All In A Days Work - Chapter Three -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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All In A Days Work

Chapter Three,

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

6th October, 2017,

All Rights Reserved.

Felicity groaned, feeling the pleasure of last nights mating with Palen, who slept peacefully, snuggled up with his head resting on Felicity's belly. As the alarm began to ring, Felicity reached over and slapped at it with her paw - before she felt Palen's ear flick, and he was instantly awake, struggling into a crouched position, before he coughed submissively at her, and Felicity stroked his ears and yawned.

"Urf, good morning Palen my love - " Felicity yawned again, then she giggled as Palen snorted and licked at her muzzle. "Yes, I love you too honey, now, come on - I need to shower, and I'm sure it won't hurt you either!"

Palen frowned, then he uttered a string of barks and growls, before he yawned, then shook his head, long ears slapping from side to side.

"Now, now," Felicity admonished him, tapping his chest gently. "You know you always shower with me of a morning, stop being a petulant joey - it doesn't hurt to get nice and clean!"

Palen visibly sighed and he blinked, before he crawled off the bed and leapt down onto the floor, before rising on the tips of his toes - fully stretched out, he stood seven feet nine inches, before he scratched at his left flank and crouched back down as Felicity slid from the bed, then blinked and giggled softly - noticing the large wet patch where she had been laying.

"Going to have to wash the coverlet and the sheets - " Felicity chuckled, as she rubbed her eyes and gave Palen a playful cuddle, before she walked into the adjourning bathroom and turned the shower on.

Palen remained crouched in her bedroom, his ears flat against his neck, before a stern foot slap on the floor by Felicity made him snort and he reluctantly followed her into the bathroom, then she stood aside as he crawled into the shower. Instantly, the water soaked his head, back and feet, as he crouched lower and hung his head - the water running off his chin as he waited patiently for Felicity to get the special soap from the bathroom vanity. When she slipped into the shower, Palen snorted and kept his submissive posture, knowing Felicity would want to rub the soap over his neck and back - which she did.

"Oh, stop acting like such a baby - you've always bathed with me!" Felicity snorted, as she turned her muzzle up into the shower spray, then began rubbing the soap into her own belly and chest.

Palen obediently stood as Felicity reached under his chest and began soaping him, scrubbing until his fur was saturated front and back with the soap, before she chuckled and picked up the shower rose and began washing him clean. Palen squirmed as Felicity cupped his furred testicles in her hands, then she reached lower and rubbed at his cloaca, before Palen trembled and relaxed - his limp penis sliding out and also receiving a good washing. As Palen squirmed and grunted, growing increasingly frustrated with the shower, Felicity washed his thighs and feet - before she felt Palen twist about and grip at her hips, uttering the usual grunts and clucks of his mating call.

"Palen!" Felicity giggled, then looked down - sure enough, the kangaroo's penis was at full arousal, the distinctive S shape twitching.

"Oh, why not my love - you were wonderful last night, now - out of the shower - go on!" Felicity slapped his wet rump with a loud smack, and he grunted, then obediently crawled out of the shower, standing on the large mat as the water dripped off him.

Felicity stepped out, then crouched down, placing her paws flat on the floor, her long legs folding at an almost unnatural angle, so the toes spread out - and she felt Palen tremble as he gripped at her tail, before moving forwards slightly, clucking at her as he courted the doe before him.

"Palen, come on love we don't have - " Felicity gasped, as Palen's instincts took him and she felt his strong paws slide around her hips, as he experimentally thrust against her - before his penis slid easily into her warm depths and he gripped her tighter, his forearms squeezing her flanks as he panted and humped with reckless abandon, his penis not able to fully mount - but more than enough to make Felicity squeal in pleasure and arousal.

For nearly fifteen minutes, Palen mated her, before he pulled her sharply back and up - angling her better as he thrust his hips and pushed back inside her - his penis squirming and spraying its hot, sticky semen deep inside her again, as Palen grunted - and Felicity moaned in delight.

"Good...good bucky - " Felicity shivered as she felt Palen thrust a few more times, before his tight grip on her belly relaxed and he licked lovingly at her wet ears and back of her head. "I'll never get used to mating like this, we've had out fun - time to dry you off and myself! I need to go to work this morning - and you're coming with me, Doctor Kendra wants to see you!"

Palen blinked, then he flicked his ears, before he sneezed and tilted his head to one side - using a hind foot to scratch at his left ear base with the short grooming claw on the side of his foot. Felicity was amazed how kangaroo's did that - to them it was perfectly natural - but even with her distinctively feral appearance - she couldn't do it and stay upright, she always fell over. Taking a thick towel, Felicity dried Palen off, paying particular attention between his ears, then rubbing him dry before using a fresh towel on herself.

"Come on love, I'm starving - since we didn't eat last night!" Felicity sighed, then smiled and stroked Palen's neck, as he obediently crawled along behind her and followed her to the kitchen.

"You want your usual?" Felicity asked, as she produced a sealed packet and shook it at him, watching as Palen flicked an ear and seemed disinterested in the special kangaroo mix of grains, lucerne and other ingredients. "No?"

Palen lay down on his rug, one long leg folded over the other, as he sat up with his upper body - another uniquely kangaroo posture - that never seemed to bother them. He watched as Felicity prepared her own vegetarian breakfast, with rolled oats over which she poured warm milk and a sprinkle of sugar. Palen grunted as he smelt it, then crawled back to his feet and nudged the bowl as if to say he wanted to share it with her.

"Palen, no!" Felicity growled, and lightly slapped his muzzle. "You know you can't drink that milk, it's very toxic to kangaroo's - if you're hungry, I'll give you a bowl of muesli - is that what you want for breakfast?"

Placing the bowl out of his reach - Felicity rose and picked up his breakfast bowl, then filled it half full of muesli, then added some of his kangaroo feed to it, mixing it all together with her paws, before she set it on the table and watched as Palen snorted, then crawled close and used his paws to hold the edge of the bowl as he began eating, standing at the kitchen table as he'd been taught to do, his ears flattened as he chewed the food in his bowl.

"Good boy, eat your breakfast, as Dr. Kendra wants to see you, remember her? Nice elk doe?" Felicity told him as she ate her own breakfast.

Palen snorted, then glanced at her, before he licked her muzzle and returned to eating his breakfast.

"You don't understand much of what I tell you, do you Palen?" Felicity laughed softly, as she finished her light breakfast and rose, Palen looking up at her, a few crumbs of his muesli falling from his open muzzle, as his whiskers twitched and he stared without blinking at her. "Palen, you're a disgusting eater, you know that?"

Felicity chuckled, then leaned down, cupping his muzzle in her paws, before she kissed him lightly on the lips - his ears snapping forwards as he frowned slightly, but made no effort to pull his head away. Felicity grinned at him, before cupping his muzzle in one paw, as she lightly pressed her lips against his, and he blinked, as Felicity's tongue gently probed against his furred lips - before he opened his mouth and she smiled wider - as she timidly kissed him, his tongue mingling with hers, Felicity tasting his saliva, and undoubtedly, Palen tasting hers - but he made no effort to withdraw - and genuinely seemed to enjoy her kisses, when she gave them to him.

"Alright my love, finished your food?" Felicity asked, as she took his mostly empty bowl and emptied it out, before she walked over to the door and retrieved his collar from the hook next to the keys. "Palen, come here my love, I got to put your collar on!"

Palen snorted, but he obeyed, crawling over and crouching, as Felicity slipped the collar around his neck, then clicked it closed.

"Good boy, alright - we're going outside now - going in the car, I know you like going for a drive!"

As felicity opened the door, Palen waited patiently until she called him, then he hopped a dozen paces out onto the grass, before he stretched up to his full height, eyes bright and alert, ears twitching. After a few moments, he relaxed and grunted at Felicity, who smiled and walked to the car, then opened the back door. Palen crawled over, before he awkwardly climbed into the back and lay down in that half-sitting pose, as Felicity folded his tail up into the car and shut the door, before climbing into her specially designed seat.

"Alright, I want you to be good for me today love, Dr. Kendra will do some tests, nothing you're unfamiliar with - she wants to check to make sure you're nice and healthy - later - we'll come home again, alright?"

Completely relaxed on the back seat, Palen grunted at Felicity, what this meant, she had no idea, but started the car and drove off down the driveway, and off to work.


Palen at first baulked at entering the veterinary surgery - wether it was the sounds, the smells or something else, Felicity didn't know - but her gentle touch and kind words broke his fear, and he timidly crawled after her - but only if Felicity lay a paw on his back, as if comforting him. Felicity led him to a large room, where he lay himself down on a heated pad, then snorted and looked around. Everything here was familiar to him - over there he could see and smell the feed dish with a mixture of kangaroo pellets, next to it was a large bucket of fresh water, and he was lying on a heated pad, that took away the chill of the floor.

"Palen, honey?" Felicity spoke, as she crouched down, the hem of her dress rising up her thighs and exposing her panties.

Palen blinked and nuzzled at her thighs, making Felicity blush and giggle shyly. "Palen, no, my love - I know what you want to do - but we can't - not here!"

Palen frowned, then watched as Felicity stood up and smoothed down her fresh uniform, before she stroked his ears and crouched down again, before she cupped his muzzle in her paws, and again kissed him lightly on the bridge of his muzzle.

"I'll be back when I can my love, you just stay here, alright? You know where your food and water is - I'll come back at lunchtime to check on you, you stay here - get some sleep, alright?"

Palen blinked, then he yawned and lay himself down, enjoying the warmth of the heated pad, which quickly dropped him into a light slumber.


Felicity checked on him regularly, in between her duties, staying just outside the room, and gazing at the sleeping kangaroo, who blissfully slept, until at last. Dr Kendra finished with the last patient, a young otter male who had broken his paw - resulting in plaster and a chastised young otter - then she turned her attention to Felicity, as she retrieved a fresh pair of latex gloves and hung her stethoscope around her furred neck.

"Alright, fine days work today Nurse Felicity, now, is Palen ready for the examination?" Dr. Kendra spoke.

"He's sleeping in the other room, shall I wake him and bring him to the examination room? Or can you do the examination there? I'd prefer it, as he seems more relaxed in there, whereas if I make him go to the other room, he'll grow frightened and we both know what a feral, frightened kangaroo is capable of - we've had our fair share of them brought in!" Felicity chuckled, as they both recalled the last time they had an injured kangaroo brought to the surgery - and the struggle that had ensued.

"That'll be fine - nothing invasive, just a general health check on him, I might need some blood samples - but I promise, I'll do my best not to frighten him, I know he hates those!" Dr. Kendra smiled. "Shall we?"

Felicity walked down to where Palen lay snoozing, then she clapped her paws together twice, and he instantly snapped awake, before rising and crouching, coughing at the two does.

"Hello Palen, remember me?" Dr. Kendra smiled, as she walked closer, then crouched down and held her dark tan paws out for him to sniff at.

Palen flicked an ear, then he nuzzled the Elk's paws affectionately, before he sneezed and pulled his head back, not liking the smell of the latex gloves.

"Oops, sorry honey - " Palen chuckled, as she crouched down and stroked his neck soothingly.

Palen grunted and coughed, then he clung to Felicity's forearms with his strong paws, before he began a string of frightened clicks, grunts and growls.

"Palen, whats wrong honey?" Felicity blinked, before she felt Palen tremble as he repeated the soft cries, then his eyes looked at Dr. Kendra. "This is Doctor Kendra, you remember her, she's been caring for you since you were only a baby joey - she won't hurt you, I promise!"

"How odd - " Dr. Kendra frowned, as she stood up and rested a paw on the side of her muzzle, her eyes narrowing in thought. "He's never been afraid of me before - he should know my appearance and scent by heart..."

Palen growled and grunted, before he nuzzled at Felicity's belly, the uniform covering the pouch, before he clawed at her uniform and grunted again.

"Palen, stop misbehaving, please!" Felicity blushed, as she knew what Palen wanted, but didn't know how Dr, Kendra would take to it.

"What does he want? I don't understand him, I didn't raise him like you did - " Dr. Kendra frowned, as she backed away and sat down on a chair, at the opposite end of the room.

"He...he's scared and afraid - I know of one way, to calm him Doctor - but might not appreciate it - " Felicity blushed, as she sighed, then lifted her uniform up to her breasts, exposing her pouch and relaxing, until it hung loosely, and Palen crawled closer, before he clucked at Felicity - then she crouched like a feral doe - and as the shocked Dr. Kendra watched, Palen slicked his ears back and slid his head into her pouch - quickly finding Felicity's teat and beginning to suckle, the warm milk quickly flowing as he fed.

"He's...he's nursing from you, like he did as a joey? That's...unusual - to put it mildly - " Dr. Kendra gasped, as her eyes widened. "Is he really...?"

Felicity blushed worse, her ears slicking back as she shivered and nodded. "He - sometimes desires to suckle from me, as my milk never really dried up as it should have. I don't know why, he's a fully grown adult - but - something about him suckling and drinking my milk, it seems to calm and soothe him when he's upset."

"I won't lie - " Dr. Kendra whispered, her eyes wide like dinner plates. "It's...unnatural, really - one, you're breast feeding a feral buck - well - of sorts, not really breast feeding, perse - "

Felicity hung her head, resting her paws on Palen's back, as he continued to suckle and nurse, his tongue sucking at the warm teat as he drank the milk.

"Please, I don't - know what else to do, I've tried bottle feeding him - but he won't take it and - and it..." Felicity whispered, as she squeezed her eyes closed, guilt and shame flooding her body.

"He's actually - getting milk from you - right now..." Dr. Kendra stammered, still reeling with the thought of it.

", yes...I can't lie Doctor - it, I know its unnatural and embarrassing, to feed a feral kangaroo like this - but please, believe me - when he's finished and - " Felicity gasped, as Palen's head nudged her deep in the pouch, trying to get her to release more milk, just the way a feral joey would entice its mother. "Palen, no my love - please...stop..."

Palen ignored her, until Felicity snorted and stamped a slender foot on the ground, and he reluctantly slipped his head free of her pouch, before Felicity dropped her uniform back down and she stood with her back to Dr. Kendra, who stared incredulously - her mind still trying to find sense and reason, in what she had just witnessed...

To Be Continued...

All In A Days Work - Chapter Two -

All In A Days Work Chapter Two © Cederwyn Whitefurr, 5th October, 2017, All Rights Reserved. Felicity yawned delicately, as she unlocked the door to her house, then her ears flicked as she heard the soft thud, thud, thud, as her beloved companion...

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All In A Days Work - Chapter One -

All In A Day's Work Chapter One © Cederwyn Whitefurr 5thOctober, 2017, All Rights Reserved. Felicity smiled, the anthropomorphic grey kangaroo looking down at the crying wolf puppy, who shrank back against her mother, as Felicity tried to be...

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Kanga's Playtime

Kanga's Playtime, © Cederwyn Whitefurr, 1stOctober, 2017, All Rights Reserved. Kanga was bored - bored beyond anything she had previously known - with Roo off playing with Tigger and Eyore and Piglet, Kanga was left home alone. Having done the...

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