All In A Days Work - Chapter One -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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All In A Day's Work

Chapter One

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

5thOctober, 2017,

All Rights Reserved.

Felicity smiled, the anthropomorphic grey kangaroo looking down at the crying wolf puppy, who shrank back against her mother, as Felicity tried to be gentle and coaxing, before she tenderly squeezed the young pups forearm and slid the needle in, quickly depressing the plunger Felicity hated giving inoculations to youngsters - their tears and screams made her cringe inside. The young anthropomorphic wolf pup cried cowered and bawled, before twisting away and burying her head against her mothers belly, whilst the adult wolfess smiled weakly and gently held her sobbing pup, stroking her neck soothingly.

"There, all done!" Felicity smiled - as she reached into her tunic pocket and pulled out a wrapped lollipop, then held it out in one pale furred paw to the sobbing pup. "You were so brave, I think you deserve it!"

Felicity watched as the fear and tears washed away, as the pup tentatively peeked sideways at the kangaroo who held out the lollipop, before she sniffled and gingerly reached out for it, then Felicity smiled and gave it to her.

"Thank you Felicity - " Spoke the Wolfess, as she smiled and gave her daughter a lick on the forehead, then lead the sobbing pup out of the room.

Felicity smiled, then returned to the examination bed ad sat on the edge, slowly peeling the slick latex gloves off her paws and discarding them into the bio hazard bin, the needle and syringe going into another sharps container, before she reached back and unclasped the silver clasp that bound her long, sensitive ears to the back of her neck and she shook her head, feeling blood flowing back into the ears as they flicked upwards, then rotated randomly.

"I hate this part of my job - " Felicity sighed, as she used her leathery pawpads to rub at her ice-blue eyes. "They're always so afraid of needles - and I don't blame them, I don't like them myself and - "

Felicity's door opened, and the Elk doe doctor walked in, her hooves clicking on the floor.

"How did it go?" Asked the Doctor, as she put the clipboard under her arm and leaned back against the desk.

"I'm surprised they didn't hear that pup from mars - isn't there a better way we can give injections and such, without traumatising the poor little ones?" Felicity sighed.

"They certainly don't like it - I remember when you were a Joey, your mother brought you in for your vaccinations - the staff had to get extra help, to hold you down!"

"Can't blame me - it's traumatising! I know _now_it's for their future health and well-being, to immunise them against all the harmful diseases - human's think they're hard done by! When our kind come here...gah, that's ancient history - but yes, we have to immunise our offspring against a thousand more different diseases and such, that humans are naturally immune too!"

Laughing quietly, Dr. Kendra nodded. "That's true - anyway, how's your baby?"

Felicity blinked, then laughed herself, she couldn't help it. "My _baby_is all grown up now, he's a handsome young grey kangaroo buck! Healthy, happy, and probably going to mug me for cuddles and scritches when I get home! I swear, grey kangaroo's become so easily bonded to a human - or us - I almost wish I'd had another for him to learn from and bond with. I couldn't ever release him back into the wild, he wouldn't survive..."

Chuckling, the doe shook her head. "I'm still amazed, when you found him - he was a fur-less pinky, the barest shadow of fur beneath his skin, eyes closed...yet somehow - you produced milk for him, raised him in your pouch and not only did he survive - he thrived! I'm still fascinated by that, is it native to your species, to be able to be a foster mother to a feral kangaroo, of the same species? Or is it something else entirely?"

"Well - " Felicity laughed nervously, then instinctively placed her paws on the tunic she wore, beneath which was her pouch. "I honestly can't explain it, it just seemed - natural to do it, I didn't know a lot about hand rearing an orphaned kangaroo joey! I'm a doe - well - an anthropomorphic doe - but I'm more...a throwback as it were I suppose. Look at me! I'm more feral in appearance than I am humaniform! Sure, I can speak, think like humans do, but..."

Doctor Kendra nodded. "That's true, you don't have the physiology of a 'standard' anthropomorphic animal of your species. In a way, you're unique - and I think it was this uniqueness about you, that helped you to raise that joey! A doe like a proper anthropomorphic doe grey kangaroo, her body chemistry and such would have been completely different to the feral kangaroo's, so the joey would have been bottle fed the milk substitute - sure, its chemically balanced and identical to a feral kangaroo doe's milk and so on...yet you seemed to be able to produce an almost perfect still fascinates and amazes me, now, truthfully, what was it like?"

Felicity left the room, Doctor Kendra following, as Felicity made her way down to the staff room, where she poured herself a bowl of coffee, then stirred it and sat down at the table, her long black claws drumming on the laminate table as she pondered how to answer.

"Well, truthfully, it took some getting used too - I've never had a joey of my own - then to suddenly have one in my pouch, sure, we have instinctive reactions and instincts to draw on - but the heavy weight in the pouch, at first - it wasn't too bad - he was small and light - but as he fed and grew, he began to become more active and heavier. Of course, a feral doe would be used to it - I had no idea what they went through, the ache in the pouch, not being able to sleep properly, the sharp kicks and claws...but I also wouldn't have given it up for the world! To feel him when he finally left the pouch, his small paws gripping my pouch as he slipped his head in to nurse..."

Dr. Kendra listened with interest, as she made herself a bowl of tea.

"I still say, it must have been fate - what are the chances of a anthropomorphic kangaroo like yourself - having the genetic makeup that allowed you to nurse and raise a feral joey?"

"I wish I knew, but he's bonded to me, I'm bonded to him - I can't lie, he's adorable, for a grown buck, he's gentle, playful, kind and affectionate - not a single aggressive bone in his body. He has been good to me - and me to him - he needed adopting and raising, and sure - I let my emotions get the better of me, and as such, he's now too domesticated to ever hope to be rehabilitated and've met him, what do you think of him?" Faline chuckled, then sipped from the bowl of hot coffee and her muzzle curled back, as she added more sugar and stirred the coffee.

"He's adorable - a little underweight for a two year old feral, but not life threatening - tell you what, bring him in tomorrow, after work - and I'll give him a thorough examination, make sure he's healthy - deal?" Dr Kelsie chuckled. "He knows me, I know he hates coming here, let alone the examinations - but I'm sure you can get him to cooperate."

"I'll try, he loves going for a ride in the car - doesn't matter where, so, deal - I'll bring him in tomorrow afternoon, for a checkup - I promise!" Felicity smiled, then patted the dark tan paw of the Elk. "Thank you Doctor."

Dr. Kelsie smiled, then flicked an ear. "You're welcome, I'm sure he'll be in perfect health, you've been a wonderful surrogate mother to him - now - let's get back to work, got a few more children to give their vaccinations, and some other patients..."

With a sigh, Felicity stood, her paws smoothing down the uniform she wore, then gripping the short hem about mid-way down her thighs and tugging the tunic straight.

"A Veterinarian's work is never done - "

With a chuckle, the Elk picked up her bowl of tea and left the room, returning to her medical office, and Felicity finished her coffee, then washed the bowl and returned to her own duties.

To Be Continued...

All In A Days Work - Chapter Two -

All In A Days Work Chapter Two © Cederwyn Whitefurr, 5th October, 2017, All Rights Reserved. Felicity yawned delicately, as she unlocked the door to her house, then her ears flicked as she heard the soft thud, thud, thud, as her beloved companion...

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Kanga's Playtime

Kanga's Playtime, © Cederwyn Whitefurr, 1stOctober, 2017, All Rights Reserved. Kanga was bored - bored beyond anything she had previously known - with Roo off playing with Tigger and Eyore and Piglet, Kanga was left home alone. Having done the...

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Winter's Gambit - Chapter One -

Winter's Gambit Chapter One © Cederwyn Whitefurr, 29thSeptember, 2017, All Rights Reserved. Winter was bored - beyond bored, the young anthropomorphic grey kangaroo sprawled on his effeminate belly, his black tipped tail laying between his folded...

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