An invitation

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#2 of Changing lives

Blaze's family receives a special invitation that Roger cannot let by and soon the two families have to separate for a couple of days, but that does not mean that they will not have a last night of fun for the couples and for Lucky.

On the next day Lucky wakes up moaning smoothly, he opens his eyes and rubs them slowly while he raises his head.

His eyes adjust in the light and he sees as a pup between his legs sucking his penis slowly.

"Hi Penny." Lucky says yawning and moaning at the same time. His sister takes the penis out of her mouth slowly.

"Hi Lucky." Penny says smiling before licking Lucky's knot. Her little tongue moves on the shaft covering with the warm saliva of the member of her brother.

"Where is Blaze?" Lucky asks while he moans smoothly when Penny's tongue hits his cock's tip picking up the precum that oozes by the tip of the penis.

"Jack was pounding him behind the food tower." Penny responds licking the entire length of the swollen cock of her brother. The girl likes the taste completely.

"I was passing and saw that you with a morning wood and I wanted to help." Penny responds at the moment of putting again the penis in her mouth. Lucky drops his head toward back and closing his eyes to enjoy the oral sex.

Her sister's mouth is hot and wet, she moves her head while her forepaws massage her brother's balls with calm. The little spurts of precum sprinkle her palate and fall on her tongue.

Lucky whines smoothly with each motion of the head of his sister, she sucks his cock with pleasure and good technique that she had acquired giving oral sex to his father.

Penny takes the penis out from her mouth and takes down her snout, Lucky blurts a groan of pleasure out when her sister begins to lick his hole slowly. Penny uses her right forepaw to caress Lucky's hard meat at the same time that her tongue attacks the sphincter.

Her father enjoys this a lot and obviously his brother also, she hears that Lucky's growling increase rapidly.

"Ohhh Penny... I no longer..." Lucky says feeling that his balls begin to shoot his seed.

Penny immediately closes her mouth around the penis of her brother just in time.

Lucky growls with force and pushes his penis at the moment that semen is shoot out from his penis opening and it hits Penny's palate. She sucks with her brother's cum with pleasure.

Her forepaws hold the erection while she swallows each drop that comes from the swollen cock of her brother. Lucky growls smoothly while his eyes are closed, after some moments the pleasures decreases in intensity until the last semen spurts oozes from the tip of his penis.

Lucky shakes smoothly when his sister licks his cock cleaning any trail off white seed.

Penny licks the tip one time more before releasing the penis that hits Lucky's stomach.

He breathes agitatedly for some moments and he stands up with a jump, his member wobbles on the air and Penny laughs smoothly seeing it.

"Thanks Penny. What can I do for you?" Lucky says looking at his sister. She turns over and she leans forward to show her pink slit.

Lucky notices as a glistening juice drop fall to the floor. Penny expects some moments and feels as her brother mounts her. Lucky holds her hips with force while he moves.

Lucky's cock moves on the air until the tip touches his sister's vulva, Lucky pushes his penis slowly. Penny closes her eyes and moans smoothly when her vaginal lips open and her vagina begins to fill up on hard flesh.

A pant of pleasure slips from the mouth of Lucky, his sister is wet and tight, his shaft slides without problems until the knot touches Penny's wet vulva. She whimpers with pleasure when Lucky begins to move in her.

"Lucky... it feels incredible." Penny moaning of pleasure with each push. His brother's penis enters and gets rapidly out of her vagina. Lucky's penis does not compare in size with the cock of her father.

She loves it completely because it fills it more than anyone of the males except Jack, but Lucky's penis also feels very well because it fits perfectly on her inside.

Lucky pumps while he moans, Penny's vagina is as good as the one of his mother.

The spurts of precum sprinkles Penny's vaginal walls, she trembles and her juices cover Lucky's cock. The knot hits the wet vulva producing the sound of splashing.

Lucky moves at a constant rhythm for the next minutes, his pleasure increases and he pushes his knot. Penny moans with pain when her vaginal opening opens and the knot slides in her body.

Penny moans with more force when Lucky begins to pump with more velocity and fierceness in Penny, all his penis is stimulated by the vaginal soft walls.

Penny pushes her ass against Lucky while her tongue hangs out of his mouth, she opens her eyes and howls with force when sperm squirts sprinkle her vaginal walls filling her of pleasure completely.

Lucky pushes with force while he growls, his penis throbs with force in the meantime release seed in his sister. The two pup moan and whimpers, Penny's claws scratch the floor for some moments even the peak of pleasure diminishes slowly.

"I love this." Lucky says panting and moving his tail content.

"I also love it... we should make it more frequently. When you get tired of the penis of Blaze or dad." Penny says panting rapidly.

"Yeah... I know that I spend a lot of time with Blaze." Lucky says leaning forward and nuzzling his sister in the cheek affectionately. He should take note of spending more time with the rest of his brothers and sisters.

"And dad? Usually he says me that my ass is as good as yours." Penny says responding her brother's caresses and biting his neck smoothly.

"I have not done stuff with him lately." Lucky says while he thinks that time he pass with his dad is not much too.

"Compressible, if dad is not fucking... he is receiving Jack's penis." Penny says looking at Lucky.

"And don't mention mom and Lucy." Lucky says while his sister nods.

"Yesterday I saw them making out close to the tower food, you know I am surprised that mom feels something so intense for another dog besides dad." Penny says smiling smoothly.

"Well everyone are handling it very well." Lucky says crossing his right leg over his sister to be in position of tail with tail.

"Yeah, dad likes that she sucks him while Jack fucks him." Penny says before beginning to growl when Lucky begins to pull his penis out.

Both pups moan and growl of pain. Penny fastens with force and she feels as the knot of her brother begins to open her pink entrance. Lucky pulls out with a little more force and his penis slips outside completely.

He pants while he feels that his semen and juices are dripping from his cock. Lucky sees that his sister cleans herself with pleasure licking the seed that drips from her inside.

For mid-morning Lucky and the rest of his brothers in addition to the family of Blaze watch television. Pups bark with emotion in the meantime they see Thunderbolt in a new episode of their favorite Show.

Lucky watches television attentively, but he gives a couple of looks to the couples of adult dogs.

His father and Jack watch television with pleasure while both receive oral sex of their mates. Pongo moans smoothly while the head of his mate is below his right legs.

At his side Jack and Lucy are in the same situation.

Lucky looks at them and his look crosses with the one of his father, Pongo smiles at him smoothly before introducing his snout under the tail of Perdita and beginning to give back the favor to his wife.

In his mind Lucky asks himself, if your mother is aware that her mate copulates with her human best friend, her owner. The pup again puts his attention in television when he listens Thunderbolt's barking.

Around two hours later Pongo and Perdita are in the living room of the house with Jack and Lucy. The four relax hearing the barking of their pups and the noise that they produce outside of the house.

The two couples of dogs love his pups, but sometimes need some silence. Jack caresses Perdita on the neck smoothly in the meantime Pongo with disguise uses his tail tip to caress Lucy's vulva.

She smiles smoothly at the Dalmatian. The four have occasionally a good time exchanging couples and group sex. The frolicking stops when both couples hears that an automobile stops outside of the house.

Pongo moves his tail content when he feels that his owner gets close to the door and this opens after some moments. Roger enters in the house charging a small suitcase in the hand.

He is dressed with a dark and good-quality suit. Pongo gets close to Roger and the Dalmatian pants content when he receives the caresses of the man that had taken care of him and since he was a pup.

"How was your trip?" Anita asks coming closer and kissing Roger smoothly before helping him to take off his sack.

"Fortunately we have very good employees working for us." Roger says sitting on the sofa while he sighs with weariness. Managing a fortune is not as easy as he had thought.

Anita comes closer and she sits at his side while he takes off his tie and he leaves it on the sofa.

"And we received an invitation." Roger says taking his small suitcase and opening it to pass Anita a very well adorned envelope. Jack and Lucy get excited seeing the envelope.

Anita gets the invitation and reads it.

"Wow... it is one of the most prestigious canine show that exist." Anita says while he continues seeing the invitation that she has in her hands.

"I guess that you will choose to Pongo for the contest." Anita says while he closes down the invitation to place it again in the envelope and putting it on the little table of the living room.

"No, the invitation just is for Jack and his family. Well he was the winner of the last one, Jack has a good pedigree and his owner always took him to those contests." Roger says looking at Jack.

The German shepherd pants content, he did not expect to step on the circuit of a contest again, no since the death of his master.

"Of course, besides in the invitation says that the profits will be used for the help to dogs' care centers of the streets." Anita says looking at Roger, he nods softly.

"We could take the opportunity to contribute money in that worthy cause too, with the money that now we have now, we can help in many instances." Roger says looking at Anita.

"Yes, the testament says it. Besides it is the correct thing." Anita says while he caresses Jack that comes close to her. Roger nods before the other dogs moves to come close and receive caresses too.

"Everything is ready... we will depart in two days." Roger says looking at Anita.

"I prefer to stay, the fashion department is close to launch a new clothing for this season and they need me to approve some designs." Anita says looking at Roger.

"It is ok, I thought that we could make good use of the moment for a little fun." Roger says growling and rushing at Anita. She laughs when Roger bites her smoothly in the neck.

With a playful push she takes off of Roger that falls backwards on the other end of the sofa.

"Let's have fun now." Anita says smiling and taking off the simple and light dress that she always is wearing at home. Pongo and Jack pant content seeing again that the body of the woman again is exposed to their look.

Roger does not think it and he gets undressed rapidly before leaning Anita backwards in the sofa and beginning sucking her tits with pleasure, Anita moans and pants with pleasure when his husband nibbles and licks her nipples with pleasure.

The woman moans when the left hand of Roger gets between her legs and begins to stimulate her slit. Two fingers enter in her vagina and caress her inside.

The four dogs can perceive the aroma of the juices of Anita on the air while she moans of pleasure.

"Your owner seems well-endowed for a human." Lucy says seeing the erect cock between the legs of Roger. It has a particular aroma that pleases her too.

She had never seen a naked man and Roger's penis has an interesting form.

"It is able to make Anita shriek of pleasure, perhaps to us even." Perdita says laughing impishly. The other female laughs too, Pongo and Jack look at each other and they exchange looks of complicity.

"Don't even think about it, this is just for Roger now." Perdita says noticing Pongo's look.

"Come on, a party swinger." Pongo says looking at her mate with a face of complicity.

But Perdita shakes her head while the moans continue.

Pongo sees that his master stops and he moves, Pongo's eyes open when he sees that Roger does him a gesture with the hand. The Dalmatian moves his tail and rapidly he heads toward the bathroom.

Perdita sees as her mate goes away, she puts her attention in the humans.

Roger positions himself on the chest of Anita, she wraps her husband's cock with her tits, in a few seconds later Roger's hips begin to move back and forth.

"That looks interesting." Jack says seeing as the penis moves between the breasts of Anita. He knows that the woman's skin is soft and his cock would feel incredible between them.

"The humans are creative." Lucy says smiling smoothly and doing a grin to her husband, he nods. The couple and Perdita see as Pongo returns to the living room with a transparent- glass small bottle in his mouth.

He gets close to Roger and Anita. Roger stops to move back and to sit between the legs of his wife. He takes Anita by her hips and turns her over to place on her hands and elbows.

"Good dog." Roger says taken the small bottle from the mouth of Pongo and giving some taps at the head of Pongo. The Dalmatian moves his tail content, Roger opens the small bottle and pours the liquid in the crack of the ass of Anita.

"Anal, uh?" Anita asks at the moment of shaking when the cold lubricant slides between her cheeks.

"I desired it since I left." Roger responds while he empties some lubricant in the palm of his hand and scatters it on his penis. The fourth dogs sit while they observe as Roger gets up and he places himself in position.

Perdita smiles when she listens to the groan of pain of her owner when she is penetrated anally, Roger immediately begins to fuck Anita with force and vigor. Lucy listens slapping of flesh every time that Roger's crotch hits Anita's buttocks.

Pongo and Jack concentrate on looking at the wobbly tits of Anita, she moans and leans on the arm of the sofa. Anita uses her right hand to stimulate her vulva and clitoris increasing her pleasure.

"As good as the previous night." Anita moans while she masturbates and enjoys the moment.

"What do you mean?" Roger asks of caressing his wife's butt.

"Last night Pongo and Jack made me their bitch." Anita responds while her husband pounds her with force.

"Did you invite them?" Roger asks with a little bit of surprise and excitation at the same time.

"They got to our bedroom by themselves." Anita responds moaning. She moans of pain when Roger gives her a resounding spank.

"Lustful bitch." Roger says squeezing Anita's buttocks. Perdita laughs smoothly just like Lucy. They do funny faces while they see the humans.

The looks of both canine females are placed on the penis of Roger that enters and that gets out of the ass of Anita. They make comments with regard to this matter while the humans continue copulating.

Anita moans and her body begins to shake when she feels an orgasm, Roger stops clenching his teeth and emptying his balls in Anita. Pongo moves to introduce his head between the legs of Roger.

He sees as juice squirts are shoot out of the slit of Anita and they get wet his master's balls, the Dalmatian licks his mouth when the drops fall on his nose.

Roger takes his penis out from the hole of Anita and he lets himself fall seated in the sofa while Anita sits with difficulty. Anita gets surprised and shakes when Jack and Pongo introduce their heads between her legs and they begin to lick her vulva.

Roger gasps when Perdita and Lucy lick his crotch, the two females lick the shaft that goes flat rapidly, and Lucy with pleasure licks the rests of semen that seems delicious to her.

Perdita is licking Roger's balls.

"Stop right there girl." Roger says pushing Perdita's head when she tries to lick his ass.

"Come Roger, you know that you like that I lick you there." Anita says simpering while she moans and moves the dogs away from her slit.

"Well some other time perhaps." Roger says caressing Perdita's head with calm.

That sounds promising for Perdita and Lucy.

The news of the trip of the family of Jack spreads rapidly over the farm. Blaze gets excited a lot just like Lucky. But the Dalmatian pup also becomes sad lightly because he will not be able to go to the trip.

He had never been in canine contest, certainly there also will be Thunderbolt and famous dogs. Lucky talks with Blaze trying obtaining the bigger possible information because it is a theme that really interests him to know.

Blaze does not unfortunately have much to count Lucky because what he knew really about a canine contest is only what his father had told him and what he watched in television occasionally.

He never in his life was in one really.

Rapidly the days pass and comes the previous night to the departure of the family of German shepherds. The four adult dogs put their pups to sleep in the barn, they usually sleep there while the two couples sleep in the trailer or in the living room of the house.

The two couples get out of the barn and walk toward the trailer of the family of Blaze.

"Roger will take all of you to the airport in the car." Pongo says looking at Jack and Lucy.

"Yes, to go using the trailer would be more complicated because it will takes us much time to go and back." Jack says while four get close to the trailer. The nightlight is enough for that dogs walk without problems at night.

"I suppose that it will be some amusing vacations." Perdita says looking at Lucy while he sees as Pongo and Jack slide in the inside of the trailer using the door for dogs.

"They will be it, there will be really good-looking dogs." Lucy says looking at Perdita.

The two females giggle softly and enter in the trailer. When Lucy enters, she sees that Pongo and Jack are standing on their hind legs while their forepaws rest in the sofa close that is close to the window.

They look at the exterior.

"What is so interesting?" Perdita says positioning herself next to her mate and looking at the place where the two males are looking. Perdita sees the house and clearly by the window she sees like Anita and Roger are naked being kissing and caressing their bodies.

Perdita rolls her eyes and sees Lucy, she also rolls her eyes and smiles for some moments in the meantime even they look at Roger's bedroom and Anita.

Pongo and Jack turn over when they hear that their mates clear their throat. They see that the two females look at them attentively.

"Will you stay there seeing them fucking?" Lucy asks looking at her husband and Pongo.

"Or you can have real fun here and now." Perdita says doing a sensual facial expression just like Lucy. Jack rapidly comes down from the sofa to get close to his wife while Pongo sees Perdita. She smiles on him.

Pongo comes down from the sofa and he gets close to Perdita. They kiss for some moments.

"Well did you want a Swinger orgy, didn't' you? We will give it to you." Perdita says smiling softly and seductively to Pongo. He sees as his mate moves to exchange positions with Lucy.

"Very well sexy dog, we are going to do funny things." Lucy says looking at Pongo sensually before licking his mouth slowly. Pongo moves his tail with enthusiasm when the female dog the German shepherd begins to kiss him.

At his side Jack shares a kiss passionate with Perdita, he loves fucking with the female of his lover. Perdita is beautiful like his wife, Perdita breaks off the kiss and smiles smoothly before moving slowly.

She nuzzles her lover's chest, her nose moves on the chest of Jack and gets to the sheath of the German shepherd. Perdita nuzzles it smoothly perceiving the aroma of the crotch of the male.

Lucy breaks off the kiss and she smiling positions herself next to Pongo, she sits and introduces her head below the body of the Dalmatian. She sees the white balls and the sheath of the lover of her husband.

Pongo closes his eyes and blurts a soft pant out when the female begins to lick his balls smoothly. Every one of his testicles gets up in air with each lick of Lucy on them.

She licks both orbs covering the fur that covers them with saliva with calm, Lucy opens her mouth and takes the left testicle in it begin to suck it. Pongo moans and he sees to his friend.

They smile and enjoy the oral job of the females, Jack trembles when his member's tip gets out of his sheath and he it receives a slow lick of Perdita on his meat.

Perdita enjoys the taste, is lightly unlike Pongo's member. She closes her lips around the tip of the shaft and begins to tap it with her tongue.

Jack shakes with pleasure every time that his organ is touched, his cock begins to grow inside of Perdita's mouth. She sucks the masculine meat smoothly, her saliva drips from her mouth.

Lucy licks Pongo's knot slowly, he moans of pleasure feeling as the rough tongue moves on his sensitive member, the lukewarm saliva of the female dog slowly covers his swollen shaft.

The precum is dripping to the floor in long and thick drops, Lucy moves her tail slowly and she puts the member into her mouth to suck it. The sound of sucking is heard when the two females give oral sex to their lovers.

Pongo moans and he begins to move his hips to fuck Lucky's mouth, she feels as the member enters and gets out of her mouth while she continues sucking. Lucy raises the right forepaw and she begins to massage Pongo's testicles.

Jack moans while he sees his wife moving her head on the penis of Pongo, the German shepherd would like to have that opportunity now, but the pleasure that he receives from Perdita also it feels very well.

Perdita sucks flesh with pleasure, she savors the precum that sprinkles her teeth and her tongue, Perdita takes out Jack's penis and she licks it. She follows the trails of the visible veins in the hard cock.

Perdita nuzzles Jack's two balls before giving the German shepherd's member taps with her tongue. Jack moans and pants with pleasure, he feels as the leg of Perdita moves in his member slowly.

The soft pads move forward and back on his sensitive flesh, the two female dogs continue the oral further stimulation of the two males for some minutes more. Lucy stops when Pongo's penis begins to throb with more force in her mouth.

With calm and slowness she withdraws the cock from her mouth while Pongo shakes lightly until his member slips out complete. Perdita also stops and with calm moves back until she again is in front of Jack.

The two females look at each other smile before turning over, Perdita raises her tail and ass moving it and looking at Jack. The German shepherd perceives the aroma that comes from the slit of the Dalmatian female dog.

A groan of pleasure comes from the mouth of Perdita the moment that Jack begins to eat her. The tongue moves up and down in her slit covering it with saliva that mix with the juices.

The German shepherd moves his tongue, Perdita digs her claws into the carpet. Perdita's moans soon mixes with the moans of Lucy, the female moans while Pongo's mouth is attached to her vulva.

Pongo sucks and he drinks the female's delicious nectar, she moans pushing his ass against the Dalmatian. Lucy gasps at the moment that Pongo's tongue penetrates deeply in her.

He feels as the vaginal velvety walls of Lucy squeezes his tongue with force while he moves it circularly. Perdita whines of pleasure while she sees the sofa that is in front of her.

Jack's tongue moves in her vagina back and forward fucking her with it, Jack takes her tongue out and he begins to lick the hole below the tail of Perdita.

She shakes feeling the male's lick there, Jack sits and places his right forepaw on the vulva of Perdita, he rubs it for some moments before pushing a toe and beginning to move it.

The Dalmatian female dog moans with more force, she closes her eyes in the meantime at her side her husband eats her friend. Lucy moves her ass in circles on the face of Pongo, the female's juices drip from the chin of the Dalmatian.

Pongo moves his tongue with pleasure, his member shoots spurts of precum that get wet the floor below his body. His wife's and Lucy's moans increase rapidly in the meantime both females almost reach an orgasm.

But Jack and Pongo stop, Perdita moans smoothly when Jack takes his toe out with a rapid movement. Juices are dripping abundantly from the glistening Perdita's vulva.

She breathes agitatedly while she sees that Lucy at her side has closed eyes, the German shepherd female dog shakes lightly. Her chest is resting on the floor while she gets back her breath for some moments until he feels Pongo's weight on her.

The Dalmatian moves his hips while Jack looks at him and smiles before mounting Perdita, she moves her tail and she gets ready for one of the best moments of mating.

Jack rapidly finds Perdita's pink entrance, she groans of pleasure when the hard shaft of the German shepherd enters in her vagina until the knot touches her vulva.

The pussy of the mate of Pongo is velvety and wet, Jack holds with force and he begins to pump his penis with pleasure and slowness enjoying each push inside the female dog.

Perdita moans and pants, she sees at his friend. Lucy whines and digs her claws into the carpet while she pants with pleasure. Pongo's penis enters and gets out of her vagina rapidly, the squirts of precum sprinkle her tunnel of love.

Pongo pants while he pumps rapidly, his balls oscillate on the air violently. Both males look at each other and pant with pleasure while their wives whine.

The swapping of mates is somewhat usual for the four that share without problems to his or her wives. For Perdita it is always a very good show to see her husband to be used by the mate of Lucy.

Pongo continues moving in the female. Lucy's wet walls caress his hard and sensitive flesh.

The Dalmatian moves with velocity and force inside the bitch. The sound of splashing is heard with blow of the knots in the wet swollen openings of both females.

"Your husband fucks so well as always." Perdita says looking at Lucy. She smiles smoothly and does a facial expression aiming with her nose at Pongo to say the same thing about the mate of Perdita.

Perdita laughs and suddenly moans with more force when Jack's knot opens her slit and it slides in her body. The German shepherd's penis now is totally stuck in her vagina.

Jack begins to move with more velocity inside Perdita. She moans and growls with more force, her friend catches her breath, Pongo knots her to resume his pushes.

The Dalmatian moves his hips while he holds with more force, his saliva is dripping on the back of the wife of Jack. She feels it and pushes her ass against the crotch of Pongo.

She moves her hips circularly, Pongo stops suddenly and he clenches his teeth when his balls release his seed that is shoot out from the tip of his member and splashes Lucy's vaginal walls.

She grunts with force and howls, her juices flood her vagina and they blend in with the semen that is deposited into her body. While Pongo unloads his seed in Lucy, Jack bites Perdita's neck with some force and permitting that his instincts control him, he does his final thrust.

Perdita becomes tense when the semen covers her vaginal walls, her orgasm takes control of her. Jack moans of pleasure, his member is squeezed with force to extract each semen drop that is possible.

The four lovers do not move while they pant fast, Pongo and Jack with a little bit of difficulty get in position of tail with tail with their females. Both look each other satisfied.

They hear that their wives whisper something between them and they laugh smoothly.

"I guess that they are planning something." Pongo says whispering in his lover's ear.

"That seems." Jack says looking enthusiastic. Their wives are creative and hot in their games with them.

The two couples expect a couple of minutes before to begin to separate. Pongo and Jack pull in one direction while Perdita and Lucy make it in the opposite direction.

Perdita moans and growls with pain just like her mate, Jack's penis begins to get out of her vagina, and her opening becomes expanded one more time before the hard masculine meat slides out of her body.

She moans and feels as a great deal of seed drips from her vulva getting wet the floor carpet. For that moment in several parts of the carpet they show white dry stains.

Pongo growls and he does a final pull, his penis goes out with a peculiar sound of the vagina of Lucy. The Dalmatian pants with pleasure while his member hangs below his body while his seed is dripping from the tip of his cock.

The Dalmatian sees as Jack sees behind him with a lot of enthusiasm, Pongo turns over and opens his eyes with pleasure seeing his mate and Lucy sharing a passionate kiss.

Lucy pushes her tongue that fights with the tongue of Perdita, the saliva mix in their mouth. Perdita loves to make out with the other female, what she feels for her as strong as her love for Pongo.

Perdita with calm advances and Lucy leans backward on the floor with calm. When she is on the floor, Perdita breaks off the kiss and smiles at the other female that looks at her sensually.

The hips of the Dalmatian female dog moves down and her vulva makes contact with the other pink slit. Perdita begins to move her hips, she moans just like Lucy, her pink point is caressed by the vulva of Perdita.

Jack looks at the two female dogs with open eyes, he gets surprised when Pongo unexpectedly kisses him, and the German shepherd pushes his tongue that enters in the mouth of Pongo.

He moves his tail when his lover responds the kiss, his wives are to some meters of them kissing while they rub their crotches mutually. Jack breaks off the kiss and licks Pongo's nose with calm, he moves to place his nose below the tail of the Dalmatian.

Jack takes a deep inspiration leaving the aroma of the hole of Pongo fills his nose, he is an aroma that he likes very much. Pongo gasps and moans with pleasure at the moment that the other male's tongue touches his sphincter.

The wrinkled tongue moves slowly on his closed hole, the lukewarm saliva covers it. The tip moves circularly, Jack listens content Pongo's moans, he feels as air saturates with aroma of sex.

His swollen penis hangs below his stomach. A groan escapes of the mouth of Jack and he lifts his tail up for Pongo, he eats Jack's anus with pleasure. Pongo's saliva drips to the balls of Jack.

The German shepherd's anus is the first one to be penetrated by the tongue of Pongo, he feels as his inside gets cover with saliva. The tip gets in the cracks of his rectum.

Jack gives the favor back and Pongo's sphincter squeezes his tongue with force, the German shepherd pushes his tongue deeply in the posterior tunnel. The juices of both females combine while their vulvas glisten.

The two clitoris stimulate other and both moan of pleasure. Lucy lays her paws on the chest of Perdita to push the other female. Perdita moves back to letting that her female lover stands up.

"I have a good idea." Lucy says smiling impishly at Perdita while their husbands still continue moving her tongues in their anuses. Lucy gets close to a drawer and she opens it.

Perdita's eyes open completely and she smiles seeing that her friend has a lot of interesting toys.

"I guess that you got these with the commerce dogs." Perdita says smiling and looking at her friend.

The commerce dogs are the dogs that behind the humans' backs take advantage of the inventive resources of the man for the benefit of the other dogs. Some things are buy and sell in certain places of London.

Lucy nods and takes two dildos of double ending. Perdita smiles and nods perceiving the idea of her friend that turns over and opens her legs at the same time that she leans forward.

Pongo and Jack stop and they take out their tongues when they see the motion of the two females, Pongo sees that his wife takes a long and flexible dildo to recline the tip on the vulva of Lucy.

Perdita pushes the toy that effortlessly keeps on disappearing in the vagina of the German shepherd female dog. Lucy closes her eyes feeling that the object keeps on entering in her body and caressing her vaginal walls until it touches the bottom.

The Dalmatian female dog stops when she feels that she no longer can push more. One half of the toy is outside hanging on the air. The eyes of both males open when they see that Perdita takes the second blue-colored toy and she licks it completely covering it with saliva.

Perdita makes it slowly seeing as her husband and Jack look at her without missing detail, Lucy notices as male members are hard shooting little spurts of precum that falls on the floor.

After moments Perdita stops her licks and reclines the toy tip on the sphincter of Lucy.

She closes her eyes when her friend begins pushing, the German shepherd female dog lets out a soft groan when the posterior hole opens, and the toy slides inside.

His anus is slowly invaded, her lover pushes the toy until the tip gets to the bottom. Jack tries not to laugh because his wife looks a little funny, but he controls himself and sees as Perdita moves and he positions himself behind Lucy looking at another direction.

Perdita looks at Pongo and makes out a look of entreaty pup that Pongo cannot resist, he gets close to the two females and he aims the extreme of the first toy to Perdita's vagina in the meantime the second one that gets out of the ass of Lucy touches Perdita's posterior hole.

Jack sees as Pongo holds the two toys in position while Perdita begins to move back, she moans and pants while the two toys press her two holes.

Pongo from his position sees as the vagina of his wife receives the first dildo without difficulty, the second one enters in the anus of Perdita with some effort. Perdita does some steps back while she moans smoothly feeling that her tunnels are invaded slowly.

The Dalmatian female dog stops when her tail makes contact with the tail of Lucy, she smiles on him smoothly and begin to move her ass in circles. Perdita imitates her and soon both are whining of pleasure.

Lucy feels as the toys moves in her inside stimulating her two tunnels, her juices are dripping to the floor and a transparent puddle between her legs, Perdita enjoys double penetrations.

Both toys cannot give her the same pleasure that two males' hard flesh can do, but even so it is a delicious feeling.

Jack sees as his wife moans and he moves, the asses of both female dogs touch while they move back and forward at the same time that they move, Jack's attention wanders off the point when he sees that Pongo shows his ass.

The Dalmatian moves his ass slowly inviting Jack to enter in him, it is an invitation that Jack does not refuse. The German shepherd moves to position himself behind Pongo and to mount him.

His forepaws hold the other male's hips while his hips move, Jack finds the point of entrance of the posterior passage rapidly of his lover. Pongo give a grunt of pain when Jack's hard cock penetrates into his hole rapidly.

The member slides without a struggle until the knot touches Pongo's sphincter, Jack pants when the internal heat of Pongo embraces his penis, he rapidly begins to fuck his friend.

Pongo closes his eyes and growls with pleasure, his anal walls are caressed with each push of the good-looking dog. Jack's penis always fills him complete and he enjoys copulating with the other male.

The little spurts of precum sprinkle Pongo's inside, his body rocks lightly by the strong thrusts of Jack. He pants with pleasure without stopping the motion of his hips, his balls hits Pongo's testicles.

Perdita and Lucy moans while they continue moving their asses, the two female dogs move to come closer and to kiss each other's both in the meantime they continue moaning. Their juices drip form their openings.

Lucy and Perdita look at each other while their tongues fight in their mouths, they listen to their husbands to moan with pleasure. Perdita breaks off the kiss and Lucy's mouth before closing her eyes and increasing the motion of their hips.

Her friend imitates her, toys touch different parts in their vaginas and anuses rubbing the membranes that divide both tunnels among themselves occasionally. The moans of both females as the moans of the two males increase in the trailer.

Perdita pushes her ass against the ass of Lucy. The extremes of both toys press the bottoms of their rectums and their vaginas entering lightly in their cervixes.

Lucy moves toward back more and she stops just like Perdita.

Both females shake and moan pushing their asses against the other one with more force, and juice squirts are shoot out of their slits crossing in the air forming a brilliant x.

Their bodies are tightened in the meantime Perdita and Lucy enjoying their orgasms.

Perdita pants rapidly at the moment that she opens her eyes, the Dalmatian female dog sees as her friend also recovers.

Both look at each other and smiling smoothly, their attention now are on their mates that moan of pleasure. Jack bites Pongo's neck pulling it by the collar while he pumps with lust in Pongo.

Pongo moans with pleasure, he gasps and yelps with pain the moment that his hole opens more and passes by it the knot of his lover. All his rectum fills up with hard and hot flesh, Jack increases the velocity of his pushes.

The knot presses and Pongo's prostate is stimulated every time that Jack does a thrusts inside the ass of the Dalmatian. Pongo feels that his member begins to throbs and his climax is imminent.

Pongo covers his mouth to not howl at the moment that his body reacts to the maximum pleasure that he feels. His penis shoots a powerful semen spurt that hits the floor, his entrails squeezes Jack's cock with force.

Jack feels the spare squeeze and growls pushing at the moment of unloading his seed in the rectum of his masculine lover. Cracks and anal walls are cover with the lukewarm and sticky substance.

Pongo turns over his head and he joins his mouth with Jack's mouth passionate kiss. The two males have their eyes closed while their saliva drips from their mouths and chins.

Somebody clears his throat and break them the kiss and they see at their side. Jack and Pongo get surprised a little when they see that their wives are sitting on the floor and they have strapons tied around their hips.

The canine false penises stand out completely. Pongo and Jack look at each other smiling. Jack places himself in position of tail with tail with Pongo. Both moan with pain the moment that they begin to pull in different directions.

Pongo clenches his teeth while he pulls in a direction, Jack does the same thing in opposite direction.

Pongo's sphincter begins to open again with slowness. The separation needs some minutes and when half knot is outside, Jack does the final pull in order that his member slips outside completely of the ass of Pongo.

The Dalmatian feels as semen drips from his open hole, Pongo gasps with surprise because a tongue enters in his rectum without problems and it begins to lick the semen in his inside.

Pongo looks over his shoulder while he moans. His mate is behind him eating his tailhole.

Close from there Jack and Lucy are kissing passionately, the female caresses her mate's cock.

Perdita takes out her tongue to lick Pongo's balls from behind, she enjoys the different taste of the seed of Jack. Perdita's forepaw gets between the legs of Pongo to catch his penis and to masturbate him slowly.

Lucy and Perdita take their time in order that the members of their husbands react again, none of them wants Pongo or Jack get tired rapidly.

After around fifteen minutes of soft stimulations, Lucy and Perdita separate. Lucy catches her mate to place him next to Pongo, but looking at the other male in the opposite direction.

Lucy with a smile places her forepaws on the head of her husband and he pushes it below Pongo's body. He moans feeling a lick on his member starting from his knot going to the tip.

Pongo introduces his head below the body of Jack and he dedicates himself to lick his friend's penis while his two females place themselves in position. Lucy looks with attention the ass of Pongo.

She can see why her husband likes to pound that hole. The German shepherd female dog mounts Pongo while Perdita prepares to fuck Jack, the tip touches the German shepherd's sphincter.

It is wet, Perdita pushes her hips with force and the tip presses the hole of the husband of her friend. Jack growls feeling a light pain in his anus the moment that the toy enters in his rectal passage.

He feels as his internal walls stretch and they mold the thickness of the object that invades his body. Perdita pushes slowly while she sees as Lucy penetrates into her husband.

Penetration is not painful for Pongo because he even is loosened by the penis of Jack.

The two females begin to move inside the males. Pongo moans and he closes the eyes to concentrate on the sensations that gives him the toy. His anal walls are rubbed with each thrust of the female, the tip caresses and it gets in the cracks every time that the toy enters.

His penis rocks lightly on the air by the pushes of Lucy, she holds his hips with force of the Dalmatian male. Lucy loves to use this with her husband or her children, they love it completely just like Pongo.

He sucks the hard and tasty cock, the spurts of precum fall on his tongue, and the hard shaft enters in throat time after time.

Perdita pumps with short and deep thrust in the ass of her Jack, for the Dalmatian female it comes as no surprise at all for so attractive male wakes her husband's desire, besides Jack's tool feels very well in her pussy.

Jack moans and licks Pongo's cock with pleasure, the German shepherd should admit that Perdita fucks as well as a male or Lucy. The toy knot hits the entrance of his anus repeatedly.

He enjoys Pongo's warm mouth around his hard and sensitive member. Pongo's precum stains some sectors of stomach. Jack licks the knot before catching in his mouth the wobbling cock of Pongo.

The two dogs suck and moan like two female dogs in heat while their wives fuck them, Lucy and Perdita look at each other and do funny faces while they continue moving their hips.

"It is great having the control for a change." Perdita says while her friend nods.

"I know it, two days ago I left your son's ass sore. I caught him and Blaze doing some naughty things and I decided to join in them to have fun." Lucy responds while she sees as her husband continues moaning and enjoying the toy in her ass.

"Lucky certainly enjoyed it just like Blaze, I cannot doubt it." Perdita says seeing as Jack sucks Pongo's cock. Lucy nods without stopping, Pongo moans when the knot begins to press his hole.

He feels as his sphincter opens slowly by the pressure of that part of the toy, a choked groan of pain gets out from the mouth Pongo at the moment that his anal passage fills up complete.

His sucking in the member of Jack increases, his saliva drips from his chin and falls on the floor while he enjoys the precum of the German shepherd. The pushes of Perdita make the balls of Jack rock on the air.

Jack feels like the aroma of the fur of the stomach of Pongo fills his nose, he likes very much the aroma, but much more the savor of the palpitating penis in his mouth.

Pongo's knot touches his mouth, the hard shaft is in his throat covering it with slippery precum. Lucy hears as Pongo's growling become intense, she expedites the rhythm of her thrust in the husband of Perdita.

Some moments after Jack feels that his mouth fills up on sticky semen that swells his cheeks. Pongo is shooting his seed while he has his eyes closed in the meantime he is lost in pleasure.

He gets surprised and he drowns when Jack pushes his penis and ejaculates in his mouth. The German shepherd gives Pongo one good ration of his cum. Pongo with difficulty swallows it because his pleasure still controls him completely.

Perdita and Lucy see contents as their husbands exchange semen while they moan of pleasure. They join their mouths to kissing without stopping letting go the hips of the two males that do not move.

Lucy sees that her friend looks at her and makes a grin, the Dalmatian female dog places her snout at the height of her straight ear. Pongo still has his friend's penis in his mouth, he sucks it smoothly savoring the last shot of cum.

He and Jack moan when their mates begin to pull toys out, Jack releases Pongo's penis and yelps with pain, his sphincter keeps on opening slowly. Perdita continues with determination, the Dalmatian female pulls until she feels that the knot leaves Jack's anus.

She sits and sees as the hole of Jack still it is open, she smiling smoothly positions herself behind Jack. He opens his eyes with surprise when his anal passage is invaded by the tongue of Perdita.

She sticks her mouth the open hole while Pongo clenches his teeth, he feels pain when her posterior entrance is obliged to open again, Jack's wife pulls out the toy with determination.

Lucy does not stop until she does some steps toward back when the false penis gets out of the anus of Pongo completely. She sits because she almost loses balance, Pongo pants rapidly.

He sees as Jack moans to of pleasure while Perdita eats his ass again, the Dalmatian gasps when Lucy surprisingly takes his cock in her mouth, she sucks smoothly achieving that the penis did not hide in his sheath.

Lucy savors the semen trails, the female thinks that her friend's husband has a very tasty seed. Lucy and Perdita without predicament achieve that their husbands were once hard and ready for a round more.

Perdita gets close to Pongo and smiling she places her right forepaw on his chest and pushes it smoothly. The female leans backwards to her husband on the floor of the trailer.

Jack sees as Perdita kisses Pongo smoothly, the Dalmatian feels his mate's soft bites in his right ear while she caresses his penis slowly.

"Certainly you wish to enjoy the hard and big cock of Pongo." Lucy nuzzling Jack's neck smoothly. He sees as Perdita licks her husband's hard flesh slowly covering it with saliva.

The Dalmatian female dog looks at him at the eyes before looking at her husband and a moment before she winks to him. Jack licks his mouth and he stands up to get close to Pongo and positioning himself on his lover.

Pongo sees as Jack sees below his body pointing his ass, Perdita holds the other male's cock. Jack takes down his ass and he stops when the tip enters in his hole.

He and Pongo look at each other for some moments, Pongo licks his mouth while he sees the German shepherd, and Jack makes a grimace and takes down his ass. He closes his eyes the moment that the canine member enters in his hole.

His anal walls receive the penis of Pongo that enters slowly without difficulty, the Dalmatian moans quietly enjoying the affectionate and tight inside of his lover.

Pongo is usually who is the bottom, but he also loves to fuck the ass of the German good-looking shepherd. He has an as good ass as his wife, in a few moments later the knot touches the entrance of the anus of Jack.

He feels full and his balls lie on the stomach of Pongo, Jack lays his forepaws on the chest of Pongo and he begins to move slowly. His ass moves up and down with care on the shaft of Pongo.

Both males moan and pant with pleasure, Jack feels as the shaft of Pongo caresses his anal walls and rubs on his prostate. His penis swells up lightly getting harder, Pongo sees as his penis appears and disappears every time that the dog raises and takes down his ass.

Jack's tongue hangs from his mouth while he has a good time completely, he had enjoyed a lot of penises with his wife, but Pongo's cock is something much more incredible than the rest due to the bond that he has with the male.

Jack does not feel uncomfortable and enjoys each occasion that Pongo fucks him hard, the German shepherd feels as the spurts of precum sprinkle his anal walls.

Jack's sphincter moves up and down on the hard flesh, Pongo sees as his wife and Lucy watch the action with a smile. Perdita sits on the right side of Jack and Lucky does it to the left side.

Jack moans and gasps when he feels the two tongues of the females on his wobbly cock, Perdita licks the shaft with pleasure seeing as the little spurts of precum fly on the air in different directions.

Lucy licks her husband's knot with calm, she bites it smoothly before giving oral stimulation to the heavy testicles. Pongo closes his eyes to concentrate on the sensations that his penis gives him.

The anal passage squeezes his penis deliciously, each motion increases his pleasure.

Lucy smiles seeing as the cock rocks on the air uncontrollably. Jack enjoys the tongues of both females.

Jack takes down his ass with force and he growls with some pain the moment that Pongo's knot slips in his rectum completely. Pongo feels as his penis is completely surrounded by the entrails of Jack.

The German shepherd increases the motion of his ass, he moans rapidly just like Pongo.

The pleasure of the males are getting them to the climax.

Jack leans forward to kiss Pongo, his tongues they fight in the mouth of the dalmatian dog. But they are not the only ones that he kisses each other's, Perdita and Lucy are kissing having the tip of the member of Jack between their mouths.

They listen to the growl of the dog and see as a powerful spurt of seed is shoot out of the cock and it sprinkles Pongo's chest and stomach. The groan of choked back pleasure is heard the moment that Pongo pushes his hips.

His penis does eruption Jack's rectum. The anal walls get cover with sticky and lukewarm seed. Jack feels it while he clenches his teeth and release more cum, the German shepherd shakes when his wife takes his penis in her mouth and she sucks it.

She swallows the creamy and delicious substance without stopping. After some moments Lucy passes the cock to Perdita in order that she also enjoys the semen of Jack.

While the action in the trailer was beginning, Lucky and Blaze are leant side by side close to the window from where they can observe the sky and chatting about what they see.

Sometimes they try to see forms in the sky.

The other pups fall are sleep while Lucky and Blaze chat about the episode of the Show of Thunderbolt that was transmitted that day.

"And when Thunderbolt jumped on that group of criminals fell in the net that he prepared... wow." Lucky says moving his tail with enthusiasm.

"It was incredible, I thought that at least one would escape and Thunderbolt would have to chase him." Blaze says while he controls himself not to jump and imitating the motion of his television hero.

Lucky nods with enthusiasm while he moves his head.

"I hope that the episode in the morning would be better." Lucky says looking at his content friend.

"Yeah, but I not will not be here to see it." Blaze says looking at Lucky with some disappointment. He and his family would depart early in the morning to be able to take the jet airplane that used to belong to their former owner.

"But being in that canine contest will be incredible." Lucky says looking at his friend that nods with a little more joy.

"Also there is a lot of special fun." Blaze says with a smiling. Lucky opens his eyes and he nods understanding that it is somewhat sexual.

"Talking about it. What if we found anything to make in addition to sleep?" Blaze asks Lucky while he raises his eyebrows mischievously. Lucky immediately stands up of a jump.

Both get up and walk out of the barn avoiding a lot of pups, Lucky passes near Rolly.

He sees that his brother sleeps embracing Cindy while Amanda is on him. Lucky smiles, he and his friend make it to the barn door without waking up nobody.

Blaze opens the door with calm, the sound of a soft crushing sound is heard when the two pups close the door behind them. With more care they go away to look for a place where they could be alone.

They pass near the trailer.

"Our parents are having fun." Blaze says when he hears the moans and barking of pleasure that come from the inside of the trailer. Lucky nods lightly, he wanted to take a look of what happens inside, but he prefers to have his own fun with Blaze.

The two pups go away toward the food tower, from there they gets in little clear lightly bathed by the light of the night. As soon as they are there, Blaze jumps at Lucky knocking him down.

The Dalmatian pup is leant backwards on the grass while he sees his friend directly on him. Blaze without saying nothing he turns over and Lucky sees his friend's balls over his face.

The German shepherd pup takes down his ass and his balls touch Lucky's nose, he perceives the aroma of the fur. Lucky closes his eyes enjoying it before taking out his tongue and beginning to lick his friend's two furry spheres.

His tongue moves in each one of them getting wet the fur that covers them, the Dalmatian pup feels as the nose of Blaze begins to nuzzle his sheath.

Blaze uses his nose to caresses the complete extension of the white sheath of his friend, he repeats the action over and over. His eyes close when Lucky's mouth closes around his right testicle.

His friend begins to suck pulling the testicle smoothly. Blaze enjoys it and decides to do the same thing, his mouth opens and he closes it around the left testicle of Lucky.

The Dalmatian pup enjoys the soft bites and the sucking of his friend, Lucky has fun with the testicle, and he stretches his right forearm and takes the sheath of Blaze.

Lucky moves his forepaw forward and back without stopping, he feels as the shaft of his friend begins to harden and taking volume inside the soft and hot sheath. Lucky's sucking in the testicles of Blaze continue.

For his part the German shepherd pup moves down his snout to introduce it under the balls of Lucky, Blaze takes a deep breathing feeling the aroma of the posterior entrance of his friend.

After some seconds Blaze takes out his tongue and with his touches Lucky's anus. The eyes of the Dalmatian pup open completely and he moans of pleasure. Her friend's tongue touches his hole repeatedly of slow way.

The Dalmatian pup shakes with pleasure, he sees as the canine member of Blaze hangs above his face, he looks incredible to the soft light that covers him. Lucky takes the penis with his forepaws and he aims it down toward his open mouth.

The taste of the flesh of Blaze fills his mouth while his friend moans, Blaze moans and closes his eyes when his member begins to be suck in a slow way, Lucky licks the tip savoring a drop of precum,

He likes very much the known savor, his right forepaw caresses his knot slowly.

Blaze moans and he continues covering Lucky's anus with saliva, he would have a good time fucking that tight hole. His tongue moves circularly on the little wrinkled hole of the Dalmatian pup.

Blaze stops and raises his head a moment, he licks balls a couple of times before to put his attention in the member of Lucky. His snout moves through the hard meat.

The German shepherd pup opens his mouth to take the tip of the penis of his friend in it, his head begins to move slowly and he listens to a choked back groan of pleasure of the other pup.

Lucky's precum goes out in little spurts from the tip of his member, and they hit his palate.

Lucky sucks without stopping, his tongue gets cover with precum that he swallows with pleasure.

The Dalmatian pup gets surprised when his friend sits pushing all his member in his mouth, the knot touches Lucky's lips and a part of the canine shaft enters in the throat of the Dalmatian pup.

Blaze begins to move his hips up and down fucking Lucky's mouth, a growl of pleasure is heard from Blaze. He moans and moves his hips circularly.

Lucky does not resist and sucks with more eagerness, he moans smoothly when his friend's right forepaw closes around his member and he begins to masturbate him.

Blaze moves his paw up and down, the little spurts of precum are fired on the air and fall on the balls of Lucky and his stomach. Blaze's forepaw gives a great pleasure to Lucky besides the sucking.

He feels as the hard shaft enters and gets out of his throat rapidly, Blaze's balls hit his face repeatedly. That does not stop to the Dalmatian pup concentrates on the delicious taste in his mouth.

Both pups use their tongues and mouths to give oral mutual pleasure, Blaze moans and feels as his member begins to throb with more force while he is close to release his semen.

The German shepherd pup moves and with a pull he extracts his member of the mouth of Lucky, Blaze pants rapidly while he sees as Lucky cleans his mouth and he stands up with a jump.

Lucky with enthusiasm turns over and he reclines forward raising his ass on the air, he moves it inviting to Blaze that does not expect a single minute to position himself behind the other pup and to mount him rapidly.

Blaze's forepaws hold Lucky's hips, the member rocks on the air touching the balls of Lucky that expects with longing that Blaze enters in him. In a few moments later the penis tip touches Lucky's anus.

Blaze pushes his hips with force, his member's tip presses Lucky's without stopping until the hole opens. A groan of pain slips from the mouth of Lucky at the moment that his friend's hard penis enters completely in his anus.

"Lucky always so tight." Blaze says closing his eyes and enjoying the tight and hot passage. Blaze's hips begin to move slowly back and forth.

Lucky pants and moans feeling the friction in his inside, his anal walls are caressed by the hard flesh of his friend. The precum sprinkles his provinces improving the lubrication for the two pups.

Blaze pumps with pleasure, he loves the anal sex completely. The posterior tunnel is as good as the one of his mother or his sisters. Blaze's knot touches Lucky's entrance repeatedly.

The German shepherd pup's balls hit Lucky's balls, he moans with some pain, but does not import. His penis rocks on the air lightly in the meantime it releases little spurts of precum that gets wet the grass below his body.

Blaze moves his hips while his tongue hangs from his mouth, Lucky's sphincter moves on his member. Lucky's eyes open completely and he gives a light howl of pain when the knot opens his hole.

The pup's sphincter opens completely and the knot enters in his tailhole, now he is full and moans when the pushes in his inside resume. The tip touches his passage bottom.

The grunts and moans of both are heard clearly in middle of the night, Blaze catches Lucky's collar and pulls it while he feels that his pleasure grows until he feels the strong squeeze of the entrails of Lucky when he reaches a climax.

Lucky shakes while he has his closed eyes, his seed is dripping from his penis, in some moments later Blaze's semen is covering his anal walls completely.

The German shepherd pup pushes with force while he growls of pleasure, his growling mix with the moans and heavy breathing of pleasure of Lucky. His face is pressed against the lawn by the right forepaw of Blaze,

Both do not move while they permit that their bodies slowly absorb the pleasure that fades away with every second that pass. Lucky pants content just like Blaze, the German shepherd pup crosses his leg over the body of Lucky to be tail with tail with the other pup.

"Great as usually." Blaze says looking over his shoulder to Lucky. He nods content, Lucky loves to feel Blaze's penis throbbing in his inside, besides what he feels for Blaze is somewhat intense.

Both expect a couple of minutes before Blaze begins to pull his penis out to separate from Lucky, he moans with pain and nails down his claws in the ground. Both moan and the Dalmatian pup's posterior hole slowly opens.

Blaze feels as his knot begins to slide out of the ass of his friend, the sphincter opens more and suddenly the pup's hard cock slides outside.

Lucky feels as the lukewarm and sticky seed drips from his open hole, some semen slides to his balls passing on his knot and getting go the tip of the cock of Lucky. The Dalmatian pup gets surprised when his penis enters in the mouth of Blaze.

Blaze sucks the shaft of Lucky softly, and it hardens again. The German shepherd pup sits beside his friend and he takes his penis to masturbate himself without stopping the sucking of the member of the other pup.

The sound of sucking in addition to the heavy breathing and Lucky's wailing are heard clearly at night, the saliva drips leaving of Blaze's mouth, it drips from the knot of his friend and get the grass wet below him.

Blaze moves his head with calm, the cock enters and gets out of his mouth without stopping and the tip touches the entrance of his throat letting that the precum slips right into to his stomach.

Lucky's moans intensify and Blaze stops, he with calm withdraws the cock of his mouth.

Lucky shakes lightly when a soft breeze touches his penis getting wet in saliva. The Dalmatian pup gets surprised a little when Blaze leans forward raising his ass for him.

"My dad told me that I should raise my ass more frequently for you, I should not always be on top." Blaze says looking over his shoulder to Lucky.

"I like that you be on top." Lucky says while he positions himself behind his friend and he mounts introduces his snout below his tail.

Blaze shakes and moans smoothly when Lucky's tongue begins to move on his hole, the wrinkled tongue moves in circles slowly.

"I said that. But my father says that no matter who raises his ass, both of us have a good time, in that he is right." Blaze says panting and closing his eyes. Lucky's tongue gets wet his sphincter covering it with a thin lukewarm- saliva completely.

"I like it the same as my father, you know he always is on top of mine." Lucky says introducing his right forepaw between the legs of Blaze taking his balls to stimulate them while he continues using his tongue.

Blaze gives a groan and pant of surprise when Lucky's tongue enters in his anal passage and it begins to cover is anal walls with saliva.

"Of course, but you do not know as many times as I saw your father fucking mine, my father loves to feel the penis of yours in his ass. But it is unlike our moms, yours almost always is on top." Blaze says moaning smoothly and moving his hind legs while his friend eats his hole.

Lucky's saliva drips even the balls of Blaze, the two furry spheres get wet rapidly. After some minutes the Dalmatian pup stops and without wasting a single moment he mounts his friend.

Lucky moves his hips and moves his ass lightly. His member rocks on the air until the tip touches Blaze's sphincter. He closes his eyes and moans with bother when the tip presses his sphincter.

Blaze gives a light yelp of pain feeling that his posterior entrance is violated by the tip of the penis that penetrates into his ass. Lucky closes his eyes and moans with pleasure, his shaft with calm keeps on entering in the tight passage of his friend.

Lucky pushes until his knot touches Blaze's sphincter. The German shepherd pup pants feeling like the palpitating meat of his friend fills his anus, Lucky's legs hold his hips with more force and it begins to pump his penis inside Blaze.

The Dalmatian pup moans with pleasure with each thrust, his friend's hot inside caresses his hard and sensible flesh in each motion that he does. The little spurts of precum sprinkles Blaze's inside covering it.

Blaze also enjoys penetration, his penis bounces and hits his stomach with each push, and Lucky's penis rubs that special place inside his body making him shaking of pleasure.

Feeling is not new for Blaze, Lucky's penis cannot compare with the one of his father. He fills him and stretches more than Lucky, although his friend's penis also feels incredible.

Blaze digs his claws into the ground and he fastens while Lucky pumps rapidly, his balls rock in the air, his penis hardens more as his he increases his velocity.

Lucky moans of pleasure without stopping, he feels as the tail of Blaze hits his chest and snout it moves. Blaze's sphincter moves around his penis in each push.

Lucky's eyes close and he concentrates completely on the sensations and the pleasure that his penis gives him. Blaze's entrails squeezes his cock with force, it is a good place to fuck as much as a vagina.

Growling and moans of pleasure rapidly increase in force, Blaze clenches his teeth and he refrains to grunt when his hole painfully opens completely for the knot of Lucky.

He pushes with force until his knot slips in the anus of Blaze, Lucky shakes a little when each part of his penis is surrounded by his friend's hot passage, and the sphincter squeezes a portion of flesh behind the knot with force.

Blaze feels that his precum increases because his prostate is pressed directly and with more force by the knot of Lucky that resumes his thrust. Both again moan with joy.

His fur stirs lightly by the light breeze that makes fly a couple of leaves that surround them as if they accompanied the spiral of pleasure that soon got to his maximum point.

Lucky digs his claws in the flesh of Blaze and pushes with force, his balls releases the seed that runs along his penis and it is shoot out in Blaze's rectum. He feels as spurts cover his anal walls.

The German shepherd pup quivers and pushes his ass against the groin of Lucky, his member begins to shoot white cum that shines lightly when a short trajectory with the purpose of later smearing in the grass and a little rock that stands below fly through air.

Both growl with force while their united bodies become taut until the pleasure of the climax is disappearing slowly. Lucky pants rapidly just like Blaze, the Dalmatian pup with calm places himself in position of tail with tail with Blaze.

Blaze begins to move his ass in circles slowly, Lucky moans and sees over his shoulder.

His friend smiles at him, so Lucky imitates him and both laugh and moan at the same time.

Lucky moans for his still sensitive member, some drops of seed drip through the opening.

Lucky's penis hardens slowly just like Blaze, the knot to move caress and presses the pup's prostate of the German shepherd pup.

Blaze moans while the drops of precum fly in airs and his penis bounces off his stomach repeatedly. Both pups stop after a couple of minutes and panting they look at each other.

Lucky begins to pull his penis out from Blaze's anus, he and his friend moan of pain. Blaze growls and clenches his teeth pulling in different directions.

Blaze's sphincter begins to open slowly due to the knot that begins to pass through it.

Lucky's knot slowly keeps on appearing in the meantime both even pull until finally they separate.

Blaze gives a yelp of surprise and pain, the German shepherd pup does some steps before falling headlong with his ass raised on the air. Blaze turns over and he leans on the grass backwards.

He feels as semen oozes by his sphincter still lightly opened. Blaze looks at the sky for some moments and moans when he feels a lick on his member. The pup raises the head and sees as Lucky licks his genitals slowly.

Lucky's tongue moves from the knot to the tip, Lucky licks some precum that sprouts by the opening of the penis, Blaze growls smoothly when the mouth closes around her hard flesh.

Lucky begins to move his head slowly, his saliva drips on the hard cock of Blaze covering it with a soft glow that goes up to the knot. Blaze pants and moans with pleasure.

The little spurts of precum spatter the inside the mouth of Lucky. He does not stop while Blaze moans and nails down his claws in the ground. His pleasure increases rapidly just like the saliva that covers his knot.

Lucky stops when he has the feeling that his friend will be unable to bear with more. The German shepherd pup pants rapidly when a cloud blows over in the sky blocking the moonlight.

Lucky with calm positions himself on Blaze and he grabs the penis of his friend with a forepaw, Blaze moans smoothly while he sees as Lucky points his cock. The tip touches the hole below the white tail.

The Dalmatian pup rubs the tip of the penis on his hole that covers with precum before taking down his ass. His sphincter is pressed with force and it opens with certain facility.

Lucky moans when the hard flesh slides in his anus until the knot touches his sphincter.

Blaze feels the internal heat of his friend surrounding his cock again, Lucky without expecting more begins moving his ass.

His forepaws press Blaze's chest while his ass moves up and down. His sphincter moves in the shaft that enters and that goes out.

Blaze moans and closes his eyes, Lucky's inside even this tight and his semen aids lubrication. Lucky's member wobbles on the air while he continues riding him.

Lucky moans when his friend's forepaws close around his cock and he begins to masturbate him rapidly. The precum gets out of the opening of the penis and falls on the stomach of Blaze.

His paws move back and forth without stopping, the German shepherd pup feels the hardness of the member of his friend. Lucky moves his ass in circles moaning of pleasure.

He stops and pushes down, his sphincter is pressed and it opens surrounding Blaze's knot. A groan of pain slips from the mouth of Lucky when the whole penis enters in his terior tunnel.

Lucky does not take long in resuming his motions, the pressure in his rectum increases making his penis hardens more. The two pups moan with force enjoying the anal sex.

Blaze pushes with force and his seed begins to scatter inside Lucky coating his rectum.

The German shepherd pup pushes and fails to pay attention to the semen squirts that get out of the penis of Lucky and that sprinkle his chest and his face.

Both pups whine while Lucky's seed forms a white puddle in the chest of Blaze. The two pups look at each other and move their tails content.

Pongo, Perdita, Lucky, Blaze, Pepper, Two Tone, Cadpig, Rolly, Patch, Tripod, Anita, Roger, Penny, Jewel © Disney

Jack, Lucy, Amanda, Cindy and Kaleb are my characters

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