelp and Bluey moan in pleasure, as first the feral collie's orgasm struck him, spraying jets of his semen all over Bluey's chest and belly, followed moments later as Bluey gripped Patches tight and humped him rapidly, as his own orgasm hammered him, making Patches yelp again.

"Gods Patches..." Bluey moaned in pleasure, cuddling the quivering Collie tightly, whilst continuing to mate with him.

Patrick giggled, then he gasped as Alice wriggled beneath him, as he used his sticky paws to rub and caress her belly and udder as he pushed himself as deep as he could, feeling the knot pressed against her vaginal folds, before he moaned and began panting, as Alice quivered and her tail flagged wildly against the carpet, enjoying her first mating with her strange ram lover.

"I heard that - " Bluey grinned, as he cuddled Patches and wriggled the panting collie into a more pleasurable position, Patches licking his chest and throat adoringly as the kangaroo kept mating with him. "I told you ewe's were enjoyable, judging from her reactions - she enjoyed you, just as much you enjoyed her..."

"I can't...lie - " Patrick moaned, as he slumped down onto Alice, his belly rubbing against her udder and teats, as he caressed her neck. "It...was incredible."

"I knew you'd...oh...Patches, don' do..." Bluey grunted, then ground his hips hard against Patches rump as another explosive orgasm spurted and he gasped, feeling the eager Collie slurping his throat and muzzle. "Damn it Patches...I was trying too take my time and - "

Patrick giggled, feeling Alice's folds gripping his penis tight, as she bleated softly and nibbled at his paw he tickled her lips with.

"Patches got to you, didn't he?" Patrick asked, as he rolled over onto his side, pressing his belly firmly against Alice, still staying firmly inside her, his knot pressed against her labia.

"He's...incredible...I know now why you adore him so much!" Bluey sighed, as he cuddled Patches, who wagged his tail and licked the sweaty kangaroo's muzzle.

Patrick snickered and cuddled Alice warmly, caressing his paws up and down her back, before he moaned and felt her wriggle in his arms. Alice licked Patrick's muzzle, then he released her as she rolled over onto her hooves and stood then shook herself from nose to tail and bleated quietly at Patrick, before heading down towards the door. Patrick climbed to his foot paws, then followed her, before resting his paw on her rump. As he opened the door, Alice nuzzled him and clopped off down the verandah then hopped off onto the ground.

Feeling happy and content, Patrick walked back inside, to find Bluey panting and sweating, fully reclined on the chair, Patches sprawled on him and his tail wagging happily, as Patrick seen Bluey still firmly mounted inside him.

"You trying to break my dog?" Patrick sniggered, as he looked at Patches, who flicked a glance at Patrick, then went back to licking Bluey's forehead, his tail wagging excitedly.

"You can't blame me, Patches is an amazing partner..." Bluey grunted and cuddled Patches, stroking his back adoringly.

"That's true, you two have fun - I'm going to make some food - you hungry?" Patrick grinned, as he walked into the kitchen.

Fifteen minutes later, Patches staggered into the kitchen, then flopped down on the floor, and Bluey followed, panting and gasping, clinging to the door frame as his muzzle hung open and he panted in exhaustion.

"Four...orgasms - " Bluey gasped, as he staggered to the chair and slumped into it, then rested his head on his forearms, as he shuddered and Patches rose, then nuzzled Bluey's thigh. "I'm exhausted...Patches you're...incredible, absolutely incredible..."

"Only four?" Patrick snickered and pat Bluey on the shoulder. "Is the Joey getting worn out too easy?"

Bluey idly scratched Patches behind the ears, before snorting and giving the Collie a hug, laughing quietly as the well bred Collie slurped his chest.

"You wish, I'll out breed you, any day of the week pup..." Bluey snorted at Patrick, who grinned and set a light lunch down in front of the panting Kangaroo.

"Sure you will, you overgrown Joey, sure you will..." Patrick chuckled, as he looked at Patches, who gazed at both Patrick and Bluey with a look of love and adoration, his tail wagging against the floor.

To Be Continued...

Farm Dog - Chapter Six - Finale -

Farm Dog Chapter Six - Finale - © Cederwyn Whitefurr, 1st October, 2017, All Rights Reserved. Patrick snickered, as he helped Bluey stand, the exhausted Kangaroo reeking of musk, Patches semen which had spattered over his belly and chest, and his...

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Farm Dog - Chapter Four - Chosen

Farm Dog Chapter Four © Cederwyn Whitefurr 27thSeptember, 2017, All Rights Reserved. After washing and grooming Selkie, who genuinely enjoyed her treats and care, Patrick was helped back to his house by Bluey, who snickered and ended up carrying...

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Farm Dog - Chapter Three - A Friend made -

Farm Dog Chapter Three - A Friend Made © Cederwyn Whitefurr 27thSeptember, 2017,' All Rights Reserved. Selkie flicked her ears forwards, the grey mare nickering at the Kangaroo, who smiled and stroked her velvety nose, then seemingly by magic,...

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