Farm Dog - Chapter Six - Finale -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#6 of (ZOO) Farm Dog

Patrick confirms Bluey's thoughts, in that he was living a lie and hiding his bi-sexual nature - a nature Bluey is more than happy to help Patrick explore, forming bonds that will last the rest of their lives.

Farm Dog

Chapter Six - Finale -

© Cederwyn Whitefurr,

1st October, 2017,

All Rights Reserved.

Patrick snickered, as he helped Bluey stand, the exhausted Kangaroo reeking of musk, Patches semen which had spattered over his belly and chest, and his exhausted, well pleasured sweat.

"Come on you overgrown Joey, its shower time for you - and me I suppose, I reek of lanolin, I guess I won't be getting that out of my fur for a few days...good thing I work with sheep, it'll mask the smell!"

"Yeah, that's the downside - " Bluey chuckled, as he disengaged Patrick's hold and staggered to the bathroom, before opening the shower and turning it on.

Patrick watched with interest as Bluey stepped into the shower, his blunt claws gripping the soap as he tilted his muzzle up to the water, letting it wash over him from ears to tail tip.

"What - you going to join me and save water, or just stand and watch?" Bluey snorted, as he glanced sideways at Patrick.

"I - " Patrick stammered, then blushed, his ears flattening.

"Oh please, like its the first time you've seen me naked - what's the matter little puppy? Does the big scary Kangaroo make you feel inadequate?" Bluey snorted, then began scrubbing himself with the soap, a grins spreading across his muzzle.

Before Patrick could argue, one of Bluey's large paws wrapped around his forearm and yanked him into the shower - the shower rose soaking him from head to tail in seconds, as Bluey wrapped his paws around Patrick's belly and began soaping him up.

"Hey!" Patrick squealed, then gasped and snorted as water rushed down his throat.

"Less yapping pup, more scrubbing - " Bluey grinned and pressed the soap bar into Patrick's trembling paws.

"I'm not...comfortable with this - " Patrick stammered, as he shivered, then gasped as Bluey's paws splayed out over his hips and held him tight.

"I've heard - rumours - " Bluey whispered into Patrick's ears. "Tell me the truth mate, are they true?"

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Patrick swallowed and quivered, his tail drooping and curling between his legs.

"You've - there's no way to be delicate, so I'll come right out and say it - you act like 'one of the boys', but you're at least curious - no doubt, you've mated with Patches, I'm sure - not really my thing, to be honest, but as I've said - you're not alone...there's no need to be ashamed of who you really are Patrick, nobody's business by your own - and whoever you're sharing affections with. Would it surprise you, to know that is, that people would be more openly accepting and nonplussed if you were to come out of the wool shed - as the saying goes..."

"I'm not - " Patrick began, before the fight went out of him, and he hung his head, before he began sobbing heart brokenly.

Bluey blinked, then slid his paws up and twisted Patrick around, before lifting the Collies head to gaze into his eyes.

"As I said, there's nothing to be ashamed of mate - so you enjoy a bit on the side, that's perfectly fine, if people don't understand or give you a hard time about being bisexual - then you come tell me - wouldn't be the first time I've kicked a few arses, from homophobic types - and look at me - you know I can - and will - protect those I care for...including you..if you'll have me..."

Patches felt the water washing down his back, as he stared open muzzled and wide eyed into the eyes of the kangaroo, who gazed back and gently took Patrick's paws in his own and held them.

"Mate, we've been friends, since you were a puppy, now - let me love you, not as a friend - but as a partner - and a lover..." Bluey whispered, as he shyly pressed his lips against Patrick's wet muzzle, then slipped a hand up his back and gently splayed his fingers behind Patrick's head.

For several minutes, Bluey held Patches, who squirmed and trembled, before he finally broke the affectionate kiss and panted, dropping his head and looking up through his eyelashes at the smiling Kangaroo, who pulled the timid Collie close and licked his wet forehead.

"You..." Patrick whispered fearfully.

"I promise to love, cherish and honour you as you deserve - " Bluey whispered, then coughed delicately and blushed, before he squirmed, feeling himself becoming aroused as he held the timid Patrick.

"I've never..." Patrick began, as he blushed and timidly caressed Bluey's ears, before turning around and splaying his fingers out on the wall of the shower, looking back at the quivering Kangaroo, who smiled lopsidedly and stepped closer, pressing himself against Patrick's rump, feeling the Collie shiver and tremble, before he timidly began raising his tail.

"I'm no Collie," Bluey chuckled softly. "So don't expect to feel me mount and tie like I'm sure you've felt numerous times with Patches...but then again, I'm rather...well, you'll find out, I'm sure..."

Patrick giggled nervously, then felt Bluey's paws encircle his hips as the Kangaroo nuzzled and licked the back of Patrick's head, as he breathed delicately against Patrick's ears.

"Calm yourself puppy, I want this to be a gentle, passionate thing..."

"I'm trying, but I'm - I've never..." Patrick stammered, then hung his head and laughed nervously.

"Shhh - " Bluey whispered, then tenderly moved against Patrick's rump, lowering his knees to better adjust, before he sighed and carefully pressed his firm penis against Patrick's anus. Surprised, Bluey felt himself slide inwards, then upwards,a s Patrick gasped and squirmed in surprise and pleasure - then pressed himself back, giving Bluey better control.

"Oh you weren't kidding - " Patrick gasped, as Bluey snickered and gripped Patrick's hips an began thrusting, sliding his full seven inches inside Patrick until he was buried to the base of his cloaca and Patrick whined in growing pleasure. "You're no Joey..."

"Shush pup," Bluey grunted, as he gripped with his forearms around Patrick's hips, his paws encircling Patrick's sheath and beginning a gentle stroking as Patrick gasped and squirmed, his body quivering.

Patrick trembled, as Bluey dismounted, then re-positioned himself, long feet either side of Patrick, before he pushed forwards and mounted again, his paws slick with soap as they began to masturbate the panting collie, who whined and shuddered at feeling Bluey slide back into him and tighten his grip.

"Good girl - " Bluey teased Patrick playfully, as he bit down gently on Patrick's shoulder, beginning an enthusiastic humping, as he continued masturbating Patrick. "I'm going to mate you, like I would a doe in season..."

Patrick moaned and giggled, squirming under the more aggressive and dominant kangaroo's attentions. Pleasure built on pleasure, as Bluey's paws caressed and stroked, Patrick gasping and panting in exstacy as he felt Bluey's strength and firm penis slamming itself against his tightening anus.

"Mmmm," Patrick panted, as he tilted his head back and splayed his furred fingers on the wall of the shower, gasping in delight and exstacy. "Why didn't I ever ask before..."

Bluey snorted, then took a firmer grasp, before he grinned and drive himself with reckless abandon, feeling Patrick whine and tremble, as the kangaroo's paws masturbated him, whilst Bluey's penis thrust in and out of Patrick's anus.

"Fuck..." Bluey grunted, as he shuddered then bucked his hips and Patrick squealed long and loud, as Bluey's penis throbbed - spraying thick jets of sticky semen deep into the border collies body.

"I knew you couldn't - " Patrick began, then he bit his lower lip and eager thrust his hips, sliding his penis between Bluey's paws before he yelped and his own orgasm struck him - the spurts strong and forceful, as Bluey snickered and gripped the knot between his paws and massaged it.

"Couldn't what - " Bluey gasped, panting heavily and nibbling at the dog's nape. "Oh, you think I'm spent already? Oh my young, misguided puppy...I've only started with you...this promises to be a long, and pleasurable partnership, wouldn't you say?"

"Keep it up - and I'll agree with you..." Patrick whined in pleasure - feeling Bluey's arousal still as firm and pleasurable as the first time he'd mounted Patrick. "I couldn't agree more with you..."


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All In A Days Work - Chapter Three -

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All In A Days Work - Chapter Two -

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