A night of fun

Story by Janus Oberoth on SoFurry

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#10 of A new chance

After the first day of training the Wilton and Arlen have a nice moment with the girls while Otto and Eryn has their own time for some kinky fun

Otto and Nolan stay united without moving for several minutes while both recover in the bed of Eryn. The bloodhound feels as the tight and hot inside of the boy surrounding his cock.

He still is surprised that Nolan take all his masculinity just like Arlen and Wilton.

They found it difficult to get used to make it.

Nolan feels like the penis in his ass continuous hard as before. The boy looks at his crotch, his member had retreated completely to hide in his sheath.

Nolan sees his balls that are little comparatively to the ones of Otto. The dog startles the boy placing a hand on his shoulder and giving him a friendly squeeze.

"We must pick up Eryn and the girls." Otto says giving some soft pats to the shoulder of the boy, he nods. Both expect a half-hour before Otto begins to take his penis out from Nolan.

He takes a deep breath when the canine member leaves his body, Otto's knot had lost almost all its size and was not a problem. Semen goes out in great quantity by the dilated hole of Nolan.

Otto rolls his body and he sits at the edge of the bed, some drops of seed drip from the tip of his member that slowly hides in his sheath. The bloodhound takes a cloth and he passes it to Nolan in order that cleans himself.

Nolan makes it with calm feeling as the semen of Otto slips to his balls.

Otto is the first to get dressed and to get ready to go out, Nolan is ready after some minutes. Both leave the house and take the cart to go to the town where Eryn and girls expect them.

"Well... before meet with the other ones, you must know that what happened... is something with what we should be discreet." Otto says looking at the boy while the cart moves on the road.

"Cannot I say absolutely nothing to him to Wilton and Arlen?" Nolan asks with calm. They had told him that he always could talk with them about everything, there would be no problems.

"With them I guess that it is ok, be careful with Eryn and the girls. If you want to talk with me about this or simply to make something... look for a good moment to do it." Otto says doing a friendly gesture to the boy, he nods content.

Otto smiles and continues driving the cart. Nolan enjoys the moment while his body gives a couple of light jumps due the stones and potholes in the road, after many minutes they enter in Nottingham.

The cart moves for the streets while Otto greets a couple of friends on the way, they gets to town's center where Eryn expects them in a corner of the main plaza.

She did not want Otto to get close to the brothel in order that girls or Nolan did not see her there and begin to ask some things very difficult to respond.

Eryn smiles at Otto and Nolan when the cart stops in front of her, Otto comes down and helps the she-wolf to climb in the cart while Nolan moves to sit on the posterior part.

"How are you, Nolan?" Eryn asks looking directly into the boy behind her.

"Ehhh... very well." Nolan responds with enthusiasm while his tail moves from side to side. He is a bit nervous due to the warning that Otto had given him.

Eryn smiles smoothly while she gets comfortable a little better at the same time as Otto again get in the cart and he sits next to the female. He takes the reins and he does a pull.

The cart again begins to move in the town's earthen streets, Nolan loses attention seeing the people that come and go. His look focuses occasionally on any woman or girl.

Shortly the three get to the house of the friends of the girls. Otto comes down from the cart to be heading for the front door of the house and to knock it. Eryn waits for some minutes.

The she-wolf notices that Nolan finds himself very happy and she likes that. Eryn liked very much the boy, it is a well-behaved and somewhat timid cub like his young sister.

It is something natural since both still are getting used to their new home, and new people.

Eryn sees as the three girls leave the house after saying good-bye to their friends. They wave their hands before walking together to the cart to Otto.

Girls greet Eryn very happy, she nods smiling soft and in a friendly way. Nolan helps his young sister to get on the cart while Celestine and Lorene climb in the cart with certain facility.

"How was it?" Otto asks at the moment of pulling the reins.

"It was incredible, we had a really good time and we found out about the news." Lorene responds. Fleur nods content.

Otto smiles openly just like Eryn.

"Where are the boys?" Celestine asks looking at Otto and Eryn.

"They went to the barracks to begin to practice, they went out early in the morning." Otto responds without moves away his look from the road. The two sisters look at each other surprise and they laugh impishly.

"Do you think that they will become soldiers?" Lorene asks looking at Eryn and her uncle.

"I believe it, both have a good chance." Otto responds looking at a moment his nieces.

"Didn't you want to be a soldier too, Nolan?" Celestine asks looking at the young boy that opens his eyes when listening to the question. To be a soldier always was a much-discussed comment with his friends.

Next to them he used to play with wooden swords pretending that they took part in battles.

"Eh... no... perhaps being a blacksmith." Nolan responds looking at the girls, they gets surprised just like Fleur.

Her brother had always said that he wanted to be a soldier as he was their father until he perished and next they were send to the orphan.

Eryn looks at Otto and he does him a soft grin. Girls begin to chat very excited about the night that they spend with their friends. Nolan listens to them with disguise.

Because they knew that he was there, they always talked in some type of code or were trying to hide him something. In the beginning that did not bother him a lot, but now he wishes to know more about the female.

"I guess that you did talk with him." Eryn says being lightly inclined to Otto and whispering in his ear.

"Yes. I achieved that we understand each other well." Otto responds looking at Eryn.

She smiles content for the news.

"How did it go to you? How much did you win?" Otto asks with disguise and smoothly.

"Nothing." Eryn responds looking at the bloodhound that raises an eyebrow with evident bewilderment.

"It was a surprise that girls wanted to give me... you know... a party just for me before the wedding." Eryn says looking at Otto.

"But not yet there is date for that." Otto says pulling reins a little more.

"I know, they wanted to make it now not to cause me problems later." Eryn says while she shows three fingers to Otto. The dog opens his eyes surprise a little and he does a funny grin.

"Big?" Otto asks.

"A lot." Eryn says smiling impishly for some moments.

"I arranged that girls prepare something for you too, we must be fair." Eryn says looking at Otto. He really gets surprised.

He feels that his penis hardens inside his sheath. Eryn laughs smoothly noticing that Otto becomes tense a little. She knows what he is thinking at this moment.

The cart continues moving and gets to the house of Eryn. Otto stops it in front of door in order that the girls in addition to Eryn and Nolan can come down from the cart and entering right into the house.

Otto places the cart in the shed before entering to the kitchen where he sees as girls and Eryn begin to prepare food. Nolan helps in what he can, the moment is opportunistic by the bloodhound to clean up a little the disorder that he and Nolan left.

When food is ready, she and girls begin to serve it, Eryn hears that the door opens. She goes out to the living room, Wilton and Arlen enter by the front door while they breathe with a little bit of fatigue.

"Just in time." Eryn says content seeing that her children are in time for lunch.

They meet with the other ones at the table. Arlen and Wilton take a deep breathing perceiving the delicious aroma of the food that their mother made.

"How was it?" Eryn asks while she passes the breadbasket to the other people at the table, they all one by one take a loaf of bread.

"Very well, the captain showed us weapons and as they must be used." Wilton responds eating some bread.

"The bad thing is that now Deryck Crawford will be our trainer. If we fail and the captain reprehends him, he cuts us the head." Arlen says while he uses her right forefinger to draw the imaginarily line where the axe would cut their head.

"Deryck uhmmm, he is a good soldier. Able and dreaded, it was very difficult to me to forge his axe, it is heavier of what's usual." Otto says.

"And that big ax is not the only thing that he knows use very well." Eryn makes a comment without realizing that she made it while she takes a loaf of bread and splits it to be able to take it at her mouth.

Arlen and Wilton immediately raise their ears with surprise, they already know to what their mother refers herself. Both look at each other thinking that she could not manage the package that the rhinoceros has between the legs.

Otto also gets surprised and he with disguise sees his nieces. For their looks they apparently know that there is something behind that declaration while Fleur and Nolan apparently did not put attention because they were completely immersed in eating the food.

The rest of lunch goes away without no new thing, Arlen and his brother get into more detail about their first day of training. Nolan listens to them with a lot of interest just like the girls.

After finishing to eat, Wilton and Arlen go to their room to change over the dirty clothes that has several stains due to the falls and the training in the earthen patio of the barracks.

"We need to go to look for firewood for later." Otto says to see that there is not much firewood in the kitchen in addition to the piles accumulated in the exterior of the house.

"Fleur, tell the boys that must look for the firewood." Eryn says looking at Fleur, she is finishing clearing the table. The girl nods and rapidly runs towards the bedroom of the boys where she gets there after some moments.

The girl rapidly opens the doors to get in, and she stops suddenly at the moment that her eyes open with surprise to see the two brothers completely naked while both take clean clothes.

Fleur sees the balls and the black sheaths of the boys without looking away until boys get alarmed when they become aware of her presence.

"Fleur... What?! Arlen says rapidly taking a pair of pants and putting them in front of his body to cover his crotch. His brother covers himself up using a blanket that he pulls of the close bed.

"Ehhh ahhh... your mom want that you must help to Nolan and Otto gathering firewood." Fleur says rapidly while she sees that boys look at her with surprise.

"Ok... ok... just give us some minutes, ok?" Wilton says with discomfort while he does not release the bedspread that covers him. Fleur rapidly closes the door rapidly and runs towards the kitchen.

What did they say?" Eryn says looking at Fleur that runs to be close to her. The she-wolf notices that the girl seems worried and lightly fearful.

"They will be ready soon." Fleur says with a lot of discomfort. She looks nervous while he looks toward the direction of the bedroom of the boys. Fleur feels that her heart palpitates with force.

Eryn says absolutely nothing and soon sees that her children appear using cleaner clothing.

"Well, let's go." Otto says looking at the boys and Nolan. They nod, Fleur moves and avoids looking at the brothers when they pass near her. The girl feels uncomfortable until males leave the house and they head toward the forest to get the firewood.

"While boys are away, let's finish cleanliness." Eryn says looking at the girls, they agree and distribute the chores between themselves. Eryn in addition to Lorene and Celestine would clean the kitchen while Fleur would take clean the dust on the furniture of the living room.

"Do you know that guy... Deryck Crawford?" Celestine asks without a lot of interest at the moment of accommodating a pair some cups in the pantry. Eryn gets surprised a little and nods.

"He is a big man and the best soldier at the service of Little John." Eryn responds while Lorene passes her a couple of dishes that she had dried.

"I knew him when I went to see Little John to ask him for clemency for the boys." Eryn says looking at the two girls that continue fitting the things into their respective places.

"Did they get involve in a lot of problems?" Celestine asks looking at Eryn. The girl thinks that both are good boys in spite of what they had listened in the town.

"No, but with death of his father the things changed. They both loved it a lot, with him they learned how to play chess since they were kids. My husband used to say that the first thing that one should make always is using the head." Eryn says smiling smoothly.

At that moment Fleur enters in the kitchen with a dusty cloth that many minutes ago was completely white.

"Already I finished." Fleur says looking at Eryn. She nods approvingly.

"Then help us with the sweeping of the floor." Eryn says looking at the girl, she nods and takes a close broom to sweep the dust. Eryn looks content to the girl, she always wanted to have a daughter.

In the forest Otto and boys pick up the firewood with calm accumulating it in pull small cars. Otto cuts some trunks that he finds using an ax.

Wilton and Arlen help him while Nolan picks up the branches that he can charge and taking them to the small cars. After about forty five minutes Otto cleans his forehead and decides to rest.

The four sit on a hollow trunk flat on the floor, Nolan is sitting to Otto's right-hand side while Wilton and Arlen are in the left-hand side.

"Otto... Did you take part in the battle of Darby's ravine?" Arlen asks looking at the bloodhound, he nods lightly.

"Just like dad." Wilton says while he takes a branch and stirs it on the air lightly.

"We were friends, all young people and dreamers. But not fools as they told us, I guess depth in them our parents knew that we did the right thing in spite of the fact that they reprehended us." Otto says doing a funny face.

"Did many of your friends die?" Arlen asks softly. In his head still is present what the Captain told them about what happened in the battle.

"Yes, many of them never used a sword or weapon in his life with the exception of arch in competitions to attract the attention of the girls." Otto says while he takes the ax and passes it on to the two young wolves in order that they felt its weight.

"It is fundamental to be used to the weight of a weapon to be able to use it with more freedom and to have the resistance to brandish it for a long time." Otto says looking at the boys.

"How do you know that?" Wilton asks with a little bit of surprise. Otto smiles smoothly.

"Just like my father... I am a blacksmith, I must know these things because it is my work. Besides my father taught how to use a sword since I was young, he said that I should know the use of a sword basically because you didn't know when it will be useful. That was confirmed later." Otto says while he looks at the boys that listen to him with attention.

"Talking about it, I will make you a couple of swords to practice, they will have the same weight that a real one, but without the cutting edge. Even so you will have to be very careful when you use them." Otto says looking at Arlen and Wilton.

"I will make one for you too, in that way you will be able to practice." Otto says looking at Nolan and doing a friendly facial expression. The boy gets surprised and moves his tail content.

"Of course we will teach him everything that Deryck instructs us." Arlen says looking at the boy. Wilton nods smiling also looking at Nolan.

"But also I want to be a blacksmith." The boy says looking at Otto. The bloodhound gets surprised and places his hand on the head of the boy to stir his hair for some moments.

After resting they continue gathering the firewood until it is enough. The four return to the house to rest with the girls, Wilton uses a couple of minutes to distribute the firewood.

Wilton with calm piles up the firewood in the kitchen, while he makes it, Celestine passes near just behind him and with disguise she tightly drops a paper in front of the boy.

Wilton notices it and picks up the paper to read it. His eyes opens and he smiles content before putting the paper into a pocket rapidly in order that nobody saw it.

Otto is sitting on living room in the meantime in a paper he draws a couple of swords thinking about the swords of training for the boys. Nolan is at his side observing with a lot of interest what the bloodhound does.

Arlen is fitting some things into the garage, he is putting in its place some tools until he feels that somebody comes closer to stop behind him.

He stands up and sees that his mother looks and smiles at him smoothly.

"I wanted to ask you, if I didn't happen something bad with Fleur... I have noticed that she is acting a little strange with you two." Eryn says looking at her son with attention.

"Well.... Eh... while we were changing our clothes, Fleur entered in the room without knocking the door and she saw us... naked." Arlen says rubbing the neck with discomfort.

His mother opens her eyes with surprise.

"So... it was that." Eryn he says looking at her son. He nods.

"I guess that she wanted to inform us soon and she forgot knock at the door first." Arlen says trying not to say something that gets into trouble the girl. Fleur is sweet and funny and without a doubt she did not want bother them.

"Didn't you shout at her, did you?" Eryn asks looking at Arlen with some seriousness tone in her voice.

"Or course no... the girls would torture us, if they would find out that we are bothering their young sister." Arlen says looking at her mother. She laughs smoothly and nods.

"Mom...Little John requested to us that we tell you that he will come here tomorrow midafternoon." Arlen says looking at her mother. She gets surprised and laughs impishly for some moments.

"Thank you for the message, I will require your help to avoid complications." Eryn says looking at her boy that nods and smiles.

When everything is ready, Arlen and Wilton dedicate themselves to play a chess game while Celestine and Fleur enjoy the afternoon in the patio with to Nolan and Fleur.

While they play Wilton sees everywhere and he with disguise passes on the note to his brother. Arlen checks it rapidly and she spares it in his right pocket, he does face to his brother that also smiles and both go on with the chess game that lasts to dinnertime.

Otto and the other ones sit at the table in the meantime Eryn with the help of the girls serve at the table before sitting also to eat too. Otto shows the designs to the boys.

Arlen and Wilton get excited seeing the designs of the swords, they are nothing extravagant, but even so the boys feel pleased because with them they will be able to practice much better.

They feel grateful with Otto, to forge a sword is not so cheaply as often it seems and it takes effort in addition to ability to be done as it should be.

"Will you also make one for Nolan, uncle?" Celestine asks seeing like Nolan now he has the paper in his hands and observe the two swords for some moments.

"Of course, I promised it to him." Otto responds smiling kind the boy that feels content too. Eryn looks at Otto smiling softly, she more and more feels pleased with the arrival of the girls in addition to Nolan.

When the dinner is over, Eryn and girls clear the table and they take everything to the kitchen to do the dishes and to do the cleaning a little. Nolan sits in front of the chimney to get warm while Wilton and Arlen tell Otto what they saw in the gunsmith's shop that morning.

They wanted to know for curiosity as those weapons are made and that way being a little better off prepared for their training. Otto without predicament and willingness sits with the boys to explain to them what he knows.

In the kitchen Celestine and Fleur do the dishes in the meantime Lorene dry all the wetness before placing them on their place. Eryn checks the food supplies to decide or have an idea of the meal that she will prepare for tomorrow.

After cleaning everything, girls go to their bedroom and they prepare to sleep. Fleur changes over the clothing to use a long and sky-blue nightgown that reaches her feet.

Celestine and Lorene do the same thing, but they wear nightgowns of a green color of course also reach their feet. The two sisters before entering the bed brush their hair while Fleur looks at them from the bed.

"What happens little sis? You have been quiet." Celestine asks while she passes the brush without a saddle and looks at Fleur. She notices that the girl looks at them without stopping and her lips shake lightly.

During dinner she had noticed that Fleur shunned the look of the boys on every occasion that she could. That he had been interested in enough.

"Yeah, here pass something. What happens?" Lorene says without leaving her work of taking care of her hair. Fleur looks at them with surprise and avoids looking at them during some moments, she sees that the two girls look at her and they frown lightly before facing the other way.

"Eh... I want to ask you something." Fleur says nervously while she sits in her bed sticking to her knees her chest and holding them with her hands.

The two sisters look at each other a moment before leaving the care of their hair to get close to the bed to sit beside their little sister.

"Are all boys big?" Fleur asks looking at her two sisters. They look at each other with evident confusion by the question.

"Be more specific, dear." Lorene says doing a funny face.

"I mean... there... down." Fleur says while she gets ashamed and she becomes uncomfortable feeling that her cheeks get fill with blood. The girl sees that Lorene gets surprised just like Celestine.

"Why do you ask that?" Lorene asks with surprise. This is a question that she couldn't expect from Fleur. She had always been somewhat timid in relation to these things.

"Arlen and Wilton..." Fleur says with calm and feeling more ashamed remembering the incident. It had been somewhat interesting, but she did not want problems with the boys.

"What did they do you?" Lorene asks with anger and a soft growl. Celestine growls also, boys will have a big surprise tonight, she would make them suffer.

"Nothing is just that when they were changing clothes... I entered in their bedroom and I saw them." Fleur says rapidly seeing the expression of anger of her sisters.

The two girls get surprised and their hostility relaxes in intensity rapidly when they realize that it is not what they considered. Fleur gets surprised a little when Celestine laughs mischievously and shortly afterwards Lorene makes it.

"Did you see them hard?" Celestine asks doing a grin to the girl that looks at her confused.

Fleur sees that Lorene chuckles at mockery just like her sister, which bothers her a lot.

"I just saw those balls and that... thing over them." Fleur says looking at the girls that smile smoothly and make faces.

"The balls and sheath." Lorene clarifies looking at the girl. She nods listening the name of those body parts of the boys. She had never seen a penis until he saw Otto, and his cock is really enormous.

"Like everything, always there is big one and little one." Celestine says looking at Fleur that looks at her.

"I want to say... Don't you think that an elephant is equal to a cat in size, right?" Celestine says comically. Fleur raises an eyebrow without understanding, she receives a soft squeeze in the shoulder converse of Lorene.

"Look... what Celestine says it is that if a man is big he has it big, if one the men is small he must have it small too. These stuff are a facts of nature." Lorene says looking at Fleur, she nods understanding.

"Do you think that they are big?" Fleur asks looking at her sisters.

"Do you refer yourself to Arlen and Wilton?" Lorene asks looking at Fleur. She nods quietly without stopping to see the other girls.

"I guess that they are the average." Celestine says looking at Lorene. The two girls begin to laugh strepitously for some moments while Fleur looks at them. The two sisters do each other nudges of complicity that do not pass unnoticed for Fleur.

"I am surprised that you be doing these questions." Celestine says doing a funny face to Fleur. Lorene does the same thing some moments before laughing mischievously.

"Why?" Fleur asks with some bother.

"Well... you still are a girl." Celestine makes a comment giving some soft pats at the head of Fleur. She growls pushing aside Celestine's hand of a slap of anger.

"I am not." Fleur says growling with distaste to the two sisters and getting in her bed to cover herself before leaning back without looking at the two girls.

"Fleur..." Lorene says placing on her hand the shoulder of Fleur that does not move and draws lightly away with a growl of anger. Celestine and Lorene look at each other and slip down of the bed to let the girl alone.

"I guess that we went too far this time. We are sorry." Lorene says the thinking that both had not calculated Fleur's reaction well to their joke.

Fleur also is right already she also is maturing rapidly and soon an she will attract the boys. The two girls get startled when they hear that somebody knocks at the door that opens some moments later.

They see that Eryn enters in the bedroom holding a candle that is on.

"Are you ready to sleep?" The she-wolf asks looking at the two girls that rapidly get in their beds covering themselves with the blankets. Eryn smiles and says good night while she turns off the candles that are in the bedside tables of the girls.

Eryn gets out of bedroom and walks in the house to get to her bedroom, she enters there and sees that the bloodhound already is waiting for her leant under the blankets in bed.

The bloodhound smiles at her while she places the candle on the bedside table and she begins getting undressed with calm. Otto does not take his look away, Eryn knows that he looks at her.

The she-wolf takes off the whole clothing of slow way until the last garment falls to the floor, she picks up her clothes and places them in their respective sites without worrying that the dog looks at her with attention.

After placing her clothes in the appropriate places, Eryn smiling gets into bed and turns rolls over blowing out the candle. She moans when the right hand of Otto catches her right tit from behind and he squeezes it smoothly.

The dog begins to massage her breast with slowness and to kiss her at the back of her neck. Eryn closes her eyes and enjoys the caresses, she feels as the balls of the dog press her buttocks.

Eryn introduces her hand under the bedspreads and moves her hand on the stomach of Otto slowly before taking down the hand to take heavy testicles. She massages them slowly until she turns over confronting Otto.

The bloodhound smiles at her and he kisses her on her mouth passionately, she responds the kiss while their bodies press each other mutually. Eryn's hand again positions itself on the genitals of Otto.

She begins to stimulate the two furry globefishes smoothly pulling them and twisting them. Otto breaks off the kiss and looks the woman in the eye, he loves her intense look.

Eryn smiles softly feeling that the tip of the penis of Otto touches her hand, the she-wolf gets under the bedspreads while Otto looks at her disappearing. A groan gets out of the mouth of the bloodhound when Eryn's mouth closes around the tip of his penis.

Eryn perceives the taste of the masculine meat when her tongue flicks on the tip of the canine shaft. The member slowly surrenders sliding outside while it grows on length and thickness inside Eryn's mouth.

Otto moans of pleasure, he leans backwards in bed and he moves out of the way the bedspreads to be able to see the woman that gives him oral sex. Otto sees that Eryn is on her chest while she moves her head.

Eryn sucks the hard meat with pleasure, the precum is dripping on her tongue while she sees as her lover moans of pleasure and fists the bedspreads. The complete masculinity of Otto is in her mouth and her throat.

The growling of pleasure fill the bedroom just like the sound of sucking, Eryn takes the penis out from her mouth and she licks it up and down slowly.

"Today Arlen gave me a message from Little John." Eryn says at the moment of beginning to lick the swollen knot of Otto with calm and slowness.

"What did he say?" Otto asks moaning of pleasure and seeing the she-wolf that does not stop his lick on the base of his penis. The saliva covers Otto's knot making it glistening softly.

"Little John will come around tomorrow evening." Eryn responds beginning to lick Otto's balls. Her tongue raises each one of them with some effort.

"What for?" Otto asks looking at the she-wolf. She looks at him with surprise and raises an eyebrow.

The bloodhound looks at her with surprise and moans when the female resumes her oral stimulation.

"Do you mind, if I join up?" Otto asks growling of pleasure when his member enters in the mouth of Eryn. She moves her head and does not respond, Otto closes his eyes while he enjoys the warm and moist inside of the mouth of the she-wolf.

Her lips touch his knot repeatedly, Otto feels as the muscles of the throat squeezes his shaft incredibly. Eryn does not stop while she enjoys the pleasure that she gives Otto.

Her saliva drips on the knot and the balls, she slowly moves her head back and the flesh of Otto slowly reappears until the tip slips out.

"Of course that not, but we will see that he says." Eryn says growling smoothly before moving and positioning herself on Otto.

She caresses his chin softly with the purpose of later on kissing him for some moments.

"I was thinking..." Eryn says caressing with the tip of her forefinger Otto's chest.

"In what?" Otto asks smiling and placing on his hands the breasts of the female to massage and to knead them. Eryn closes her eyes and pants smoothly feeling that her tits are stimulated with affection.

"It has been some time ago since we do not use that special toy...." Eryn says looking at Otto supplicatory to the eyes. The dog opens his eyes with some surprise and smiles smoothly.

"If you want to use it always I am willing." Otto says closing his mouth around the right nipple of Eryn. She moans the moment that her tit is sucked.

Otto bites Eryn's sensitive nipple smoothly and pulls it before releasing it.

The she-wolf pants and sees as her lover has fun with her breasts, she enjoys the stimulation on that part of her body in any situation. After some minutes Eryn moves away and smiling she gets out of the bed.

She gets close to the highboy and opens one of the drawers to introduce her hand and to search in between the clothing. Eryn takes no time to find what is she is looking for, the she-wolf smiles seeing the strapon that she had bought from Rubi.

Eryn opens her legs a little and moans when she pushes one end of the toy in her vagina.

She shakes lightly feeling as the cold metal keeps on sliding in her pink tunnel until it reaches the entrance of her cervix.

The she-wolf feels as the toy fills her complete, Eryn takes straps and ties them around her waist before turning over. She sees as Otto looks at her with a smile.

Eryn does a comic facial expression before giving some steps and climbing on the bed to get close to Otto. The female kisses him on his mouth for some moments before turning over the man and without a lot of effort place him face down.

Otto feels as Eryn's hands on his buttocks. She squeezes and kneads them without stopping sinking her sharp claws lightly in the flesh of Otto.

Eryn smiles smoothly, she spreads the two cheeks and she licks her mouth seeing Otto's brown hole in middle of them. Otto gasps and utters a guttural groan of pleasure when Eryn's snout gets between his cheeks and feeling a complete lick on his crack.

Eryn's tongue moves in circles, the tip hits the bloodhound's sphincter repeatedly covering it in saliva. Eryn takes Otto's balls and pampers them with calm.

She listens to her lover's pant while Otto's member hardens more and it frees more precum sprinkling the bed. Otto gasps at the moment that the female pushes her tongue with force penetrating into his inside.

Eryn moves her tongue with more energy, the anal walls of the dog squeezes it with force.

Otto moans and growls of pleasure enjoying the incredible sensation that Eryn gives him.

The saliva drips to the heavy balls of the bloodhound, slowly Otto's inside get cover in saliva. Eryn stops some minutes after and she puts a hand in the drawer of the bedside table, she looks for the small bottle of oil.

She finds it and extracts the cork to empty the slippery liquid in the palm tree of her right hand. Eryn uses her hand to scatter the oil through the toy that glistens lightly.

Eryn corks up the small bottle and she places it on its place, she gets comfortable behind the dog that does not move. Otto feels as the tip of the toy touches his anus, Eryn holds her hips and she pushes with force.

The tip presses the sphincter and after some moments it slip in the ass of Otto. He moans with some pain that lasts for some moments, the long and thick object get in his posterior passage without problems.

Otto makes himself comfortable and closes his eyes. The dog moans the moment that Eryn begins to pump the penis in his anus. The she-wolf moves enjoying the motion of one of the extremes of the metallic member in her vagina.

Otto moans with pleasure and smiles smoothly thinking that he would enjoy this moment.

In the boys Arlen's bedroom he does not move while he sees the wall.

Everything is half-way dark and a soft light that enters for the window illuminates some parts of the room in addition to a couple of furniture.

Arlen listens to Nolan's snore, he had fallen asleep fast. With care he moves his body moves and he turns over with the purpose of later on getting up and seeing toward the bed of his brother.

Wilton also is awake, he also moves and he gets up with calm. With a hand Wilton does a signal to his brother and aiming at the door. Arlen understands and with calm goes out of the bed just like his brother.

Both wolves step on with care not to wake up Nolan that sleeps soundly while he embraces his pillow, Wilton gets close to the door and turns the doorknob.

He opens it with calm, wood creaks lightly. Wilton gets out of the bedroom with glissades, he is followed by his brother. Arlen closes the door and he breathes with more calm.

"Let's move." Arlen says looking at his brother. He nods and both walk with care to come up against something and to wake up the other people.

Both brothers pass close to the bedroom of her mother and they listen to Otto's moans that come from the inside.

"Faster yes... Eryn." Otto growls from inside.

"I suppose that mom is fucking hard to Otto." Wilton says doing a grin to his brother.

He laughs quietly before pointing with his finger at the kitchen, both continue and soon they get to the kitchen.

They use the backdoor to go out to the exterior, once there they breathe with more tranquility because they no longer have to beware of being found out by their mother and Otto.

He and Wilton think about telling the true, but they do not know how the bloodhound would react, if he learned that they are pounding his nieces. The two boys get in the forest going toward one place that it is to a prudent distance of the house so that nobody saw them or heard them.

They walk for a couple of minutes to get there, once both enter in the clearing where they meet with the girls that look at them with bother and the crossed arms.

"Why do you took so much?" Celestine asks looking at the two boys.

"We had to wait until Nolan fell asleep." Arlen says looking at the two girls that have frowns.

"Well let's say that we believe them." Lorene says the same moment of taking off her nightgown and throwing it a rock that is near. Her sister does the same thing with the purpose of later on taking off her underwear.

Wilton feels that his penis hardens when seeing the two naked girls, they are beautiful.

He reacts seeing that his brother gets undressed rapidly, Wilton imitates him and shortly the four are naked.

"Fleur told us that you were perverting her." Lorene says looking at her sister that nods with the purpose of later on seeing the boys. They gets surprised completely by the affirmation.

"That not is truth." Wilton says rapidly to deny the accusation.

"She just saw us naked." Arlen says looking at the two sisters that look at them with skepticism.

"Isn't that pervert her?" Lorene asks feigning bother.

"Damm, she entered in our room without knock the door before." Arlen says with angry thinking that he cannot believe that the girls could think that he and Wilton want to have an approach of that kind with Fleur.

The two brothers get surprised when two girls begin to roar with laughter.

Arlen and Wilton are confuse seeing the girls place their hands on their stomachs when both feel pain there due of laughter.

Lorene is the first one in calming down.

"Of course she said that." Lorene says looking at Wilton and Arlen that growl with bother when seeing that it is only a joke.

A joke does not bother them much, but joking on something that can be so serious is something that angered them because in spite of loving sex both would not touch Fleur in that way.

"Ok... take it easy... it is not such a big deal." Celestine says to see that Wilton is frowning just like Arlen. Lorene and her sister look at each other and roll their eyes seeing that boys got angry about the joke.

"We are sorry... Ok?" Celestine says with some bother.

"That does not work." Lorene says looking at her sister before giving two steps and kneeling down in front of Wilton begin to give soft pulls to the black sheath of the boy.

Wilton feels his hand stimulating his crotch, his member takes thickness inside his sheath, soon Celestine imitates her sister and she caresses Arlen's testicles.

The two girls look at the two boys with pleading eyes while they continue with the manual stimulation of the low regions of the boys. The bother promptly fades away when the two shafts slide out.

Wilton takes a breath and moans when Lorene's hand closes around his penis and she begins to move her hand up and down. Lorene enjoys the sensation too, she had wanted to touch the penis of the boys again.

She feels completely surprised by its hardness, her sister also does the same thing with the member of Arlen. Celestine's hand moves to caress Arlen's knot.

Her hand moves slowly on that zone, the girl sees as the precum forms on the tip of the meat before falling and disappearing between the green grasses that now looks lightly white by the light of the moon.

Celestine kneels down and she opens her mouth to take the penis in it. The taste catches her completely, her head begins moving slowly. Arlen moans and pants with pleasure.

The hot and wet mouth moves up and down on his cock without stopping. The saliva covers his member while the spurts of precum get out by the opening and they fall on the tongue of the female.

Lorene for her part works on the balls of Wilton.

Her tongue moves in each testicle raising it on the air before dropping it.

Wilton feels as the saliva gets wet the fur that covers his balls, a soft breeze caresses them making him shake. Lorene moves her tongue up to lick the knot.

The taste of the meat of the boy makes her get wet, his tongue soaks the knot before moving up on the hard shaft. Wilton moans and pants with pleasure, the wrinkled tongue caresses his masculinity completely getting to the tip.

The girl's mouth closes around his penis to suck it.

Lorene and Celestine move their heads slowly while the sound of sucking is heard at the place in addition to the grunts of both boys that enjoy the oral sex completely.

The saliva of both girls is dripping in the ground and on her tits, Lorene and Celestine look at each other and wink an eye going on with their work of making moan with pleasure to the boys.

The heavy breathing of Arlen and Wilton become faster and noises as both boys come closer to the maximum point of pleasure. Arlen pushes with force and his penis begins to release semen squirts in the mouth of Celestine.

She feels as cum hit against her palate and next they fall on her tongue. The seed has a similar taste at the first shoot that she savored that day at the lakeside.

Lorene intensifies her sucking while her right hand stimulates Wilton's balls. Her hand squeezes and pulls them softly until the wolf growls of pleasure.

Wilton shoots semen spurts that fall on the tongue of the girl. Lorene swallows the seed while she continues sucking the member rapidly. Each drop is drunk and enjoyed by the two sisters.

After some moments Wilton with a pull he takes his penis out from the mouth of Lorene feeling a painful pleasure in his sensitive cock. Celestine permits that Arlen's member escapes from her mouth.

The saliva drips from the penis of Arlen, he pants rapidly recovering the breath after a very good cumming. Celestine takes Arlen's hand and she pulls him to seat him at her side.

Arlen feels that his penis relaxes on the green grass that move caressing his meat penis softly. Celestine pushes him to lean him backwards while Lorene takes care of Wilton that leans backwards next to his brother.

"Time to return the favor, boys." Celestine says moving and putting directly her crotch on the mouth of Arlen. The boy sees with open eyes the pink slit surrounded of yellow fur hair of Celestine.

She does a groan of pleasure when Arlen's tongue goes by her vulva slowly covering it with lukewarm saliva, Celestine shakes when her clitoris is touched and pressed by the roughness surface of the tongue of Arlen.

Wilton for his part takes his time enjoying the aroma, he licks the mouth before beginning to lick the borders with calm getting wet the vaginal lips with the purpose of later on proceeding to lick the vulva directly.

The tip moves in the center and penetrates lightly into Lorene, she moans and quivers of pleasure and when the tip budges on her clitoris that moves in different directions.

She moans and leans her hands on the ground, her eyes close to concentrate in her pleasure. Wilton's mouth closes around her clitoris to suck it with calm and softness.

Wilton listens Lorene's moans, he knew that she would like this. Arlen pushes her tongue forcing the pink opening, he perceives the taste of the juices that he enjoys completely.

It is sweetest taste than the juices of his mother, the juices fills his mouth while his tongue breaks forth inside the girl. The vaginal walls surround it and squeeze while they cover the tongue with juice.

Celestine moans and growls of pleasure feeling as the tongue moves in her pussy. The girl moans when Arlen's hands take her breasts.

He squeezes and kneads them with pleasure, he likes very much their firmness. The two sisters moan and growl of pleasure, their juices drip from the mouths of both boys.

Arlen sucks with pleasure, he presses Celestine's clitoris with his thumb and straight index to twist it smoothly. Immediately she arches her body of pleasure.

The touch of the boy in that part of her body produces for her an intense pleasure that makes her to release more juices.

Celestine gasps when the tongue invades her, her sensitive vaginal walls are stimulated by the tongue that zigzags in her tunnel. Lorene and Celestine moves their heads with despair feeling as their pleasure grows rapidly.

Lorene closes her legs around the head of Wilton when her body becomes taut and her orgasm washes over her completely of pleasure. Wilton's mouth is pressed against the slit and it gets wet with the juices that are dripping in his mouth.

Wilton continues moving his tongue while he enjoys the taste of the girl that shakes with pleasure. At his side Celestine pants and she bites her at lip at the moment of that the final motion of the tongue of Arlen takes her to the ecstasy.

Her body arches on the air while Arlen keeps his mouth closed the best that he can around the slit. Some juice little squirts fall on his right eye and he closes it.

The moans of pleasure of both girls are heard in middle of the night until the two brothers stop. Arlen cleans his face and looks at his brother, he winks an eye before to see the two girls that pant and breathe agitatedly, both moves to lean backward.

Their crotches glistens by the light of the night, Lorene pants rapidly and sees as Wilton kneels down between her legs with his penis in the hand. He places himself in position and introduces his penis tip between the vaginal lips of the girl.

Wilton pushes slowly moaning of pleasure feeling as his penis is hedged in by the warm and soft inside of the girl. She takes a breath, her vaginal walls stretch around the shaft of Wilton.

She again feels full by the hard meat, that feeling that she had in that occasion of losing her virginity. Wilton begins to move slowly while he moans with pleasure.

At her side Celestine looks at Arlen with a seductive look while she spreads her vaginal lips. Arlen positions himself above her, the girl catches the penis to guide at her vulva.

Arlen pushes sinking his member in the cave of the love of the girl that moans of pleasure. Celestine enjoys heat and hardness of the penis that enters slowly until just the knot is out.

The two boys begin to move with pleasure in the girls that grunts of pleasure. The two members give them a pleasure that they yearned to feel since they lost their virginity that day in the lakeside.

Wilton decelerates his thrust and he stops completely in Lorene.

"I think that it would be better two at the same time." Wilton says looking at his brother that stops and he takes his penis out from the inside of Celestine.

"It would be more fun." Arlen says while he caresses with the tip of his penis Celestine's pink opening.

"What do you mean?" Celestine asks getting up a little and leaning on her elbows on the soft lawn.

"Wilton and I fuck to one of you at the same time." Arlen responds looking at the two sisters that open her eyes with complete surprise.

"That is impossible, both would not fit into my pussy at the same time." Lorene says looking at with incredulity the two boys that he looks at her with surprise because they never considered that.

"No, one of us fuck your vagina and the other the ass." Wilton clarifies looking at Lorene and Celestine. Both look at each other to exchange opinions, the anal sex had been very exciting also and they would like to repeat it.

"It sounds great, but in exchange for fucking our asses we want to see, if it is true that you know what is feel be fucked in the ass." Celestine says looking at the boys that get surprised.

"Yeah, we want to see, if both make it as you said it." Lorene adds looking at the two boys. She expects that both draw back off, but Lorene and Celestine get surprised when seeing that both shrug their shoulders as though it were nothing out of common.

"Ok, if both eat our asses before beginning." Wilton says while he looks at his brother.

Arlen nods with a smile while he sees as the girls opening her eyes with surprise and a disgusted look.

"What do you say, sis?" Celestine says asking and making a grin. She would not permit that boys escape of their commitment.

"It is a deal, boys." Lorene says looking at her sister. Both laugh impishly while they get up and they sit in front of the boys. Both caress their penises while they see that the two girls play a small game to decide who will be the first.

Wilton smiles at Celestine that looks content. Arlen leans back backwards on the ground while Wilton helps Celestine to position herself on his brother.

The girl takes Arlen's penis and she aims it at her crotch, she moves it lightly when the tip divides her vaginal lips. She moves down her hips and moans with pleasure at the moment that the member slides in her inside.

Arlen closes her eyes enjoying the vaginal walls that wrap his shaft slowly, shortly the vulva touches Arlen's knot. He pulls Celestine with calm to recline her forward on his body.

The girl raises her ass for Wilton. He squeezes the buttocks with calm feeling their firmness. Wilton separates the two cheeks to see the hole between them.

Celestine takes a breath when Wilton's tongue touches her sphincter, Wilton slowly licks the crack giving pleasure to the girl. He soaks in saliva the closed hole while he listens to the girl to moan of pleasure.

Her tongue rises and goes down without stopping, he using his hand collects Celestine's juices and he begins to scatter them on his penis to cover it while his mouth is attached to the pink ring.

Celestine moans and pants with pleasure with each lick, she sees that his sister is sitting near cross-legged while she rubs her crotch.

Lorene moans smoothly while her fingers rub her clitoris with slowness, her juices drip from her opening getting the grass wet. She sees as Wilton stops and he gets in position.

Lorene moves to position herself behind Wilton. She sees the penis of Arlen buried inside in the vagina of her sister and the tip of the penis of Wilton touching the sphincter.

Wilton pushes with force and Celestine moans with pain to feel the pressure on her sphincter, the precum gets it wet and even so it resists. Wilton pushes with more force and the tip finally enters.

Celestine yelps of pain when her hole opens and it receives the boy's member, he pushes with calm enjoying penetration completely.

Lorene behind them sees as the shaft of Wilton is disappearing in the posterior tunnel of her sister, her juices drip more and shortly the knot is between the cheeks of the ass.

Lorene moves to retake her position next to the moment that both brothers begin to move.

Arlen pushes his penis and Celestine of pleasure the moment that her vaginal walls begin to be stimulated by the erection.

Shortly afterwards Wilton also moves in her rectum, he moans of pleasure when he pushes his penis in the tight and hot passage. Wilton pumps with calm and his balls rock on the air without stopping.

His precum spatters the posterior passage of the girl making easier his work, Celestine's buttocks shake with each thrust while she moans of pleasure.

Arlen has also a good time, Celestine's soft inside caresses his member every time that it enters and gets out. The boy feels as the member of his brother moves in the other tunnel giving a spare sensation of pleasure.

His knot touches Celestine's vulva time after time and the juice that drips gets it wet completely making it glisten lightly by the light of the night. The three members of the group moan and growl of pleasure.

"Does it feel good?" Lorene asks while she moves her hand on her crotch with more speed. The juice gets wet the palm of her hand and her fingers that enter in her pussy.

"Yesss it... it... is incredible." Celestine says whining of pleasure, it is a combined pleasure of both tunnels. Each nerve fiber in her anus is caressed by the erection of Wilton while her vaginal walls are stimulated by the erection that enters and that gets out.

Wilton and Arlen growl of pleasure, Arlen sees as the girl has her closed eyes while he moans of pleasure. For him is and his brother is a luck to have the girls living with them, they are better than those problematical bitches of Giselle and her sister.

Wilton's eyes are closed while his tail moves on the air with joy, each push makes the sphincter of the girl move in his meat back and forth.

Celestine moans with more force and she clenches her teeth when Wilton pushes his knot. She closes her eyes to utter a groan of pain the moment that her hole opens.

Wilton presses with force until his knot slides in the girl, she drops her hips and the knot of Arlen enters in her body too.

"I am full!" She says with a groan of pleasure when both boys resume their thrusts in her body. The two knots press one against the other one in each motion.

Lorene moans and she leans back backwards in the meantime of masturbating, her right hand kneads her breasts while her left hand is between her thighs.

Her fingers enter and rush out while her thumb caresses her clitoris, her juices drip abundantly and the moans of pleasure of her sister increase the excitation in her body.

She suddenly becomes tense and she begins to whimper with pleasure at the moment of an intense orgasm. Her body arches of pleasure and the juices get quickly out from her slit and get wet the grass.

While Lorene moans with pleasure, Arlen and Wilton look at each other to begin to pump with more force inside Celestine. Pleasure fills her and Arlen pushes with force and growls unloading seed in the vagina of Celestine.

His brother stops two seconds later to shoot a spurt of seed that hits the bottom of the anus of the girl. Celestine howls fast of pleasure when she feels flooded in both tunnels.

The semen squirts activate her orgasm. She quivers her head without control while her body gets fill with incredible placer that her mind clouds. Wilton pushes feeling that his penis is squeezed with more force.

Arlen drops his head back while he pants rapidly, he closes his eyes while Celestine's vagina milks his cock extracting more semen. No one of the all-comers of the orgy moves.

Lorene breathes agitatedly in the meantime her hand still is on her crotch, she sees the starred sky. Her heart slowly recovers the normal pace of its beats.

She raises her head to see her sister even trapped between the two brothers.

"Incredible?" Lorene asks sitting with some difficulty.

"Uh... huh" Celestine responds looking at her sister with a tired look. This had been one of her better orgasms.

"I bet that Otto and Nolan would enjoy this completely." Wilton says looking at his brother.

"They would sure love it without doubting it." Nolan says panting and watching the stars.

"Hey... don't even talk about it." Celestine says looking at Wilton to Arlen with surprise.

"Yeah, do not joke in that way about our little tender brother and my uncle." Lorene says half-jokingly half-seriously. For her Nolan is a good boy that is not so lost as this pair of perverts.

Besides their uncle is a respectable and very good man that would not get in what they are doing with the boys.

The two girls get surprised when both boys begin to laugh roar with laughter for some moments until they calm down some moments after.

"Come on, Otto loves to fuck. He makes somebody shout of pleasure like with our mother besides he is bigger than us in the pack between the legs." Wilton says looking at the two girls that open their eyes with surprise.

"And Nolan is not so innocent boy as you think, he needs relief so much as we need when he is in his bed." Arlen says looking at his brother that nods.

The two girls look at each other without being able to believe what they listened, their uncle must have had something enormous between the legs, if Eryn shouts of pleasure and Nolan now seems a little grow up of what they were thinking.

Wilton begins to take out his penis with calm, he and Celestine moan with pain, the girl's sphincter begins to open. Wilton is going steady with calm because he knows that he can wound her, if he makes it very fast.

After some minutes the knot leaves Celestine's ass, she pants when the rest of the boy's member slides out of her anal passage. Her hole is open and shaking while semen drips of it.

"Well I come back in some moment." Wilton says and walking toward the house to clean up. Celestine gets up and he sits on the crotch of Arlen, she moans when the boy takes her tits.

Celestine moans smoothly and her sister positions herself behind her. Lorene places her hands on the ass of Celestine to caresses it.

"Can't I have some fun?" Celestine asks with some bother to feel that Arlen's knot begins to stretch her pink entrance.

"No when my turn comes." Lorene says pushing the ass of her sister that gets up and moans closing her eyes feeling that as the penis of Arlen slides out of her pussy.

Semen drips on the member of Arlen, he moans and takes a breath when Lorene's mouth closes around his penis. Lorene moves her head and sucks the erection enjoying the mixed taste of the juices of her sister with the seed of the boy.

She sucks without stopping, Celestine sees as Wilton reappears with an erection rocking between his legs. Wilton gets close to the group and Celestine rapidly kneels down before him to begin to suck his cock.

Celestine sucks with pleasure without stopping to move her head, Wilton moans with pleasure feeling as the mouth moves on his hard meat. The saliva drips from his member.

The right hand of the girl caresses his balls. The two brothers look at each other and they do comic facial expressions while the sound of sucking is heard constantly at the place.

Lorene is the first in finishing with the oral pleasure of the boys, she gets up to get close to Wilton and she requires her sister to release the boy's penis. She pushes Wilton to sit him on the grass.

He gets surprised a little when the girl pushes him, Lorene positions herself on him and she caresses him on the chin smiling. The girl places her right nipple within reach of the mouth of the boy.

She moans and takes a gasps when her tit begins to be sucked. Wilton nibbles smoothly while he breast-feeds the girl's tit. He uses his hand to knead the other awesome flesh mount.

Lorene takes the nipple away from him after some moments and she moves to take a better position. Her sister behind them masturbates Arlen moans with pleasure, her hand moves forward and back on the hard meat of the boy.

Wilton moans the moment that his penis enters in the vagina of Lorene, she moves her ass while the erection slides slowly in her tunnel of love until her vaginal lips touch the knot.

She reclines forward and raises her ass on the air and moves her tail, the girl places her hands on her buttocks and separates them completely. Arlen gets surprised a little when he receives Celestine's playful spank.

He kneels down behind Lorene and introduces his snout between the two open buttocks, Lorene moans with pleasure when Arlen's tongue goes all the way through her ass' crack.

Arlen squeezes the two cheeks with pleasure, his fingers sink lightly in them while his tongue moves on the posterior hole of Lorene. She moans of pleasure, Wilton gives soft drives and moans also.

Lorene gasps when two Arlen's fingers penetrate into her tailhole and they begin to prepare it for a couple of minutes until he cannot wait. Arlen gets up and introduces his penis tip between the buttocks of the girl.

His shaft is pressing Lorene's glistening ring, she gets ready and closes her eyes when the tip begins to press his sphincter with force and soon Celestine listens the groan of pain of her sister.

Arlen closes her eyes and moans with pleasure, his cock's tip is surrounded by the anal walls, Arlen pushes his member and enjoys Lorene's hot inside, the girl moans smoothly and breathes with calm while her anal passage keeps on becoming full of hard meat.

She feels as her anal walls stretch around the hard penis of Arlen, the tip touches her bottom shortly. She feels as Arlen's hands holds her hips with force and he begins to move.

Wilton initiates his pushes too. Lorene gasps and moans with surprise to feel for the first time as her two tunnels are stimulated at the same time.

It is an incredible sensation that surpasses completely her expectations, Wilton's penis caresses her vagina without stopping. He and his brother find the correct rhythm rapidly.

Both had made this with their mother a lot of times and know how to make it. Every time that Wilton's penis enters the one of Arlen goes out, when Arlen pushes his brother moves out his penis.

Arlen feels the movement in the other tunnel of Lorene, the girl grunts of pleasure while her breasts are pressed against the chest of Wilton.

Celestine sees as her sister moans of pleasure, she has her closed eyes while boys pump rapidly inside her.

With calm Celestine positions herself behind the trio and she introduces her head between the legs of Arlen with calm not to interrupt him. She looks with surprise and interest as both members enter and they go out of her sister.

Lorene's sphincter moves on the member of Arlen with each thrust following each movement of the cock. The spurts of precum of both brothers sprinkle Lorene's inside.

"Hey!" Lorene says with bother and moaning with pain at the moment that she feels a spank on her right gluteus.

Wilton laughs just like Arlen that continues pumping his penis.

Wilton feels as the juices of the girl cover his knot, he pushes with force and the pink slit opens more largely. Lorene takes a breath and moans when the member enters completely in her vagina.

Lorene feels as meat of the boy throbs in her inside, she likes the feeling, but she rapidly concentrates on her what happens between her buttocks when Arlen forces his knot.

The knot presses Lorene's sphincter with force, she moans with pain and bother, Wilton seizes the buttocks of the girl and separates them in an attempt of helping his brother that pushes with more force.

Celestine opens her eyes with surprise and looks as the hole of her sister opens and receives the knot. Lorene clenches her teeth feeling a great pain in her ass.

Arlen does not move enjoying the squeeze of the entrails around his shaft, he begins to move when his brother makes it. The pushes of both boys become fast and Lorene moans of pleasure.

Her pussy and his rectum are full by the two cocks, Lorene moans while her vaginal walls secrete more juices that accumulate in her body and her orgasm approaches.

Celestine makes good use of the moment to move toward back a little and making room at three. She moves to one side to see as her sister's mating with the boys continues.

Lorene pants with more speed with each thrust of both brothers, she suddenly becomes tense and whimpers with pleasure. Her fingernails dig furrows in the land.

Her walls of both tunnels contract with force, Arlen closes his eyes and controls himself not to howl. His member begins to release cum that covers Lorene's anal walls.

Wilton pushes with force and an incomplete howl gets out of his mouth because Lorene kisses him impeding that he continues. She trembles when Wilton's seed sprinkles her vagina incrementing her pleasure.

The kiss lasts for some moments while Wilton's hands squeezes with force her buttocks of Lorene and he continues ejaculating in the girl. Celestine watches with surprise the kiss and smiles.

She laughs when Arlen places himself in position of tail with tail with her sister, the boy does her a funny facial expression. Celestine places his mouth on the mouth of Arlen and both close their eyes being kissing for some moments to break off the kiss.

They say absolutely nothing just like Wilton and Lorene that look at each other with a smile.

"Well that indeed was unusual." Celestine moving running in circles around the trio and laughing a little.

The three laugh and Celestine sits down to wait. Minutes pass and the knots of both boys keep on getting smaller until the first penis in slipping outside is Wilton's member.

He feels as the juice and semen drip on his balls, Wilton moves with a little bit of difficulty to get out from below of Lorene, when the boy's crotch is in front of her face Lorene gives on lick to the balls of Wilton.

Wilton gets surprised a little and smiles before finally getting free, he sits beside Celestine.

She and Wilton laugh when Arlen begin pull in different directions with the girl.

Both growl with pain until finally Arlen's penis slips out of the anus of the girl. He pants while his semen is dripping from his member that glisten lightly.

Lorene moans with some pain, she feels as the sticky semen is dripping from her open hole. He likes the anal sex, but it gives him some bother and passing pain.

The four sit on circle to rest, the girls want to see the boys fucking, but they know that both brothers also need a break for the next round.

"Well... How did you begin, if it is that they do it to fuck each other?" Lorene asks with even a certain aftertaste of incredulity to bother the boys.

"In our favorite place of fishing." Wilton says looking at his brother. He nods looking at Wilton.

"While we fished we take a nap until we listened to some moans and with some luck, we saw a couple fucking in the lake. The female was a golden retriever female dog and the man was a Great Dane." Arlen says looking at the two girls that opens her eyes completely.

"Did the Great Dane have it big?" Celestine asks with interest. Her sister nods while she sees the boys.

"He did not have it big." Arlen says making a gesture of disdain. Girls get surprised completely.

"He had it enormous." Wilton adds looking at his brother and laughing. Celestine growls with distaste just like her sister. That makes happy at the boys, then want bother to the two sisters.

"And didn't they discover you?" Celestine asks looking at both boys that shake their head.

"We saw them until it was the right time of coming back to home." Wilton says while he stretches his body a little.

"And? Lorene asks wanting to hear the rest of the story.

"Our mother had a job at night with the dressmaker and we make good use of it." Arlen says looking at Lorene and Celestine. The two girls look at each other and raise an eyebrow.

Wilton and his brother get surprised a little when the two girls catch their sheaths and both begin to stimulate them rapidly, Arlen reclines lightly toward back permitting that Celestine's hand stimulates him.

His member begins to harden inside his sheath as blood fills it. Wilton moans with pleasure at the moment that Lorene's hand closes around his shaft.

She feels its heat and hardness at the moment of beginning to move her hand rapidly up and down. The boy closes his eyes and moans with pleasure just like his brother.

The precum appears on the member of Arlen, Celestine notices it and she leans forward put the boy's penis into her mouth to suck it. Arlen gasps and looks as the girl moves her head slowly.

Celestine's saliva covers his shaft completely and it drips to his knot, Wilton moans even with the hand of Lorene closed around his member, the precum drips and gets to the hand of the girl.

Both boy moan of pleasure and both girls look at each other with looks of complicity.

Celestine cannot avoid laughing when her sister gives a strong and resounding spank to Wilton. His brother also laughs, Lorene uses her hand to suggest the boy that he must raise his ass up.

Wilton makes it and he moves his ass a little and Celestine stops the sucking of the meat of Arlen.

"Well let's see, if they say the truth." Celestine says doing a face to her sister that nods.

"I believe that we had a deal." Wilton says clearing his throat and looking at the girls.

They see that Arlen spreads his brother's buttocks wide.

"Lorene..." Arlen says smiling and doing a mocking facial expression at the girl that gets surprised completely just like her sister.

"Nooo... nooo... no." Lorene says softly looking at her sister feeling sick to do something so repulsive, that boys make it is a thing, but she is a young educated lady like her sister.

"We cannot permit that boys defeat us." Celestine says frowning when Arlen kneads his brother's buttocks mockingly, Wilton has an elbow leant on the ground and at the same time his head relaxes on his hand while he raises his eyebrows repeatedly.

"But... Lorene says looking at her sister that takes her hands and she gives them a squeeze at the same time that she nods. Lorene nods and without saying anything she crawls a little to position herself behind Wilton.

Arlen releases her brother's buttocks and looks closely with smile to Lorene.

The girl with calm and nervousness places her hands on the cheeks of the ass of Wilton and she spreads them completely. She swallows hard seeing the hole in the crack of the boy.

The girl cannot believe that she is going to make this. Lorene bends over and closes her eyes when she introduces her nose between Wilton's two buttocks. He pants when Lorene's respiration touches his hole.

Lorene takes out her tongue and she gives one fast lick between the two cheeks, Wilton moans with pleasure. The girl repeats the action of slower way and opening her eyes to see as her tongue goes over the sphincter.

She gets surprised a little not to find the disagreeable taste and she begins to lick that place with more slowness and confidence surprising her sister and Arlen.

Wilton moans with pleasure while his eyes are closed, he shakes when the tongue goes over his tail hole time after time. The saliva drips to his balls getting them wet.

Lorene licks with more pleasure to hear that Wilton moans and pants. The girl gets startled when her sister touches her right shoulder. She sees that Celestine does her a facial expression in order that she stops.

Lorene moves back and she cleans the saliva with her arm and sees as Arlen positions herself behind her brother.

"That was OK, but you must go depth." Wilton says looking at Lorene. She gets surprised and she blushes smoothly before laughing impishly.

Arlen catches his penis aiming it at the center of the crack of the ass of his brother.

Wilton feels that the tip touches his hole and it begins to press it, he closes his eyes and moans with bother. His sphincter opens suddenly and the shaft of his brother enters in his body.

The girls listen the groan of pain of Wilton when he is penetrated and the knot of Arlen is between his buttocks. He moans with pleasure feeling the internal heat of his brother again.

The anal walls squeeze his penis, Arlen begins to move with slow way and the girls position themselves to the right side of Wilton. He moans and closes his eyes.

The erection caresses his inside with each push, his eyes close while his penis begins to rock on the air. Celestine looks with open eyes as the member moves between the cheeks of Wilton.

Arlen's erection stimulates the Wilton's rectum touching bottom repeatedly with the tip.

His balls hit Wilton's testicles when they rock back and forth.

Wilton moans and opens his eyes feeling that his brother's pushes slow down, the young wolf sees at his right-hand side and he gets surprised seeing that the two sisters begins to give each other mutual oral pleasure in position of sixty nine.

Lorene is on top of Celestine with her head introduced between the legs of her sister eating her pussy with pleasure. Her tongue moves up and down in the vulva getting it wet with saliva.

Celestine moans with pleasure and sticks her lips to her sister's pink slit and she begins to attack the clitoris using her tongue. Lorene growls of pleasure and imitates her sister.

The two girls moan without stopping, they do not pay more attention to Wilton and Arlen.

"Bro you are as tight as the first time." Arlen says pumping his penis with the greatest pleasure. The tip touches the bottom of the rectum of Wilton time after time.

"Well.... you know that he had not fucked us in some time." Wilton says with calm and care in order that girls do not listen to him. He sees that both moan of pleasure.

"We need look some time for him." Arlen responds while he spreads the cheeks of the ass of his brother to see her erection entering and going out of him.

Wilton feels while he moans with pleasure.

Lorene and Celestine moan while of their tongues moves to give pleasure in the meantime for that moment they zigzag caressing their vaginal walls and savoring the juice that falls in their mouths.

Celestine moves her tongue while she enjoys completely the oral work of her sister that neither stops. They enjoy giving this kind of fun since their first time when they lived in their previous house.

The sound of meat slapping is heard with more force and Arlen pushes her knot with force against the hole of his brother. Wilton clenches his teeth and yelps with pain when the knot enters in his anus.

Arlen moans enjoying the moment and resumes his thrust with more force and velocity, Wilton catches his penis and he begins to masturbate rapidly. His precum drips abundantly from his member.

The two brother moan with more force and Wilton bites his lip not to howl with pleasure and to be discovered. His semen begins to go out in powerful spurts that sprinkle the grass.

Wilton's anal spasms make Arlen stop and begin to release his semen in the rectum of his brother, he pushes his hips while his eyes are closed and they do not see as the two girls shake.

Lorene feels the first juice spurt that hits her palate, her sister's juices fill her mouth complete and she swallows them. Celestine moans and moves her tongue inside her sister for some moments more.

She hears that Lorene whimpers with her orgasm and when she takes out her tongue the hot juice drips in her open mouth. Celestine keeps her mouth shut around the vulva of his sister not to quit wasting nothing.

Some minutes later Lorene panting moves to lean backwards on the grass next to her sister. Both breathe agitatedly until they hear that Arlen and Wilton clear their throat.

She looks at the two boys that are tied.

"Do you make us make this in vain?" Wilton says looking at the two girls that watch him with surprise a moment and simper.

"Arlen knotted you so... we can say that both told the truth." Celestine says looking at her sister that nods.

"So... Don't you need more proofs?" Arlen asks looking at the two girls.

"We did not say that exactly, we like to see something naughty." Lorene says laughing impishly while she looks at the boys. Arlen raises an eyebrow and says absolutely nothing.

Lorene and Celestine gets close to two, both girls begin to play and to examine by touch the zone between the groin of Arlen and Wilton's anus to verify that really they are knotted.

When the two girls are satisfied they move and they lean back to rest, they look at each other and begin to masturbate slowly for the boys that look closely them and do not lose details.

Both moan smoothly taking his time until one quarter of an hour after Arlen and Wilton moan again catching again the attention of the two sisters that come closer.

Arlen pulls his penis and with some difficulty he manages to take it out from Wilton, the shaft slides out completely and semen drips from the dilated hole. Celestine spreads Wilton's cheeks to see the show better.

She sees as the seed slides down getting wet Wilton's balls.

He turns over and looks at the girls that catch his balls and they begin to stimulate them. Lorene takes the sheath to give it pulls, Celestine leaves the boy for her sister and she gets close to Arlen.

The girl smiling places her mouth at the height of the balls of Arlen and begins to lick them slowly. Her tongue moves from the bottom up on both testicles.

Celestine sucks Arlen's balls and watches them content. She has a good time and closes her hand around the sheath. Lorene smiles when Wilton's penis appears.

He takes a breath and moans when his cock tip begins to be nuzzled and licked by Lorene.

She moves her tongue on the tip, the cock rapidly grows on her mouth.

Wilton moans and soon he feels that his knot fills up in the base of his penis touching Lorene's lips that does stop the sucking of his penis. She takes out the member and she sees as it glisten smoothly, she licks it.

Arlen's member is on the head of Celestine, right in the middle of her ears, the precum goes out drip on the back of the girl drop by drop.

Celestine licks the knot some moments before to stop and to look at her sister. The two girls look at each other and they nods according to stop their ministrations and give some space to the two boys.

"This is ready." Celestine says laughing impishly and looking at Arlen.

"Don't you forget something?" Arlen asks looking at the girl that opens her eyes with surprise.

"Of course you must eat his ass." Lorene says looking at her sister that looks at her with distaste and bother.

"I am not the only one that agreed to do that." Lorene says mockingly. Celestine does not find it funny while she sees that Arlen leans on his hands and knees. He leans forward and smiling to her, he spreads his cheeks of his ass using both hands.

Celestine moves and she positions herself behind Arlen that releases his buttocks, Celestine places her hands on each gluteus and spreads them. She does not wait for and puts her snout into the crack of both.

Arlen moans at the moment that he feels the first lick on his hole, Celestine begins to move her tongue up and down rapidly and without stopping, she feels the taste and begins to move her tongue's tip on sphincter of the boy.

Lorene sees with a little bit of surprise as her sister eats Arlen's ass without problems.

Lorene comes close to see as her sister makes it.

Celestine pushes her tongue, she feels as the ring opens and it closes around her tongue.

"She makes it very well... push deeper!" Arlen says grunting with pleasure. He feels as the tongue of the girl moves in his inside. Lorene opens her eyes with surprise listening that.

She did not expect that her sister made it. Wilton and Celestine look at the scene some moments before that Arlen moves to take out Celestine's tongue from his ass.

She makes room in order that Wilton positions himself behind his brother, the penis tip gets between the two cheeks and look for the hole of Arlen that finds some minutes later.

Wilton pushes with force and his penis sinks in the rectum of his brother until the knot.

Arlen moans with pain by the sudden complete intrusion, the member's tip touches the bottom of his rectum.

Wilton's hands catch his hips and he begins to pump of slow way. Wilton feels the heat surrounding his member that enters and gets out of the tight rectum of Arlen.

Arlen for her part also enjoys the moment, her anal walls are stimulated with each thrust of his brother, and his prostate is also caressed making him moaning with pleasure.

Lorene and Celestine look at the two boys without moving, Lorene moves and places herself behind Wilton to lean on her chest and to see between the legs of the boy.

She marvels seeing as the balls of Wilton hit Arlen's testicles when the rocks on the air.

Her sister joins her and both look at what happens from a new point of view for some minutes.

The growling of the brothers are heard clearly at night, Arlen gets surprised and moans with more pleasure when one hand of Celestine catches his penis and she begins to masturbate him next to her sister.

Lorene is at the right side of Arlen while Celestine is to the left side. The two hands move on the hard meat of the boy that moans and pants of pleasure.

"We can make this much better." Lorene says looking at Wilton and he stops to looks at her expecting her words. She says absolutely nothing and she positions herself behind him to pull him and to lean him backwards on the ground.

His member slides out of the ass of Arlen, he feels the vacuum in his anus.

Celestine catches him and also she pulls him to seat him tightly on the penis of his brother.

Wilton feels the pressure of both cheeks on his crotch, Arlen rapidly perceives the idea and he gets up lightly.

Wilton takes his penis and introduces the tip under the tail of his brother and shortly the tip touches Arlen's hole. He takes down his hips and moans when his ass swallows Wilton's hard meat.

He closes his eyes and enjoys it.

Arlen leans her hands on the ground and he makes himself comfortable before beginning to ride his brother. Both moan of pleasure again while the ass moves up and down.

"It is a great sight." Lorene says looking at her sister. She nods seeing as the hard member of Arlen bounces without control between his legs every time that Wilton's shaft appears and disappears.

Wilton gasps with surprise when he feels two tongues on his knot, the two sisters begin to lick the knot and depart from there to lick the penis that moves in and out from the hole of Arlen.

Lorene sucks his balls while her sister continuous licking the knot, both feel like the penis of Arlen hit her heads when it bounces, Arlen closes her eyes when his penis enters in a mouth.

He feels as the spare pleasure feels incredible, his penis is sucked with pleasure and his precum licked. Celestine sucks his cock with pleasure and she lets it off when Arlen's tail hole is pressed with more force.

The girls sees as the sphincter of Arlen opens and it slides around the knot that disappears rapidly. Arlen does not move for some moments until he feels Wilton's push.

Wilton begins to move also pushing his penis in the ass of his brother, Arlen feels completely full. The two girls rapidly focus on using their tongues on the shaft of Arlen.

His pleasure increases feeling the licks of both girls that begin to suck his balls. Arlen growls with force and his climax comes to his body, the two sisters see as the powerful semen squirts fly off on the air sprinkling everything to a couple of centimeters from there.

The anal walls squeeze Wilton's penis with more force, he does a strong thrust and sprinkles the rectum with sperm that fills some cracks.

Both growl and Wilton remains airless when his brother lets himself fall on him. Celestine sees as some semen drops further get out from the penis of Arlen before it hits the boy's stomach.

Arlen shakes with pleasure when Lorene begins to lick his penis and shortly afterwards his sister joins up. They two lick each trail of seed in the shaft of the boy.

"We quit.... we must wake up early tomorrow." Wilton says panting rapidly and his brother nods. The two girls laugh impishly.

Otto Little John © Disney

Eryn, Wilton, Arlen, Fleur, Nolan Lorene, Celestine Wilder and Jake, Giselle, Haze, Gregory are my characters

Written by Janus Oberoth

The concert (Part 2)

---------------------------------- **A couple of hours before** ---------------------------------- Samantha gets close to the front door of the house of Susan. She rings the bell and expects some moments before the door opened. "Samantha!" Susan...

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